TPF Group Activity Report 2006

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TPF Group

2006 Activity Report

Contents page Foreword


Organization Chart


Important events in the various subsidiaries in 2006


Belgium TPF Engineering B.E. Hubert Louis TPF-Basse Sambre

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TPF-Utilities TPF-Econoler

18 20

France Beterem


Portugal TPF Planege


Spain Econoler Spain


Romania TPF Romania


Poland E&L Architects



S.N. Bhobe & Associates Pvt. Ltd


Public-Private Partnership


Power generation


Presentation of the accounts Consolidated balance sheet Profit and loss account

35 36 38

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group


1991 – 2006 : Fifteen years in business …

TPF’s fifteenth year in business is significant in four respects: Firstly, during this period TPF has doubled its turnover, its profit and its workforce on average every three years. So the group turnover has increased from 2,5 MEUR to 86 MEUR, net profits from 100,000 to 2,600,000 Euros and the workforce from 25 to 750 units. The second item worth highlighting is that in 1999, TPF was still an almost exclusively Belgian company. Since then it has acquired international status, mainly through the localisation of its workforce. In 1999 TPF employed the whole of its workforce in Belgium, which was 250 people. Now, at the end of 2006, out of a total of 750 units, 500 are working abroad.

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

Thirdly, TPF’s growth was limited to Europe up to the end of 2005, but then spread to the continent of Asia due to a sizeable Indian acquisition: S.N. Bhobe & Associates, located in Mumbai

Finally, TPF deliberately chose to direct its growth in the two basic trades on which it has been built. So engineering and project management in the water and energy sectors has seen a remarkable expansion, allowing TPF to base its reputation in both fields. In 2006, the decision was made to sell the energy production projects once their teething troubles had been overcome and they were running well. This direction led in particular to the sale in 2006 of the group’s share in Secam, an energy production company. More generally, based on its balance sheet at the end of 2005 (650 employees), the growth has not only allowed TPF to pull itself up from 94th to 86th place in the European list of engineering companies, but also to appear on the worldwide Top 200, reaching 198th place. The order book to 31 December 2006 augurs a good year for 2007.

What happened in 2006 ?

First of all, before giving details of the projects in which TPF took part, let’s single out the major events occurring in the life of TPF.


France Since its acquisition in July 2005, Beterem, with a group shareholding of 63%, has seen strong growth, even more so in 2006. In fact, the turnover from 2004 to 2006 has increased from 13,6 MEUR to 15,5 MEUR and the net profit from 811,083 Euros to 1,329,074 Euros. This growth is due to the extreme vigour of the construction sector and the quality of the management. The good performance of the order book should allow these results to be repeated in 2007 and 2008.

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

From the beginning of 2000 to the end of 2006, TPF’s workforce in Belgium increased by around a hundred employees thanks to acquisitions and internal growth centered mainly on the operation of water treatment units. Despite jobs reducing in other units, the workforce has maintained its level from the beginning of 2000, which is 250 employees. Why this change? For three reasons. Firstly, the increasing difficulty in remaining competitive on the large export markets of interior design has led to reductions in the workforce. Secondly, numerous projects are now carried out in the countries benefiting from the enlargement of Europe. Thirdly, TPF chose to transfer its non-majority holding in the Smitstebodin company on good terms. As a result we nevertheless succeeded in maintaining, not to say developing our position in Belgium, and are continuing to show a good profitability in our engineering and project management business

Spain The rise in the price of gas along with the drops in the price on the electricity pool market has reduced the profitability of our energy producing activity. The steps taken by the Spanish government at the end of 2006 should see a sure return to normal in 2007. Some delays recorded in starting up our Bioenergetica project – in production at full capacity since October 2006 – have not allowed us to reach the profitability anticipated for 2006, but should fully materialize in 2007

Portugal The deep economic crisis which started at the beginning of 2004 has made the volume of investments and the value of fees drop (hourly rates dropped by 30%). A new strategy, implemented for TPF Planege since mid-2005 has allowed 75% of its activity in 2006 to be carried out in countries or sectors where it was not previously present. This new direction is the basis for exceptional profits to be recorded by TPF Planege and has allowed it to reach the number 2 position in Portugal in private engineering companies.

Poland Our company in Poland has seen its turnover and profits increase very strongly: 30% for its turnover and 100% for net profits. In addition, E&L Architects has succeeded in growing its traditional business even more in the building industry, in water treatment projects and road management projects.


Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

The drop in activity in the consultancy sector for projects financed by the European Commission has fortunately been compensated by a growth in activity in the private sector. In this country, the challenge with which we are confronted, now more so than in France or Belgium, is in the recruitment and retention of quality employees.

India The acquisition of a 49% share in the SN Bhobe company in June 2006, which will be increased to 51% in mid-2009, is now fulfilling all our expectations. To quote just one figure amongst many, the workforce has increased from 80 employees at the end of June 2006 to 140 in December 2006 and should reach 200 at the end of 2007 without any further orders.

Evolution of the corporate culture

In a few years, TPF has moved from its status as a purely Belgian company to a multinational company. This evolution means in particular that there is now a French and Portuguese member of the Executive Committee, made up of five people in total. Finally, more and more often projects are won by links between the various companies of the group without any intervention from Belgium. To quote just one example, the Portuguese and Polish subsidiaries have been awarded a project management assignment in Poland.

Christophe Gilain Managing Director

Thomas Spitaels Chief Executive Officer

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of the group’s employees for the work they have done. Their professionalism and enthusiasm gives us strength in our will to go forward.

Simplified Organization Chart of the TPF Group





TPF Engineering B.E. Hubert Louis Triage-lavoir du Centre Ide Immo

Beterem IngĂŠnierie Beterem RAC Beterem SI Beterem Maintenance

(100 %) (100 %) (20 %) (75 %)

(63 %) (63 %)

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

E.S.O. Seges

(91,5 %) (91,5 %) (100 %) (100 %)

(51 %) (100 %)

(63 %) (63 %)


TPF-Utilities TPF-Econoler Socageth TPF-Basse Sambre

Econoler Gensabon Sabondel Numaco Mesogen Bioenergetica Egabrense


TPF Planege

(94,4 %)



(49,5 %)


E&L Architects

(100 %)


TPF Romania

(87,5 %)


S.N. Bhobe & Associates Pvt.Ltd.

(49 %)

(70 %) (69 %) (35 %) (35 %) (35 %) (31,5 %)

Important events in the various subsidiaries in 2006

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

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1. Law Courts - Liège 2. Corps of Engineers - New Commissary - Chièvre 3. New International Airport at Glo-Djigbe - Cotonou (Benin)

TPF Engineering TPF Engineering’s activity has been mainly concentrated on building construction and renovation. Through high quality projects, TPF Engineering has been able to prove its skills and competences in many disciplines as a design and planning company and to consolidate its position on the market. TPF Engineering is divided into 3 divisions, each one specialising in its sector, sharing their know-how whilst keeping their own identity.


