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Building the Ancient City: Athens and Rome Media Coverage: August 2015

Conducted and compiled by tpr media consultants


tpr media contacted an extensive list of over 500 media contacts, this included key national TV critics, newspaper journalists, listing magazines, art desks and radio stations. We also targeted publicity outlets in Cambridge. Building the Ancient City received blanket coverage across national newspapers, listings and consumer magazines in previews and reviews. Professor Andrew Wallace-Hadrill was interviewed for several radio stations, including BBC World Service Weekend, BBC London's Robert Elms Show, BBC Radio Cambridgeshire and Cambridge 105, this was subsequently turned into a podcast. Andrew authored a piece on the parallels between ancient Rome and modern cities today for BBC Online which was read nearly a quarter of a million times and shared by more than a thousand. Andrew was interviewed by BBC History Magazine, the podcast is available online. The respected arts and culture online magazine, The Arts Desk, also published a feature. The British Library ran a feature on its website. This two-part series was a critical success, both episodes receiving Critic's Choice in The Independent, The Guardian, Radio Times, and The Daily Mail. The Daily Mail has given the episode coverage in three slots: Seven Days (four stars), Pick of the Day (four stars) and preview in the Irish edition. The Pick of the Day having closed with “Professor Andrew Wallace-Hadrill has the answers, and delivers them with a colourful enthusiasm and a good knowledge of the modern city”. There was extensive pickup in dozens of regional titles within the ‘Don’t Miss’, ‘TV Highlights’ and ‘Top Pick’ sections. The series was very well received, despite the tight turn around of two weeks.

Quotes Andrew Wallace-Hadrill was very well received by the media, described variously as “quietly engaging” and “exuberant”. The Guardian’s Julia Raeside declared herself a particular fan: “No sudden moves, but if you turn slowly towards BBC2, you might catch a glimpse of a bona fide expert presenting a programme on ancient Athens… an actual professor of classics, called Andrew Wallace-Hadrill, who infuses Building the Ancient City: Athens and Rome with real facts and enthusiasm… I don’t know how producers smuggled him past commissioning editors.” “Quietly engaging… A programme on ancient history and the founding of democracy might sound like it would be heavy going but Wallace-Hadrill managed to keep things light but informed.” – Terry Ramsey, The Daily Telegraph “Wallace-Hadrill’s humour and gusto give the programme a rosy-cheeked momentum.” – Julia Raeside, The Guardian “It was hard to feel anything but warmth for the exuberant Cambridge Classicist…” – Daisy Wyatt, The Independent “Wallace-Hadrill qualified his theory about Athens giving us “our ideal of a citizen, of a city” carefully, illuminating its journey from urban stronghold for the one to community for the many with telling details, amid spectacular backdrops free of redundant CGI.” – Gabriel Tate, The Times “Cogent narrative of the pioneering achievements of ancient Athens… director Paul Elston’s enthusiastic and informative film, while cleverly simplifying a staggeringly complex history that is still being argued over by academic detectives, combined beautiful photography and cogent narrative to enjoyable – and dare I say it – educational ends.” – Marina Vaizey, The Arts Desk



TPR Media Yellow News Source: BBC Client:

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Date: 20-Aug-2015 Reach: 1872000 Value: 25123

Are modern blocks of flats modelled on Roman insulae? 20 August 2015

Today the world is looking again towards high­rise living to deal with housing its burgeoning population. The Romans got there first, writes Prof Andrew Wallace-Hadrill. When London's population reached the million mark in the early 19th Century, it was the first city in Europe to do so since the collapse of Rome in the 5th Century. London enjoyed (or soon developed) many of the advantages of the industrial revolution to support it ­ the steam engine and the railway system, coal and gas power, Portland cement for construction, and so on. To cope with a rapidly growing population, London spread over the countryside, and at the centre built upwards, though it was not until the 20th Century that the high­rise blocks so typical of the modern city were built. To control the population, including growing numbers of poor and immigrants, Sir Robert Peel invented the police force.

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Date: 20­Aug­2015 Reach: 1872000 Value: 25123

Rome in the imperial period, for 400 year from the mid­ 1st Century BC, had to cope with a similar population, though without most of the advantages of modern technology. Rome had no railways, but it was at the hub of a potent network of communications. The roads radiating from the city received a major upgrade from the first emperor, Augustus, who incidentally established a postal system (at least for government communications) that spread across the empire. Supplies came in by road, but more importantly by water, down the Tiber from central Italy, supplying bricks for construction and a plethora of other items, and upstream from the ports at the mouth of the Tiber.

