Divesites and Marine Life Charts
Koh Phi Phi
For only educational purposes. No intention to infringe on any copyright or trademark.
Dive sites around
Edited and produced by Phongsatorn Kalapakdee
Project Advisor Thitima Angkurawatcharapan Roger Andreu Ginabreda Matthew Fichtemaier Zifan Meng Oleg Belyaev
(Professor) (Dive Center Manager) (Dive Instructor) (Dive Instructor) (Divemaster)
FOREWORD FOREWORD The Phi Phi island is some of the loveliest in Southeast Asia. Featuring classic tropical beaches, stunning rock formations and vivid turquoise waters teeming with colorful marine life. It is paradise perfected. Koh Phi Phi offers great diving opportunities. It is a good base to explore the best diving sites of the Andaman Sea. Moreover, diving is quite cheap and it is a good place to take diving lessons and fun diving. Koh Phi Phi is possible to dive all year round. However, the best diving time is from February to May when the visibility is very good. That you will see various of marine life. This e-book is consisting of the dive sites and shows about the marine life underwater in Phi Phi dive site. That you’ll see all about the underwater world when you’ll diving here. You might want to start planning your scuba holiday!
Dive sites around
Koh Phi Koh Phi Phi Phi Koh Phi Phi offers a range of dive sites to suit all level of divers. Offering gently sloping reefs, deep walls of coral, ship wreaks and a cool artificial reef. The dive sites are a 20-40-minutes boat ride of the main island Phi Phi Don. This proximity allows us to run two tank dive trips both in the morning and the afternoon to the Phi Phi Dive Sites.
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The shark point 60% chance of seeing black tip reef sharks Palong bay is situated a few kilometers north of it more famous cousin Maya Bay. Although this one is locally famous for offering two great Phi Phi Dive Sites. Head north and after 10 minutes you are rewarded by a shoal of black tip reef sharks. The sharks range from full sized adults (approximately 1.5meters in length) down to the juveniles at 40-50 centimetres. Further on from the sharks there are beautiful small valleys of soft coral dropping down to the sandy bottom. Head south and you will be rewarded with a long pristine wall of coral, turtles can be found here but the big thing is the wall of critters. Look out for frog fish, sea horses, shrimp and pipe fish. Seldom dived due to the popularity of the Malong dive site.
VIKING CAVE Naturel hard coral reef + School of fish + artificial reef
The turtle point 80% chance of seeing turtle We all love turtles and Malong happens to be their home. We are able to meet these gentle sea creatures on about 90% of our dives here. Malong is also great for small critters such as tiger tail seahorses, swim throughs at the end and lots of different types of shrimp. This is the high season favorite of all the Phi Phi Dive Sites
Wall full hard corals + schools of fish Koh Bida Nok is probably one of my favorite dives sites in the area and is the most likely dive site you will do when scuba diving the Phi Phi Islands (weather permitting). A dive site that is accessible to all diving levels and provides great entertainment for all divers. The underwater topography is diverse from sandy bottoms, slopping reefs, a great wall, small caves and large crevices and a great selection of both hard and soft corals. The fish life is abundant with big schools of snappers, travellies, tuna and is littered with many different anemone fish, surgeon fish, Butterfly fish. The rare Ghost Pipefish can be often found here lurking in and around the large coral bommies. Koh Bida Nok contains possibly one of the best selections of fish life in the area. The marine life is also some of the best in the region with Black Tip reef sharks common, Leopard sharks regularly lying in the sandy bottoms and Whale Shark can regularly cruise by in the months of May through to August. Turtles are common place as are cuttlefish and Octopus. Sea snakes can often be found as can moray eels including the stunning Zebra Moray. Seahorses and colorful nudibranchs are not out of place either. Koh Bida Nok is also one of the best snorkeling sites in the region. It provides a great opportunity for snorkelers to get up close and personal with the black tip reef sharks and a wide selection of reef fish.
Wall full hard corals + schools of fish Koh Bida Nai is the sister island to Koh Bida Nok. A part of the Phi Phi National Park. Although it does not have the same diversity as Koh Bida Nok it is still a very nice dive site. The northern wall contains some stunning corals and it is the feature of the dive site. A beautiful swim through on the south eastern side provides divers with a picturesque view of some large schools of snappers that line either side. Black tip reef sharks and turtles are common place here as to are big schools of travellies and tuna. Whale Sharks often cruise past at the right time of year so keep your eyes peeled. Ribbon eels, Ornate Ghost Pipefish have made regular appearances here so keep a good look out in the broken coral in the sandy areas. Recently the Leopard Sharks have been commonly sited and their gentle nature and diver friendly persona have been providing scuba divers with fantastic dives which can be treasured for a life time. It is one of the best scuba diving sites in the area to see the Hawks-bill turtle as well.
