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EUROPE Belgium TPF Engineering 18 Bagon Ingénieurs-Conseils 22 Louis Engineering 24 TPF-Utilities 26 TTR Energy 29 TPF-Basse Sambre 30

France Beterem Ingénierie 32 Ouest Coordination 35 Secmo 37 TPF-Utilities Sarl 38

Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg TPF Luxembourg 39

Poland TPF [formerly E&L Architects] 40


TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

TPF Planege 42 ProSistemas 46

Romania TPF Romania 48

Ukraine TPF Ukraine 50


Africa Algeria TPF Algérie 52

Angola TPF Angola 54

Morocco Pyramide Ingénierie 56 Save Project 58

Senegal Setico 60

Tunisia TPF Tunisie 62

AMERIca Brazil Projetec - Projetos Tecnicos Ltda 63

Asia India S.N. Bhobe 66 Cetest Pvt. Ltd. & Survtech Pvt. Ltd. 68



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TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

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2011, a good year Due to recent acquisitions, the financial accounts presented at the yearend do not take into account all the changes in TPF’s sphere of activity in 2011.

A summary of the key information Consolidated turnover remained stable in 2011, at 115 million EUR. EBIDTA went from 14,038,279 EUR to 11,085,062 EUR. This drop was mainly caused by a fall in profitability in Poland, India, Morocco and Brazil, and fortunately partially compensated by an improvement in profitability in Portugal, Belgium, France and Romania. The continuation of our debt reduction policy has allowed us to reach a net debt ratio on EBITDA of 1.8 [our lowest ever]. A further reason for satisfaction is that the net goodwill level reached 4 million EUR, which is 3 % of turnover, an exceedingly low amount in our sector of activity, especially for a company with 50 % of its personnel outside Europe, in countries with strong growth. During the 2011 financial year, the following acquisitions were completed: ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊

in France: acquisition of 100 % shareholding in Ouest Coordination in Portugal: purchase of 85 % shareholding in ProSistemas in Senegal: acquisition of 70 % of Setico in India: initial shareholding of up to the limit of 51 % in the Cetest-Survtech Pvt. Ltd group

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

We also created a company in Ukraine after we obtained important contracts. For the same reasons, we created, or are in the course of creating, companies in Mozambique, and in Congo-Brazzaville.


IN EUROPE BELGIUM The turnover produced was 40 million EUR, a drop of 6.5 million EUR compared to the 2010 year end. However, profitability has remained stable and we have been able to see an improvement in the balance sheet due to the reduction in outstanding loans and debts. Despite a difficult situation, the prospects are pointing towards a stabilisation in turnover, profitability remaining stable and the continuation in the improvement to the balance sheet in 2012.

Engineering Division TPF Engineering, Bagon Ingénieurs-Conseils, Louis Engineering After the growth in activity recorded in 2010, the combined turnover of TPF Engineering and Bagon Ingénieurs-Conseils shrank by around 10 % in 2011. Activity remained profitable despite the continuation in the reduction of outstanding loans and unpaid debts. Louis Engineering recorded an overall drop in its turnover of around 10 %, whilst

remaining in profit.

Utilities Division TPF-Utilities, TPF Econoler, TTR Energy, TPF-Basse Sambre Over the last year, TPF-Utilities saw a strong growth in its activity to reach 14.6 million EUR [a rise of 5.4 million EUR] and was able to increase its already very significant profits. However, the Utilities Division suffered a lower turnover compared to the previous financial year, because that year ended with an exceptional turnover of 10 million EUR produced by TPF Econoler thanks to a turnkey wind farm project in Kenya. Our subsidiary TTR Energy is continuing its work in funds management, in cooperation with the Degroof bank. The “Green Fund II” currently has commitments of 47 million EUR. Several investments in renewable energy production projects are under way.

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2011 was above all a stable year for TPF-Basse Sambre, marked by a turnover of 11.5 million EUR and good results.


France Beterem, Ouest Coordination, Secmo, TPF-Utilities This year, Beterem’s turnover increased by 5 % to reach 21,768,000 EUR. As for net profit over turnover, this remained stable at a level of 3 %. Our French subsidiary has also continued to reduce its outstanding loans and debts. Secmo showed a net profit of 370,000 EUR, up by 25 % compared to 2010, for a turnover that dropped by 5 % to 2,281,000 EUR.

In addition, TPF-Utilities France can be delighted with the stabilisation of its turnover at 1,183,000 EUR and its positive result. The major event of this year is still undoubtedly the operation for the 100% acquisition of Ouest Coordination which we finalised in September.

Taking this new venture into account separately, turnover for all of our activities in France was 37,500,000 EUR.

SPAIN The transfer of our last three assets is continuing. Two of these are subject to legal proceedings. At the beginning of 2012, a final legal judgment in our favour was given as part of the sale of Gensabon.

Grand-DuchY OF Luxembourg TPF Luxembourg Turnover in 2011 increased by 20 % to 1,000,000 EUR.

PolAND TPF Our turnover dropped by 4,809,000 EUR to 3,458,000 EUR as a result of the slump in investments in Poland. Although it is true that net profit has reduced by 645,000 EUR to 309,000 EUR, its level [9 %] remains high however, compared to turnover.

Portugal TPF Planege, ProSistemas TPF Planege’s turnover, hit hard by the economic slump in Portugal, has continued its

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

fall to settle at 10,286,000 EUR [a drop of 23 %]. However, as TPF Planege currently produces 80 % of its turnover through exports, its net profit has increased by 235,000 EUR to 614,000 EUR. Wanting to strengthen itself on both the foreign and national markets, TPF Planege has acquired an 85 % holding in ProSistemas through a double operation: purchase of shares and an increase in capital. In 2011 ProSistemas produced a turnover of 2,800,000 EUR. With around 40 personnel, it has expertise in the whole water sector, from drinking water production to purification and dams.

TPF Romania


RoMANIA 2011 was a year for TPF Romania to continue with its recovery. Turnover rose from 460,000 EUR to 750,000 EUR and losses went from 300,000 EUR to 70,000 EUR. 2012 should be the year for returning to profit.

Ukraine TPF Ukraine Following various contracts obtained in the property sector, we decided to create a subsidiary at the end of the first half of 2011

IN afriCA Africa was still virgin territory for TPF in 2009. Today, 200 employees work there.

Algeria TPF Algérie Given the delayed start to some railway projects, turnover remained stable in 2011. It should increase in 2012. The number of employees has remained stable at 15.

Angola TPF Angola Our activity in Angola saw a significant growth at the end of 2011. As for Algeria, our Angolan subsidiary serves as a support base for our Portuguese subsidiary, TPF Planege.

MOROCCO Pyramide Ingénierie, Save Project In 2011, Pyramide Ingénierie’s turnover remained stable at 4,100,000 EUR, but saw a lower net profit at 700,000 EUR, but still enjoying a significant profitability of 17 %.

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Our other subsidiary Save Project saw its turnover grow by 30 % to settle at 600,000 EUR.


Senegal Setico In mid-2011 we acquired a 70 % holding in Setico through the purchase of shares and an increase in capital. This company, specialising in the roads and water sectors, is one of the leading design companies in this field in Senegal and has 50 employees. Setico operates not only in Senegal, but also in almost all of the French-speaking countries of West Africa. The 2011 turnover [1,150,000 EUR] should double in 2012.

TunisiA TPF Tunisie In 2011, TPF Tunisie, a small company with around a dozen employees, mainly produced execution plans for projects started by the other companies in the TPF Group.

In AmERICA BrAZIL - ECUADOR - Panama - Venezuela Projetec After two years of strong growth during which Projetec’s turnover multiplied by four, this has now dropped by 20 % to 20,000,000 EUR. This slowdown is mainly due to the delayed start at the end of November of several very large projects initially planned for September.

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

Impact on net profit has been all the more telling as this has been halved to 1,700,000 EUR. 2012 should allow us to renew growth and we hope to exceed the 2010 turnover.


IN ASIA INDIA S.N. Bhobe & Associates Pvt. Ltd., Cetest Pvt. Ltd., Survtech Pvt. Ltd. Turnover for our subsidiary S.N. Bhobe saw a slight drop to 3,150,000 EUR as well as a more marked reduction in its net profitability which was no more than 5 % of turnover. 2012 should bring about a new increase in turnover. Unfortunately we were unable to complete our project for the acquisition of the Company Shrikhande due to new regulations imposed by the Royal Bank of India regarding the terms for transferring companies. However, at the beginning of 2012 we were finally able to acquire the Companies Cetest and Survtech based in Kolkata, with a strength of 230 employees and working in sectors of activity that are complementary to S.N. Bhobe. TPF now has 550 employees in India.

Prospects for 2012? On a like for like basis, and without excluding new acquisitions, in 2012 we should see a slight growth in our activity and profits. With this hope giving us strength, we would like to express our great thanks to our employees. Through their commitment every day, they make a huge contribution to the Group’s success and to its expansion throughout the world.

Managing Director

Thomas Spitaels

Chief Executive Officer

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Christophe Gilain


Simplified organisational chart



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TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

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The Executive

From left to right:

Jorge Nandin de Carvalho Member of the Executive Committee

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

Thomas Spitaels Atul Bhohe Samir Tahri Hassani Frédéric Lassale Christophe Gilain André Luiz da Silva Leitão

Chief Executive Officer Member of the Executive Committee Member of the Executive Committee Member of the Executive Committee Managing Director - Member of the Executive Committee Member of the Executive Committee

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TPF ENGINEERING Despite a gloomy economic situation, 2011 has been a record year in terms of taking orders compared with the last five years. Whether it is the Structural and Civil Engineering Division, Technical Utilities or Building, our teams have been able to start up numerous high-level projects and to confirm their know-how in the building, infrastructures, transport and environment sectors. In the private sector, and more precisely in such varied fields as the food industry, pharmacy, retail centres, housing or health, the year has been marked by the pursuit and winning of major projects such as the new flagship Jules Bordet cancer treatment centre in Brussels, the Just under the Sky commercial project in Brussels, and Les Bastions in Tournai. As for the public sector, the activity has proved to be particularly fruitful relating to DBFM [Design, Build, Finance, Maintain] projects, amongst which we can mention the construction of prisons, road tunnels and car parks. Obviously, the prospects for activities for 2012 are looking more difficult taking into account the temporary drop in the market for investment projects, both in volume and in value.

Although some construction sites were completed at this year-end, others are starting up or are continuing. In 2011, our three divisions have shown themselves to be very competitive.

2011 was full of key events. Several building projects that came to their completion are once again proof of the successful cooperation between our three divisions.

Building Division

◊ Vandemoortele / Seneffe

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ Groupe Cactus

In Mamer, in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the work relating to the extension of the Caterman II ready-meal production unit was completed this year. As a reminder, it was Immo-Horizon SA who called on our know-how regarding engineering, architecture, project management and planning permission application. In Capellen, the new logistics platform and refrigerated warehouse with a combined surface area of 3,600 m2 have been operational since August 2011 to the great satisfaction of Resuma and Carnesa, both companies that are members of the Groupe Cactus.

The Vandemoortele company, the European leader in doughnuts, is intending to develop its production factory in Seneffe. For this project, in November 2011 we started the architectural and technical utilities studies relating to the extension of the packaging area. ◊ Montea Comm. VA

The fixed capital property investment trust Montea Comm. VA, specialising in logistics and semi-industrial complexes, wants to make modifications to the refrigeration complex which it owns [formerly operated by Norbert Dentressangle], with a view to housing a new operator shortly. Our know-how in architecture has been called upon.

◊ Viridaxis

This spin-off of the Catholic University of Louvain will very soon be able to open its new parasitical insects production unit in Gosselies. TPF Engineering is particularly proud of having been able to contribute to the architectural quality of this industrial building.

◊ AIB-Vincotte and Lloyd’s register

As was the case in 2010, AIB Vincotte and Lloyd’s Register have renewed their agreements with our Building Division: the first for carrying out certification audits [BRC and IFS] for a number of food processing companies and the second for the environmental management systems as part of the ISO 14001 certification.






01. Viridaxis / GOSSEL IES - 02. Resuma New logistics platform / CAPELLEN - 03. TUC Rail / ROESEL ARE - 04. Verrewinkelbeek collector network / BRUSSELS-CAPITAL REGION

◊ Energy performance and interior climate of buildings

As an EPBD auditor approved by the Flemish Region and by the Brussels-Capital region, the TPF Engineering teams have ensured the improvement in the overall energy performance of several buildings, along with their interior climate. We have also been consulted by GlaxoSmithKline for its new power plant in Rixensart, by EDF Belgique for its new gas/steam turbine power plant in Evergem, by the fixed capital property investment trust Wereldhave for the extension and renovation of its Les Bastions retail centre in Tournai, and by the Belgian Public Works Authority for the construction of the new prison in Marche-en-Famenne.

Structural Division

◊ Verrewinkelbeek collector network / Brussels-Capital region

The work relating to the part of the third section of the collector, located between the Rue de Percke in Uccle and Drogenbos started at the end of 2011. With a length of five kilometres, this will carry wastewater from the southern part of the town of Uccle and a part of the wastewater from the towns of Linkebeek, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Beersel and Drogenbos to the Brussels South water treatment plant. It will require three years for the completion of this project, the contracting authority of which is no other than the Brussels Water Management Company [SBGE]. The work will start after the construction of a retention basin at the Rue de Percke. We should also note that the well sinking technique has been favoured for the construction of the collector. Our assignment is assisting in supervising and monitoring the work.

◊ Northern extension to the Brussels metro system

◊ TUC RAIL / Anderlecht - Neerpelt - Roeselare

In the railway infrastructures sector, TPF Engineering is now concentrating on the sections of the regional rail network [RER]. For the RER project in Roeselare, this year our experts have produced the designs and call for tender file relating to the under-track passages [for pedestrians, cyclists and cars] and network connections. As for the Anderlecht RER construction site, this started this year. Our team’s assignment is to assist TUC Rail in carrying out the construction work. Finally, next year will be mainly devoted to constructing platforms, civil engineering structures and hydraulic structures in Neerpelt and Roeselare.

Technical Utilities Division ◊ Victor Estates - Midi Quarter / Brussels

This mixed-use building programme of 188,477 m2 is composed of housing, offices, meeting rooms, a company restaurant and even a chapel, and should be completed by 2015. A group of towers on a single base will give the area around the Brussels-South railway station a completely new look. We should also state that the Victor project will be BREEAM certified and comply with the EPBD standards.

Building and Structural Divisions ◊ New Combined-cycle gas turbine plants [CCGT] / ghent - evergem

The studies produced in cooperation with the British engineering company Parsons Brinckerhoff as part of the EPC [Engineering, Procurement, Contracting] contract concluded with EDF Belgique are progressing well. As a reminder, these relate to the construction of a new gas/steam turbine power plant with a capacity of 800 MW. Planning permission has been applied for with the appropriate authorities and has been approved. Our cooperation in the tender operations [drawing up the dossier and negotiations with contractors] has been able to start. The contractor for the work should be appointed at the beginning of 2012.

Structural and Technical Utilities Divisions ◊ New flagship Jules Bordet cancer treatment centre / Brussels

Our highly specialised knowledge on the subject of structural engineering and technical utilities in the hospital environment allowed us to win this contract that was launched over three

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It is as part of the design contract for the extension of the Brussels metro system to the north of the city that the SM BMN consortium [TVH Grontmij - SM Metro TPFE - Bagon - Amberg Engineering SM Van Campenhout - Arep] has been created. As a reminder, this consortium was appointed at the end of 2010 by the federal government as part of the Beliris cooperation agreement. The first design phase started in March 2011 and should be completed by the beginning of 2012. This relates to carrying out a social and economic opportunity study and a strategic study for analysing the feasibility of the project and determining the eventual pre-metro and metro scheduling with regard to potential customers. This will be followed in mid-2012 by a second phase relating to the production of a plan defining in detail the route, the location of stations and the techniques for constructing the project. The underground track of around 4 km should comprise 7 new stations, still to be precisely located. The final phases will be devoted to obtaining planning permissions, allocating contracts and their supervision. Finally, we should mention that TPF Engineering has joined with our Belgian subsidiary Bagon Ingénieurs-Conseils for carrying out the civil engineering designs of the tracks as well as the structural and technical utilities studies for the stations.


years ago. It was in 2009 that the international consortium formed from the ARCHI 2000 and Brunet-Saunier [Paris] firms of architects and the design company Beterem [Marseille] and TPF Engineering delivered the preliminary plans. What is the progress of the project at the end of 2011? Planning permission has been applied for and the planning phase should be completed by next autumn. As for handing over the site, this is scheduled for 2016. With a total built surface area of 70,000 m2, this new hospital centre will provide a structure of 250 beds, 40 beds for hospital out-patients and oncological treatment for all patients and players concerned.

