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Europe 12 14 16 18 28 32

Belgium Bagon Ingénieurs-Conseils Louis Engineering TPF-Basse Sambre TPF Engineering TPF-Utilities TTR Energy FRANCE

33 Beterem Ingénierie 37 Secmo Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

38 TPF Luxembourg Poland

40 TPF Portugal

42 TPF Planege Romania

47 TPF Romania


AFRICA Algeria

48 TPF Algérie Angola

50 TPF Angola Morocco

52 Pyramide Ingénierie 56 Save Project Tunisia

60 TPF Tunisie



62 Projetec - Projetos Tecnicos Ltda


ASIA India

66 S.N. Bhobe 70 Shrikhande Consultants




Consolidated balance sheet


Profit and loss account


2010: Performances in Europe are good. Growth continues in Asia and Africa. Brazil is starting to take off.

2010 was marked by TPF continuing its strategy based on two main factors : ■ maintaining its market shares and margins in Europe, ■ continuous growth in the emerging countries.

Results of including the Brazilian company Projetec and our internal growth in our accounts: ■ ■ ■ ■

sales and services increased from 82,090,941 euro to 105,945,389 euro, annual turnover increased from 73,025,435 euro to 115,729,714 euro, the operating margin (EBIDTA) increased from 8,360,456 euro to 14,038,279 euro, the level of goodwill has been maintained at 5,701,993 euro.

TPF carried out the following transactions and acquisitions during the 2010 financial year : ■ ■ ■

in India, acquisition of 51% of Shrikhande, employing 140 people, in Morocco, acquisition of an 85% shareholding in Save Project, with 25 employees, via our local subsidiary, Pyramide Ingénierie, opening a subsidiary in Venezuela for supervising the completion of an important project.

In Europe, at almost 3%, TPF is maintaining the volume of employment, in spite of the very difficult economic circumstances in some countries. TPF has subsidiaries in sixteen countries, the Brazilian, Indian, French and Belgian ones being the largest in decreasing order in terms of employees. Regarding turnover, the performances achieved by our subsidiaries in Belgium, France and Brazil are very close. Today, TPF has unquestionably become a multicultural company in many respects: ■ ■ ■ ■

in terms of the distribution of human resources, Belgium represents 13% of the group’s workforce, for a turnover representing 30% of total annual turnover, at the end of 2010, TPF had 1700 employees, 60% of whom are outside Europe, the Executive Committee is made up of 2 Belgians, 1 Frenchman, 1 Portuguese, 1 Indian, 1 Moroccan and 1 Brazilian, the most spoken mother tongue in the Group is Portuguese.









06 13 15

10 01

09 11 16 05 04 02

01. Algeria - 02. Angola - 03. Belgium - 04. Brazil - 05. Ecuador - 06. Spain - 07. France - 08. Grand Duchy of Luxembourg - 09. India 10. Morocco - 11. Panama - 12. Poland - 13. Portugal - 14. Romania - 15. Tunisia - 16. Venezuela


What were the key events of 2010? IN EUROPE BELGIUM

Engineering Division Bagon Ingénieurs-Conseils, Louis Engineering, TPF Engineering In 2010, TPF Engineering recorded a turnover of 9,000,000 euro, a rise of 3.5% compared to 2009, as well as an improvement in its margins. As the order book is completely full, TPF Engineering has set itself the target of strengthening this slight growth in 2011, both in terms of activities and margins. Regarding Louis Engineering, in the absence of large projects, its turnover dropped by 6% to 1,624,000 euro. However, a tight control over costs has allowed its excellent performance in 2009 to be maintained in 2010. After a particularly difficult 2009, Bagon Ingénieurs-Conseils’ activity leapt by 25% to give a total turnover of 1,461,000 euro.

Utilities Division TPF-Utilities TPF-Utilities saw a good year both in terms of margins and in terms of orders taken. The strategy of reducing its dependence on the steel industry sector is continuing, with a solid breakthrough in providing services to local authorities in the water and energy sectors. TTR In 2010, our subsidiary active in renewable energies has continued its work for the Degroof Fund. The 45 million euro of the first fund has been fully invested. A second fund is being set up for 2011.

Design Division TPF-Basse Sambre For our subsidiary TPF-Basse Sambre, the key event for 2010 was the coming into force of a contract of some 40 million euro, the largest contract in its history, signed in 2008. As a reminder, this relates to the complete replacement of the fire protection system at the Sonatrach Group’s GL2 liquefaction complex in Arzew, in Algeria. This project has largely contributed to the strong increase in turnover rising to 12,000,000 euro, as well as to the significant net profit.




SPAIN The transfer of our 3 latest assets is under way. So as to streamline the accounts, accountable depreciation of more than 2 million euro has been drawn up.

FRANCE Despite the economic crisis that has hit the building sector in France, the net profit of our subsidiary Beterem has remained stable at 670,000 euro with an increase in turnover of 4% compared with 2009, reaching 20,500,000 euro. However a slight drop in production has been recorded. Regarding the Secmo design company, this closed the year with a turnover of 2,400,000 euro, a rise of 4% compared to the previous financial year, and has maintained its very strong profitability of 12.5% after tax. The order book for 2011 is completely full and should lead to a slight increase in turnover for 2011.

GRAND DUCHY OF LUXEMBOURG In Luxembourg, turnover is relatively stable at 778,000 euro. TPF Luxembourg has 6 employees.

POLAND Activity saw a growth of 4% to reach an annual turnover of 4,800,000 euro. However, the strengthening of the competition has led to the erosion of our margins, even though they remain high (13% after taxes).

PORTUGAL TPF Planege saw a 6% drop in its activity due to the economic crisis that hit Portugal harder and harder. A drop which would have been larger if our Portuguese subsidiary had not carried out a greater part of its activity abroad, mainly in Angola and Algeria. Nevertheless, net profit has dropped greatly, to 235,000 euro (a third of 2009 and a fifth of 2008).

ROMANIA The economic crisis did not spare our subsidiary TPF Romania in 2009. Cancellations and delays to projects as well as the bankruptcy of a customer led us to suffer a substantial loss. Measures taken have allowed the loss to be reduced by half in 2010, the desired target being to break even in 2011.

IN AFRICA In 2009, TPF did not have a single employee in Africa. Now it has 140.


ALGERIA In 2010, TPF Algérie served as a support base for projects won and managed by TPF Planege. This subsidiary currently has a workforce of fifteen people. It is gradually growing.

ANGOLA As in Algeria, TPF Angola is currently mainly serving as a support base for developing projects won by TPF Planege. TPF Angola has around fifteen employees.

MOROCCO Pyramide Ingénierie has around seventy employees and had a good 2010, even if it was slightly down compared to 2009. Turnover dropped from 4,698,999 euro to 4,126,000 euro, and net profit from 1,230,854 euro to 989,000 euro, whilst still showing a record profit for the group of 24%. The main difficulties encountered in Morocco are the slowdown in the economic situation and the extension to payment deadlines. As a reminder, Pyramide acquired Save Project in 2010, which has 25 employees.

TUNISIA In 2010, TPF Tunisie, a small subsidiary of around a dozen employees, has mainly drawn up construction plans for projects initiated by other companies within the TPF Group.

IN AMERICA BRAZIL – ECUADOR - PANAMA - VENEZUELA In 2010, Projetec produced a greatly increased turnover, rising from 16,102,000 euro to 25,100,000 euro and a net profit rising from 1,502,300 euro to 3,210,000 euro. The company has 430 employees. We are anticipating new growth in our turnover. This growth however will be less in percentage terms. Finally, the opening of a subsidiary in Venezuela has led to a significant contract being obtained.

IN ASIA INDIA After years of strong growth and an exceptional 2009 from all points of view, turnover dropped slightly by 2% to reach 3,300,000 euro. Net profit, also less compared to the previous financial year, is 500,000 euro. 2011 should allow us to renew our growth and to develop synergies with the newly acquired Shrikhande Consultants




Prospects for 2011 At a steady rate, and excluding new acquisitions, in 2011 we should see a slight growth in our activity and our profits. We cannot end this introduction without carrying out a very pleasant duty. We are pleased to give our great thanks to all of the group’s employees for the work they have carried out. TPF’s success is also their success. They give us the strength in our desire for progress because we know that we can count on their professionalism, the entrepreneurial ability, and their enthusiasm.

Christophe Gilain, Managing Director

Thomas Spitaels, Chief Executive Officer



Simplified organization chart of the TPF group EUROPE




100 %

TPF Engineering

100 %

Louis Engineering

100 %

Bagon Ingénieurs-Conseils

91,5 %


91,5 %


100 %


100 %

TPF-Basse Sambre

50 %

TTR Energy

70,5 %

Nueva Econoler



35 %


70,5 %


100 %


100 %


51 %


91,5 %


100 %

TPF International

50 %

TTR Luxembourg


Grand Duchy of Luxembourg




97 %

TPF Algérie


93,4 %

TPF Angola


70 %

Pyramide Ingénerie


Save Project

70 %

TPF Tunisie


70 %



70 %



70 %



70 %


51 %

S.N. Bhobe &

Associates Pvt. Ltd





51 %


Consultants Pvt. Ltd.

100 %


94,4 %

TPF Planege

= 100 % Engineering

99,9 %

TPF Romania

= 100 % Realization - Operation in the water and energy sectors

Executive Committee


Composition of the Group Executive Committee


Samir Tahri Hassani Member of the Group Executive Committee Frédéric Lassale Member of the Group Executive Committee Christophe Gilain Managing Director – Member of the Group Executive Committee Atul Bhohe Member of the Group Executive Committee Thomas Spitaels Chief Executive Officer Jorge Nandin de Carvalho Member of the Group Executive Committee André Luiz da Silva Leitão Member of the Group Executive Committee Marc Capelle Member of the Group Executive Committee*

* Until June 30, 2010




Throughout 2010, our engineering company Bagon Ingénieurs-Conseils has put all its effort into three main sectors: transport, office buildings and housing. Certain projects have already been completed this year thanks to a strong investment from the whole team. Here is a review of them.

New head office for the Putman Frères firm, Anderlecht

Diagnosis of the tunnels of the Brussels-Capital region

The structural diagnosis of the 25 Brussels tunnels was completed in September of this year, to the great satisfaction of Egis Tunnel France. As a reminder, these tunnels represent a linear total of 16 kilometres and are managed by the Equipment and Transport Authority (AED) and the Department of Management and Maintenance (DGE). Each structure was subject to a full survey describing the general condition of the structure and the surrounding area. The purpose of this assignment was also to provide a detailed image of the safety level of the tunnels as they currently are, with an indication of the weak points, in particular.

Other projects are currently under way. Schuman-Josaphat railway tunnel, Brussels

New head office for the Putman Frères firm, Anderlecht

Having quite recently had a warehouse built, composed of two large industrial areas and a test run, the electrotechnical and mechanical company Putman Frères has just added a new office building composed of a ground floor and two upper storeys. The total floor area has now reached 5500 m². A reinforced concrete framework and pile foundations have been favoured for this complex.

For several months, Bagon Ingénieurs-Conseils have been working at one of the largest constructions sites currently under way in the capital, for the construction of the SchumanJosaphat railway tunnel, an essential link for easing congestion in Brussels. This structure, set up by Infrabel and financed by Beliris will be built under the Cortenbergh road tunnel, then going under the Place Jamblinne de Meux and the Avenue Plasky. The main difficulty encountered came from the studies relating to the basements of one of the buildings on the tunnel’s route, which didn’t reflect the reality. This required changes to be made, leading to a report on the loads between the building and the railway tunnel’s roof slab.

Schuman-Josaphat railway tunnel, Brussels



To improve mobility, housing and the quality of life, these are definitely three major issues to be overcome by the Brussels Region in 2011. Here are some new orders recorded this year relating to these issues. Renovation of the Léopold II tunnel, Brussels

Rehabilitation of the Léopold II tunnel, Brussels

Tunnelling of the small Brussels ring road

This project consisted of the preliminary design of the covering over the high speed traffic lanes. Firstly, between the tunnels at Porte Louise and Porte de Namur, which, it is important to say, physically go into the current Deux Portes car park, comprising 5 underground levels. Secondly, the roads between the tunnels at Porte de Namur and the Place du Trône. Thirdly: the construction of an underground access road between the Midi railway station and the Bois de la Cambre, passing through the Louise bottleneck. The request for a new design has just been added to this successfully completed assignment, this time relating to a second underground access road, between the Bois de la Cambre and the Midi railway station passing under the Galeries Louise. Redevelopment of the former De Boeck brewery site, Koekelberg

A very good example of the redevelopment of a former industrial site, this project concerns the construction of 8 small apartment buildings. This year, our engineering firm was responsible for the construction plans of Phase 4 for the construction of the two final buildings, with a surface area of 3000 m².

The two-way Léopold II tunnel is a road structure with an approximate length of 2.5 km comprising 2 traffic lanes in each direction. It is an essential link for motor traffic mobility in the Brussels region. In 2010 the Brussels-Capital Region had a complete survey done of the civil engineering, the structure, and the equipment of the tunnel, with the aim of scheduling the renovation work to be carried out. Egis Tunnels France, responsible for drawing up the DBFM (Design, Build, Finance, and Maintain) calls for tender, engaged our services for the stability part, relating in particular to the production of additional plans of the existing structures and for the creation of new emergency exits. Housing project, Avenue Paul Hymans, Woluwe-Saint-Lambert

A new construction site should have started at Woluwe-SaintLambert by the end of next year. In all, four new buildings, with a ground floor, 2 upper storeys and a penthouse will house 77 new apartments with a total surface area of 10,300 m². Bruegel Cultural Centre, Brussels

Located on Rue Haute, right in the heart the Marolles district, in a building of 2700 m², the Bruegel Centre will soon have a completely new appearance. Brussels City Council has decided to redevelop and renovate this complex, located in a lively district, where there is a very dense cultural diversity. As for the library, this will certainly not be forgotten, as it will be demolished then rebuilt.

Montoyer 15 housing project, Brussels

Over the next few months, the building that houses the credit insurance company Euler Hermes Credit Insurance Belgium SA will disappear. It will be demolished and replaced with a new office building with a surface area of 12,500 m² spread over a ground floor, six upper storeys, two underground levels and a technical floor set back. The project is oriented towards sustainable development: low energy consumption, high environmental quality (EPBD rating of around E75, and BREEAM “Excellent” certification). Vivier d’Oie housing project – Ligne 1, Brussels

It will be in Uccle in 2011, in the residential district of Vivier d’Oie, that the first sod will be dug for the construction of four residential buildings, along the railway line, and new detached houses, along the Avenue Prince de Ligne. These buildings will have a shared basement, with cellars and parking spaces covering a total surface area of 13,500 m².

Library – Bruegel Cultural Centre, Brussels



In Belgium, and more especially in Wallonia, our Liège subsidiary has actively contributed to continuing and completing numerous projects, in its strong position that it holds as the yardstick in the fields of civil engineering, topography and infrastructures. As part of its Quality approach, it can be proud of having obtained Construction Quality certification in 2010.

Créalys site, Gembloux

André Renard Clinic, Herstal

Retail complex, Neupré

A year with a wealth of new projects This year will in fact be noted for its major events including the opening, in July, after a year and a half’s work, of the new north taxiway at Brussels South airport in Charleroi, 2 kilometres long and 23 metres wide, as well as, in September, the opening of the new integrated waste management site at Floreffe for the Province of Namur on behalf of the BEPN (Economic Bureau for the Province of Namur), not forgetting the opening of the company start-up building for the SPI+ (Province of Liège development agency) at Flémalle.

The year has also been spent finalising a series of studies covering such varied sectors as construction, the environment, industry, as well as road, rail, airport and sports infrastructures. Along with the studies, we were also asked to carry out the assignments for the execution and supervision of the works.

