Portfolio - Selected Works 2015 TT

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School Work - a





The tower explores

The multi-unit housing

served pavilion

the assembly of vertical

project explores density

The design-build project

programming in relation to its

possibilities while undertaking

to create a pavilion to serve a

spacial multiplicity.

porosity to shape its community.

dining experience along the












Freelance design for

Freelance design for


architectural competitions

residential projects ranging

The excerpts from office for

and explorations.

from interior renovations to

territorial reconfiguration

exterior additions.

- urban studies & competitions.

▀▀ material experiments - C

selected works 2015



Ottawa River.

Professional Work - B

C V of Tracy Tse


visual studies

Exploration of various materials and mediums as toolsets for representation.





Mixed-Use Complex Site details:

Situated within a ‘Highway Eddy’ Kanata, ON, Canada

The tower explores the assembly of vertical programming

in relation to its spacial multiplicity. Its condition implores complex continuity of vertical occupation as opposed to uniform singularity.

The inspiration of the structure is the coral reef in

which individual coral polyps exhibit different levels of

sophistication which aggregates into a super-organism. The tower attempts to utilize the sun and wind as

contributors toward the manisfestation of the structure.

Type: Academic (individual) Role: Concept and Design Level: Year 4/Semester 2 (2011) Supervisor: Tom Dubicanac; B.Arch. M.Arch. (Detroit) Supervisor Contact: +1 613-520-2600 x 2864


cv of tracy tse


coral tower

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↑ conceptual beginnings adapting the principles of a super-organism (in this case - coral

polyps) in its biological structure, patterns, and characteristics to permeate and translate into a multi-program high rise complex

← VERTICAL & hORIZONTAL the section elevation outlines and explores a duality in the coral superorganisms as forms of appropriation and absorbtion programs become mixed with potential for inter-mingling

cv of tracy tse


coral tower

↖↑→ structure exploration of coral polyp structure/density to derive a performing

structure of different scales in triangulation while harnessing energy

from the wind (wind turbines) and the sun (photovoltaics on a 3D skin)

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cv of tracy tse


coral tower

←↑ site & context the tower explores the assembly of vertical programming in relation to

its spacial multiplicity that situates itself along the highway; it becomes a landmark for passerbyers and to its inhabitants

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↑ East elevation

↑ west elevation

view towards car park side with secondary tower

view towards casino side with primary tower

→ entrance main entrance catering to all programs (shopping mall, hotel, apartments/condos, and restaurants)

coral tower

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A2 qplateau Program:

Multi-Unit Housing Site details:

Sparks Street & Bay Street Ottawa, ON, Canada;

The housing project investigates the possibilities of high

density living in an urban setting of Ottawa. It situates itself

on a plateau before the descent to Lebreton Flats and perches between two churches.

The project investigates a venue for porosity and social

happenstances for its inhabitants. An exploration of an

‘expanded’ central core and service ways activate each housing

block, and helps promote better light and air circulation while serving its inhabitants with spaces for play and interaction.

Type: Academic (individual) Role: Concept and Design Level: Year 4/Semester 1 (2010) Supervisor: John Cook; MA DIPARCH OAA OAQ FRAIC RCA Supervisor Contact: cook@grcarchitects.com


cv of tracy tse


q - plateau

↑ elevation study a relationship between proposed and surrounding buildings in an attempt to respect sightlines

← site the context of the site is a collision of varying densities on all angles and places itself geographically on an edge - a proposition of a

‘gradient’ housing attempts to address intense density is highlighted

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cv of tracy tse


q - plateau

↑ conceptual beginnings reconfiguration of surrounding typical housing types (double loaded corridors, central core, shoe box unit types)

↑↑ cross sections (diagramatic) an investigation of a ‘moving’  and ‘expanded’ core whereby its utilitarian functions are coupled with social and interactive programs

← ‘expanded’ central core assembly of the central core ‘expanded’ to invoke micro-climate/microculture for its inahbitants

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cv of tracy tse


q - plateau

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A3 dinner is served pavilion Program:

One-time use Design-Build Pavilion Site details:

Carleton University along the Ottawa River Ottawa, ON, Canada

The pavilion is part of a cluster of design-build projects

along the Ottawa River to host a dinner and to explore the ephemeral qualities of a one-time use venue.