Structural and Civil Engineering Division During the 2006 financial year, the Structural and Civil Engineering Division has continued to diversify in terms of services, due especially to winning important contracts such as:

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Régie des Bâtiments - Law Courts (Liège) The project concerned the construction of a group of 6 buildings, including 40,000 m² of offices apart from the courtrooms, corridors, archives, etc. TPF Engineering was responsible for the stability construction surveys on behalf of the Association Momentanée EPJL. These started in January 2006, the completion of the works being planned for September 2009.

Batipont - Residential Building - rue Van Ophem (Uccle) TPF Engineering was given the assignment of carrying out stability surveys as part of the construction of a housing development, and more specifically, initially constructing three buildings each with a floor area of 7000 m². Each building will be made up of an underground parking area with four floors above. The work is planned to start during the first quarter of 2007.

New International Airport of Glo-Djigbe (Cotonou - Benin) In 2006, TPF Engineering carried out, in close cooperation with the BEAC company, not only the technical, economic and environmental feasibility studies as part of the construction of the new Glo-Djigbe international airport, but also the rough and detailed preliminary studies, the architectural surveys, the stability surveys and the special technical surveys as part of the construction of the airport infrastructures, buildings and equipment for this substantial project. Corps of Engineers - New Commissary (Chièvres) This was the construction of a 4300 m² shopping area on behalf of the Defence Commissary Agency (DeCA), a project for which TPF Engineering was given the assignment of drawing up the preliminary plans. This was a full assignment as it covered all disciplines: architecture, stability and civil engineering, anti-terrorism protection, special techniques, the equipment and landscaping.


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1. Tour des Finances - Brussels 2. TUC RAIL - Viaduct of Battice 3. Media Cité - Liège

« La Source » Housing Development (Louvain-laNeuve) This is a complex of five buildings and concerns the construction of a housing development with a floor area of 20,000 m². It also includes two underground car parks with 308 parking spaces totalling almost 13,500 m². TPF Engineering will be responsible for the surveys and supervising the building work on behalf of the developers, Wilhem & Co and Batipont Construction (BPC). MEDIA CITE (Liège) As part of an ambitious improvement and redevelopment project of the Londoz site in Liège, in 2006 TPF Engineering obtained not only the order for carrying out surveys for the construction of a shopping complex with a floor area of over 160,000 m², but also the order for the surveys for the road networks. This project includes the redevelopment of several roads, the improvement and modification of an intersection and a slip road, as well as the construction and development

Storm Basin on the le Tintia The Thiméon catchment is regularly polluted by the waters of the Tintia in heavy rain. Faced with this problem, the Belgian water company Société Wallonne des Eaux appointed TPF Engineering to carry out surveys for the construction of a storm basin upstream from the catchment and hydraulic control. Tour des Finances (Brussels) Two new contracts were concluded in 2006 with Financietoren NV. These new orders are part of a project renovating the Tour des Finances for which TPF Engineering has already been appointed. A new access (entrance and exit) to the Botanique metro station will be created on the Esplanade site. TPF Engineering will also be responsible for designing the technical rooms and the installation of a new transmission mast on the roof of the tower for the Belgian radio and television companies VRT and RTBf. TUC RAIL (Brussels) The draft contract for providing technical assistance concluded with TUC RAIL (Infrabel) was renewed in 2006 and extended to ten engineers and designers. As a reminder, this contract concerns firstly the infrastructure work for the regional express train network (RER) for travelling in and around Brussels, and secondly the construction of the high-speed tracks (TGV).


The new orders for 2006 confirm the competence and the ability to manage large-scale projects, such as:

of a bus terminus.

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SIAAP – “SEINE GRESILLONS” Purification Plant (Triel-sur-Seine - France) The construction work for the Seine Grésillons purification plant, with an initial capacity of 100,000m³ per day, was completed in 2006, providing physical, chemical and biological pressure treatment of rainwater and domestic wastewater for 18 municipalities and villages in the Val d’Oise and Yvelines areas. The plant fits in well with the landscape, it is compact and completely covered so as to avoid any nuisance to the local residents.

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1. New Rossel - Brussels 2. Lex 2000 - Brussels 3. Ellipse Building - Brussels

Technical Utilities Division

RapportReport Activity Annuel2006 2006 - - TPF Groupe Group TPF


There have been numerous projects, both underway and completed, during the financial year 2006. Here are some of the major ones:


LEX 2000 (Brussels) This building with 15 storeys above ground providing a total floor area of 75,000 m² was completed at the end of 2006. It houses the Council of the European Union. All of the technical utilities were awarded to TPF Engineering. ELLIPSE Building (Brussels) This office complex development, totalling almost 64,400 m², is distinguished by its configuration. The tower, with a height of 80 metres has 22 levels, including the basement and ground floor. The other buildings have, respectively, 9 and 5 levels, including the basement and ground floor. These different units are brought together by a single entrance hall which crosses the buildings. TPF Engineering was responsible for the technical utilities. The building was completed at the end of 2006. NEW ROSSEL (Brussels) The project concerns the construction of new offices for the Groupe Rossel, the main French-speaking press group in Belgium. This building, with a floor area of almost 10,000m2 has two underground parking areas, 6 levels to be used for offices, a restaurant and one

area for commercial use. The whole project should be completed by the start of 2007. New Swimming Pool at La Louvière The construction work for this new water sports centre started in 2006, and the whole project has to be completed during the first half of 2008. This complex includes sports areas as well as areas reserved for leisure (pools, paddling pools, jacuzzi, steam baths, etc.). Administrative Centre (Brussels) The objective of this project was the renovation and transformation in several successive phases of the administrative centre complex located between the Boulevard Pacheco and the Rue Royale, right in the centre of Brussels. TPF Engineering was awarded the first phase, more particularly Buildings D and F with a floor area of 60,000 m² of offices, a restaurant, a kitchen, a computer room and data storage rooms.

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New swimming pool - La Louvière Westside Village - Mamer (Luxembourg) Administrative Centre - Brussels Spa-Francorchamps Circuit

Westside Village (Mamer - Luxembourg) This project developed by Soprima SA is for the construction of a complex of six buildings in two phases at the West Side Village site, with a completed floor area of around 23,000 m² and a basement floor area of around 30,000 m². TPF Engineering will be responsible for the surveys and monitoring the technical utilities. Spa-Francorchamps Circuit The F1 circuit at Spa-Francorchamps has been having a facelift, with in particular, new paddocks, new car parks, new covered stands with a total capacity of 20,000 seated places, and modifications to the chicane. TPF Engineering will be responsible for budget and planning control. The work will be completed in 2007 so that the Belgian F1 Grand Prix can be held there in September 2007. « FORUM » Project (Brussels) Immobel has given TPF Engineering the assignment of consultant engineer for all of the technical surveys as part of the demolition and reconstruction of a 44,500 m² office building located on the corner of the Rue de Louvain, Rue de la Presse and Rue de la Croix de Fer.

The first phase should be completed in 2007-2008. « LOI 227» Project (Brussels) This is the renovation of an office building with a total floor space of 7183 m² located on the Rue de la Loi, comprising three levels underground, six levels above ground and a technical floor for Confinimmo SA. BELGIQUE BELGIUM

In addition, the orders for 2006 give grounds for favourable prospects for 2007. Here are some of the major projects:

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1. 2. 3. 4.