In the Province of Walloon Brabant, our draughtsmen and engineers have produced studies for the redevelopment of an industrial building for the chemicals company Lonza at its Braine l’Alleud site, whilst the studies relating to the Wavre bypass have been started. In the Province of Hainaut, we will be finalising the draft ordered by the SOWAER (Wallonia Airports Authority) relating to the lengthening of the runway (by 400 metres) at the Brussels South airport in Charleroi, the draft designs for connecting the national motorway 575 to the port area built at Montigniessur-Sambre on behalf of the SPW (Wallonia Public Services), and finally the studies for the 3rd phase of the renovation of the CIB’s (a Belgian property company) buildings in Tournai, for creating areas for new offices for the Ministry of Finance. In the Province of Liège, where our engineering company plays its main role, activity has been particularly sustained. Our team in Liège can congratulate themselves on the completion


of several assignments. Amongst these are: in Ans, the completion of draft plans relating to the improvement to the main road linking the Rue J. Jaurès with the Rue des Français on behalf of the SPW, and completion of the plans for the development project for the business park for the SPI+; in Fléron, the renovation of the access and car parks of the Redevco site; in Liège, the strengthening of the floors for the InBev company; in Visé, on behalf of the AIDE (the Intercommunal Association for Water Separation and Purification in the Province of Liège), drawing up draft plans for a collecting head and finally, still on behalf of the AIDE, drawing up designs for the sewer network for the towns of Raren and Welkenraedt. We finish by mentioning the completion, for


several towns, the plans for bringing the recycling centres managed by Intradel, the intercommunal authority for waste processing in Liège, into compliance. For the Province of Namur, we bring special attention, firstly

to the studies for the construction of a “passive” business start-up building intended to house SMEs at the Créalys site in Gembloux for which we were chosen by the BEP (Economic Bureau for the Province of Namur), and secondly, to the studies for the foundations and access roads as part of the SPE – Kyotec wind farm with 6 wind turbines at Ciney, as well as the renovation and extension of the sports centre for the Andenne town council.

New integrated waste management site at Floreffe

Start-up building for the SPI+, Flémalle

C.I.B. buildings, Tournai

Regarding topography, the skills of Louis Engineering have been greatly called upon and have allowed a number of surveys to be carried out for several projects:

ordered by the property developer P&A, and finally, the construction studies for a mixed-use building complex (housing and shops) in Neupré on behalf of Immo Retail Estate.

Topographical surveys as part of the installation of the wind turbines at Ciney, an underground service network survey at the Erasme hospital in Anderlecht, and design files awarded by the SPW and the AIDE. Also, topographical surveys of buildings and industrial equipment at the InBev site in Liège, and several land plots for businesses and engineering companies such as, in particular, Eloy, TPF, Gabray, BEG and Balaes.

In addition, the signing of new significant contracts allows us to predict a good future for Louis Engineering.

At the same time, other studies are well on the way to completion For the main part, we should mention the studies for the Wavre bypass on behalf of the SPW, the development plans for the Theux business park to be produced for the SPI+, the designs for the extension to the André Renard clinic in Herstal, the designs for the construction of a roundabout at Genappe,

As an example, we should mention: the additional plans relating to the renovation of the Rue des Français in Ans and to the extension of the Theux business park for the SPI+, the designs for the renovation of the football stadium and swimming pool for the Waremme town council, the designs for the second phase of the construction project for the Maison de Formation (Training College) of the Province of Liège in Seraing, the designs relating to the recycling centre in Liège managed by Intradel, and finally the construction projects for a school complex in Libramont in cooperation with the Scaht firm of architects and 50 housing units on behalf of the SLSP (Public Service for Social Housing) at Waremme and Grâce-Hollogne.



Regarding this subsidiary, in 2010 we saw the finalisation of several contracts both in Belgium and abroad. As in 2009, the buoyant gas sectors stood out in Algeria, cement in the Yemen and waste and water treatment in France and Belgium.

Solid waste sorting centre in Floreffe

Here are some of the projects : Belgium

After a long-drawn-out job (over 20 years), we have had the satisfaction of being able to open the wastewater treatment plant in Namur (population equivalent of 81,500), completed on behalf of the INASEP (Intercommunal Authority for Public Services in Namur). Our assignment as consultant engineer related to the construction of this treatment plant as well as the pumping stations intended to supply it. In addition, TPF-Basse Sambre and Louis Engineering, working together for the Economic Bureau for the Province of Namur (BEP), have put into service the solid waste sorting centre in Floreffe. Throughout the year, our teams have carried out various studies, all differing from one another. Amongst others, we should mention the study for a water circuit for the Tihange plant, as well as the electrical studies carried out in cooperation with our subsidiary TPF-Utilities for the pharmaceuticals company, GlaxoSmithKline. Finally, we should mention the new turnkey contract signed with Centre Terre et Pierre (CTP). This centre of excellence is active in the processing and recycling of solids. The assignment relates to the construction of a sludge treatment platform at Chatelet, to be confirmed in 6 months. Wastewater treatment plant in Namur


In Arras, in the Pas-de-Calais region, we have carried out an audit on a waste treatment plant on behalf of SITA, an eminent specialist in the field.



Wastewater treatment plant in Namur

Wastewater treatment plant in Namur


The end of October was the expiry of the two-year guarantee period, relating to the contract signed with NAFTAL (a subsidiary of the Sonatrech group), as part of the construction of insulated structures for the Skikda-Khroub LPG pipeline. The final negotiations are under way, with a view to finalising the discounts and proceeding to the final handover of the factory. 18 months ago, we were awarded an assignment as part of the contract signed with the Sonatrech group. The assignment has not been able to be carried out at the planned pace for administrative reasons due to the aforementioned group. As a reminder, it concerns the replacement of the fire safety network of the GL2 liquefaction complex at Arzew, the largest in Algeria. This operation requires strict safety and organisational measures. For the time being, the studies have been completed and the purchase orders passed. The first supplies have arrived at the port of Oran and the construction site should start at the beginning of May.

NAFTAL terminal, Skikda-Khroub


For the Yemen General Cement Corporation for Cement Industry and Marketing (YCC), the consultant engineering contract relating to the extension of the Al Barh cement works is under way. The preparation of the terms and conditions, drawn up in Belgium, is on schedule. After this first phase, selection and issuing of the terms and conditions to suppliers will follow. Taking the current situation in this country into account, the project will probably be delayed somewhat. SONATRACH - Replacement of the fire safety network, Arzew



We now turn to a list of the activities carried out by the three divisions of our engineering sector, grouped together within our subsidiary TPF engineering: Structural and Civil Engineering, Technical Utilities and Building. The economic slump that we have gone through in the building sector was well and truly felt. But despite everything, our subsidiary has come out of it well. So, TPF Engineering has been able to consolidate its activity in the infrastructures sector where it took part, in particular, in the construction of the new EPR in Flamanville in France, as well as several large-scale railway projects, managed by Tuc Rail on behalf of Infrabel. We are seeing a recovery in optimism in the private sector, where the impact on growth was hit particularly hard in small and medium scale housing projects. On the other hand, activity in the public sector was mainly focused on DBFM (Design, Build, Finance, and Maintain) contracts.

Water treatment network - Grand Namur




Although 2010 saw the creation of important construction sites, it was also marked by the progress of other major projects, by the signing of new contracts and by the participation in various invitations for proposals. Once again the synergy between the divisions of TPF Engineering was rewarded many times over, as shown in the following pages. Amongst the assignments successfully carried out, some of them are worth a closer look. Water treatment network, Grand Namur

The operations contract concluded in 2007 with the consortium controlled by BAGECI on behalf of the Public Water Management Company (SPGE), has now come to an end. TPF Engineering met its commitments by carrying out the civil engineering designs relating to the construction of thirty-five vortexes, two pumping stations, ten lifting stations, five storm water overflows, a sand removal unit and a siphon under the river Sambre, as well as the construction of one hundred and eighteen deviation chambers in the Grand Namur region. The amount of these prestigious civil engineering structures was €16,500,000. Artevelde building project, Ghent

In 2010 the heavy construction work was completed for this huge complex of 91 apartments spread over three buildings with 5 upper storeys and a ground floor. The future occupants will have the benefit of a 3400 m² underground car park.

Water treatment network - Grand Namur

During this time, other projects made great progress. EPR nuclear power plant, Flamanville (France)

In Flamanville, in Normandy, activity is intensifying at the huge construction site for the new 3rd generation EPR-type (European Pressurized Reactor) nuclear reactor, sized to provide a thermal power of 4500 MW used for the production of electricity (1650 MW). The production of the execution drawings for the construction of the NAB (Nuclear Auxiliary Building), being carried out for a year now, is progressing on schedule. We should state that for this, that the drawing up of the plans, which was awarded to us by the GIE Flamanville company, is based on the guide plans drawn up by EDF to be adapted to the company’s methods and scheduling, and is being done in accordance with the Eurocodes and EDF’s own special terms and conditions, with everything under control of the French Nuclear Safety Authority. Our assignment should be completed in the spring of 2011.

Headquarters for NATO - NSCC (NATO Special Operation Forces Coordination Center), Shape - Mons As part of a “design and build” contract, in 2008 the US Army awarded us the complete assignment for the architecture and engineering for the construction of a new administrative headquarters with a surface area of 5100 m² for NATO’s Special Forces Coordination Center. These installations will be able to hold some 250 people who, in addition, will have the benefit of a 250-space car park. In mid-2010 the US government asked us to carry out a new assignment consisting of drawing up a complete “design-bid-build” file, listing all the specifications and plans in detail. The construction work will commence at the beginning of 2011 and last for 18 months. Finally, we should underline that this project is subject to strict constraints inherent to the special features of the building: special equip-



Artevelde building project, Ghent

Artevelde building project, Ghent

Headquarters for NATO – NSCC, Shape - Mons

EPR nuclear powe plant, Flamanville

Redevelopment of the commercial site in Fléron



ment, US anti-terrorism standards and intrusion detection and communication systems.

ambitious and the challenge that we have been asked to take up is just as great.

Redevelopment of various retail centres in the Wallonia region

TUC RAIL, Anderlecht, Neerpelt and Roeselare

Redeveloping and extending existing retail centres so as to locate new brands was behind the property company Redevco Retail Belgium SCS consulting us for the purpose of carrying out the stability plans relating to the buildings, road infrastructures and sewer networks. So, in Fléron the redevelopment work for the Carrefour hypermarket and the Brico DIY store, comprising in particular, the construction of a new 2000 m² retail space, was completed this year. In Flémalle, after having finished the work to transform the existing building into new retail spaces, in 2011 this will concern the construction of a new 3500 m² retail space with car parking and laying out the grounds. Finally, in Ghlin, on the site of the Brico DIY store, the demolition and rebuilding work has progressed, allowing the second phase of the work to start in 2011.

Still in the transport infrastructures sector, the favourite activity of our Structural and Civil Engineering Division, TPF Engineering has been awarded the contract to produce the technical designs for the construction of civil engineering structures and supervision of the construction work. In particular, this relates to extending the platforms, creating or modernising the engineering and hydraulic structures over three sections of the regional railway network, and to carry out environmental analyses. The studies relating to the construction work to be carried out on the Anderlecht and Neerpelt sections have been completed, whilst those for the Roeselare section are scheduled for 2011.

The signing of new contracts in 2010 allows us to look forward to 2011 with optimism. Northern extension to the Brussels metro

On 15 December 2010 the SM BMN consortium (TVH Grontmij - SM Metro TPFE - Bagon - Amberg Engineering SM Van Campenhout - Arep) was appointed by the federal government as part of the cooperation agreement between the federal State and the Brussels-Capital Region, called Beliris, to produce the design for the extension of the Brussels metro to the north of the capital. The initial ten million euros needed to launch the study have been drawn from the Beliris funds. The route that is the subject of the study goes from the Nord railway station to the area of the Bordet (Erasme) railway station and will represent an underground route of 4 km combining 7 new stations, the locations of which have yet to be finalised. The study will be produced in several phases. The first one will aim to determine the social and economic opportunities and will consist of, firstly, to define in detail the route, the location of the stations and the construction methods for the project, and secondly, to obtain the planning permits and allocate the contracts (construction work and supervision). For this, our subsidiaries TPF Engineering and Bagon Ingénieurs-Conseils have joined together as a consortium so as to produce the complete plans for the civil engineering, stability and technical utilities for the stations that they have been awarded. We should be very clear on this: this project, representing an investment of 643 million euros is proving to be very

Verrewinkelbeek sewerage network, Brussels-Capital Region

This work is evidence of the confidence in us that is renewed over time. The current project in fact relates to the Verrewinkelbeek collector responsible for leading the wastewater from the South subwatershed (extending mainly to the municipalities of Anderlecht, Forest, Saint-Gilles and Uccle) to the Brussels-South water treatment plant, which we should state has been operational since 2000. Around twenty years have already gone by since the installation of the first two sections, following on from the studies produced by our TPF Engineering teams. This will be the same for the third section of the Verrewinkelbeek collector, extending to the towns of Uccle and Drogenbos, and going through the municipality of Linkebeek. For this, the study that we had been requested to produce by the Brussels Water Management Company (SPGE) has been subject to modifications, the first in 1996 and the second in 2010, taking into account, firstly, the modelling carried out on the water course and sewer network managed by Vivaqua, which will be installed later in certain districts, and secondly, taking into account the well sinking technique to be applied over a sizeable length. In practical terms, the study is on schedule for completion and the construction work relating to the collector, pumping stations and retention basins will commence in 2011 and will last for 3 years. It should also be noted that the working conditions will be particularly sensitive due to the location of the construction site in an urban area. In addition, the finances required for carrying out all the work have risen to 10,000,000 euros. Our assignment is the management and supervision of the construction work.




Once again this year, we are highlighting the performance of our Technical Utilities division on target markets: office buildings, hospitals and hotels.

The completion of several building projects, including the South City Office and Hotel and the Forum in Brussels, reflects the work carried out this year. South City Office & Hotel, Brussels

This mixed-use building complex with a surface area of almost 30,000 m², located opposite the Midi railway station and the TGV Terminal, was handed over this year. A great success! With a high environmental quality, it is based around two office buildings developed by South City Office, and around a threestar hotel with 142 rooms under the management of the same South City Hotel that will open in 2011. We should state that the hotel, fitted with a semi-industrial kitchen and a 30-space car park, will offer fitness and housekeeping services to its customers. Thanks to the use of cutting edge techniques, the South City Office & Hotel largely complies with the EPBD standards and so has been awarded insulation ratings of K and E.

Forum, Brussels

FORUM, Brussels

This year the first phase of this huge building project was completed. It houses the departments of the Chamber of Representatives and is located in the centre of Brussels, surrounded by the streets de la Presse, de la Croix de Fer, de Louvain and du Parlement. This project related to the demolition and reconstruction of a 14,760 m² office building. The second phase can now start in 2011. This relates to the demolition and reconstruction of a group of office buildings. When completed, this mixed-use complex composed of 32 apartments and offices will have a total surface area of 40,000 m².

