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from The 2023 Bull Sale
T The Taargeting the Brand logo is designe produce calves meeting the most challen least breed average or better for marbli TaargetingtheBrandlogo Evenwhenthe argeting the confidence th based on the ed to highlight registered Angus bulls with greater gen nging specifications of the Certified Angus Beef ® brand. ng EPD and $Grid of non-parent Angus sires to qualif esenumbersdonotappearonthecataloglistingthe
Brand logo Even when the hat these minimum genetic breed averages from the Sp ese numbers do not appea c requirements are met. Ac pring 20 Angus Sire Summ ar on the catalog listing, the ctual EPD requirements are mary.
Genetic R Reeco
Marbling EPD (Ma ca Dollar Grid Car mmendations: rb) x ($G) ass Inde

ETetic potential to Bulls must be at y for use of the elogogivesyou e logo gives you outlined below

The Targeting the Brand logo is designed to highlight registered Angus bulls with greater genetic potential to produce calves meeting the most challenging specifications of the Certified Angus Beef ® brand. Bulls must meet genetic requirements of +.65 Marbling EPD and +55 $Grid of non-parent Angus sires to qualify for use of the Targeting the Brand™ logo. Sire-identified carcass data from more than 8,600 records in the American Angus Association database show these minimum thresholds for Marbling and $G achieve an average of 50% CAB acceptance. While a sire’s genetic potential only accounts for a portion of marbling performance in a calf crop, these benchmarks provide commercial cattlemen a starting place to identify genetics that will go on to bring performance premiums on quality beef grids. Cattlemen choosing to make more significant carcass advancement or those already achieving 50% or higher CAB acceptance may set bull selection criteria above Targeting the Brand™ baselines.
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