5 minute read
Lot 60 HF Jilt 701
BD: 01-07-2017 COW *18755332 TATTOO: 701
#*Connealy Confidence 0100 Connealy Tobin *Connealy Confidence Plus Becka Gala of Conanga 8281 Elbanna of Conanga 1209 #*Connealy Consensus ■ Hilton Farms Elbasta of Conanga 9703 #*SAV Final Answer 0035 #Sitz Traveler 8180
*HF Jilt 502
+HF Jilt 3002 SAV Emulous 8145 #+SAV Bismarck 5682 +OSU Jilt 5162
CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +12 +.1 +80 +138 +.65 +13.7 +9 +26
DOC CLAW ANGLE MW CW MARB RE FAT +33 +.50 +.45 +78 +51 +.61 +.68 +.030
$Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +82 +88 +99 +48 +147 +273
CED 25 BW 42 WW 9 YW 27 DMI 35 YH 73 SC 60 Doc 3 HP 22 CEM 75 Milk 61 MW 33 MH 71 CW 41 Marb 53 RE 37 Fat 70 Tend 63 ■ Bred AI on 12/5/20 to Deer Valley Growth Fund. Checked
safe, due approximately 9/12/21.
Simply put, this is one massive Angus female whose phenotype presence is matched by her progeny sales record and equally impressive numerical profile that continues to be eclipsed by her offspring. The DNA tests like her blood... This female is in her prime and ready to contribute to any program regardless of the direction. HF Fast Forward - $20,000 valued son of Lot 60. Owned by Genex and Hilton Farms
Flushed 5 times, to produce 22 embryos. One progeny ratio.
BW 98, YW 105, IMF 115, RE 100. This proven donor produced the $20,000 valued HF Fast Forward, owned by Genex and Hilton Farms that is a featured member of the Genex lineup and a favorite of those who have seen him at stud. Lot 60 also produced a flush-mate sister to HF Fast Forward that was top-selling open heifer in the 2020 Angus Gathering. Ranks in the top 1% for Doc and $W; top 2% for WW, YW, and
RADG; top 3% for $M; top 5% for $C; top 10% for CED; top 15% for CE and $F; top 20% for HP and $B; top 25% for BW and Angle. Dam records progeny ratios of 3@98 for BW.
Lot 61 3F Countess 7812
Lot 62 EXAR Rita 7343
3F COUNTESS 7812 [ NHF ]
BD: 09-05-2017 COW *18963946 TATTOO: 7812
*Varilek Product 2010 04 #*Connealy Final Product
3F Epic 4631
Zebo Queen 1072 ■ Layton Cattle Co. & CMT Cattle Co.
Varilek Pearl 0006 014 #*EF Complement 8088 EXG Blackcap 6247 PPC
#+*RB Tour Of Duty 177
*3F Countess 5805
*3F Countess 2821 #+*Werner War Party 2417 +*BA Lady 6807 305 #*EXAR Upshot 0562B +*CCA Countess 025
CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +8 +.8 +89 +160 +.95 +8.7 +11 +29
DOC CLAW ANGLE MW CW MARB RE FAT +21 +.78 +.64 +121 +96 +.90 +.98 +.035
$Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +39 +94 +145 +64 +210 +311
CED 29 BW 29 WW 2 YW 1 DMI 100 YH 6 SC 32 Doc 49 HP 68 CEM 15 Milk 19 MW 2 MH 4 CW 1 Marb 15 RE 5 Fat 69 Tend 64 ■ PE’d from 12/24/20 to 3/20/21 to EF Jet Black 8656. Checked safe,
due to calve before sale day.
At the time of this writing, lot 61 ranks #1 in the Angus database among parent females when you use her EPD combination of BW, YW, CW, $B and $C. Among Epic parent daughters she ranks #1 when you use her combination of $B and $C. This Epic daughter stems back to the dam of Mytty In Focus, CCA
Countess 025. 7812 displays a very unique EPD profile, elite pedigree and does it with balance and style. Ranks in the top 1% for WW, YW, CW, $W, $F, $B, and $C; top 3% for RE; top 5% for RADG; top 10% for Marb and $G; top 25% for Doc and Milk.
BD: 02-01-2017 COW *18704783 TATTOO: 7343
#*EXAR Denver 2002B
EXAR Avatar 5516B
EXAR Lass 0129 ■ Matt Church
#*EXAR Upshot 0562B +Exar Royal Lass 1067 #EXAR Titlelist T011 Stevenson Lass 1066
#+EXAR EZX 3772B
#*AAR Ten X 7008 SA *EXAR Emulation 5598 Basin Joy 6278 +*EXAR Emulation 0677 #EXAR 263C +EXAR Emulation 5108
CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +9 +2.0 +53 +98 +1.34 +11.3 +13 +28
DOC CLAW ANGLE MW CW MARB RE FAT +8 +.46 +.37 +39 +40 +.82 +.49 -.008
$Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +64 +57 +96 +58 +154 +264
CED 26 BW 61 WW 86 YW 62 DMI 10 YH 83 SC 13 Doc 54 HP 52 CEM 13 Milk 51 MW 81 MH 80 CW 71 Marb 21 RE 53 Fat 10 Tend 8 ■ Bred AI on 11/10/20 to GB Fireball 672. Checked safe, due approxi-
mately 8/20/21.
This deep bodied Avatar daughter has great udder quality and milks really good! She weaned off a really nice Rolex bull calf this year and is sure to do the same with the Fireball calf she is carrying. Ranks in the top 4% for Angle; top 10% for CEM and $C; top 15% for SC,
Marb, $G, and $B; top 20% for Fat and $F; top 25% for CED.
BD: 09-24-2017 COW *19134709 TATTOO: 727
*HA Outside 3008
#*KG Solution 0018 *HA Cowboy Up 5405 #*HA Ever Lady 1575 #*HA Blackcap Lady 1602 #Sitz Upward 307R ■ J & J Cattle Co. HA Blackcap Lady 5515 +*PF Waukomis 7229 643T 1539 #*Connealy Consensus 7229 *PF Henrietta Pride 5624 +Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T +*PF 1P55 Henrietta Pride 3004 #*Summitcrest Complete 1P55 +Sitz Henrietta Pride 643T
CED BW WW YW SC HP CEM MILK +1 +5.3 +72 +122 +1.57 +6.1 +6 +22
DOC CLAW ANGLE MW CW MARB RE FAT +9 +.44 +.55 +79 +33 +.38 +.66 -.013
$Maternal $Wean $Feedlot $Grid $Beef $Combined +41 +59 +66 +41 +107 +180
CED 93 BW 98 WW 15 YW 33 DMI 76 YH 67 SC 21 Doc 88 HP 89 CEM 50 Milk 81 MW 22 MH 51 CW 78 Marb 72 RE 36 Fat 18 Tend 8
■ Bred AI to G A R Home Town. Due approximately 10/06/21. Powerful, sound female whose dam twice traces to Henrietta Pride 643T in the third generation. WW and YW EPDs rank in the best 10% of the breed. Grand-dam is a donor in the Shaw herd in Idaho. Ranks in the top 10% for WW, YW, SC; top 15% for Fat; top 20% for
RADG and Claw; top 25% for RE. Dam records progeny ratios of 4@101 for WW; 2@105 for YW; 1@112 for
IMF; 1@103 for RE.