Vol. XVIII No. 9 P.O. Box 997 Conrad, MT 59425-0997
Phone 406-271-5533 Fax 406-271-5727 website: tradersdispatch.com
Wyoming hosts 2017 Range Beef Cow Symposium
By University of Wyoming Extension Dates for one of the premier production beef cattle symposiums in the country have been set. This year’s XXV Range Beef Cow Symposium (RBCS) is Tuesday-Thursday, November 28-30, at the Little America Resort and Convention Center in Cheyenne, said Steve Paisley, University of Wyoming (UW) Extension beef cattle specialist. The symposium begins at 9 a.m. Tuesday and concludes Thursday with a half-day cattle-handling workshop. Additional information such as agenda, registration and lodging is available at www.rangebeefcow.com. More than 25 speakers will address beef production topics such as nutrition, marketing, health, reproduction, consumer demand and current industry issues. “The Range Beef Cow Symposium is a great opportunity to listen to nationally recognized speakers on a wide variety of topics,” said Paisley, who is also an associate professor in the Department of Animal Science in UW’s College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Started in 1969 at Chadron, Nebraska, and held every other year, the RBCS is organized by the animal science departments of Colorado State University, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, South Dakota State University and UW. The event rotates between Colorado, western Nebraska, western South Dakota and Wyoming. The event focuses on beef production issues in the western states. “The symposium has continued to grow in popularity and is now recognized as one of the premiere production beef cattle symposiums in the country,” said Paisley. The RBCS regularly attracts attendees from across the region and more than 80 agribusiness booth vendors for the three-day event, he said. Paisley said nightly “Bull Pen Sessions” are one of the most popular aspects of the RBCS. The invited speakers are brought back as panelists and are available for informal question-and-answer sessions. For more information, contact Paisley at 307-837-2000 at the James C. Hageman Sustainable Agriculture Research and Extension Center near Lingle or at spaisley@uwyo.edu.
Oct. 14, Barnes Auction Service, Mallon Ranch, Dillon.................................... A2 Oct. 14, Kamerman Auction Co, Goldenstein Ranch Estate, Bozeman.......... A4 Oct. 21, Weishaar Auction Service, Merkel Retirement, Hettinger ND............ A8 Oct. 21, Hi Line Auction, Moving & Estate Sale, Malta..................................... B4 Oct. 25, Pifer’s Auctioneers, Jorstad Retirement, Regent, ND......................... A9 Oct. 27, Shobe Auction & Realty, Hadley Farm, Fairfield.................................. B7 Oct. 28, RK Statewide Auction, Holt Gun & Coin, Sidney............................... A13 Nov. 3-4, Shobe Auction & Realty, Fall Gatherin’, Lewistown........................ B13 Nov. 4, Charlton Auction Service, Mattson Farm, Hays AB Canada.............. A19 Nov. 4, Ophus Auction Service, End of Year Consignment, Big Sandy......... A17
Fundamentals for Farm Families Forum
MSU Extension in Chouteau County will be hosting the fourth annual Fundamentals for Farm Families Forum from 8:30 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. with check-in beginning at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, November 2, 2017 at the Community Bible Center in Fort Benton, Montana. The center is located at 911 16th street in Fort Benton. Daycare will be provided for attendees upon request by contacting the Chouteau County Extension Office. CONTINUED ON PAGE A2
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Reserve Champion Market Steer shown by Jessica Wigen. Purchased by Gruber Masonry. Photo courtesy of Mary Meyer, Lewis and Clark 4-H.
Big game hunting on Fort Harrison
By Ryan Finnegan permitted. Hunters must follow all FWP A new Purple Heart Deer Hunt program deer hunting regulations for Hunting Diswill allow up to five Purple Heart recipitrict 388, a weapon restricted area. ents each year the opportunity to hunt big Reservations are on a first come basis and game on the training area of Fort William opened on October 1 each year. ReservaHenry Harrison. The available dates for the tions can be made by phone to Fort Harrison 2017 hunt are November 13-18. Range Control at 406-324-3694. In addition to being Purple Heart recipi“The veterans who will take part in the ents, hunters must also possess a Permit to Montana Purple Heart Deer Hunt have Hunt from a Vehicle from Montana Fish, given so much to our nation that this new Wildlife and Parks (FWP) to be eligible program is the least we can do in return,” for this program. Only one hunter will be said Maj. Gen. Matthew Quinn, the Adjutant allowed each day, with no party hunting General for Montana. “I encourage everyone who is eligible to make a reservation to participate.”
Fruit tree research field day in Helena
MSU Extension has been conducting fruit tree cultivar research at 10 locations across the state since 2013. They will be hosting a field day at Johnson’s Garden research site on Sunday, October 22nd from 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Johnson’s Garden is located at 5935 McHugh Lane outside of Helena. The event will start with a presentation on growing fruit trees in Montana followed by a presentation at 3:00 pm on preserving apples. There will be a cider pressing demonstration and fruit for sale. This event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact the Lewis and Clark County Extension Office, 447-8346 or email bsarchet@montana.edu.
Ehlke Herefords, Townsend...........................................A7 Feddes Herefords, Manhattan.......................................A7 J Bar E Ranch, Plentywood...........................................A7 L Bar W, Loyning & Walen Cattle Co., Absarokee........A7 McMurry Cattle, Billings.................................................A7
Oct. 17, Hereford Influence Feeder Calf Sale, Miles City.. ....................................................................................... A7 Oct. 23, J & L Livestock, Billings................................. A11 Nov. 9, Diamond D Angus, Valier................................. A25 Nov. 15, Hereford Influence Feeder Calf Sale, Three Forks............................................................................. A7 Jan. 23, 2018, Churchill Cattle Co, Manhattan.............. A7
Advertiser Index Page B1 Recipe Patch Page A49
Deadline for November issue is November 1
Trader’s Dispatch October 2017 — Page A2
MANURE SPREADER FOR HIRE I will load, haul and spread your piles. Call for rates and availability Phone (406) 868-2295
NDSU celebrates 44 years of excellence in agriculture By NDSU Extension Service
The 44th annual Harvest Bowl program at North Dakota State University (NDSU) will be held November 10 and 11. Highlights of the event include a Harvest Bowl dinner and awards program on November 10 at the Delta by Marriott, formerly known as the Ramada Plaza Suites, and the Harvest Bowl football game between NDSU and South Dakota on November 11. Also on November 11, as part of Harvest Bowl, honorees will participate in educational sessions and tours on the NDSU campus. As the state’s land-grant university, NDSU plays a major role in contributing knowledge through research, academic programs and the Extension Service. More than 2,700 agriculturists have been recognized and more than $210,000 in scholarships have been awarded to NDSU student athletes who are studying agriculture, business or premed and come from an agricultural background. The NDSU Harvest Bowl program recognizes the success, dedication and hard work of outstanding agriculturists in 53 counties in North Dakota and 10 counties in western Minnesota. An agribusiness award recipient is chosen annually. This award recognizes individuals who have distinguished themselves in the field of agriculture and business in North Dakota and beyond. Jack Dalrymple, former Governor of North Dakota, will receive the 2017 award. For information on Harvest Bowl and to register, visit the NDSU Foundation and Alumni Association website at http:// www.ndsualumni.com/, call the NDSU alumni office toll-free at 800-279-8971 or locally at 701-231-6800, or email Lana Hillius at lana@ndsualumni.com.
Everyone is invited to attend whether you live on a farm or ranch or not. Some of the workshop topics will include sessions on developing a disaster evacuation plan, varmint control, and farm safety. In addition, a panel discussion will take place after lunch where experienced farm and ranch women will share information about their own experiences. Lunch sponsors include Chouteau County Farm Bureau Federation and Jared Vielleux of Farm Bureau Financial Services. Preregistration is requested on or before October 27. To register, or for more information, contact the Chouteau County Extension Office at 406-622-3751. More information will be available soon on the Chouteau County MSU Extension website at msuextension.org/chouteau and the MSU Extension Chouteau County Facebook page.
October 2017 — Vol. XVIII No. 9 Published monthly by Trader’s Dispatch Inc., PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997. Free on request to farmers, ranchers, heavy equipment owners and truckers in the Western United States. Non-qualifying in-state annual subscription fee is $15. Out-of-state nonqualifying U.S. annual subscription $25. Periodicals Postage Paid at Conrad, MT and at additional mailing offices.
Deadline for November issue WEDNESDAY, November 1. Postmaster: Send address changes to Trader’s Dispatch, PO Box 997, Conrad, MT 59425-0997 Jean Aaberg, production Geri Aaberg, circulation Chrissy Kolste, content organizer Kathy Peterson, Chrissy Kolste and Suzy Benzing, ad layout. Office Phone 406-271-5533 FAX 406-271-5727 e-mail: trader@3rivers.net www.tradersdispatch.com Notice: Advertisers purchase space and circulation only. All property rights to any advertisements produced for the advertiser by Trader’s Dispatch, using artwork or typography furnished or arranged by Trader’s Dispatch shall be the property of Trader’s Dispatch. No such ad or any part thereof may be reproduced or assigned without the consent of Trader’s Dispatch.
Iron-deficiency chlorosis observed in soybean fields
By NDSU Extension Service Iron-deficiency chlorosis (IDC) has been observed in many soybean fields in North Dakota and northwestern Minnesota during the 2017 growing season, according to Hans Kandel, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension agronomist. Soybean IDC is a nutrient deficiency that occurs if soybean plants are unable to take up enough iron, even if sufficient iron is in the soil. Affected plant tissues are yellow with green veins. Yellowing, browning and stunting of the plants during the early vegetative stages will result in reduced soybean yields. The symptoms usually show early during the growing season when the plants are in the two- to seven-trifoliate leaf stages. Soybean plants may grow out of the IDC symptoms and turn green at the end of the vegetative growth stages. During the early summer, NDSU researchers tested 241 Roundup Ready and Xtend soybean varieties, as well as 69 conventional and Liberty Link varieties for IDC tolerance. The test results are available at https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/ varietytrials/soybean. The results are based on field studies conducted at four locations with known IDC problems. Visual ratings were made on a 1 to 5 scale, with 1 representing no chlorosis and 5 being the most severe chlorosis. Ratings were taken at multiple growth stages. Soybean varieties have genetic differences for tolerance to IDC. No soybean variety is immune to chlorosis, but large differences occur between the most tolerant and most susceptible varieties. “Variety selection is the most important management strategy to reduce IDC expression in the field,” says Ted Helms, NDSU soybean breeder. “This data has been provided to encourage farmers to select IDC-tolerant cultivars for fields that have a past history of IDC.” The North Dakota Soybean Council provided funding for the studies.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A3
##### When canned goods are frozen, then thawed, the texture may change but the food is still safe to eat. Be sure the seal is intact.
