TCTR - 2020 R1

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Q4: December 31, 2012

Asset Class: Target-Date Funds

Trademark Capital 2020 Fund Class R1Retirement 2020 Fund R1 Trademark Capital Target Growth of $10,000 Fund Description

Class R1 Shares 05/31/2007 - 12/31/2012

The Trademark Capital Target Retirement 2020 Fund seeks a moderate level of total return and the preservation of purchasing power of accumulated assets prior to and beyond the target retirement date. The10 Trademark Capital Target Date Series are collective investment funds (“CIFs”) created by TOP HOLDINGS the Hand Composite Employee Benefit Trust and sponsored by Hand Benefits & Trust Company, a BPAS company, that invest in the strategies of 1) HB&TCapital Short Term 6) Vanguard MSCI EAFE VEA Trademark which Income serves asFund the sub-advisor to the CIFs.

2) iShares Barclays Trademark CapitalTIPS Bond Fd Portfolio Management 3) Vanguard S&P 500 Team Joseph Ezernack, MBA

4) Vanguard Total Bond Market Chief Investment Officer 5) IShares Don BeasleyBrclys 20+ Yr Treasury Bnd Fnd Managing Director


Investment Share Class Approach

TIP Mid-Cap The Trademark/Wilshire glide path design adjusts the broadly diversified 7) Vanguard VO asset mix on a quarterly basis, gradually moving toward a more conservative allocation up to and VOO 8) Market Vctrs Emrgng Mrkts Lcl Crncy Bnd EMLC “through” retirement to life expectancy. This approach takes into account investor behavior assumptions beforeBarclays and afterInternational the target retirement date, whichBWX are used to create the BND both Treasry Bnd 9) SPDR slope of the glide path. TLT 10) Vanguard Small-Cap VB Allocation





The asset allocation and glide path strategy is 60% 41023X765 CUSIP powered by Wilshire Associates. Investment selection, management and downside protection $14,000 40% Fund Expense Ratio 0.90% overlay is managed by Trademark Capital.

Advisor Total ExpenseCapital Ratio* Trademark

Beta R


Weighted Average ETF

FUND DATA Trademark Flexguard Overlay expands in adverse

100% 80%

Trademark Flexguard Overlay

Fixed Income


Trademark Flexguard Overlay contracts under positive market conditions

20% 0.12%

Standard Deviation


0% 1.02%

0.33 M a 0.68 n a g e m e 7.31% n t

Sharpe Ratio

($10.20 per $1,000 invested) $11,000


market conditions

V o l a t i l i t y

Retirement Age



Maturity Age

2007-05 2007-07 2007-09 2007-11 2008-01 2008-03 2008-05 2008-07 2008-09 2008-11 2009-01 2009-03 2009-05 2009-07 2009-09 2009-11 2010-01 2010-03 2010-05 2010-07 2010-09 2010-11 2011-01 2011-03 2011-05 2011-07 2011-09 2011-11 2012-01 2012-03 2012-05 2012-07 2012-09 2012-11

$11,616.71 Trademark Capital Management, Inc. is aTarget Date 2020 $10,000 Age TR 25 Annual 30 35 4 0 Turnover 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 8855 45 50 55 60 65 70 101% 75 80 Portfolio Benchmark Morningstar Q4: December 31, 2012 federally registered investment advisor with *The fund expense ratio has 10 bps of service fees payable to the plan’s$9,000 serviceYoung Savers In-Retirement Harvesters InceptionMature DateAccumulators Near-Retirement Transitioners 2/1/2011 a Capital team The of2020 experienced and credentialed providers. total expense includes the fund expense ratio and the weighted (34 and younger) (35-49) (50-65) (65+) rademark Fund ratio Class R1 $8,000 1 professionals. For nearly two decades, average ETF expense. Fund vs. the S&P 500 rowth of $10,000 Class R1 Shares 05/31/2007 - 12/31/2012The Trademark Flexguard Overlay (TFO), can reduce exposure to the “equity” glide path $7,000 Trademark Capital has been steadfast in holding true to its core principles:TOP putting client’s interest during periods of elevated market risk. While the level of the TFO is lower for younger 10 HOLDINGS first and delivering TheMSCI EAFE ) HB&T Short Term Income Fund goal-oriented solutions. 6) Vanguard VEA investors, the pre-determined maximum levels of protection increase up to and “through” CALENDAR YEAR RETUR Trademark Capital investment TIP philosophy ) iShares Barclays TIPS Bond Fd 7) Vanguard Mid-Cap VO 2012 retirement. Q4: December2010 31, Trademark Fund R1 Morningstar Target Date 2010 QTD Y VOO Market Vctrs Emrgng Lcltarget Crncyretirement Bnd by not ) Vanguardcenters S&P 500 on the idea of “winning 8) losing.” EMLC At ageMrkts 65, the date, the maximum equity exposure is 55%. At age 85, the target maturity date, the maximum equity