The awesome wreck [46 meters long]
The shark point 60% chance of seeing black tip reef sharks
The turtle point 80% chance of seeing turtle
Walls of colorful soft corals + school of fish
WHALESHARK WALL Crazy rock formations
Underwater canyon + Walls of coloful soft corals
Wall full hard corals + schools of fish
Wall full hard corals + school of fish
Underwater canyon + Walls of coloful soft corals Loh Samah stands out by being in an excellent place and offering consistently good diving conditions for all levels of divers, both during the day and at night. The dive site is easily found and Koh Lanta day trip and liveaboard boats can moor up in calm waters either for just the dive or all night. Depths go as far down as 25 meters, but there is rarely the need to do so on this colorful dive site with lots of healthy marine life. As already mentioned, Loh Samah Bay can be dived at night, not because of its position to favor boat moorings, but mainly due to the water conditions and marine life on show.
Walls of colorful soft corals + school of fish This is a popular destination for both divers and snorkelers alike, because of the clear shallow waters and the Blacktip Reef Sharks that cruise around here. Most boats do this site as the 2nd dive of the day as the sun is on the other side of the island in the early morning.
The awesome wreck [46 meters long] The Kled Gaeow functioned as an auxiliary vessel, a transport support and stores ship, designation AKS 861. Decommissioned in 2014, the ship was purposely sunk via controlled explosions to create a new dive site on 19 March 2014. The 47-meter-long wreck sits almost upright (20 degree list) facing north to south (bow-stern), 1 km to the east of Piley Bay.
Naturel hard coral reef + School of fish + artificial reef Viking Cave has a striking bay and a beautiful cave above the water, but the real deal is underwater a few hundred meters to the north of the Viking Cave. A few years ago, the Phuket Marine Conservation department put down a beautiful artificial reef to re-establish marine life after the tsunami. It is now the home of long finned Batfish, Lion Fish and Leopard Sharks. In the shallow water of the bay often baby Blacktip Reefsharks can be seen.
Whale shark
(Rhincodon typus)
Leopard shark
Slivertip shark
(Stegostoma fascitum)
(Carcharhinus albimarginatus)
(Rhynchobatus djiddensis)
Shark ray
(Rhina ancylostoma)
Blue-spotted stingray
Manta ray
Giant moray
Spotted garden eel
Smooth flutemouth
White-spotted guitarfish
(Manta birostris)
(Sargocentron rubrun)
(Gymnothorax javanicus)
(Aulostomus chinensis) For only educational purposes. No intention to infringe on any copyright or trademark.
(Dasyatis kuhlii)
(Heteroconger hassi)
(Fistularia commersonii)
Short dargonfish
Shrimp fish
(Eurypegasus darconis)
(Aeoliscus strigatus)
Scribbled pipefish
Jans’s pipefish
(Corythoichthys intestinalis)
(Doryrhamphus janssi)
Harlequin ghost pipefish (solenostomus paradoxus)
Thorny seahorse
(Hippocampus histrix)
Spot-fin lionfish
White-lined lionfish
Common lionfish
Flame anthias
Tassled scorpionfish
Yellow-backed anthias
(Pterois antennata)
(pseudanthias ignitus)
(Pterois radiata)
(Scorpaenopsis oxycephala) For only educational purposes. No intention to infringe on any copyright or trademark.
(Pterois volitans)
(Pseudanthias evansi)
Lyretaill anthias
(Pseudanthais squamipinnis)
Black-tipped grouper Squaretail coralgrouper (Epinephelus fasciatus)
(Plectropomus areolatus)
Coral rockcod
Peacock grouper
Lyretaill grouper
Pixy hawkfish
Freckled hawkfish
Longnose hawkfish
Checkered snapper
Bluefin trevally
Five-lined snapper
(Cephalopholis miniata)
(Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus)
(Lutjanus decussatus)
(Cephalopholis argus)
(Paracirrhites forsteri)
(Caranx melampygus) For only educational purposes. No intention to infringe on any copyright or trademark.
