Lionel CantĂş Queer Center Spring Zine 2018
T A K e u p S P A C E
TAKE UP SPACE! You are important. You matter. You deserve love & respect. Solidarity with Queer & Trans Black Indigenous People of Color (QTBIPoC) ALWAYS.
artwork by Vienna Rye @vrye
There are 10 reasons why you should care about issues facing bisexuals. But before I give you the reasons imagine that every person in the class identified as bisexual. There's at least 24 of us and there's an even split of 12 women and 12 men Lets begin.
1. 1 out of 4 bisexual men and 1 out of 3 bisexual women are more likely to depend on public financial assistance such as food stamps. At least 3 men and 4 women in here are on food stamps. 2. Bisexual youth are 2 times more likely to experiment with drugs and alcohol than straight youth. 3. Bisexual survivors of violence are 3 times more likely to experience police violence during interactions. 4. 4 out of 10 bisexual men and 3 out of 10 bisexual women have not told their medical provider they are bisexual. At least 5 men and 4 women in this class aren’t truthful with their doctor. 5. Over 5 out 10 bisexual women and 3 out of 10 bisexual men have a lifetime prevalence of anxiety disorders. At least 6 women and 4 men in this room has have or will have an anxiety disorder in their life. 6. Only 6% of lesbians and 10% of gays have told only a few to none of the important people in their lives about their sexual orientation compared to 39% of bisexuals. At least 10 of us in this room aren’t out to our loved ones.
7. 7% of bisexuals have been denied a work opportunity due to their sexuality while 58% are exposed to biphobic jokes at work. 8. Almost 8 out of 10 bisexual women have a lifetime prevalence of sexual violence other than rape such as being made to penetrate, sexual coercion, unwanted sexual contact, and non-contact unwanted sexual experiences. At least 10 out 12 women in this room have been made to feel or will be made to feel unsafe sexually. 9. 9 hundred thousand bisexual men have experienced sexual violence other than rape in their lifetime which is about 4 out 10 bisexual men. At least 5 men in this room have been made to feel unsafe sexually. 10. Only 10% of straight youth and 21% of gay and lesbian youth have made a suicide attempt plan compared to 36% of bisexual youth. Don’t forget though that 40% of bisexuals have seriously considered attempting suicide, 28% of bisexuals have attempted suicide and 13% of bisexuals have been seriously injured from attempting suicide. This means about 10 of us seriously considered suicide, 10 of us made a plan to commit suicide, 7 of us tried to commit suicide and 3 of us got poisoned or overdose from trying to attempt suicide.
by Mars Bolden
The Queer brown man has choices to make and plans to set. Life has split his world into a multitude of realities as if his intersectionalities were never apparent. His future, present, and his past mesh into a cosmic orgy that cannot be undone with release. The release that will give the man not only a piece of mind but an internal piece of oneness. These different parts moving in and out of spaces that don't belong yet spaces that need to be filled. These moving pieces made decisions for the man that he had no control over just like his life. Leaving behind uncertainties and discord. Having to rely on his family to help put together these pieces in the spaces they belong, he rests daily to try to get his wholeness. But with this rest time drifts away with his past through the passage of time and space. His need for outside love and the internal can't be found with drugs like they used to. They can only be found with self care that he's not used to. - Mars Bolden
art by Maya Iverson
CASFS Farmers of Color need your support!
Donate @ CASFS Farmers of Color
Center for Agroecolgy & Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS at UC Santa Cruz) As growers of color currently residing in LA and Santa Cruz, we are fundraising to attend the Interlocking Roots Gathering at Allied Media Conference this year! Our hope is to raise $3000 to cover our collective costs from June 14-17th, 2018. As UCSC CASFS' Farmers of the Global Majority and Queer Trans* Black Indigenous People of Color (QTBIPoC) growers in a white supremacist patriarchal hetero-normative world, we are asking for your support to create true food sovereignty and push forward collective liberation together. Your support is appreciated. Please share this fundraiser and like us on Instagram! More about the gathering:
Interlocking Roots for Food Justice "We are a group of Queer Trans* Black Indigenous People of Color (QTBIPoC) who understand food and land work as a pathway to organizing and doing anti-oppression work. We are using our network gathering as a space to collect stories from QTBIPoC doing food and land work in order to fight isolation and build collective power. We will engage in the various ways our relationships with food, whether its through farming, cooking, organizing etc., serve as sites of resistance that sustain our communities and movements. Our network gathering will be a chill space for fellow QTBIPoC to connect, affirm queer and trans identities through our own and our plant ancestor stories, talk about queer ecology, strategize and eat together! We especially want to lift up the voices and experiences of QTBIPoC farmers who often do this work in isolation, disconnected from other QTBIPoC. So this gathering will also serve as a space for us to begin collecting their stories for an upcoming podcast!" -interlocking roots.
Official Queer Agenda Spring 2018 edition Fill in the agenda with your own queer objectives Exist, Unapollogectically Paint my nails
Looks up your birth chart after the first date Accept that I can't drive
Be sassy and petty, always Rollerskating
Terminate Queer-Baiting
Heckle hetero couple engaging in PDA
Demand queer actors play Queer roles
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
SERVE LOOKS Protect Femmes and Trans people of color Make it so only queer people can have all the animals
Flirt to convert - assume everyone is gay, until proven straight
Destroy (toxic) Straight Culture Free meals for queers Noah's Ark 2.0 (but only gays and animals survive) End Pink-Washing
Call out Homophobia (aka everything that doesn't go my way)