Find out more Prof Andrew Wallace­Hadrill is professor of Roman Studies and Director of Research in Classics at the University of Cambridge. Building the Ancient City: Athens and Rome is a two part series, which will be broadcast on Thursday 20 August and Thursday 27 August on BBC2 at 20:00 BST. Watch on BBC iPlayer

Portus, the great artificial harbour built by the emperors Claudius and Trajan, was a major engineering feat, and allowed a steady supply of foodstuffs, grain from Egypt and Africa, oil from Spain, luxury goods including pepper and spices from India. A substantial imperial bureaucracy organised the supply, and then oversaw distribution within the city, with full citizens benefiting from a monthly hand­out ­ by the 3rd Century, the hand­out included a generous ration of pork. As important as food was fresh water, the crucial defence against disease in a crowded city. Rome developed aqueduct technology, bringing water in for up to 100 miles away from the limestone mountains of the Apennines. The arches of the aqueducts, running by no coincidence parallel to the modern railway lines, still impress visitors, though no less impressive but hidden from view are the sections of the channels that run deep under the mountains. Some of these still serve the modern water supply of Rome. Housing was a major challenge, and to meet it the Romans learnt to build higher and stronger than anyone before. The use of concrete, based on lime and volcanic sand, permitted the Romans to create new architectural forms, like the dome. Speed and reliability of construction was made possible by the use of standardised material for the facing ­ first in a network of regular blocks of volcanic tuff, then in bricks. As Rome built higher, brick production around the city boomed. The fact that the producers frequently stamped the bricks with their names helps us to date such construction closely. Such multi­storey blocks, typically with shops on the ground floor, and rental apartments on two or more floors above, were called insulae or "islands" ­ they might occupy an entire city block, with roads flowing around like the sea, though sometimes a city block could contain several insulae. They were typical of the metropolis. Outside Rome, they are rare, and Pompeii has no examples, although the one example from Herculaneum, built in the first half of the 1st Century, shows the sophistication of construction, with latrines and drainpipes even in upper apartments linking down to a great sewer below ground.

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Date: 20­Aug­2015 Reach: 1872000 Value: 25123

The port city of Ostia has numerous examples of such brick­and­concrete insulae, preserved to two or three floors, and it is clear that some at least of the apartments could be commodious and well­lit. But it is Rome itself that preserves the best examples, including the insula at the foot of the Capitoline Hill which survives to five floors, and illustrates how independent units could be packed into the available space. Insula living was a familiar feature of 1st Century Rome, and the satirists, Martial and Juvenal, complain of the exertions necessary, and the dangers run, if you lived on the top floor. (The penthouse suite only became desirable after the modern invention of the elevator.) All sorts will have lived in such insulae ­ while the typical rich person still had an independent houses (domus), most people, the comfortably off as well as the poor, lived in apartments. Nor was it necessarily just one family per apartment ­ you might sublet rooms, and the lawyers of the time explained the nightmare of trying to identify who was legally liable, owner, tenant or sub­tenant, when a passer­by was injured by a chamber pot carelessly thrown out of an upper window. Tens of thousands of such apartment blocks were needed to house Rome's enormous and fluid population ­ a listing of the buildings of the city puts them at more than 44,000, although if this is right, some must have been rather small. Certainly, we can see their ubiquitous footprints on the vast map of the city's streets that was incised on marble slabs under the emperor Septimius Severus. Though only fragments survive, it is truly impressive, the first known instance of a detailed map of the streets and buildings of any city. That fact underlines how important it was to the city authorities to know their city and its inhabitants in detail. It was Julius Caesar who as dictator first surveyed the city, district by district and property by property. It helped the government in many ways, not least to cut down on the list of citizens claiming free hand­outs of food. Owners of properties were responsible for reporting inhabitants to the city prefect. In these contexts, we meet the figure of the insularius, the caretaker responsible for an insula. He also had to ensure that his property was supplied with fire­fighting equipment, buckets and axes. He was thus the point of intersection between inhabitants and the forces of law and order, and under imperial rule, such forces multiplied. The military urban cohorts under the city prefect, and the fireguard, the "vigiles" under the fire prefect, had the power to enter premises and check all was in order. At 7,000­strong, the ancient fireguard outnumbered the modern vigili del fuoco, who see themselves as their descendants. And if they had no fire engines, at least they had force­pumps called "siphons", built to a design of Greek hydraulic engineering. Modern technologies may be different from those of ancient Rome, but in both cases, a vast population produced massive challenges, which the Romans addressed in ways scarcely less impressive than those today.

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Date: 20­Aug­2015 Reach: 1872000 Value: 25123

The British Museum's 2013 show of artefacts from the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, buried in ash during an explosive eruption of Mount Vesuvius, was a sell­out. But could even greater treasures ­ including lost works of classical literature ­ still lie underground? Unlocking the scrolls of Herculaneum (December 2013) Building the Ancient City: Athens and Rome is a two­part series, presented by Prof Andrew Wallace­Hadrill, broadcast on 20 and 27 August on BBC Two at 20:00 BST ­ or watch on BBC iPlayer Subscribe to the BBC News Magazine's email newsletter to get articles sent to your inbox.