Technical Utilities Division ◊ TREBEL Project / Brussels

This is the construction, for the property development company Atenor SA, of a mixed-use building with a gross built surface area of 30,000 m2 combining offices, shops [on the ground floor] and apartments. It is located in the heart of the European institutions, on the corner of the Rue Belliard and Rue de Trèves in Brussels. The basement will house parking spaces, archives, technical areas and the storage area. The work should be completed in 2016. ◊ Mons multimodal station

◊ Just under the Sky commercial project / Brussels

It is at the former Godin factory site, more precisely alongside the Brussels-Charleroi canal at Laeken close to the Van Praet bridge that the Just Under the Sky project will see the light of day. This relates to the construction of a large shopping and leisure centre of more than 50,000 m2 [not including parking], that is, in addition, more remarkable from an energy point of view. In fact, part of the heat from the neighbouring Neder-over-Heembeek incinerator is planned to be recycled for heating, and the canal water for cooling. At the end of 2011, the Brussels authorities granted the environment certificate to the new retail centre. The end of the construction work is scheduled for mid-2015.

Designed by the famous Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava, the new Mons station will transform the city’s landscape by 2015. It planned to construct a passageway-gallery composed of retail spaces and offices for crossing the railway tracks and linking, firstly, Mons city centre and the Grands Prés site, and secondly, for concealing the platforms. Two underground car parks will be constructed: one with 450 spaces on the city side [Place Léopold] and the other with 350 spaces on the Grands Prés side. From an energy point of view, the station will benefit from energy produced by a geothermal power plant intended for supplying the urban heating system. ◊ Liège-Bierset airport

◊ Tangla Hotel / Brussels - Woluwe-Saint-Lambert

The former Sodehotel, bought in 2007 by the Chinese HNA group, will open its doors in 2013 under the name of Tangla Hotel. The hotel’s current 126 rooms will be completely renovated from top to bottom and a new wing adjacent to the existing building will be constructed. This extension will bring the number of rooms up to 190 and the total surface area from 8,000 m2 to 21,000 m2. This five-star hotel will also provide top of the range services such as: sauna, swimming pool, Turkish bath, conference rooms, large events room, etc. An underground car park and storage area will complete the complex. The work will start next May and be completed a year later. In 2011 TPF Engineering was taken on to draw up the calls for tender dossiers [structural engineering and technical utilities].

We should repeat that 2011 has been a record year in terms of taking orders compared with the last five years. We now turn to these newly won contracts. Structural Division

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ Conversion of the former Genval paper mills / Rixensart

To convert the former Genval paper mills into a mixed-use building complex is the ambitious and interesting project of the property development company Equilis SA, a subsidiary of the Mestdagh group, a project in which we have the pleasure of taking part. More precisely, we are looking into the structural studies. 42,000 m2 of housing, 14,000 m2 of shops, 2,000 m2 dedicated to services and 22,500 m2 of parking will be constructed on the former industrial site. We should note that this construction site will last over six years over three phases. The work for the first phase will start in 2012. 01. New Jules Bordet cancer treatment centre / BRUSSELS - 02. Just Under the Sky / BRUSSELS - 03. Tangla Hotel / BRUSSELS - 04. Conversion of the former paper mills / GENVAL - RIXENSART - 05. Mons multimodal Station 06. European House of History museum / BRUSSELS - 07-08. New prison / MARCHE-EN-FAMENNE - 09. Les Bastions retail centre / TOURNAI

Amongst the new contracts, we should point out the renovation project of the electrical and HVAC installations of the LiègeBierset airport control tower, which has been awarded to us by the Wallonia Airports Authority [SOWAER]. The work should be completed in 2015.

Building, Structural and Technical Utilities Divisions ◊ Headquarters for NATO - NSCC [NATO Special Operation Forces Coordination Center] Shape / Mons

In 2010, the American army asked us to draw up the complete design-bid-build dossier as part of the construction of a new 5,100 m2 administrative centre for the NATO Special Forces Coordination Center. The new installations will be able to house some 250 people. At the beginning of 2011, our subsidiary has been taken on to prepare the construction files. The construction work will take 18 months and will be completed in mid-2012. ◊ GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals

With the preliminary phase for the architectural, civil engineering, topographical and geotechnical designs having been finalised, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals awarded TPF the next part of the assignment, this time for the detailed architectural, structural and technical utilities plans, as well as supervising the construction site for the new power plant at Rixensart, named Project RX207. The work relating to the “deep foundations” have, in the meantime, been able to start. ◊ Colruyt group

The Colruyt group, the leader in large-scale distribution in Belgium, has asked us to carry out a new architecture and technical utilities assignment as part of the construction of a new production unit [25,000 m2] for the Vlevico company in Halle. This company processes meat for the butchery, cooked meats and frozen meats ranges for the group’s stores.




This year the consortium made up of the Parisian firm of architect Chaix & Morel, TPF Engineering and JSWD has been named winners of the competition organised by the European parliament. This reward is also the result of close cooperation between our three divisions: Building, Structural and Civil Engineering, and Technical Utilities. This prestigious competition related to the renovation and redevelopment of the Eastman building which will be home to the future European House of History museum by the side of the Parc Léopold. This new, modern exhibition and documentation centre will be providing visitors with information on European history in 2014. The construction work has been estimated at some 23 million euros.


◊ European House of History museum / Brussels

Structural and Technical Utilities Divisions ◊ Belgian Buildings Authority: project for constructing new prisons in Wallonia

Owner: Eurogare Engineer & architect: Santiago Calatrava Copyright : eurogare©santiago.calatrava



We now continue our report by mentioning another competition organised by the Belgian Building Authority and won in March of this year by the Eiffage Benelux - Eiffage France - DG Infra+ consortium, of which TPF Engineering is a part. A new 300 cell prison should open in Marche-en-Famenne during the summer of 2013. The objective of this project is to use technologies that are favourable to sustainable development: cogeneration from biofuel, thermal solar sensors for pre-heating clean water, free heat recovery on the refrigeration installations’ condensers in the kitchens, collecting and re-using rainwater, etc. We should however mention that the construction of this new prison will be done within the framework of a public-private partnership through a DBFM [Design, Build, Finance, Maintain] agreement. The total cost of the construction work [started in October 2011] is estimated at some 70 million euros. As for the assignment given to TPF Engineering, this covers structural engineering, technical utilities, and infrastructures. ◊ Extension and renovation of Les Bastions retail centre / Tournai




◊ Cactus group

In the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Cactus group, the country’s leader in large-scale distribution has awarded us new assignments for its subsidiaries Immo-Horizon SA and Caterman SA. TPF Engineering will be working at the Windhof site and, more precisely, on the Caterman I and Caterman III projects relating, respectively, to the conversion of a part of the existing catering unit and the extension to the Caterman I dry storage as well as the installation of a washing station for the group’s trucks and the construction of a new gatehouse. Our assignment will firstly be project management and carrying out engineering and architectural services, and secondly, to apply for planning permission and building permits.

In Tournai, the fixed capital property investment trust Wereldhave is aiming to double the area of its retail centre Les Bastions. It is with this in mind that a contract has been concluded with our teams for the engineering designs [structural engineering and technical utilities] and the grounds. Two main construction phases are planned: the first consists of building a new 10,000 m2 retail park comprising shops, housing and a 300-space car park, whilst the second consists of firstly completely renovating the existing retail centre with a surface area of 12,400 m2 and extending it to 16,000 m2, and secondly, creating a 20,000 m2 underground car park under the future extension, on two levels, as well as developing the grounds of the site. Three new traffic islands will ease access to the site.

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BAGON INGENIEURS-CONSEILS The expertise acquired over the years in the fields of building, civil engineering and urban engineering has allowed our engineering company Bagon IngénieursConseils to develop mainly in the housing and transport infrastructures sectors.



The notes below demonstrate, once again this year, how the projects carried out by this subsidiary are many and varied. Here are some of them in particular:

01. Heavy conversion of a mixed-use building Rue Neuve / BRUSSELS - 02. Vivier d’Oie housing project / BRUSSELS - 03. Renovation of the “Magritte” building / BRUSSELS - 04. Central metro station / BRUSSELS - 05. Schuman Josaphat railway tunnel / BRUSSELS

regional authorities responsible for equipment, infrastructures and travel, Bruxells-Mobilité, will submit the city planning permit file relating to the redevelopment of the Central metro station. Some of the programme’s objectives are the creation of new entrances, the improvement of the mezzanine, the ticket hall, the existing access and passenger traffic corridors, as well as improvements to the links to the surface bus and tram lines.

◊ Schuman - Josaphat railway tunnel / Brussels

Four years have passed since the start of this enormous construction site for the regional railway network, and work on lot 2 of the Schuman - Josaphat railway tunnel, an essential link for easing congestion in Brussels, is making fast progress. As a reminder, this structure with a length of 1,250 metres, was set up by Infrabel and financed by Beliris and is being built under the Cortenbergh road tunnel and then goes under the Place Jamblinne de Meux.

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ Tunnelling of the small Brussels ring road

The preliminary design of the roof over the high speed traffic lanes, for easing car traffic congestion, is progressing on schedule. This relates to the creation of two underground links, one between the Porte Louise and the Porte de Namur [which has to cross the Deux Portes car park], and the other between the Porte de Namur and the Place du Trône to which has just been added the construction of two access roads to the underground junction [one in each direction] between the Midi railway station and the Bois de la Cambre passing through the Louise bottleneck. ◊ Redevelopment of the Central metro station / Brussels

Following the design produced by our engineering company Bagon Ingénieurs Conseils, in January 2012, the Brussels-Capital

◊ Heavy conversion of a mixed-use building Rue Neuve / Brussels

The completion of this ambitious construction project, started by the property developer Optima Financial Planners, will contribute to the re-urbanisation of the city centre. Its objective is the conversion of a retail complex into 96 apartments, a conversion that involves large-scale construction work such as the construction of 10,000 m2 of apartments over two mixed-use levels [shops and offices] and the addition of a sixth floor. The construction site, making good progress, should be completed in June 2012. Finally, we should highlight that all of the work is being carried out on a site that is occupied. ◊ Conversion of a hospital complex Renovation of the “Magritte” building Jette / Brussels

The conversion of the former Brugmann university hospital building for Beliris is one of several construction sites under way in Brussels. Its completion will allow local facilities to be provided on the ground floor, [a playgroup, a multi-purpose room for after-school activities, and a communal biomedical centre] as well as 24 social housing units on the upper storeys. The construction site started in spring this year and the work should be completed at the end of 2012.


Roose & Partners Architects 03


◊ “Cézanne” housing project Avenue Marcel Thiry / Woluwe-Saint-Lambert

This relates to the construction of an apartment building including an underground level [2,600 m2] and 7 storeys above ground [11,400 m2] comprising 89 apartments for the property developer Besix RED. The first sod was cut at the site at the end of 2011.


◊ “Marconi - Filleul” housing project Forest / Brussels

In January 2012 we will be starting the structural designs for the construction and renovation of a mixed-use complex comprising 21 apartments, one floor of office space and covered car park. ◊ Cortenbergh Tunnel / Brussels

The road will be a long one, but planning permission relating to the construction of four residential buildings, alongside the railway line, and nine detached houses along the Avenue Prince de Ligne, is on the way to being granted to Soficom. The buildings will have a communal underground area with basements and parking spaces, the whole covering a total area of 13,500 m2.

During the 2011 financial year, Bagon IngénieursConseils also won several contracts for improving mobility and easing the lack of housing in Brussels. Amongst these are the following:

◊ “Orée du Parc” housing project Uccle / Brussels

This year the property developer Besix RED restarted the Orée du Parc project, a building complex comprising apartments and individual housing units, which had been put on hold since 2009. Our team will be carrying out the whole structural assignment.

A few months later in mid-2012, the studies relating to the redevelopment of the Cortenbergh tunnel will start, linking the Reyers tunnel with the Rue de la Loi tunnel in the direction of the city centre. More precisely, this entails extending the existing road tunnel at -1 level, located next to the Belliard-Cortenbergh “exit” tunnel, making an underground link with the existing tunnel from the Rue de la Loi. The objective is to remove through traffic on the Schuman roundabout and the Avenue de Cortenbergh and so freeing up the public spaces in the European Quarter. ◊ “Plan Routes” Wallonia road infrastructure network

As part of the “Master Plan” for maintaining the 1,800 km of the Wallonia road infrastructure network, the Wallonian Company for Additional Financing of Infrastructures [SOFICO] has this year awarded the assignment for carrying out the quality control audit on the renovation work of the road infrastructure network to the joint venture company Egis - TPFE - BCCA - Bagon Ingénieurs Conseils. This programme represents more than 500 construction sites, forty of which will be audited by our team over a period of two years.

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◊ Vivier d’Oie housing project Prince de Ligne - Uccle / Brussels


LOUIS ENGINEERING Operating mainly in Wallonia, Louis Engineering works essentially in three areas: civil engineering, infrastructures and topography. At the end of this year the news is rather more heartening for our Liège subsidiary. In fact, it has become involved in the development of numerous projects, dealing in particular with buildings, the environment, and with airport, road, and sports infrastructures. In addition, it has obtained the renewal of its Construction Quality certificate.

◊ In the Province of Hainaut

Although this year we have not been able to exceed the record number of new contracts that marked 2010, 2011 was nevertheless full of great successes.

◊ Redevco retail centre / Fléron

Mission accomplished in Fléron where our efforts were rewarded with real success. It is as part of the refurbishment programme of a large part of its commercial sites that the property company Redevco had the pleasure of starting the renovation and refurbishment work of its Fléron site in March 2011. The Carrefour hypermarket unit, whose grounds were completely redesigned, has been scaled down and new retail areas have been created.

We should mention the finalisation of the draft designs ordered by the Wallonia Airports Authority [SOWAER] relating to the lengthening of the runway [by 400 m] at the Brussels South airport in Charleroi, as well as drawing up the tender file that the Wallonia Public Services [SPW] asked us to carry out as part of the construction of a road link between the N575 and Montigniessur-Sambre port area. In addition, we should point out the completion of the studies relating to the third phase of the “Château Rempart” project in Tournai consisting of the renovation of the Belgian Property Company [CIB] buildings in Tournai, which in principle, should be home to the departments of the ministry of Finance by spring 2012. Our engineering company has also been called on to take part in the construction phase. ◊ In the Province of Liège

◊ “Andenne Arena” sports complex / Andenne

The 18 months of work undertaken for the extension and renovation of the Andenne sports centre will not have been in vain because they will have led to the opening of the “Andenne Arena” in August. This new sports complex now meets the national and international standards required by the International Basketball Federation [Division 1], essential for being able to organise major national or international competitions.

Over the previous year, several projects have been able to be brought to their final stage, both in Wallonia and Brussels. In more detail:

Our Liège team can congratulate themselves on having completed several assignments, amongst which are the urban renewal project for the old centre of Anthisnes, drawing up the economic survey file for the “Maison-Bois” area in Theux for the Economic Development Agency for the Province of Liège [SPI], as well as the studies for the renovation of the sewer network for the towns of Fexhe-le-Haut Clocher, Héron, Raeren and Sprimont, on the request of the Intercommunal Association for Water Separation and Purification in the Province of Liège [AIDE]. We end our report by mentioning the drawing up of the tender file for the construction of an aqueduct in Aywaille, the completion of the renovation work of the Edmond Leburton stadium in Waremme, the opening of which is planned for the beginning of 2012, and finally, completion of the revision to the esplanade project opposite the “Calatrava” railway station in Liège.

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ In the Brussels region

Our topographers have carried out the surveys on the Eastman building which, after renovation, should be home to the future House of European History museum. A section will be devoted to this later. ◊ In the Province of Walloon Brabant

Our engineering company has become even more involved in the construction of a roundabout on the N5 at Genappe, for the property developers P&A, on the northern Wavre bypass, as well as the silt transfer platform to be constructed in the Tubize port area as part of the overall silt management programme for navigable waterways.

◊ In the Province of Luxembourg

In Luxembourg, Louis Engineering has produced studies as part of several projects including the construction of the School Schuman in Libramont, the construction of three high environmental quality business start-up buildings for the Intercommunal Association for Sustainable Economic Development in the Province of Luxembourg [IDELUX] in close cooperation with the SCAHT firm of architects, as well as the renovation of the Rue Vallée in Arlon.


There is room to mention the topographical surveys of the Hena spoil heap at Awans, currently being closely monitored, as well as those relating to the setting up of the new bottle washing plant for the Inbev brewery in Jupille. Finally, as every year, we have carried out many topographical surveys for the SPW, the SPI, the AIDE and several local authorities.


Continuing to forge ahead, once again this year Louis Engineering has been able to establish itself as a solid benchmark in the field of topography

A large number of assignments have come to an end whilst others are developing very favourably. 02


◊ Listed briefly below are the main projects for which the studies are

still under way: the construction of a new swimming pool in Ans, the construction of the first phase of the extension to the André Renard clinic in Herstal and the second construction phase of the Province de Liège training college in Seraing, the upgrading of the Hannut and Liège recycling centres managed by Intradel, the Liège authority for waste treatment, as well as the renovation of the sewer network for the AIDE in Herstal, Limbourg, Verviers and Visé. We should also mention the construction sites that are making good progress such as: the construction of a mixed-use building complex [housing and shops] in Neupré for Immo Retail Estate, the renovation of the Rue de Jemeppe school in Ans and the finance building in Tournai, as well as the installation of a new lime kiln at the Notre-Dame Orafti refinery in Oreye.