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1. Offices and laboratories, Créalys site - Gembloux 2. Refrigerated warehouse Fri-Agra - Les Isnes 3. New production unit for the bio-polymer company Kitozyme - Herstal


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Building Division


Benefiting from the expertise of TPF Engineering’s other Divisions, the Building Division has carried out numerous surveys in 2006, such as: TPF Engineering has continued with the architectural and special techniques surveys as part of the extension project for the Guylian chocolate factory.

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Surveys concerning the conversion of the warehouse storing the catering equipment needed by J&M Catering are currently underway, with surveys also for the conversion of the offices and social premises.


Cooperation with the Belgian group Delhaize le Lion goes back to 1962, and is continuing today in Romania. The “Pipera” supermarket in Bucharest, coming under the Mega-Image Delhaize Romania brand, has been completely renovated and opens in January 2006. Four other supermarkets will shortly be completely renovated. TPF Engineering will be responsible for the surveys, with the assistance of TPF Romania. The opening of the new post sorting centre at Bettembourg took place in September, putting into oper-

ation the latest generation sorting equipment. We must underline the importance of this investment for the Post and Telecommunications company of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Our architects were able to take up this challenge with great panache. The 1400 m² of offices and laboratories, for the “spinoff”, which were built for the Province of Namur’s Economic Department at the Créalys site at Gembloux, for agro-industrial research, are now being rented out. The construction of a 2000 m² premises for training and teaching in the agro-industrial sector for Forem was completed in 2006. TPF Engineering has continued the supervision of the surveys for Molco-Unipro’s extension projects, a company manufacturing raw materials for bakers, and the Fri-Agra refrigerated warehouse.

As part of its activities in hygiene and environmental consultants to businesses, TPF Engineering has, in particular, been called on as part of: certification audits (BRC and IFS) in the food processing sector for AIB-Vinçotte (ISA) on a weekly basis, environmental management systems (ISO 14001) for Lloyd’s Register, drawing up applications for environment licences for companies such as Guylian in Sint-Niklaas, the American army in Chièvres, Abatan in Brussels, Père Le Jeune, Lipton and Cityparking, consultancy regarding ground cleanup for, amongst others, Unilever Belgium in Brussels, and finally as hygiene consultants to companies such as Unipro in Aartselaar, Terbeke in Veurne, etc. Apart from these projects, TPF Engineering has obtained several orders in 2006, amongst which are: NEW MECCO GOSSENT has appointed TPF Engineer-

1.2.3. New post sorting centre at Bettembourg

ing to carry out architectural surveys, interior improvements, and special techniques processes and surveys for the construction of a new production unit for the bio-polymer company Kitozyme located in Herstal. CORMAN, the world leader in butter and dairy products, has appointed us once again to carry out the architectural surveys and project management of a project for the extension of a loading dock, improvements to a refrigeration unit and the conversion of a warehouse for the factory’s cartons.



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1. Charleroi Airport 2. Hôtel Park-Inn - Liège (Bierset)

B.E. Hubert Louis


The subsidiary in Liège has continued its activities in 2006, mainly directed towards surveys relating to civil engineering, infrastructures and topography.

The B.E. Hubert Louis company has completed stability surveys concerning the construction of the Hôtel ParkInn, comprising 100 rooms, at the Liège-Bierset airport and the surveys for the conversion of the Musée de la Vie Wallonne, located right in the historical centre of Liège.

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As part of the improvements to the site at Charleroi airport, stability and infrastructure surveys have been carried out for SOWAER (the Wallonian airports company), and in particular the surveys for the construction of aircraft parking, taxiways and a new covered car park of more than 90,000 m² comprising 4 levels and holding 5000 parking spaces. On the same site, the infrastructure and stability surveys are underway for the creation of the future service station.


Foodstuff companies such as Colona in Waremme or the Inbev Belgium brewery in Jupille have asked the company to carry out stability surveys for, respectively, the construction of a new emulsified sauce production unit and the construction of a new building for tanks. Infrastructure and drainage surveys have been carried out as part of an improvement project for the former

New Tube Meuse site in Flémalle for the SPI+ and also as part of the development plan for the park adjacent to the ULG university campus, the Science Park on the Sart-Tilman site for the Seraing town council. Specialising in topography, the B.E. Hubert Louis company has carried out a number of surveys, such as full surveys of the Bovigny Reception Centre for the FEDASIL (the Belgian government agency for the reception of asylum seekers), the surveys for changing the Nivelles - Braine-l’Alleud RER to four tracks and the installation of the catenary systems on the Liège - Aachen high speed rail link for TUC-RAIL as well as surveys over several kilometres of the beds of the Vesdre and the Hoëgne for the MET (the Wallonian ministry for equipment and transport).


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1.2.3. Extension to the Galere offices New energy development Unit - Herstal

Finally, the stability surveys for the extension to the Galere offices and the infrastructure and stability studies for the new energy development unit at Herstal have been able to be started.

tion building, the construction of a superstructure for the fluvial transfer of household waste, etc.


Again for the MET, road infrastructure surveys have commenced as part of the improvement projects of the Solvay and Gramme boulevards at Herstal, as well as for the bypass projects for the towns of Tubize and Joidoigne. We should also mention the surveys for the access roads which are underway for the Corman factories in GoĂŠ.

Amongst the orders for 2006, there are the infrastructure and stability surveys for the integrated waste management site in Floreffe. This new site includes the installation and construction of an access bridge, the construction of an industrial unit for the preparation of combustible chips from the wood waste and for the sorting and crushing of bulk waste, sorting and crushing line machinery, the construction of storage units for raw and crushed materials, access roads, a service station for fuel, and technical and administra-

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Our subsidiary in Liège intends to continue its activities in the same way for 2007.



1. 2. 3.

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Construction of a cement plant in Umb Bab - Qatar Mineral oil container filling line - Naftec - Algeria Intermediary pumping facilities on the multiproducts pipeline between Skikda - El Khroub - Algeria

TPF-Basse Sambre


Specialists for over forty years in the design and production of turnkey production units, in 2006 the consultants TPF-Basse Sambre have undertaken or ensured the continuation of projects in their main sectors of activity such as solid waste treatment, ore processing, the oil and gas sector and the cement industry, whilst strengthening its position on its target markets which are North Africa and the Middle East. NAFTAL (Algeria) On the borders of Algeria TPF-Basse Sambre, as part of a project to pump gas between Skikda and Elk Khroub, has carried out the design supply, installation, and currently the putting into service of two booster pumps and two 200m3 transfer pumps at the Skikda outflow terminal, as well as two reception spheres with a unit capacity of 2000mÂł at the El Khroub outflow terminal. The work will be completed in June 2007.

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Again for NAFTAL, the national petroleum products marketing and distribution company, a contract has been concluded to supply mechanical equipment for the intermediate pumping station on the multi-products pipeline from Skikda to El Khroub.