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TPR Media Yellow News Source: The Arts Desk Client:

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Date: 20-Aug-2015 Reach: 36600 Value: 982

fri 21/08/2015

Building the Ancient City: Athens, BBC Two Cogent narrative of the pioneering achievements of ancient Athens

A temple in the background: Professor Andrew Wallace­Hadrill BBC/Brave New Media/Paul Elston

Heaven, or a lot of pagan gods at least, may know what was in the air 2500 years ago. Bettany Hughes has just finished her trilogy of philosophers from that millennium, and now we have Professor Andrew Wallace­Hadrill taking us genially around Athens, founded – you guessed – 2500 years ago and providing the template for cities ever since. The televisual essay is now an integral part of popularising ancient history. And what could be more persuasive (and helpful to the tourist

We were told that as the oarsmen were free, not slaves, they rowed that much harder

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Date: 20-Aug-2015 Reach: 36600 Value: 982

industry) than visits to two great ancient cities – Rome follows next week – with a pat on our heads to remind us of our own interpretations of democracy, invented there. We could not only enjoy the views, but feel that in some way they were positively good for us. And naturally our most pop classicist popped up too. Here was Boris with relatively subdued hair being argued with and got at in his own mayoral assembly (democracy in action), when not vaguely waving at views over London to indicate that in his view contemporary London is the great heir to the ideals of ancient Athens, including a positive view towards foreigners and immigration. Hmmm… Our passionate professorial guide – not even an outfit change in the whole programme – was often out of the picture doing a voice­over, before popping back to talk to other academics, from Cambridge, UCLA and elsewhere (Wallace­Hadrill with Dr Manolis Papagrigorakis, pictured below left), all of whom made their ideas seem relevant now. Namely that Athens was about open government, with everything run by the citizens from defence to waste disposal; everything was laid down, ruled by committee, and voted on by vast assemblies – exclusively free, white Athenian males ­ in the agora, the great open space at the city’s centre (reconstruction, pictured below). Streets were laid out in a grid pattern and even the size of the houses was ordained – and equal. Democratia, democracy, means people power, though this citizen body did not have quite the inclusiveness that the term would imply now: no women of course, and only those born in the region were free. Slaves were those from outside.

Athens even attempted, for the good of all, to tackle economic and social inequality

The city – the polity, polis, communities run by citizens – was also defined by other ingredients. Gymnasia, open public spaces, public buildings including theatres and libraries: shared city amenities. There would be a sanctuary too, and religious buildings. Not only were goods exchanged here, but ideas too.

There were heroes in this turbulent history. Aristotle no less wrote the constitution, and we were shown one surviving copy, seven foot of papyrus, discovered in Egypt in the 1870s and now in the British Library. The 7th century BC poet and reformist non­aristocrat Solon was a strategist who was victorious against the Persians, and who attempted to alleviate the stranglehold of inequality and class systems. In 493 BC Themistocles, military strategist, persuaded the citizens to turn their profits from the region’s silver mines not into distributed bonuses for themselves (is our City listening?) but to backing the Greek navy, the foundation of Athenian prosperity. So we visited the reconstruction of a trireme, the 35­metre­long Athenian battleship, manned by 170 freemen. (We were told that as the oarsmen were free, not slaves, they rowed that much harder.) Even as freemen, their lives were probably not very enjoyable, but their skill was


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Date: 20-Aug-2015 Reach: 36600 Value: 982

legendary. The relationship of the highly successful harbour of Piraeus, home of the navy and of trade, to the city itself six kilometres away was explained with judicious use of computer graphics, also deployed with helpful maps from Italy to Greece so we more or less knew where we were most of the time. By the 5th century BC under Pericles, inspiration for the great buildings on the Acropolis, built by slaves and foreigners (each of whom was acknowledged by name in inscriptions on the site), Athens entered its golden age. Foreign goods flowed into the city, from figs and dates to almonds and carpets, as did immigrants. There was codification of weights and measures – and great attention paid to keeping the city clean, from water management to sewage. Ironically, new evidence shows that Athens was seriously weakened when it gathered its population together in defensive mode, leading to a typhoid epidemic. But the Macedonians loomed, and Philip II and his military genius of a son, Alexander, were to end the Athenian dominance of the Greek city states. And then there was our Boris again, reminding us that at its democratic height, Athens was above all a city of tolerance; people could do their own thing as long as it did not harm others, and there was political freedom, freedom of trade and freedom of thought. The final Boris fix, embracing his view of London from the mayoral headquarters, underlined London’s assumed classical inheritance. So we could feel good while being reminded that the ancient Greeks had not only invented a form of democracy, their legacy of several millennia which has been continually both refined and threatened ever since, but even attempted for the good of all to tackle economic and social inequality. But not even Boris could persuade us that we had quite got there yet, even if at times the programme lurched rather towards a party political broadcast for his tenancy as mayor. At least director Paul Elston’s enthusiastic and informative film, while cleverly simplifying a staggeringly complex history that is still being argued over by academic detectives, combined beautiful photography and cogent narrative to enjoyable – and dare I say it – educational ends. On to Rome next week.