) Vanguard Total Bond Market

) IShares Brclys 20+ Yr Treasury Bnd Fnd

Glide Path Consultant Wilshire FUND Associates FACTS


Trademark Capital 2020 Fund Class R1

exposure is 15%, which represents the lowest allocation to equities along the glide path. Treasry Bnd 9) SPDR Barclays International BWX 10) Vanguard Small-Cap

Trademark Capital 2020 Fund Class R1



Morningstar Target Date 2020 TR



VB Growth of $10,000 Class R1 Shares 05/31/2007 - 12/31/2012

FUND DATA $13,000


R1 Alpha 2.46% Founded in 1972, Wilshire Associates TOP 10 HOLDINGS $11,890.17 $12,000 41023X765 Beta USIP 0.33 (“Wilshire®”), a leading global independent Vanguard MSCI EAFE 1) HB&T Short Term Income Fund 6) VEA $11,000 nd Expenseinvestment Ratio 0.90% 0.68 CALENDAR YEAR HYPOTHETICAL & R2 consulting and services firm, has TIP iShares Barclays TIPS7.31% Bond Fd 7) Vanguard Mid-Cap VO eighted Average Standard Deviation 2)$10,000 moreETF than three decades0.12% of experience providing 12/31/2007 12/31 $10,830.92 Sharpe Ratio 1.02% 0.30 otal Expenserisk Ratio* VOO 3) $9,000 Vanguard S&P 500 8) Market Vctrs Emrgng Mrkts Lcl Crncy Bnd EMLC analytics, investment consulting, and ($10.20 per $1,000 invested) Annual Portfolio Turnover enchmark investment Morningstar Target 2020 TR 101% solutions toDate institutional investors $8,000 0.00% -7.9 BND SPDR2020 Barclays International Treasry Bnd Trademark Capital Fund Class R1 4) Vanguard Total Bond Market 9) BWX he fund expense ratio has 10 bps of service fees payable to the plan’s service Date 2/1/2011 currently serves Inception in excess viders. The total worldwide. expense ratio includesWilshire the fund expense ratio and the weighted $7,000 TLT Small-Cap 5) IShares Brclys YrS&P Treasury Bnd Fnd 10) Vanguard VB rage ETF expense. Fund20+ vs. the 500 $9, Growth of $10,000 $10,459 of 600 organizations in more than 20 countries $6,000 representing assets totaling more than US $6 1 FUND FACTS 0.00% -29 FUND $5,000 Morningstar Target Date 2020DATA TR CALENDAR YEAR RETURNS (%) - CLASS R1 SHARES trillion.* Inception to

hare Class

2007-05 2007-07 2007-09 2007-11 2008-01 2008-03 2008-05 2008-07 2008-09 2008-11 2009-01 2009-03 2009-05 2009-07 2009-09 2009-11 2010-01 2010-03 2010-05 2010-07 2010-09 2010-11 2011-01 2011-03 2011-05 2011-07 2011-09 2011-11 2012-01 2012-03 2012-05 2012-07 2012-09 2012-11


Share Class

Trustee Hand Benefits & Trust Company Hand Benefits & Trust Company (HB&T), a BPAS company, is a state-chartered trust company serving the retirement industry since 1963. HB&T, headquartered in Houston, is regulated by the Texas Department of Banking and is one of the country’s largest full service trust companies dedicated to retirement plans. *As of 12/31/09, based on published data in the 12/27/10 issue of Pension and Investments.


Trademark Capital 2020 Fund Class R1 CUSIP


1.44% Morningstar Target2020 Date 2020 TR Trademark Fund

Fund Expense Ratio


1 Year Alpha

5.06% 41023X765

5.06% Beta

R1 0.90%


3 Year

Date Growth of $10,000 3.21%



11.53% 7.76% Date1.44% Morningstar Target 2020 R2


Morningstar Target Date 2020 TR $9,627 Growth of $10,000 $10,459

*The fund expense ratio has 10 bps of service fees payable to the plan’s service 0.00% -29.57% Morningstar Target Date 2020 TR providers. The total expense ratio includes the fund expense ratio and the weighted $9,897 $6,971 Growth of $10,000 average ETF expense.