John Deere 346 square baler, 14x18, twine, hydraulic tension.....$2500 International Farmall Super MTA tractor with IH wide front end...$2250 Phone Jason at (406) 490-5409, Deer Lodge, MT
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Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A4
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2017 Winter Wheat Variety Performance in Central Montana
By Jed Eberly and Jim Berg, Central Ag Research Center The 2017 growing season in Central The following tables show yield, test Montana was challenging due to the exweight, and protein for all locations. Gross tended drought experienced by much of returns per were also calculated for each the region this summer. Precipitation at variety and location. Note that this calcuthe Central Ag Research Center (CARC) lated return does not take into account any in Moccasin, MT for the crop year, Sept expenses but does account for dockage and 01, 2016 to Aug 31, 2017, was 10.4 inches premiums associated with the test weight which is 4.9 inches less than the annual and protein. Average yields were highest average. July rainfall was less than half at Geraldine with an overall average of all of the historic monthly average while Auvarieties of 80.1 bu/acre while Denton avergust recorded less than 1/5 of the historic aged only 39.6 bu/acre. The CARC location monthly average. averaged 13.9% protein across all varieties On-Farm winter wheat performance tricompared to 13.5% for Denton, 12.3% for als were established at CARC-Moccasin, Highwood, 11.4% for Geraldine, and 8.9% Denton, Belt, Highwood, and Geraldine. for Belt. Seeding dates were Sept 27, 2016 at Denton, MSU winter wheat breeder Phil Bruckner Sept 28, 2016 at Highwood and Belt, Sept and associate breeder Jim Berg coordinated 30, 2016 at Moccasin, and Oct 25, 2016 at the selection of entries and the preparation Geraldine. Starter fertilizer, 20-30-20-10 of seed for the on-farm cultivar trials. This NPKS was applied at seeding. Additional work was supported by the Montana Wheat N was applied at the CARC location at a & Barley Committee. Additional informarate of 57 pounds N per acre. tion on variety trials can be found at http:// agresearch.montana.edu/carc
Farm Estate Auction Saturday, Oct. 14, 2017 • 10 am 7190 Goldenstein Lane, Bozeman, MT
*Case MX 120 w/loader low hrs *JD 4430 Tractor w/loader, nice *IH 986 nice *JD 320 skidsteer 750 hrs *Harley Davidson Road King classic low miles *Honda 1100 shadow low miles *Polaris 700 ATV w/plow *Kawasaki 650 brute force ex *Grasshopper Mower *Aluma ATV trailer *Tillage & NH 688 round baler *Farm & Shop equipment *Firearms & Household furniture *Antiques & Primitives For more info:
Watch for full listing on website: www.wkauction.net and the September 2017 Trader’s Dispatch page A35
2013 Case IH Steiger 500HD with 1000 hours, PTO, Powershift transmission, 4 high capacity hydraulics, full AutoSteer complete with 372 receiver, Pro 700 monitor, 710/70R42 Firestone duals, front and rear weight package, luxury air ride cab............ $232,500 (5) 2012 Case IH 8230 combines, 900/60R32 singles, 600/65R28 rear tires, extended wear thrashing components, 120 blade mega cut choppers, air compressors, deluxe cab, AutoSteer ready...... $165,500 1994 New Holland 8670 (210 PTO hp) Genesis tractor, 7200 hours, complete with New Holland 7514 front end loader, 3-point hitch, 1000 PTO, 520/85R38 single rears, 16.9R28 weight package.............. $49,900 2015 Steiger 500HD PTO, Guidance, Pro 700 monitor, 800/70R38 duals, fully equipped, 900 hours. Very clean........................................................... $309,500 2017 Case IH Steiger 620Q quad track, PTO, auto guidance, 36” track, HID light package, full weight package, twin flow hydraulics, luxury cab, 200 hours, etc. 2.5% Financing with 1/3 down payment. Balance over 3 years with annual payments... $449,000 (3) 2013 Case IH 8230 combines, C/W MacDon PW7 pickup headers (used less than 500 acres), 1300 separator hours, 520R42 duals, 600R28 rear tires, lateral tilt feeder house, extended wear threshing components, full guidance with 372 receiver, megafine cut chopper, DEF delete kits................ $185,500 2013 John Deere 6150R tractor, 150 engine hp, FWA, 20 speed PowerShift transmission, 520R42 rear tires and 480R30 front tires, 2060 hours, complete with H360 FEL and grapple. This tractor is very clean, one owner. Extended warranty to August 2018......... ................................................................... $121,500 New Holland P1060 air drill, 430 bushel tow between air cart and P2060 70-ft. air drill, 10” spacing............ ..................................................................... $81,900
Phone Roger Wilde, (406) 470-0321
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A5
www.bigequipment.com 406-265-9554 or 888-265-9554 1287 Hwy 87 West, HAVRE, MT FOR PARTS CALL TENSON 406-265-9554
Hot Buy!! 2015 Versatile 280SX – Same specs as 2017 - $80,000 off new - 192 Hrs, 120 Ft Boom, 1200 SS Tank, 120-152” Manual Adjust Axle, Autoboom Ultraglide, Chemical Eductor, Variable Rate, Outback GPS ...................................................................................$239,000 Vogel Wick Weeder - 40 Foot, No Overspray, 4 Wheeler Can Pull ........ ................................................................................................$3,500
2012 Versatile 550 - 900 Hrs, PShift, Firestone 800/70R38 Duals, HD Front & Rear Diff Locks, Front, Rear, Upper Weight Packages, 58 gpm, Deluxe Cab W/ Leather, HID lighting, 4 Valves, Auto Steer Ready, Very Clean ........................................................$259,000
Big Bud 360/30 400 HP, 3000 Hrs reman Cummins 855 Big Cam, PShift, 32/24.5 Duals 35%, New Injectors, New U-Joints, New Starter, Rebuilt Steering Column, Air Drill Hyd, Runs Very Good........................ $79,500 1979 Big Bud 400/30, Recent In Line Big Cam New Style 855 to 400 HP, Twin Disc PShift, Clark 70,000# Axles, New Paint & Decals, 24.5/32 50%, Air Drill Hyd w/ New Flow Control Valves, Super Sharp!............. $95,000 2009 Case IH Magnum 210 MFWD, 1950 Hrs, 18 Sp PShift, Singles, 540/1000 PTO, 3 Pt, Dlxe Cab, 750 Trimble, 3 Electric/Hyd Remotes, Used in Light Duty Capacity, One Owner, Stored Inside, Extra Special $115,000 1989 Case IH 9170, NEW Cummins Rebuilt Engine, 9661 Chassis, 12 Spd PShift, 4 Remotes, Inside Rubber 3,000 Acres, Outside 24.8/32 40-50%, Nice Cab, Clean Tractor............................................................... $59,500 2009 Case IH Puma 195, 3200 Hrs, 18 Speed PShift, Deluxe Cab w/ Leather & Heated Seats, 3-pt., PTO, L770 Loader & Grapple, Joystick Hydraulics, 520 Rear Tires, Excellent Condition!......................................... $119,500 John Deere 4520 - 3605 Dual - All Loader & Grapple, Rear Duals 70%, 1000 PTO, 8 sp Pshift, Inching Pedal, No 3 Point or AC, Runs good! .$17,500 John Deere 8640 - 8170 Hrs, 16 Speed 4 Range Power Shift, 1,000 PTO, Duals 20.8/36 20% Front, 30% Back, 3 Remotes, Diff Locks, ... $22,900 1976 John Deere 8430 - 2000 Hrs Rebuilt 50 Series Engine, EZEE On Loader/Grapple, 23.1/38 Singles, PTO, Quad Range, Diff Locks, 3 Remotes; Super Handy Ranch or Farm Tractor............................... $20,000 1997 New Holland 9682 - 6760 Hrs, Standard, 710/38 Duals 75%, Full Weight Package, Runs & Shifts Good .................................................... $59,500 1981 Steiger Cougar ST280 400 hp, rebuilt Spicer, rebuilt 855, repainted, air drill hyd., 20.8/38 65%, 7426 hrs, very clean........................ $59,500 1985 Steiger Panther CM360 Series IV 9981 Hours, Std, Goodrich 650/75R32 85%, 4 Remotes, Air Drill Hydraulics........................ $39,500 1985 Steiger Panther 1000 KP-1325 Injector System Upgrade 360HP, Full 12 PShift, 855 Cummins, 24.5/32 45%, New AC System, New Air Ride Seat, 4 Remotes, One Owner 16 years, Nice............................. $49,500 1979 Steiger Panther ST325 - 9304 Chassis Hrs, Just Replaced CAT Engine , Standard Shift, 10-20% 23.1/34 Rubber, Major Drive Components in Good Order, 4 Bank Valve .......................................................... $19,500 1977 Steiger Panther ST310 335HP, Rebuilt Cummins, Replaced Injectors, Standard, Big Singles 30.5/32 W/Clamp On Duals 24.5/32 Duals, 4 Remotes, Replaced Center Section Pins, New Cab Kit & Seat, Well Maintained, Call For More........................................................... $35,000 Steiger Tiger ST470 - 600 HP, 1150 Rebuilt Cummins, Allison 5965-10 PS Rebuilt 500 Hours, 30.5/32 Duals 60%, Extra Hydraulics for Air Drill, 6 Remotes, 45,000#, Nice Cab W/ Tinted Windows ...................... $75,000 Big Bud 600/50 - New Rebuilt Cummins 1150, 600 HP, Capable 650 HP, 110g Hyd System 6 Bank Valve Flow Control, Electric Over Hyd Couplers, 900 Trelleborg Rubber - Like New, All New Interior Wiring, New Paint, New Sound System, New Lighting, All Major Components Completely Rebuilt, Cab Rebuilt With New Leather Seating and Buddy Seat, Interchangeable Power Train System, ROPS Series IV Cab, No DEF, No Electronics, Super Sharp! ...............................$249,000 Steiger Wildcat III ST210 - 5519 Hrs, 210HP, Factory Rebuilt CAT 3208, Standard Shift, 18.4R34 60%, HD Drawbar, Cab Fair ................ $17,900 2014 Versatile 400 - 2000 Hrs, Power Shift, PTO, 710/70R42 95%, Heavy Duty Axles, Front & Mid Mount Weights, 6 Electric/Hydraulic Remotes, Front Diff Lock, HD Drawbar, 3/4” Couplers, HID Roof Lights, Deluxe Cab, Very Nice!................................................................................. $219,000 2013 Versatile 550 - 1250 Hrs, PShift, HD Axles, 800/38 85%, 6 ElectroHydraulics Valves, 3/4” Return Line, F, R, M Weight Packages, Vpas Auto Steer, Deluxe Cab, Very Clean ................................................. $259,000 1985 Versatile 856, 8428 Hrs, P-Shift, PTO, 18.4/38 70%, Nice Cab.$39,500 1982 Versatile 895 - Cummins 855, 5438 Hrs, Standard, 20.8/38 Duals 85%, Good Interior & Exterior, 2nd Owner, Well Maintained ............... $25,000 Versatile 800 - 5502 Hrs, Standard Shift, 18.4/38 Front & Rear Duals 40%, 3 Remotes, Swing Draw Bar, Cab Good Condition..................... $17,500 Versatile 850 8735 hrs, std, Atom Jet, 20.8/38, 40% outside, repainted,.... .................................................................................................... $25,000 Versatile 875 280 hp, 8000 Hrs, Standard, 20.8/38 Duals 50%, All New Hyd Pump, Alternator & Starter, Clutch, Very Gd Mech..................... $25,000 Versatile 935 903 Engine W/ 4,000 Hrs, Total 10,545 Hrs, Standard Shift, 24.5/32 Duals 45%, Sharp Exterior, 4 Valves, Runs & Shifts Good ........ .................................................................................................... $22,500
2003 John Deere 1820 & 1910 Tow Behind Cart - 45 Ft, 10” Sp, Paired Row Opener, Single Shoot, Well Maintained, With 1910 Tow Behind 270 Bu Cart ................................................$49,500
1998 Bourgault 8800, With 2115 Tow Behind Cart, 30-ft., 7.5” Spacing, Optional 16” Coulters, 19” Packers w/ Rock Scrapers, 350-400# Shanks, Good Openers, With Bourgault Tow Behind 2115 Tank, Mechanical Ground Driven, Good Unload Auger, Nice Drill................................................................... $35,000 2006 Bourgault 5710 - 57 Ft, 10” Sp, Mid Row Banders, Steel Packers, Blockage System, With Bourgault 6450 Cart, 450 Bu - 4 Tanks, Variable Rate, Tow Behind, Low Acres ........................................................................ $125,000 Case IH 8500 Air Drill 45 Ft, 12” Sp, 3” Rubber Packers, Single Shoot, 210 TBT Cart, Easy to Operate, Good Condition .......................................... $14,500 Flexi Coil 5000 - 57 Foot, 12” Sp, Single Shoot, Stealth Opener Carbide Tip, Steel Press Wheels ......................................................................... $27,500 Flexi-Coil 5000 - 57-ft. 9” Sp, New Stealth Openers, S-Shoot, Rubber Packers, 5 Section, With 2320 TBH Very Clean............................................ $49,0000 2001 Flexi-Coil 5000 - 45-ft., 12” Sp Paired Row Openers, D-Shoot, Rubber Packers, Local Farmer Trader, Clean............................................... $27,500 2001 Flexi-Coil 3450 – TBH - Local Trade, Clean.................................. $27,500 Flexi Coil 2320 TBT Cart -Tow Between, 230 Bushel, 23.1-26 Diamond Tires, 7” Auger ........................................................................................... $10,000 2011 Great Plains 3S4000HD, Built in 2011, New in 2012, Heavy Duty 40-Foot, 7.5” Spacing, New 15” Discs, 3x13 Rib in Center Press Wheels, New Custom Liquid Kit 400g with Ground Driven Pump, 5500 Acres, Like New!... $89,500 Great Plains Drill - 39.5-ft. 10” Sp, Steel Packers, TBT Tank................ $15,000 John Deere 9400 - Super Clean Set - 4) 10 Foot, 12” Spacing, w/Fertilizer, Eagle Beak Points, Hitch & Transport, Extra Clean ......................... $23,500 Morris Maxim II 40-ft. 10” spacing, SS, 23” steel packers, with 7240 240 bushel tow between tank, Goodyear 23.1/26 tires, clean............................ $30,000 JUST IN! 2010 New Holland P2070 & New Holand P1060 Cart - 50 Ft, 10” Paralink Drill, 430 Bushel, 3 Tanks, 30.5/32 Tires With Dual Casters Front, Extra Clean...................................................................................... $89,500 JUST IN! 7012 SeedMaster - NEW, 70 Foot, With Nova Sectional Control Tank 520/630/780 Bu AND/OR On-Board 345 Bu Seed Tank.............................. ..................................................................................Please Call for Quote 2007 SeedMaster 4412 - 44 Ft, 12” Sp, Agtron Blockage, On Board Liquid 2000g Tank, Work Switch, Set Up for Dry & Liquid, With TBH 3400 Concord 300 Bu Tank, Good condition..................................................................... $119,000 2008 SeedMaster 5012 - 50 Foot, 12” Spacing, Double Shoot, Set Up for Liquid or Dry ............................................................................................ $120,000 2014 Morris C2 Contour Drill & 9450 Tow Between Tank 60 Foot, 10” Spacing, Single Shoot, 18” X 4” V Rubber Press Wheels, 1.125” Tower Tubes for Large Seed, Primary Blockage, Double Castors, Tillage Work Switch, With Morris 9450 Tow Between Cart, 450 Bushel, 3 Tanks, Direct Drive, Super Clean, Low Acres ............................$219,000
Ezee-On chisel plow, 42-ft. 12” spacing, 14” sweeps.................$25,000 Farm King 4490 Demo, 28 Ft, 9” Sp, 24” Smth Front & Rear, Stone Flex Hangers, 410WSS Bearings, Clean unit...............................$49,500 Farm King 6650 DEMO, 32.5 Ft, 9” Sp, 24” Smth Blades, 410WSS Superseal bearings, Stone Flex Hangers, Tire Upgrade.................... Save $20,000 Off New!........................................................$59,500 Flexi-Coil 800 Plow, 45 Ft, 12” Sp, Gd Rubber, Good Condition........... .............................................................................................$19,500 Ford 241 Tandem Disc, 24-ft., 9” Spacing, 18.5 - 20.5 Disc Size, Mud Scrapers, No Welds, Gd Condition..........................................$6500 Ford 250 32-ft. tandem, 20.5-22.25 discs, scrapers, G Shape.....$7500 2010 Horsch Anderson Joker 8RT, 28-ft., 9” Spacing, Spring Loaded Rollers, 10-12 mph, 19” Average Blades, Excellent Seed Bed Finisher, Used Last 2 Years in Alfalfa Field for Cheatgrass Control.....$39,500 Krause Tandem Disc – 45 Ft, Recent Discs on Front ..............$19,500 Melroe 503 Chisel Plow New Style Series, 56 Foot, 12” Sweeps, Recent Reconditioning .....................................................................$14,500 2013 Morris Rangler III 40 Ft, Wing Up Packer Bar, clean .....$28,000 2012 Rite Way Harrow - 50 Ft, Hyd Tilt & Angle, Hardly Used, Excellent Condition .............................................................................$39,500 2013 Summers DT 9530 28.5 Ft, Notched Discs 24 7/8” (New 25”), Hydraulic Leveling Gangs, Center Leveling Coulter, Rolling Baskets W/Mud Scrapers, Wing Weight Kit, Floating Hitch, Hubometer 2,000 Acres, Narrow Transport, Like New Condition!.....................$60,000 Summers Super Coulter- 30-ft. Vertical Tillage, 12” Individually Mounted Straight and Waffle Blades, Rolling Baskets, Extra Blades Included, Very Good Condition.............................................................$49,500 Wil-Rich 30-ft. chisel plow, 14” sweeps, Good Shape...................$9500
Summers MFG 500 & 1994 L8000 Ford - 60 Ft Suspended Booms, 500 G Summers Poly Tank, Hyd Lift, Manual Fold, Mid Mount Booms, Triple Nozzles, Raven, New Honda Engine, Mounted On HD Truck Chassis, 1994 L8000 Diesel Ford, 8.3 Cummins, 10 Sp, 352,233 Miles, No Rust, Goes Through Mud Very Good, Clean Condition ........................................................................ $15,000
United Farm Tool 660 - 700 Bushel, Hydraulic Drive, Roll Tarp, New Flighting, Hydraulic Motor And 30.5/32 Tires, Very Clean! ..$21,500 1973 Chevrolet C60 - 58,103 Miles, Box and Hoist, 350 Engine, 4 Speed, 9.00R20 Rear/8.25-20 Front, 16’ Box, 40” Removable Steel Walls W/ 8” Wood Extensions, Very Nice Cab, Good Shape! ...............$6,000
Versatile Combine RT490 – 340 Bushel Grain Tank, 490 HP Cummins – Best Threshing & Cleaning Machine In The Industry – For $29,000 A Year, For 3 Years, Up To 300 Hours A Year, Along With Full 3 Year Warranty, You Can Experience The Difference. Trades Considered $$!