TPR Media Yellow News Source: BBC Client:

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Date: 20-Aug-2015 Reach: 1872000 Value: 25123

Rome in the imperial period, for 400 year from the mid­ 1st Century BC, had to cope with a similar population, though without most of the advantages of modern technology. Rome had no railways, but it was at the hub of a potent network of communications. The roads radiating from the city received a major upgrade from the first emperor, Augustus, who incidentally established a postal system (at least for government communications) that spread across the empire. Supplies came in by road, but more importantly by water, down the Tiber from central Italy, supplying bricks for construction and a plethora of other items, and upstream from the ports at the mouth of the Tiber.

Find out more Prof Andrew Wallace­Hadrill is professor of Roman Studies and Director of Research in Classics at the University of Cambridge. Building the Ancient City: Athens and Rome is a two part series, which will be broadcast on Thursday 20 August and Thursday 27 August on BBC2 at 20:00 BST. Watch on BBC iPlayer

Portus, the great artificial harbour built by the emperors Claudius and Trajan, was a major engineering feat, and allowed a steady supply of foodstuffs, grain from Egypt and Africa, oil from Spain, luxury goods including pepper and spices from India. A substantial imperial bureaucracy organised the supply, and then oversaw distribution within the city, with full citizens benefiting from a monthly hand­out ­ by the 3rd Century, the hand­out included a generous ration of pork. As important as food was fresh water, the crucial defence against disease in a crowded city. Rome developed aqueduct technology, bringing water in for up to 100 miles away from the limestone mountains of the Apennines. The arches of the aqueducts, running by no coincidence parallel to the modern railway lines, still impress visitors, though no less impressive but hidden from view are the sections of the channels that run deep under the mountains. Some of these still serve the modern water supply of Rome. Housing was a major challenge, and to meet it the Romans learnt to build higher and stronger than anyone before. The use of concrete, based on lime and volcanic sand, permitted the Romans to create new architectural forms, like the dome. Speed and reliability of construction was made possible by the use of standardised material for the facing ­ first in a network of regular blocks of volcanic tuff, then in bricks. As Rome built higher, brick production around the city boomed. The fact that the producers frequently stamped the bricks with their names helps us to date such construction closely. Such multi­storey blocks, typically with shops on the ground floor, and rental apartments on two or more floors above, were called insulae or "islands" ­ they might occupy an entire city block, with roads flowing around like the sea, though sometimes a city block could contain several insulae. They were typical of the metropolis. Outside Rome, they are rare, and Pompeii has no examples, although the one example from Herculaneum, built in the first half of the 1st Century, shows the sophistication of construction, with latrines and drainpipes even in upper apartments linking down to a great sewer below ground.

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Date: 20-Aug-2015 Reach: 1872000 Value: 25123

The port city of Ostia has numerous examples of such brick­and­concrete insulae, preserved to two or three floors, and it is clear that some at least of the apartments could be commodious and well­lit. But it is Rome itself that preserves the best examples, including the insula at the foot of the Capitoline Hill which survives to five floors, and illustrates how independent units could be packed into the available space. Insula living was a familiar feature of 1st Century Rome, and the satirists, Martial and Juvenal, complain of the exertions necessary, and the dangers run, if you lived on the top floor. (The penthouse suite only became desirable after the modern invention of the elevator.) All sorts will have lived in such insulae ­ while the typical rich person still had an independent houses (domus), most people, the comfortably off as well as the poor, lived in apartments. Nor was it necessarily just one family per apartment ­ you might sublet rooms, and the lawyers of the time explained the nightmare of trying to identify who was legally liable, owner, tenant or sub­tenant, when a passer­by was injured by a chamber pot carelessly thrown out of an upper window. Tens of thousands of such apartment blocks were needed to house Rome's enormous and fluid population ­ a listing of the buildings of the city puts them at more than 44,000, although if this is right, some must have been rather small. Certainly, we can see their ubiquitous footprints on the vast map of the city's streets that was incised on marble slabs under the emperor Septimius Severus. Though only fragments survive, it is truly impressive, the first known instance of a detailed map of the streets and buildings of any city. That fact underlines how important it was to the city authorities to know their city and its inhabitants in detail. It was Julius Caesar who as dictator first surveyed the city, district by district and property by property. It helped the government in many ways, not least to cut down on the list of citizens claiming free hand­outs of food. Owners of properties were responsible for reporting inhabitants to the city prefect. In these contexts, we meet the figure of the insularius, the caretaker responsible for an insula. He also had to ensure that his property was supplied with fire­fighting equipment, buckets and axes. He was thus the point of intersection between inhabitants and the forces of law and order, and under imperial rule, such forces multiplied. The military urban cohorts under the city prefect, and the fireguard, the "vigiles" under the fire prefect, had the power to enter premises and check all was in order. At 7,000­strong, the ancient fireguard outnumbered the modern vigili del fuoco, who see themselves as their descendants. And if they had no fire engines, at least they had force­pumps called "siphons", built to a design of Greek hydraulic engineering. Modern technologies may be different from those of ancient Rome, but in both cases, a vast population produced massive challenges, which the Romans addressed in ways scarcely less impressive than those today.

