PRINTING YOUR SPREADSHEET Print Preview Always preview a spreadsheet on screen before printing. There is nothing worse than sending the file to print, only to find that the final column has printed on another page. Print preview a file in Excel just as you would in Word, by using the 'Print Preview' icon or going into the File menu.
Explore the options: Orientation Paper size Margins Scaling These make changes to the way your document is printed More changes can be made using the ‘Page Setup’ link
The screen above shows the print preview screen. It shows how many pages there are to the file and how it will print on paper. In print preview mode, the page setup can be changed, number of copies to print can be specified and there is the option of zooming in on the page.
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The orientation of the page can be changed. Select your choice of Portrait or Landscape to make your choice. The scaling can be changed. Click in the relevant circle. 'Adjust to:' will print the spreadsheet as it is on however many number of pages needed. 'Fit to:' will adjust the size of the data so that the spreadsheet will print on 1 page only. Paper size and print quality can be changed to suit. Printer settings can be changed in Options... Margins tab Self-explanatory, set the margins for your spreadsheet here. You also have the option of centring the spreadsheet on the page, click custom and just click in the Horizontally or Vertically box or both.
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'Print area:' allows you to specify which cells are to be printed. For example $A$1:$C$5 will print the range A1 through to C5 'Rows to repeat at top:' and 'Columns to repeat at left:' will repeat a row or column, which you select, on each page of your spreadsheet ‘Gridlines’ it will put a boarder around active cells ‘Black and white’ will print any coloured cells B & W ‘Draft quality’ saves printing costs ‘Row and column headings’ A,B,C and 1,2,3 will print 'Comments:' if one has been created, you can choose where it will appear on the sheet. 'Page order' controls the order of printing.
This icon takes you back to the spreadsheet so cells can be highlighted rather than typed in manually. The example below shows A1 to B2 selected.
This icon will close the box and take you back to the sheet tab options. \\ERC12\Users\traceym133\staff dev for Finance\Printing_pagesetup.doc
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Insert Ribbon/header/footer
Default is no header or footer on the spreadsheet. There are some pre-set choices for headers and footers or a custom header can be created.
The ribbon above will allow you to customise your header or footer, click the appropriate icons for Page number, date etc. The same procedure applies for a customised footer. When you have finished editing your Header/Footer click the View ribbon and select normal view
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View Ribbon
The choices in the view ribbon give you a lot more leeway as to how you view your spreadsheet. 'Gridlines' You can switch them on or off 'Row and Column headings' switch them on or off ‘Formula Bar’ switch it on or off ‘page break preview’ allows you to see the edge of the page
Printing Formulas It may be necessary to display your formulas when printing.
Use the Formulas ribbon and click ‘Show Formulas’ Alternatively you can use the shortcut key Ctrl + accent key (`) above the tab key in the top left of your key board. This is a toggle key which will switch formulas on and off. Try it and see. When printing with formulas on make sure you use the print preview option to ensure it fits the page.
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COLUMNS AND ROWS Rows can be added and deleted To delete a row Click on the number of the row (it will highlight across the page). Row 2 is highlighted in the example below. When the row has been deleted, the data in row 2 will move to row 1.
Click Delete button on the Home ribbon and the row will disappear. Or right click and select delete. Pressing the Delete key would only get rid of the data, not the whole row.
To insert a row Click anywhere on the row (a new row will appear above the row you are currently on). The active cell is in row 2. Click Insert, then Rows and a blank row will appear. The data on the current row will move down, as below.
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To delete a column Click on the letter of the column (it will highlight down the page). Column B is highlighted in the example below. When the column has been deleted, the data in column C will move to column B.
Click Delete button on the Home ribbon and the column will disappear. Pressing the Delete key would only get rid of the data, not the whole column.
To insert a column Click anywhere in the column (a new column will appear to the left of the column you are in). The active cell is in column B. Click Insert, then Columns and a blank column will appear. The data in the current column will move across, as below.
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