In 2011, our Liège subsidiary has been able to clinch new contracts allowing us to calmly look forward to the 2012 financial year. Amongst the orders gathered in, we should mention: ◊ The SPI has called on us as part of drawing up a survey file with

the purpose of creating a new economic activity zone in Battice.


Other new challenges, in the completely different field of school complexes, should be mentioned. Amongst these: in the BrusselsCapital region, more precisely in Berchem-Saint-Agathe, the construction project for a new school with a capacity for 388 pupils [4 new nursery classes and 12 new primary classes] and in the Province of Liège, a new assignment in special techniques relating to the renovation of the La Reid school, in Theux. Finally, in both the housing and commercial building field, we have been especially involved in the renovation of the Centre Spintay in Verviers


01. Mixed-use building complex / NEUPRE - 02. Rue de Jemeppe school / ANS 03. Redevco retail centre / FLERON - 04. C.I.B. Tournai - Ministry of Finance / TOURNAI - 05. “Andenne Arena” sports complex / ANDENNE - 06. Province of Liège training centre / SERAING - 07. André Renard clinic / HERSTAL

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TPF-UTILITIES The diversification strategy undertaken in the water and energy sectors has visibly borne fruit. The previous financial year has ended on an upturn in activity both in design services as well as maintenance and operating services. The high number of orders relating to the public and private market is opening up excellent opportunities for next year. This year, TPF-Utilities has acquired a Computer Aided Maintenance Management [CAMM] software for perfecting its services and which allows the customer to follow the progress of the work as part of the operation of their installations.

With solid experience acquired over the years, our subsidiary has been able to win new contracts relating to water and energy. Amongst these, we should mention:

◊ GlaxoSmithkline - GSK Bio Wavre

During this financial year the pharmaceuticals company GlaxoSmithKline gave us the order for a study relating to the construction of a new industrial effluents neutralisation plant at its Wavre site. More precisely, this is for neutralising effluents with an output of 400 m3 per hour by injection of CO2 with the control of the production of hydrogen sulphide [H2S] and the quantity of phosphorous discharged with a view to compliance with the discharge standards in force. ◊ University of Ghent

The purpose of the assignment we have been asked to carry out is for renovating the boiler rooms of the Ledeganck administrative complex and the Coupure campus with the installation of a cogeneration unit. Our team has to study the various possibilities for financing, drawing up the terms and conditions, analysing the bids, monitoring the installation work, and supporting the players concerned regarding the operation.

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ Technical horticultural centre / Gembloux

TPF-Utilities has been contacted to carry out an audit survey with a view to improving the energy and technical performances of the horticultural greenhouses at Gembloux. An analysis that is mainly directed towards the consumption of heat and electricity as well as the regulation of irrigation, shade, temperature, and humidity under glass. ◊ ArcelorMittal - Industeel / Charleroi

This new contract relates to studying the complete supply, installation and putting into service of a new superheated steam production unit used for creating a crucial vacuum in the processing of steel. We should mention that the installation is composed of two boilers, each one with a capacity of 22.5 tonnes per hour, two superheaters, two economisers, a processing unit, and a monitoring and control system. We should also add

that TPF-Utilities is carrying out the delegated management of the installation for a period of 5 years.

In addition to its expertise relating to water and energy, TPF-Utilities has been able to consolidate its position in the delegated management market. Its activity in this area was particularly sustained in 2011.

◊ Wallonia - Brussels Federation

A maintenance contract with total coverage of 20 years was signed for all the technical installations of the Wallonia - Brussels Federation located in Place Surlet de Chokier in Brussels: heating installations, HVAC, fire protection, access control, electricity, compressed air, as well as the elevators. In order to optimise all the maintenance operations, the use of the CAMM software has proved indispensable. We should add to this already considerable assignment given to our team, energy management relating to the allocation of quotas. ◊ Regarding the town of Leeuw-Saint-Pierre as well as the cities of Mortsel and Namur, TPF-Utilities has

clinched new delegated management and maintenance contracts with total coverage relating firstly to the water treatment installations and secondly to the boilers of sports infrastructures [six swimming pools, sports halls and sports fields in total]. ◊ National Belgian Defence / Melsbroek

In addition, an agreement with a term of eight years has been concluded with the National Belgian Defence for the maintenance and operation for all of their technical installations in military buildings located inside Interquartier 4 at the Melsbroek military airbase. This relates in particular to the heating installations, HVAC, water treatment, fire protection, electricity, compressed air and lifting. ◊ Water-link / GHENT

Finally, the Flemish Regional Water Authority has appointed us for the maintenance and operation of its offices’ technical installations for a term of 5 years.


02 01. Swimming pool / MERKSEM - 02. National Belgian Defence / MELSBROEK

◊ Brussels Public Transport Company [STIB]

We could not end this report on TPF-Utilities without mentioning interesting projects that are currently under way.

In the energy sector, we can also mention the continuing management contract for the control and monitoring of the electricity and gas supply for the Brussels Public Transport Company [STIB].

◊ Ipalle - Thumaide site

In Thumaide, our team is continuing its assignment as part of the extension to the IPALLE incinerator with the construction of a new furnace. This relates to the complete design, supply, construction and commissioning of the installation. Our expertise has allowed us to recommend the use of an inverse osmosis system for treating raw water with a view to reducing the chlorine content in the wastewater discharged.

At the same time, we continued to work for the SWDE who last year awarded us a delegated management contract for a term of three years. As a reminder, this relates to the maintenance of all the technical installations in its drinking water production and distribution centres in the provinces of Liège, Luxembourg and Namur and to resolve any non-conformities of the installations.

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◊ Wallonia Water Authority [SWDE]


01. ArcelorMittal Industeel / CHARLEROI - 02. Wallonia Water Authority [SWDE] 03. Wastewater treatment plant / MORNIMONT

Finally, the news is mostly good regarding the municipal water treatment plants managed by Intercommunal Association of the Wallonian Brabant [IBW], the Namur Intercommunal Association for Public Services [INASEP], the Intercommunal Association for the Public Property of the Western Hainaut Region [IPALLE] as well as the Intercommunal Association for water Separation and Purification [AIDE].

◊ In Mornimont, in the Province of Namur,

the year has been marked by the commissioning of the electro-mechanical equipment of the urban wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 45,000 population equivalent. ◊ In the Province of Hainaut, the con-

struction work of the urban wastewater treatment plant [10,800 population equivalent] in Leuze-en-Hainaut, which will be put into service in 2012, is on the way to completion. In addition, we will be postponing the completion of the electro-mechanical work for the anaerobic sludge digestion at the Mouscron wastewater treatment plant. We should mention that this is because the digester is currently being rebuilt in order to solve the problem of the differences in quality of the structure’s concrete.



TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ In the Province of Walloon Brabant, the

go-ahead has been given for the earthworks regarding the construction site of the Bomal and Sart-Dames-Avelines urban wastewater treatment plants. ◊ Finally, in the Province of Liège, we have

the completion of the preliminary designs and incidence study of the Comblain-auPont urban wastewater treatment plant with a capacity of 4,000 population equivalent, which deserves special mention.


In 2008, TPF and Transcor Astra Group [a subsidiary of the CNP] joined to form TTR Energy. The purpose of this joint venture, dedicated to renewable energies, is to carry out investments in wind, hydroelectric, solar and biomass energies.



◊ The Degroof bank has raised two investment

funds for renewable energies [Degroof’s Green Fund], which are managed by our subsidiary TTR Energy. The Degroof’s Green Fund I has risen to 46 million euros. At the end of 2011, 40 million euros were invested mainly in three companies. The first one, Bioenergetica, with a 45 % holding, is a cogeneration plant [20 MW] in Spain using waste from olives. The second, Ailenergie, with a 60 % holding, is a French company developing wind farms in the Champagne-Ardenne region. Finally, the third, Eiden, with a 100 % holding, is a French company developing wind farms in the Lorraine region.


At the end of 2011, the Degroof’s Green Fund II, also at 46 million euros, will be invested in a company holding all the permits and licences for the construction of a wind farm with 6 x 2 MW turbines. For this, we should point out that 5 million euros will be raised in January 2012.

02 01. Wind farm project - 02. Bioenergetica

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In addition, TTR Energy is also involved in developing offshore and onshore wind farms, mainly in Belgium.


TPF-BASSE SAMBRE During 2011, TPF-Basse Sambre has been involved in numerous projects both in Belgium and abroad. These have related to both the solid waste treatment and pyrolysis sectors in Europe, as well as the gas sector in Africa and cement in Asia.


In Châtelet, the construction of a dredging sediment and silt treatment unit for the Centre Terre et Pierre is already well advanced. This is being carried out as part of a turnkey project and is a modular design semi-industrial pilot installation to be used for the separation of polluted fractions and sand from dredging navigable waterways. Its treatment capacity is 1.2 tonnes per hour of dry material. The balance sheet is positive in every way. Despite the postponement of its commissioning due to delays in the work connecting it to the electricity power supply, its handover is scheduled for May 2012. TPF-Basse Sambre has also made the most of 2011 for designing an investment project for the treatment of fine particles. This study has been ordered by Comet Traitements, a company that is particularly active in the recycling of waste from crushed metal material at the end of its service life [scrap iron, scrap vehicles, etc.] It should lead to the construction of the treatment unit, which we hope to undertake during 2012. For the same company, we should also mention our subsidiary’s involvement in the construction project of a new waste plastic liquid cracking unit. The support contract that we have won will continue in 2012. Finally, an investment design relating to processing slag by carbonation has been awarded to us by Recoval, a company specialising in metal recycling. We will be making our contribution to this project from next year. ◊ FRANCE

A large industrial group has asked us to produce a preliminary design relating to the setting up of a pyrolyser suitable for a special use on one of its production sites. We should state that this assignment has been carried out as part of a confidentiality agreement. The project should materialise during 2012. ◊ ITALy

In addition, a private Italian investor has asked us to carry out tests on the pyrolyser that we have constructed in Iceland with a view to constructing a new industrial installation. ◊ ALGeRIa

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

In Arzew, the work relating to the replacement of the fire safety network of the Sonatrach GL2 liquefaction complex has not progressed according to the schedule that has been drawn up. The construction site started in July after being delayed for seven months for administrative reasons outside our control. Several technical problems have slowed down the progress of the construction site. An extension codicil is being negotiated with the aforementioned group. It has therefore proved essential to reinforce the team at the site. Despite everything, the initial assessment does not question the quality of the work already carried out. Several sections of the renovated network were put into service at the end of 2011. Generally, the commercial work provided in Algeria has not always ended with the expected result. This is due to the high number of calls for tender declared null and void, the setting up of the national preference system of 25 % of the calls for tender favouring Algerian contractors, as well as the postponement of numerous investments by several months. Although activity has slowed down this year, we are expecting a recovery in 2012. ◊ YEMEN

The engineering consultancy contract relating to the extension of the Al Bahr cement works that we concluded with the Yemen General Cement Corporation, is currently under way. The events happening in Yemen over the last twelve months have led to a considerable delay in the completion of this project. Its progress in 2012 will depend on the political stabilisation of the country.


01-02-03-04. Sonatrach GL2 liquefaction complex / ARZEW - 05-06. Centre Terre et Pierre / Ch창telet






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EUROPE / france


For our French engineering company, 2011 was punctuated with a number of events and challenges we will be looking at, relating to health, education, social housing, energy and the aeronautics industry.


Amongst the significant events of the last few months, several are worth being highlighted.

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ Rumilly hospital complex / Upper Savoy

A veritable platform for public and private healthcare, the new Rumilly hospital complex in the Rhône Alps region will open in 2013. It will allow all of the complex’s buildings to be grouped together on one site with an area of 17,000 m2. With a capacity of 120 beds for aftercare, this new institution will be organised on five levels comprising, in particular, a pharmacy, technical area, out-patients centre, healthcare services, consultation rooms, radiology, laboratories, accident and emergency, physiotherapy, geriatrics, cardiology, neurology, as well as a laundry. We should underline that special attention has been given to the sustainable development aspect, as the hospital contract will be constructed in accordance with the low-consumption building standards: green roof, 120 m2 of solar panels [coverage rate of 43 % for solar energy producing clean hot water], wood-burning boiler and heating system supplying the whole complex. Finally, we should mention that this ambitious project has been awarded as part of a design-construction assignment to the regional company Barel et Pelletier. Beterem has been called on for its skills in engineering and all construction trades. ◊ Extension and reconstruction of the Institute of Political Studies [IEP] / Bordeaux

It is also in 2013 that the Pessac university campus will receive a new Institute of Political Studies. The reconstruction and extension project of the IEP is for the construction of a new extension


of 10,000 m2 and the reconstruction of 4,000 m2 of existing buildings, demolished beforehand. It will allow the complete reorganisation of the existing part, made up of 4 phases built between 1960 and 2006 and the new extension part. When completed, some 3,000 students and 200 members of staff will be able to benefit from excellent infrastructures such as modern classrooms and meeting rooms, lecture theatres with capacities from 200 to 700 seats, libraries, study areas, and restaurant areas. Everything will be done on an occupied site in three main stages, in the form of sequenced operations. We should also state that this project is fully part of the sustainable development dynamic: new low consumption buildings with the high environmental quality mark. The technical lots have been allocated to our engineering company. ◊ Veterinary school - Maisons-Alfort / Val-de-Marne

As part of the renovation and redevelopment of the Alfort National Veterinary School [ENVA], which as reminder, is also one of the largest hospital complexes in Europe devoted to pet animals, it has been decided to build a Biological Risk Unit on the site at Maisons-Alfort, in the listed area. This new building with a total net floor area of 3,500 m2 will be based around a partial basement reserved for technical areas, a ground floor, a first floor accessible to the public and a second floor with restricted access. It will house all the activities presenting a biological risk: paraclinical diagnostic laboratories [microbiology, parasitology, medical biochemistry, haematology, anatomopathology and immunology], biological and pharmaceutical science teaching areas and teaching areas where anatomical parts will be handled.

◊ CIRMAD - Teisseire assisted building programme / Marseille

Last year we devoted a section of our activity report to the PPP contract relating to the redevelopment of the Stade Vélodrome and its surrounding area. Apart from the main objective relating to the roof, bringing the stadium up to international standards and enlarging it, the partnership also planned the development of an assisted building programme for the construction of 227 social housing units. We should mention that these housing units purchased before completion by the social housing lettings company SNI, will be built by the property developer CIRMAD [Groupe Bouygues]. Essentially, 4 apartment buildings, offices, shopping area and 227 parking spaces underground [22,093 m2] will be integrated into this mixed-use complex. The construction work will be carried out in compliance with the Promotec label [guaranteeing the safety of the installations as well as performance from an economic and ease of use point of view] and the BBC [low consumption building] label. In the same way, the electric heating, exterior thermal insulation, controlled mechanical ventilation, sanitary hot water gas loop with solar panel stand-by will be favoured in particular. Handover of this large-scale project is scheduled for 2015.


As well as the constraints relating to historic monuments, the greatest one is that this scientific unit is subject to special technical features all of its own: laboratories with confinement levels 1 and 2 with effluent treatment, cold rooms, slaughter, autopsy and dissection rooms for horses and bovines [use of materials that have strong resistance to mechanical damage, whilst guaranteeing anti-slip characteristics and easy to clean], and hook-type handling equipment on a motorised monorail with a capacity of 2 tonnes. Sustainable development has been put to the forefront in our studies, regarding both the thermal and acoustic performance of the façade [double or triple glazed units with thermal bridge breaks and integrated blinds with a Uw value of 1.2 W/m2K, thermal insulation reinforced with 18 cm of mineral wool, and installation of high-performance integrated sandwich insulation panels on the façade’s double wall in bricks visible on the ground floor] along with the control of technical equipment [lighting, ventilation connected to CO2 detectors and CTM centralised technical management]. The start for the construction work, which should last from 16 to 18 months, is scheduled for the third quarter of 2012. Beterem has been allocated the studies and supervision work as a basic assignment for the lots relating to structures, access roads and various networks, the economics for all construction trades and for the high and low voltage power supply.



01. Rumilly hospital complex 02. Institute of Political Studies [IEP] / BORDEAUX - 03. Veterinary school / MAISONS-ALFORT - 04. CIRMAD / MARSEILLE - 05. Samsolar photovoltaic panels

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01. Labinal / Villemur-sur-Tarn


◊ Samsolar photovoltaic panels

Samsolar has awarded us the assignment for supporting the contracting authority and project manager in the development of groups of photovoltaic panels relating firstly to the renovation of existing roofs of industrial or agricultural buildings, and secondly, to the construction of new agricultural warehouses. 21 sites, mainly spread over the Vaucluse, Drome, Ardèche and Bouches du Rhône regions, are affected by this project, representing a total power of 5,500 kW, which is 40,000 m2 of photovoltaic panels installed.