In this group pavilion, it attempts to explore the static vs dynamic actions involved while considering its temporal

disposition. Along a cluster of trees, stretched canvas was used to create a space that felt enclosed for intimacy but allowed visitors to meander away from one pavilion to

the next. All construction materials were kept at a neutral tone, with the exception of the central red cube barbecue.

Type: Academic (Group) Role: Design and Conception Level: Year 3/Semester 1 (2009) Supervisor: Honorata Pien’kowska; M. Sc(Arch) OAA RAIC Supervisor Contact: honorata8@sympatico.ca


cv of tracy tse


dinner is served pavilion

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↑ experiment viewing the site at night and creating potential networks to highlight its existing qualities and beyond.

←test small mock models to translate our findings and to apply design decisions in an efficient manner

cv of tracy tse


dinner’s served pavilion

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↖↖↖ details connection details and sketches for

central element - a transformative piece

← plan conception plans highlighting vertical relationships between canopy and platforms

cv of tracy tse


dinner’s served pavilion

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re-use use of recycled wood from previous

pavilions was chosen to address the ephemeral nature of the program a space to host an outdoor dinner party for a night.

context utilization of surrounding trees as anchor points resulted in a

site specific design focusing on a

gradation between movement and pause.

materials wood, canvas, and metal were

chosen as part of our material

palette. We decided to use wood

for most of the pavilion while the canvas as our canopy to reflect a

certain lightness while the central

element to draw people in in metal - the red cube barbecue.

cv of tracy tse


dinner’s served pavilion

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↖← event night the combination of having cascading platforms along the slope with

the fragments of stretched canvas and the red cube created a space for people to mingle and sit while also providing a fleeting sensation for passerbyers.

cv of tracy tse


dinner’s served pavilion

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b1 muttu residence (sdc) Program:

Exterior Addition, Garage, Interior Renovations; Site details:

House Situated in a Suburban Setting Ottawa, ON, Canada

The Student’s Design Clinic (SDC) is an umbrella

organization that facilitate relationships between designers to

clients for residential projects ranging from simple lanscaping projects to custom-built homes.

The Muttu Residence had various limitations on the budget

as the clients were interested in changing their current house into one that more suited their daily lifestyle. A balance

between a fully functional kitchen, a place to entertain guests, and a proper front entrance were major concerns of the clients.


MAR 9/11

Type: Professional (Individual)


cv of tracy tse



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← client meeting small sketch to elaborate desires and needs of the client for their home; including major concerns for new entrance area, enclosed kitchen, and expanded master bedroom

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MAR 9/11

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↑ elevations general front and side elevations to see the relationship between the rooflines of the house to the new garage


MAR 9/11

most spaces in the basement were previously for storage - now there is a suite space equipped with a mini kitchen, a study and a washroom; the

remaining spaces to be used as media/entertainment, studio, and utilities

MAR 9/11

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↑ section/details longitudinal section to highlight details pertaining to construction documents

← wall detail full wall detail along new stairs to the basement in preparation of construction documents

MAR 9/11

b2 awp


Museum for Photography and Architecture (separate buildings) Site details:

Varosliget City Park Budapest, Hungary

This project is an architecture competition in Budapest under the guidance and supervision of the Parisian ‘Office For

Territorial Reconfiguration’ - AWP. As part of a team of four, I took part in all phases of the competition from conceptual brainstorming, to designing, and finally to submission drawings.