NAFTEC (Algeria) TPF-Basse Sambre has been called upon by NAFTEC, the national oil refining company, as part of the creation of three automatic lines for filling 200 litre barrels with finished mineral oil on the refinery site at Arzew. This is a complete assignment as it encompasses the surveys, supplying equipment, the installation and the putting into service of the three lines. The installation of the lines is planned for the beginning of 2007.

SONATRACH – GL2Z Industrial Estate (Arzew - Algeria) Still in Algeria, the contract relating to the inspection, repair, sanding and painting the exterior surfaces of three liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage tanks concluded, you may recall, with the global oil company, Sonatrech, the second largest exporter of LNG, is still in the production phase. In fact, to date the first two tanks have been received, and the work is expected to be completed by the end of June 2007. QATAR NATIONAL CEMENT COMPANY (Um Bab Qatar) As part of the engineering-consultancy contract concluded with the Qatar National Cement Company in 2003 relating to the turnkey construction of a cement works with a production capacity of 4000 tonnes per day of Portland cement clinkers, the start-up phase and the carrying out of performance tests took place this year. The provisional handover is planned for around 15 April 2007.



1. Construction of a cement plant in Um Bab - Qatar 2. Integrated waste management plant - Floreffe

HT HÜTTENTECHNIK (Dillingen - Allemagne) Faced with the need to increase production of the SA2 sinter line at Rogesa, a contract relating to the enlargement of the sinter line and modernisation of the cooling system has been concluded with the HT Hüttentechnik company. Let’s return to Belgium for: INDUSTEEL (Charleroi) This contract, relating to the surveys for a steelworks pocket furnace and a new installation of a dust removal system at a steelworks was agreed in October 2006. We must state that to date the draft project has been submitted for budget approval and that the orders for clearing the site have been passed. The dust removal system is currently being manufactured in the workshop.

BEP - Integrated site for waste management at Floreffe This project once again represents the way the activities of the various subsidiaries of Groupe TPF complement each other. Whilst the planning company Hubert Louis has been carrying out the infrastructure and stability surveys, TPF-Basse Sambre has concluded the engineering and project coordination contract for the Province de Namur BEP, relating to the drawing up of the preliminary plans and budget, drawing up the specifications, analysing the bids and supervision of the execution of the work.


QATAR NATIONAL CEMENT COMPANY (Um Bab Qatar) A consultancy contract relating to the turnkey construction of a cement works with a production capacity of 5000 tonnes per day of Portland cement clinkers was concluded on 15 November 2006. The assignment covers supervision of the installation, putting the installation into service and the guarantee period.

BEP - Crematorium in the Province of Namur This contract, which came into force in January 2006, relates to the preliminary surveys and drawing up the technical specifications for consultation by prospective bidders for the turnkey construction of a crematorium in the province of Namur. The call for tenders will shortly be launched by the Province de Namur BEP, the local authority’s financial department. TPF-Basse Sambre will be analysing the bids.

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TPF-Basse Sambre has received other orders in 2006, such as:




1. ARCELOR - CARINOX - Wide strip mill - Charleroi 2. Equipment for gauging

After highlighting our various activities relating to engineering, we now move on to our second activity which consists of the production and operation of projects in the water and energy sector. Two of our companies are experts in this field: TPF-Utilities and TPF-Econoler.

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2006 was a transitional year for TPF-Utilities, both from a point of view of the organisation of its human resources and from a profitability point of view. In fact, following the sizeable organic growth of the last few years, a more efficient and flexible human resources structure was required. It will allow TPF-Utilities to better meet the future needs of its customers whilst maintaining a satisfactory level of profitability. We must mention the following projects:

ARCELOR-CARINOX - Wide strip mill (Charleroi) Arcelor has had repeated confidence in TPF-Utilities over an exceptional period of 10 years. The data management system comprises all the cooling circuits, the descaling circuits and all the equipment for treating the wastewater. The output taken into account is 10,000m3 per hour. TPF-Utilities now has an integrated team at the Carinox site in Charleroi which is carrying out the operation of the stainless steelworks and the rolling mill. We should also note that the customer has called upon the services of TPF-Utilities to carry out the modernisa-

tion investment of its installations to the value of 1.5 million euros. SONACA (Gosselies) In a very competitive climate, TPF-Utilities was awarded the management of the water circuits for all the workshops in this factory which specialises in the manufacture of aeronautics components. These include preparation, cooling and detoxification circuits. During 2007 this initial contract should lead to the total coverage of these installations for a period of 5 years.



1. Municipal Purification Plant at Mornimont - Moustier-sur-Sambre 2. Purification Plant of Louvain-la-Neuve

INASEP - Survey of the municipal purification plant at Mornimont (Moustier-sur-Sambre) This purification plant with a population equivalent of 45,000 treats pollution biologically with nitrification, nitrate removal and simultaneous phosphorus precipitation. It also has a sludge dehydration unit, as well as a mud treatment unit. TPF-Utilities clinched the contract for the preliminary survey, survey, bids analysis and supervision of the execution of the work. IBW - Intercommunale du Brabant Wallon Amongst the various current contracts, surveys of membrane-type purification plants in the town of Louvainla-Neuve (population equivalent 13,000) and the Lasne

IPALLE The surveys to update, with tertiary treatment, the purification plant in the town of Leuze-en-Hainaut (population equivalent 10,000) have started. As for the surveys for the mixed sludge digestion at the purification plant in the town of Mouscron (population equivalent 100,000), these have continued in 2006.


valley in Rosières (population equivalent 145,000) are continuing to the customer’s satisfaction and keeping within the budgets and to schedule.

ARCELOR – Flat Products Wallonia The improvement investments for updating and refurbishing the water treatment plants at the various steel industry sites in the Liège basin are continuing and have mobilized all our teams to get them up and running. RapportReport Activity Annuel2006 2006 - - TPF Groupe GroupTPF

MET – MRW/DGRNE : Gauging For several years our hydrometry teams have been building up their know-how in measuring the outflow of watercourses. So the contract relating to navigable watercourses, managed by the Wallonia Ministry for Equipment and Transport since 1999, represents some 800 gaugings per year. At the end of 2006 the company concluded the contract for measuring non-navigable watercourses with the Department for Natural Resources, representing an additional 1000 gaugings per year.


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1. Sport complex - Seraing 2. International School of Brussels - Boisfort 3. Swimming pool - Fléron

TPF-Econoler Energy and environment oriented, TPF-ECONOLER is maintaining an active presence within the group, confirmed by the surveys and investments made during 2006.


These are some of the projects:

International School of Brussels (Boisfort) After carrying out the energy audits of the 11 buildings of this school complex in 2005, TPF-Econoler drew up an overall HVAC investment plan, comprising, amongst other things, a heat network and a vegetable oil cogeneration unit.

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Secondly, as part of the renovation of the various buildings on the site, TPF-Econoler made energy economising investments in the “Château” relating to the installation of a new control, replacing the boiler (1 x 240kW) and creating new circuits.