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ Labinal / Villemur-sur-Tarn - Upper Garonne

On the list of successfully completed projects, we should note the construction of the new aeronautics cable factory for Labinal, a subsidiary of the Safran group, in Villemur-sur-Tarn, completed by the Concepteur Constructeur consortium made up of DejanServières [general and property development company: Groupe Fayat], Cirgue et Dargassies [architects] and Beterem Ingénierie. The culmination of intense work, this building complex of around 12,000 m2 [10,000 m2 for manufacturing and 2,000 m2 of offices and restaurant areas] with some 5,000 parking spaces, was able to be handed over on schedule in mid-December. So, at the end of the year, the company was able to leave its old premises,

also located in Villemur-sur-Tarn for a new, more suitable site. Beterem did not hesitate in supporting this renowned industrial company for identifying partners able to implement the planned contractual solutions: standard project manager, investor and property developer. The proposed set-up was accepted after 18 months of negotiations. We should add finally, that within the consortium our company was responsible for the lots relating to structures [concrete and metal], access roads, high and low voltage electricity supply, air-conditioning and ventilation, fire protection [sprinklers], plumbing and compressed air.

The acquisition in September 2011 of the Lorient engineering company Ouest Coordination perfectly fits in with TPF’s strategy for extending its activities in France. There is no doubt that Ouest Coordination’s acknowledged experience in the buildings and public works market will provide real added value to our group.



This year, our new subsidiary has been involved in numerous assignments requiring highly specialised knowledge in contracting authority support, steering coordination, project management and health and safety protection coordination.

Here are some of the key events of this year:

◊ Police station / Nantes

After 43 months of work, the new police station in Nantes has now been completed. Built in two phases, it is made up of two buildings. The first building, which adjoins the old police station, provides its 900 government employees with a net total floor space of some 12,830 m2 spread over a ground floor, five storeys and two parking levels below ground. The second, built on the site of the old outdated building demolished in 2009, has an additional total net floor space of 2,726 m2 spread over a ground floor, one upper story and two levels of parking below ground. In particular, it houses custody units, an administrative detention centre, logistics platform, sports area, shooting range and restaurant area. This monument, sitting on a massive plinth in polished white concrete, proclaims its status as a public building as well as its defensive character and aspect by its size [150 m long]. The completion of this project has contributed to improving the conditions for receiving the general public and the working conditions of the government employees, to the modernisation of the Information and Control Centre and to making the whole site


01. New “Scorff 2” hospital / Lorient - 02. Vendespace / Mouilleron le Captif

secure. Its construction has allowed the reorganisation of the departments which has resulted in an increased presence of police officers on the streets of Nantes. The success of this prestigious project is the result of the cooperation between Atelier 234 assisted by the Mizrahi design company for the design and our engineering company Ouest Coordination for the coordination. ◊ New “Scorff 2” hospital / Lorient

In Lorient, our teams are ready to start work to complete the construction of the new Scorff hospital intended to replace the old and ageing Bodélio hospital. Designed by the firm of architects Valode & Pistre, this 110,000 m2 structure with a capacity of 600 beds is being built as an extension to the Mother and Baby Unit, to which it is connected on three levels. The building is made up of 4 accommodation levels on the south façade and four levels on the north façade housing, in particular, the technical medical services, the 13 operation blocks, sterilisation services, and the intensive care unit, to which a ground floor is being added housing reception, the admissions office, medical consultation rooms, administrative and management departments as well as the garden level intended for the radiology department, morgue, accident and emergency, blood transfusion unit, dialysis department and

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EUROPE / FRANCE TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011


the archives. The hospital is divided into several zones: an accommodation zone, a “technical platform” zone, a logistics building [workshops, garages, storage, pharmacy, kitchen and restaurant], a building housing the electricity generating sets for supplying the Mother and Baby Unit and dormitories. We should also mention that a pedestrian walkway linking the river Scorff and the Porte Colbert de l’Arsenal and a 200-space car park will also be built. The construction of this building is impressive by its size, its riverside location and by its architecture. No less than 1,500 piles going down to 37 m will be used to build the foundations. The three radiology bunkers are made of concrete walls 1.80 m thick and with a density of 3.9 tonnes to the m3. This construction site, one of the largest sites in Brittany, should be completed in June 2012 after 42 months of work. Ouest Coordination has carried out the whole steering coordination assignment.

music concerts, basketball matches, or theatrical presentations, the innovative acoustic system will allow the sound of its rooms to be adapted to the type of event. The town of Mouilleron le Captif is finally ready to hold international sports competitions on the same high level as the Vendée Globe or the Tour de France. Finally, we should state that Ouest Coordination has been appointed to the steering coordination assignment, whilst our subsidiary Beterem has been called on for the structure and fluids aspects.

◊ Vendespace / Mouilleron le Captif - Vendée

Designed by the famous Paul Chemetov firm of architects, this new sports and cultural complex with a surface area of 27,767 m2, will open its doors by the summer of 2012. A veritable unrivalled technological jewel in the crown for western France, the Vendespace will have a dojo, a multi-sports hall and a large modular hall with a capacity of 4,200 seats. Whether it is classical

01. Police station / Nantes


SECMO Over the years, recognition for our French subsidiary’s expertise in construction plans and building structures has not stopped growing.

Here is a brief look at two assignments for which we are particularly proud and with which TPF is particularly delighted.

◊ Regional Centre for the Mediterranean [CRM] / Marseille

The Regional Centre of the Mediterranean is Marseille’s emblematic building as the “European Capital of Culture” for 2013. This “extraordinary” building, designed by the internationally renowned architect Stefano Boeri, has required the use of special techniques for designing the large-sized cantilevered construction that will cover the exhibition hall, as well as an adaptation of the construction processes for maritime structures required for building the parts that are submerged in the dock. The sea in fact covers part of the building and makes up its plinth. The “C” shape of the building allows it to hold seawater between two horizontal surfaces, so creating a water area able to hold small boats. The Atrium - the central hall - crosses the whole building. It goes along the whole height of the superstructure, and is the connecting feature between the reception area, the exhibition level accessible by escalators, and the lower mezzanine used as a conference centre. The exhibition hall, with a surface area of 1,200 m2 and located inside the cantilever structure, is made up of four successive plateaus connected by ramps. The contracting authority is the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur regional council who has chosen the Fayat group, made up of BEC SETI Intrafort, Castel Fromaget and the Secmo engineering company for the construction of this exceptional structure.



◊ New Ambroise Paré Hospital [NHAP] / Marseille

01. Regional Centre for the Mediterranean [CRM] / Marseille - 02. New Ambroise Paré Hospital [NHAP] / MARSEILLE

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The Ambroise Paré and Paul Desbief hospitals have decided to join together under the aegis of the “Ambroise Paré Hospital Foundation” to create a new hospital complex in the centre of the Euro-Mediterranean area of national interest. This complex of around 120,000 m2 will combine the two old and ageing institutions. With this new hospital, the city of Marseille will have its first institution of the North Marseille Health Unit. The consortium of Vinci [Travaux du Midi and Campenon-Bernard] and Léon Grosse, combined with the C+T firm of architects and the Secmo company for the structural plans, have been working on this hospital for almost 30 months, and it should be handed over before the end of 2012.

EUROPE / FRANCE - grand duchy of luxembourg

TPF-UTILITIES SARL As with its Belgian counterpart, the French subsidiary TPF-Utilities has resolutely launched itself towards a policy of diversification in the water and energy sectors. And despite a French market that is protected by a small number of competitors, our French team has been able to maintain its position and show its willingness to move forwards. In 2011, the number of orders it has taken on the delegated management market has grown and interesting openings into the public sector have been recorded for the first time.

01. Aperam / Isbergues - 02. ACG / Boussoit site


In 2011, TPF-Utilities has been especially active in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais and Champagne-Ardenne regions

◊ Local town councils of the Coteaux de la Marne

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

Our subsidiary has signed an agreement with the French intercommunal organisation “La Communauté de communes des Coteaux de la Marne” as part of the complete design, supply, build and commission assignment of two new water treatment plants for biologically [bio disc] dealing with the removal of carbon and suspended matter whilst complying with discharge standards. One relates to the town of Vincelles with a capacity of 500 population-equivalents, and the other relates to the town of Vermeuil with a capacity of 1,100 population-equivalent. ◊ Calais Chamber of Commerce and Industry [CCI]

Over the next four years, TPF-Utilities will be carrying out firstly, the delegated management with total coverage of four settling tanks holding rainwater from the port of Calais, and secondly, pumping sludge and hydrocarbons. We should mention,


in addition, that these structures allow us to deal with suspended matter by settling and to separate hydrocarbons by flotation. ◊ Aperam / Isbergues

The contract with the stainless steel specialist Aperam, has been renewed for a term of five years. This relates to the delegated management of the treatment plant for treating the effluent from the Aperam and Thyssen Krupp stainless steel production factories. Our assignment relates to the preventive and curative maintenance operations. A specific contract relating to managing the cooling towers has also been added to the initial contract. ◊ The towns of Ronchin and Saint-Laurent Blangry

TPF-Utilities Sarl has won a cleaning and maintenance contract for all the water softeners installed on the network around Ronchin. In Saint-Laurent Blangry, our assignment, lasting three years, relates to the delegated management of two swimming pools, the biological tank, and the aquatic flat. ◊ AGC / Boussoit site

Amongst the services that we provide, there is also the delegated management of installations for pumping, clarification, and treatment of process water specific to manufacturing glass for photovoltaic panels.

TPF Luxembourg has played a key role in the progress of a large number of projects. Over the last year, some have been successfully completed, others are still on the way to completion.

◊ West Side Village / Mamer Capellen

All the efforts made in completing this project will not have been in vain. As we mentioned last year, the West Side Village building complex has now been finished. This complex constructed by the property developers Sprima SA is made up of six high-tech office buildings totalling 23,000 m2 above ground and a surface area of 30,000 m2 underground. TPF Luxembourg was responsible for providing the designs and full supervision of the technical equipment site.


TPF Luxembourg

◊ Immogare / Luxembourg

In Luxembourg, our subsidiary has been confirming its presence on the main target markets for some years: office buildings and school infrastructures.

In Luxembourg City, we now take a look at the Immogare building, now completely renovated. This building with 10 floors above ground and 5 below ground is made up of 2 retail areas and 3,500 m2 of offices. TPF Luxembourg was particularly involved with bringing the installations up to compliance with safety standards. We should mention that occupation of the building was not interrupted during the renovation work. ◊ MUNICIPAL HALL / Eschweiller

Mission also accomplished in Eschweiller where our subsidiary provided the studies for the heat, wind and electrical installations of the events hall. ◊ Opération Centre Étoile / Luxembourg

This year, TPF Luxembourg produced all the technical utilities studies for the construction of a new office building of some 8,500 m2. The project is under way and handover is scheduled for 2012. ◊ Construction of a school complex / Dahl - Goesdorf

In 2010 we won the public contract for the construction of a high environmental quality school complex of 8,500 m2 in Dahl. This will bring together a primary school, crèche, canteen, and sports centre. The technical studies are continuing. Barring anything unforeseen occurring, the work should begin in 2012.

Amongst the new projects that appeared this year, we should mention the redevelopment of the Dexia bank branch in Esch-sur-Alzette. 01

This covers a surface area of some 1,100 m2 and is located in the existing building. In this case, this means replacing, modernising and separating all the technical utilities. The renovation work, carried out in several phases, will extend over 18 months.


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01. West Side Village / Mamer Capellen - 02. Construction of a school complex / Dahl



[formerly E&L Architects] 2011 was a calm year in Poland. Although it is true that this year our Polish subsidiary has now put the emphasis on road projects, it has not ignored its other activity, building. 2011 marks not only the successful completion of the first two contracts obtained in the transport infrastructures sector [the new “Sosnica-Belk” section of the A1 motorway in the Silesia region and the new section of the S8 expressway between the Konotapa and Prymasa Tysiaclecia junctions on the outskirts of Warsaw] as well as the launch of the construction project of the New Jutrzenki office building in Warsaw.

Our Polish engineering company working in synergy with our Portuguese subsidiary TPF Planege, has started up large road projects. Although some sites have been completed this year, others are still under way. Amongst those, some are worth a special mention.

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ Construction of the S-2 expressway relating to the Konotopa - Pulawska section and the construction of the road link to MPL Okecie and Marynarska [S-79] /s Warsaw

Last year, we announced the signing of a prestigious contract relating to the construction of an additional motorway section of the Poznan-Warsaw-Lodz-Biala Podlaska A2 crossing Warsaw. The middle part of the S-2 expressway together with the S-79 will assure direct access to Warsaw’s international airport. Carrying out this project covers the following work: building of 2 sections of a 6-lane [2 roads with 3 lanes each] express-way S-2 and S-79, 4 interchanges, building of many engineering structures such as bridges, viaducts, pedestrian footbridges and rail tunnels. The work is progressing on schedule. ◊ Construction of the A1 motorway / Stryków - Tuszyn section

At the same time, the construction of the section of the A1 motorway between Stryków and Tuszyn, currently in the design

stage, should be put into service by 2013. We should however mention that the A1 motorway, one of the four major axes of the future Polish road network, is part of the trans-European transport network. In addition to the construction of a new two-lane 37.28 km long motorway, the programme also plans for the construction of 4 trumpet interchanges, the rebuilding of some local roads, the development of 4 services areas as well as the construction of traffic safety devices, management and monitoring systems, the environmental protection devices [acoustic baffles, devices for water-purification, protective greenery] and 3 stations of toll collection on interchanges. ◊ Development of the A4 motorway / Wrocklaw - Sosnica section

This project consists of improving the A4 motorway between Wrocklaw and Sosnica with a view to allowing the contract-holder to start taking tolls from 2013. The scope of works includes constructions work of toll collection system [Toll Station [PPO] and Toll Plaza [SPO]] and construction of Emergency System Devices. The range of investments includes also building 1 Service Area, 1 rebuilding Service Area and construction of Traffic Data System. It is up to our Polish team to carry out the role of project manager and to supervise the work. ◊ Modernisation of the access road to the port of Szczecin

This year, work began on modernising Struga Street, one of the city’s main road arteries connecting to the port of Szczecin. For


this large-scale project, the construction site has been divided into two phases II and III. Phase II involves, among others, the reconstruction of 1.1 km of Struga Street, the construction of two viaducts, new sidewalks and bicycle lanes, the reconstruction of the underground infrastructures as well as installing lighting systems. Phase III concerns the reconstruction of 1.5 km of Struga Street, the construction of a large roundabout at the junction of Struga, Pomorska and Zwierzyniecka Streets and the construction of a flyover on a roundabout. We shall have to wait until 2013 to see the project finalised.


◊ Regional road no. 732 - Stary Gózd - Przytyk section

This year the regional road no. 732 was brought back to life. Car drivers and cyclists can now use this road with more comfort and in complete safety. The objective of this project was three-fold: to make the technical parameters of regional road no. 732 comply with the class C standards, to increase its capacity to make it comply with the requirements determined by the KR - category 4 traffic classification and finally, to correct the geometrical deficiencies of the road. Amongst the work carried out, we should list: the demolition of the existing pavement structure and the construction of a new pavement structure along with the foundation, the construction of new roundabouts and the reconstruction of some intersections, the construction of inlet cross roads, new culverts under crown roads, cross roads and exits, the construction of new sidewalks, exits, bus bays and parking spaces, and the improvements to the drainage system, road markings and vertical road.



◊ Construction of the Ken Avenue / Warsaw

In 2011, our Polish subsidiary was also involved in the construction of the Ken avenue on the section from Wałbrzyska Street to the border of Ursynów in Warsaw with two carriageways of 2 lanes each, sidewalks on both sides and bike path located on the eastern side. The range of investments includes: construction street [road class: Z], reconstruction of the local street Batuty-Sonaty, construction of the bridge length of 176,6 m, construction of the bridge for the bike path and sidewalk, streets drainage, street lighting and traffic lights system at the intersection from National Education Commission Avenue to Batuty Street.


Before closing this look back at the news from Poland, we should have a brief look at the services we have provided in the building sector. 05

◊ New Jutrzenki building / Warsaw


01. S2 - S79 Road project - 02. Development of the A4 motorway / WROCKLAW SOSNICA section - 03. Modernisation of the access road to the port of SZCZECIN - 04. Regional road no. 732 / STARY GÓZD - PRZYTYK section 05. Ken Avenue / WARSAW - 06. New Jutrzenki building / WARSAW

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The New Jutrzenki Office Building is an exemplary Project, where the distinguished quality of contemporary architecture meets the very high economic and environmental merits! Located in one of the fastest-growing districts of Warsaw, near the major traffic routes’ junction, the new Jutrzenki Office Building is a final supplement to existing Jutrzenki Business Park, forming a very prominent, 3 building office Complex. The Building has c.a. 2,500 square meters of office space to rent, located on 4 regularly shaped storeys. There are 2 underground levels on garage, accommodating 70 parking places, with another 50 parking lots available on the spacious plot of land, in front of the building. The Jutrzenki Office Building is one of the very few fully environmentally friendly business developments in Warsaw, which was further confirmed by BREEAM certificate, with the “very good” mark.