As for projects that are currently under way, these are concentrated on office buildings and hospitals, such as: New flagship Jules Bordet cancer treatment centre, Brussels

South City, Brussels

As a reminder, it was in 2008 that the international consortium Archi 2000 – Brunet Saunier (Paris) – Beterem – TPF Engineering were taken on to produce the designs for special techniques, stability and architecture as part of the reconstruction of the flagship Jules Bordet cancer treatment centre, on the Erasme university hospital campus in Anderlecht. This building will extend over a total surface area of 50,000 m² and



will include a ground floor, three upper storeys and two underground levels. A unit of 250 beds, 40 beds for hospital out-patients and cutting edge oncological care will be provided for the patients. A little over a year after delivery of the draft plans, we are now at the stage of applying for planning and building permits for the project. So by 2015, this Institute, a real centre of excellence for cancer research at Belgian, European and international level, will be able to accept its first patients.

third party. The work will be carried out in several phases as the current radio and television activity must not be rupted. The production of the terms and conditions and the plans, started in 2009, was completed at the end of this year. It relates to two phases. The first concerns the new control rooms for the TV 2 and 4 platforms which will be handed over in April 2011, and the second relates to the renovation of blocks M, P, J, C, K and U which will begin next June. State Administrative Centre, Brussels

RTBF, Brussels

TPF Engineering is also working on the prestigious redeployment project of the Reyers site in Brussels, the main headquarters of the Belgian Radio and Television company (RTBF). This huge complex is the subject of sizeable renovation with the aim of rationalising its space. The RTBF in fact intends to increase the occupation density of its space by reducing the 70,000 m² currently occupied to 45,000 m². The 25,000 m² freed up from this will be renovated and contracted out to a

State Administrative Centre, Brussels

Built in the 1950s to group together various ministries in one large building complex, the State Administrative Centre, disused since the beginning of the 2000s, will be completely renovated from top to bottom. This huge construction site, located in the centre of the capital, will comprise three phases. The first two relate to the renovation of some 70,000 m2 of offices, whilst the third will concern the construction of housing units. The renovation work will begin in the first quarter of 2011 and will finish at the end of 2012/beginning of 2013.

New Jules Bordet cancer treatment centre, Brussels



Hotel Tangla/Brussels

South City, Brussels

Amongst the new orders obtained in 2010 are : Extension to the Sodehotel, Woluwe-Saint-Lambert

30 million euros will be invested in the extension to the Sodehotel in order to turn it into a complex worthy of five stars. The current rooms and ground floor will have a completely new look, whilst a new wing with 70 rooms providing every modern comfort (indoor swimming pool, fitness centre and hammam), will be added on to the existing building. An underground car park will complete the complex. Renamed the Tangla Hotel, it will open in 2013. TPF Engineering has been awarded the complete structural and technical utilities assignment. Victor Estates – Midi Quarter, Brussels

This sizeable 105,000 m² building comprising offices, meeting rooms, retail units and housing will be erected in the area of the Midi railway station and will be made up of several towers and a base. A chapel will complete the complex. In addition, the Victor project will be BREEAM certified and will comply with the requirements of the EPBD standards. We will have to wait until 2015 for the work to be completed. High School Schuman, Libramont

Another interesting order, this time in the education sector: the construction project of a school complex on the High School Schuman site at Libramont. The construction work will commence in 2011 and relates mainly to the construction of a 200-seat auditorium, the construction of 5 classrooms, a media library, and library and a basement to be used for

archiving, the boiler room and technical installations. Extensive green roofs will be fitted on the building. In addition to the aesthetic aspect, they will allow a better management of rainwater (in the drainage network) and improve the energy performance of the buildings: in summer, the heating up of the building will be slowed down, and an increase in the thermal insulation factor in winter.

Apart from these new orders, TPF Engineering has also been asked to take part in various contests. We shall certainly not be lacking in work in the years to come. House of European History, Brussels

Along with the Paris firm of architects Chaix & Morel, TPF Engineering, through the intermediary of its Technical Utilities and Structural divisions, is one of the two winners of the contest to draw up detailed drafts for the future House of European History launched by the European Parliament. Our team has been invited to present a draft plan which will make up the final phase of the 2011 contest. Located in the area around the Parc Léopold in Brussels, on the site of the Eastman building, this museum will be used as a modern centre for exhibitions, documentation and information. Public Buildings Agency – Construction project for new prisons in Wallonia

Another contest in which our Technical Utilities and Structural divisions took part: the creation of two new prisons, one in Mons and the other in Marche-en-Famenne. This is a publicprivate partnership, and the decision to award the contract will take place in 2011.



« THE BUILDING » Division

Confronted with a slowdown in its core activity resulting from the poor position of the food processing, pharmaceuticals and logistics markets, the Building division has continued its strategy of diversification, which is visibly starting to bear fruit. In addition, with the support of the architecture Cactus Group – Caterman II, Windhof site

company Arcoteam and the expertise of the other TPF Engineering divisions, the past year of 2010 will allow the continuing or completing of several noteworthy contracts and allow us to take up new challenges. A wholly positive report for the year.

Here are some of the events over the last 12 months, with some of the contracts that have recently been concluded. US Army

Since the first contracts TPF Engineering concluded with the US Army in 2004, our cooperation has not stopped growing. In 2009, as part of our complete assignment for architecture and engineering, we completed the studies relating to the construction and supervision of the construction work for a new Youth Centre located at the site of the American School in Sterrebeek, on the outskirts of Brussels. 1700 m² will house 150 young people aged from 6 to 18 years’ old. As a reminder, this centre will have multi-purpose rooms allowing the organisation of cultural and sporting events, a technology laboratory, along with all the associated technical and administrative departments. The go-ahead for the construction work was given in 2010, so the time has now come for our teams to supervise the construction site. Cactus Group

Another example of a long-term cooperation: TPF Engineering and the Cactus Group are continuing to forge ahead. This is shown by the numerous assignments that the benchmark brand for large-scale distribution in Luxembourg has awarded to us for its various subsidiaries in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

For Immo-Horizon SARL, our team has provided project management services for the whole of its site at Windhof (sewers, water, gas, medium and high voltage electricity, fibre optics, road network and grounds). Still in Windhof, after having produced the designs relating to the extension of the Caterman II ready meals production unit, the Cactus Group asked us to look at the supervision of the construction work that started this year. Finally, in Capellen, TPF Engineering set to work on the construction project for the new logistics platform and refrigerated storehouse with a surface area of almost 3000 m² for the Resuma company. Two years after the start of the project, the construction work has now commenced.

Chemviron Carbon, Feluy



GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals – New Power Plant, Rixensart

Chemviron Carbon

In Feluy, TPF Engineering will be assisting the world leader in the production and reactivation of granular activated carbon in the project management of the construction of a third furnace. GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals

As part of the construction programme for a new power plant in Rixensart, called Project RX207, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, one of the world leaders in the production of vaccines, called on our know-how and our skills acquired in architectural design, licence and permit applications, civil engineering and topographical and geotechnical surveys. Viridaxis

This spin-off of the Catholic University of Louvain has the task of providing biological solutions that are innovative, original and efficient, for horticulturalists and agriculturalists, especially in the industrial production of useful insects. Wanting to grow, it chose us to carry out the designs relating to its new parasitic insects production unit in Gosselies. Ministry for the Brussels-Capital Region

Quite recently, a project for the refurbishment of the exceptional Rouge-CloĂŽtre site has started. Located in the Brussels

region, this ancient listed monastic site, with numerous architectural, historic and cultural treasures, has become part of the European Natura 2000 project. The purpose of this project is to restore the Maison du Prieur, amongst others. And it is precisely in this context that TPF Engineering, as catering industry consultant, will be carrying out the preliminary design covering the choice of catering activities, as well as the detailed programme. Evergem Combined-cycle gas turbine plants (Ghent)

Close to the Ghent-Terneuzen canal, in the Nest industrial area, a new CCGT plant with a capacity of 2 x 460 MW will, in the near future, be supplying some 2.4 million households with electricity. Our subsidiary, TPF Engineering, along with the English engineering firm Parksons Brinckerhoff, is responsible for carrying out the assignments listed in the EPC (Engineering, Procurement, Contracting) contract, concluded with EDF Belgium, which are: production of the basic design, drawing up the consultation file with the companies and the assessment report of the bids as well as the coordination and supervision of the operation. We should add that TPF Engineering will be carrying out the initial surveys (topography and geotechnical tests) and will be contributing its skills in structural and civil engineering.



New CCGT plant, Evergem

Viridaxis, Gosselies

Before ending this chapter, we would like to report on the progress of the renovation project for the former coal washing plant in Péronnes.

To our great satisfaction, we have once again been asked by AIB-Vinçotte (ISA) to carry out the certification audits (BRC and IFS) for a number of food processing companies, and Lloyd’s Register for the environmental management systems as part of the ISO 14000 certification.

The renovation of this emblematic building is continuing. From 2010, the Archaeological Division of the Wallonia Department of Heritage will occupy the 12,000 m² that have been reserved for it. Also being built are laboratories of excavated items, drawing, reading and training rooms, as well as photographic studios and storage spaces.

Once again this year, TPF Engineering, in its role as an approved EPBD auditor, has closely cooperated with the Flemish Region and the Brussels-Capital Region to improve the energy performance and interior climate of its buildings.

In addition, 2010 was also very busy with a series operations relating to consultancy and audits, as well as activities concerned with the environment.

Finally, as in the case of previous years, the Building division, in its role as approved LEED expert, has assisted numerous customers in obtaining LEED certification for sustainable building

The Building division honoured its contract with the SPE SA company in the field of safety. As a reminder, this relates to the construction of 2 combined-cycle gas turbine plants, each one 400 MW, at the Navagne site near to Visé, on the banks of the river Meuse.



The diversification strategy that we have been carrying out for a year seems to have been a success for TPF-Utilities. By investing in more and more new sectors, our subsidiary has been able to compensate for the effects of the economic crisis and maintain stability in its turnover. This figure is the result of intense commercial activity in the fields of water and energy as well as in the public sector, which is especially buoyant in terms of contracts. In addition, our subsidiary has taken part in a series of promising invitations to tender in the industrial sector. TPF-Utilities intends to maximise its development potential well in the years to come and to position itself even more on the international market.

Mornimont water treatment plant

IPALLE – FLUXYS Turbo expansion plant, Mouscron



GlaxoSmithKline, Rixensart

Energy and water remain the essential areas for TPFUtilities. In this regard, numerous companies, some of the major ones, have called on our services over the last few months. Amongst them are the following : National Belgian Defence

Wanting to improve the energy performance of its buildings, the National Belgian Defence has asked us to draw up the energy balance for its barracks as part of a delegated management contract. This relates in particular to the 12th Line barracks in Spa, the Melsbroek barracks, the barracks of the Sous-Lieutenant Thibault para-commandos, the 1st Lieutenant De Wispelaere engineers at Jambes as well as the Lieutenant-GĂŠnĂŠral Roman barracks and Wartet Camps at Marche-les-Dames. We have been asked to carry out the essential assignment of determining the work needed to replace the boilers and whether or not to install a cogenerating unit, drawing up the terms and conditions, choosing the suppliers and supervising the construction work. The STIB

The Brussels public transport company (STIB) is also trying hard to reduce the energy consumption of its installations and of the whole of its public transport network. This is the reason why it has asked TPF-Utilities firstly to carry out a survey of the energy consumption and secondly to draw up the terms and conditions for the purchase of electricity, to negotiate with the various suppliers and to monitor the billing.

The Bozar, Brussels

In addition, we have been asked by the Centre for Fine Arts in Brussels to carry out a survey on the consumption of electric and thermal energy. Also part of our assignment is the drawing up of terms and conditions offering the best technology to be adopted, negotiation with the various suppliers and the supervision of the work. GlaxoSmithKline, Rixensart

Over the course of this financial year, the pharmaceuticals company GlaxoSmithKline has asked us to draw up the basic design for one of its buildings housing an energy centre in which a cogenerating unit with an electrical power of 6 MW, a central workshop and an office complex are grouped together. This represents a sizeable investment of several tens of millions of euros. AIDE, Comblain-au-Pont

As part of the construction of the Comblain-au-Point water treatment plant, with a capacity of a population equivalent of 3200, TPF-Utilities is responsible for, on behalf of the Intercommunal Association for Water Separation and Purification (AIDE), the designs, choosing the contractor and supervising the construction work.



Lasne Valley water treatment plant, Rosières

Boilers – Melsbroek barracks Sinking works - Villers-la-Ville collector



TPF-Utilities’ expertise is also based on the mastery of the delegated management of technical installations. Evidence of this is shown mainly by the contracts concluded with the following companies : SWDE

The Wallonian Water Company has awarded us the maintenance of all the technical installations of its drinking water production and distribution centres in the provinces of Liège, Luxembourg and Namur. This is a delegated management contract lasting for 3 years, also covering the responsibility for the non-compliances of the installations.

In addition, the electro-mechanical work for the urban residual water treatment plants at Ittre and Leuze are progressing on schedule. These last few months have also seen the finalisation of the pre-study and incident study relating to the Signeulx water treatment plant. Regarding the anaerobic sludge digestion unit at the Mouscron water treatment plant, the electro-mechanical work has started. Some gaps were detected with the concrete of the digester. Because of this the putting into service of the biogas cogeneration units has had to be put back to the end of 2011.


A three-year agreement has been concluded with the Intercommunal Association for the Management and Production of Technical and Economic Studies. It relates to the delegated management of all the HVAC installations of the public water treatment plants in the Charleroi region and it also includes the drawing up of plans to optimise energy consumption. TMVW

TPF-Utilities has been appointed by the Flemish Water Distribution Company for the delegated management of all technical installations of the “De Strop” swimming pool in Ghent, as well as for the technical installations of several sports complexes in East Flanders.

In 2010, TPF-Utilities took part in several projects in the field of municipal water treatment plants managed, in particular by the Intercommunal Association of the Wallonian Brabant (IBW), the Namur Intercommunal Association for Public Services (INASEP), the Intercommunal Association for the Public Property of the Western Hainaut Region (IPALLE), the Intercommunal Association for Water Separation and Purification (AIDE) and the Intercommunal Development Agency (IDETA). For the Mornimont water treatment plant (population equivalent of 45,000), the year will be marked by the start of the electromechanical work. In Rosières, the first phase of the Lasne valley water treatment plant (population equivalent of 145,000) has been successfully put into service. Work on the second phase should be completed soon, with the plant being put into full service from 2011.

Finally, we must point out the opening of construction sites for various wastewater collectors, in particular at VillerslaVille, representing a total length of 20 km.

In addition, we cannot end our review of this year without mentioning a few other projects currently underway. IPALLE – FLUXYS (Turbo-expansion plant), Mouscron

TPF-Utilities, responsible for the operation of the plant, can once again be delighted in the results obtained this year. The natural gas expansion turbine with a capacity of 440 kWe and its two cogeneration units has produced more than 4.94 Gwhel, generating 740 green certificates. The installation has been made so reliable that it now reaches 99% availability. TATA-CORUS, Louvroil (France)

The delegated management contract with the Tata-Corus group, one of the largest pre-coated steel production sites in Europe, has been extended for three years. It relates to the water cooling and treatment installation on the finishing lines. TTR-ENERGY – Wind farms

Near Ciney, TPF-Utilities’ experts have been asked to operate and supervise a wind farm with a power of 10 MW.



In 2008, TPF Group and Transcor Astra Group (a subsidiary of CNP) joined together to form TTR Energy, a joint venture with the purpose of carrying out investments in renewable energies (wind, hydroelectric, thermo-solar and biomass energy).

Kyotech – Wind farm, Ciney

In association with TTR Energy, the Degroof bank has developed an investment fund devoted to renewable energies (Degroof’s Green Fund). TTR Energy is the manager of these funds, which have now risen to 46 million euros. Several projects have been carried out in the Wallonia Region, Spain and in Northern France. At the end of 2010, 38.7 million euros were invested mainly in three companies. Bioenergetica, with a 45% holding, is a cogeneration unit (20 MW) in Spain using waste from olives. Ailenergie, with a 60% holding, is a French company developing wind farms in the Champagne-Ardenne region. The third, Eiden, with a 100% holding, is a French company developing wind farms in the Lorraine region.

Eiden – Wind farm, Baronville



For Beterem, this year was like no other as the company cheerfully turned 50 years old. What is there to say about 2010? In 2010, Beterem was assigned ambitious objectives in such varied fields as industry, housing, culture, health, sport, education and even office buildings, even though the engineering, building and infrastructures sectors remain fragile.

