2 minute read

For Pete’s Sake Day

Celebrated on: February 26th

Oh, for Pete’s sake! Not another pointless holiday?

For Pete’s Sake Day celebrates one example of a ‘minced oath’, where an offensive word or phrase is substituted by something more acceptable in society. Other examples include ‘For crying out loud!’, and ‘Sugar!’. Such euphemisms have been used for centuries whenever people hit thumbs with hammers, burn hands on hot plates, or sit on sharp things while in polite company. Why has Pete been singled out for special attention?

In the case of this particular minced oath, Pete is likely to refer to St Peter. However, if there’s a Pete in your life, why not do something for his sake? It doesn’t have to be much –making him a cup of tea or a nice sandwich would be good!

If you are Pete-less, perhaps you can celebrate by saying ‘For Pete’s Sake’ whenever you get an opportunity.


BARLEY: Moravian 165, Bill Coors 100 (Molson-Coors contract varieties available here) Hockett, AC Metcalfe, Haymaker and others

1/3 oats


Alforex varieties: AFX429 Rugged and Resolute; Magnum 7, Magnum 7 wet, L-442RR, HayPro, Ladak,

In 2016, a student left a pineapple in an art museum in Scotland. Two days later, it had been placed in a glass case as part of an exhibition.

2022 4-H swine Dawson County Fair results

CONTINUED FROM PAGE B10 and Dallee Barnes (G).

The Champion and Reserve Champion Gilts selected were owned by Emma Peterson (G).

OVERALL GRAND CHAMPION AND RESERVE CHAMPION - The judge chose the Grand and Reserve Champion market swine as an example of the kind of market-ready animals 4-H’ers may want to bring to future fairs. Emma Peterson (G) took home the Overall Grand Champion Market Hog trophy and the Overall Reserve Champion trophy.

Group of 5 – Tail Twisters 4-H Club pen of five swine received top awards. The group received a purple ribbon and the club name will be engraved on a plaque. Other purple ribbons in the pen-of-five entries were Horseshoe Bend.

Peace Corps Day

Peace Corps Day ,March calendar holiday.

Date When Celebrated : This holiday is always held on March 1

On this day in 1961, U.S. President John F. Kennedy issued Executive Order 10924 establishing the Peace Corps. Then, on September 21, 1961, the U.S. Congress approved the Peace Corps Act.

Peace Corps Day commemorates the creation of this very important U.S. government run program,

The Peace Corps is a volunteer program. It was established to send an “army” of civilian volunteers to underdeveloped countries, assisting in a wide variety of ways. The official mission of the Peace Corps is to provide social and economic development abroad through technical assistance, while promoting mutual understanding between Americans and populations served. Volunteers are American citizens, often college graduates straight out of school. The volunteers undergo 3 months of training, followed by a two year service assignment in practically any area of the world where they are needed. Volunteers can request and extension of their assignment.

Use Peace Corp Day to recognize the importance of the Peace Corps program, and to show appreciation to the many volunteers.

Did You Know? Over 235,000 Americans have joined the Peace Corps and served in over 140 countries.

Equipment For Sale

Flexi-Coil 5000, 39-ft., 12” spacing, front and rear carts, double shoot $15,000

2008 John Deere 1895 air drill, 43-ft., 10” spacing, mid row banders, 430 cart, lots of greasless upgrades $95,000 Conveyor 15x100-ft., with drive over $7500

Tires and rims 520/85R38 10-bolt rim, 11 inch center Make offer

Phone (406) 390-4695, Joplin, Montana


Lord, thank you for reminding me to roll up the back window before I went through the self-serve car wash!


Okay, Father God, so I don’t bake cookies anymore. I’m still good for something–eating the ones other people bake. Thank you for the ability to taste and enjoy sweet desserts!

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