EUROPE / portugal

TPF PLANEGE In a situation with Europe still in the depths of the recession, our Portuguese subsidiary can nevertheless report excellent successes. These are concentrated in the building sector as well as in road and maritime infrastructures. The dynamism and excellence of our experts have contributed towards strengthening the brand image of TPF Planege.

EN301 km 13+390



manilha metálica


manilha metálica

estrutura de apoio da manilha ensecadeira



Our team has occupied itself in the development of road infrastructures, both on the mainland and on the island of Madeira. We should mention three particularly interesting projects:

corte transversal

the supports being able to reach 148 m, crosses the valley at a height of 134 m. As the leader of the consortium comprising the Pengest design company, our Portuguese subsidiary is responsible for supervising the construction work and safety coordination. We should mention that three teams of topographers and experts are in charge of checking the bitumen and concrete layers, as well as the earthworks, in an on-site laboratory.

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ A4 Motorway - Marão Tunnel / Portugal

Two years have passed since the start of the work for improving the motorway axis between Amarante and Vila Real over a length of 29.9 km. This section is located in the mountainous and winding region of northern Portugal, on one of the main motorway axes connecting Portugal and Spain. This colossal project comprises several constituents including the construction of a 5.6 km twin tunnel through the Serra do Marão, the longest tunnel on the Iberian peninsula. Its construction has required the use of explosives, the removal of 1,900,000 m3 of rubble and the casting of some 281,000 m3 of concrete. Several technical processes have been used for reinforcing the walls: studding, the use of shotcrete reinforced with stainless steel fibres, fitting reinforcement sections, etc. The project also includes the construction of 27 new structures and 14 viaducts, amongst them the V3 viaduct, the largest one on the Marão motorway, and also one of the largest in Portugal. Spanning around 910 m, this road structure, with distances between

◊ VARIANT to the Madalena do Mar road / Madeira

This new link road around the village of Madalena do Mar, in the south-west of the island of Madeira, consists of linking two express lanes over a distance of 3,500 m. This is a huge construction site on which a large number of operations will have to be carried out: the construction of two roundabouts, a 56 m long bridge, and two 7 m tunnels with two lanes. We should also mention that these two tunnels [1,535 m and 1,910 m] have five escape tunnels, 9 m wide, with lengths varying from 200 m to 490 m. For the second consecutive year, TPF Planege is carrying out the supervision of the construction work here, as well as safety coordination, to the great satisfaction of the contracting authority, RAMEDM-Estradas da Madeira. In 2011, the 1,910 m long two-lane tunnel was opened to road traffic. The completion of the work is scheduled for autumn 2012.

As we mentioned last year, the contractor responsible for the roads in Portugal, EP- Estradas de Portugal, is planning to renovate the engineering structures on its network, including a dozen bridges and pontoons. We will now have a look at the project for rebuilding the bridge [65 m long] over the river Jamor, located in Cruz Quebrada, on the outskirts of Lisbon. The objective for this is two-fold: to define the techniques for reinforcing the structure [roadway, piles, abutments and foundations] and to raise the roadway with 7 hydraulic jacks [made up of two jacks with a traction capacity of 225 tonnes and five others with a traction capacity of 200 tonnes], allowing the supporting structure to be replaced. We should mention that this jacking operation will be carried out in several phases. The last twelve months have been the opportunity for drawing up inspection reports with the purpose of showing up the anomalies and pathologies of the engineering structures and of suggesting the technical solutions to be implemented for conserving these structures.

We now turn back to this emblematic road renovation project, described later, which was such big news for TPF Planege. In fact we return back home after a short period away in Mozambique!

◊ Renovation of the N260 trunk road between Chimoio-Espungabera / Mozambique

The project in question, started by the National Roads Administration [ANE], will be set up in the province of Manica. It concerns the renovation of the N260 trunk road connecting the towns of Chimoio and Espungabera at a distance of 228 km. In total, the work will include the renovation of the existing road and widening it to 9.4 m, excavation work, earthworks and surfacing, the construction of two new bridges, the renovation of four concrete bridges, correcting the camber, drainage work as well producing and installing signage and road markings. The

objective of this project is to promote the development of agriculture in the neighbouring areas, to improve traffic between Chimoio and the frontier with Zimbabwe, and by the same, to improve the social and economic development of this region, as well as tourism. 30 months have been scheduled for the completion of the work.


◊ Renovation of the Portuguese road network

In Portugal itself, TPF Planege’ activity has not just concerned buildings. Here, TPF Planege has mainly occupied itself in the supervision of work for modernising the school infrastructures of the secondary education system, and in the design of the renovation project for the “O Trabalho” building in Figueira da Foz.

◊ Modernisation of the school infrastructures of the secondary education network / Portugal

In 2009, TPF Planege won a contract for the monitoring and control of the work relating to the modernisation of six schools, as well as the construction of new buildings for increasing the student capacity of these schools. This is an investment representing a surface area of 46,000 m2 located in the northern and western areas of Lisbon and in the Sintra and Caldas da Rainha regions. After three years of intense work and sustained effort, the renovation of the five first schools is nearing completion. We have had to carry out the reorganisation of the surfaces, reinforcement of the structures, renovation of the interior surfaces, installation of renewable energy systems, and last but not least, the complete redesign of the electrical installations, water system, drains and telecommunications system. Still as part of the government programme for modernising its schools, this year our engineering company has started up a technical support contract in the start-up phase of the construction work.

01-02. Renovation of the Portuguese road network - 03-04-05. A4 Motorway - Marão Tunnel




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TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011







EUROPE / portugal

This project consists of the renovation of a building used for commercial purpose, currently unoccupied, with a view to making it a mixed-use building [shops and housing]. Located on the coastline, in the Centre region of Portugal, this 11,400 m2 building spread over 7 upper storeys and 2 underground levels was built in the 1990s and is made up of a reinforced concrete structure. This major change of use will require, in particular, the demolition of the floor slabs, the installation of access staircases to the apartments [mostly duplex] and construction of new floor slabs for the commercial part. Given the scale of the deterioration to the building’s structure, the work will be on a large scale. TPF Planege has been awarded a number of assignments: inspection of the existing structure with a view to reinforcing it, identification of anomalies and proposed technical solutions, bringing up to standards regarding structural safety, and finally the study relating to the construction of new structures.

01-02. Marina / Moita - 03. Extension of the port of Lisbon - 04. Project for supplying drinking water to the island of Madeira / COVAS Reservoir 05. Modernisation of the school infrastructures 06. Renovation of the N260 trunk road between Chimoio-Espungabera / Mozambique


◊ Renovation of the “O Trabalho” building / Figueira da Foz

Apart from carrying out projects relating to building and road infrastructures, TPF Planege has also carried out several assignments relating to the improvement of maritime structures in Portugal, and in Madeira the drinking water supply.

◊ Moita Marina / Portugal

In Moita, the Lisbon Port Authority [PAL] would like to improve the navigation conditions in two areas that have become particularly silted up and to construct a canal providing access to the current installations of the shipyard. In order to deal with the huge problem of silting up, major dredging work has been carried out. In total, 100,000 m3 of materials have been dredged in the two areas concerned, covering a total surface area of 206,400 m2. In addition, this project includes other operations, such as holding and settling tanks for the dredged materials, as well as the installation of the maritime signage. TPF Planege, the leader of the consortium comprising the design company Iperplan and the WW company, has been made responsible for firstly carrying out the supervision of the health and safety coordination, and secondly, carrying out the environmental supervision and monitoring the water quality using microbiological, physicochemical and organic parameters. ◊ Extension of the port of Lisbon / Portugal

The objective that TPF Planege set itself in 2007 has now been reached. This year saw the completion of the development project for a new cruise ship terminal, 650 m long, located in the extension to the Jardim do Tabaco dock. Our Portuguese subsidiary has worked in close cooperation with the design company Iperplano and is pleased to have provided its expertise relating to the supervision, safety coordination, and environmental monitoring. Aware of the economic importance cruise ships have for Lisbon, the Lisbon Port Authority has launched a new project: the construction of a new terminal that will be located in an extension to the current Santa Apolónia terminal, so bringing the total length of the docking quay to 1,586 m. We should also mention that the design is under way for a new passenger terminal. ◊ Project for supplying drinking water to the town of Ribeira Brava / island of Madeira

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At a total cost of one million euros, this project, co-financed by the European Union is part of the Operational Programme for promoting the economic potential and regional development for the island of Madeira. It aims to improve access to drinking water and so to contribute to the improvement in the living conditions for the people of Ribeira Brava, a small town located on the southern coast of Madeira. In addition to the construction of a reinforced concrete reservoir with a capacity of 2,000 m3, the project also includes connection of the pipes to the municipal distribution network and the infrastructures to be put in place for the IGA’s remote meter reading system. We should mention that it is the Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Natural Resources, through the intermediary of the IGA [Investimentos e Gestão da Agua S.A.] that has appointed us for carrying out the supervision and management of the construction work of this structure that is remarkable in many respects.

EUROPE / portugal

PROSISTEMAS This year, the TPF group has extended its field of activity in Portugal. With the acquisition of the ProSistemas engineering company, the expertise of a new partner in hydraulic engineering, dams, water, agriculture, environment, and renewable energies is added to the group.

In 2011, ProSistemas was particularly involved in several large dam projects in Portugal, as well as in Madeira, Algeria and Tunisia.

year has been used not only for carrying out tests on the materials to be used in the body of the dam [25 m high], but also for starting the detailed preliminary designs. ◊ Béja dam / TunisiA

◊ Foz Tua hydroelectric dam / Portugal

It is as part of the Portuguese National Dam Plan with the objective of constructing 10 new dams with high hydroelectric potential that the Foz Tua concrete dam will see the light of day in 2015. The EDP - Gestão da Produção de Energia SA company has awarded ProSistemas the environmental monitoring for this structure with an installed capacity of 251 MW and whose average gross production will be 585 GWh per year. The monitoring relates to the measures prescribed by the national programme concerning the climate, air quality, noise, hydrodynamics and sediment transport, the layout of the site and the use of the soil, but also on a social and economic level as well.

Still in the north of Tunisia, around a hundred kilometres from the capital, the town of Béja will also be having a new 45 m high dam. It construction will allow firstly, the increase of the water supply for the urban areas, and by the same, the extension of the distribution network of the Tunisian National Water Distribution Company [SONEDE], and secondly, the irrigation of the neighbouring agricultural areas. The balance sheet for these last twelve months is proving to be positive because our team has not only been able to successfully finalise the second phase of the survey work, the hydrological, geological and geotechnical designs and the preliminary overview, but also to carry out the geological and geotechnical surveys of the dam. ◊ Flood control / Madeira

◊ Guilhofrei - Penide - Vilar - Varosa - Andorinhas dams / Portugal

In June 2011, EDP also chose us for producing designs targeted on the safety instructions to be set up in the valleys downstream in the event of a breach to the Guilhofrei, Penide, Vilar, Varosa and Andorinhas dams, taking the legislation in force into account. At the same time, we were asked to draw up emergency situation prevention and management plans anticipating the measures to be taken at the structure itself, the communication and instrumentation systems in the event of a breach or failure of the structures.

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ Pisco - Penha Garcia - Penedo Redondo Corgas-Aguas do Centro dams / PORTUGAL

The purpose of the contract is two-fold. Firstly, it relates to producing studies on the operation and maintenance of the Pisco, Penha Garcia, Penedo Redondo and Corgas-Aguas do Centro dams. Secondly, it relates to producing designs for the renovation of the associated structures and their equipment on the one hand, and then the improvement to the accessibility to the observation systems. ◊ Chafrou dam / TunisiA

In the north of Tunisia, more precisely in the Manouba region, ProSistemas is involved in the engineering designs concerning the construction of the Chafrou dam. Located on the wadi of the same name, flowing from the right bank of the Medjerda, the intention of this structure is to play an essential role in controlling water levels and floods, as well as the irrigation of the plain. This

Following the torrential rains that fell on the island in 2010, causing flooding and landslides, a renovation plan and a plan for controlling the Funchal - Santa Luzia and João Gomes rivers was soon put in place. An ambitious gamble to say the least, as pointed out by our experts. In 2011 suitable measures were taken so that this dramatic situation would not happen again in the future. In total, 8 dams have been studied to hold back solid material and 22 bridges have been renovated. Finally, the riverbeds have been levelled over a distance of 10 km.

Regarding the water supply, wastewater treatment and irrigation, ProSistemas can line up several excellent projects and pride itself on a wonderful performance. Let’s have a look at them now.

◊ Guadiana Sul drinking water supply / Portugal

The construction of this drinking water supply system will allow the needs to be met of the 70,600 inhabitants who live in the towns of Serpa, Mértola, Mora and Barrancos. When completed, the whole network will represent 323 km of pipes, including an existing section of 125 km, The studies produced by our Portuguese team aim to improve the supply of drinking water, to extend and renovate the Enxoé water treatment plant, to construct 5 new reservoirs and 2 pumping stations, to install 60 km of supply pipes and finally, to renovate 16 existing reservoirs.




ProSistemas has been called on as part of the designs for drawing up protection perimeters for drinking water catchments in order to list, from existing restrictions, the natural and man-made constraints linked to the water tables and to compile information in a GIS [Geographic Information System] format. The area of operation concerns three contract holding companies in particular who are responsible for managing the drinking water supply systems in Portugal, 83 towns and cities and 116 underground and surface catchments.


◊ Protection perimeters for drinking water catchments / Portugal

◊ Multipurpose Project - Alqueva / Portugal

The Alqueva dam, or the Alqueva Multipurpose Project to give it its official name, has allowed the creation of a large water reservoir in the Guadiana basin, one of the driest and hottest regions in Portugal. As for our assignment, this year has seen the completion of the project for constructing irrigation areas at Brinches-Enxoé, Caliços-Moura, São Matias and Baleizão [a total surface area of 23,400 hectares], also comprising environmental impact surveys. Our Portuguese subsidiary is also working as part of a technical support contract relating to the structures of the irrigation blocks in Pedrógão and Ervidel [a total surface area of 13,160 hectares] and the construction of the Serpa dam. We should finally mention that an environmental impact survey relating to the regrouping of agricultural lands has been carried out successfully. 04

We could not end this look back over 2011 without leaving the best part to wind farm projects that we hold particularly dear. ◊ In 2011, ProSistemas carried out an environmental survey on



wind farm and electricity power lines at the Arada/Montemuro Chavães-Sendim, Mendoiro-Bustavade, Picoto-S.Silvestre, Serra do Sico, Tendais, Casais, Vila Nova, and Douro Sud sites. The objective was to ensure compliance with all environmental standards and directives. The items subject to a particular survey were the noise level and the archaeological potential of the sites. Environmental monitoring also has to be carried out in order to verify the actual impact on the birdlife, flora, wolves, and bats.



01. GUILHOFREI dam - 02. BÉJA dam - 03. FOZ TUA hydroelectric dam 04. PENHA GARCIA dam - 05. JOÃO GOMES river - 06. Protection perimeters for drinking water catchments / PORTUGAL - 07. Alqueva Multipurpose project / Enxoé - 08. SERPA dam - 09. Wind farm / VILA NOVA

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EUROPE / romania

TPF Romania In Romania, 2011 was characterised by a noticeable return to growth. At the same time, TPF Romania has not stopped making progress by signing new contracts in the hospital and road infrastructures sectors. So, various large-scale projects have been started this year, others are taking shape or have been completed to the great satisfaction of the clients.

◊ Renovation of the road infrastructure / Amara

Mission successfully accomplished in Amara, a small town located around a hundred kilometres to the north-east of Bucharest, for our Romanian team who has been occupied for 18 months in the supervision of the rehabilitation of approximately 30 km of roads, sidewalks, green areas, road signaling, sewerage networks, as well as the construction of a rain water collection basin with a capacity of 1,000 m3. No doubt that this new infrastructure will constitute an essential asset for the development of tourism in the region, which as a reminder, is well-known for its superb beach resort. ◊ Water treatment / Giurgiu

To the south of Bucharest, the acknowledged expertise of TPF Romania in the water treatment sector has allowed it to take part, for the fourth consecutive year, in the conclusion of public contracts for the construction of wastewater treatment plants and pumping stations, as well as the extension of the water and wastewater networks in Giurgiu County. We should mention that this project is considered a pilot project for the absorption of the EU Cohesion Funds. Since 2008, a team of 17 experts have been working every day supervising the various construction sites which should be completed by the summer of 2013. ◊ Rehabilitation of the road network / BucHarest

Amongst the other significant events of this year, we should mention the launch, in July 2011, of the rehabilitation work of Bucharest’s road infrastructure. This project consists of renovating, in 24 months, eleven important roads in the capital, as well as renovating the rainwater collection system. Traffic will continue to circulate around this huge construction site, the supervision of which has been awarded to us by the Municipality of Bucharest.

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ The “Prof. Dr. Dan Theodorescu” University Hospital of Stomatology / BucHarest

01. Water treatment / giurgiu - 02. Renovation of the road infrastructure / Amara - 03. Hospital / BUCHAREST

The Bucharest Hospitals Administration designated TPF Romania as consultant for the construction of an Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery Hospital in the centre of Bucharest. The projects aims to build a 4,000 m2 5-floor and 2 underground levels building, with a capacity of 80 beds, for medical services such as ambulatory services, surgical units, a laboratory, administrative services, as well as a stomatology techniques teaching unit. In 2011, TPF Romania’s mission was to check the preliminary studies and to prepare the tender documentation for the works contract. This important project for the Romanian capital will be finalized in 2013 with the construction works supervision.

