Vélomobile and E-assist text and photos Jean-Bernard Jouannel
After hundreds of thousands of kilometers with classic bikes, trikes and velomobiles – like many cyclists and despite successful examples, I was not tempted by electric assist for various reasons. Feeling like you're ‘cheating’ part of the effort of the journey being foreign to the average cyclist. Fear of losing fitness. Loss of the feeling of freedom and autonomy due to concerns for battery recharging. Fear of failure on a long journey, with the added difficulty of bringing the velomobile back. Fear of possible difficulties in managing assistance in addition to physical exertion. However after a stint in the hospital, my reality was harsh. I was faced with the risk of not being able to cycle. Without even knowing if I could ever use it, I asked my friend Denis to mount an e-assist on the WAW. I had a limited horizon and no time to waste! Finally, despite my condition, I discovered a new world, new sensations, new possibilities through wonderful treatment (physical and psychological). I was once more able to go back on the roads, reassured that despite my very weakened heart I could regain my spirits by visiting friends and riding with
I asked to mount an e-assist on the WAW.
my face to the wind. I was reassured that the effort needed to ride is still present, all be it conveniently flexible. After my previous 35,000 km in a non-assist velomobile, I have now discovered that after more than 61,000 km in an e-assist velo, my fears about reliability and autonomy were more rooted in ignorance than reality. The velomobile with electric assistance is really a win-win, an undeniable synergy: assistance erases the weak point of the velomobile (its weight), and the aerodynamic body reduces battery consumption and increases range. Denis was in charge of the mounting the directdrive motor in the rear wheel of my WAW (motor supplied by Guillaume de Déclic Eco). Characteristics: – Chinese engine with freewheel coiling 8-8 – Controller 48 volts 22 amps – Regeneration, cruise control, throttle – Cycle analyst big screen version 2.23 – 26-inch radiated wheel mount – Battery 48 volts 20 Ah Li-Mn with charger 3 amps. With this combination, I have traveled 27,528 km, passed the Pas de Peyrol pass (1589 m of altitude)
WAW with direct-drive motor in the rear wheel.
and the WAW continues its life with its new owner. The only problem I have encountered so far (after 16,000 km) have been worn anti-torque washers. I was so satisfied with this equipment that I switched to a WAW 2016 with suspension and a newer edition of the equipment (provided by Declic Eco). Characteristics: – Motor rh205 cassette - injection satorade radiated in 26" – sine wave controller 48v20a – As V3 + Potentiometer – Torque arm – Regulator 12v. Already I’ve put 2500 km on the clock – with exactly the same satisfaction! The advantage of the direct drive wheel motor is that the power is transmitted directly to the wheel, which spares the chain and helps avoid a chain break. It also spares the whole machine (hull, wheels and transmission). My experience is that the chain lasts three times as long compared with muscle power (30,000 km/10,000 km). The wheel motor also allows natural and forced regeneration. It acts as an electric speed brake on the rear wheel, very
I switched to a WAW 2016 with suspension.