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Date: 20-Aug-2015 Reach: 1872000 Value: 25123

The British Museum's 2013 show of artefacts from the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, buried in ash during an explosive eruption of Mount Vesuvius, was a sell­out. But could even greater treasures ­ including lost works of classical literature ­ still lie underground? Unlocking the scrolls of Herculaneum (December 2013) Building the Ancient City: Athens and Rome is a two­part series, presented by Prof Andrew Wallace­Hadrill, broadcast on 20 and 27 August on BBC Two at 20:00 BST ­ or watch on BBC iPlayer Subscribe to the BBC News Magazine's email newsletter to get articles sent to your inbox.

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20 AUGUST 201 S

The Constitution of the Athenians and the History of Athenian Democracy Building the Ancient City: Athens and Rome begins tonight on BBC2. The first episode includes footage and discussion of the Constitution of the Athenians (Papyrus 131) . While a great many important texts have survived from antiquity, many others have been lost to us. These we know only from sporadic quotations and mentions in extant works, leaving us to wonder what they might have been able to teach us about the ancient world. For many centuries, Aristotle's Constitutions, and in particular the Constitution of the Athenians, was numbered amongst the most important of these. According to Diogenes Laertius, Aristotle and his school collected the constitutions of 158 Greek city-states and wrote commentaries on each of them. Of these 158 commentaries, 68 are mentioned by name in other sources, cIearly marking the Constitutions as a significant work in antiquity. In addition, the Constitution of the Athenians itself was known from 90 separate quotations, setting it apart from the others in terms of its importance to philosophers, historians, and other scholars in antiquity. Aristotle himself gave us evidence for the existence of the Constitutions, stating at the end of his Nicomachean Ethics that his Politics would be based in part on the "collected constitutions·.

The beginning of the surviving portion of the C.onstitution of the Athenians. Papyrus 131, f 1v. Egypt (?near Hermopolis). c 100.

In light of this the discovery of nearly the whole text of the Constitution of the Athemans at the end of the nineteenth century was monumental. In 1879. two leaves of a papyrus codex. dating from the fourth century, were acquired by the Agy ptisches Museum in Berlin These contain fragments of the Constllut1011 of the Athenians with marginalia. Then. in 1889, three papyrus rolls. dating from the late first century. were found in Egypt by E A Wallis Budge, an assistant at the British Museum. These were sent back to London and accessioned as Papyrus 131. A fourth roll followed in 1890, but unfortunately, this Nas far more damaged than the other three. Frederic Kenyon, later Director and Principle Librarian of the British Museum. but then a young assistant in the Department of Manuscripts, was able to identify the text of the papyrus as the Consttlution of the Athernans Unfortunately the papyrus lacks the opening sections of the work. which are believed to have dealt with legendary figures such as Ion and Theseus. Kenyon's first edition was published in 1891 along with an English translation

'Tht MOOftd 1u!VIW'lg rol or tht Con1uut.on of lht A.thtn•ns. P1pyru1 131. f 3v Egypt 1,n,ar ..,.,mopobl. c 100.

The importance of this text for our understanding of the development nature and challenges of Athenian democracy cannot be overstated, and it has remained an object of scholarly study since its discovery It recounts the history of Athenian legal and political institutions down to 403 BC and analyses their form and quality in the 330's and 320's - it should be noted that it does not declare or create these institutions, as a modem reader may imagine given the title 'Constitution.' Instead, along with other Classical texts particular those by Herodotus Xenophon (who also has a Const1tut1on of the Athenians credited to his name). and Thucydides, the work gives us a clearer pie ture of Athenian history and government

Tne fragmentary fourth rol containing the Constitution of the Athenians. Papyrus 131, f 5v. Egypt (?neat

Hermopolis). c 100.

It should be noted that since the work's publication, its attribution to Aristotle himself has been debated - not least bee ause the style of the work is quite different from that found elsewhere in Aristotle. The fact that the work is in a different genre from the rest of Aristotle's works may, however, be enough to explain the stylistic variance. Certainly, the ancient sources unanimously

credit the work to him. Whether written by Aristotle himself or not, the text remains a significant primary source for Classical Athens, and a treasured piece of cultural history.

