The "Tracey Bell" user's logo

Tracey Bell

Douglas, Isle of Man

We provide treatments & exclusive products all under one roof. From creating smiles, revitalising skin, treating medical conditions such as weight loss and vein removal to simple beauty treatments. A centre providing the latest in innovation, technology and treatments for all your dental and medical needs.


PPD articles

January 14, 2011

Laser Hair Removal

July 26, 2010

Press articles

July 22, 2010

Whitening Weekends

July 16, 2010

Perfect Pout

July 15, 2010

Invisable touch

July 15, 2010

Teeth Whitening

June 30, 2010

Dental Campaign

June 30, 2010


June 30, 2010


June 30, 2010


June 30, 2010

Health and Beauty

June 30, 2010

360° Perfection

June 29, 2010

Chapter One

June 25, 2010

Porcelain Veneers

June 25, 2010

Tooth Whitening

June 25, 2010


June 25, 2010

Dental work

June 25, 2010

Healthy Gums

June 25, 2010

Laser Treatments

June 25, 2010

Healthy Teeth

June 25, 2010

The right tools

June 23, 2010

Restylane Treatment

June 22, 2010

Restylane Treatment

June 22, 2010

APT Cosmetics

June 22, 2010