Cat D8H & Scraper - 270 Hp, Never Had A Blade, Undercarriage 75%, Crawler comes with #80 Scraper, 19.5 Yds, Bits Nearly New, Addl Springs, Excellent Condition.................................................$50,000 Degelman 12AT - 12-ft. 6-Way, off Big Bud 525/50, HD, Nice...$10,000 12HD Degelman - 12-ft. Manual Angle, Hyd Lift, off JD 8630......$4500 MRS 90LS Tractor & 14 Yard Paddle Scraper - MRS Tractor 250 HP Dozer Blade, Detroit 871 Engine, PShift & 14 Yard Paddle Scraper; Good Operating Condition - Was Recently Used.................$22,500 Rome Ripper - 15 Foot, 7 Shank Ripper, 12” Spacing, 1 Extra Shank, Cable Hitch.....$5500 AS IS, or Converted to Hydraulic Hitch $7500
2007 John Deere 8430T - Heavy Duty Camoplast Tracks 80%, 1000 PTO, 7300 Hrs, 3 Point With Quick Hitch, Guidance & Auto Steer Ready, Weight Package, Very Clean ...............................$98,900
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A6
UPPER HOLTER LAKE 3 bedroom, 2 bath, cedar sided, 2100 sq. ft. cabin on deeded one acre lot. Deck, loft, power and road access. Private dock and garage. All furnishings included. MLS#298807................................................. $300,000
2017 Winter Wheat Variety Performance in Central Montana CONTINUED FROM PAGE A4
2 acre cabin site with well. Community dock on Upper Holter Lake in the histortic Gates of the Mountains. Road access and power. Prime building site. MLS#297587.................................................... $91,500
Don Dallas
Shop-Style Rolair Compressors Pressure Washers • Hose Reels
MDS SUPPLY is central Montana’s source for Fillrite fuel pumps. MDS SUPPLY carries Justrite all metal w/metal flex spout fuel cans.
Quality Karcher Pressure Washers Thousands below list price SAVE BIG
We Also Have Available: 4 Fuel/Water/Fire/Air Hose Suction and Discharge 4 Black Pipe Fittings 4 Aluminum Camlocks 4 Stainless T-Bolt Clamps/Band Clamps 4 Brass Ball Valves 4 Cimtek Fuel Filters 4 Inline Air Filters, Regulators, and Lubricators 4 Fire and Garden Hose Fittings/Adapters 4 Air Compressor Parts and Oil 4 Grease and oil pumps 820 9th Street North, Great Falls, MT
406-453-5451 or 800-332-1816
2016 Sales of US certified organic agricultural production up
Sales of organic agricultural production continued to increase in 2016, when U.S. farms produced and sold $7.6 billion in certified organic commodities, according to data released today by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Results of the 2016 Certified Organic Survey show that 2016 sales were up 23 percent from $6.2 billion in 2015. During the same year, the number of certified organic farms in the country increased 11 percent to 14,217, and the number of certified acres increased 15 percent to 5.0 million. California, with $2.9 billion in certified organic sales, continued to lead the nation in certified sales, accounting for 38 percent of the U.S. total. It also had the largest share of certified organic acres and farms. Three states had more than 1,000 certified farms: California (2,713), Wisconsin (1,276), and New York (1,059). “The results of the 2016 Certified Organic Survey show the continued interest and growth in organic foods,” according to Hubert Hamer, NASS Administrator. “The survey provides the only comprehensive source of national and state data on certified organic production. It was expanded in 2016 from previous years to include fresh and processed information separately for all fruit and berry crops, as well as to include grape data by variety.” Ten states accounted for 77 percent of U.S. certified organic sales, virtually the same share as in 2015 and 2014. Crops accounted for 56 percent of the sale of certified organic production; livestock, poultry, and their products accounted for 44 percent. Organic production encompasses a wide range of commodities, including live-
stock and poultry products (primarily milk and eggs), with 2016 sales of $2.2 billion; vegetables, $1.6 billion; fruits, tree nuts, and berries, $1.4 billion; livestock and poultry, $1.2 billion; and field crops, $763 million. The top commodities in 2016 were: Milk – $1.4 billion, up 18 percent Eggs – $816 million, up 11 percent Broiler chickens – $750 million, up 78 percent Apples – $327 million, up 8 percent Lettuce – $277 million, up 6 percent Other top organic crops were strawberries, grapes, tomatoes, corn, potatoes, hay, spinach, and mushrooms. NASS conducted the 2016 Certified Organic Survey in conjunction with USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA). “RMA relies on the information to expand crop insurance options and set price elections for organic production, “said RMA Acting Administrator Heather Manzano. The survey is a census of all known U.S. farmers and ranchers with certified organic production in 2016. Producers must meet the standards set out by USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service’s National Organic Program and be certified compliant by an approved agent of the program. Survey results are available at www.nass.usda. gov/organics or the Quick Stats database at https://quickstats.nass.usda.gov.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A7
Montana Hereford Directory Anchor Polled Herefords 406-467-2880, Vaughn, MT
Banjo Ranch
406-425-1233, Molt, MT www.banjoranch.com
Bar Star Cattle
406-399-7811, Loma, MT www.barstarcattle.com
Bryan Barker
406-450-4361, Shelby, MT
Barker Herefords
406-450-9716, Shelby, MT
Bayers Hereford Ranch
406-684-5465, Twin Bridges, MT
Cherry Springs Ranch
First West Insurance
406-425-1411, Bridger, MT
Churchill Cattle Co
Cooper Hereford Ranch
Fort Keogh Livestock Research
406-425-2484, Absarokee, MT
Curlew Cattle Co
Garrison Ranches Inc
406-425-2484, Absarokee, MT
Dallas Polled Herefords
Griffin Polled Herefords
406-285-6985, Willow Creek, MT www.cooperherefords.com 406-287-9947, Whitehall, MT
Brillhart Ranch Co
406-749-1036, Huntley, MT
L Bar W Cattle Co
406-874-8200, Miles City, MT
Loyning Farms
406-835-2501, Glen, MT
Emily Shilling
406-322-8541, Columbus, MT
Sidwell Ranch
406-322-4425, Columbus, MT www.sidwell-land.com
Sparks Herefords
406-778-2320, Plevna, MT
M/D Herefords
Storey Hereford Ranch
406-821-0247, Darby, MT
406-292-3503, Joplin, MT
406-323-1686, Roundup, MT
Harper Herefords
McKechnie Hereford Ranch
Dutton Hereford Ranch
Holden Herefords
McMurry Cattle
406-544-1536, Gold Creek, MT www.thomasherefords.com
406-368-2244, Canyon Creek, MT
Duncan Ranch Co
Marty Bennett Bowen Ranch
406-584-7571, Lindsay, MT
Rafter Ranch Inc
406-832-3219, Wise River, MT
406-891-0973, Baker, MT www.facebook.com/MD-Herefords
406-266-4121, Townsend, MT www.ehlkeherefords.com
406-633-5479, Molt, MT
K.L. Slagsvold Herefords
Frank Herefords
307-631-6012, Columbus, MT
406-288-3330, Gold Creek, MT
406-267-3232, Butte, MT
406-240-9301, Deer Lodge, MT
406-580-6421, Manhattan, MT www.churchillcattle.com
Beery’s Land & Livestock Co 406-979-5720, Vida, MT www.beeryherefords.com
K & C Herefords
406-922-6044, Bozeman, MT www.1stwestinsurance.com
Ehlke Herefords
Elings Polled Herefords 406-278-3406, Conrad, MT
Feddes Herefords
Dan 406-570-1602, Manhattan, MT www.feddes.com
406-450-1029, Valier, MT www.holdenherefords.com
Hultin Polled Herefords
406-432-2296, Shelby, MT
406-254-1247, Billings, MT www.mcmurrycattle.com
406-580-8255, Bozeman, MT www.facebook.com/ Storey-Hereford-Ranch
Thomas Herefords Vandeberg Ranch
406-459-1691, Helena, MT www.hultinpolledherefords.com
406-735-4493, Geyser, MT
Merrimac Cattle Co
406-323-1297, Roundup, MT
J Bar E Ranch
406-252-5196, Billings, MT
406-765-7068, Plentywood, MT
406-348-2345, Huntley, MT
JZ Livestock
Otis Ranch
406-360-3427, Hamilton, MT
406-223-4518, Emigrant, MT
WestFeeds LLC
Wichman Herefords
406-350-3123, Moore, MT www.wichmanherefords.com
Churchill Cattle Co. Manhattan, MT Bull Sale - January 23, 2018
Hereford Genetics From Churchill There’s Nothing Else Like It! Dale Venhuizen (406) 580-6421 dale@churchillcattle.com
Churchill Sensation 028X
Hereford Influenced Feeder Calf Sale Hereford and baldy calves
Feddes Herefords
Modest birth, massive meat Miles City Livestock Commission - Miles City, MT Tuesday, October 17, 2017 Headwaters Livestock - Three Forks, MT Wednesday, November 15, 2017 Consignment details available at www.mhafeedercalfsale.com Denise Loyning (406) 328-4095 or Della Ehlke (406) 439-4300 Sponsored by the Montana Hereford Association
Your Northern Montana source for quality Hereford bulls
J Bar E Ranch Plentywood, MT
Arvid Eggen - 406-765-7068 Lorrie Eggen - 406-765-8219 Jay-De Eggen - 406-671-7149
Marvin Tim 406.570.4771 tfeddes@msn.com Dan 406.570.1602 2009 Churchill Road Manhattan, MT 59741
Our production sale is anytime you want. We sell Hereford bulls and females by private treaty. Learn more at feddes.com. Better yet, visit the ranch.