Andrew St. Thomas

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National Reviews

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Date: 21-Aug-2015 Reach: 364399 Value: 9779


Building the Ancient City: Athens, BBC2, TV review: Andrew Wallace­Hadrill is the perfect antithesis to David Starkey

It was hard to feel anything but warmth for the exuberant Cambridge Classicist

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Date: 21-Aug-2015 Reach: 364399 Value: 9779

This was the sort of 8pm BBC2 documentary that most people under the age of 45 would be forced to start second screening to within the first five minutes. Cambridge Classicist Professor Andrew Wallace­Hadrill held forth in several ancient Athenian sites about the ways in which the Greeks gave birth to modern democracy as we know it. With the help from an inevitable appearance from the nation’s most famous Classicist, Boris Johnson, the documentary was at pains to point out just how ahead of their times the Greeks really were. Imagine a world where the government offered a state subsidy for the theatre, where foreigners were welcomed across the border to do the menial jobs nobody else wanted to do and where building more houses actually became a reality. It sounds like an ideological fantasy dreamt up by Jeremy Corbyn, but the ancient Greeks proved it could become a reality. It certainly seems more civilised than Athens today. An exuberant Wallace­Hadrill made the first of this two­part documentary watchable thanks to his passion for the subject. It was hard to feel anything but warmth for the antithesis of the typical Oxbridge academic presenter. His face lit up at the slightest discovery, “You have ancient coins! Brilliant!”, “I love the fact you know the guy who did the column fluting. Brilliant fluting!”. His eyebrows bounced up and down with mirth throughout, proving he is truly in another era to David Starkey.

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TPR Media Yellow News The Independent 21/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 47 58751 377 6891.56

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TPR Media Yellow News The Times 21/08/2015

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National Previews

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TPR Media Yellow News The Daily Telegraph 20/08/2015

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TV Listing Magazine Previews

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TPR Media Yellow News Radio Times 11/08/2015

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National Previews

TPR Media Yellow News Source: London 24 Client:

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Date: 20-Aug-2015 Reach: 80030 Value: 2148

From Rome to Kentish Town: how the ancient cities built modern London 13:45 20 August 2015

Andrew Wallace­Hadrill and Dr Manolis Papagrigorakis in Building the Ancient City: Athens and Rome

In a new two­part series, Professor Andrew Wallace­Hadrill explores how ancient Athens and Rome shaped our capital, says Alex Bellotti.

Long heralded by Britain and America as a foundation of democracy, the Magna Carta is enjoying renewed attention this year on its 800th anniversary. For Professor Andrew Wallace­Hadrill, however, this “botched compromise between a load of barons” pales in comparison to a text written 16 centuries before, which gave way not just to one of the greatest empires of the ancient world, but society as we know it. The Athenian Constitution was believed to have been written by Aristotle to document legislation made by the Greek statesmen Solon. Among its revolutionary ideas was the idea that common citizens had the

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Date: 20-Aug-2015 Reach: 80030 Value: 2148

power to not just elect public officials, but to call them to account. In his new two­part documentary, Building the Ancient City: Athens and Rome, Wallace­Hadrill sees this as the first expression of the “ideal of a ‘free citizen’”. Starting tonight, the series looks first at how the Greek capital gave birth to democracy, then how Rome built upon such tenets to form the first super­city, before examining how both ancient capitals have influenced modern­day London. “The producer insisted on holding back on London until the end, but I was actually very conscious of London throughout, because it was the next city after Rome – at least in the western world – to hit the million population level,” says Wallace­Hadrill. “It has many things in common: it’s a city grown on empire; it’s a city that grows at the expense of the cities around it, sucking everything into the centre.” Filmed over a week in each city, the show was inspired by the 14 years its presenter spent living in Rome. Now Professor of Roman Studies at Cambridge University, Wallace­Hadrill’s strength lies in unearthing the lesser­known monuments – burial vaults, apartment blocks and even the sewers – rather than traditional tourist hotspots like the Coliseum. “I was so conscious that there is one Rome which is seen by tourists,” he says. “But the longer you live in the city, the more you become aware that antiquity is all around you and that the city of today just grows in the ancient city. The links between antiquity and the present are there for all to see. In one scene, the professor enthuses about the early councils of Athenian politicians; in the next, we visit the London Assembly, where Boris Johnson is embroiled in a dispute concerning police funding in Camden and Barnet. In the interview that follows, the Mayor of London waxes lyrical about the contribution immigrants played in building Athens – a moment that stayed with Wallace­Hadrill. “It’s such a relief to me to hear a Conservative politician stating so firmly that immigrants matter and that London can’t survive without immigrants. Of course it’s a well­known democraphic fact that a big city just consumes its population – you get more deaths than births and you must import people.” The 64­year­old points to a book by Gillian Tindell, The Fields Beneath, which explores how the streets of Kentish Town follow in the patterns of older settlements and the natural contours of the land. Rome is very much like that, he says, but there’s a “whole rich city” beneath which can help us learn how the first city to reach a population of over one million dealt with the pressures of governance, immigration and welfare. While there is a temptation to dig into the past to find answers for today, however, Wallace­Hadrill believes we must resist the urge. “I always say that this is not what the past is for. It doesn’t give you lessons and ideas – it actually frees you from the tyranny of the present. We live trapped not just in the 21st century; we live in the moment and can scarcely remember a world without computers. “So looking at Rome as a great city like London, I don’t do it to improve London, but to realise that the problems we grapple with today like immigration aren’t new – they come inescapably out of certain situations and there is a range of responses to them.” Professor Andrew Wallace­Hadrill presents Building the Ancient City: Athens and Rome, tonight on BBC2 at 8pm.