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TPF UKRAINE Wanting to extend its range to new horizons, the TPF Group has set foot in Ukraine. The opening of its new subsidiary, TPF Ukraine, will strengthen its base in Eastern Europe. Thanks to the arrival of this new multidisciplinary team specialising in residential and industrial building, logistics, and infrastructures, the range of services offered by TPF will now be multiplied.

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011


01. Boutique Hotel / LVIV - 02-03. Galicia / LVIV 04. Flowserve / Samara



◊ Galicia / Lviv

The project of 400 apartments is totally innovative for Western Ukraine. It is a unique project in terms of correlation quality and price as all TPF Ukraine’s architectural and engineering design has made market changer in the Residential apartment sector in Ukraine. The complete design is based on Western European experience in Residential developments but combined with local standards like smaller sized apartments. For the engineering we used proven simple technologies but we focused mainly on energy saving solutions because also in the Ukraine the energy prices are climbing and become important for all habitants. The construction site will start in 2012 and will be completed 36 months later. ◊ Boutique Hotel / Lviv

This complex built in 1910 and located in the very center of Lviv needs to be transformed into a 4-star Boutique Hotel. TPF Ukraine

has full mission going from concept, design and architecture, interior architecture and full engineering together with all management services for a Lviv based developer. The project has a very tight execution schedule because the delivery of the hotel is foreseen by mid of December 2012. ◊ Rynok Plaza / Lviv

Located on main Square in Lviv, this building requires complete renovation. Due to local regulations and an overall Unesco protection of all facades in the City Centre of Lviv, this renovation needs to be carried out with a lot of attention and specialized know how, which TPF Ukraine is offering thanks to its amount of specialized in-house architects and engineers supported by the worldwide TPF specialists. ◊ Flowserve / Samara - Russia

The expertise of our Ukrainian team regarding particularly complex structures has earned it the privilege of winning its first contract in Russia. TPF Ukraine is responsible for executing the full conceptual design and tender documentation relating to a Quick Repair Centre for the Flowserve company, a leader in the global industrial pumps market. The developer for this project is a Swiss based company Kestrell. This 3,000 m2 industrial building has a higher degree of structural difficulty to serve its purpose.



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Straightaway we can talk of a positive account sheet for this first year of existence because it lists some excellent projects relating to both the residential and hotel sectors in Ukraine, as well as to the industrial sector in Russia. These are worth highlighting.


TPF ALGÉRIE In Algeria, the balance sheet for the year proves to be interesting and profitable in many respects. In the railway sector, the large scale and diversity of the projects in which our Algerian subsidiary has taken part is proof of its expertise and the confidence that both the Ministry of Transport and the national Algerian agency for the design, supervision and construction of rail investments [ANESRIF] have in us. Regarding hydraulic infrastructures, activity was intense at the construction site for the Chertioua dam. Finally, during this year, the complementarity between our subsidiaries TPF Algérie, TPF Planege and ProSistemas were considerably strengthened to the great benefit of our various operations.

We will now look at the events over the last twelve months:

◊ Modernisation of the eastern mine railway

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

Modernising the Algerian rail network has become an absolute necessity, taking into account the dilapidated state of the existing infrastructure. Amongst the construction sites currently under way, we should single out the 305 km mine railway linking Annaba with Djebel Onk, which comprises five separate sections. Used for mine traffic, this single track line connects the iron mines at Boukhadra and Ouenza and the phosphate mines at Djebel. Although its construction goes back to 1884, the partially electrified line had to wait until 1946 before it was completed on its current route. The track is very winding and hilly due to the very mountainous relief of the region. Wanting to improve the traffic conditions for the railway vehicles and the transport of iron and phosphate minerals to the port of Annaba, the ANESRIF intends to replace the superstructure of the railway [rails, crossings, ballast, signalling, and electrification]. Our teams’ tasks are firstly to analyse and approve the construction files, and secondly to manage, control and supervise the work. ◊ Doubling the Annaba - Ramdane Djamel railway line

The work relating to the doubling of the railway line connecting Annaba to Ramdane Djamel over 96 km is part of the modernisation of the Annaba-Alger-Oran rail route, intended to reduce travelling time and to improve rail safety. Such a project requires the implementation of a series of building and civil engineering operations such as, in particular: fitting new tracks, construction of around thirty civil engineering structures including two tunnels and two viaducts [with a length of 120 m and 700 m] and the construction of two stations. No less than 15 technicians have been mobilised this year to carry out the supervision of the work, with the support of our Portuguese subsidiary, TPF Planege.






◊ New HIGH Plateaux railway line

Amongst the projects in the Algerian railway modernisation plan, there is the project for a new single track railway line in the High Plateaux, with a length of 185 km connecting Relizan and Tissemsilt with the various towns of the High Plateaux region. The ANESRIF, under the supervision of the Ministry of Transport, has a fund of some 936 million euros available for this new construction. Designed for mixed traffic [passengers and freight], this involves in particular, new infrastructures [7 passenger stations and 7 maintenance buildings], new civil engineering structures [five tunnels and several bridges], as well as the renovation of the existing structures. The duration of the work has been set at 54 months, and on completion, the maximum speed the trains will be able to reach will be 160 kph. The assignment given to our Algerian team consists of supervising and controlling the work.

01. Eastern mine railway - 02-03. Doubling the Annaba - Ramdane Djamel railway line 04. New High Plateaux railway line 05. CHERTIOUA dam

◊ Chertioua dam

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In a completely different sector, hydraulics, we should mention this other excellent example of the synergy between our Algerian subsidiary TPF Algérie and our Portuguese ProSistemas. This year, our Algerian team has contributed, with its technical support to the Portuguese engineering company, to the Chertioua dam construction project, located in Bordj Zemmoura, a town in the Algerian wilaya of Bordj Bou Arreridj. This 48 m high structure will guarantee irrigation for the neighbouring agricultural lands. Other designs have been drawn up as part of this contract and are currently under way. They mainly refer to the protection against erosion of the water catchment area, the risk of a breach to the structure from a rise in the water level and the environmental impact.

AFRICA / angola

TPF ANGOLA Buoyed by a booming economy, the Angolan government has decided to devote itself in particular to the reconstruction and development of its infrastructures: public buildings, railways, hospitals, housing, roads, etc. From this point of view, we can admire the feats accomplished by our Angolan subsidiary.

Whether it is supervising construction work, drawing up urbanisation plans, rural development plans or master plans, our technicians and engineers have worked hard over time to carry out their assignments well and to clinch new contracts. We can judge for ourselves with this look at all the activity carried out in 2011.

◊ Urbanisation plan for the town of Dundo

As part of the Angolan national urbanisation and housing programme, the Chinese company Pan-China Construction Ltd has drawn up an urbanisation plan defining the land use regulations relating to the physical expansion of the town of Dundo, located in the northeast of the province of Lunda Norte, on the Congolese border. TPF Angola has been called on in order to make this plan comply with the Angolan legislation in force. Extending over an area of 500 hectares, this new area is organised according to a radial structure, where the centre is mainly reserved for infrastructures [education, health, administration, hotels, shops, etc.], recreation areas, and public facilities. Away from the centre, the urban space will be reserved for residential buildings. This new town will soon be home to 90,000 people. The whole project plans for the construction of 5,000 apartments in buildings of 5, 9, 11, or 18 storeys.

◊ Rural development plans for the towns of Jamba, Dongo, Quê and Cutenda

In the same way, we should point out the public investment programme launched by the Angolan government. Its implementation is ensured through a series of municipal projects integrated with rural development and the fight against poverty contributing to the improvement in the social economic, infrastructure and living conditions of the rural populations in the 18 provinces that make up Angola. Amongst these, there is one that we hold particularly dear: the one at Huilae. And for good reason! Our Angolan teams, in close cooperation with our Portuguese subsidiary ProSistemas, took part in the rural development project of the towns of Jamba, Dongo, Quê and Cutenda [11,637 km2 in total for a population 216,000 inhabitants], the main objective of which is to promote the sustainable management of the land resources. We should mention however that our assignment is now concentrated on the basic designs, strategical analysis and defining the development plan. ◊ Municipal master plan for the town of Huambo

Placed under the aegis of the provincial government of Huambo, drawing up the municipal master plan for Huambo laying out the main urban development axes of the towns of Chipipa and Calima [2,720 km2 in total for a population of 1.3 million inhabitants] constitutes another priority of the Angolan public investment programme. This plan has to serve as the strategic reference framework for the urban and rural development projects.

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ Quiculungo urbanisation plan

We should mention this other urbanisation project developed by the government of the Province of Kwanza Norte in Quiculungo. This is an area of 28.42 hectares on which it is planned to build 200 single family housing units [built surface area of 20,000 m2]. The completion of this project will make the various facilities of the town [administration, education, health, sport, leisure activities, etc.], retail areas, business areas, green spaces, parking areas and public transport facilities, available to the 1,200 residents.

To draw up a suitable ground occupation plan, to allocate the various zones of the plan, to define the various urban development axes and the urbanisation tools: these are some of the assignments that we are carrying out.


◊ New towns of Cabinda, Zango 1, km 44 and Capari 01

Emphasis must also be put on the construction project of four new towns located in the outskirts of Luanda, part of the “One million houses for 2012” Angolan national urbanisation and housing programme. This housing project, developed by SONIP Imobiliária e Propriedades Lda, will respond to the problem of overpopulation that the Angolan capital is suffering from, to the benefit of around 10,500 families. By winning this new contract for the coordination and supervision of the construction work, the consortium formed by TPF Angola and TPF Planege is strengthening its status as a partner in housing programmes in Angola. At the end of 2011, we were able to celebrate the progress made on this huge construction site because around 30 % of the buildings had been completed.


In addition to its contribution to projects relating to urban and rural development, our Angolan subsidiary has been able to highlight its skills relating to architecture and stability.


◊ Data processing centres and logistics platforms

This year, TPF Angola, with the support of our subsidiary TPF Planege, has worked on drawing up several architecture projects concerning the construction of five data processing and logistics centres for the provinces of Cabinda, Zaire, Uíge, Bengo and Cuanza-Nord in the north of Angola. In total, this concerns some 20,000 m2 of construction. The assignments given to us by the Regional Administration of the Government of the Republic of Angola cover both the design of the administration and storage areas as well as the construction phase.



◊ Urban requalification of Luanda and Malange


07 01-02. Urbanisation plan for the town of DUNDO - 03. urbanisation plan / Quiculungo - 04. Rural development plans for the town of JAMBA 05. Municipal master plan for the town of HUAMBO - 06. New town of ZANGO 07. Data processing centres and logistics platforms

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To bring life back to the depressed areas of Luanda and Malange is the ambitious project that is worth a mention here. As far as we are concerned, it relates to renovating and/or strengthening the reinforced concrete structure of five collective housing units [3 of which are located in Luanda and the other two in Malange] which are in an advanced state of deterioration: more precisely buildings from 4 to 7 storeys with a total built surface area of 11,396 m2. The work and in-depth surveys, carried out jointly with our Portuguese subsidiary TPF Planege, aim to examine the existing structures, to identify anomalies [deterioration of materials, corrosion to the armatures, waterproofing problems, etc.] and to provide suitable technical solutions. In addition, the structural renovation of the buildings will accompany the modernisation of the gas, water, electricity and air-conditioning installations, as well as the sewer system. To carry out the work whilst preserving the original architecture of the facades, by promoting the building heritage, and improving the living conditions for the Angolans, these are the issues for this project initiated by the Ministry of Urbanism and Construction [MINUC].

AFRICA / morocco

PYRAMIDE Ingénierie The actions led by Pyramide Ingénierie this year provide confirmation of its skill and great interest in the building sector. Large-scale projects, whether relating to commercial buildings, school, sports and tourism infrastructures as well as residential housing, have seen the light of day.

Drawing its strength from its expertise acquired over just the last ten years, Pyramide Ingénerie is able to operate in all phases of the project, from its initial idea up to its completion. A brief look here at all of its activity in 2011 will confirm this for you:



TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ Bab Al Bahr mixed-use building programme / Bouregreg valley

We have already informed you about this project last year. This huge mixed-use building programme with a floor space of almost 500,000 m2 is located on an area of 70 hectares [30 of which will be built on] around the estuary of the river Bouregreg, in the centre of the conurbation of Rabat-Salé. On completion, six districts providing a wide range of luxury residential units and hotels, various commercial buildings as well as a business park will have been constructed here. In partnership with the British firm of architects Foster & Partners and the contracting authority, the “Bouregreg Valley Development Agency”, Pyramide has continued with the technical designs for the whole construction







◊ Cité des Arts / Casablanca

Near to the Hassan II Great Mosque, the Cité des Arts should open in 2016. With an area of 61,970 m2, it will be home to a variety of luxury residential buildings, shops and spaces for artistic expression. So this cultural centre will welcome artists, teachers and professionals from any sector wanting to take part in exhibitions, seminars, concerts or shows. Barring unforeseen hitches, the construction work should start in 2012. ◊ Casa Green Town / Casablanca

To the south of Casablanca, near to the Bouskoura forest, work is progressing according to schedule. A total urban development project launched by the Compagnie Générale Immobilière [CGI], Casa Green Town will provide a real breath of fresh air to Casablanca. This new green town intends to be a space that is open to nature and well-being where life will be organised around collective and individual residential buildings, a mixed urban centre, an 18-hole golf course, hotel, spa, clubhouse and university campus. Pyramide Ingénerie has made its contribution as a design company for the whole construction, providing the designs and supervising the construction work of some 830 detached houses and 650 apartments. The project is based around several islets. Whilst work has already started on some of these, for others the call for tenders or preliminary designs are still under way. The whole thing will be finalised in 2013. ◊ International University of Rabat [UIR]

On 14 September 2010, King Mohammed VI laid the first stone of the International University of Rabat [UIR]. 15 months later, the work is making good progress. The result of a public-private partnership, the UIR will be the first private Moroccan university under contract to the Moroccan state. Almost 110 million euros will be spent in order to accommodate five thousand students by 2015. This centre of excellence will combine teaching and research, and will cover an area of 20 hectares. In addition to the buildings used for research, the project plans for the construction of a library, university hall of residence, sports complex and living areas. It is as an engineering company for the whole construction that Pyramide Ingénerie has been called on to carry out the studies, control, coordination and supervision of the work.

Apart from the orders obtained in the residential sector, 2011 has been a good year for sport. In this area, the prospects are promising for our Moroccan engineering company, which has won important contracts such as the construction of the Grand Stade de Casablanca stadium and the Marrakech Golf City. Here is a closer look at them.


of the first four districts. Regarding districts 1, 2 and 3, the preliminary designs are progressing and developing favourably. The work should commence by 2012. In addition, this year will see the start of the heavy building work relating to the fourth district.

◊ Grand Stade de Casablanca stadium

The future Grand Stade de Casablanca stadium has been designed by the Moroccan-Korean consortium of Said-Belahmer and Space Group Co Ltd. It will be erected in the town of Lahraouine in an area of 64 hectares. With a capacity of 80,000 seats, this veritable centre of sporting excellence will be equipped with around a hundred boxes, a 4-star hotel, a sports medical centre, exhibition park, retail centre, sports museum, as well as an additional 10,000 seat infrastructure with an athletics track. The Pyramide - Diagonale - AAA consortium has been chosen for carrying out the project management support. The construction work should start in 2012 for completion in 2016. ◊ Marrakech Golf City

Our assignment consists of controlling and monitoring all of the construction work for the construction of 75,000 m2 of apartments. Built in accordance with the greatest respect for Moroccan tradition combining modern comfort and contemporary design, this prestigious golf resort located right in the centre of Marrakech, on the Boulevard Mohammed VI, will provide villas, apartments, a golf course, two hotels, etc. Work will start on this prestigious construction site next year and will be completed in 2015. ◊ Les Résidences de Maamora

The Compagnie Générale Immobilière [CGI] has launched a new housing project in Kenitra. 1,816 mid-range apartments will be built by 2015 on an area of 27 hectares. CGI has combined the skills of the Pyramide - Diagonale consortium for the technical studies and for supervising the whole construction of the buildings as well as the work for the access roads and various networks.

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01. Bab Al Bahr mixed-use building programme / BOUREGREG VALLEY 02. Cité des Arts / CASABLANCA - 03-04. Casa green town / CASABLANCA 05-06. International University of Rabat [UIR] - 07. Marrakech Golf City 08. Les résidences de Maamora / KENITRA


SAVE PROJECT An acknowledged benchmark in the tourism sector, in 2011 Save Project concentrated on project management, support, coordination, supervision and scheduling all types of construction work.