www.feddes.com McMURRY CATTLE
Added Genetic Balance Trait And Carcass Value ONLY THE BEST SELL Private Treaty Bull Sales
Fred & Doreen HP 406 254 1247 McMurry Cell 406 697 4040 2027 Iris Lane mcmurrycattle@gmail.com Billings, MT 59102 mcmurrycattle.com
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A8
N.D. 4-H adding participation fee to offset funding cuts
By NDSU Extension Service To maintain the North Dakota 4-H program after a $4.1 million reduction in state fundGravel trailers – 50% rubber. Ready to go to work! in the face of budget cuts, 4-H will implement ing for the Extension Service for the current Lead trailer...................$11,500 Pup trailer.......................$3800 a $20-per-year state-level program fee for biennium and a recommendation from an ad Take the pair......................................................................$13,800 participation. hoc committee the State Board of Agricultural John Deere 1360 hay swather, 11-ft. cut rotary, 6 turtles....$3600 The fee helps fill the gap left by declining Research and Education (SBARE) formed to Is willing to take 3 yearly payments. state funding, according to Brad Cogdill, chair review the NDSU Extension Service. (1) New 2003 Dodge 2500 dually box, silver, never used. Also of the North Dakota State University (NDSU) The committee reviewed Extension’s mishave front and rear bumpers................................$650 for box Extension Service’s Center for 4-H Youth sion, existing programs, the efficiency and Phone (406) 250-6080, or 756-1140 Development. effectiveness of the delivery methods for located in Kalispell, MT - Delivery available The decision to implement the fee came existing programs, and potential for program changes. One of the ad hoc group’s preliminary recomStock Trailers Retirement Ranch Equipment Auction mendations is for the Extenand Flat Bed sion Service to increase the use of fees or grants to provide cost recovery for programs, Hettinger, North Dakota - 10:30 A.M. MDT especially when the programs LOCATION: From Hettinger 2.5 miles south on ND Highway 8 to 3rd Ave. South and 7 miles west to the sale site. have significant private value. OWNERS: The North Dakota 4-H program fee will be required 2009 Featherlite Triple Axle 7’ starting with the 2017-18 enx 30’ GN Stock Trailer with 3 compartments rollment year. Even though For more information call Jeff at 605-564-2121 1996 Titan 7’ x 18’ GN Stock the enrollment year begins Farm Equipment Haying Equipment Tractors Trailer with Rubber Floor September 1, 2017, fee col3-8’ John Deere 9350 Grain Drills with 2001 GN Delta 32’ Tandem lection will not begin until Grass Seeders and end Transport Axle with Duals 10,000# November 1. Enrollments Wishek Mod 612 14 Offset Disc (serial Axles, Dovetail with ramps #2128114) through the state’s web-based John Deere 8820 Combine with diesel enrollment system from Sepengine (no heads) Grain Augers tember 5 through October 31, 12’ Disc, Case Westfield MK 100-71 Swing 2017, will be grandfathered in 2014 Case IH MX 140 Maxxum 2016 New Holland 160 Windrower 12’ Tool Bar Auger with 540 PTO (serial #YFG676133) Tier 4 en- IH #1400 18’ Vibra Shank Pro (serial #ZEBE01525) Tier 4 at no charge. This waiver will Westfield 8” x 20’ Auger with gine equipped with 2016 New 14’ x 4’ Dia Water Filled Land Roller with 460/85 R38 Tires, 380/85 220 V Motor be in effect only for this year. Holland H & S 16’ Header (serial Livestock Equipment R28 Front Tires, 3 Hydraulics, Westfield 6” x 20’ Auger with Youth in the 4-H Cloverbud #YFG609856) This unit has only 1000 & 540 PTO, equipped 123 hours (like new condition) 220 V Motor program, which is designed with 2014 Case IH L765 Self for youth age 5 to 7, will not leveling Loader (serial #YEW3 Point Equipment LR5229) 725 hours be subject to the fee. Details 3 Pt. 3 Wheel Rake 2011 Case IH MX 140 Maxxum about the management of the Buhler Farm King 6’ 540 PTO Pro (serial #ZBBE06126) with fee have been provided to all 3 Pt. Mower 480/80 R42 Tires, 380/85 R30, Silencer Hydraulic Squeeze Chute of Extension’s county offices 4 Hydraulics, 1000 & 540 PTO, w/220 Volt, Hydraulic Pump on a Buhler Farm King 72” 3 Pt. 540 so staff can answer more spe10,000# Tru Test Scale (Rancher Equipped with Case IH 750 PTO Rototiller Model) cific questions. Self Leveling Loader (serial 10’ 3 Pt. Box Drag #YAWLL4257) 2100 hours “The 4-H program fee is 2014 Vermeer 605 Super M Round Baljust one of several budget adShop & Misc. er (serial #1VR316148E1009402) 27.5 KW 540 PTO Generator justments being implemented 1000 PTO, Twine and Net (5984 Bales (excellent) Fimco 200 Gal. Tank with 200’ across the Extension Service,” of Hose Weed Sprayer Cogdill says. “The organiza2 - 36” x 20’ New Galvinzed tion has identified staffing Culverts 2016 Rice Lake 7 1/2’ x 18 1/2’ Certireductions, operating efficienfied Scale with recent certification, 2 - 1000 Gal. Zane Fiberglass 2010 Case IH MX 180 Magcies and revenue generation as 20,000# Scale with printer Water Tanks num (serial #Z9RH03889) 2014 Haybuster #2650 Bale Processor cost-saving alternatives.” New Thermosink Double Sink with 520/85 R42, 480/70 R30 7 - Round Bale feeders The funds generated from Energy Free Cattle Water12 - Shop Built Feed Bunks front tires, 5 Hydraulics, PTO the 4-H fee will be used to ers Big Valley Calf Table equipped with 2010 Case IH 2 - 14’ Cattle Guards with Wings 1650 Gal. Poly Tank support the priorities of: LX 780 Self Leveling Loader, Real Tuff Portable Loading Chute 230 Rail Road Ties 4159 hours • Project and club organiza2006 New Holland BR780 A Round Safety Zone Calf Catcher 500/85 R42 Duals (new) Baler (serial #46N015331) 15,497 Vet Supplies tion materials and training Bales Manure Fork with Grapple for Poly Calf Warmer • Volunteer training and Skidsteer A-1 Mist Sprayer with 40 Gal. Tank screening 40 - Wire Panels • High-priority project ar12 - Sheets of Super Steel ATV’s 18’ Pasture Harrow eas 2011 Honda Rubicon 4 wheel• Measuring the effectiveVehicles 2012 New Holland TV6070 Bi-Dier (5922 miles) ness of programs rectional (serial #RV5059675) 1987 Chev C70 Rangeland Fire Truck 2016 Polaris Ranger XP 900 with 84LB Loader with (11,187 miles) • 4-H’s presence at the (5021 miles) 1973 GMC C60 Truck with V8, 4/2 540/1000 PTO, 3 Pt. both ends, North Dakota State Fair Trans., Box and Hoist 16.9-38 Tires, 1126 hours Brand (South Dakota) A 4-H program fee is not a New Holland TC 40 Tractor (serial New Holland 688 Round Baler (serial #28637) new concept to offset budget #G523130) with 1 Hydraulic, LH Cattle 540 PTO, 3 pt. equipped with shortfalls, Cogdill says. A LH Horses New Holland 16 LA Loader 2016 survey of 38 other states’ Haying Equipment 4-H programs showed that 25 Electric and Hot Irons have some type of fee in place. Those fees range from $3 to $50 per year. Some states also charge by the number 1971 International Single Axle Dump 2015 Vermeer R2800 V-Rake (serial Truck with Detroit Diesel engine of projects in which a youth #1VRV25163F1012162) NICE! and 5 yard box participates. 2012 Ford F-350 6.7L Diesel Super 2015 Vermeer MC 3700 Rotary Mow2014 Morris 1400 Hayhiker (seDuty extended cab w/HB 355 HyNorth Dakota 4-H is the er (serial #1VRK28129F1000180) rial #1400132910) self loading, dra bed and Hydra Feeder Cake 13.5’, 3 Pt., only cut 300 acres. (like NDSU Extension Service’s hauls 14 bales Feeder (Cake Feeder sells sepernew) youth development program. 19’ Hay Rack (hauls 9 bales) ate) only 36,566 miles Through 4-H’s educational Auctioneers and Clerk #33 Terms: Cash Lunch will be served Not Responsible for Accidents mission, young people learn by doing so they can develop their full potential as capable Internet Bidding available through Hewitt Land Company. Wayne #99 .......... 701-376-3109 Website: members of society who also Scott #493 ........... 701-872-5299 Go to www.HewittLandCompany.com midwestauctions.com/weishaar for registration information or call 605-490-7952 can give back to their comAny statements made the day of the Auction take precedence over any previous advertising. Eido Printing - Mott, ND -701-824-2605 or 1-888-522-2605 munities.
Farm Equipment AUCTION
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Jeff & Jill Merkel
Loaders available on Sale Day
Weishaar auction service
Off-type sorghum plants
By Brent Bean, Sorghum Checkoff Agronomist, Lubbock, Texas Nothing looks more beautiful in agriculture than a weedfree, uniform stand of grain sorghum after heading. Unfortunately, and to different degrees, sorghum fields sometimes have plants or stalks that are uneven in maturity or in height and appearance. Assuming uniform emergence, the difference in maturity often is caused by the ability of sorghum to tiller and grow additional basal stalks that produce heads later than the main stalk. This difference is largely influenced by early season environment and, to some extent, the genetics of the hybrid. Off-type sorghum plants cause unevenness in height and plant morphology. These off-types originate from volunteer plants from seed deposited in the soil in previous years or from seed that is present in the planted seed. Off-type volunteer plants result from the segregation of characteristics in the offspring of the hybrid. If the off-types are from planted seed, they will grow as individual plants spread uniformly throughout the field in the seed rows. The cause of these off-types in planted seed is inherent to the use of male sterile plants that do not produce pollen, which is key for producing commercial hybrids. In producing a hybrid, a male sterile parent is grown in a seed production field in a pattern of alternate rows with a male fertile parent. Pollen from the male fertile parent is transferred to the malesterile parent to produce hybrid seed that is harvested and then sold to growers. This system has proved very successful but, unfortunately, makes the malesterile plant susceptible to fertilization by foreign pollen from sorghum plants in, or in the vicinity of, the seed production field. Commercial seed production fields are isolated from other sorghum and wild species but, on occasion, foreign pollen can find its way to male sterile plants because sorghum pollen can move several miles by wind. The resulting seed looks identical to the desired hybrid seed and thus can end up in the bag of seed planted by the grower. In addition to isolation, seed companies use split plantings of male fertile parents to ensure a significant pollen load when the male sterile plants are in bloom. Split plantings are most often three different planting dates of the male fertile parent. By having multiple planting dates of the male fertile parent, synchronization of bloom between male sterile and male fertile plants ensures a good load of pollen within the seed field, limiting the possibility that foreign pollen will pollinate male sterile plants. Off-type sorghums can be divided into five distinct groups: Tall mutants - As the name implies, these plants are 1 foot to 3 feet taller than normal plants and are the most common off-types. However, other than the height difference, they are identical to the normal plants. Three genes affect height. The tall off-type is a result of one of the genes becoming unstable. Parent genotypes will vary in their frequency in producing tall off-types. With the use of genetic markers and other modern techniques, seed companies can greatly reduce the frequency of tall mutants. However, since these tall mutants have no effect on yield, some seed companies place more emphasis on this characteristic than others. Grain Outcross or Off-Color Panicles - These plants are usually similar in height to the desired hybrid but may have very different seed color or panicle shape. These off-type plants are a result of foreign pollen, which is usually from grain sorghum that contaminates the seed production field. Forage Types or Grain Forage - This group exhibits characteristics associated with forage sorghum, meaning that the plants are normally tall and single stalked with a typical grain sorghum-type panicle. These plants originate from the pollen of forage sorghum typically used for silage. Open Head Forage, Grassy Sorghum or Shattercane - This group results from pollen of sudangrass or sorghumsudangrass hybrids in or near the seed production field. Plants can vary greatly in height and plant appearance and typically produce numerous tillers. The panicles are more grasslike, in that they are loose and open. Johnsongrass Outcross - These plants occur when Johnsongrass pollinates the male sterile plants in the production field. This type of cross-pollination does not occur often due to the genetic incompatibility between Johnsongrass and grain sorghum. When it does occur, the resulting plants have rhizomes but seldom produce any viable seed. Plants are typically Johnsongrass-like in appearance with slender stalks, many tillers and an open panicle. ##### It is widely believed that a horse’s back should be approximately one-third of the length of its body for good balance and movement, but other parts need to be proportionate as well.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A9