Regional Previews

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Date: 19-Aug-2015 Reach: 27336 Value: 734

What's on TV tonight? Our top 7 including Cricket on 5, Trapped in a Cult & Who Do You Think You Are By Herts & Essex Observer | Posted: August 19, 2015

Building the Ancient City (BBC2, 8pm) The first of two documentaries in which Andrew Wallace­Hadrill looks at the building of the ancient cities of Rome and Athens. He begins with in Greece, where 2,500 years ago, Athens gave birth to the idea of a city run by free citizens, with every aspect of daily life ­ from defence to waste disposal ­ controlled not by a king, but by the people. This led to a system of open government, and the first constitution laying down the rights of citizens ­ almost 2,000 years before Britain's Magna Carta.

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TPR Media Yellow News Yorkshire Post 20/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 14 31022 235 1962.25

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TPR Media Yellow News Yorkshire Evening Post 20/08/2015

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Date: 20-Aug-2015 Reach: 54500 Value: 1462

TV Tonight: The best things to watch on Thursday, August 20 By WMNdellis | Posted: August 20, 2015

The first of two documentaries in which Andrew Wallace­Hadrill looks at the building of the ancient cities of Rome and Athens. He begins with in Greece, where 2,500 years ago, Athens gave birth to the idea of a city run by free citizens, with every aspect of daily life ­ from defence to waste disposal ­ controlled not by a king, but by the people. This led to a system of open government, and the first constitution laying down the rights of citizens ­ almost 2,000 years before Britain's Magna Carta.

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TPR Media Yellow News Eastern Daily Press 20/08/2015

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TPR Media Yellow News Walsall Chronicle 13/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 31 38309 39 44.07

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Building the Ancient City 29 38205 244 263.52

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Building the Ancient City 2 36756 249 819.21

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Building the Ancient City 2 27475 254 1620.52

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Building the Ancient City 21 26699 184 612.72

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Express and Star (City Final) 20/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size:

Building the Ancient City 2 24971 259 1652.42 Value:

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News News Letter (Belfast) 20/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 47 22198 120 694.80

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Telegraph & Argus (Bradford) 15/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 33 24163 216 563.76

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Express & Echo (Exeter) 20/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 13 21132 212 542.72

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Coventry Telegraph 20/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size:

Building the Ancient City 29 21080 138 2504.70


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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Press (York) 20/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 89 19643 250 322.50

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UK Additional Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Shields Gazette 20/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 29 19384 16 27.84

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UK Additional Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Evening Echo (Cork) 20/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 20 14157 89 415.63

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UK Additional Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Evening News (Norwich) 20/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 59 18931 166 597.60

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UK Additional Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Evening Star (Ipswich) 20/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 40 15471 224 799.68

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Huddersfield Daily Examiner 20/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 25 15688 158 1260.84

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TPR Media Yellow News Hartlepool Mail 20/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 31 16362 16 69.28

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UK Additional Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Evening Echo (Cork) 15/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 2 14157 213 994.71

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UK Additional Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Cannock & Rugeley Chronicle 13/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 31 54258 192 226.56

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TPR Media Yellow News Wigan Evening Post 20/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 21 7092 16 28.16

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National Previews

UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Daily Telegraph 22/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 44 486262 289 9288.46

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Daily Telegraph 27/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 40 486262 114 3663.96

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Independent 22/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 50 58751 222 4058.16

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Independent 27/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 48 58751 121 2211.88

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Observer 23/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 45 194054 212 3705.76

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Guardian 22/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 68 174941 137 1959.10

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Guardian 27/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 22 174941 202 2888.60

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Sunday Times 23/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 60 808652 279 13570.56

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Sunday Times (Ireland) 23/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 60 84073 212 2650.00

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Sunday Times (Scotland) 23/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 60 43192 279 13570.56

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Times 22/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 44 390962 288 8778.24

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Times 27/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 12 390962 287 8747.76

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Times (Scotland) 27/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 12 18771 260 7924.80

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Times 22/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 44 390962 43 1310.64

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News i (The paper for today) 27/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 28 273853 233 4357.10

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Daily Mail 22/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 54 1626322 316 14940.48

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Daily Mail 22/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 16 1626322 228 10779.84

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UK Nationals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Daily Mail 27/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 58 1626322 202 9550.56

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TPR Media Yellow News Daily Mail (Ireland) 22/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 36 44041 120 1090.80

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TPR Media Yellow News Daily Mail (Scotland) 27/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 59 89323 326 1215.98