(Variola louti)
(Oxycirrhites typus)
(Lutjanus quinquelineatus)
Oriental sweetlips
Twoline spinecheek
Longbarbel goatfish
Vanikoro sweeper
Teira batfish
Black-backed butterflyfish
(Plectorhynchus vittatus)
(Pempheris vanicolensis)
(Scolopsis bilineatus)
(Platax teira)
(Parupeneus macronema)
(Chaetodon melannotus)
Vagabond butterflyfish Andaman butterflyfish Pinstriped butterflyfish (Chaetodon vagabundus)
Chevroned butterflyfish (Chaetodon trifascialis)
(Chaetodon andamanensis)
(Chaetodon trifascialis)
Beak butterflyfish
Longfin bannerfish
(Chelmon rostratus)
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(Heniochus acuminatus)
Singular bannerfish (Heniochus singularis)
Regal angelfish
(Pygoplites diacanthus)
Red saddleback Anemonefish
Emperor angelfish
Blue-ringed angelfish
Golden Damsel
Clark’s Anemonefish
(Pomacanthus imperator)
(Amblyglyphidodon aureus)
Pink Anemonefish
(Amphiprion ephippium)
(Amphiprion perideraion)
Black-axil chromis
Humbug dascyllus
(Chromis atripectoralis)
(Dascyllus aruanus)
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(Pomacanthus annularis)
(Amphiprion clarkii)
Flase clown Anemonefish (Amphiprion ocellaris)
African coris (Coris cuvieri)
Anna’s magnificent slug Varicose wart slug (Chromodoris annae)
(Phyllidia variosa)
Twin magnificent slug Variable hypselodoris (Chromodoris geminus)
(Hypselodoris apolegma)
Magnificent slug
Beautiful risbecia
Blue sea star
Jewel urchin
(glossodoris atromarginata)
(Linckia laeviggta)
(Risbecia pulchella)
(Mespilla globulus) For only educational purposes. No intention to infringe on any copyright or trademark.
Ocellated wart slug (Phyllidia ocellata)
Leopard nudibranch (Chromodoris leoparda)
Christmas tree worm (spriobranchus giganteus)
Crown of thorns starfish (Acanthaster planci)
Marbled sea cucumber Tiger egg cowrie (bohadschia graeffri)
Reef octopus
(Crenavolva tigris)
(Octopus cyanea)
Painted spiny lobster Durban dancing shrimp Coral banded shrimp (Panulirus versicolor)
Hermit crab
(Dardanus megistors)
Hawksbill turtle
(Eretmochelys imbricata)
(Rhynchocinetes durbanensis)
Anemone crab
(Neopetrolisthes maculatus)
Green Turtle
(Chlomia mydas) For only educational purposes. No intention to infringe on any copyright or trademark.
(Stenopus hispidus)
Black diadema sea urchin (Diadema setosum)
Pharaoh cuttlefish (Sepia pharaonis)
Gorgonian fan coral
Brain coral (Platgra sp.)
(Xestospongia testudinaria)
Funnel coral
Orange cup coral (Tubastraea coccinea)
Tube coral
(Tubastraea faulkneri)
Robust staghorn coral
Delicate whip coral
Harp coral
(Anella mollis)
(Montipora capricornis)
(Acropora robusta)
Fire coral
(Millepora tenella)
(Junceella fragilis)
Elephant ear coral (Sarcophyton sp.)
For only educational purposes. No intention to infringe on any copyright or trademark.