Looking for a Independent Rep or Distributor for Montana
Wednesday, October 25, 2017 – 10:00 a.m. (MT)
Auction Location: Onsite – 7395 114th Ave SW, Regent, ND 2006 John Deere1890 with a 1910 cart 2012 CaseAirseeder 600 QuadTrac
2006 Freightliner Columbia
2002 Case 2388 Combine
New Holland Honeybee 94C Header
J & M 875 Grain Cart
Tigermate Field Cutlivator with Harrows
Full Inventory & Online Bidding Info available at pifers.com
TRACTORS 2012 Case 600 QuadTrac - SN: ZBF128398, 30 inch Tracks, PTO, 6 Hydraulics, Left Hand Reverser, 2,341 Hrs Versatile 876 Tractor - L10 Cummins, 12 Speed Quad, 4 Hydraulics, 5,005 Hrs Versatile 500 Tractor - 550 Engine, 4 Hydraulics, PTO IH 806 Tractor IH 300 Utility Tractor PTO, 3 Point Farmall 400 Tractor w/ Farmhand F11 Loader Gas Engine HARVEST AND GRAIN HANDLING EQUIPMENT 2005 Case 2388 Combine - SN: JJC0274626, Big Top Extension, Long Auger, 2,913 Engine Hrs, 2,204 Separator Hrs 2002 Case 2388 Combine - SN: JJC0269696, Big Top Extension, Long Auger, 4304 Engine Hrs, 3369 Separator Hrs Case IH 1460 Combine - SN: 17002316022222 GPS Unit- FM 750 GPS Unit- FM 500 New Holland Honeybee 94C Header - SN: 436022050, 36 ft. MacDon 973 Draper Header - 36 ft. IH 810 Pickup Header IH 810 Pickup Header IH 810 Auger Header with Trailer Ford NH 1116 Auger Header with Conditioner SN: 537031, 16 ft., Mounts for Bi-Directional 276-9030 New Holland 960 Pickup Header - SN: 392141, Double Side Pickup Head, Bean Knifer J & M 875 Grain Cart - Scale, Roll Tarp, PTO Brandt 1390 Grain Auger - SN: 115864, Hydraulic Lift, Hydraulic Drive Brandt 1070 Grain Auger - SN: 89637, Electric Swing Auger Brandt 1535 Grain Belt - SN: 95099, Hydraulic Drive Brandt 745 Grain Auger - Walker, Briggs Engine Westfield Grain Auger - 8 x 50 Grain Auger - 7 x 40 Grain Auger - 7 x 36 Aereation Tubes SEMIS, TRAILERS, GRAIN TRUCKS AND VEHICLES 2006 Freightliner Columbia - VIN: 1FUJF09E07LY23660, Air Ride, Air Suspension, Lock Differential, 5th Wheel Slide, Engine Brake, 10 Speed, 532,500 Miles 2005 Freightliner Columbia VIN: 1FUJF0DE46LV64405, White, 10 Speed, Engine Brake, Air Ride, Lock Differential, C-13 Cat Engine, 5th Wheel Slide, 492,000 Miles 2014 Dakota Grain Trailer - VIN: 1D9AH4126EY554797, 43 ft., Electric Tarps, Electric Traps, Ag Hopper 2011 Dakota Grain Trailer - VIN: 1D9AH4121BY554816, 43 ft., Electric Tarps, Electric Traps, Ag Hopper
Online and On-Site Bidding! www.pifers.com
SEMIS, TRAILERS, GRAIN TRUCKS AND VEHICLES CONT. 1984 Budd Van Trailer - VIN: 1BK10VU19EE206471, 19600 GVW, Spring Suspension, Pump with Honda Engine, Cone, (2x) 1250 Gallon Tanks, (1x) 1000 Gallon Tank 2002 GMC C6500 - VIN: 1GDJ7HC52J509016, New Engine, 6 Speed, Flat Bed, Hoist, Fuel Tank, Throttle Control, Brake Lock, 164,820 Miles 2001 Chevrolet 2500 Duramax - VIN: 1GCHK23112F118331, 4 Door, 4x4, Automatic, Diesel Engine, Leather, Rhino Liner, Running Boards, Tonneau Cover, 264,000 Miles 1996 Chevrolet 3500 Dually Pickup - VIN: 1GCHK39F4TE209075, 6.5 Diesel, Turbo, 5th Wheel Ball, Silverado Package, Tonneau Cover, 153,000 Miles 1973 Chevrolet Cheyenne Super 10 Pickup - VIN: CCZ144J120997, 2 Wheel Drive, Automatic, Gas Engine 1975 Chevrolet C60 VIN: LCE615V109196, 4 Speed, 366 Engine, 15 1/2 ft. Box Hoist, Steel Floor, Roll Tarp, Clean Out Auger 1978 IH Loadstar 1700 - VIN: D0522HHB20217, 16 ft. Box, Hoist, Roll Tarp, 404 Engine AIRSEEDER, SPRAYER, AND FARM IMPLEMENTS FlexiCoil 5000 Tow Behind Airseeder with 3450 Cart SN: AD11030803 (Airseeder), SN: 114158A-10706 (Cart), 10 inch Spacing, Variable Rate, Anhydrous Summers Sprayer - 90 ft. Versatile 400 Swather - 18 ft., Gas Case IH 8465 Baler - Kicker Wheels, Double Twin Bar Bale Unroller 3 Point Dalman SM15 Stackmover - SN: 71120 Case 730 Pull Type Swather - 30 ft. RiteWay 8168 Jumbo Harrow - SN: 0281912, 68 ft. Tigermate Field Cutlivator with Harrows - 48 ft. John Deere 1600 Chisel Plow with Harrows - 30 ft. Valmer Granular Applicator Krause Tandem Disc - 26 ft. Morris Chisel - 25 ft. • Morris Chisel - 37 ft. Case Chisel 18 ft. • Case IH 8500 Drill Melroe 7-Bottom Plow Ferguson Tree Cultivator with Harrow - 3 Point IH Sickle Mower - 7 ft. (2) Double Anhydrous Tanks - 3,000 Gallon (2) Anhydrous Tank - 1,500 Gallon LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT AND FARM SUPPLIES Panels with Trailer - 25 Panels, 2 Gates HyQual Panels and Trailer - (1) 8 ft., (4) 10 ft., (5) 12 ft., (2) 14 ft., (24) 16 ft. Gates • Panels • Feed Bunks • Hay Wagon Gehl Chuck Wagon • Post • Wire (2) Water Tank - 1,500 Gallon Hydraulic Post Pounder Tools • Portable Air Compressor Tool Boxes • DEF Pumps • Fuel Tanks
Owners: Marvin and Bernadine Jorstad This sale is managed by Pifer’s Auction & Realty, Kevin Pifer, ND #715. All statements made the day of the auction take precedence over all printed materials.
Andy Mrnak or Jim Sabe 701.523.7366 • www.pifers.com
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A10
Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft. double shoot air drill, 2320 tow behind cart, 9” spacing, upgraded towers, upgraded blockage monitor, Dutch openers with a lot of work done to unit..... $29,500 Phone (406) 463-2596, Power, Montana
SEAMLESS POLY LINER 8-ft, 10-ft, 12-ft.
• Dump trucks & belly dumps • Wood floor trailers • Manure spreaders • Fertilizer hoppers • Chutes
• QuickSilver Liners • Durapro Liners • HMW Liners
• 1/3 Weight of Aluminum • UV Inhibitor & Food Grade • Chemical Resistant • 1/8”, 3/16”, 1/4”, 3/8”, & 1/2” thick • 8-ft. or 10-ft. wide x Any length
Tired of Shoveling?
Haul dirt, landscaping materials, clay, sand, manure, rock, grain, etc. ALSO Hot Asphalt Liners Available
West coast commodity tour
Shelby Morris, Sentinel from Missoula, Jessica Horan, Parliamentarian from Moore, along with the Choteau FFA Agronomy team which consisted of Caroline Roeder, Watson Snyder, Serenity Enders, Amber Johnson 1-406-293-3097 TOLL FREE 1-877-368-3097 recently participated in a commodity tour of the west coast. They were accompanied by the Montana FFA State Advisor, Jim Rose, Montana FFA Foundation Treasurer, Mark Sinnard and Choteau FFA Advisor Milford Wearley. The highlight of the trip was a visit to the Wheat Marketing Center (WMC) in Portland. Tour participants got “Find our most up-to-date prices at the opportunity to meet with www.mtrpwr.com.” Janice Cooper who serves as the Managing Director of the WMC along with the Deputy Director of the U.S. Wheat Associates Shawn Campbell. While at the WMC, the 8 t u Blow O 00 T o C h o ,0 o 8 s 3 e students were exposed to the $ Price From! research being done regarding flour quality, gluten testing, noodle quality, milling factors and baking products. Additionally, the group visited the TEMCO grain terminal just across the river from the Wheat Marketing Center. The opportunities afforded (8) 06 Volvos VNL64T, Cummins ISX ST 450 hp, Jake, 10 spd direct, air ride, 215"WB, stand up sleeper, signature this group increased their knowledge base about theSt tanks,PW, Pwr mirrors, dual air ride seats, traction control, tilt & cruise, alum wheels, 80% Brakes!! 85% tires!! agriculture industry and marketing that exists in the Pacific Northwest. The group ‘07 International 9400i Cummins ISX 450 hp, Eaton AutoShift, 72” Hi-Rise ‘17 Kenworth T880 Cummins ISX15 500 hp, 13 speed, 3.73 rear ends, 244” sleeper, 3.58 rear ends, 234” wheelbase, dual aluminum fuel tanks, 1/4 fend- wheelbase, lift axles, dual aluminum fuel tanks, chrome bumper, heated was also able to visit the ers, block heater. Stk# G433105-C....................................... Call for Details! power mirrors. Stk# G167925.................................................. Call for Price! Pearl Bakery, an Ocean Spray Cranberry processing facility, Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures Stemilt fruit processing facility, as well as a cranberry farm and a multi-fruit orchard to learn about other commodities that exist in the northwest. In addition to the agricultural SAVE SAVE SALE PRICE Sale Price businesses that were toured, $9,000 $25,000 $16,000 $37,000 the group took the opportunity SALE PRICE to $4visit 3,000 a few of the many sights the states of Washington and Oregon have to offer. The trip was filled with an abundance of education experiences and many great memories. The Montana FFA Association and the Choteau FFA Chapter would like to ‘04 the Peterbilt 379, Cat C15 475 ‘04 Peterbilt 379, Cat C15 475 HP, Jake, 10 spd O.D., air ride, ‘04 Intl 9400i Cat C15 435 HP, Jake, 10 spd O.D., air ride, 213” thank Montana Wheat & HP 3.70 ratio, 250” WB, 63” Unibilt tall sleeper, Am Class int, dual WB, 4.11 ratio, dual tanks, 51” hi rise pro sleeper, Prem int alum 3.70 ratio, 250” WB, 63” Unibilt ta Barley and Cotanks,Committee exhaust & air cleaners, alum w wheels, PW & PDL, air slide 5th wheel tanks, exhaust & air cleaners, alum wheels 80% Tires!! PX-9 300 hp, 6 speed, 5.57 rear ends, 204” ‘05 Kenworth T300 Cummins50% ISCBrakes! 240 hp, 6 Stk# speed, 4.11 rear ends, block ‘18 Kenworth T370 Cummins 50% Brakes! Stk# TPN639T-1 $34,000 STK# TP3954T-9 $53,000 TPN640T-1 lumbia Grain for being the wheelbase. Ready to go to work! Stk# G202783................... Call for Specs! heater. Stk# G096021-C............................................................ CallYOU for Info! US!ofWE’LL E-MAIL CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL YOU 30 PICTURESmainCALL CALL US! WE’LL E-MAIL 30 PICTURES sponsors this tour as S E Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures Call us, we’ll e-mail you 30 pictures av IC e SALE PR well as other sponsors who 5 To $11,000 $48,000 Choose make this trip possible. helped From
The Montana FFA State Officer team: Sheridan Johnson, President from Conrad, Seth Rekdal, 1st Vice President from Shepherd, Abbey Dunn, 2nd Vice President from Corvallis, Mikayla Comes, Secretary from Lewistown, John Power, Treasurer from Harlowton, Kelsey Kraft, Reporter from Laurel,
Great Falls, Montana Billings, Montana
MOTOR POW www.mtrpwr.com
Bacterial leaf streak of corn
By University of Wyoming Extension A new publication from the University of Wyoming (UW) Extension details bacterial leaf streak of corn. The disease is not yet in Wyoming but is in nine states, including Nebraska, Colorado and South Dakota, said William Stump, assistant professor of plant sciences in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources. In “Disease alert: Bacterial leaf streak of corn,” the extension plant pathologist explains the disease symptoms and disease cycle and management. The disease was first detected in Nebraska in 2014 and confirmed in 2016. The origin of the disease in the U.S. is not known, nor are the mechanisms by which it has extensive spread, Stump said. The bulletin is available for free download by going to www. uwyo.edu/uwe and clicking on the Publications link. Type in B-1301 or the title in the search field and click on the link. The publication is available in PDF, HTML or ePub formats.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A11
The Repair Shop Choteau, MT Phone 406-466-2955 or 406-590-5447 (cell) IN STOCK
NEW! Bale Beds with Extendable Arms IN STOCK
Have a bale bed to sell...Call us Looking for a bale bed to buy...Call us
MONDAY - OCTOBER 23, 2017 - 11 AM MT
4620 BRED ANGUS FEMALES SELL Public Auction Yards - Billings, Montana - Auctioneer Ty Thompson 406-698-4783
These Bred Females are the REAL MONTANA KIND! They will have as much quality and program as any set of females you will find anywhere in America.