CERIMED, Marseille Vélodrome Stadium, Marseille

Here are a few of the key projects : CERIMED, Marseille

The European Centre for Research in Medical Imagery (CERIMED) intends to provide on one site a space for synergy and discussion between the various disciplines in the science of medical imagery, in close cooperation with industry. In order to carry out this project well, CERIMED had the confidence in the building design team led by GFC Construction (Bouygues group), assisted by the architects Didier Rogeon (Marseille), Scott Tallon & Walker (Dublin) and Beterem as the engineering company. Located on the campus of Marseille La Timone’s Faculty of Medicine, the building will be both a research tool for which the specifications have been updated with the Rectorat de Marseille, the University of the Mediterranean and the CERN, and an industrial tool for the production of medical isotopes operated by the AAA (Advanced Accelerator Applications) company, who are providing the researchers for the two cyclotrons that it is supplying. The building will be organised into 5 zones: the radiopharmaceuticals zone, the technological zone, the clinical zone, the rodents and large animals preclinical zone, and finally, the services zone with, in particular, a 100-seat conference room. Depending on the type of space, these zones will comply with both the regulations in force relating confinement and safety,

and the regulations regarding the housing and experimentation on animals, as well as those applying to the handling of sources of radioactivity and even with hygiene and safety rules relating to clinical care and the handling of sources of radioactivity. Handover is scheduled for 2012. Vélodrome Stadium, Marseille

Marseille will be well and truly present at Euro 2016 which will be organised by France. So, its Vélodrome stadium will be given a new look for when it holds this major event. This large-scale project relates to two programmes. Firstly the renovation, the roof, the bringing it in line with international standards and the extension to the stadium, and secondly, the creation of a rugby stadium and the development of a new district (100,000 m²) grouping together a retail centre, a hotel, a serviced residential complex, offices and housing. The new refurbishment of the stadium will allow it to obtain UEFA’s 5-star grading, and its new seating capacity will be 67,000. In addition, with a regard to respect for the environment, photovoltaic panels and wind turbines are planned to be installed so that the stadium produces more energy that it consumes (a positive energy building). A water loop will allow each entity of the project to reuse heating or cooling units from the water flow from the city’s water treatment plant, located under the forecourt and the Delort stadium.


The restructuring and extension of the Delort stadium, to be used for rugby, will increase its capacity by creating 5000-seat covered stand. The new facilities will comply with standards for holding international level events and should become the home of the Marseille Vitrolles club. Beterem is part of the bid-winning group, led by the Bouygues group through Arema, with the SCAU and Didier Rogeon architects, and the Garcia et Iosis design firm. Beterem is particularly involved in the design of the Delort stadium, with a construction project for 18,000 m² of low consumption housing and the energy recovery loop from the water of the treatment plant.


ENTREVERT, La Valette du Var

ENTREVERT, la Valette du Var

On a former military training ground dominated by a listed wooded area and located at La Valette du Var (83), this project is for the construction of a building complex combining 312 housing units, 15 of which are detached houses for sale, 25 semi-detached houses for purchase without fixtures and fittings for a social lettings company, 16 communal buildings housing 272 apartments (9 buildings of which are for first-time buyers and 7 buildings for purchase without fixtures and fittings for two social lettings companies), as well as the construction of all the associated infrastructures (roads, retention basins, etc.) This ecodistrict is part of a sustainable development approach. At construction level, all of the housing units have the Habitat and Environment low consumption building (BBC) label (PEC ≤40 KWh/m² TNFA). Launched by Semexval (Mixed Economy Company for the town of La Villette), this project is being carried out in partnership with the architects Christian Luyton and Bruno Botelo, and with the design firm Sogreah for the infrastructures.


This luxury housing project, located on the Prado beaches in Marseille has a total of 74 apartments. Built by the property developer OGIC and designed by the architect Didier Rogeon, Beterem has carried out the thermal and fluids studies, as well as the summary. The Prado Rivage apartment block has been designed to comply with the low consumption (BBC) label. As well as the low consumption building label, automated systems in the 3 and 4 room apartments will provide comfort, energy control, security and communication. The project also includes public facilities (gymnasium/dojo and kayak centre) as well as retail areas (supermarket, cafeteria, shops and a restaurant).


The planned building complex is an office building intended to house the future head office of OGIC, the contracting authority for this operation and a major national player in property development. The project is part of the Masséna Paris Rive Gauche integrated development zone. It complies with the targets set by the Paris City Council, and an overall approach for sustainable development and environmental quality is part of the design of lot M5 B3 of the Masséna integrated development zone. The project will have the target of complying with all the environmental criteria defined by the CERTIVEA reference documentation “French Standard, Service Sector Building – High Environmental Quality” and of reaching the required certification level. On this matter, particular attention has been given to the energy aspects, which means compliance with the new TR 2012 Thermal Regulations (primary energy consumption < 50 kWep/h/m²/yr). This approach is based on suitable bioclimatic architecture, strengthened insulation of the building and the use of all environmental elements appropriate to the location of the project (renewable energies and solar energy). The building has a TNFA of 6150 m² over 8 floors of offices and has 4 levels of underground car parking. Located in a very dense urban fabric (a plot of 950 m²), numerous technical and environmental constraints are part of the project, In particular, the inclusion of a rail tunnel over two levels in the volume of the building requiring complete isolation of the structure which is to be done through the installation of spring boxes so as to ensure complete insulation of the building from sound and vibration, soundproofing the facades, the route of a high voltage cable, as well as an area subject to a Flood Risk Prevention Plan.




Museum of Fine Arts and Architecture, Valence

Institute of biology and pathology, Grenoble


Museum of Fine Arts and Architecture, Valence

Since 2000, the Valence city council has been engaged in an ambitious project renovating and extending the Museum of Fine Arts and Architecture, housed in the city’s episcopal Palace. After having obtained the “Musée de France” label in 2002, the Valence city council launched the European contest for the project management. So in 2006 this construction site, with a TNFA of 4700 m² commenced. At the moment, in cooperation with the Jean-Paul Philippon firm of architects, Beterem is carrying out the general engineering for the whole site. Handover is planned for 2013. Institute of Biology and Pathology, Grenoble

After 3 years of construction, the Grenoble University Hospital’s Institute of Biology and Pathology was handed over in July 2010. This is a truly modern and innovative structure for medical diagnosis, technical innovation and training. The activities of anatomy and pathological cytology, as well as numerous biological specialisms (bacteriology, virology, parasitology-mycology, haematology, immunology, pharmacology-toxology, enzymology, nutritional and hormonal biochemistry, biological cancer research and professional toxicology) will share a total floor area of 13,900 m². This important health project was a joint venture between Beterem Ingénierie and Atelier Michel Rémon. Renée Taillefer College, Gaillac

It was in September that the Tarn department opened this new college, located at the entrance to the Gaillac conurbation. This establishment, with a capacity of 600 students, was designed by the architect Jean-Pierre Lott. It provides, over an area of more than 7500 m², open-plan classrooms and administration areas in the activities centre. It projects inclining surfaces forming a large volume dedicated to a documentation and information centre, as well as a semi-circular hull providing an impressive panoramic view for the dining room. Terraces, housing the sports changing rooms rise up on one side of the sports ground. This educational tool is completed by three houses for staff members and a modern, central hybrid kitchen with a capacity of 1500 meals per day, allowing students from two other establishments to eat there. The high environmental certification obtained for this project is largely due to the installation of a bi-energy heating


system, based on a wood-burning boiler (220 KW) allowing renewable energies to be re-used from local sources. This boiler is planned to cover 80% of the establishment’s annual requirements, and should provide a saving of 80 tonnes of CO² equivalent per year. Beterem Ingénierie has been able to show its wide know-how relating to the design and modelling of complex frameworks and volumes: reinforced concrete frameworks, providing curved surfaces, inclined walls, sail flags, inclined floors, large overhangs and the concrete “lace” façade coverings. Our subsidiary also worked as part of the project management team by carrying out the supervision and coordination of the fire safety system, as well as an assignment for supervising the construction work, ensuring that a long-awaited establishment was opened on time and on schedule. Rennes Métropole conference centre

In order to strengthen the influence of the city of Rennes in Brittany, France and Europe, the Couvent des Jacobins, an historic monument, was chosen to house the future Conference Centre. This will allow the restoration of one of the major centres of the heritage of Rennes and will bring life back to the city centre. The team of Jean Guervilly Architect and Beterem Ingénierie has been taken on to project manage the operation. The project promotes the convent by consolidating its status as a monument. It will be the main element in the make-up of the complex and allows the mix of the two architectural styles (that of the new part and that of the convent) to be highlighted. The conference centre, with a surface area of 11,400 m², will comprise two auditoriums, one with 1000 seats being able to hold conferences, conventions, shows and orchestras, and a second one with 300 seats and a modular level that can be added, for exhibitions, a multi-purpose restaurant/exhibition level, a multi-purpose 500-seat hall and finally a group of modular meeting rooms located in the heritage part of the convent. The construction work should start in 2012.



For Secmo, our French subsidiary that is an expert in producing execution drawings and civil engineering studies, 2010 was an excellent quality year. Two particularly interesting projects set the tone for these 12 months.

ITER, Cadarache


The Agence ITER chose the Léon Grosse company, in partnership with Axima (environmental engineering, GDF-Suez group) and with the Secmo engineering company (structural construction designs) for the construction of its head office. Designed by the architects Rudy Ricciotti and Laurent Bonhomme from the Var region, this project for the construction of 20,000 m² of offices is made up of a 500-seat lecture theatre, a reception area, a medical unit, a company restaurant and access control buildings. It will integrate harmoniously with its natural surroundings and comply with the strictest environmental standards. The special feature of this project is that the buildings have been upgraded to comply with the paraseismic building regulations. For reasons of the French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), and Agence ITER-France, the buildings in fact must be calculated with higher minimum acceleration values than this category 3 project to category 4. Handover of the building is scheduled for 2013.

is in operation and cannot accept movement at the top of the walls greater than 5 mm or track distortion greater than 5 mm. The critical phases will be the earthworks and the installation of struts because no truss rods under the SNCF structure is permitted. A very elaborate check on these movements will be set up inside the tunnel by the contractors, under the control of the SNCF and the project management team. This project comprises various buildings that are part of the same operation: an apartment building with shops on the ground floor (Building A), a residential home for the elderly with shops on the ground floor (Building B/C), a hotel (Building D), offices (Building E/F) and offices with shops on the ground floor (Building G).


Continuing its policy for active investment in Marseille, ANF is developing a project of around 26,000 m² of housing, on Îlot 34, on land adjoining the new NHAP hospital and within the EUROMED perimeter. ANF chose Eiffage Construction Provence for carrying out all the construction work. The difficulty and special feature of this project is in the construction of a 5-level 500-space underground car park that is 1 metre from the Lajout SNCF rail tunnel. This recent structure

Ilot 34 Méditerranée, Marseille

EUROPE / Grand Duchy of Luxembourg


Our subsidiary in Luxembourg is progressively increasing its range of services in the building sector, and especially in construction, redevelopment and renovation. Thanks to its skills, it has been able to successfully maintain its local base by strengthening its presence with local authorities. 2011 should confirm these trends.

West Side Village, Mamer Capellen Š Georges De Kinder



West Side Village, Mamer Capellen © Georges De Kinder

Regarding the previous year, this has, on the whole, been rather positive. In 2010 a certain number of contracts were favourably concluded, others have changed, and new agreements have been signed.

underground. Our assignment relates to the design and supervision of the technical utilities. We should also add that our subsidiary Bagon Ingénieurs-Conseils is also working on the heavy building work.

We would like to mention some of them :

Opération Centre Etoile, Luxembourg

Luxembourg Postal and Telecommunications Company, Mersch

Another project under way: the studies for the construction of an 8500 m² office building. It is due to be handed over during the course of next year.

Mission accomplished for our teams who were able to run this project well, and within the scheduled deadlines. As a reminder, this was the renovation of a branch of the Luxembourg Postal and Telecommunications Company in Mersch. It involved, in particular, the replacement, modernisation and individualisation of all the technical utilities. IMMOGARE, Luxembourg

Near to the Luxembourg railway station, the Immogare building is being renovated. This building, with 10 storeys and 5 underground levels, made up of two retail areas and 3500 m² of offices, is the subject of a full renovation and is being brought up to date with regard to safety standards. An important detail: occupation of the building cannot be interrupted during the work.

Construction of a school complex, Dahl (Goesdorf)

This project is emblematic in many respects: this is in fact the first public contract won in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, as well as the first in the education sector. The building will be completed in 2011. This 8000 m² school complex, built to high environmental quality standards, will house a primary school, a crèche, a canteen and a sports centre. At the moment, the technical studies are under way. DEXIA Bank, Luxembourg

Dexia Bank is continuing to count on our expertise in technical utilities, by asking us to renovate some of its branches, in particular the one in Esch-sur-Alzette, and the Dexia Centre branch in Luxembourg City.

West Side Village, Mamer Capellen

Our engineering company is currently hard at work on the second phase of this building project, being developed by the property developer Soprima SA, the end of which is scheduled for 2011. As we announced last year, this building complex, located alongside the Luxembourg-Brussels motorway, is made up 6 high-tech office buildings totalling 23,000 m² of floor space above ground and 30,000 m²

Municipal events hall, Eschweiller

TPF Luxembourg has been awarded a new contract relating to the thermal, aeraulic and electrical installations of the events hall in Eschweiller.



(formerly P OE&L L Architects) S K A

In Poland, the results of the Europe and Africa Property Awards 2010 reflected the excellent work of our architects as the FABA Office building designed by TPF won an award in the category of Architectural Award (Office). It was also in 2010 that our Polish subsidiary clinched the most prestigious contract in its history, never before reached in the field of road infrastructures. However this feat would not have been able to be completed if our Portuguese subsidiary TPF Planege had not taken part. Our various projects presented here show our commitment in the property and infrastructures sectors.

Expressway S8, Warszawa

In the latter sector, the contracts obtained are also, and above all, the result of cooperative work between TPF and TPF Planege.

Our Polish and Portuguese teams have carried out the management and supervision of the work relating to this project that has been cofinanced, as a reminder, by the European Union Cohesion Fund.

This is what they are about : Construction works of expressway S8, Armii Krajowe route section Konotopa - Prymasa Tysiaclecia (km 1 + 099.00 – km 11 + 477.07)

The Warsaw conurbation is the main hub of the Polish network. The new sections of the Warsaw ring-road will contribute to the modernisation of the transport links between Warsaw and the rest of the country. This new 2 x 3-lane section, with a length of 10 km will open in 2011.

Construction Expressway S-2 - section Konotopa – Puławska together with construction bond with MPL Okecie and Marynarska street (S-79) in Warszawa

This project is part of the bigger investment task and relates to the construction of the transit of A2 PoznanLodz-Warszawa-Biala Podlaska motorway through Warsaw. The middle part of the S-2 expressway together with S-79 will assure direct access to the Internationl Warsaw Airport. Carrying out this project involves the construction of two



sections of a 6-lane (2 roads with 3 lanes each) expressway, the S2 and S79, as well as the construction of 4 interchanges, a considerable number of the civil engineering structures (bridges, viaducts, pedestrian footbridges, road tunnels and rail tunnels). The construction work, lasting 22 months, will start in March 2011. In addition, our Polish and Portuguese experts will be taking part in the supervision of the construction work of important investment projects, such as for example : - Investment supervisor’s function for a task: development the voivodeship road nº 724 direction Warszawa - Góra Kalwaria including reconstruction of a bridge on Jeziorka river in Konstancin Jeziorna town provided for financing from EFRR fund be contained in POR WM - proceeding nº 080/10. - Investment supervisor’s for a task: development the voivodeship road nº 580 direction Warszawa - Leszno Kampinos - Zelazowa Wola - Sochaczew from km 27+375 to km 32+200 and reconstruction from km 32+395 to km 37+225. - Investor supervision function for construction KEN Avenue on the section from Walbrzyska street to the border of Ursynów quarter uncluding part of flyover Ursynów quarter.