12/31/2010 Sharpe Ratio


0.33 0.68

CALENDAR RESULTS ($) 5/31/07 - 12/31/12 Weighted Average ETF YEAR HYPOTHETICAL 0.12%& ACTUAL Standard Deviation 12/31/2007 12/31/2008 Total Expense Ratio* ($10.20 per $1,000 invested) 1.02% 0.00% -7.96% Trademark Capital 2020 Fund Class R1







5.06% $11,890


24.18% 12.45% Inception Date





1 $10,831


Annual Turnover $10,769 Portfolio $11,732 $11,293 $8,657



Fund vs. the S&P 500 $12,000 $11,411.98 Illustrates a $10,000 investment made on 5/31/2007 with no additional deposits. $11,000 prior to February 1, 2011 is back-tested while performance after February 1, 2011 is based on actual results. Hypothetical, Performance back-tested performance information for the Fund is for illustrative purposes only and does not represent actual Fund performance. CALEND Hypothetical, back-tested performance has inherent limitations and is not indicative of future results. No representation is being made $10,000 that the Fund will achieve performance similar to that shown. The hypothetical performance does not reflect brokerage fees but is net of stated Fund expenses. $9,000 $8,000


Trademark Capital 2020 Fund Clas

r $1,000 invested)

r Target Date 2020 TR

Annual Portfolio Turnover

s payable to the plan’s service expense ratio and the weighted

Inception Date

101% 2/1/2011

Fund vs. the S&P 500 Trademark Capital Target Retirement 2020 Fund R1 1

CALENDAR YEAR RETURNS (%) - CLASS R1 SHARES Trademark Capital 2020 Fund Class R1





Inception to Date 3.07%

Morningstar Target Date 2020 TR








1 Year

3 Year

YEAR HYPOTHETICAL ACTUAL 12/31/12 Past Performance is no guarantee of future resultsCALENDAR and the actual performance of the benchmark and the & Fund may be lowerRESULTS or higher than($) the 5/31/07 hypothetical- past performance shown above. Fund returns are calculated net of fees. Fund returns are compared to the Morningstar Target Date 2020. Performance prior to February 1, 2011 is back-tested while performance after February 1, 2011 is based on actual 12/31/2007 12/31/2008 12/31/2009 12/31/2010 12/31/2011 12/31/2012 results. Date prior to actual inception is representative of the manager’s performance of a like strategy. Inception date used in the hypothetical return is May 31, 2007.

Trademark Capital Target Retirement 2020

Trademark Capital 2020 Fund Class R1

Target and Actual Allocation

Growth of $10,000

The actual allocation of the fund may differ from the Morningstar Target Date 2020 TR target allocation depending on the current position of Growth of $10,000 the Trademark Flexguard Overlay (TFO). The TFO can reduce exposure to the “equity” portion of the glide path when our model indicates periods of elevated market risk. The TFO provides higher levels of capital protection up to and “through” retirement for the near-dated Funds [2010, 2020 and 2030], while allowing for a higher standard deviation (i.e. up/down volatility) in the longer-dated Funds [2040 & 2050].

Key Considerations


0.00% $9,897


-29.57% Real Assets 4% $6,971

Int’l Stocks 16%


A one-step, broadly diversified, ‘managed for you’ solution that adjusts to an investors age, as well as, changes in the financial markets.




12/31/2012 Target Allocation $10,459 $9,627 $10,769 $11,732 24.18%



11.53% Real Assets





Int’l Stocks

Cash/TIPS 27%

US Stocks 39%31, December


US Stocks 16% Other Bonds 19%

Other Bonds 14%

A balanced approach - The management style not only balances risk with return, but also seeks to improve performance per unit of risk over traditional “diversified” portfolios. A great value - The underlying securities are exchangetraded funds (ETFs) resulting in significant cost savings.

Trademark Capital Target Retirement Fund 2010







After 1980


Cash/TIPS 57%

Growth of $10,000 Class R1 Shares 05/31/2007 - 12/31/2012 TOP 10 HOLDINGS 6) Vanguard MSCI EAFE

1) HB&T Short Term Income Fund TIP

2) iShares Barclays TIPS Bond Fd


7) Vanguard Mid-Cap


3) Vanguard S&P 500


8) Market Vctrs Emrgng Mrkts Lcl Crncy Bnd


4) Vanguard Total Bond Market


9) SPDR Barclays International Treasry Bnd



5) IShares Brclys 20+ Yr Treasury Bnd Fnd

10) Vanguard Small-Cap


Before 1949


Trademark Capital 2020 Fund Class R1

A winning combination - Combining Wilshire’s glide path expertise with a proprietary downside protection strategy that has been used in client accounts since 1991.

Year of Birth


12/31/2012 Actual Allocation $11,890



Share Class CUSIP

R1 41023X765


0.33 0.68



Weighted Average ETF


Standard Deviation

Total Expense Ratio*

($10.20 per $1,000 invested)


Morningstar Target Date 2020 TR

*The fund expense ratio has 10 bps of service fees payable to the plan’s service providers. The total expense ratio includes the fund expense ratio and the weighted average ETF expense.

