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the catch
Innovative Strategies For Acquiring Clients
n one of the many innovative ways O’Neil Printing likes to fish for clients, the printer created a unique and engaging marketing piece that was sure to do the trick. The interactive acrylic stylized cactus, which can be used for a desk or office, came in a branded cactus box that required simple assembly. That last part added to the element of fun and engagement the Phoenix printer was hoping to catch. Inside the box, it included a link encouraging recipients to post their assembled cacti on social media.
The innovative approach, which it even showcased at two industry trade shows, generated tons of interest and resulted in substantial amounts of new business. Justin Ahrens, one of the designers of the piece, says the cactus not only served as a memorable and conversationstarting giveaway, but also helped O’Neil Printing talk about the potential of using it for social media hits through user-generated content.
“At the shows, attendees were intrigued by the unique design and the interactive nature of the cactus,” says Ahrens, a longtime industry branding expert, and Chief Creative Officer for both O’Neil Printing and O’N Creative Agency. “Many visitors to our booth took photos and shared them on their social media accounts, using our branded hashtag. This organic social media exposure increased our visibility and attracted potential clients who were impressed by our creativity and attention to detail.”
Ahrens believes that the heart of your most effective marketing ideas should be a truly multilevel and multichannel approach.
“Foundationally, as a print company, you must be able to convey the value of your services in today’s market. To do this, we must integrate the latest technology and approaches when highlighting our print services; otherwise, our efforts do not have as much impact.”
For O’Neil Printing, one of its most impactful activities has been targeted direct mail efforts to a select group of top-tier clients, followed up with a personal visit, video or call. The efforts, if done effectively and efficiently, can lead to engaging conversations and project opportunities. Instead of sending pieces to everyone on its list, focusing on engaged and aligned clients has resulted in a tremendous ROI. The O’Neil/ O’N Creative Agency approach is centered on using marketing automation, social media and email in conjunction with any of its efforts.
“The impact of something personalized and tactile is significant as it cuts through the digital wall of over-messaging that we all experience daily,” Ahrens says. “By selecting specific clients and personalizing our outreach, we achieve higher engagement and better results.”
In addition, co-branded events and collaborations with local events and causes have been very successful for O’Neil. The events, which allow it to showcase its full set of capabilities while building community and mutual support, not only enhance visibility, but also create a strong emotional connection with its audience, building its reputation locally as well as nationally, depending on the event or cause.
Ahrens says the combination of targeted direct mail, personalized follow-ups, digital integration and community engagement is the cornerstone of its effective marketing strategy. “This multichannel approach ensures that we remain relevant and impactful in an increasingly digital world.”
Be smart. Think smart. Act smart.
Last fall, Allied Printing Company held an artificial intelligence (AI) workshop focusing on strategies to incorporate AI in print and direct mail. As a follow-up, the Ferndale, Michigan, printer, targeted direct mail, and ondemand fulfillment services provider, is planning a webinar to discuss PQRs versus mail tracking.
CMO Elly Chichester says Allied has found that when it starts talking about new tactics, clients want to understand how it can help them take advantage of the tactics. “It’s a perfect opportunity for our team to propose new solutions and potentially solve a business problem. When we host educational events, whether virtual or onsite, we are always able to develop a few opportunities and create new business for Allied.”
While being a B2B marketer can pose its share of unique challenges, one of the more effective strategies Allied uses to market its business is industry education. It seeks opportunities to educate its clients on up-and-coming industry trends, or topics that generate a lot of interest and discussion.
In what continues to be an everevolving print and digital landscape, keeping your customers in step with every new trend, strategy or change is imperative. Take digital. Like any printer today, Allied sees challenges in the digital landscape.

First, technology is changing rapidly, which means new applications and tools, and continual efforts to stay ahead of the competition. For Allied, it is a matter of successfully marketing its services, and then executing similar strategies for its clients.
Data privacy and security also are primary concerns. Allied is SOC2 certified, which means it has a rigorous security infrastructure. But Chichester says staying knowledgeable about different privacy and security regulations (globally) is a concern. “Consumers’ inboxes are inundated every day with hundreds of emails, and online they’re targeted relentlessly by digital marketers trying to break through the digital clutter and deliver their messages. This makes the challenge of creating compelling and relevant content a priority.”
Another challenge is balancing the data and analytics it has (and wants to leverage) with its target audience’s privacy. For example, when Allied conducts email campaigns, its sales team is notified when one of their contacts engages with a message immediately. “There’s a fine line between following up in a timely manner and engaging in a time and manner that makes the interaction uncomfortable,” Chichester says.
In the battle to refine its marketing and data analytics strategies, the fight is never-ending. Right now, Allied is using data analytics in a campaign where it went through a lookalike exercise to identify primary targets for print and direct mail. This resulted in the creation of a prospect list. It currently is in the process of reaching out to the prospects, understanding their business and offering solutions to common pain points in their industry. “We’ve started to see some traction with onboarding new accounts and brought on two large agency accounts recently through this process,” Chichester says.
AI and the road ahead
Looking ahead, the road will be full of companies looking to AI to drive print marketing in many regards. This will include creative development, data analytics and metrics reporting, business reporting and trend analysis, and operational automation.
“Using AI to laser-focus your marketing data and target audience will be, if it isn’t already, the baseline requirement for future customer acquisition deployment,” Ahrens says.
Ahren’s advice for AI and the road ahead:
〉 A ssemble a small team to explore areas of your business where AI can be incorporated. Start small and begin exploring. The key is to start ASAP.
〉 Educate your team. As you move into this new era, ensure your team understands AI and its applications.
〉 Create processes and legal outlines. Ensure you implement AI properly and ethically by establishing clear processes and legal guidelines.
In a time when innovative strategies to customer acquisition are reshaping today’s competitive landscape, finding new avenues to reel in and retain clients will remain a top priority on every to-do list. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies and personalized marketing approaches, companies can land whales, stay ahead of the curve, and build lasting customer relationships.