Barrel sponge
(Ctenonella pectinata)
Slipper coral
(Herpollitha limax)
MARINE LIFE IDENTIFICATION Whale shark What to Look For: 1.Broad, nearly terminal mouth 2.Prominent dermal ridges along body, extending from above the gill slits to base of the caudal fin, the lowest forming strong lateral keels on the tail stalk 3.Very short nasal barbels 4.Gill slits very large, the fourth and fifth well separated 5.Dorsal fins angular with pointed apices, pectoral fins broadly and falcate 6.First dorsal fin originating anterior to the pelvic fins 7.Origin of anal fin under that of second dorsal fin 8.Caudal fin erect and semilunate, with well developed lower lobe and lacking a subterminal notch 9.Unique pigmentation pattern of dark background sprinkled with irregular pale spots, the back and flanks divided into orderly ‘checkerboard’ pattern of pale vertical bars and large polkadots, and undersurfaces white
Leopard shark What to Look For: 1.Caudal fin about as long as rest of the shark, broad with weakly developed lower love and almost parallel with body axis. 2.Prominent dermal ridges along body, extending from above the gill slits to base of the caudal fin but not forming lateral keels on the tail stalk. 3.Short nasal barbels 4.Mouth small and connected to base of nasal barbels via nasoral groove 5.Fourth and fifth gill slits very close together 6.Spiracle larger than eye, located behind it 7.Dorsal fins triangular with pointed apices, pectoral fins broadly rounded and paddle-like 8.First dorsal fin originating completely behind the pelvic fins. 9.Origin of anal fin completely behind base of second dorsal fin
Blue-spotted stingray What to look for: 1.The blue-spotted ribbontail ray is recognised by its bright color. 2.It has two venomous spines, one large and one medium-sized, at the tip of the tail. 3.The two spines are used to injure the enemy. It has bright yellow eyes that enhance its vision, enabling it to see behind it. Above each eye is a breathing spiracle (hole).
Redcoat What to look for: 1.Body with subequal stripes of brownish red and silvery white; spinous dorsal dark red with a large, quadrangular, whitish blotch in middle of each membrane (except the first) forming a median band; dorsal membrane tips white, except posteriorly. 2. Five oblique scale rows on cheek.
Silvertip shark What to look for: 1.The body is dark gray or gray-brown with a bronzy sheen, fading to a white ventral side 2.An inconspicuous white band is located on the flank region 3.Slender with a long and broadly rounded snout. 4.The eyes are large and round 5.The first dorsal fin is large with a pointed apex. It originates over or slightly in front of the free tips of the pectoral fins 6.The second dorsal fin originates over or just behind the origin of the anal fin. The pectoral fins are large and semifalcate with narrowly rounded or pointed tips. The caudal fin is asymmetrical in shape with a rather large upper lobe White-spotted guitarfish What to look for: 1.Large guitarfish with a triangular snout 2.Upper surface grey to yellow-brown and pale underneath 3.larger specimens are darker with less distinct spots
Shark ray What to look for: 1.Large, deep bodied guitarfish 2.Horny ridges with enlarged thorns along dorsal midline and near eyes 3.Short and broadly rounded snout 4.Blue-grey on the upper surface, paler towards the snout and pectoral fin margins, and pale underneath 5.Larger specimens are darker with less distinct markings
Spotted garden eel What to look for: 1.The Spotted Garden Eel has a white body covered in small black spots. 2.There are three prominent black patches located on the body. One surrounds the gill opening and pectoral fin. 3. The second is halfway along the body and the third surrounds the anus. Juveniles are entirely black.
Trumpetfish What to look for: 1.Body long and thin 2.mouth trumpet-like 3.Dorsal and anal fins set far back on the body. Body adept at color change, most common phase is brown to reddish brown, but can be blue-gray, bright yellow or many shades in between 4.Body with pale lines, scattered small black spots, upper jaw with a black streak.
Smooth flutemouth What to look for: 1.The filament is lined with sensory pores, and may serve as a long-range ensory system for detecting prey 2.Very elongate fish that has a long filament projecting from the caudal fin. 3.The species is usually greenish with blue wavy lines.
Short dragonfish What to look for: 1.Color in life variable; body usually light to dark brown, with dorsal and lateral area darker than ventral surface 2.Pectoral fins hyaline, distal margin white and spotted. Pelvic fin spine and 1st ray forming an elongate, tentacular structure 3.3 pairs of dorsolateral body plates; 4 pairs of ventrolateral body plates; tail rings 8 mobile 4.A pair of deep pits posterior to orbit. Suborbital shelf concave, eye visible in ventral view. Ventral ridges of rostrum greatly expanded than dorsal ridges
Harlequin ghost pipefish What to look for: 1.Post-pelagic are almost fully transparent and slenderer compared to those established in the benthic phase 2.Variable in color from black to red and yellow, usually in a mix of bands and spots 3.Total body number of plates 31-35 4.Caudal fin truncate, rounded or lanceolate. 5.Caudal fins of females modified into brood pouch
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Peacock grouper What to look for: 1.It’s typical background colouration is a brown color with a large number of black ringed blue spots spread across the body. As can be seem in the images they can also put light whitish vertical bars on the body which aids with camouflage and is used for territorial disputes and mating.