Including: 2,684 BRED HEIFERS 1 43 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 1-20 • Bull Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 2 32 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 1-20 • Heifer Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 3 49 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 5-20 • Bull Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 4 51 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 5-20 • Heifer Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 5 46 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 3-20 • Bull Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 6 46 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 3-20 • Heifer Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 7 40 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 1-20 • Bull Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 8 30 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 1-20 • Heifer Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 9 51 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 10-20 • Mixed Sexes AI bred to Connealy Countdown 10 69 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 11-20 • Bull Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 11 51 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 11-20 • Heifer Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 12 64 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 9-20 • Bull Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 13 51 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 9-20 • Heifer Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 14 95 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 10-20 • Bull Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 15 99 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 10-20 • Heifer Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 16 59 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 5-20 • Bull Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 17 49 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 5-20 • Heifer Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 18 52 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 5-20 • Bull Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 19 43 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 5-20 • Heifer Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown
20 48 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 5-20 • Bull Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 21 36 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 5-20 • Heifer Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 22 42 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 5-20 • Bull Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 23 45 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 5-20 • Heifer Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 24 34 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 9-20 • Mixed Sexes AI bred to Connealy Countdown 25 47 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 8-20 • Mixed Sexes AI bred to Connealy Countdown 26 84 Bred BWF Heifers Calve: Feb. 7-20 • Mixed Sexes AI bred to Connealy Countdown 27 40 Bred BWF Heifers Calve: Feb. 21-Mar. 11 • Mixed Sexes AI to Connealy Countdown & to 1/2 brother Countdown sons 28 30 Bred BWF Heifers Calve: Mar. 12-Apr. 20 • Mixed Sexes Bred to 1/2 brother Countdown sons 29 35 Bred BWF Heifers Calve: Mar. 5-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to Clear Creek Angus bulls 30 12 BWF Heifers Calve: April 1-30 • Mixed Sexes Bred to Clear Creek Angus bulls 31 50 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 21-Mar. 11 • Mixed Sexes AI to Connealy Countdown & bred to 1/2 brother Countdown sons 32A44 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 21-Mar. 11 • Mixed Sexes AI to Connealy Countdown & bred to 1/2 brother Countdown sons 32B 20 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 21-Mar. 11 • Mixed Sexes AI to Connealy Countdown & bred to 1/2 brother Countdown sons 33 50 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 21-Mar.11 • Mixed Sexes AI to Connealy Countdown & bred to 1/2 brother Countdown sons 34 51 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 21-Mar. 11 • Mixed Sexes AI to Connealy Countdown & bred to 1/2 brother Countdown sons 35 33 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 21-Mar. 11 • Mixed Sexes AI to Connealy Countdown & bred to 1/2 brother Countdown sons
36 45 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 21-Mar. 11 • Mixed Sexes AI to Connealy Countdown & bred to 1/2 brother Countdown sons 37 49 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 21-Mar. 11 • Mixed Sexes AI to Connealy Countdown & bred to 1/2 brother Countdown sons 38 81 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 24-Mar. 3 • Bull Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 39 70 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 24-Mar. 3 • Heifer Calves AI bred to Connealy Countdown 40 25 Bred Heifers Calve: Feb. 21-Mar. 11 • Mixed Sexes Bred to LBW Vermilion Ranch bulls 41 42 Bred Heifers Calve: Mar. 12-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to 1/2 brother Countdown sons 42 78 Bred Heifers Calve: Mar. 12-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to 1/2 brother Countdown sons 43 89 Bred Heifers Calve: Mar. 12-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to LBW Vermilion Ranch bulls 44 46 Bred Heifers Calve: Mar. 12-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to LBW Vermilion Ranch bulls 45 51 Bred Heifers Calve: Mar. 12-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to LBW Vermilion Ranch bulls 46 88 Bred Heifers Calve: Mar. 8-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to LBW Paint Rock Angus bulls 47 27 Bred Heifers Calve: Mar. 12-Apr. 20 • Mixed Sexes Bred to LBW Cooper Line One bulls 48 60 Bred Heifers Calve: Apr. 1-20 • Mixed Sexes Bred to 1/2 brother Countdown sons 49 49 Bred Heifers Calve: Apr. 1-20 • Mixed Sexes Bred to LBW Vermilion Ranch bulls 50 47 Bred Heifers Calve: Apr. 1-21 • Mixed Sexes Bred to LBW Paint Rock Angus bulls 51 25 Bred Heifers Calve: Apr. 1-20 • Mixed Sexes Bred to 1/2 brother Countdown sons 52 18 Bred Heifers Calve: Mar. 10-25 • Mixed Sexes Bred to LBW Angus bulls 53 17 Bred Heifers Calve: Apr. 1-10 • Mixed Sexes Bred to LBW Angus bulls 54 69 Bred Heifers Calve: Apr. 1-30 • Mixed Sexes Bred to 1/2 brother Countdown sons
BRED COWS 55 214 2 Coming 3 Year Olds Calve: Mar. 1-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls 56 117 2 Coming 3 Year Olds Calve: Apr. 1-30 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls CONNEALY COUNTDOWN: 17585522 57 280 3 coming 4 Year Olds Calve: Mar. 1-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls 58 85 3 coming 4 Year Olds Calve: Apr. 1-30 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls 59 50 Coming 3 & 4 Year Olds Calve: May 1-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls 60 57 2 Coming 3 Year Olds Calve: Mar. 1-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls CONNEALY SPUR: 17304082 61 48 2 Coming 3 Year Olds Calve: Apr. 1-30 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls 62 80 3 Coming 4 Year Olds Calve: Mar. 1-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls 63 96 3 Coming 4 Year Olds Calve: Apr. 1-30 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls 64 35 3 Coming 4 Year Olds Calve: May 1-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls SAV PRIVILEGE: 17633557 65 98 2 Coming 3 Year Olds Calve: Mar. 1-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls 66 38 2 Coming 3 Year Olds Calve: Apr. 1-30 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls 67 95 Four Year Olds Calve: Mar. 1-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls 72B 8 3 Coming 4 Year Olds 68 30 Four Year Olds Calve: Apr. 1-30 • Mixed Sexes Calve: Apr. 1-30 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Pine Coulee Angus Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls 73A18 2 Coming 3 Year Olds 69 265 Four Year Olds Calve: Mar. 2-4 • Mixed Sexes Calve: Mar. 15-Apr. 10 • Mixed Sexes AI bred to Connealy Spur Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls 73B 10 2 Coming 3 Year Olds 70 75 Four Year Olds Calve: Mar. 10-Apr. 20 • Mixed Sexes Calve: Apr. 11-30 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls 74 55 2 & 3 Year Olds 71 35 Four Year Olds Calve: Mar. 10-Apr. 20 • Mixed Sexes Calve: May 1-30 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls 75 14 3 & 4 Year Olds 72A 25 3 Coming 4 Year Olds Calve: Apr. 10-May 5 • Mixed Sexes Calve: Mar. 3-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Vermilion bulls Bred to high performing Pine Coulee Angus
f Northern Ca Best o ttle! The
Joe & Linda Goggins Greg and (Billings, MT): Carly Goggins: 406-861-5664 (C) 406-200-1880 406-373-6844 (H)
Corey and Merrill and Kayleen Schultz: Kathleen Ostrum: 406-690-1150 406-321-1320 406-328-4878
Turk and Jenny Stovall: 406-256-2282 406-698-6907 (C)
Broadcast live on Northern Livestock Video Auction Online at www.cattleusa.com or on Dish Network Channel 998. Sale book and video preview can be viewed at www.northernlivestockvideo.com after October 10.
76 12 5 & 6 Year Olds Calve: Apr. 10-30 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Angus bulls 77 6 2 & 4 Year Old BWF Cows Calve: Mar. 20-30 • Mixed Sexes Bred to Line 1 Hereford bulls 78 3 2 to 4 Year Olds Calve: Apr. 25-May 10 • Mixed Sexes Bred to Line 1 Hereford bulls 79 65 3 Coming 4 Year olds Calve: Apr.10 -May 10 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Angus bulls 80 20 3 Coming 4 Year Olds Calve: May 11-31 • Mixed Sexes Bred to high performing Angus bulls
Like J&L Livestock on ®
★ All cows and heifers ultrasound pregnancy tested and calves sexed by Dr. Ralph Miller and Dr. Bryan Roe. ★ Officially Bangs vaccinated. Fancy set of calves. Calves weaned between Sept. 21 & Oct. 10 ★ All cows and heifers have been on a sound health and mineral program. Vira-Shield-3-VL5 and Ivermectin Pour On in the spring. ★ Cattle will sell in uniform short day calving periods. ★ Sold on a gate cut basis. ★ Most all heifers carry their original irons and have not been rebranded.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A12
Shaver towable post pounder, 13 hp Honda power. Nearly new, very clean....................................$9150
2008 Yanmar ViO45 thumb, pin grabber, blade, only 1470 hours..... .........................................$42,500
Check out our website www.nm-machinery.com for pictures and prices or email Neil at neil.marjerrison@gmail.com • Phone 406-544-2940, Missoula, MT
A student in the MSU College of Agriculture’s Steer-A-Year program gathers data on donated steers. The program is again seeking steer donations to give students hands-on experience in all aspects of the beef industry. MSU photo by Adrian Sanchez-Gonzalez
MSU College of Agriculture seeks steer donations for student program
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Montana State University’s Steer-A-Year program is seeking steer donations for the 2017-18 academic year. The donated steers will allow agriculture students to gain handson learning experience in all aspects of the beef industry, from anatomy to production. Throughout the academic year, students in the Steer-A-Year program provide daily care for steers that Montana ranchers have donated to the university. The steers are then sold in the spring, and profits from the sales fund student activities in MSU’s College of Agriculture. Additionally, the steers are used as a co-curricular complement to introductory coursework taught by Hannah DelCurto, instructor and program manager of MSU’s Steer-A-Year program. DelCurto uses the donated steers to provide her students with applied learning experiences in courses in the Department of Animal and Range such as beef cattle management, professional development in beef production systems, livestock management, and meat science and livestock evaluation. The donated steers are also used for instruction for MSU’s livestock judging team and animal science internships, which DelCurto coordinates. Approximately 22 students from various backgrounds and majors in agricultural studies are enrolled this year in the Steer-A-Year course, according to DelCurto. Last year, MSU Culinary Services purchased 13,000 pounds of beef from the Steer-A-Year program which will be served in MSU’s Miller Dining Commons and at other university events this year. “We received wonderful industry support, and we’re excited about the growth and trajectory of our program,” DelCurto said. “The practical learning experiences these students glean from the program is priceless because the program represents agriculture from the technical scientific foundations all the way to the consumption. It’s a very unique and enriching program for students.” The steers live at MSU’s Bozeman Agricultural Research and Teaching, or BART, farm, and students are responsible for everything from feeding the animals to health checks to vaccinations. Students provide steer production data - average daily weight gain, carcass information when the meat is harvested and even genetic testing - to the ranchers who donated them, DelCurto said. Throughout the program, producers receive
detailed monthly reports of average daily intakes, feed efficiency and average daily gain. At the end of the program, students provide a detailed carcass report. Students also post steer progress on Facebook at Steer-a-Year at MSU. At the end of the year, awards are presented to steer donors for the best initial feeder steer, the steer with the top rate of gain and best carcass. DelCurto said Steer-A-Year students learn valuable marketing and communications skills, in addition to technical animal science, all in preparation for the spring steer sale. Funds from the sale of the steers and donations to the program allow students to travel and compete at national level and attend statewide events, such as the Montana Farm Bureau Convention and the Montana Stockgrowers Association meetings. Donated steers directly impact students, particularly those on the livestock judging team. “The funds allow judging team members to compete nationally and learn the importance of professionally representing Montana and MSU,” she said. “One of the main goals of the program is to provide opportunities for students to develop confidence in environments outside of the classroom.” Patrick Hatfield, head of MSU’s Department of Animal and Range Sciences, said the program provides a critical link between current agribusiness practice and the classroom. “Hannah has a done a wonderful job in her few years as our Steer-A-Year and livestock judging leader, and we’re excited to watch the program grow at MSU,” Hatfield said. “We’re thankful to our supporters and producers who also see value in connecting production agriculture to the classroom for MSU students.” Contributions to the program can be made in the form of a live steer, cash, proceeds from an auction market sale, and gifts of feed, grain or forage. All donations are considered charitable contributions. Steers will be accepted between October 30 and November 17. Ideally, steers should weigh 500-800 pounds, be weaned and healthy and healed from castration and dehorning before arriving at MSU. Transportation and brand inspection paperwork is requested as well. For more information about the SteerA-Year program, including how to donate a steer or transportation support for steer donation, contact DelCurto at 406-994-3752 or hannah.delcurto@montana.edu.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A13
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A14
The deadline for advertising for the November issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be November 1.
