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Growth & Conservation Area Plans

An illustration can effectively bring complex ideas to life. To complement the Growth and Conservation Framework described further in this document, conceptual plans have been designed to depict the big ideas that emerged during Manchester’s Planapalooza™ 2019. They are based on the input received from participants and convey a range of community expectations in connection with potential opportunities. Each illustration represents one of several possibilities consistent with the ideas discussed at the event, and recommendations presented here for the subareas emphasize the overarching themes gleaned from the visioning exercise. Their primary purpose is to help the community visualize possibilities and create a platform for dialogue about the details reflected in the images and how to achieve them. Though they conceptually illustrate development potential in defined geographies, they demonstrate the application of urban design principles and development-related policies. In that regard, they may provide guidance for other areas in Manchester.

Note: Conceptual drawings and images showing examples of potential future development are for illustrative purposes only. They do not constitute intended outcomes or provisionary approvals for the properties represented in the document. Actual development of the areas depicted may vary significantly from the drawings included in the document based on property owner interests, market timing, lending conditions, available infrastructure, or many other factors.




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