6 minute read

DESH Act: Easing operation between SEZs & DTAs

The draft DESH Scheme is a well thought out legislation to replace the SEZ act as India must move towards a genuine single window clearance mechanism.



While understanding the outcomes of the SEZ Act and the need for the current DESH Scheme, it is pertinent to examine one particular data point. On one end, the industry is asking for land and built up area, and on the other hand, swathes of developed & partially developed land areas are lying idle.

For example, in MEPZ, spanning across Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry and Andaman & Nicobar Islands, there is an area of over 2,000 hectares of land. However, only 50% of the land is utilized. Similarly, out of 23.6 crore sq ft of built up area in the services sector, around 7.6 crore sq ft is vacant. Nationally, around 20,000 hectares of land and around 10 crore square feet of built-up space is lying vacant.


This indicates that the capex and infrastructure to create world class products has not been efficiently optimized. If you look at it, when we conceived SEZs, we did not even have services in its scope in 2005. But the growth of the services sector has been humungous. And the legislation neither meets domestic nor WTO needs. In fact, the criteria called Net Foreign Exchange Earnings is detrimental to India’s domestic needs. If the industry becomes exclusively export oriented, the product becomes very expensive the moment you sell to the DTA.

Optimization requires that every penny spent within this country in creating infrastructure, transport and logistics facilities will have to be thoroughly utilized. For that, a very flexible approach is needed and larger scales and better products need to be thought of to be integrated with the global value chain. The existing Act had to be modified in a big way, by relooking at the current highly centralized structure and involving more state governments in decision making.

For example, if it’s possible to run the unit for 24 hours and current export orders mandate you to run for just eight hours, you put machinery for waste for the next 16 hours. That is not acceptable – you should still be able to utilize it 24/7, cater to the DTA or any other area. And when a unit requires any kind of subsidy or incentive for exports, they should reach us and freely operate, just by paying taxes.

That should be the approach, rather than putting a filter at the valve and saying that everybody will go through the valve. Only those who seek incentives come through the valve, get a little scanning done and then move out, and the rest of them do business as usual.

As the Baba Kalyani committee report rightly pointed out, we need to create the triple Es or the Employment and Economic Enclaves, where we have infrastructure in place. Everybody can plug in and cater to all markets around. There are three key impediments to focus on – net foreign exchange, free movement to and from DTA and contiguity clauses. The moment you tackle these three, every zone becomes an absolutely free zone.

This way, we are looking at an influx of existing units coming and asking for SEZ status and not the other way around. In the light of all this, it was extremely important to create a new bill with a new thought, where there is no NFE criteria and where to and fro movement between the DTA and the SEZ units happens seamlessly. This is what we are looking at in the new DESH Act.


If we look at just the labour sector, there are around 45 state and central acts in all. Just for complaints in this area, companies have to maintain 94 registers. So, a labour inspector can actually walk into any industry, catch hold of the entrepreneur and say, “You have not maintained your register number 92!” Since we have multiple laws and each of them has its own rules, one has to maintain a certain set of information in a certain format, and either file them or keep them as a register with relevant information.

Apart from labour, there at least 30 plus more acts under which you need to maintain information – whether pertaining to central government, state government or authorities like pollution control. The only way that an industry can thrive or survive in such a scenario is with a decentralized accountability structure and single window system for all approvals and compliances.

Even today, there are multiple single windows inside every single window. Whereas a real single window can actually function in a manner that does not hamper the existing authority.

Collection of information should instead happen in two forms – one for approvals and one for compliances. Each information should get divided and sent through an Application Programming Interface (API) to the concerned department for approvals. And there should be a system of deemed approvals within a timeline. The new proposed Act is actually going to have this provisional agreement. If somebody applies, and it’s not happening within 90 days, it will be considered a deemed approval.

We also introduced a concept called partnering government agency. It may be a state government authority, a public sector authority considered under certain laws as independent, central agencies or so on and so forth. Anybody who’s involved in


the management of the industry, will have to become a partner government agency. And whoever volunteers to be part of the SEZ will be subjected to provisional approval over a time span of 90 days. They will still have another 90- or 180-day window to contest the provisional approval, and pull back approvals. If they don’t do so, it becomes deemed approval.

This kind of single-window system should be able to automatically check whether the industry is compliant to all rules and regulations or not. For example, if there is a particular labor law, say, Payment of Bonus Act, the system will automatically detect anomalies. Life becomes simple, and industry also stays vigilant.

There is one school of thought that the development commissioner of the SEZ should have all the powers of labour, industry, environment, etc and be the adjudicator on every law applicable on it. It is humanly impossible to vest that kind of responsibility with one single authority. Rather than depend upon people, we should be dependent upon a single-window computerized ecosystem with a provisional and a deemed approval scenario, which takes care of all our approvals as well as compliances. That will reduce the load from the central government to the state government or regional authority, as conceived in the new Act.

We have also proposed a state authority that will have a larger role on approvals, with a key role being played by the development commissioner’s office. In this kind of single window system, everybody is connected digitally and there is a faceless, paperless approval compliance monitoring system where we rely more on the business intelligence tools, and not on human intervention. This is the future we should envision for the industry.

The author is Joint Development Commissioner, MEPZ Special Economic Zone. Views expressed are personal.

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