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TPR Media Yellow News Daily Mail (Ireland) 27/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 40 44041 111 1008.99

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TPR Media Yellow News Daily Mail (Ulster) 27/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 58 51348 202 1836.18

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TV Listing Magazine Previews

Magazine, Consumer Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Radio Times 18/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 96 783042 210 7536.90

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Magazine, Consumer Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Radio Times 25/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 84 783042 203 7285.67

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Magazine, Consumer Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News RTE Guide 22/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 73 57062 62 607.60

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Regional Previews

UK Additional Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Derry Journal (City) 25/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 31 14666 170 511.70

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Western Morning News (Devon) 23/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 16 26699 113 376.29

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Western Morning News (Devon) 27/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 21 26699 183 609.39

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UK Additional Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Cambridge News 22/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 55 15088 24 77.28

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UK Additional Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Times of Tunbridge Wells 26/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 72 30000 300 618.00

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UK Additional Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Times of Tunbridge Wells 26/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 72 30000 287 591.22

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Telegraph & Argus (Bradford) 22/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 33 24163 235 613.35

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News East Riding Mail 22/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 40 51886 358 2437.98

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Sentinel (Stoke On Trent) 22/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 12 45343 129 563.73

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Sentinel (Stoke On Trent) 27/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 23 45343 276 1206.12

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Sentinel (Stoke On Trent) 27/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 24 45343 150 655.50

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Herald 22/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 15 38939 147 1123.08

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UK Additional Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Herald (Plymouth) 22/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 48 21783 131 436.23

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Herald 29/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 15 38939 133 1016.12

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UK Additional Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The National (Scotland) 28/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 22 30000 1810 1972.90

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UK Additional Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Grimsby Telegraph 22/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 24 23791 129 403.77

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Eastern Daily Press 22/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 57 49247 223 1063.71

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Hull Daily Mail 22/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 40 41222 163 942.14

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News The Northern Echo (North Edition) 22/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 39 36740 252 1595.16

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UK Additional Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News South Wales Evening Post 22/08/2015

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Building the Ancient City 50 36623 135 427.95

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UK Key Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Yorkshire Post 27/08/2015

Keyword: Page: Reach: Size: Value:

Building the Ancient City 14 31022 232 1937.20

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UK Additional Regionals Client: Source: Date:

TPR Media Yellow News Shropshire Star 27/08/2015

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Episode Synopses

Episode I Building the Ancient City: Athens The first city of a million was built two thousand years ago. At a time when few towns numbered more than 10,000 inhabitants, more than a million lived in Rome. But how did they make Ancient Athens and Rome work without petrol, gas or electricity? Building the Ancient City explores how the Athenians and Romans fed their burgeoning populations, how they housed them, got them to work without buses or trains, and coped with sanitation and waste disposal, all in a world without modern technology. They created cities that were the envy of their day, with public libraries, public law courts, public water supply and public space. Alongside this, the Athenians created the first system of open government, and wrote the first constitution that laid down the rights of its citizens nearly 2000 years before our Magna Carta. In so doing, they would set a benchmark not just for the cities of the Ancient World, but also for those of the present, and the future. We meet the people who still see Ancient Athens and Rome as models for running the great cities of today, including perhaps the ancient world’s greatest champion in our modern one, Boris Johnson. There are fascinating parallels too between the social challenges posed by city life in the ancient world and the modern one, like policing, health and safety, and perhaps most topical of all, immigration. As we’ll see in the series, immigrants in the ancient world (and not just slaves), had a great hand in building many of its ancient wonders in both Athens and Rome.

Episode II Building the Ancient City: Rome Rome was the world’s first ancient megacity. At a time when few towns numbered more than 10,000 inhabitants, more than a million lived in Rome. But in a world without modern technology, how did they feed their burgeoning population, how did they house them, and how did they get them to work without buses or trains? How on earth did the Romans make their great city work? In the second and final episode of the series, Professor Andrew Wallace-Hadrill takes us up ancient tower blocks, down ancient sewers, and above 2000-year-old harbour basins still filled with water, to find out. He’ll reveal how Rome surpassed all cities from the ancient world that had gone before. From the pedestrianisation of the Forum, to a global transport hub built right next to Modern Italy’s transport epicentre – Fiumicino Airport – we’ll see how Rome’s approach to public projects was not matched for nearly 2000 years. We’ll discover how Nero – the emperor blamed for fiddling while Rome burned – was in fact responsible for the transformation of the finest fire-brigade in the Ancient World, and the creation of the first fire regulations. We’ll uncover Roman apartment blocks complete with piped water, and modern libraries that are in fact ancient Roman buildings constructed two millennia ago. Last but not least, Professor Andrew Wallace-Hadrill will uncover the secret of Rome’s success: the planning, still captured on pieces of an 1800-year-old marble map of the city; a map which shows that astonishingly, in many places, the street plan of Ancient Rome mirrors that of the city today in exact detail.

Conducted and compiled by tpr media consultants

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