◊ Chedi GHM

The presence of our recently acquired subsidiary has been particularly strong in the booming tourist region of Tanger-Tétouan. More precisely in the centre of the coastal Tamuda Bay, extending from M’diq to Fnideg over an area of 50 hectares. Its objective is to raise itself up to the level of the best beach resorts on the Mediterranean coast. To do this, there are numerous projects that are part of the programme, such as: M’diq pleasure port The town of M’diq has all the assets needed to rise to the level of the best beach resorts on the coastal area. The current project aims to requalify the fishing port in such a way that it mixes harmoniously with the new pleasure port in order to become a new area for events, leisure pursuits and sports. Our subsidiary Save Project has been made responsible for managing the construction work relating to the marina, and to the pleasure port in particular, to the retail complex and restaurant on stilts. The construction site for the retail centre is making great progress because 50% of the work had been completed at the end of this year. This huge complex combining Arab and Andalusian architecture will provide an area of some 500 m2. As for the underground car park, yacht club and the exotic looking restaurant on stilts, these will be handed over next summer.

Oued Negro / Banyan Tree Chedi GHM tourism complex

Constructed in the same architectural spirit, this 19,000 m2 luxury hotel which will extend over 10 hectares will include 45 villas [44 suites and 1 royal suite], 63 rooms, a spa, restaurant, reception building, beach club and conference building. The studies are on their way to being finalised and the construction work will start in 2012.

In Casablanca, the huge and fabulous project, much looked forward to by the people of Casablanca is progressing at high speed: the Casablanca Marina. ◊ As mentioned in previous activity reports, the Casablanca Marina project has the ambition of giving a fresh impetus to

the tourism positioning of the bay with the same name. As a reminder, this multi-purpose programme with a total overall surface area of 450,000 m2 plans for hotels, offices, shops, leisure and events, housing, etc. In total it has 4 structures: the Marina sector, the Remlas sector, the Jardins de la Grande Mosquée sector and the Portes Océanes sector, which interests us more especially as a steering coordination assignment has been awarded to us for carrying out the design and construction work for this sector. It relates firstly to the construction of 7 office buildings from 7 to 14 storeys spread over four islets with a total surface area of some 100,000 m2. These “intelligent” buildings will use the latest technologies. Secondly, in an enclosed and secure residential area, six luxury residential buildings will be constructed, from 14 to 18 storeys spread over two islets on the seafront. No less than 10 technicians and engineers will be working relentlessly on this.

◊ The Oued Negro tourism complex sets itself apart by the diversity

of the services it provides by offering two luxury hotels, the Banyan Tree and Chedi GHM, both managed by Asian companies.

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ Banyan Tree

Designed and constructed in accordance with the Green Globe procedure [an international environmental and commercial certification programme for the tourism sector], this 27,000 m2 residential complex combining a hotel, villas [102 units], restaurants, spa and conference centre will extend over grounds of 20 hectares. In addition to its remarkable combination of Arab and Andalusian architecture, its main attractions are its Asian inspired gardens and water areas. The work is on course for completion. Save Project, responsible for project management, has drawn up the quality control plan.

The balance sheet for the year is proving to be positive. At the end of 2011, the first five residential buildings have been 90 % completed and their handover is scheduled for 2012. The other buildings are progressing well as 50 % of the structures are already standing. Handover is scheduled for the first quarter of 2013.

01. Pleasure port / M’diq - 02. Restaurant on stilts - M’DIQ pleasure port 03-04. Oued Negro tourism complex - 05-06. Marina project / Casablanca



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AFRICA / sEnEgal

SETICO INGENIEURS CONSEILS Over the last year, the various services provided by our Senegalese team has given us cause to celebrate in more ways than one because they perfectly reflect the diversity of the areas of activity. Here is a closer look at them.

◊ Supply of drinking water to the areas around the Notto - Ndiosmone - Palmarin axis

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

A year after the acquisition of the Moroccan engineering company Save Project, on which it can only congratulate itself, TPF is continuing its strategy for external growth and its desire for development on an international scale. With the acquisition of the Senegalese engineering company Setico, the TPF Group has a wealth of new activities in western Africa. A key player working mainly in the fields of drinking water, sanitation, rural development and hydraulics, as well as in the transport and building infrastructures sectors, Setico has many strings to its bow

From now on, the populations of the villages located along the Notto-Ndiosmone-Palmarin axis will no longer have to suffer cuts in the supply of drinking water due to the unfavourable hydrogeological and hydrological situation of the provinces of Thiès, Mbour and Fatick where the underground water is unclean or has an excess of fluorine making it unfit for consumption. This year our team has been working to complete this ambitious project of the State of Senegal, financed by the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa [BADEA] and the Islamic Development Bank [BID], which will be opened in January 2012. In practical terms, the work has been concentrated in two sectors. Amongst the operations carried out at the Tassette site, we should mention: the construction of two reservoirs, each 2,500 m3, the drilling and fitting out of 4 high output boreholes, the installation of two supply pipes going from Tassette to Mbafaye over a distance of 31,216 linear metres, the installation of an electricity power line over 5 km, the construction of 66 street fountains and 20 communal connections, as well as the construction of accommodation for on-call staff and a maintenance workshop. In addition, there is other work more specifically related to the Mbafaye-Ndiaganiao network and the Ndiaganiao - Sandiara Thiadiaye triangle, which is: the installation of pipes over a total distance of 56,918 linear metres along with the construction of 122 street fountains and 48 private connections. Our team had to carry out multiple assignments: construction designs, supervision and technical control of the work, and administrative and financial supervision. ◊ Sanitation of wastewater in the town of Diourbel

In order to reach the Millennium Objectives for Development [OMD] in the drinking water and sanitation sectors, which are priority sectors, the Senegalese government has set up the Millennium National Drinking Water and Sanitation Programme 2005 - 2015 [PEPAM 2015], which covers the Diourbel region in particular where the rate of access to sanitation in the rural communities is 17 %. The challenge of this project, which is also financed by the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, is to provide the town of Diourbel with a suitable sanitation system. Amongst the work currently being carried out, we should mention: the installation of an 8,182 linear metre network of wastewater drains, the construction of a lagoon-type water treatment plant with a capacity of 1,600 m3 per day, the civil engineering work for the installation of the main outlet pipe to the wastewater purification plant [DIN 500] over 1,232 linear metres, the construction of a lift station of 150 l per second at the input to the treatment plant, the supply of electromechanical equipment, as well as the construction of 425 household connections. As far as we are concerned, the year will have been made the most of for continuing our control and supervision assignment, to the great satisfaction of the contracting authority, the National Sanitation office of Senegal [ONAS]. ◊ Ndiawar Integrated Agricultural Development

In Ndiawar, in the province of Podor, work is progressing at a good pace. The purpose of the Ndiawar Integrated Agricultural Development, in the Senegal river valley, is to develop 500 hectares of irrigated village land and to install a drinking water supply system for the villages concerned. This project, financed by the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa also plans for the construction of two pumping stations - for irrigation and drainage - on the marshland of the Dissorol [a tributary of the Doué that flows during floods], four storage warehouses, a treatment plant, as well as the construction of a 20 m high water tower with a capacity of 200 m3.


The new tenders that we have won in Senegal and Cameroon over the last few months allow us to calmly look forward to 2012.

â—Š In Senegal

We have won the call for tenders launched by the Roadworks and Management Agency [AGEROUTE] relating to the improvement work to the 28 km Thionck Essyl - Tendouck Elena - Bagaya - Balinghor section located at Boucle du Blouf. A huge 14-month long construction site that will start next year. Our team will be making an active contribution to the approval of the construction plans, technical control of the construction work, as well as the administrative and financial supervision of the project. The project has also been financed by the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa. â—Š In Cameroon

To provide the detailed preliminary plans for the renovation of the irrigated areas of the SEMRY [a company for the expansion and modernisation of rice growing in Yagoua] is the fascinating task that is waiting for us in the north of Cameroon. This call for tenders was launched by the World Bank as part of the Programme for Improvement in Agricultural Competitiveness. In addition to the detailed preliminary plan, our Senegalese subsidiary will also be carrying out the topographical, hydraulic, pedological and geotechnical plans.

01-02. Supply of drinking water / NOTTO NDIOSMONE - PALMARIN AXIS 03-07. Sanitation of wastewater in the town of Diourbel







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A veritable task force, TPF Tunisie is determinedly pursuing an essential objective that is beneficial for the whole group. How? By consolidating and amplifying the synergies created from its fruitful cooperation with TPF Engineering and Bagon Ingénieurs-Conseils, it is producing execution plans for both Brussels and Wallonia. We shall now have a look at the most significant events

On behalf of our subsidiary TPF Engineering: ◊ TPF Tunisie has produced the reinforcement drawings for the new retirement home located on the Rue Van Ophem in Uccle, in the Brussels region. This relates to a 5 storey

building: three of them have 121 rooms and the other two have 28 serviced flats. The 800 m2 ground floor retail space and the 2,250 m2 underground car park will complete the 8,800 m2 complex. ◊ In Ghlin [Mons] and Flémalle [Liège], TPF Tunisie has taken part

in producing development plans for retail areas as part of the renovation of part of Redevco’s retail sites. ◊ Still in Mons, the team has set to work producing the reinforcement drawings for the new administrative headquarters for NATO [NSCC - NATO Special Operation Forces Coordination

Center] with a surface area of 5,100 m2. We should underline that this work represents around fifty structural plans. ◊ Amongst the new orders taken over the last few months, we

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

should mention in particular the production of the structural plans for all the prison and administrative buildings of the new Charleroi Region prison [Marche-en-Famenne]. A large-scale assignment that is part of the Eiffage Group’s DBFM [Design, Build, Finance, Maintain] agreement and on behalf of the Valens and Duchêne companies.

construction of the final two buildings, with a surface area of 3,000 m2, including the underground car park. ◊ Mission accomplished in Molenbeek-Saint-Jean who can now celebrate having its housing stock increased by around a hundred apartments. These two new buildings, with 50 apartments

each, providing a total floor space of 13,900 m2 [including 3,500 m2 of floor space in the basement] are now changing the landscape of the Candries, Carl Requette and Joseph Lemaire Streets. We should mention that these buildings have a reinforced concrete structure built on piles. 2011 saw the completion of the heavy building work. As a reminder, we have also been called on to produce the construction plans.

2011 will also have been the opportunity to expand our field of activities outside the Group. ◊ In fact, production of the reinforcement drawings for the Bataves building project has been awarded to our experts. This

housing complex located in Ixelles covers a surface area of 6,500 m2, 2,000 m2 of which are for underground parking and 4,500 m2 of apartments above ground.

Roose & Partners Architects



On behalf of our subsidiary Bagon IngénieursConseils: ◊ TPF Tunisie is working as part of the conversion project for the former De Boeck breweries’ site in Koekelberg.

This project, developed by the Brussels-Capital Regional Development Company [SDRB] concerns the conversion of 8 small buildings into apartments. This year our design company has drawn up the phase 4 reinforcement drawings relating to the



01. New retirement home - Rue Van Ophem Street / BRUSSELS 02. Housing project - Candries, Lemaire Streets / BRUSSELS

Almost two years after joining our group, we note that our Brazilian subsidiary is carrying itself rather well. At the end of this year the balance sheet of the actions carried out by Projetec is proving positive.



We can report on several key events such as the celebration of its 45 years in business and its eighth place rating in the “Best Workplaces” drawn up by the “Great Place to Work Institute Research”, so putting it amongst the companies ensuring a better quality of life in Pernambuco.

On the list of projects that are under way or in the launch phase, we should mention the expansion of the Suape shipyards and the construction of the Arena Pernambuco that will be constructed in Lourenço de Mata, on the outskirts of Recife, to hold the World Cup football matches in 2014.


No less than 1.75 billion dollars will be invested to create a new area for the Brazilian naval production. To consolidate and implement new industrial ventures related to the naval production is necessary to open navigation canals and make earthworks to build retro area to avoid conflicts with the operational plants in a harbor. So, the actual layout of the Suape Port Industrial Complex, at Pernambuco, northeast of Brazil, concentrates its industrial activities in an area called “Suape Naval Cluster”. Once this cluster implementation is located at a place which underground is very heterogeneous and part of it has a layer of thick and mushy clay, Projetec was contracted to make geotechnical studies that will describe the necessary parameters and standards to create the engineering executive project of all the area, involving the cluster access canal dredging, the adjacent earthwork areas and the foundation treatments. Among other activities, investigations will be made in field and laboratory with the execution of 174 percussion drilling besides the undeformed samples.

inside the building will be done by 8 elevators, 13 escalators, 8 ramps and other 12 entrances at the ground floor - which will guarantee a safe and peaceful movement and also a scattering, at the end of the program that will follow the FIFA standards, allowing the exit of all the public in only 8 minutes. The stadium will be prepared with state-of-the-art lighting and sound systems and outdoor LED. Another innovation will be the absence of ditches and fences - which let the fans closer to the field and provides an unforgettable moment. After the World Cup, this place will be consolidated as one of the main entertainment and meetings destinies of Pernambuco. As its structure offers many services, comfort and security, the arena could be adjusted to different aims and host, beside the games, shows, conferences, business and education meetings among other kinds of happenings.

◊ Arena Pernambuco


01. Naval industry / PERNAMBUCO

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Following international standards, the new stadium will be an example of comfort and security. Far 19 kilometers from Recife downtown, in Pernambuco, northeast of Brazil, the arena will be built for the 2014 FIFA World Cup™ and will offer a new experience to the fans. There will be performed 170.000 m3 of digging and 220.000 m3 of earthworks. Besides, 81.000 m3 of concrete and 7.300 tons of steel will be used, among other items that will make real this great stadium. With capacity for 46 thousand people, the amount of this project, in a Private and Public Partnership [PPP] regime, is US$ 310 million. The people movement


01. Arena / Pernambuco - 02. SALITRE irrigation project 03-04. Evaluation of the aquifers at the Amazonas Hydrogeological Province

As we know, the environmental challenges confronting our planet are immense. Projetec is fully aware of this. No surprises then that it is taking part in environmental initiatives. It finds them rewarding. In fact, its efforts made in the management of irrigated lands or assessing aquifers have given excellent results.

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ Salitre irrigation PROJECT

Placed at the state of Bahia, northeast of Brazil, at the centre of the most important pole of fruit farming in the country, which is responsible for 90 % Brazilian grapefruit and mango exportation, this perimeter comprehends 67.400 hectares of total gross area and 33.900 of total irrigated area. This place has a modern infrastructure of water distribution, energy security, privileged localization in relation to the markets and lands of excellent quality among other characteristics. Nowadays, the Projetec works on the execution of services management support, planning, structuring of users organizations and technical assistance and rural extension [TARE] to the first stage of the perimeter, which is equivalent of 5.099 hectares. In total, this work comprehends five stages to be completed. The main activities developed by Projetec involve: environment [creation of the environmental education programs, realization of education campaigns related to environment matters, inspections at the legal reserve], infrastructure [calculation of water fare and elaboration of perimeter management models of study], organization [formation and support to the Salitre Perimeter users organizations], technical assistance and rural extension TARE [elaboration of irrigation and bank financing, preparation of reports, technical assistance to the producers, support to products commercialization, production of contents and its publication at the perimeter site, creation of business plans, following and inspection of irrigation

material quality; plagues and diseases monitoring, fertilizing and fertirrigation plans etc.]. Among the most relevant results achieved we can find the high growing of occupied area, with 60 % of the plots busy, in 12 months, starting from 35 hectares in January 2011 to 655,45 hectares in December at the same year; the great crops diversification; the high gross income per hectare [at about US$ 9.900,00]; the total invoice of the perimeter [near US$ 4 millions] and the total production of 13 thousand tons in 2011. ◊ Evaluation of the aquifers at the Amazonas Hydrogeological Province

This work is a specialized consultancy in underground water and its aim is the evaluation of the aquifers at the sedimentary basins of the Amazonas Hydrogeological Province in Brazil [scale 1:1.000.000] in an area around 1.250.000 km2, with aquifer thickness between 3.800 and 6.000 m, at the states of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Rondônia and Roraima and pilot cities [scale 1:50.000], as showed in the map. The objective of these studies is the hydrogeological knowledge production about the main aquifers systems of the region and the realization of pilot hydrogeological analyses in major scale at five relevant urban areas [Macapá, Porto Velho, Rio Branco, Santarém and Tabatinga]. The foreseen activities intend to define the aquifers systems geometry of the Province [especially in Alter do Chão, Solimões and Içá aquifers] and, particularly, to get information to determinate its delimitations, to calculate the volumes and the water flow and to get deep in the knowledge of its distinctive qualities as well as its areas of recharge and outfall. These activities will be done by studies on geology, hydrogeology, geophysics, hydrogeochemistry, geomorphology and hydrometeorology. At the end, a proposal will be prepared to implement a project of environmental protection and sustainable management of the underground water resources at the Amazonas and Orinoco hydrogeological provinces, also considering the areas of the neighbor countries [Bolívia, Peru, Equador, Colômbia e Venezuela].





page 65

Cities with pilot projects Other cities with data collection States political division Amazonas Hydrogeological Province


S.N. BHOBE This year, S.N. Bhobe has continued its strategy of sector diversification by winning new contracts relating to building, car parks, railways and financial engineering. However, our Indian engineering company has not ignored its first sector of activity: the design and work management for the construction of roads and bridges.