Municipality of Fleron TPF-Econoler was awarded the contract to carry out a survey on the installation of a cogenerating power plant with a power of 70kW at the swimming pool in Fléron. Municipality of Seraing Following a call for tenders, TPF-Econoler won the contract to carry out audits and full surveys for appointing the contracting authority and for making investments as a third-party investor. The object of this audit is the

improvement in the energy performance of a group of buildings owned the Seraing municipality. In addition, TPF-Econoler has carried out energy audits in 20 of the Seraing municipality’s buildings and has drawn up an overall investment plan combining 101 projects for economising in heating, insulation, control, lighting, ventilation and cogeneration. STIB (Brussels) The STIB has asked TPF-Econoler to carry out a third call for tenders for the supply of electric energy (220GWh) for 2008 and 2009. FEDICHEM (Brussels) As part of the deregulation of the gas market in Belgium, the FEDICHEM federation called upon our services to carry out an analysis of the gas consumption of member companies and to launch the creation of a gas purchasing circle.

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1.2. Urban requalification of the «Cité Les Flamants» - Marseille 3.4. Extension and redevelopment of the «Cité mixte - Vaison-la-Romaine»

First of all we would like to present the pertinent facts which have affected the life of TPF abroad during 2006. To do this, we would like to provide some information on our various subsidiaries’ projects, and to start with our neighbouring country, France.


Urban Requalification of the “Cité Les Flamants» (Marseille) This project relates to the requalification of the”Cité Les Flamants” built in 1970 and made up of not only several buildings of around a dozen floors totalling some 1000 housing units, but also shops, a stadium, local facilities and a nursing school. The aim of the requalification is to reduce the number of housing units to 600, some of which will be refurbished and others will be new housing units. So as to open up the Cité, two new roads allowing it to be crossed and connecting it with the surrounding areas will be created. The surveys started in 2000 will be completed in 2006. The work will be able to start in 2007. As part of this operation, Beterem is carrying out project management of the building work, supervising the building site, public works, diagnostics and steering coordination.

Extension and redevelopment of the “cité mixte” (Vaison-la-Romaine) This huge project consists of the redevelopment of the Cité Mixte in Vaison la Romaine including the redevelopment of the partially demolished Collège d’Arbaud, with a capacity of 750 students, the construction of a secondary school with a capacity of 530 students, the building of a boarding school with 200 rooms, the building of a canteen with a capacity of 1000 meals per day, the construction of a gym, and finally the construction of housing for the employees. The project management for the technical lots (structure, heating, ventilation, plumbing, electricity, kitchen, acoustics, fire safety system and steering coordination) for the public works, fire safety system and steering coordination have been awarded to Beterem. The whole project, even though the site is occupied, will nevertheless be completed during 2009.

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

Beterem has been called upon numerous times to carry out or supervise numerous projects. Amongst them are:


2006 was an eventful year. It allowed us to make progress in large projects in our various areas of competence, such as hospitals, large public equipment, education, both residential and social housing, the service industry, car parks and finally, industry.



New hospital - Annecy

New Hospital in the Annecy region (Annecy) This project is part of the reconstruction of the CHRA – the Annecy Region Medical Centre, located in the town of Metz Tessy. This hospital complex is made up of five levels (garden level, ground floor and 3 floors) and will have the benefit of an airy, well-ventilated architecture (atrium, patios, courtyards making the most of natural light, etc.), a car parking area, interior distribution (interior galleries and level 200 metre roads creating an urban network) and five lift hubs (goods lifts, patient lifts, etc.) Beterem is responsible for technical control, supervising the technical building work which is currently underway, or which remains to be done, subcontracted to SETEC Bâtiments. The handing over of the future hospital is planned for the first quarter of 2007.

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

Extension to the village IV (Pessac) The main objective of this project is the construction of a group of 254 student residences on the Pessac university campus, landscaping layout and the creation of an open-air car park with a capacity of 353 spaces. The completion of the work is planned for sometime in 2007. Beterem is responsible for ensuring the following technical lots are carried out: external heavy building work, metal structure, various networks, heating, ventilation, sanitation, electricity and lifts.


HASSAN II University Medical Centre (Fes - Maroc) Still with hospitals, we should mention here that 2006 will see the actual completion in constructing the new Hassan II University Medical Centre, with a capacity of 950 beds. With a total floor space of more than 80,000 m², this huge hospital complex is made up of around

fifteen buildings including, amongst others, “a specialist hospital comprising 19 operating blocks, a mother and infant hospital”, a central laboratory, buildings for external consultants, oncology, radiology, internal medicines and administration, a life unit, reception area, etc. We would like to point out that the heating and airconditioning systems of the fifteen buildings of the University Medical Centre are supplied from a heat and iced water network comprising 1100 metres of galleries of pipework with seven exchange substations. As part of this operation, Beterem drew up the technical schedule and project managed the technical lots: electricity, air-conditioning, heating, ventilation, medical liquids, fire safety, morgue equipment, and hospital waste treatment as a public works assignment. As for orders for 2006, we should mention the following: Construction of Vendespace - Landscaped park at Beaupuy (Vendée) Located close to Roche-Sur-Yon, in 2010 this stadium complex will present the greatest names in the French and international cultural scene, as well as the champions from the greatest stadiums worldwide. This imposing project of almost 18,000 m² will comprise a large modular hall with a seated capacity of 3000 to 5000, with an exceptional acoustic configuration, and a modular sports hall with a capacity of 300 places. Construction of a 300 place dojo serving the region, completely separate from the rest of the complex, and a 29000 m² landscaped car park providing 920 parking spaces is also planned. However we should highlight the innovative active acoustics process used allowing the

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CAP CONSTELLATION Building (Zac Andromede Blagnac) This is the construction of an 11,700 m² office complex comprising four buildings, three basement levels surrounded by a moulded wall holding 400 parking spaces, a planted interior courtyard and an area reserved for catering facilities, including amongst other things, an inter-company restaurant with a self-service area, a bar, cafeteria, sandwich bar and private modular rooms with a total capacity to serve 658 meals. Beterem has been given the consultant engineer assignment in special techniques, more precisely the public works for the technical lots, special foundations, external heavy building work, waterproofing, access networks, heating, ventilation, plumbing, electricity, exterior lighting, lifts and the economics of the construction over the whole operation. The work will be completed in 2008. IT Centre - AIRBUS France (Toulouse) As part of the creation of a new IT centre for Airbus France, Beterem won the bidding for the construction of a building housing two separate main operational units. More precisely, this is an office unit of almost 4500

m² and a 4700 m² IT unit, three 500 m² server rooms and technical annexes such as technical rooms for the supply/transformation of electric power, the production of emergency electric power, the distribution of electric power, as well as the production and distribution of heating and cooling energy. The techniques of air-conditioning engineering and electrical engineering have been particularly put to use here so as to ensure the correct operation of the IT equipment. We must remember that the installation will be operational continuously, 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. Beterem’s assignment was complete: summary assignment, steering coordination assignment and public works assignment. The latter included the technical lots such as exterior heavy building works, metal framework and concrete structure, access roads, air-conditioning, plumbing, electricity, the IT and telephone prewiring, fire detection, FM200 automatic sprinklers, lifts and finally the fire safety system. The work will be carried out over three successive phases, the final handover being planned for 2009.