The design situates itself as a ‘gate’ to a large city park full of other cultural institutions and amenities. The theme

of ‘positive  versus negative’ acts as the starting point of a

potential dialogue within each building, but also towards each other.

Type: Professional (Group) Role: Design, Final Presentation Date: 2014 Supervisor: Alessandra Cianchetta, Architect Supervisor Contact: alessandra-cianchetta@awp.fr


cv of tracy tse


awp - budapest liget competition

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↑↑ site + elevation site situating along the edge of a city park where a city monument sits in between the two buildings; elevation juxtaposes itself along tree line

cv of tracy tse


awp - budapest liget competition

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↑ diagrams simple diagramatic explainations of the two buildings in their relationship with each other and to its context

← material study enlarged elevation to describe material choices for the museum of

photography and the museum of architecture; choices of highly reflective vs hard tactile were chosen to express a duality

cv of tracy tse


awp - budapest liget competition

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←← program diagrams axonometric diagrams displaying distribution of program types (staff/ facilities/public) for both museums; red - museum/shops

yellow - exhibition/venue spaces blue - operations/maintenance

green - loading/museum storage

cv of tracy tse


awp - nanterre (urban plan)

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←↓ nanterre - a new urban guide a suburb of Paris explores how to better activate its under-used/dead/

misused spaces; AWP participates in creating samples in an analytical view of its different typologies of urban spaces

b3 u&t design Program:

Lighting Design Competition

lightitude by the clu foundation Site details:

Canadian Arctic Archipelago Cambridge Bay, NU, Canada

The northern frontier’s legacy of an inhospitable environment has remained over the centuries.

If we are to displace ourselves in an environment that cannot support the population, can we learn to adapt?

Our sun symbolizes life. We create a pseudo sun to provide

the nutrients we need. In an area that can go up to six months without sun, its soft glow will be a constant reminder of the life that is growing within.

Blanche Harvest is an entry for the LIGHTITUDE

competition launched by the CLU Foundation who invites participants to reflect on the meaning of lighting for communities in the Polar Circle.

Type: Professional (Group) Role: Concept and Design Date: 2012 Supervisor: N/A Supervisor Contact: N/A


cv of tracy tse


u&t design

← CROSS SECTION section outlining the mechanisms of the ‘greenhouse pods’ while harnessing wave energy from the water for its maintenance

↙↓↘ DETAILS mechanisms and logistics of the greenhouse pod from its glass

composition, necessary lighting composition, to its water filtration model to ensure healthy growth of vegetation

↓↓ ACTIVATE diagramatic section demonstrating usage through the seasons

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← conversations with an enigma cyanotypes 12” x  8” Exploration of alternative

photography medium - ‘cyanotype process’ utilizes iron chemical

compounds as ‘developer’ applied

c1 visual studies

on paper with a ‘negative’ image that develops under UV rays

results allow for a low-tech method in producing images with sunlight/ UV rays


N/A Site details:

N/A A compilation of material/medium explorations during my

undergraduate studies. The mechanisms to represent concepts are often accompanied with narratives. Each study aims to

understand/expand the levels of scale between body, space, and time. Such as drawing with the eyes, working through inversion, and collaging in multiplying.

Type: Academic/Personal (Individual) Role: Creator Date: 2009-2011 Supervisor: N/A Supervisor Contact: N/A


cv of tracy tse


visual studies

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↑ serpent’s labyrinth kodalith montage 18” x  24” old negatives of a chapel enlarged and developed on ‘Kodalith film’ for re-interpretation and collage making

← ’light painting’ chemigrams 18” x  24” study of light interacting with photo developer, photo stop, and photo fix utilizing projections made with ink and straw-blowing on light-sensitive paper

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↖↑↗ SKETCHES (varying sizes) sketches in different mediums during travels in Italy Vicenza - Verona

visual studies

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cv of tracy tse


visual studies

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life drawing 96” x  96” exploration of the body, space, and time with chalk pastel over a span of 10 weeks

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