Partnerships with the IOE

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How can we work together better? Collaborative partnerships to meet your needs

Our Commitment We will work in strong, collaborative partnerships with individual schools and groups of schools. Such partnerships will support the professional development of colleagues across all career stages in ways that respond to local needs and support improved outcomes for children and young people.

What can we do together? We’ve outlined some case studies to describe what we can do together

Case study 1

Case study 2

Four secondary schools and a special school collaborate on the full range of teacher and leadership ‘full range of development. teacher and The cluster works leadership with 40 PGCE development’ students and five GTP students, developing a year-long training programme. The cluster provides accredited mentor development, a joint professional studies programme and a special school placement. The cluster contributes to decisions about the structure and content of the IOE’s ITE programmes.

A primary school identifies low attainment in reading as a key priority. The school engages in the IOE’s Reading Recovery in Primary Literacy Leadership (RRiPLL) programme drawing on staff and PGCE students in the school to sustain a systemic approach to reading across key stage 1. Two teachers engaged in the IOE’s MA in Effective Learning play a leadership ‘In dialogue with role in coaching its Partnership and mentoring Advisor, the staff and PGCE school reviews its students across needs annually.’ the school. In dialogue with its Partnership Advisor, the school reviews its needs annually. Following an annual review, the focus moves to creativity across the curriculum. The IOE provides a consultant who works with teachers on a 10-day programme to support this work.

On site, the IOE Masters in Teaching (MTeach) course runs for 25 teachers tailored to suit the cluster’s needs alongside a bespoke middle leadership programme for 19 teachers. The cluster’s IOE Partnership Advisor is embedded in the cluster for a day a fortnight and works across ITE, CPD and in other ways as agreed with the cluster, including an action research project on the quality of learning in STEM subjects.

Case study 3 A cluster of 10 primary schools work with the IOE on common school development priorities each year. A third of the staff is engaged in an ‘A third of the action research staff engage in an Masters module. action research Leadership Masters module.’ and coaching modules are also based in the cluster. 25 student teachers are placed across the cluster. A Partnership Advisor from the Institute is embedded in the cluster for a day a week to work across teacher development programmes. Next year, the cluster will include a secondary school and a primary PRU and will work on a cross-phase project in science education with the IOE’s Science Learning Centre.

Email to arrange a discussion with an IOE Partnership Advisor.

To achieve our commitment, we will: • come to your school for an initial discussion about ways in which we can strengthen or create partnerships and tailor our expertise to help you to meet your needs • explore ways, where appropriate, to work with clusters of schools in order to develop affordable, collegiate and wide-ranging engagement across all aspects of teacher and leadership development • provide a Partnership Advisor who will ensure that your needs are met from across the IOE and who may spend regular time in your school/cluster • put together a cost-effective and sustainable package of support.

Email to arrange a discussion with an IOE Partnership Advisor.

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