01. Mahatma Gandhi Setu bridge - 02. Road project / PANVEL - 03. Aundh-Ravet road 04. Railway work / Rewari - Manheru section - 05-06. Dr Ambedkar Road / MUMBAI



TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011





after several years’ work, of the Dr Ambedkar Road flyovers project. Vehicle can now travel freely over the four flyovers of the capital’s main arterial road. As a reminder, for all these projects we had been called on by the MMRDA to carry out, amongst other things, the feasibility studies [traffic, sound mapping and topographical surveys], the pre-tender documents, financial estimates and project management.


◊ Perhaps the biggest landmark in 2011 would be the completion,

India has the second largest road network in the world: the modernisation of the road infrastructures therefore constitutes the essential challenge for the country’s authorities. Amongst the flagship projects, we should mention:

◊ Rehabilitation of the Mahatma Gandhi Setu bridge / Patna

S.N. Bhobe has been taken on as part of a request for proposals project launched by the National Highways Authority of India [NHAI] concerning the rehabilitation of the Mahatma Gandhi Setu bridge located on the NH19 motorway. This prestigious 5.5 km long structure, built in 1983, crosses the Ganges, India’s holy river. The demolition and reconstruction of the superstructure is needed as it has become rundown. The consultancy services will be carried out on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer [DBFOT] Toll Basis. The assignment that we have been appointed to is proving to be particularly complex from a technical point of view. At this stage, the aim is to determine the feasibility of the project and to implement detailed engineering for the most economic option identified in the feasibility study. The completion of the assignment is expected to open doors to similar complicated assignments the world over.

As we mentioned at the beginning of this section, during 2011 S.N. Bhobe has also been called on for the modernisation of the Indian railways. Thanks to projects given to us by the RVNL, the Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd, a public company belonging to the Indian railways, we have been able to extend our horizons and to become even more involved with the issues of this huge continent. ◊ In 2011, our engineering company won two interesting and

challenging management contracts in the north of India. One relates to the railway work to be carried out on the Daund Solapur section [187 km] as stated in the Final Location Survey [detailed engineering], and the other relates to the Final Location Survey work on the Rewari - Manheru section [70 km].

◊ Sion Panvel Expressway [Mumbai region]

This other project is part of the National Highways Development Projects [NHDP] programme set up by the Indian government. We have been chosen by the concessionaire Sion Panvel Tollways Ltd to produce a detailed design for the construction of an expressway in the Mumbai region. If all goes according to plan, by autumn 2012, this expressway will link Sion [a district on the eastern outskirts of Mumbai] with Panvel [a dormitory town on the wider eastern outskirts towards Pune and the Mumbai-Pune motorway] over a distance of 25 km.

The strategy for diversification on which S.N. Bhobe has launched itself has allowed it to clinch an extraordinary contract from Tantia Sanjuli Parkings Pvt. Ltd: the construction of the first multi-storey car park in Shimla, one of the most popular mountain resorts in the northern region of India. ◊ Spread over 9 levels above ground [a ground floor and 8 upper

At the same time, we have had the privilege of working for the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation [MSRDC] as well as the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority [MMRDA]. As we know, S.N. Bhobe can claim to have a great expertise and appreciable know-how in the field of roads, bridges and flyover engineering. With this in mind, the mention of certain projects proves to be particularly pertinent. ◊ This year, the Pune office of S.N. Bhobe has been called on for

carrying out the management of the Shivane-Kharadi road concreting works [25 km]. This project is in close proximity to the Aundh-Ravet road work, which is progressing at a great speed.

storeys] and one underground level, this 1,560 m2 car park will be built on a precarious slope [plot area 2,500 m2]. The site conditions are such that the difference in the ground level between front side of the plot and that on the rear side is about 19 m. This is a very challenging job considering structural engineering in buildings that S.N. Bhobe has undertaken, and also in a sector that is new and upcoming in India. The benefits of completing this project are many in the near future.

2011 was also marked by the entrance of the company into financial engineering: a new field of activity that has become essential for setting up partnership contracts. ◊ So this year, S.N. Bhobe made a breakthrough in the Lenders

road/flyover study along the western corridor covering several suburbs of Mumbai. The project when implemented will be improving the traffic flow significantly in the western corridor of the city of Mumbai.

Engineer business by getting empaneled in various nationalized banks such as the Indian Bank & Allahabad. The jobs under this assignment will be to review large scale PPP projects on behalf of the financing community. page 67

◊ The MSRDC asked us to carry out a very important feasibility


CETEST PVT. LTD. & SURVTECH PVT. LTD. This year, TPF has consolidated its presence in India thanks to the acquisition of the multidisciplinary engineering companies CETEST and SURVTECH located in Kolkata: a real opportunity for expanding our expertise in the specialist fields of cartography, hydrology, geotechnics and topography. In addition, the sharing of S.N. Bhobe’s know-how and these two new partners relating to road and rail infrastructures constitutes an undeniable asset for strengthening our leading position on the Indian market.

Our subsidiary Cetest has mainly worked on projects dealing with roads and geotechnical surveys. Some of these are worth a closer look.

◊ Geotechnical Investigation for the 2x250MW Units at Barauni Thermal Power Station Phase II / Bihar

In order to analyse the soil conditions, our experts have carried out no less than 37 boreholes, 16 plate load tests [PLT], 10 which were routine and 6 cyclic type, 9 cross-hole tests, 6 on-site permeability tests, 15 dynamic cone penetration tests [DCPT], 10 static cone penetration tests [SCPT], 2 pump out tests and a seismic refraction test [about 620 m] to the great satisfaction of Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited [BHEL]. The subsoils were of poor quality with top 4-5m being filled up with flyash. Then the subsoil was sand in nature. Because of the presence of flyash followed by some loose sand and being in Active Earthquake Zone, extensive liquefaction analysis was carried out by Cross Hole Test results and also with Field SPT [standard penetration test] results. In some places, it was seen that the subsoil upto about 15m is prone to liquefaction. So, for all the major structures, deep foundation in form of pile was recommended. Either Bored or driven pile was adopted. For lightly loaded structures, a ground improvement technique [installation of Stone Column] was recommended so that the probable liquefaction of subsoil can be avoided.

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

◊ Geotechnical Investigation for the proposed 6x600MW Thermal Power Plant at Nariyara / Champa District in the state of Chattishgarh

It is for the SEPCO Electric Power Construction Corporation that Cetest started work on sinking some 664 boreholes, 3 routine plate load tests and a seismic refraction test [about 880 m]. The boreholes drilled at various locations revealed a great variability in the type of subsoil [rocky layer in places at variable depths]. Due to intense chemical weathering, almost 80 % of the parent argillaceous limestone converted to clay by leaching of carbonates in solution. As a result there is no continuity of the formation rock exit either laterally or vertically. To obtain the minimum

strength and deformation parameters of such soft patches, it was decided to carry out Plate Load Tests at the founding level. Based on the PLT results and Seismic Refraction Test results [lower and upper bound of strength parameters] settlement design deformation w.r.t. depth was considered for settlement evaluation of large block size foundation was made and recommendations were given accordingly. ◊ Road project, Jamtara - Dumka and Barhat Sahibganj sections [131 km] / state of Jharkland

Our consultancy services were called on for preparing the detailed project report relating to the modernisation of the trunk road including improvement to the geometric specifications: widening the lanes and correction of bends. Our transport professionals were not limited to inspecting the detailed project report prepared by the ICT Company. Amongst the other assignments that were allocated to us, we should mention: the geotechnical exploration [essential for the construction of high embankments and bridges], soil surveys, materials surveys, the roads [surface and geometric design] and bridges, not forgetting the preparation of the final project report and final drawings. We should also point out that this project has been financed by the Asian Development Bank. ◊ Modernisation of the road to the Indian-Nepalese border / state of Bihar

The aim of this project is to improve the existing border road from kilometre 339 to kilometre 452.16 which involves a large amount of work, such as the widening of the road to 2-lane State Highway Standard, the construction of bypasses along completely new alignments, as well as the construction of various civil engineering structures including various road bridges and a ROD [Road over bridge over railway lines]. This year, our Indian design company has worked to carry out the feasibility study and to prepare the detailed planning report, which comprises the environmental impact survey report. This report has now been submitted for the approval of the Central Department of Public Works. 01. Railway Line between Sutgna & Lanka town - 02. Rehabilitation of the National Road NH8 / the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat - 03. Barsua Plant Area - 04. Geotechnical Investigation at Barauni Thermal Power Station 05. Modernisation of the road to the Indian-Nepalese border

Capable of managing a wide range of operations, Survtech has a huge panel of experts able to face very particularly diversified demands for carrying out projects in the roads, railways, and irrigation sectors. Proof of this has been in the activity over the last twelve months.

◊ Preparation of Report for Preliminary Survey for the 110km proposed Railway Line between Sutgna & Lanka town / North-East India

This project is ambitious to say the least. The new 110 km railway line will go from Sutgna to link up with Lanka. This will provide railway connection to the underdeveloped hilly terrains of the Northeast. This 1676 mm Broad Gauge line has been designed for a maximum speed of 100 kph. The track structure prescribed for this type of route is 52 Kg rails, M+7 sleeper density on PSC sleepers and 300 mm ballast cushion. However due to tough terrain, steep slopes speed will be regulated at 60 Km/hr. The provisions were kept as per the railway standard. The bridges and viaducts have been proposed according to the standards of Indian railways. ◊ Pre-Tender Design Engineering Services for Six Laning of Udaipur - Ahmadabad section of NH8 / the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat

The objective of this consultancy service was to establish the technical, economical and financial viability of the project and to prepare a detailed project report for rehabilitation and upgrading of the existing road to 2-lane with paved shoulders configuration. The scope of work envisages detailed topographical survey of 80 m wide corridor along the specified alignment. However the basic objective of the topographic survey was to capture the essential ground features along the alignment in order to consider improvements and for working out improvements, rehabilitation and upgrading costs. The project involved preparation of digital terrain model [DTM] which in turn helped to analyze the land form and preparation of estimate for the area. The main goal of the project was to analyze the feasibility of a 4-Lane highway in the state of Rajasthan to cater the increasing traffic volume in the area.



◊ Detailed topographic and contour survey at Barsua Plant Area and Taldih Crusher Area / state of Orissa

As a part of DPR study for the aforesaid work we have been engaged for detailed topographic and contour survey at Barsua Plant Area and Taldih Crusher Area. The proposed site is located under Koira Block of Sundargarh District of Orissa State. Some locations of the site, specifically Barsua Plant Area, are well connected with bitumen Roads & Railways. The main objective of this project was to access the potentiality of coal in the Barsua district of Orissa state which is noted for its mineral wealth. The Met-Chem Canada Company has appointed us for the survey of a conveyor route from the Iron ore mines to the processing plant. The survey work involved tracking of topographical details in the area along the route which helped in assessing the feasibility of the Conveyor along the route. ◊ Small and medium scale irrigation projects in the Narmada valley / state of Madhya Pradesh

To bring more area under irrigation, it has become necessary to introduce new irrigation techniques via Canal Irrigation for economizing the use of water and increased productivity per unit of water. As per a report of Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, it has been estimated that Micro Irrigation Techniques can help in saving 30 % - 60 % of water and can also improve productivity by 20 % 30 %. This project included survey of the dam axis, main canal, L-section, plan of dam axis and feasibility report. The field survey was verified by Egis and the Narmada Valley Development Authority [NVDA]. Detail survey work was carried out at all points of cross drainage and major crossings of road, railways and canal, etc. Survey works included all permanent natural features in the near vicinity of the water conductor alignment. The services covered: the establishment of axes, centerline Grid survey, strip survey, alignment survey, transfer of BM and fixation of Permanent Bench mark pillars, centre line stone and boundary stones, preparation of land acquisition details.

page 69



cetest Pvt. Ltd. & SURV TECH Pvt. Ltd.



Consolidated balance sheet


Formation expenses

II. Intangible assets III. Goodwill

2011 造

2010 造









IV. Tangible assets

A. L and and buildings

B. Plant, machinery and equipment

C. Furniture and vehicles

D. Leasing and other similar rights



Financial assets

A. Companies consolidated by the equity method





E. Other tangible assets



F. Fixed assets in progress





1. Participating interests 2. Amounts receivable

B. Other companies




2. Amounts receivable









CURRENT ASSETS VI. Amounts receivable after one year

A. Trade debtors

B. Other amounts receivable

C. Deferred taxes








VII. Stocks and contracts in progress

A. Stocks

1. Raw materials and consumables



2. Goods in process 3. Finished goods 4. Goods purchased for resale

1.634.067,56 2.700,00

2.047.080,80 2.560,00

5. Real property acquired or constructed for resale 6. Advance payments






B. Contracts in progress








VIII. A mounts receivable within one year

A. Trade debtors

B. Other amounts receivable






TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011

IX. Investments

A. O wned shares

B. Other investments







Cash at bank and in hand











XI. Deferred charges and accrued income



2011 造

2010 造



II. Share premium account III. Revaluation reserves IV. Reserves V. Badwill VI. Cumulative translation adjustments VII. Grants

10.631.562,24 2.302.048,62 -235.256,00

8.683.485,85 2.123.950,82 182.125,10




VIII. Third Parties interests







Consolidated balance sheet


IX. Provisions and deferred taxes

A. Provisions for liabilities and charges

B. Tax provision

C. Important repairs and important maintenance



D. Other risks and charges



E. Deferred taxes













Amounts payable after one year

A. Financial debts

1. Subordinated loans 2. Unsubordinated debentures 3. Leasing and other similar obligations 4. Credit institutions 5. Other loans


B. Trade debts

1. Suppliers











2. Other trade debts


C. Amounts received for orders

D. Other amounts payable














XI. Amounts payable within one year

A. Current portion of amounts payable after one year B. Financial debts

1. Credit institutions 2. Other loans


C. Trade debts

1. Suppliers 2. Other trade debts


D. Advances received on contracts in progress

E. Taxes, remuneration and social security







146.419,79 13.771.481,38




1. Taxes

7.980.015 ,61


2. Remuneration and social security






F. Other amounts payable














XII. Accrued charges and deferred income

page 73



Operating income

A. Turnover

B. Increase ; Decrease in stocks of finished goods,

work and contracts in progress (+, -)

C. Capitalized production

D. Other operating income


2011 造

2010 造










II. Operating expenses

A. R aw materials, consumables and goods for resale

1. Purchases 2. Increase ; Decrease in stocks (+, -)

25.713.896,72 5.586,63

23.118.919,69 -3.495,48




B. Services and other goods



C. Remuneration, social security costs and pensions



D. Depreciation of and other amounts written off establishment costs, 2.200.715,76



intangible and tangible fixed assets

E. Increase ; Decrease in amounts written off stocks,

contracts in progress and trade debtors (+,-)


F. Increase ; Decrease in provisions for liabilities and charges (+,-)


G. Other operating expenses

H. Capitalized charges corresponding to formation expenses

I. Depreciation of goodwill


III. Operating result

IV. Financial income

A. I ncome from financial fixed assets

B. Income from current assets


105.634.122,19 8.132.699,53

597.971,09 3.701.299,47

97.615.571,56 8.329.817,71





C. Other financial income







Financial expenses

A. I nterests, etc



B. Increase ; Decrease in amounts written off current assets other than those mentioned under II.E. (+,-)

C. Other financial expenses



D. Depreciation of goodwill








VI. Current result of the consolidated companies before income taxes VII. Extraordinary income

A. Release of depreciation and amounts written off intangible

and tangible fixed assets

TPF GROUP / Activity report 2011



B. Release of provisions for financial investments

C. Release of provisions for extraordinary liabilities and charges

D. G ain on disposal of fixed assets


E. Other extraordinary income




195,00 1.502.536,89 271.431,26 1.778.945,47

2011 造

2010 造

VIII. Extraordinary expenses

A. E xtraordinary depreciation of and extraordinary amounts written off establishment costs,

intangible and tangible assets





B. Amounts written off for financial investments

C. Amounts written off financial fixed assets

D. Provisions for extraordinary liabilities and charges

E. Loss on disposal of fixed assets

F. Other extraordinary expenses





G. Extraordinary depreciation on goodwill


IX. Result for the period of the consolidated companies, before taxes






Transfers to and from deferred taxes

A. Transfers to deferred taxes

B. Transfers from deferred taxes








XI. Income taxes

A. Taxes

B. Adjustment of taxes and release of provision for taxes

XII. Profit for the financial year XIII. R esult of companies consolidated by the equity method

A. Profit

B. Loss

XV. Result of Third Parties

XVI. Result of the Group







page 75

XIV. C onsolidated profit

c h i e f p u b l i s he r  : b e r n a d e t t e p e t i t d e s i g n : w w w . d e s i g nb y s i g n . c o m

TPF s.a. Avenue de Haveskercke 46 1190 Brussels - Belgium

T. + 32.2.370 19 70 F. + 32.2.370 19 11

The activ it y report of the tpf group is also avail able in French, Portuguese and russian.

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