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Springtime brings tick risks to people and cattle like
The arrival of springtime begins a busy season around the farm, but it also marks the beginning of the tick season. In Pennsylvania, tick-borne disease is a well-known problem in people and pets but tick-related concerns in cattle are growing thanks to the invasive Asian Longhorned Tick (ALT, Haemaphysalis longicorinis). The ALT was first recognized in the United States in 2017 (Rainey et al., 2017). Since that time, it has been identified in at least 18 states, including Pennsylvania and all neighboring states, based on a USDA map that tracks the spread of this invasive species. This tick is unique because it is parthenogenic, meaning it does not need a male to reproduce. A single parthenogenic female transported to a new location can start a new population that can grow rapidly because all ticks born are female and can produce eggs.
These rapid population explosions can be detrimental to cattle. In Australia and New Zealand, where invasive ALT populations have been present for many years, severe infestations have been reported to cause milk production losses and even death from blood loss (Heath, 2016). However, the risk of the ALT to cattle goes beyond its direct effects. This tick can also vector the blood parasite Theileria orientalis genotype Ikeda, which can cause disease in cattle. The first U.S. case report of Theileria associated bovine anemia (TABA), the disease caused by this parasite, describes the deaths of 7 cattle across multiple age groups on a single cow/ calf operation. These deaths were initially suspected, based on disease signs, to be bovine anaplasmosis, a disease that presents similarly to TABA. When an 8th animal became ill, more in-depth diagnostics were undertaken and TABA was diagnosed for the first time in the U.S. (Oakes et al., 2019). This disease is characterized by weak, lethargic cattle, often with a fever. There are no vaccines available to prevent TABA and no treatments, aside from supportive care, once cattle do get ill. Although few cases of TABA have been reported in Pennsylvania, producers should start taking steps now to protect their herd from the ALT.
Tick exposure occurs when cattle are outdoors, so those housed in confinement are at minimal risk of ALT and TABA. For cattle that do spend time on pasture, it is important to understand whether the ALT is present in the area or not. The ALT has been identified in southeastern and southwestern PA, as well as Centre County, as of April 2023, but it may be more widespread across the state. Increased monitoring for the ALT can help better understand its true range and where cattle may be at risk. Any time pastured cattle are handled is an opportunity to check for ticks. Ticks prefer thin-skinned areas and can often be found on the ears, under the jaw, or under the front legs. If ticks are found on pastured cattle, they can be removed and submitted to the Penn State Extension Insect Identification Laboratory for identification. When ALT or any ticks are identified on cattle, additional steps to protect cattle from tick bites can be taken.
Ticks prefer tall grasses and brushy areas where they quest or sit and wait for prospective hosts, like cattle, to pass by. Fencing cattle out of brushy areas and keeping pastures mowed can help reduce exposure to questing ticks. A good fly control program can also help reduce tick bites. Although there are currently no products for cattle specifically labeled for the ALT, many products will likely help prevent tick bites. Several spray and pour-on fly products were recently tested against the ALT. Under laboratory conditions, all tested products effectively killed the ALT at labeled concentrations (Butler et al., 2021). If these measures still do not effectively manage ALT populations, additional steps can be taken, such as maintaining a mowed buffer around pastures.
Although identifying the spread of the ALT and protecting cattle from tick bites is important, protecting people from ticks is also critical during this high-risk season. Pennsylvania is home to ticks carrying the pathogens that cause multiple human diseases, including Lyme disease, babesiosis, and anaplasmosis (a different pathogen than what causes bovine anaplasmosis). Avoiding brushy areas and tall grasses, using tick sprays, such as those containing DEET, and treating clothing with permethrin can help reduce the risk of tick bites. After spending time outdoors, it is important to conduct a thorough tick check to remove any ticks that may have gotten past other tick prevention measures. Tick season is a risky time of year for both people and cattle. Amongst all the other items on the springtime to-do list, it is important to keep an eye out for the ALT and to take steps to prevent tick bites for people and cattle alike.
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Winter Wheat may have more value as forage than taking it to grain
By Aaron Berger, Nebraska Extension Beef Educator
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Current cattle market conditions, along with the price and short availability of hay, have created a scenario where the growing winter wheat crop may have more value for producers for grazing or as a hay crop this spring than to harvest it for grain. The current market value of good quality prairie hay and alfalfa ranges from $180 to $270 per ton. Hay stocks are short. Harvested feed costs at current hay prices range from $3 to $4 per cow-calf pair daily.
For some producers, the option to graze out wheat or harvest it as hay may net more value per acre than harvesting it for grain, especially if grazing would keep them from purchasing additional feed at current market prices. This is particularly true if weather conditions or disease have damaged wheat and will reduce expected grain yields. One acre of wheat in May and early June with adequate moisture could provide one cow-calf pair for 45 days or more of grazing. At $3.50 per day, this is a value of over $150 per acre. Windrowing the wheat at late boot to the early head stage and strip grazing the windrows with cow-calf pairs is an option that will maximize grazing harvest efficiency and minimize harvesting costs. For more on this option, see the article “Windrow Grazing Annual Forages in the Growing Season to Increase Harvest Efficiency and Productivity” at beef.unl.edu.
After the stress of this winter, cow-calf pairs would specifically benefit from this high-quality grazing opportunity, especially if cow body condition needs to improve prior to breeding. Wheat pasture also provides the opportunity to get cow-calf pairs out of dry lots and on to clean ground which can benefit calf health. In western Nebraska, stocker cattle can be expected to gain very well on wheat during May and early June, ranging from 1.5 to 2.5 pounds per head per day. With the current value of gain for stocker cattle, this may be an attractive option.
Pasturing wheat also will help to facilitate the delaying of turnout onto pastures or native ranges, allowing those pastures to establish grass growth prior to the start of grazing. Delaying grazing will be particularly valuable this year as plants were severely stressed after the harsh drought conditions of 2022. Delaying turnout will allow grass to utilize available soil moisture for forage growth. The delayed turnout often results in more total forage growth that can be utilized later in the grazing season. Early growth will be especially beneficial for catching and retaining precipitation that occurs. Fencing, water, and a sacrifice area to get cattle onto should wet conditions happen during grazing are factors that should be considered when evaluating the potential for grazing wheat. To help reduce the risk of grass tetany, especially for lactating cows, a high magnesium mineral supplement should be fed to cattle two to four weeks before turn out and during grazing. For more information on when to start grazing and management practices to effectively utilize this forage see the article “Getting the Most Out of Grazing Cereal Rye and Other Winter-hardy Small Cereals” at beef.unl.edu.
If cattle grazing is not feasible, harvesting wheat as hay is another alternative that may net more dollars per acre than harvesting the crop as grain. Wheat harvested as forage often yields over two tons of hay per acre. It is important to consider the livestock you plan to feed the hay to before you pick your harvest date. For young growing cattle, wheat hay should be cut in the boot stage or as soon as possible after heading to ensure good protein and energy content as well as palatability. If mature, dry beef cows are the targeted users for the hay, harvest can be delayed a little longer to increase yield, but doing so will sacrifice nutritive value and palatability. Grazing wheat or harvesting it early in the boot stage for hay could also open a window of opportunity to plant a summer annual forage into the wheat stubble as a second crop if good moisture conditions are present.
A partial budget that analyzes both costs and projected revenues associated with grazing cattle, windrow grazing, cutting for hay, or harvesting wheat for grain can be helpful to producers in evaluating these options. Grazing or haying options should also be evaluated, considering the potential impact that they will have on subsequent crop production, insurance, and potential government payments. For more information on crop budgeting, visit cap.unl. edu/cropbudgets.