Other operations relating to architecture are also involving our skills. Ecobarra Australian sea bass (barramundi) fish farm, Plonsk

This project is for the construction of a one-storey building functionally divided into two separate operational areas with a total surface area of 9800 m². The first space will be reserved for administrative and social offices. The second, reserved for breeding, will also house the production and technical area. This typically Australian fish is not very well known on the Polish market. This fish farm designed near Plonsk will be the second of this type in Poland, after the one located near Olsztyn. JFTC (Joint Force Training Centre) hotel, Bydgoszcz

The hotel is located close to the general staff buildings of NATO’s Joint Force Training Centre, on the edge of the town centre. Designed mainly to house soldiers, the 21,600 m² will provide 180 suites spread over 8 floors and 185 underground parking spaces. To this will be added on the ground floor, a restaurant and conference rooms with a capacity of 250 people.

ECOBARRA fish farm, Plonsk

JFTC Hotel, Bydgoszcz



2010 marks the 30th anniversary of our Portuguese subsidiary. Over time, TPF Planege has not stopped working to complete projects relating to such varied sectors as road, rail and hospital infrastructures, school and housing complexes, as well as turnkey construction activities. Despite the economic slump that hit Portugal hard, 2010 finally ended on a positive note taking into account the services carried out.

Rehabilitation of road bridges

Railway viaduct over the River Sado, Alcacer do Sal

Road variant at Madalena do Mar



In the field of road infrastructures, our Portuguese subsidiary saw sustained activity both on the peninsular and on the island of Madeira. What were the projects it carried out? A4 motorway – Marao tunnel

Last year we announced the launch of the construction work of the Transmontana motorway which, by spring 2012 will connect the towns of Amarante and Vila Real in the mountainous and winding region in the north of Portugal. The 29.9 km of this new section will soon be able to be travelled in 20 minutes: a real improvement in time for the users of the road. This ambitious road infrastructure project also comprises the construction of two twins tunnels of a total length of 5.6 km across the Marao sierra. This structure will not only be the longest road tunnel in Portugal, but also one of the longest on the Iberian peninsula. The excavation work has represented a volume of earth of 1,900,000 m³. We should also add that a total of 281,000 m³ of concrete and 20,000,000 kg of steel will be used to construct the 14 viaducts and the 27 other smaller structures for the motorway. TPF Planege, the leader of the consortium comprising the engineering firm Pengest, is responsible for the supervision of the construction work and safety coordination. Variant to EN 249-4 from Highway A5 connection to the town of Abrunheira

The variant to EN 249-4, located in the metropolitan area of Lisbon, will connect the A5 highway (going from Lisbon to Cascais) to the town of Abrunheira, near Sintra. This new 6.5 km section, composed of four traffic lanes, each one 3.50 metres wide, completes the road network around Lisbon, for the benefit of road users and freight goods. Its location on the west bank of the Ribeira de Laje and the particularly difficult relief of the region meant that a considerable number of viaducts had to be constructed. Our Portuguese team is responsible for the studies concerning the projects of foundations structures of all current crossings, retaining walls and viaducts. Rehabilitation of road bridges

The project in question, for which the contracting authority is the public company responsible for roads in Portugal, EP – Estradas de Portugal, concerns the rehabilitation of small-sized bridges. Our subsidiary has carried out the main

detailed inspection of 10 structures and has carried out an in-depth survey on the state of conservation on them. The objective is to provide technical solutions suitable for their rehabilitation: in-depth repair with concrete, foundations strengthening using micro-piles, complete sheath with a new concrete structure, strengthened with steel plates, introduction of external prestressing cables, etc. One of the project’s major elements concerns the rehabilitation of the river Jamor bridge. It measures 65 metres long, with a central span of 25 metres and two side spans of 20 metres. Road variant at Madalena do Mar

It is with pleasure that we turn to this other project launched in 2007, with the purpose of improving the road infrastructure of the seaside area of Madalena do Mar on the south-west of the island of Madeira. The process begins at the roundabout 1 at the Arc of Calheta, from where the tunnel 1 with a length of 1910 meters, crosses the river with a bridge of Madalena with about 56 meters in length, where in turn part the tunnel 2 with a length of 1535 meters and finished in the roundabout 2, in the marginal of Madalena do Mar. These tunnels are equipped with 5 emergency galleries whose extensions vary between 200 and 490 m. The layout presents a transversal profile with two ways and a width of 7 m. The construction work should be completed in October 2012. TPF Planege has been called upon to provide its skills in management and supervision.

Another field in which TPF Planege excels and in which it has met undeniable success, is railway infrastructures. Railway viaduct over the river Sado, Alcacer do Sal

It was last December, after two years’ work, that the Sado viaduct, the longest viaduct in Portugal, was opened to rail traffic. Located in Alcacer do Sal, 80 km from Lisbon, on the highspeed rail line linking Lisbon to the Algarve, this majestic structure, 2735 metres long, is made up of three arched spans (Bowspring type), each one 160 metres long. This new line, equipped with new signalling systems and overhead catenaries, will now allow trains to reach a maximum speed of 220 kph. The participation of our team in the scheduling, quality control and costs has been shown to be particularly effective.



Alfarelos railway station

Northern railway line – subsection 2.3/Alfarelos railway station

The project for the construction of three new stations (the Alfarelos one and two intermediate ones), with 7 underpasses as well as several retaining walls on the 11 km subsection 2.3 next to Alfarelos constitutes an additional link in the modernisation project of Portugal’s northern railway line. In addition to producing the studies relating to the civil engineering work (foundations and structural design), TPF Planege also provided its experience regarding technical utilities (technical and mechanical installations, telecommunications, emergency equipment, public lighting, HVAC equipment, fire safety system, etc.). So much and so well, that it has changed the face of the town of Alfarelos, located near Coimbra on the banks of the river Mondego. Its new railway station now has a passengers’ building, which is also used as a pedestrian footbridge over the rail platforms, and a building for staff.

Regarding port infrastructures, the Jardim do Tabaco shipping terminal in Lisbon is a flagship project. Launched in 2007, this huge Jardim do Tabaco development project, one of the former docks of the port of Lisbon, is on schedule for completions. From March 2011, this new 650 metre long terminal will accept most cruise ships and become a new stopover port for thousands of tourists. Firstly, the project related to the renovation of the existing 200 metres long

dock and to construct a 450 metres extension. Secondly, it is planned to extend the dock by a further 100 metres. In total, these extension works will allow the total length of the dock to be brought to 750 metres. We should also state that a new passenger terminal is currently at the design stage. TPF Planege has been asked to carry out the project management, as well as scheduling and coordinating costs and safety.

Other projects owe their success to the respect for the environment that is a key feature of TPF Planege. Hydroelectric power plant and pumping station, Calheta – Madeira Islands

Thanks to this new reversible system combining both wind and hydroelectric energy, the public electricity company of Madeira – the EEM (Empresa de Electricidade da Madeira) – is able to produce energy throughout the year. The Pico da Urze earth dam creates the upper reservoir with a storage capacity of 1,000,000 m³ whilst the Calheta concrete gravity dam creates the lower reservoir with a storage capacity of 60,000 m³. Regarding the water pipe, its diameter is 1500 mm, its length is 3342 metres and its total drop height is 700 metres. Finally, the hydroelectric power plant is fitted with two Pelton turbines, each one 15 MW, and two pumping stations, each one with three pumps. The range of services provided by TPF Planege include: firstly project coordination, and secondly,



once the designs had been produced, in particular the architectural designs of the hydroelectric installation, the designs of the concrete and steel structures and foundations (a water intake tower in the Pico da Urze dam, two road overpasses, concrete spillways and galleries), the electrical and communications systems, the domestic water supply, irrigation, integrated security and landscaping of the grounds.

and safety coordination.

At the end of this year, TPF Planege is confirming and strengthening its position as a major player in the building market. In Portugal, our Portuguese subsidiary has won and carried out several hospital projects. In Madeira, it has worked for the Portuguese radio and television. New hospital centres in Portugal – Public-Private Partnership

Olive oil plant, Marmelo Farm, Alentejo

Here is a project worth mentioning for its respect for, and integration with, environmental issues. After filtering and controlling, the water used for washing the olives is re-usable and is reused. The sub-products generated during the manufacture of olive oil are used as combustible material. The olive oil is stored in stainless steel tanks complying with temperature and humidity conditions. TPF Planege was responsible for quality control, scheduling and costs. The processing capacity of this new unit represents 30,000 tonnes per year. Solid waste screening plant, Cadaval - Torres Vedras

Around sixty kilometres to the north of Lisbon, a new incineration unit now recycles the solid urban waste that comes from the western area of the Portuguese capital. This new unit, with a capacity of 4 tonnes per hour and run by the Valorsul company, has an integrated automatic solid waste (plastic, ferrous metals, PEADS, aluminium, glass, cardboard, etc.) screening system. For this project, TPF Planege put its expertise to good use with the analysis, quality control, scheduling, cost control

For the third year running, TPF Planege, in its capacity as official quality control consultant for the Ministry of Health, has been responsible for the technical analysis and assessment of bids for the implementation of hospital construction projects under Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs). This year saw the culmination of the plans relating to the Oriental hospital in Lisbon, the largest PPP in the programme. The future hospital centre will have a gross surface area of 145,884 m² and will have a capacity of 789 beds. The analysis of the bids for the Central hospital in the Algarve should be completed around the first quarter of 2011. With its 498 beds and its gross surface area of 163,130 m², this establishment will become the largest healthcare unit south of the Tagus River. We should mention that all technical disciplines were called upon: architecture, structure, water, wastewater, electricity, telecommunications, HVAC and safety.

Jardim do Tabaco shipping terminal, Lisbonne

Olive oil plant, Marmelo Farm, Alentejo

Hydroelectric power plant and pumping station, Calheta



Portuguese Radio and Television, Funchal

Portuguese Institute of Blood, Coimbra

Portuguese Institute of Blood, Coimbra

This building will be the most astonishing from the exterior. The use of natural materials – glass, zinc and steel – for the outside shell of the building will give it a functional as well as contemporary and aesthetic appearance. The new build which will be handed over in April 2011 has three storeys over 3350 m². The technical area housing the main equipment such as the freezing camera that works under - 40°C of temperature. will be located on the ground floor. The 1st floor will house the scientific research and pathological anatomy laboratories. In order to improve its carbon footprint, the Portuguese Institute of Blood has chosen to install solar panels. Our team has worked on this project at quality control stage, scheduling, cost control and safety coordination. Edol laboratories, Oeiras

The pharmaceutical company Edol laboratories, specialising in the development, production and sale of medical equipment as well as ophthalmological, dermatological, dermo-cosmetic and ENT products, has decided to extend its production infrastructures by the addition of new space to the existing building. TPF Planege is working on this project at various levels: adapting the building to the new configuration, construction of a new 2000 m² steel-concrete composite floor slab connected to the existing structure, structural analysis of the existing building that will be used to hold a new storey,

construction of all the structures (access to the new storey, exterior covered corridor, and loading and unloading docks) and small support buildings. Portuguese Radio and Television company – Madeira Regional Centre - Funchal

The imminent relocation of all the departments of the former Portuguese Radio Broadcasting to the premises occupied by the Portuguese Radio and Television company required the whole building to be renovated. For this, a considerable number of operations will have to be carried out: installation of the studios and editor room of the former Portuguese Radio Broadcasting on the 1st floor, on the same floor, enlarging the editor room of the Television department, installation of the computer centre edition and the new maintenance of the TV room on the 2nd floor, and finally, on the 3rd floor, adaptation of a warehouse for the installation of stage design and maintenance of radio. For implementing the network computing, it was essential to work floor by floor, and at the same time to repair the pavement of the terrace located on the ground floor, a dual challenge that our subsidiary faced with success. The work, which started in July 2010, is being carried out without interruption to the Television department’s activity, and will already be completed in January 2011.



Thanks to the restructuring carried out last year, our subsidiary saw an improvement in its results for 2010. Despite a difficult economic situation and a fragile property market, TPF Romania is going forwards. Our Romanian subsidiary has no equal in construction work supervision. In this role, it has mainly worked in projects dealing with transport infrastructures and water treatment.

In 2010, TPF Romania was in charge of several major projects : Giurgiu

In the county of the same name, to the south of Bucharest, our design company was called on to supervise seven construction work contracts, carried out in compliance with the contractual rules and regulations of the FIDIC. The purpose of these projects is the construction of wastewater treatment plants and pumping stations, as well as the extension and renovation of the sewer networks. For the third year running, TPF Romania was involved in this remarkable project, which is scheduled for completion in 2013. Amara

In south-western Romania, in Amara, we are also continuing our assignment with the greatest of determination: supervision of the rehabilitation work of 30 km of roads, along with the rehabilitation work of the sewerage networks, pavements,



green areas, access ramps, road signalling and guttering. This new infrastructure will prove, firstly, of benefit to the tourism and economic activity of the region, and secondly, excellent for traffic to the city centre and the seaside resort, which attracts more than 10,000 tourists every year. Our operation seems to be appreciated as our contract has been extended until June 2011. Bucharest - Piata Universitate

This project is the first Public-Private Partnership relating to the construction of an underground car park right in the centre of the capital. The structure, which will have three levels, is the subject of a partnership concluded between the Bucharest city council and the Spanish company, Interparking. There is no doubt that this huge construction site, located close to emblematic buildings, includes a certain number of appreciable risks. TPF Romania has been asked to carry out an optimisation study focused on the structure, architecture and utilities.




TPF AlgĂŠrie has shone right from the start with its strong presence on the Algerian market. It must be said that over the last few years our Algerian subsidiary has been very actively involved on behalf of the Ministry of Transport in the ambitious modernisation programme of the Algerian railway network, managed by the ANESRIF (the national Algerian agency for design, supervision and construction of rail investments). And this year it has put endless energy into continuing to forge ahead. The results were better than expected. Two new large-scale contracts were in fact signed. The first concerns the supervision and construction of a 23 km railway line (electrified, double track) in the Algiers suburbs, and the second relates to the construction of a new line going 185 km in the inland plateau so as to connect the wilayas Relizane, Tiaret and Tissemsilt.

Doubling of the Annaba-Ramdane Djamel railway line



Electrified double rail track Oued-Tlelat-Tlemcen

Doubling the Annaba-Ramdane Djamel railway line

Doubling the track and the modernisation of the installations of the Annaba-Ramdane Djamel line, for which the work is progressing on schedule, is part of the modernisation programme of the Annaba-Alger-Oran rail route. The work relates to a length of 96 km, and on completion will allow speeds of 160 kph to be reached. In addition to the reduction in journey times, the purpose of the programme is also to improve the railway’s performance, and the operational conditions and safety. In order to do this, two tunnels, two viaducts, 120 metres and 700 metres long, two new stations, several new stretches and around thirty engineering structures need to be constructed along the route of the line. A complex, but exciting assignment.

have been awarded to a consortium formed by TPF Planege, our subsidiary TPF Algérie, Getsina (Spain) and Saeti (Algeria). New electrified double railway line, Birtouta/Zéralda

The provisory allocation of the supervision and control of the construction work for the new Birtouta/Zéralda electrified double railway line has been awarded to the TPF Planege – Sidem (Algeria) consortium. 23 kilometres long, it will serve the municipalities of Tessala El Merdja, Sidi Abdellah (a new village), Mahelma and Zeralda. This new line, which is part of the modernisation and electrification programme of the Algiers urban rail network, aims to connect all these municipalities to themselves and to the capital.

Electrified double rail track, Oued-Tlelat-Tlemcen

New railway line, Relizane/Tissemsilt

The project for this 132 km double track, allowing a maximum speed of 220 kph to be reached, involves, due to the uneven relief of the terrain, the construction of sizeable structures including, in particular, a viaduct 300 metres long and 50 metres high, a viaduct 1780 metres long and 114 metres high, and two tunnels with a total length of 700 metres. We should mention that in total, no less than 56 viaducts and 61 underpasses and overpasses will be built. Modifications will be made to the railway stations at Tlemcen and Tlelat, whilst a new railway station will be built at Sidi Bel Abbès. Finally, we should mention that the supervision assignments

Still in the transport sector, we should mention the provisory award for the supervision and control of the construction work for a new railway line connecting Relizane to Tissemsilt, 185 km long. This new line, winding through a mountainous region, will be designed for mixed traffic (passengers and freight) and will be able to guarantee a maximum speed of 160 kph. Given the scale and the difficulty of the project, we were not particularly surprised that the time for this has been set at 54 months.



