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Lincoln Logan McPherson Extension offers pesticide certification

The Lincoln Logan McPherson Extension Office is offering the following Private Pesticide Applicator’s Certification Trainings:

February 15th, 9:30 am – 12:00 p.m., CT Logan County Courthouse, Stapleton

March 14th, 9:00 – 11:30 a.m., CST, North Platte, WCREEC Classroom, 402 W State Farm Road

April 13th, 9:00 – 11:30 noon, CST, North Platte, WCREEC Classroom, 402 W State Farm Road

Online training https:// pested.unl.edu/certificationand-training

Please call the Extension Office at least 1 day prior to the training so we can be sure to have enough materials and spaces for the training. Listen to the radio for weather cancellations. Please note the cost of the Training Classes is $50 per applicator. CELL PHONES MUST BE TURNED OFF DURING THE TRAINING PER THE NEBRASKA DEPARMENT OF AGRICULTURE.

Private applicators will be required to add categories to their license to perform soil (01A) or structural/non-soil fumigation (11). Private applicators who wish to apply restricted use pesticides (RUPs) by aircraft (including drones) will be required to obtain a commercial or non-commercial license and add the Aerial Pest Control category (12). Private applicators categories are added by passing the category exam at any Nebraska Department of Agriculture commercial/noncommercial applicator testing session. Exams will not be offered during private applicator training.

Please watch the mail for your State of Nebraska letter that needs to be completed and brought to the training. You will also owe $25 for a 3-year license to the State of Nebraska after the training by mail (watch for postcard). Remember to contact the office one day prior to the session by email at rsaner2@unl.edu or by phone at 308-532-2683 Lincoln Logan McPherson. Chemigation dates for the area are as follows:

February 15th, 1:00 pm

##### My friend told me he had the body of a Greek god. I had to explain to him that Buddha is not Greek.


Q: What has more lives than a cat?

A: A frog because it croaks every night.


Q: What do you call a cow that just gave birth?

A: Decalfeinated.

CT, Logan County Courthouse Stapleton –RSVP 308-532-2683

March 14th, 1:00 pm CT WCREEC, 402

W State Farm Road, North Platte – RSVP 308-532-2683

April 13th, 1:00 pm CT WCREEC, 402

W State Farm Road, North Platte – RSVP 308-532-2683

June 6th, 9:00 am CT WCREEC, 402

W State Farm Road, North Platte – RSVP 308-532-2683

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