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

acoustics of a hall to be controlled depending on the type of event being held. This is done through small microphones inlayed into the wall adjusted from the control room, as well as the three-dimensional metal framework with, in particular, a 44 x 57m covered surface without a supporting post. The basic assignment for the technical lots awarded to Beterem include: external heavy building work, metal structure, fire safety, electricity, heating, ventilation, plumbing, smoke extraction and acoustics.


1. Cap Constellation Building - Zac Andromede - Blagnac 2. IT Centre - Airbus France - Toulouse



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1. Golden Residence Madeira - Madeira 2. Pinhal Novo Interface - Portugal 3. New paediatric hospital at Coimbra (Portugal)

TPF Planege Throughout 2006 our Portuguese subsidiary has continued and affirmed its sustained effort in internationalisation which has allowed it to win contracts in Poland, Algeria and Angola. Thanks to its skills in project management, TPF Planege has controlled the revitalization or construction of numerous projects in its favoured areas such as the construction industry (hospitals, shopping centres, etc.) as well as both road and rail networks.

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group Group


Amongst the projects which have been completed or are underway are:


Golden Residence Madeira (Madeira) This sizeable building project, already running for almost three years, relates to the creation of a complex of 140 residential and administrative units distributed over three buildings and providing accommodation adapted for the needs of senior citizens, will be completed at the beginning of 2007. The complete building project has been given to TPF Planege. As project manager it is responsible for not only the preliminary work but also the coordination and supervision of the building work, quality control, budget control and safety coordination. Pinhal Novo Interface (Portugal) As part of the huge modernisation programme of the Portuguese rail infrastructure, the REFER company (the national rail network company) called upon TPF Planege as project manager. This project relates to the construction of a station and interface at Pinhal Novo. Its objective is twofold: firstly the integration of the North-South railway line with the surrounding rail network, and secondly the interface with the lines at Alentefjo and the southern line. The work encompasses the earthworks,

drainage, installation of the catenary system, signalling and telecommunications systems, setting up a fire protection system, the electrical and mechanical installations, and finally new tracks. Sines thermal power station (Portugal) The objective of this project is to reduce the polluting emissions of nitrogen oxide at the Sines coal-fired thermal power station. To do this, modifications have to be made to boilers in the four generating units. TPF Planege will be responsible for the engineering working plans for the chimneys and support structures. New paediatric hospital at Coimbra (Portugal) This project is composed of two units: a 14-storey main building, 7 levels of which are underground, for use by all the health care services, and a secondary building which will be used for shops, catering facilities, services, technical equipment and a thermal power plant. A heliport and two main entrances will be created to allow access to the medical centre. The whole project is accompanied by the setting up of special techniques (electricity, lighting, emergency power plant, telecommunications, fire detection, ventilation, air-conditioning, sterilisation, etc.) as well as specific processes to do with the treatment of water and hospital waste.


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Cement production unit (Cacuaco - Angola) A new cement factory with a production capacity of over 5000 tonnes per day of OPC (Ordinary Portland Cement) or 5880 tonnes per day of CPC (Calcium Phosphate Cement) will come into service in 2010 in Cacuaco, a town located around twenty kilometres from the capital, Luanda. Amongst the assignments given to TPF Planege is the general coordination of the project, designing and supplying equipment, supervising the work, planning control, quality control and safety control. Moreover, we can confidently predict TPF Planege’s activity for 2007 taking into account the orders received during the year. Here are some of them: Annaba - R. Djamel (AlgÊrie) Railway Network modernisation As part of the project designed to double the section linking Hannaba with Ramdane Djamal and to modernise the existing infrastructure, a contract has been con-

cluded with the Algerian national railways company. This encompasses numerous assignments including the control and approval of the operational plans, supervising the work, quality control, accepting equipment, and finally planning and budget control. The project involves the renovation of six stations, around twenty works of art, three tunnels, some 125km of track and 90 points, as well as considerable embankment and excavation work. The work will be completed in 2010.

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

The various engineering skills of our Portuguese subsidiary have been called upon: project revision, supervision of the work, budget and planning control, as well as safety coordination. The hospital will be opening in 2008


1. Sines Thermal power station (Portugal) 2. Cement production unit - Cacuaco (Angola)


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Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group Group


1. «Plaza Oeste» Shopping centre - Obidos (Portugal) 2. «Ethylène Capacity Creep» project at Sines (Portugal) 3. Conference Centre at Faro and Loulé (Portugal)


New A1 Motorway section linking Sosnica with Belk (Poland) The consortium formed by our Portuguese and Polish subsidiaries - TPF Planege and E&L Architects – has signed a contract for the construction of a three-lane 15.5km section of the A1 motorway between Sosnica and Belk in Silesia. As this is a mining region, special techniques have been put into action because of the rocky nature of the terrain. This project also relates to the construction of toll points, service stations, etc., whilst putting great emphasis on the protection of the environment (acoustic barriers, water pre-purification systems, and planted areas providing protection). This contract encompasses assignments such as coordination and supervision of the building work, planning and budget control, quality control and safety coordination. The work is expected to be completed for 2010. «Ethylene Capacity Creep» project (Sines - Portugal) This relates to making modifications to a production unit at a petrochemical complex in Sines, so as to increase the production of ethylene from 380kt per year to 410kt per year. TPF Planege has been given the role of general contractor comprising the general coordination between the various subcontractors, supervising the work, planning control, safety management and coordination and quality control. Conference Centre at Faro and Loulé (Portugal) Developing a total floor area of around 22,100 m², this new Conference Centre for the towns of Faro and

Loulé will be used by a huge amount of people. In fact, it will not only be provided with a shopping centre, an office block, an auditorium, a concert hall, public areas and areas for catering facilities, but will also include a car park. This new complex will open in 2010. TPF Planege has obtained the order for the preliminary work, producing the production plans and the detailed surveys of the techniques, comprising amongst other things, earthworks, foundations and other structures, special techniques for HVAC, electricity, safety, as well as the transport equipment for personnel and goods. «Plaza Oeste» shopping centre (Obidos - Portugal) Either because of its contemporary architecture or its dimensions, this new complex of over 83,000 m² will include some 20,000 m² of housing and some 63,000 m² of commercial and cultural areas. So as to be able to welcome a large number of visitors, 2700 parking spaces will be provided. On behalf of Wilhelm & Co, TPF Planege will carry out the preliminary surveys and production plans in the following areas: earthworks, exterior building work, foundations and various structures, special techniques, water treatment, etc. The work will be completed in 2010.



1.2. Bioenergetica Egabrense Project

Before leaving the Mediterranean, let’s have a look at the hydroelectric mini-power plant projects and cogeneration projects which have been completed, or are still underway, by our subsidiary Econoler Spain.