As in Algeria, the outlook is positive. Beyond the numerous difficulties with which it has been confronted due to the global economic crisis, Angola remains a prosperous country and its economy is really taking off. After a budget crisis in 2009, the country found its way back into growth in 2010 (7%) thanks to the revival in the worldwide demand for oil. The Angolan government signed a confirmation agreement with the IMF for 1.4 billion dollars with the purpose of reducing the dependence on oil and so to reduce its vulnerability to international shocks.

The suburbs of Luanda are continually changing. So as to respond to the population problem suffered by the Angolan capital, the State has financed a grandiose housing scheme called “One Million Homes for 2012”, including in particular, the construction of the towns of Kilamba Kiaxi, Cacuaco and Dundo. This year, the building activity was particularly intense for TPF Angola, responsible for the design plans and supervision of the construction work.

decent living conditions for some 100,000 people. The first apartments will be occupied by the beginning of 2011. Cacuaco

Around twenty kilometres to the north-east of the capital, the Cacuaco construction site has been subject to a slight delay due to the Chinese contractor. However, everything is being done to construct 10,000 new apartments in buildings of 5, 9 and 11 storeys by 2012.

Kilamba Kiaxi Dundo

Two years have passed since the work started and the report can only make us delighted. At the end of 2010, 50% of the housing was completed. As a reminder, the town of Kilamba Kiaxi, located around thirty kilometres to the north-west of Luanda, hopes to have 20,000 new housing units in two years’ time. These will be buildings of 6 to 13 storeys, representing an investment of 3500 MUSD, with the purpose of providing

Kilamba Kiaxi

At Dundo, near the Congolese border, TPF Angola and TPF Planege, in partnership with the consultancy company, Sigma Group, are ready to start work. Since April 2009 our teams have been supervising the construction of 5000 new housing units that should be handed over in 2012. However, a major event occurred at the end of the year. In September,





the National Reconstruction Office (NRM), the employer in charge until then, decided to transfer all its real estate to the Sonangol Imobiliรกria company.

subsidiary has been asked to produce the designs, and to carry out the control and supervision of the construction work.

Regarding the industrial building sector, another project is worth a special mention.

Finally, we turn to the road sector, which has also been active this year. Renovation of the road linking the towns of Muconda and Luau

Renovation and extension for the Damer Grรกfica company

In 2010, TPF Angola had the opportunity to turn to a previously unexploited market. This is the renovation and extension project for Damer Grรกfica in Luanda, specialists in the production of mass circulation books, newspapers and magazines. The project is for the construction of a new social and administrative building, as well as the renovation and extension of the industrial area. The company has chosen an architecture that promotes the image of Damer Grรกfica and constitutes a business card for promoting the company. The construction work will commence during the second quarter of 2011 and will be completed in 2012. Our Angolan

Damer Grรกfica, Luanda

This road axis of around a hundred kilometres, located in the south of the province of Lunda and close to the Zambian frontier, now links the towns of Mucondau and Luau. Our operation was greatly appreciated as the Angolan National Institute of Roads (INEA) has renewed its confidence in us. A new contract has been signed. An amount of 167 MUSD will be invested for the construction of a road link between the Zambian frontier and the town of Luau, as well as for the construction of two bridges over the rivers Luembe and Luangue. TPF Angola and TPF Planege should be carrying out the supervision of the construction work until the end of 2011.



A year ago we happily celebrated Pyramide Ingénierie, one of the largest multidisciplinary design firms in Morocco, joining our group. 2010 well and truly confirmed the success of this strategic choice for development. Over the last few months, Pyramide Ingénierie has shown proof of its dynamism in its segments of activities, confirming its commitment in building, as shown in its various operations.

New Maroc Telecom head office, Rabat

One of the most prestigious buildings in Rabat, Maroc Telecom’s new head office is certainly worth the effort of being mentioned. It is in fact the largest glass tower in the capital. With a height of 91 metres, it looks out over an area of 5 hectares of the Hay Riad district. This 20-floor tower, served by 13 elevators, will house, in addition to the office space, a showroom, a museum and a restaurant. Its upper part will be used as exhibition and event spaces. As for the auditorium, with a surface area of 2500 m², and which will be able to hold 600 seat, this will also able to be configured for use as a banqueting or cocktails room, through a system of retractable terraces on its lower part. The structure’s design is oriented to an environmental approach associated with the control of energy (for example: use of renewable energies for hot water production, rainwater recycling for irrigating the exterior grounds, etc.) The work is progressing at a fast pace. The operator will be able to occupy its brand new head office by spring 2012. For this project, Pyramide Ingénierie has made available an experienced team made up of around 10 people, responsible for carrying out control operations on the construction documents and to monitor that the contractors’ building work complies with the regulations and standards in force. Casablanca Marina

The construction site for the marina at Casablanca is progressing well to the great satisfaction of the developer, Al Manar Development Company, a subsidiary of the CDG group. As its name indicates, it is located on the Casablanca coast and is close to the Hassan II Grand Mosque, the area called “Les Portes Océans” will hold residential buildings as well as office buildings, with a surface area of 85,000 m² and 40,000 m² respectively. The marina project is based around two islets. Islet A2, de-

signed by the architect Lazrak Aziz has 152 luxury apartments in three 16-storey towers, as well as two 8-storey towers for use as offices. The whole complex is built over two shared underground basements. A shared esplanade provides access to the seafront of the Bay of Casablanca. In addition, with the desire to offer innovative products that reflect the latest technological advances, concrete with a service life of a hundred years has been chosen. This is a huge first in Morocco. As for islet A3, designed by the architect Benkirane Saad, this is made up of 3 towers of 9 storeys each, for use as offices. These are connected to each other by two bridging buildings. The project also provides for the construction of a car park that extends over the whole islet. The heavy building work has been completed, whilst the execution of the other technical and secondary building work is under way (sprinkler system, air conditioning, elevators, electricity, interior and exterior decorating). The first handovers are planned in a few months. Around twenty engineers and technicians specialising in building structure and special techniques have been invested, and will continue to be invested, in this large-scale operation. El Jadida Exhibition Park

Located 100 km to the south of Casablanca, in 2012 the port town of the El Jadida will be home to a new exhibitions centre. It will become the most prestigious centre in Morocco, this future multifunctional park will be used to hold, in particular, the Horse Fair and Tbourida (a popular traditional equestrian art), exhibition areas, reception areas, restaurants, a village, administrative buildings and office spaces. We should add that it will be able to hold 600 horses. The first stage of the project will be started in 24 months (designs and construction work) over an area of more than 46 ha, 20,000 m² of which will be dedicated to exhibitions.



New Maroc Telecom head office, Rabat

Marina de Casablanca



Marchica Med, Nador

Casa Green Town Bouskoura, Casablanca

Tourist resort « Plage des Nations », Mehdia



Our team is carrying out engineering assignments on the technical lots (structures, fluids, high and low voltage electricity and high environmental quality) and on the infrastructures (roads and various networks). Casa Anfa, Casablanca

This project is part of the urban development programme of the Anfa district, and in particular the Cité de l’Air, adjoining the former Casa Anfa aerodrome, located 5 km from the current urban centre. The housing units will be organised as follows: a 6 metres basement will make up a double height ground floor and will hold townhouses with gardens, spacious penthouses with huge roof terraces will be on the 8th floor, whilst towers encircled by flying balconies and loggias up to the 17th floor. The French firm of architects, Reichen et Robert & Associés in cooperation with the local firm Groupe 3A, has been chosen to design the preliminary draft of the project. As for the technical designs, these will be done for the contracting authority, the Compagnie Générale Immobilière (CGI), by Pyramide Ingénierie, in synergy with the team from our French subsidiary Beterem Ingénierie. The designs, relating to the rough preliminary designs and the detailed preliminary designs, have just been completed. MARCHICA MED, Nador

Separated from the Mediterranean by a thin cordon of dunes 25 km long, the Marchica lagoon will soon be developed into a seaside resort. A real asset for green and responsible tourism, because the programme will take into account the richness and biodiversity of the lagoon (seabed, beaches, vegetation, endogenous fauna, bird colonies, etc.). In practical terms, it is planned to develop 7 projects over a total surface area of 2000 ha: the Cité d’Atalayoun, the Cité des Deux Mers, the new town of Nador, the Baie des Flamants, Marchica Sport, the Vergers de Marchica and the Village des Pêcheurs. Golf courses will be built here, as well as areas for water and equestrian sports, hotel and residential areas, along with fishing and pleasure harbours. We should also note that each of these projects will be the subject of the creation of separate subsidiaries, that will also include the participation of private capital alongside the State. Our Moroccan subsidiary was responsible for carrying out the engineering assignment on the technical lots and infrastructures: structures, fluids, electricity supply and low voltage supply, high environmental quality and road network. Finally, we should mention that the work relating to the Cité d’Atalayoun project and the bordering hillside will be finished at the end of 2012.

Bab Al Bahr, Bouregreg valley

This other building complex with some 500,000 m² of floor space will be built at Bab Al Bahr, a town located on the estuary of the river Bouregreg, between the cities of Rabat and Salé, over an area of 70 hectares, 30 of which will be built on. It relates in particular to the construction of housing, hotels, shops, office spaces and various public facilities. In partnership with the English firm of architects Foster+Partners and the contracting authority “The Bouregreg Valley Development Agency”, Pyramide Ingénierie has been asked to carry out the technical designs for the whole construction of three of the five residential districts that are part of the Bab Al Bahr programme. The project is currently in the rough draft phase and the start of the construction work is planned for the final quarter of 2011. Casa Green Town Bouskoura, Casablanca

To the south of Casablanca, a new town will soon be rising up by the side of the Bouskoura forest. As a reminder, Casa Green Town is a unique concept of a green town, completely oriented towards well-being and leisure pursuits. Started by the Compagnie Générale Immobilière (CGI), it relates to shared and individual housing units, a town centre and services, an 18-hole golf course, hotel, spa, clubhouse as well as a university campus. In its role as a design company, Pyramide Ingénierie has been asked to carry out the designs and supervise the construction work of some 830 detached houses and 650 apartments. The construction work has started on some islets, the designs are under way for others. Some islets are still at the calls for tender stage. The handover of the whole building complex is planned for 2013. Plage des Nations tourist resort, Mehdia

The project for developing the Nations beach in Salé, with a total area of 450 hectares, is on schedule. Golfers will be able to play their favourite sport over 90 hectares. Thousands of residential units and several hotels and restaurants will be built. This project is financed by the Moroccan group Addoha which has appointed Cabinet JLA as architect and official contracting authority, and Pyramide Ingénierie as the design company for the phases relating to the buildings. This year, our subsidiary has concentrated on finalising the designs for certain islets, but it has also been made responsible for carrying out the supervision of the construction works for the islets that have already been contracted.



One year after the successful acquisition of the Pyramide Ingénierie company, TPF is continuing its external growth strategy with the acquisition of shares in the Save Project engineering company, specialising in project management, support, coordination, supervision and scheduling work for all aspects of the construction industry. The projects listed below reflect the intense activity for this year, which has been very productive for the building sector in residential or urban complexes, leisure and sports areas, hotels, office building and social housing.

Here is a brief look at the key points of 2010 Hotel projects – Tamouda Bay resort

Located half-way between M’diq and Fnideq in the Restinga region, Tamuda Bay is on the way to becoming a major seaside resort on the Mediterranean coast. Hotel projects are flourishing here. Among them, two hotels should be opening in 2012. This will be a major event because this will be the first entrance into the Moroccan market for the Asian hotel chains. The first relates to the construction of a luxury hotel called Banyan Tree comprising, in particular, a reception building, a library, conference centre, restaurants, artificial rivers, a spa and 102 villas. The second relates to the construction of a 5-star hotel called the Chedi GHM, comprising, in particular, a reception building, beach club, library, sports centre, 43 club suites, 63 suites, 1 royal suite and a spa. These luxury hotels, with a contemporary architecture combined with an oriental style, have been designed to meet the expectations of customers from all over the world. Our subsidiary Save Project has also been appointed to carry out the organisation, supervision and coordination assignment.

its standing as a tourist destination, will offer, amongst other things, a hotel, a port authority building, shops, sailing school, overhead and underground car parks, two swimming pools, restaurants – some built on stilts, fitness centres, games rooms, a yacht club and 3300 m² reserved for water sports. The construction site is progressing well, as at the end of 2010, 50% of the construction work had been completed. The Cabo hills, M’diq

A seaside resort located on the northern coast of Morocco, 10 km from Tétouan, Cabo Negro provides a calm environment, full of greenery. By the end of 2012, this Mediterranean enclave will be the home of a new high-end resort composed of 40 2-storey villas, and 43 2- and 3-storey buildings totalling 300 apartments. The accommodation, designed as an enclosed residence, is organised around common swimming pools. Common facilities have been planned, along with green spaces, a parking control building, a minimarket and access roads and paths. The preliminary designs have been completed on behalf of the contracting authority, the Compagnie Générale Immobilière (CGI), a subsidiary of CDG Développement. Zahrat Annakhil building project, Marrakech

Pleasure port, M’diq

Located in the Tanger-Tétouan region on the Mediterranean coast, the town of M’diq now has the ambition of becoming a tourist destination that is the equal of other Mediterranean dream destinations, thanks to its new pleasure port that will be opening in 2012. This new area for events, leisure activities and sports, designed to confirm the town’s economy and

In the centre of the Palmeraie de Marrakech, one of the emblematic jewels of the Imperial City, another of the Compagnie Générale Immobilière’s construction sites is progressing at full steam ahead. After 30 months, 45% of the construction work has been completed. This is the construction of 40 villas with individual swimming pools and gardens, as well as 50 ryads comprising common spaces such as a swimming pool and a



Tamouda Bay resort

Pleasure port, M’diq



Zahrat Annakhil building project, Marrakech

Asilah Marina Golf

pool house. This residential complex, located close to the road to Fez, should be completed by the end of 2011. Chrifia tourism development project, Marrakechh

The city of Marrakech will also see the construction, by the Compagnie Générale Immobilière, of the Chrifia tourism project. Located over an area of 268 ha and, more precisely on the road linking Marrakech with Tahanaoute, this project is based around three main sectors (residential, hotel and services) comprising: an 18-hole golf course, residential complexes totalling 1660 units, 1000 of which are villas and 660 are apartments, 10 hotel units divided between 2 luxury (5-star) hotel complexes, a luxury unit, four guest houses, a holiday village, a residential home for the elderly and a “business first” (4-star) hotel. Not forgetting the events, leisure and services facilities, which include a sports and wellness centre, a clinic, shops, guest farm, an irrigation museum and restaurants. A slight snag however: the preliminary design phase was stopped at the end of the year.