DOUBLE C FARMS, LLC Townsend The Heart of Montana Hay Country
Alfalfa For Sale Clean and green 3x4x8 bales
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302 Truck Bypass • Lewistown 538-9435 • www.LewistownHonda.com
Managing drought through proper soil health
By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service not enough resources are available to Tough times are times that allow producoffset the impact economically. But let’s ers to ponder that next turn in the road and remember, tough times are times that althink through better ways to prepare for Mother Nature’s wrath. low producers to ponder that next turn in Drought is one of those times. Effective the road and think through better ways to mitigation of drought is improved soil prepare for Mother Nature’s wrath. Effechealth; thus, it’s more effective utilization tive drought mitigation is improved soil of available moisture. health, which utilizes available moisture That is not to say drought is manageable, more effectively. but rather our response to lower moisture Dryness, although very apparent on the levels may mitigate the severity. We know top of the soil, is not as important as what beef, grass and crops require inputs, includis going on within the soil. The Dickinson Research Extension Center (DREC) has ing water, to live on the land. When water dedicated resources to help better underis short, grass and crops will dry, soon followed by an exodus stand soil health. Jon of the animals that Stika, a part-time depend on the grass professional at the and crops. center, specializes in Droughts are not soil health and notes new; they cycle pesoil health is defined as the capacity of riodically through the soil to function the land. Before the through plant nutriconfines of modern agriculture, animals and people moved ent cycling (particularly nitrogen) and with the changing weather patterns. Today, maximizing water infiltration into the soil. the sale of cattle moves them to land with The general principles of managing to feed. Ranchers set aside drought sales improve soil health require reduced soil revenue to restock at a later date. The goal disturbance, increased plant diversity (crop always was to settle around water and then rotation, cover crops and species on rangeproduce the needed food to survive. land), the maintenance of living roots in the The challenges still remain. Despite soil as much of the year as possible, and technology breakthroughs, water still is keeping the soil covered with plants and required for food production. Droughts in plant residues at all times. These principles arid areas may see no moisture, semiarid have proven to be the core principles of areas may see a little moisture and humid center research and mitigating the lack of areas still will have moisture, just less of it. moisture in southwestern North Dakota. Land was not created equally. Soil types, The center had a quarter of land with temperature and moisture make up land. dysfunctional soil. Crop production was Proper land management involves an unminimal and repeated attempts to improve the land were of no avail. Crops grew, but derstanding of what goes on within the livthey were much closer to being in survival ing soil within the land base that individual mode. producers manage. Soil is the presence In 2008, the center, in conjunction with of particles bound together, forming soil local soil conservation districts, started a aggregates and the living processes that diverse eight-year crop rotation on this create those aggregates and fill the spaces quarter in hopes of improving the underbetween them. Unfortunately, our modern expectations lying health of the soil. The rotation was of the land we live on are not always in three years of alfalfa, followed by winter sync with Mother Nature. The challenges triticale/hairy vetch, corn, oats/peas, a still remain. Life does not end when moismultispecies cover crop, spring wheat and winter wheat. The goal was to get a betture is in short supply. Rather, native vegetation adapted to the long-term moisture ter understanding of what is necessary to pattern for the area generally covers soil. implement the soil health principles in an In the extremes, life emerges for very short effort to enhance soil health. periods that coincide with rain. After eight years, the fields do not even Climate is what we expect; weather is look the same. The eight study fields are what we get. Understand the climate zone alive and productive, but more importantly, and plan for the vagaries of weather. they are soil healthy. Remember, tough Hay carryover is one example. While times are the times to ponder that next turn stored hay will deteriorate, this carryover in the road and think through better ways is the insurance for a failed hay crop and is to prepare for Mother Nature’s wrath. an important aspect for cattle production. May you find all your ear tags. Is the amount of hay deterioration a worthy For more information, contact your local expense for the assurance hay will be availNDSU Extension Service agent (https:// www.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) able the next year? Generally, the answer is or Ringwall at the Dickinson Research yes; however, the human thought process Extension Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickoften believes anything can be done. When Mother Nature alters the road inson, ND 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris. (in this case through lack of moisture), ringwall@ndsu.edu.
City trained
A man who had lived on a small remote island all his life decided to visit his city cousin. Everything he saw was new to him, including train tracks. One afternoon, while sitting on the tracks, he heard a whistle, but didn’t know he needed to move. The train came right at him, and fortunately he was able to leap out of the way at the last second. Later at his cousin’s house he was sitting at the kitchen table when his
cousin put a teakettle on the stove. After a few minutes, the kettle started to whistle. Terrified, the man sprang to his feet, grabbed a baseball bat, and crushed the kettle to smithereens. Hearing the commotion, his cousin ran into the kitchen. “What in the world did you do that to my tea kettle?” the cousin angrily demanded. “I know all about these things!” his guest exclaimed. “You gotta get ‘em when they’re small!”
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A15
• Roll tarps • Hydraulic drive
8-Ton Chandlers Lease To Own $3955/yr - oac
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10-Ton Chandlers Lease To Own $5609/yr - oac
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Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A16
Investigate before buying livestock feed
By NDSU Extension Service amounts of the weeds in the bales? At what Many North Dakota livestock producers stage of growth were the weeds cut? are buying hay and feed from outside the Phone (406) 480-0024, Medicine Lake, Montana • Were the bales from the first, second, region because drought resulted in pasture, third or subsequent cutting? hay and other feed shortages in the upper • How is the hay bound (plastic twine, Great Plains. sisal twine, net wrap, etc.)? The North Dakota State University ITEMS FOR SALE • How and where was the hay stored? (NDSU) Extension Service and North • Is any mold visible on the hay? Dakota Stockmen’s Association remind Skytrak 9038 Telehandler 4x4x4, 9000 lb lift, 38-ft. lift height, QC, • What is the nutrient content of the feed? producers to ask questions and use sound turbo diesel, 60% 14:00x24 tires, Knowing the nutrient profiles of hay, stover, business practices to protect themselves QC blade. Runs and works, some grains and byproducts helps producers make and their livestock as they make purchases. leaks, brakes weak, 1st gear strong .............................. $14,500 informed decisions. “Hay, stover and other feeds are coming 1995 International 9400 tandem axle, • Are ergot or other antiquity factors from around the country, and the quality of 72” Pro sleeper, loaded, 500 hp, present in the grains or byproducts? If so, those feeds can vary considerably,” NDSU N14, Jake, 10 speed, RV/horse hauler, runs good, 50% tires, custhe feed needs to be tested to determine if Extension beef cattle specialist Carl Dahlen tom bed, bumper & tool boxes...... or how it can be fed to cattle. says. .........................................$16,500 “If feasible, producers may want to look Here are some questions producers 1989 Wisconsin 20 ton Tiltbed 30-ft. at the hay before making a purchase,” says should ask so they have a clear understandx 100”, hydraulic tilt and tail, 70% 17.5 tires, electric brakes, paver Julie Ellingson, executive vice president of ing of what they are buying: special. Tows nice............ $12,000 the North Dakota Stockmen’s Association. • What year was the product harvested? 1990 Ford L9000 4x4 Dump 70,000 miles, PS, AB, NTC315 CumTim Petry, NDSU Extension livestock • Are bales round or square? mins, 10 speed, Jake, 7 yard bed, 2-way plow, 6 yard sander. Runs and drives great.................................................... $22,000 economist, suggests livestock feed buyers, • What is the average bale weight? 1984 International Digger Derrick 7.5 ton Altec crane, 41-ft. tip sellers and haulers have written contracts. • What grass/plant species are included height, hydraulic auger, 210 hp DT466, 5&2 speed, 75% tires, Contracts should include details such as in the bales and at what approximate perPS, AB. Runs and works great....................................... $10,000 the names of the parties, the price of the centages? Phone 406-777-1435 or 406-369-8508 commodity, the terms of the agreement, • Are noxious weeds in the area where the transportation details and signatures. bales originated? What are the approximate He also urges producers to beware of payment scams in which buyers are being asked to pay by direct deposit only and sellers are not available to answer ques12 Months Interest tions about the feed. “Be cautious of anything in your communication with potential sellers that seems out of the ordinary,” Petry Wireless Blockage and Flow Monitor says. Transportation can be a significant component of the hay cost. Producers should know if the transportation is included in the price of the hay. Here are other transportation questions producers should ask: Display Steering • Is the cost per mile Options Options roundtrip or only per loaded mile? • What equipment will I need to unload the truck? • Will the trucking be paid separately from the hay? “People are inherently good, but there may be opA G - S E R V I C E S portunists who seek to take advantage of people in deswww.triangleag.com perate or serious situations,” Ellingson says. “Miscom406-622-3887 munication also can lead to problems, so making sure PO Box 1476 : 2705 Front Street Fort Benton, MT 59442 agreements and arrangements are qualified in writing is important.” Dahlen adds: “Drought conditions have brought about serious management and financial considerations Full Featured to the table, and we hope 3000H Onthat everyone making feed Combine purchases receives the prodAnalyzer ucts they thought they were buying.” Protein and Moisture in Wheat and Barley 2015 Salford 40-ft. tillage tool, heavy duty, only 5000 acres, new shape...................$40,000 under new price
Oil and Moisture in Canola
Track temperature
Economical 1000H Bench-top Analyzer Monitor moisture
##### After canning your food, tap the top; you should hear a ringing note. If food is touching the top, this may not occur, but as long as the top does not move up and down, the food does not have to be reprocessed.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A17
Ophus Auction Service End of the Year Consignment Auction Saturday November 4th, 2017 To be held at our auction yard Hwy 87 Big Sandy, MT Register for Bidders numbers at 9 AM Auction Starts at 10 AM
Truck and Pickups Tractors & Headers
• 1985 GMC 7000 truck, air cond, 7.4 L gas, 5&2 speed, 9 Ft flatbed, 5th wheel ball, new 10.00-20 duals, only 42,815 miles, nice shape
• 1979 GMC 7000 truck, 427, 5&2 speed, 12,000# front axle, power steering, 18 Ft box & hoist, steel floor, roll tarp, air lift tag with 235-16 duals, only 56,000 miles, nice shape • 2005 Chevy Silverado 4X4 Reg. cab long box pickup, 4.8L V-8, 5 speed, Air, vinyl seats, 57,560 miles, nice unit • 1983 Chevy ¾ ton Silverado 4X2 Reg. cab long box pickup, 350, 4 speed, 56,090 miles, sells with a small Camper • 1985 Ford F-150 Lariat 4X2 extended cab pickup, 5.8L, Auto Trans, topper, new tires, 114,830 miles, looks like new • 1968 Ford F-250 4X2 pickup V-8, 4 speed, service box
2008 Cougar X-lite 29RLS by Keystone 33 Ft bumper pull camp trailer, fiberglass sides, large slide out, awning, walk around front bed, smells new inside
• 2006 New Holland TV 145 bi-directional, cab, air, heat AM FM CD, (Hyd, 3 Pt, PTO, on both ends) sells with a New Holland 84LB loader with 8 Ft bucket & grapple, 16.9-38 tires, large rear wheel weights, 3,380 Hr. Sells subject to owners approval • 1992 Ford 9030 bi-directional, cab, air, heat, PTO & Hyd on engine end, 3Pt, PTO on loader end, sells with a loader with 8 Ft bucket & grapple, 16.9-28 tires, new Hyd pump, pivot pin repaired, 11,560 Hr. • New Holland 2300 Series 16 Ft hay header, rubber conditioner, off 9030 Bi-directional • 22 Ft Versatile 4022 draper header, triple delivery, off Bidirectional • 2300 New Holland 16 Ft hay header, conditioner • HDX Case IH 16 Ft Hay header off TV140 • 7414 New Holland Loader & Frame, black color, 8Ft bucket & grapple • 1975 Versatile 800 tractor, cab air, 12 speed, 3 remotes, new 18.4-34 duals • IH Farmall 666 Hydro tractor, 6 Cyl gas, 3 Pt, PTO, like new 18.4-34 tires, front mounted with a HD 7 Hyd post pounder • Ford 8N tractor, 3 Pt, PTO, good rear tires
New Skidsteer Attachments
1936 Restored Ford 4 door sedan car, flat head V-8, rear suicide doors, cream color paint, dark tan interior. This car is a frame up restoration, engine, interior, body. This is a Montana car. 1995 BMW 750iL four door sedan.