Given the enthusiasm sparked off by this latest project, Econoler Espagne carried out feasibility studies relating to similar biomass projects in Portugal. One is for the creation of a biomass plant in the Brinches region which is also promoting the use of waste from the manufacture of olive oil, and the other for the creation of a biomass plant in the Ribapejo region which will use other types of waste: timber, mainly from poplar trees. Other studies have been carried out in Spain, in Galicia for the Renova company. This project relates to the construction of two timber biomass power plants (mainly from eucalyptus trees). Regarding the activity relating to hydroelectric mini-power plant projects, this is centred on the preparation of a detailed investment study into four hydro-electric power plants located in the north of Portugal. Negotiations for their acquisition and their operation are underway.

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

In October 2006, in the province of Cordoba, more precisely in Cabra, this subsidiary officially made the first “Bioenergetica Egabrense” biomass unit a reality, promoting on a large scale the use of waste from the manufacture of olive oil for the production of heat and electricity. The residues from the drying and second extraction of the oil are proving to be an excellent combustible, having, apart from a suitable grain structure, a calorific power higher than wood. As a reminder, this programme for promoting energy comprises a drying factory fitted with a natural gas turbine and an electricity production plant with a boiler, steam turbine and an alternator. The electricity produced is sold on the Spanish market at that day’s prices. Econoler Espagne was given, through a turnkey contract, the design, construction and management of this energy installation in Andalusia.


Econoler Espagne




1. Agroalim - Timisoara 2. Intervitt - Zimnicea

We now move on to look at the significant events which have marked the life of our subsidiaries located in Eastern and Central Europe, firstly TPF Romania and secondly, E&L Architects.

TPF Romania


In 2006, our Romanian design company continued with the growth of its previous activities and has also carried out projects mainly in the food processing sector. In particular: LUCA (Brasov) The modernisation of a 3000m2 meat processing unit in Brasov continued in 2006. The installations of this butchery plant, with a capacity of 40 tonnes per day, must comply with the European Union standards. TPF Romania has been given the contract for the architectural surveys, stability and civil engineering surveys and the special techniques surveys.

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

JUMBO (Bocsa) This project also relates to the modernisation and extension of a meat processing unit in accordance with the European standards. TPF Romania is responsible for the design studies including the technology, architecture, structure and equipment.


INTERVITT (Zimnicea) This is the construction of a wine production centre, with a production capacity of 2 million litres of red and white wine, extending over a total floor space of 3500 m². This project also relates to the construction of an annexe building to be used for tastings. The design surveys are being carried out by our subsidiary, being care-

ful to take the European standards into account. AGROLIM (Timisoara) The Agrolim company, specialising in fresh and frozen products, called upon TPF Romania as part of a renovation and extension project for its logistics centre in Timisoara. The preliminary surveys, special techniques and architectural surveys started in 2005 are continuing.


1. Jutrzenki business park - Warsaw 2. Tulipan House - Warsaw 3. Kopernik office buildings - Warsaw

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E&L Architects

Tulipan House (Warsaw) “Tulipan House” extends over 17,800 m² and comprises office space distributed over four levels. Our architects have not only drawn up the architectural design and prepared the tender documents, but they are also responsible for monitoring the execution of the work and are carrying out the consultancy assignment. The work is expected to be finished for spring 2008. JUTRZENKI BUSINESS PARK (Warsaw) The project concerns the construction of a business park comprising two four-storey buildings, each one providing 2738 m² of office space. As for the parking

arrangements, 22 spaces will be provided in the basement, and 48 spaces outside. The first building, now completed is currently housing the offices of an IT company. E&L Architects have carried out a two-fold assignment, that of architect and project manager. Batory office buildings (Warsaw) The whole of the complex has a total floor space of 15,000 m² above ground and is composed of two office buildings. 310 parking spaces are provided in the basement. Apart from the architectural design of the second building, E&L Architects has continued in the preparation of the production plans and in the supervision of the building work. The premises should be able to be occupied by 2008.

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

Kopernik office buildings (Warsaw) Located in western Warsaw in the centre of the business quarter, this huge complex with a contemporary and intelligent design, is made up of five office buildings with a total floor space of 29,993 m² and an 18,040 m² car park. The construction work has been carried out in successive phases, the handover is planned for the autumn of 2007. E&L Architects is responsible for the design studies and monitoring the work.


In Poland, our architecture firm, E&L Architects, has been mainly working on substantial projects dealing with the design of office buildings. Here are some of the key projects:


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2 4 Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar road - Mumbai

But the major event of the financial year, we should remind ourselves, is the acquisition of the Indian design company:

S.N. Bhobe & Associates Pvt. Ltd 2006 has allowed S.N. Bhobe & Associates, which operates mainly in the field of both road and rail infrastructures, to set up numerous projects.

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group


Amongst the projects being developed, here are some of the more significant


Doubling the railway line Panvel - JNPT On behalf of Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd (working under the authority of the Ministry of Railways), our Indian design company has been called upon as part of a project to double the Panvel – JNPT railway line, representing a 20km section. The objective of this programme is to develop a rail corridor linking the four major cities and to connect to the port. SN Bhobe has obtained the assignment of project management consultant (regarding equipment such as cross-sleepers, ballast, signalling, electrification, tracks, etc.). This assignment has been completed without interruption to the rail traffic.

up. The objective of the enterprise aims to make the traffic move more freely by reducing the traffic signals at various junction points. The work is planned to be completed for 2008.

Construction of six flyovers (Mumbai) Over the years, the Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Road, the major trunk road linking Mumbai city centre with the outskirts has been suffering traffic congestion due to the numerous traffic signals which slow down the traffic considerably. So as to remedy this, a project relating to the construction of a fast-track corridor with six flyovers totalling some 7800 metres, has been set

So as not to interrupt the rail traffic, a sophisticated system for putting the bridge spans over the tracks has been set up. These bridges will be operational in March 2009.

Construction of five road bridges (New Mumbai) New-Mumbai, the largest planned new town in the world, twinned with Mumbai, was created in the 1970s to meet the increased need for housing and has grown very rapidly. As a result, a mobility plan has had to be implemented, comprising, amongst other things, the construction of five road bridges crossing over railway tracks.

1.2. Sewage treatment plant at Nerul 2

Pawana river front development at Pimpri Chinchwad - Pune, Maharashtra Dividing the town of Pune into two, the Pawana river is having enormous pollution problems, particularly due to the outflow of urban wastewater and the considerable increase in the population over the last few years. So it has now proved essential to develop a purification project comprising, amongst other things, dredging work, silt removal, work to deepen the river bed, and finally gabion construction. At the same time as this project, a tourism development project has started up. This will be made a reality by 2010 with the construction of aquariums, restaurants, promenades, parks and even areas for water sports.

We should also underline that the activity of the old purification plants must be maintained throughout the duration of the construction work for the new units. Finally, the purified water will be reused for commercial purposes. All of the work is expected to be completed by the end of 2007. On behalf of the New Mumbai town council, S.N. Bhobe is carrying out the feasibility study assignment comprising, amongst other things, choosing the technologies, preparing the calls for tender, assessing the tests and as project management consultants.



Construction of three sewage treatment plants In addition, projects which are just as significant, relating to water treatment are currently underway. The purpose of these is to face the population increase in New Mumbai. More precisely, the two purification plants located in Nerul and Vashi will each have a capacity of 100 million litres per day, whilst the one located in Aioli will have capacity of 80 million litres per day.