Asilah Marina Golf, Asilah

The Asilah Invest company is currently building a tourism project on an area of 67 ha, relating to the construction and sale of around 700,000 m2 of high-end tourism facilities. Located on the Atlantic coast 40 km from the city of Tangier, Asilah Marina Golf offers 5400 top of the range apartments, and for use by the residents, a clubhouse, a 9-hole international standard golf course, a luxury (4-star) hotel and restaurants. To our great satisfaction, Asilah Invest opted for a green and sustainable development strategy allowing the natural riches of the town of Asilah to be preserved by green spaces and by its own wastewater treatment plant, for which the daily capacity exceeds 4000 m3. The speed of the construction work has been particularly fast this year. We have been able to assist in the handover of the first 500 apartments, the 9-hole golf course, the clubhouse, as well as the wastewater treatment plant. Madinat Bades urban sector, Al Hoceima

This new integrated 50 ha urban sector will greatly transform the city of Al Hoceima in the north of the kingdom. This large-



Marina de Casablanca

Madinat Bades urban sector, Al Hoceima

scale project will combine 122 3-storey apartments, as an enclosed residence, completely open to the sea, and 22 shops, 80% of the construction work has been completed. This huge construction site should be completed by the end of 2011. Almassira urban sector, Fnideq

This project is being carried out as part of the development initiatives of the Northern Region and was started by the CGI. It consists of creating an urban centre making the link between the new access to the city by the motorway, the town’s coastal road and the neighbouring districts. In addition to the residential units, this sector comprises shops, services, administrative and local council facilities, a bus station, a covered hall, a sports field and the new Fnideq souk. The first phase, in which Save Project was particularly involved, concerns the construction of 42 4-storey buildings. Today, 50% of them have already been built. The remaining 50% will completed by the end of 2011. Aero-Inezgane building project, Agadir

In Agadir, the construction of 656 rental housing units for the

Royal Armed Forces is quickly going ahead. This project is part of a national programme relating to the construction of 80,000 housing units for the members of the Royal Armed Forces in the various towns and cities of the kingdom. This social housing complex will have, by 2011, 41 4-storey buildings comprising 80 apartments for officers, 224 apartments for NCOs and 352 apartments for other ranks. A hammam and shops will complete the services provided for the personnel. 70% of the units were completed in 2010. Casablanca marina

As we have already mentioned in the chapter on Pyramide Ingénierie, the huge construction site for the Casablanca marina is progressing well. This multi-purpose area is being greatly anticipated by the residents of Casablanca. More specifically, it has been awarded the scheduling, supervision and coordination assignment. This mainly concerns the first phase of the sector called “Les Portes Océanes” composed of 81,000 m² of offices, 110,000 m² of housing units and 40,000 m² of car parking.




During the course of this year, we wanted to strengthen the synergy and complementarity between our subsidiaries TPF Tunisie, Bagon IngĂŠnieurs-Conseils and TPF Engineering. Ad hoc training was given to our engineers in order to expand and diversify their fields of operation.

Le Clos Bizet, Anderlecht

Jobs and business centre, Forest



New retirement home – van Ophem Street/Uccle

In 2010, TPF Tunisie worked on drawing up execution, steel rebar and foundation drawings : On behalf of our subsidiary Bagon Ingénieurs-Conseils : For this, we would like to applaud the excellent cooperation of TPF Tunisie for the “Clos Bizet” housing project in Anderlecht. Done in two phases, with each one having three sub-phases, 6 buildings will be constructed for which no less than 160 plans will be calculated and drawn up by TPF Tunisie. Blocks B and C make up the first phase. Block B, for which the heavy building work is under way, will be completed in spring 2011. Starting the construction work of Block C is scheduled for the following month. Together they will form a huge 25,000 m² complex of housing units and parking spaces. We could not wait to get started on the project for the construction of almost 14,000 m² of social housing in Mettewie district in Molenbeek-Saint-Jean, located at the corner of Rue Candries and Rue Carl Requette, and on the corner of Rue Carl Requette and Rue Joseph Lemaire. The town council can congratulate itself on seeing its property portfolio increasing by around a hundred housing units in a district that up until now had a low proportion of social housing. The Housing Funds for the Brussels-Capital Region called on our cooperation to draw up the execution plans.

And on behalf of our subsidiary TPF Engineering : Our company drew up the calculations and plans for a Jobs and Business Centre in Forest. This 1700 m2 building spread over a ground floor and three upper storeys will house a municipal crèche and the completely new decentralised branch of Actiris (the public employment service in Brussels). The execution file was able to be finalised thanks to Tunisian know-how. Construction work is scheduled to start in January of next year. Also, mission accomplished for our teams who have drawn up the execution plans for the new retirement home that will be built on the Rue Van Ophem in Uccle (Brussels region). It will comprise 121 rooms spread over 3 floors and 28 service flats spread over 2 other levels. A 2250 m2 underground car park and an 800 m2 ground floor reserved for retail units will complete the complex. Our subsidiary TPF Engineering is responsible for the supervision of the construction site. Finally, we turn to the construction of the US Army Youth Centre in Sterrebeek. The final steel rebar plans have been able to be drawn up this year. Also, as stated in previous chapters, we should mention that this project is subject to strong constraints inherent to the very specific purpose for this building; US safety standards, anti-terrorism standards, etc.



Less than a year after its entrance onto the TPF group’s stage, our Brazilian subsidiary has already seen exceptional growth. Its annual turnover has leapt to 50%. This upturn covers the environmental sector, ports and transport infrastructures. And numerous projects that are both complex and ambitious are supporting this upsurge that is full of opportunity.

Environmental and Water Plan in the State of Pernambuco

Lagoa Olho d’Agua Project



In 2010, our subsidiary was once again involved in the defence of the environment. As we know, Brazil has a huge amount water resources. It in fact holds almost 12% of the global reserves of fresh water. However, despite this privileged position, its resources find themselves being threatened. Aware of the inequalities in the geographical distribution of its assets and the issues that they represent for its population and its economy, Brazil is doubling its efforts to improve the management of its water reserves and to strengthen the sustainability of its resources. Environmental and Water Plan for the Capibaribe River and Ipojuca River in the State of Pernambuco

The worrying situation in the semi-arid region of the state of Pernambuco has led to various initiatives for recycling the existing local reserves and for increasing the volume of water supplied to the drier areas. As part of this, Projetec has drawn up a hydro-environmental plan for the Capibaribe hydrographic basin. This is based on an overall diagnosis of the socio-economic and hydro-environmental situation and promotes above all the sustainability of the basin as well as the possibilities for medium and longterm investment. The results obtained constitute a precious tool for the River Capibaribe Water Basin Committee (COBH), who will be able to direct the management of water resources within the framework of coordinated legislation. On the same occasion, the Pernambuco state government asked us to assess the environmental, water and hydrographical situation for the Ipojuca basin. There was a priority: to ensure the sustainability of a development that is in keeping on a local, regional and national level, whilst promoting the greatest respect for the environment and for the precious resource that is water.

gramme, integrated sanitation projects and environmental impact study). Pontal irrigation project

This aims at promoting irrigation in the semi-arid region of the São Francisco river valley in the state of Pernambuco. Projetec’s technical skills were called upon for parcelling the area that is not irrigated and for the preparation of the basic and detailed projects for gross water distribution system to supply small farms. In addition, services relating to training and developing the capacity-building of rural producers in the areas adjoining the Pontal project were also part of the assignment given to our Brazilian team. In addition, we should underline that Projetec has actively contributed to the supervision and monitoring of the construction of the water supply systems of the Pontal project, more precisely the water distribution networks in several towns in the state of Pernambuco, such as Barreiras, Bom Jardim, Caldeirãozinho and Uruás. Pedra Branca irrigation project

Other assignments have been given to us as part of the management, operation, maintenance and supply of water in the Pedra Branca irrigation area, dependent on the Itaparica irrigation system in the state of Bahia, placed under the control of Codevasf 6th region division (Development company for the São Francisco valley).

But Projetec is looking far ahead. So its desire to be involved in the protection of the environment has opened the way for it in other countries in Latin America, such as Mexico and Venezuela. As part of this, 2010 saw the conclusion of two excellent projects. Michoacán farming and water project (Mexico)

Lagoa Olho d’Agua project

Another ambitious design is the Lagoa Olho d’Agua project started by the Pernambuco state government in Jaboatão dos Guararapes (a town of 675,400 inhabitants that is part of the metropolitan region of Recife). Our Brazilian subsidiary distinguished itself by winning the bidding process for the design of a sustainable development plan. More specifically, Projetec provided consultancy services so as to guarantee the required performances in accordance with the various programmes (integrated local development plan, social initiatives pro-

In Mexico, as in a number of other countries, the protection of the environment has become a major issue for the public authorities over several decades. So Projetec offered its consultancy services to the international engineering and construction company Odebrecht, which itself had been appointed by the Michoacán government to carry out a study for assessing the water resources and the potential for irrigation and energy production, for the municipality of the same name. This huge irrigation project had been set up with the purpose of providing a solution to the poverty suffered by the


Agrarian project in the Quibor valley, Venezuela

Transnordestina railway line


Suape Port



whole Lázara Cárdenas agricultural area. The water balance was mainly concerned with two rivers in the region. In addition, Projetec designed and prepared a pre-project for the construction of a dam and channel designed to supply water to the farming areas. The construction project was completed in 2010, giving rise to technical assistance being provided relating to the construction of the water channel. This is 35.5 km long and will be able to carry an outflow of 12.5 m³ per second at the end of 2011. A very great challenge, taking the geotechnical and relief conditions into account. Agrarian project in the Quibor valley (Venezuela)

In western Venezuela, Projetec, in consortium with the Brazilian construction company Queiroz Galvão, will execute engineering services in irrigation and provide technical backup to the Valle do Quibor (PVQ) Socialist Agrarian Project. This project is interesting in more than one way. It plans the implementation of an integrated socio-economic development model covering an irrigated area of 26,120 ha, as well as the development of irrigation systems, the construction of four huge water supply infrastructures, road infrastructures, and finally, the development of new farming, social and rural models. Regarding this Venezuelan assignment, we cannot fail to mention a surprising and unusual fact, which is the participation and cooperation of the local population who will benefit from this project, who want to preserve its basin, the Yacambu, and to develop the Quibor valley.

We now turn to Projetec’s participation in the development of the Brazilian rail and port network. We will finish on our subsidiary’s involvement in the industrial field. Transnordestina railway line

The grandiose Transnordestina railway project, one of the largest axes of the federal government’s Growth Acceleration Programme (PAC) is progressing at the rate at which its size allows. This new 1728 km rail track is intended for opening up a part of the Nordeste region. It will connect the ports of Salvador (Bahia state), Pecém (Ceará state) and Suape (Pernambuco state) with the hinterland of Piaui. It is a real godsend for regional development and for the transportation of poultry, agricultural, grain and plaster products. In addition, by using the existing lines of the Brazilian Midwest region, Transnordestina will be promoting job creation and economic growth affecting the areas adjoining the track. Finally, we should also mention that Projetec is responsible for the supervision of the construction of the railway line in the state of Pernambuco.

Suape oil terminal – PGL3A/3B

As we know, the port of Suape in the state of Pernambuco is ambitious to become the largest distribution zone for goods and services for the oil and gas industries. No surprise then that the Nordeste oil refinery, Abreu e Lima, is building its new terminal here. This will allow the docking of oil tankers carrying crude oil destined for the refinery for the production of diesel fuel and other oil derivatives. Projetec was appointed to carry out several assignments including the production of the detailed project, its management and supervision as well as environmental management action. The purpose of this logistics project is to equip the port of Suape and its industrial complex with docking facilities that comply with international standards and so be able to accept tankers from all over the world. In order to reach this objective, a certain number of operations have to be finalised, such as the drainage of the shipping channel and the turning basin, the construction of the PGL3 oil terminal, extension and strengthening of the breakwaters in order to ensure a greater protection, the construction of a pipeline support structure, and internal widening of breakwaters so as to increase the safety areas around the existing pipeline, enlarging the access road to the PGL3 oil terminal, and finally, the nautical signalling system of the access channel and manoeuvring basin. Gypsum production in the Araripe region

Famous for its richness in fossils, the Araripe region in the state of Pernambuco, produces 95% of the total production of gypsum in Brazil. Over the last ten years, the vigorous growth in the economy, and in the construction industry in particular, has undeniably benefited players in the gypsum industry. In 2004 the Araripe gypsum production chain had 350 companies, 21 of which were mining companies, 91 processing plants and 230 factories producing pre-moulded plaster products. Today there are 624 companies established in the cities of Araripina, Ipubí, Ouricuri, Bodocó and Trindade. Amongst these, there are 29 gypsum quarries, 152 processing plants and 443 factories producing pre-moulded plaster products. We should underline that the cluster has directly generated 13,600 jobs and around 68,000 jobs indirectly. It is as part of this that Projetec has recently carried out an economic and technical feasibility study relating to gypsum production and logistics systems.



At the current growth rate of its urban population, over the next twenty years India could become the most populated country on the planet. This is why the setting up of modern and suitable infrastructures is one of the essential priorities for its government today: motorway projects, water supply systems and large capacity public transport projects (high speed trains, metros and airports) are mushrooming over the whole country. To run these projects well, during 2010 we have taken part in a sharply increasing number of public-private partnerships (PPPs). Despite an ever tougher competition, SN Bhobe has been successful on this huge market by cornering a choice place for itself.

How did our Indian subsidiary manage to do this? Thanks to its architectural engineering combined with a strategy for diversification directed towards the airport (terminals) and railways (high-speed lines and station construction) sectors, as well as the roads and bridges sectors. This approach was rewarded with new success: a very clear geographical widening of its activity, shown by orders obtained in regions where it did not have much of a presence until now: the states of Bihar and Uttarakhand in the north-east, Himachal Pradesh in the north-west and Madhya Pradesh in the centre. We can now turn to some projects that, in more ways than one, are worth a closer look. As part of a national motorways development programme set up by the Indian government, Sion Panvel Tollways Ltd, a member of IVRCL, a well-known specialist in the roads sector, appointed us to carry out a detailed design relating to the construction of a motorway in the Mumbai region. An assignment that was won hands down in a particularly tough competitive

situation, it has to be said. The government in fact wants the private sector to become more and more involved in road projects. The partnership concerns, in particular, BOT (building, operation and transfer) contract projects. So consultancy contracts awarded by the National Highways Agency of India (NHAI), which is responsible for approving projects and the administration of the road, motorway and expressway network, should increase sharply in the near future. After having lended a hand to projects for top rate operators such as PNC Infratech (Gwalior Bhind highway in the state of Madhya Pradesh), Atlanta Ltd for the Mumbra bypass near Mumbai and GVR Infra (Dharwad highway), a fourth company (the BOT/PPP concessionaire, Unity Infraprojects Ltd) called on our services to produce a design relating to the KhandwaBurhnapur road in the state of Madhya Pradesh. An order for the detailed design and for drawing up the detailed project report is more than likely to follow. With this 5th BOT-type contract involving the private sector in the field of road infrastructures, SN Bhobe has reached two objectives that it set itself: to position itself in a greatly expanding market and to extend itself geographically.



Rajasthan House, Navi Mumbai

In the north-east, the state of Bihar is in full economic growth numerous construction sites are starting up there. There is dense activity in the road sector. Our subsidiary has clinched a contract here relating to the detailed project report for the construction of a 113 km road at the Indo Nepal border. In western India, in the state of Gujarat, we have completed the project supervision work of the cement concrete pavement work (Package III) on behalf of the Surat Municipal Corporation. This corporation has also appointed us to carry out another project, even larger and the construction work is currently under way. We end this chapter on roads by turning to the state of Maharashtra, our home state. To our great satisfaction, we have once again been consulted by the MSRDC (Maharashta State Road Development Corporation) to produce three detailed project reports relating to a total of 431 km of roads (215 km Wardha - Shelu Bazar, 111 km Sinkhed - Raja and 105 km Sinaar – Ghoti – Puntamba). We also won the contract for the “Bhiwandi-Kalyan-Shil Phata” extension project, for which we had already produced the basic design.