Squaretail coralgrouper What to look for: 1.Body elongate and robust 2.Color whitish to pale grey color, with numerous rounds to oval dark-edged blue spots. Most spots within a spot diameter of adjacent spots; head, body, and median fins frequently with 4-5 dark blotches forming saddles on back (greenish grey); pelvic fins with dark brown to blackish membranes; rear margin of caudal fin with a white edge and often with a blackish submarginal band
Black-tipped grouper What to look for: 1.Red-brown to bright red fish with darker vertical bars 2.Dorsal spine tips are black and white (the white becomes less obvious with size and age)
Freckled hawkfish What to look for: 1.Freckled Hawkfish can be recognised by its colouration. It is pale to yellowish above and has a dark brown to black stripe on the posterior region of the body. 2.The cheeks are grey to white with red spots.
Red saddleback Anemonefish What to look for: 1.Have a reddish-orange body and a black saddle or spot on the sides
Reef octopus What to look for: 1.The coloring and texture of this octopus is highly variable. 2.When disturbed, it can be white, but most commonly, the animal is patterned brown with a green background 3.No dark rings around the suckers on the arms but a dark ring may be present around the eyes. The texture can be smooth or with points.
Giant Moray What to look for: 1.The Giant Moray is mostly brown with a pattern of dark brown spots. 2.The head of the moray eel is large but also narrow for accessing. coral crevices when hunting. 3. Circular gills are located behind the head and small eyes located forward. Juveniles are usually tan in color with more black spots.
Coral rockcod What to look for: 1.Similar to Blacksaddle rockcod with spots that are more widely spaced 2.Spots cover the pectoral fin 3.Saddle blotches are present along the back of the fish
Tassled scorpionfish What to look for: 1.Scorpaenopsis oxycephala, is a carnivorous ray-finned fish with venomous spines 2.Adults are bearded with several tassels below the jaw and highly variable in color
Pixy hawkfish What to look for: 1.The first color to be filtered out of deep water is red 2.Combine this with their white bodies, and you have a nearly invisible fish who blends in well with sand, rocks and corals.
Clark’s Anemonefish What to look for: 1.There are two vertical white bands, one behind the eye and one above the anus, and the caudal peduncle is white. 2.The snout is orange or pinkish 3.The dorsal and caudal fins are orange-yellow, and the caudal fin is generally lighter in tone than the rest of the body, sometimes becoming whitish.
Pink Anemonefish What to look for: 1.The Pink Anemonefish is pinkish-orange with a white bar down either side of the face, and a white stripe along the back. 2.It has a white caudal fin.
Scribbled pipefish What to look for: 1.Has a long, slender body with an elongated, tubular mouth and an oval, flag-like tail 2.The body is orange while the head and anterior portion of the trunk are blu 3.The tail is black with a white margin and dot in the center.
Hawksbill Turtle What to look for: 1.Longer, pointed beak 2.Carapace - elliptical, 4 pairs of costal scutes, thick, horny and overlapping; various patterns – orange, brown, yellow. 3.2 claws per flipper
Green Turtle What to look for: 1.Carapace more rounded and high domed, 4 pairs of costal, olive brown with black or reddish brown highlights, distinct sunray pattern. 2.Only 1 claw per flipper. r
For only educational purposes. No intention to infringe on any copyright or trademark.