As defined in the Declaration of Trust and Participation Agreement documents, the Funds are available for investment by eligible qualified retirement plan trusts only. Principal invested is not guaranteed at any time, including at or after the fund’s specific target retirement date. Participants and beneficiaries may experience losses near, at or after the target date and there is no guarantee that the investment will provide adequate retirement income. The participants and beneficiaries on whose behalf assets are invested in a QDIA have the right to direct the investment to any other investment alternative under the plan, subject to any fees or limitation that may apply to such transfer under the plan. The target date fund should be selected based on factors in addition to age or retirement date, including investment objectives, time horizon, risk tolerance and fees and the stated asset allocation may be subject to change. It is possible to lose money by investment in the fund including at and after the target date. The glide path methodology assumes at the target retirement age the participant or beneficiary withdraws 5% of the account value per year. The Trademark Capital Target Retirement Funds performance prior to February 1, 2011 represents hypothetical back-tested results for the funds while performance after February 1, 2011 is based on actual results. The performance results reflect the reinvestment of dividends and other account earnings, and the maximum Fund investment manage-ment fee that would have been charged by Trademark had Trademark managed the Fund during the corresponding time period plus estimated corresponding Fund expenses (estimated at .90% annually), and any separate fees assessed directly by each security (mutual funds, exchange traded funds, etc.) that comprised the portfolio. Therefore all results are net of fees. As market conditions fluctuate, the investment return and principal value of any investment will change. Diversification may not protect against market risks. There are risks involved with investing, including possible loss of principal. Different types of investments and/ or investment strategies involve varying levels of risk, and there can be no assurance that any specific investment or investment strategy (including the investments purchased and/or investment strategies devised or undertaken by Trademark) will be profitable.


Sharpe Ratio


Annual Portfolio Turnover


Inception Date

IMPORTANT RISK CONSIDERATIONS The Trademark Capital Target Retirement Funds are Collective Investment Funds (CIFs) sponsored by Hand Benefit & Trust Company. The CIFs are not mutual funds and shares are not deposits of Hand Benefits & Trust, a BPAS company, or Trademark Capital Management, and are not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or any other agency. The CIFs are securities which have not been registered under the Securities Act of 1933 and are exempt from investment company registration under the Investment Act of 1940.



Fund Expense Ratio


VB 1

2/1/2011 1

Fund vs. the S&P 500


Past performance may not be indicative of future results. Therefore, no current or prospective client should assume that future performance will be profitable, equal the performance results reflected, or equal the corresponding historical benchmark index. The historical performance results for the benchmark does not reflect the deduction of transaction and custodial charges, or the deduction of an investment management fee, the incurrence of which would have the effect of decreasing indicated historical Capital 2020 Fund Class R1 performance results. Benchmarks are unmanaged and one cannot Trademark invest directly in a benchmark. The historical performance results for the benchmark is provided exclusively for comparison purposes only, Targetclient Datein2020 TR so as to provide general comparative information to assist an individualMorningstar client or prospective determining whether Trademark Funds meets, or continues to meet, his/her investment objective(s). Please Also Note: (1) performance results do not reflect the impact of taxes; (2) It should not be assumed that account holdings will correspond directly to any benchmark index; and, (3) comparative indices may be more or less volatile than the Trademark Funds. CALENDAR YEAR HYPOT

The performance results (5/31/07-12/31/10) reflect hypothetical, back-tested results, that were achieved by 1 means of the retroactive application of a back-tested portfolio and, as such, the corresponding results have inherent limitations, including: (1) Fund results do not reflect the results of actual trading using client assets, but were achieved by means of the retroactive application of each Trademark of the referenced portfolios, certainClass R1 Capital 2020 Fund aspects of which may have been designed with the benefit of hindsight; (2) back-tested performance may not reflect the impact that any material market or economic factors might have had on the adviser’s use of of $10,000 the hypothetical portfolio if the portfolio had been used during the period to actually mangeGrowth client assets; and, (3) Trademark’s clients may have experienced investment results during the corresponding time periods that were materially different from those portrayed in the portfolio. Hypothetical performance results have Morningstar Target Date 2020 TR been compiled solely by Trademark, are unaudited, and have not been independently verified. Trademark maintains all information supporting the performance results in accordance with regulatory requirements. Growth of $10,000 Information pertaining to Trademark’s advisory operations, services, and fees is set forth in Trademark’s current disclosure statement, a copy of which is available from Trademark upon request Performance results have been compiled solely by Trademark, are unaudited, and have not been independently verified. Trademark maintains all information supporting the performance results in accordance with regulatory requirements. Benchmark performance reflects results as reported directly by each respective index and/or obtained by Trademark from other reliable sources, and have not been independently verified by Trademark. This material is for Investment Professional use only.

For more information, contact your financial advisor or call Trademark Capital at 1-800-808-8960

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