We now turn to another profitable market that is in full development and already well-known for our services: flyovers. This is an essential sector in India, faced with the soaring congestion in its towns and cities. Our teams have concluded a consultancy contract with the Bangalore Development Authority relating to the construction of two highly important flyovers in Kalyanagar and Nayadahalli. Around a hundred kilometres from Mumbai, the Thane Municipal Corporation has also awarded our subsidiary an assignment relating to the construction of two flyovers on the Lal Bahadur Shastri (LBS) road and adjoining the city telephone exchange. In Surat, in the state of Gujarat, SN Bhobe carried out the supervision of the construction of a majestic flyover at Delhi Gate. As for the Nana Varachha flyover, our design and supervision assignment was successfully completed. In Bangalore, we were asked by the Development Authority to project manage the Magadi Road flyover, 323.50 metres long. Many other projects currently under way are worth looking at. So, in Mumbai, our team took part in the construction of several



Bandra West Skywalk, Mumbai

flyovers crossing the capital’s main arterial road, the Dr. Abedkar Road. To our great satisfaction, the completion of the construction work is imminent. The construction work is also progressing well relating to the flyover at “Times of India” at Kandivali, in the western suburbs of Mumbai. At the moment, just one lane is operational, but two-way traffic should be crossing the flyover by the 1st quarter of 2011.

In 2010, we continued with what was our first activity in India by contributing, along with other companies, to the construction of bridges. Our expertise in this subject is therefore widely recognised. These civil engineering structures, for which the list is endless, serve as an excellent reference for our subsidiary. In July, the bridge crossing the river Tapi was able to be opened in the presence of Navin Patel, Honorable Minister for water supply, water resources, urban development and urban planning. Located in the state of Gujarat in western India, this 300 metres long structure was built by the Surat Municipal Corporation. Our skills in project management were called upon.

On reading through these lines, we can see that SN Bhobe is today a top level player in the socio-economic development of India. Extending its range of influence, it has taken its first steps in the state of Tamil Nadu, in the extreme south-east of India. Here it is carrying out detailed engineering and project management for the construction of the Lake Pulicat bridge, with a length of 453.6 metres and a width of 12 metres. Thanks to this new, remarkable structure, the 50,000 or so inhabitants of the Tiruvallur district will no longer have to use a ferry to get to the mainland, or to get to the public hospital in Ponneri, 19 km form Pulicat. To the west of Mumbai, efforts are continuing in the construction of a rail over bridge at “Milan” subway. Here our experts have been able to show their great ability in providing designs for execution of civil engineering structures in strongly congested areas. Though it is a taxing assignment, it has been rapidly rewarded by the award of another contract of the same type for the construction of a bridge at the Godrej station, a part of which is in the railway corridor. Amongst the many other projects to be mentioned in the bridge construction sector are the following :



Magadi Road Flyover, Bangalore

Malad Flyover, Mumbai

Kandivali skywalk, Mumbai

- In the north, the designs produced for the Department of Public Works in the state of Uttarakhand in Roorkee, and the supervision assignment given by the Indian national railways company, Rail Vikas Nigam Ltd, as part of the construction of a bridge on the Palwal – Bhuteshwar line. - In the west, supervision of the construction work for the Sandhurst railway bridge in Mumbai. - And finally, in the south of India, designs produced for the Bangalore Development Authority in Kadubeesanahalli, as well as the preparation of the detailed design relating to the construction of a bridge and bus station in Coimbatore, a large industrial town.

Over the last few months, the Indian authorities, who are particularly aware of the needs of the population and want to meet these needs, have agreed numerous initiatives: they particularly want to reduce congestion for pedestrian traffic in their large urban centres. Last year, we had the pleasure of announcing the opening of the Bandra west skywalk in the suburbs of Mumbai. As a reminder, this was the first covered pedestrian walkway ever constructed in India. This year, the Bandra east skywalk has also opened. These two emblematic structures have had so

much good media coverage that they will soon be symbols of the city’s landscape. Since then, contracts have not stopped coming in: in Mumbai, SN Bhobe has been appointed for the design of several skywalks (Kandivali, Grant Road and Virar) and in the Maharashtra regions we are carrying out feasibility studies.

In the rail sector, our subsidiary applied to take part in various projects. Also we have put in two bids for high value high speed railways jobs floated by a subsidiary of the Indian Rail company, IRCON, is association with two well-known Belgian companies, Tuc Rail SA and Transurb Technirail NV.

Finally, we could not end this chapter without mentioning the excellent contract our Indian team has just won: the architectural and structural design contract for the “Rajasthan House”. The government of the same name has decided to construct this building in Navi Mumbai, and will be used as the emblematic shop window for Maharashtra.



Through the quite recent acquisition of the Shrikhande Consultants design company, located in Mumbai, TPF is establishing itself even more in India. The perfect complement to our subsidiary SN Bhobe, Shrikhande Consultants is a specialist in project management and design, both in the field of infrastructures and building. For the two companies concerned, this acquisition opens the way to the conclusion of unstoppable synergies. We now turn to 2010, a year rich in events.

Firstly, in the building sector, activity was concentrated on institutional, hospital and residential projects. Hospital complex, Mumbai This relates to the construction of a 14-storey building with a surface area of some 17,400 m² for the Tata Memorial Centre. We have been appointed to provide project management consultancy services. The project should be completed in June 2011. Bio-School for the Indian Institute of Technology, (IIT), Mumbai This project concerns the construction of the Bio-School and a lecture hall at Powai Indian Institute of Technology in Mumbai, one of the main engineering schools in India. In total, three buildings will be constructed over a total surface area of 16,800 m². The Bio-School’s building will have a ground floor and 6 upper floors spread over a surface area of 7200 m². Structural design and project management consultancy services have been part of the assignments awarded to our Indian subsidiary.

Housing, Hyderabad It was as project manager that Shrikhande took part in the construction of two ambitious housing projects. The “Anthem Vistas” project will extend over 24 hectares, from which 77 individual villas will rise up (a built surface area of 33,345 m²). The second project, called “The Trails” will relate to the construction of 61 individual villas (a built surface area of 27,065 m²) on a 14 acre of land. Modernisation of the Mazgaon Dock Ltd shipyard, Mazgaon As part of its modernisation programme, Mazgaon Dock Ltd, the first shipbuilding yard for the Indian navy, called upon the internationally renowned design company Royal Haskoning, who appointed us to produce, amongst other things, the preparation of Preliminary Project Report, Preparation of Detailed Project Report, detailed engineering design, preparation of tender documents, pre-qualification and selection of contractors etc. The modernisation relates, in particular, to an 8000 m2 modular workshop comprising a retractable roof, and assembly workshop, storage buildings and other facilities.

Residential complexes In 2010, we were asked to work on two prestigious residential complex projects. The first relates to the construction, in Taloja, of 58 buildings (25-storey) on a 25 acre of land, whilst the second relates to the construction, in Navi Mumbai, of 12 buildings (25 and 26-storey) on a 5 acre of land. The built surface areas will be 376,000 m2 and 78,300 m2 respectively. For this project, our design company has been able to show its skills in structural design.

Before closing this chapter on building, we should mention our Indian team’s activity in Afghanistan for the Marschal Group, an US based consultancy firm. Our experts in structure have been called upon regarding the construction of several buildings.



Residential complex, Taloja

Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai

« The Trails » housing project, Hyderabad

« Anthem Vistas » housing project, Hyderabad



Wankhede stadium, Mumbai

Goregaon skywalk, Mumbai

Water supply of Maharashtra

Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai



In the field of sports infrastructures, we cannot ignore the following project: Reconstruction of the Wankhede stadium, Mumbai It was a great honour for Shrikhande to have contributed to the reconstruction of the Wankhede stadium, the stadium that will hold the final of the 2011 Cricket World Cup. With a capacity of 37,000 seats, it is now the largest cricket stadium in Mumbai. More specifically, the north and south stands have been rebuilt, whilst those situated at the east and west have been renovated. This veritable temple, dedicated to a major sport of India has many facilities (health club, gymnastics club and media centre), cutting edge technology to an international quality standard (six electronic score boards, 26 camera positions and 6 metres high sight screens), a 10,000 m2 cricket museum, etc.

Regarding road infrastructures and civil engineering structures, we can now reveal the main activities undertaken over the last twelve months.

In Mumbai, our specialists have carried out several operations, amongst which is the estimate for a number of roads for tender purposes. So 350 km concrete/bituminous roads have now been completed this year on behalf of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai. Others are under way. In May 2010, we finalised the preparation of the detailed project report relating to the construction of the flyover on the spine road through Pune, close to the important Indian car manufacturing company, Tata Motors. This is a four-lane flyover with prestressed concrete box girder superstructure, a length of 895 metres and a width of 8.5 metres. The construction work for this structure, supervised by our teams, has started.

Finally, our Indian subsidiary has distinguished itself in other fields. Special structures In Goa, the Indian iron ore producer and exporter, Sesa Goa Ltd, called upon our services to carry out the proof checking of its 100 m RCC chimney. Auditing

Skywalks, Mumbai To the great satisfaction of the Mahashtra State Road Development Corporation Ltd, construction projects for the Vila Parle (458 metres), Goregaon (650 metres) and Vasai (615 metres) skywalks were able to be completed this year. The width of these structures is 5.7 metres. Our assignment covered the design, structural design and supervision of the construction. Roads and flyovers Mission also accomplished for our team at Madhya Pradesh, in the centre of India. This consisted of preparing for the Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation Ltd the feasibility study and detailed project report relating to the completion of a major trunk road. It is mainly in two streches: the 100 km long SH 27 (Ujjaini-Unhel-Nagada-Jaorar) and the 75 km long SH11 (Satna-Chitrakoot). We should also mention that this is a BOT type contract.

With the strength of a long background in carrying out technical audits, in 2010 Shrikhande produced numerous reports dealing with infrastructures and housing projects for the Indian government. Some audits ordered by the states Maharashtra, Gujarrat, Madhya Pradesh and finally Andhra Pradresh are on the way to completion. Other infrastructure projects have been the subject of quality control audits ordered by the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai and the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority. These are under way. We end by mentioning the audit services that we are providing to the government of Maharashtra as part of the project aiming to improve the water supply of Maharashtra. We should add that this project is being supported by the World Bank.


Consolidated balance sheet


Formation expenses


Intangible assets

III. Goodwill




55.398,23 70.571,32 547.281,68






IV. Tangible assets

A. Land and buildings

B. Plant, machinery and equipment

C. Furniture and vehicles

D. Leasing and other similar rights

E. Other tangible assets

F. Fixed assets in progress



Financial assets

A. Companies consolidated by the equity method

1. Participating interests

287.985,86 861.320,57 1.162.788,28 910.600,51

480.033,64 536.262,56 154.299,80 43,61 10.990.099,06 11.669.657,33

2. Amounts receivable

B. Othe companies


1.580.698,76 1.574.331,02

2. Amounts receivable

1.163.248,03 1.017.683,88

TOTAL V. 2.743.946,79



20.038.719,14 18.567.565,47

CURRENT ASSETS VI. Amounts receivable after one year

A. Trade debtors


B. Other amounts receivable

1.107.102,43 592.737,66


C. Deferred taxes

TOTAL IV. 2.300.086,16 2.099.852,48

VII. Stocks and contracts in progress

A. Stocks

1. Raw materials and consumables 2. Goods in process 3. Finished goods 4. Goods purchased for resale




2.560,00 4.820,00

5. Real property acquired or constructed for resale 6. Advance payments




B. Contracts in progress

2.583.315,74 11.472.107,55

TOTAL VII. 15.889.859,07 27.518.865,11



VIII. Amounts receivable within one year

A. Trade debtors

B. Other amounts receivable


54.764.569,63 36.589.306,40 7.150.515,06 8.774.737,32 61.915.084,69 45.364.043,72

IX. Investments

A.Owned shares

B.Other investments

TOTAL IX. 5.583.393,84 2.957.518,95


Cash at bank and in hand

XI. Deferred charges and accrued income



222.539,36 5.583.393,84 2.734.979,59

7.883.181,70 4.312.217,64 4.435.686,38 3.329.318,71

98.007.291,84 85.581.816,61

118.046.010,98 104.149.382,08



Consolidated balance sheet





Share premium account

III. Revaluation reserves IV. Reserves



V. Badwill



VI. Cumulative translation adjustments

182.125,10 -118.483,74




VII. Grants

TOTAL GROUP EQUITIES VIII. Third Parties interests





24.367.019,24 103.615,00

IX. Provisions and deferred taxes

A. Provisions for liabilities and charges


B. Tax provision



C. Important repairs and important maintenance



D. Other risks and charges



E. Deferred taxes


39.436,65 34.746,93








Amounts payable after one year

A. Financial debts

1. Subordinated loans 2. Unsubordinated debentures 3. Leasing and other similar obligations 4. Credit institutions 5. Other loans


B. Trade debts

1. Suppliers









15.010,15 15.010,15

2. Other trade debts 15.010,15 15.010,15


C. Amounts received for orders

D. Other amounts payable

TOTAL X. 19.274.280,71

1.977.559,78 10.595.644,38 496.670,25 28.063.003,58

XI. Amounts payable within one year

A. Current portion of amounts payable after one year

B. Financial debts

1. Credit institutions 2. Other loans


C. Trade debts

1. Suppliers











2. Other trade debts

TOTAL C. 12.399.002,93

D. Advances received on contracts in progress

E. Taxes, remuneration and social security


10.104.896,93 2.836.383,59

1. Taxes



2. Remuneration and social security






Other amounts payable














XII. Accrued charges and deferred income

Profit and loss account








Operating income

A. Turnover

B. Increase ; Decrease in stocks of finished goods, work and contracts in progress (+, -)

C. Capitalized production


D. O ther operating income



TOTAL I. 105.945.389,27



Operating expenses

A. Raw materials, consumables and goods for resale

1. Purchases 2. Increase ; Decrease in stocks (+, -)







-3.495,48 20.415,19

TOTAL A. 23.115.424,21


B. Services and other goods



C. Remuneration, social security costs and pensions



D. Depreciation of and other amounts written off establishment costs, 2.031.538,49




intangible and tangible fixed assets

E. Increase ; Decrease in amounts written off stocks,

contracts in progress and trade debtors (+,-)

F. Increase ; Decrease in provisions for liabilities and charges (+,-)

G. Other operating expenses

H. Capitalized charges corresponding to formation expenses

I. Depreciation of goodwill


III. Operating result

IV. Financial income

A. Income from financial fixed assets

597.971,09 121.827,94 3.701.299,47


97.615.571,56 77.424.156,16





B. Income from current assets



C. Other financial income



TOTAL IV. 640.248,86



Financial expenses

A. Interests, etc

B. Increase ; Decrease in amounts written off current assets




other than those mentioned under II.E. (+,-)

C. Other financial expenses


D. Depreciation of goodwill



TOTAL V. 3.615.567,40


VI. Current result of the consolidated companies before income taxes



VII. Extraordinary income

A. Extraordinary depreciation of and extraordinary amounts written off establishment costs,

intangible and tangible assets



B. Release of provisions for financial investments

C. Release of provisions for extraordinary liabilities and charges

D. Gain on disposal of fixed assets

E. Other extraordinary income

TOTAL VII. 1.778.945,47


1.502.536,89 2.975.457,56 271.431,26 677.734,60 3.669.141,03



Profit and loss account



VIII. Extraordinary expenses

A. Extraordinary depreciation of and extraordinary amounts written off establishment costs,

intangible and tangible assets


B. Amounts written off for financial investments

C. Amounts written off financial fixed assets


D. Provisions for extraordinary liabilities and charges

E. Loss on disposal of fixed assets

F. Other extraordinary expenses





G. Extraordinary depreciation on goodwill 12.367,61

TOTAL VIII. 344.360,17 2.042.490,83

IX. Result for the period of the consolidated companies before taxes




Transfers to and from deferred taxes

A. Transfers to deferred taxes

B. Transfers from deferred taxes

7.030,12 3.509,88

XI. Income taxes

A. Taxes

B. Adjustment of taxes and release of provision for taxes

XII. Profit for the financial year

3.183.339,54 2.376.656,10 -66.258,84


3.679.033,89 644.323,17

XIII. Result of companies consolidated by the equity method

A. Profit 425.933,05

B. Loss

XIV. Consolidated profit

3.679.033,89 1.070.256,22

XV. Result of Third Parties


XVI. Result of the Group




Chief Publisher : Bernadette Petit / Design

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