Alexander, V. (2010). Common lionfish. En.Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pterois#/media/File:Red_lionfish_near_Gilli_Banta_Island.JPG Anilao. (2020). Harlequin ghost pipefish. 123rf. https://www.123rf.com/photo_100456126_harlequinghost-pipefish-solenostomus-paradoxus-aka-ornate-ghost-pipefish-anilao-philippines.html Beth, A. (2020). Blue-spotted stingray. Scubadiverlife. https://scubadiverlife.com/marine-species-the-bluespotted-ribbontail-stingray/ Bray, D. . (2017). White-spotted guitarfish. Fishes of Australia. Bray, D. J. (2017). Squaretail coralgrouper. Fishes of Australia. Bray, D. J. (2020). Teira batfish. Fishes of Australia. Brown, J. (2020). Oriental sweetlips. Thainationalparks. https://www.thainationalparks.com/species/indian-ocean-oriental-sweetlips geemarine.com. (2020). Lyretaill anthias. Geemarine. https://geemarine.com.au/product/lyretail-anthias-female/ Fistularia, C. (2011). Smooth flutemouth. Little Brother, Red Sea, Egypt. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bluespotted_Cornetfish,_Fistularia_commersonii Eilat, I. (2020). Short dargonfish. Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 3.0. https://fishesofaustralia.net.au/home/species/3201 Duncan, A. (2010). Black-tipped grouper. Flickr. https://www.flickr.com/photos/46880705@N02/4799156699 Chainfoto24. (2020). White-lined lionfish. Freepik. https://www.freepik.com/premium-photo/white-line-lionfish_3772706.htm Georgette, D. (2018). Scribbled pipefish. Fineartamerica. https://fineartamerica.com/featured/scribbled-pipefish-georgette-douwmascience-photo-library.html Humberto, R. (2020). Trumpetfish. Gettyimages. https://www.gettyimages.com/detail/photo/trumpetfish-royalty-free-image/1151081848?adppopup=true Lecoeur, G. (2017). Silvertip shark. Greglecoeur. https://www.greglecoeur.com/-/galleries/phototheque/sharks/-/medias/ceb88e6e-4439-4c19-bb0d-dc40e90f722d-silvertip-shark Leonard, L. (2020). Black-backed butterflyfish. En.Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackback_butterflyfish#/media/File:Chaetodon_melannotus_edit4.jpg Liveaquaria. (2020). Flame anthias. Liveaquaria. https://www.liveaquaria.com/product/2703/?pcatid=2703 liveaquaria.com. (2020). Freckled hawkfish. Liveaquaria. https://www.liveaquaria.com/product/196/?pcatid=196 liveaquaria.com. (2020). Longnose hawkfish. Liveaquaria. https://www.liveaquaria.com/product/199/?pcatid=199 mantatrust.org. (2020). Manta ray. Mantatrust.Org. https://www.mantatrust.org/idthemanta McGrouther, M. (2019). Shrimp fish. Australianmuseum. https://australianmuseum.net.au/learn/animals/fishes/razorfish-aeoliscus-strigatus-gunther-1860/ Oceana.org. (2020). Tassled scorpionfish. Oceana. https://oceana.org/marine-life/ocean-fishes/scorpionfish Peterson, B. (2020). Thorny seahorse. Artinnature. https://www.artinnature.com/warehouse/art_print_products/white-thorny-seahorse-2?product_gallery=26278&product_id=1816420 Reefguide.org. (2020). Longbarbel goatfish. Reefguide. https://reefguide.org/longbarbelgoatfish.html reefguide.org. (2020). Peacock grouper. Reefguide. https://reefguide.org/pixhtml/peacockgrouper5.html reefguide.org. (2020). Pixy hawkfish. Reefguide. https://reefguide.org/pixhtml/pixyhawkfish2.html reefguide.org. (2020). Vanikoro sweeper. Reefguide. https://reefguide.org/pempherisvanicolensis.html reefs.com. (2020). Jans’s pipefish. Reefs. https://reefs.com/fish/janss-pipefish/ Rich, C. (2020). Shark ray. Australiangeographic. https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/blogs/shark-blog/2019/07/shark-rays-are-they-sharks-or-are-they-rays/ Schönbrunn, Z. (2007). Spot-fin lionfish. En.Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotfin_lionfish#/media/File:MC_Rotfeuerfisch.jpg Scott, W. (2020). Leopard shark. Scottwilsonimagery. https://scottwilsonimagery.com/product/leopard-shark/ seascapestudio.net. (2020). Twoline spinecheek. Seascapestudio.Net. https://seascapestudio.net/reference/fish.php?id=194 Similan Diving Tours. (2018). Giant moray. https://www.similandivingtours.com/blog/blogs/information/moray-eels-in-thailand Szaszi, A. (2020). Whale shark. Snorkelaroundtheworld. https://snorkelaroundtheworld.com/2017/04/whale-shark-on-koh-tao/ thai-scuba.com. (2020). Redcoat. Thai-Scuba.Com. http://thai-scuba.com/wp/project/squirrelfishes/ Wolfgang, Klausewitz & Irenäus, E.-E. (1959). Spotted garden eel. Thainationalparks.Com. https://www.thainationalparks.com/species/spotted-garden-eel zsispeo. (2020). Checkered snapper. Flickr. https://www.flickr.com/photos/zsispeo/20577041666
Edited and produced by PHONGSATORN KALAPAKDEE (divemaster)