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

For these three projects, S.N. Bhobe has been awarded the contract for the feasibility studies, ground surveys, preparation of the calls for tender, design, engineering and as project management consultants.


1.2.3. Triage-lavoir du Centre 1 3


We now return to Belgium and present below the activity of the Public-Private Sector Partnership developed thanks to the support of the partners grouped within the Triage-Lavoir du Centre and IDE IMMO companies.


Triage-lavoir du Centre The Triage-Lavoir du Centre company was created in May 2003 by the following five shareholders: IPW (Institut du Patrimoine Wallon), Immocita (a subsidiary of the SRIW – Société Régionale de l’Investissement de Wallonie), SPAQUE (Société Publique d’Aide à la Qualité de l’Environnement), IDEA (Association Intercommunale pour le Développement Economique et l’Aménagement des Régions du Centre et du Borinage) and TPF. We should remember that the group’s set social objective consists of the renovation of the old coal washing and sorting building at Péronnes, at the entrance to Binche. Purely and simply destined for demolition in 2000, this 19,000 m² building left abandoned for almost 35 years is today being rebuilt for a planned re-opening around 2010. The repairs to the concrete started in 2005 have been completed. Next on the schedule is fitting the frames and special double glazing, repairs to the roof and improvements to various parts of the building.

Activiy Report 2006 - TPF Group

Ide Immo


As a reminder, IDE IMMO was created in October 2004 by the IDEA (Association Intercommunale pour le Développement Economique et l’Aménagement des Régions du Centre et du Borinage) and TPF. The purpose of this company is to research and carry out urban redevelopment projects in the area covered by the IDEA. For this, IDE IMMO is currently researching the development the “housing” area located on the Grands-Prés site in Mons, and has chosen to revitalize the Moulin Dambot quarter. .

The Groupe TPF has also continued its activity as an energy producer in Belgium and abroad.

Belgium Socageth

The Socageth company operates the urban heating network in the town of Charleroi. The power installed is 48Mw. The sales, which are increasing, rose to 1,303,570 euros for 2006.

France Eso

Eso operates a dispatchable electric power plant with a power of 6620kW located in the Landes region. During the financial year ending 31 October, the electricity sales rose to 640,177 euros.

Spain We should remember that TPF is a shareholder in five companies operating cogeneration and biomass power plants.



Power installed: 4,120kW – industrial customer: Inosa (manufacturing expanded polystyrene) 2006 turnover: 1.339 million euros.

E.A. Numaco


Power installed: 14,600kW – industrial customer: Leyma (dairy company) 2006 turnover: 3.977 millions euros.


Power installed: 1000kW – industrial customer: Madeiras Beceira (timber manufacturer) 2006 turnover: 180,000 euros

Bioenergetica Egabrense

Power installed: 8Mw with cogeneration and 13Mw in biomass 2006 turnover: 5.685 millions euros

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group TPF

Power installed: 4,120kW – industrial customer: Numaco (manufacturing expanded polystyrene) 2006 turnover: 869,000 euros


Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

Presentation of the accounts











TANGIBLE FIXED ASSETS (ann. IX) A. Land and Buildings B. Plants, machinery and equipment C. Furniture and vehicles


2005 22.440














D. Leases and other similar rights



E. Other tangible assets



F. Assets under construction and advance payments






A. Enterprises consolidated using the equity method



1. Equity holdings



2. Amounts receivable B. Other enterprises 1. Shares 2. Amounts receivable







C. Other financial assets 1. Shares 2. Amounts receivable and cash guarantees CURRENT ASSETS VI.








B. Other amounts receivable



1. Supplies








2. Work in progress 3. Finished products 4. Goods 5. Buildings for sale 6. Advance payments

140 12

B. Contracts in progress VIII.


AMOUNTS RECEIVABLE WITHIN ONE YEAR A. Trade receivables B. Other amounts receivable

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group


A. Stocks





43.361 37.179

B. Other investments

36.510 29.759




6.751 3.109

















LIABILITIES (Euro thousand)










A. Issued share capital






























A. Provisions for liabilities and charges





1. Pensions and similar commitments



2. Burden of taxation







3. Major repairs and maintenance 4. Other liabilities and charges B. Deferred taxes









A. Financial debts



1. Subordinated loan stocks 2. Unsubordinated loan stocks 3. Leasing and similar obligations







4. Credit institutions



5. Other loan stocks



B. Trade debts 1. Suppliers 2. Bills of exchange payable 1.913

D. Other amounts payable XI.

AMOUNTS PAYABLE WITHIN ONE YEAR (ann. XIII) A. Current portion of amounts payable after one year B. Financial Debts










1. Credit institutions



2. Other loan stocks



C. Trade debts 1. Suppliers

15.121 15.121

16.587 16.587

2. Bills of exchange payable D. Advances received on contracts in progress


E. Taxes, payroll and social security





1. Taxes



2. Payroll and social security



F. Other amounts payable










C. Advances received on contracts in progress

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group




TURNOVER A. Operating income (ann. XIV, A) B. Variation in stocks of finished goods, work and contracts in progress C. Fixed assets - own construction D. Other operating income


2006 86.216




12 1.178

1.241 -82.985

A. Supplies and goods 2. Variation in stocks (+,-)



OPERATING CHARGES (-) 1. Purchases



40.577 40.685

38.926 38.899



B. Services and other goods



C. Payroll, social security and pensions (ann. XIV, B)







D. Depreciation and amounts written off formation expenses, tangible and intangible assets E. Amounts written off stocks, contracts in progress and trade receivables (-, +) F. Provisions for liabilities and charges (-, +) G. Other operating charges





H. Operating charges capitalised as restructuring costs (-) III.









A. Income from financial assets



B. Income from current assets



C. Other financial income





A. Debt expenses B. Write-downs on goodwills









C. Write-downs on current assets other than those under. II. E. (+, -) D. Other financial expenses VI.








A. Release of depreciation and amounts written off intangible and tangible assets

Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group

B. Release of amounts written off financial assets


C. Release of provisions for exceptional liabilities and charges





D. Gains on disposal of fixed assets



E. Other exceptional income (ann. XIV, C)



(Euro thousand) VIII..


EXTRAORDINARY CHARGES (-) A. Depreciation and amounts written off formation, expenses, tangible and intangible assets B. Amounts written off financial assets

2005 -3.159




C. Provisions for extraordinary liabilities and charges D. Losses on disposal of fixed assets E. Other extraordinary income (ann. XIV, B)


146 18




F. Operating charges capitalised as restructuring costs (-) G. Exceptional write downs on goodwills






TAXES ON PROFIT (-) (+) A. Taxes (ann. XIV, D) (-) B. Adjustment of taxes and release of tax provisions








-5 -1.311





29 3.154

















Activity Report 2006 - TPF Group



B. Loss (-)


TPF Group Avenue de Haveskercke 46 1190 Brussels Belgium

 32(0)2 370 19 70  32(0)2 370 19 11  

The activity report of TPF Group is also available in French and Portuguese

Chief Publisher : Bernadette Petit

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