• Lowe 750 Hyd post hole digger with 12 inch bit • Stout 8 tine, 72 inch brush bucket & grapple • Stout 72 inch rock bucket & grapple • Stout walk through 48 inch pallet forks • 4-Maxam 12-16.5 skid steer tires, 12 ply
Farm Equipment
• 2012 Trail Tech combine header trailer, torsion axle, works on 36 Ft headers • 2008 Summers 60 Ft pickup sprayer, mid mount booms with wind screens, 500 gal, Hyd tip lift, 5 Hp Honda • Melroe 34 Ft 5505 chisel plow, Hyd wing fold, center rock shaft chain lift, 1¼ inch shanks, 3 bar mounted harrows, dead rod, very nice • 1981 Krause 1950 tandem 34 Ft. rock flex disk, tandem wing & center wheels, 20 inch disks, mounted 3 bar harrows, very good • 48 Ft of John Deere 9350 grain drills, 14 inch spacing, rubber packers, field hitch with track wackers, 1 drill at auction site the rest will be picked up at Loma • Case IH 2388 combine, specialty rotor, Big Top grain tank extension, new tires, long unloading auger, recent PTO gear box work, 4,000 engine Hr. 3,340 Sep Hr. • 1980 John Deere 7720 combine, Hydro, straw chopper sells with a JD 230 30 Ft header, batt reel • 1995 Chevy 3500 4X4 pickup, Air, 7.4L, Auto Trans, flat bed, 108,400 miles sells with a 70 Ft Summers mid mount boom sprayer, 500 Gal, 8 Hp Honda, Raven 440 controller dual nozzles, Hyd tip lift, EZ guide 250 • 2008 Wilray 20 Ft 5th wheel trailer, tandem 7,000 axles • 1,500 black poly tank, mixing cone, 5.5 Hp Honda pump sell after the trailer • Eversman 2 SD pull type scraper, 2 yard • 15KW Win-Power axle mounted PTO generator • Farm King 8X51 Ft PTO grain auger
Long Guns
Marlin • 270 Win composite stock • 55 12 gauge bolt action adj. choke • 1870 model 5510 10 gauge 3.5 inch, bolt action, 33 in barrel • 871 bolt 22 LR 2.5X scope • 795 Semi A synthetic 22LR • 883 bolt 22WMR Simmons 3X9 • 990L Semi A Weaver scope • 989M2 Semi A 22LR • 1855SS 445-70 Govt. new in box • 88-22 Semi A 22LR Remington • Game master 760 30-06, pump 2 clips • Game master 760 300 Savage, pump stainless, Bushnell stainless 3X9 • 870 Express Mag 20 gauge 2¾ & 3 inch, pump • 870 Wing Master 12 gauge 2¾ pump • 579 22LR Semi A • 2- 550-1 Semi A 22LR • 1903 US military Smith & Wesson • 1500 bolt 30-06 3X9X32 scope • 1500 bolt 22-250 Bushnell wide angle 4X16 bipod
Reloading Equipment
• 4-reloading presses, Boxes of dies • Hein Warner Trans jack, pit • Hornady cartridge cleaner style • Large selection of primers, • New aluminum mig welding bullets, & casings kit • 7,000 Remington 22LR hol• Oxygen Acetylene bottles & low points torch • 1,000 HSM 38 special, 158 • ½ Hp bench grinder Everything Else grain • 2-1,000 gallon propane tanks, • JPC-80 walk behind plate • Battery charger • Large selection of Ammo • 2 Hp air compressor truck mounted compactor, 6Hp Knives • New air lift truck tag axle, • John Deere 820 walk behind • Milwaukee saws all • Vacuum pump • More than 100 knives, wheels & 10.00-20 tires roto-tiller • Cooling system tester Schrade, Case, Remington in• Craftsman 26 inch electric • 2-Auger hoppers • 2 ton floor jack cluding a Mickey Mouse world start snow blower Fair 1933 knife
Shop Tools
Auctioneers Note:
We are celebrating 35 years in the auction business. We may have a special drawing to celebrate. This is one of the bigger gun/reloading auctions we have done. We will have FFL licensed dealer on site. Most of the guns came from the Gary Vaughn Estate. The 36 Ford is super nice. There will be more consignments coming in. Keep checking our web site for updates. Come have some fun. Top Notch will be cooking gourmet onions & burgers for your dining pleasure.
Winchester *Pre 64* • *70 300 H&H bolt • *70 30-06 bolt • *94 lever action 25-35 saddle ring good bore • *69A grooved receiver 22LR bolt • *94 lever action 32 special • *61 pump 22LR Bushnell 4X • *72 Semi A 22LR • *1895 7.62MM lever action • 94 30-30 lever action stainless • 94 lever 25-35 scope mount • 94 1994 25-35 lever saddle ring • 2- 77 Semi A 22LR Other • Escort 12 gauge Semi A 3 inch • Russian 7.62X54 Semi A • Chinese SKS composite stock • Russian SKS Semi A bayonet • Mauser 22-250 bolt Weaver 3X9 • JC Higgins model 20 12 gauge pump 2¾ • New England Arms SB1 single shot 20 gauge 3 inch • Mossberg Silver Reserve engraved 12 gauge over & under 2¾ & 3 inch • 1945 Crown military • Chilean Mauser bolt • 303 British Enfield • German Mauser bolt • Mauser 1937 bolt • Mauser 1891 bolt • Carl Gustafs 1912 • US Remington model 03-A3 bolt • Mauser 308 bolt • Rossi 92 SRC lever 38 or 357 saddle ring • Iver Johnson 22LR carbine • M-1 carbine 30 cal • Golden State Arms 7.65 bolt • Federal Ordinance 25-06 bolt Bushnell 4X • Springfield 87A Semi A 22LR • Swedish Craig 6.6.55 Bolt • Mossberg 151K Semi A 22LR • Ward’s 87 22LR • Savage 7A Semi A 22LR
Smith & Wesson • K frame 22LR diamond grips, 6 inch, 5 screw • J frame 22 LR diamond grips, 2¾ inch, Adj. sights • sw 22 Victory Semi A 22 LR, Stainless • New m422 Semi A 22 LR, wood grips • New 2206 stainless 22 LR, composite grips • M+P 22LR Semi A Ruger • single 6 1976 engraved cylinders, 22LR, wood case • New Mark III 22LR Semi A in case • 50 Year anniversary Mark II 22LR Semi A new in box • 45 Cal Blackhawk new model, 7.5 inch barrel in box • Super Blackhawk 44 Mag new model, 7.5 inch in box • Mark II Target 22 LR Semi A • Mark I target 22 LR Semi A • Mark II target 22 LR Semi A 6 7/8 inbox • Single 6 .32H&R Mag 6.5 inch • 4-Ruger BX 25 clips for mini 14 • Colt Huntsman 22 LR Semi A • Colt Police Protective 38 Spec. DA 6 inch • Browning Buck Mark 22 LR Semi A & case Other • 2-Phoenix Arms Hp 22 LR Semi A stainless • Llama 45 Cal Semi A in box • Llama XV 22 LR Semi A in box • Stoeger Arms Luger 22 LR Semi A in box • High Standard Double 9 22 LR in box • Sig Sauer Mosquito 22 LR Semi A in case • 2- CZ model 52 9MM Semi A • Taurus DA 22 LR new in box 9 shot • S.A.C.M. model 1935A • Jennings J 22 LR Semi A stainless pearl grips in box • GSG 1911 Semi A 22 LR 3 clips • H&R Sportsman 999 22 LR DA • Navy Arms 44 Cal black powder • Euro arms 44 Cal black powder • Connecticut Valley Arms Kentucky 45 Cal black powder • 3- Air pistols
For more pictures go to
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A18
International 1460 combine, header and pickup attachment. Good running condition.
Please email: dcrohrer@3rivers.net
Reap the benefits of family mealtimes
By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service “Should we go see a hawk?” my son asked after we finished eating dinner with the rest of our family. He was about 11 at the time. “Sure. Maybe we will see Spock on the way,” I replied. Back then, my son and I had to be a little devious about using words that rhymed with “walk” when we went on regular walks around our neighborhood. My younger daughter, who was 3 at the time, wanted to go along with us if she heard the word “walk.” However, she wouldn’t walk, ride in a stroller or drive a tricycle. She wanted to be carried on our back or shoulders. We sneaked out of the house to avoid carrying her for two or three miles. We usually brought her to the park when we returned. Thinking back, my daughter had this process figured out. She liked the playground at the park. Back then, my son was barely up to my shoulders. Then he grew to be “nose high.” Reaching my height was a significant milestone. We would stand back to back so he could show me that he was catching up with my height. Then he grew taller than both of us parents, and suddenly all his jeans were “high-water pants.” Yes, we were providing nutritious food at all those family meals, but I began wondering just how tall this kid was going to get. He stopped growing at 6 foot 3, about 8 inches taller than I am. Now we mark another significant milestone in our household: our son’s college graduation. We are proud of the young man he has become. In looking back, those regular family mealtimes and afterdinner walks were beneficial in many ways. Eating together was a family tradition that allowed us to take a break to catch up with our three kids and their busy lives. You can learn a lot about your child’s life by going on walks, too. On the nutrition front, meals eaten with family members include less fat, less pop, and more fruits and vegetables. Family meals also tend to be higher in calcium, fiber and other essential nutrients. Children who eat balanced meals with their families are less likely to become overweight. Research published by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) shows that children in families who share three or more meals together per week are 24 percent more likely to consume healthful foods. Additionally, the AAP researchers showed the odds of being overweight or obese decrease 12 percent for children who eat at least three family meals together weekly. Regular family meals can strengthen relationships. Gathering as a family creates structure and acts as a protective factor, especially for teens. As a result of this family connection, children are less likely to engage in risky behavior such as smoking, drinking alcohol or trying drugs. Family meals can promote better academic performance. When children get proper nutrition, their brains and bodies are fueled. They are better able to pay attention in school and learn. When they eat with their families, young children learn new words and expand their vocabularies. By the time they are teens, children who eat regularly with their families do better academically than their peers who do not. While meals eaten together in a restaurant “count” as family meals, making meals at home can save money. In many cases, you can prepare a meal for a family for the same price as one entrée in a sit-down restaurant. In January, my NDSU Extension Service colleagues in family science/finance and I launched “The Family Table,” an initiative to promote families getting back to the family table. It includes monthly challenges, an e-newsletter and recipes. Visit https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/familytable for more information. Join the family meal challenges with prize drawings for participation. Videotape your favorite family table memory and post it on the Facebook site. Regardless of your household size, you may find some tips and recipes to enjoy. Despite living on his own, my son still texts me in the afternoon and asks me, “What’s for dinner?” I think he would be over to join us in no time if I told him that beef kabobs are on the menu. Maybe we would top off this family meal by “looking for a hawk.” However, we’d let my younger daughter lead the way. Here’s a delicious recipe and nutrition analysis courtesy of the North Dakota Beef Commission. Enjoy with a tossed green salad, whole-wheat rolls and milk for a balanced meal. CONTINUED ON PAGE A19
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A19
Reap the benefits of family mealtimes
Price T8005ruck & E quipment H . 10 W - M , MT wy
Citrus-marinated Beef and Fruit Kabobs 1 pound beef top sirloin steak, boneless and cut 1 inch thick 1 medium orange 1/4 c. chopped fresh cilantro leaves 1 Tbsp. smoked paprika 1/4 tsp. ground red pepper (optional) 4 c. cubed mango, watermelon, peaches and/or plums Chopped fresh cilantro leaves (optional garnish) Grate peel and squeeze 2 tablespoons juice from orange; reserve juice in a separate bowl not in contact with raw meat. Combine grated orange peel, cilantro, paprika and ground red pepper, if desired, in small bowl. Cut beef steak into 1 1/4-inch pieces. Place beef and 2 1/2 tablespoons cilantro mixture in food-safe plastic bag; turn to coat. Place remaining cilantro mixture and fruit in separate food-safe plastic bags; turn to coat. Close bags securely. Marinate the bags of beef and fruit in refrigerator 15 minutes to two hours. Soak eight 9-inch bamboo skewers in water 10 minutes; drain. Thread beef evenly onto four skewers, leaving a small space between pieces, or use metal skewers. Thread fruit onto remaining four separate skewers. Place kabobs on grill over medium, ash-covered coals. Grill beef kabobs, covered, five to seven minutes (over medium heat on preheated gas grill, seven to nine minutes) for medium rare (145 F) to medium (160 F) doneness, turning occasionally. Grill fruit kabobs five to seven minutes or until softened and beginning to brown, turning once. Drizzle reserved orange juice over fruit kabobs. Garnish with cilantro, if desired. Makes four servings. Each serving has 241 calories, 5 grams (g) fat, 28 g protein, 22 g carbohydrate, 3.4 g fiber and 59 milligrams sodium. ##### Modern bucking broncos are not wild horses but are bred for use in rodeos. A proven bucking bronco may cost between $8,000 and $10,000.
(406) 543-0382
(800) 779-3660
Grove AP206 Carry deck crane, diesel, 12,000 lb...........$10,000
2000 Ford F550 4WD service truck, 7.3 diesel, 6 speed, 11ft. box, 3200 lb. crane, hydraulic air compressor.......$22,500
1992 International 4900 service truck, 11-ft. utility box, 5000 lb. crane, 225 amp Miller welder, Ingersoll air compressor...............................$20,000
1994 GMC service truck, 4x4, 7.4 liter, 5 speed, compressor/ welder, 3200 lb. crane.. $15,000
Ditch Witch 350SX cable plow.............................................................. $5000 8-ft. quick attach grapple bucket............................................................ $2500 1999 Ford F550 4x4 flatbed, V10, automatic..................................... $10,000 1999 Ford F450 4x4, snowplow, 7.3 automatic, 11-ft. utility bed........ $15,000 1999 Ford F450 7.3 diesel automatic, 4WD, 12-ft. flatbed................. $10,000 2000 Ford F550 service truck, 7.3 diesel, 6 speed, 11-ft. box, 2800 lb crane. ........................................................................................................ $12,500 2000 Ford F550 4WD, service truck, 7.3 diesel, 6 speed, 11-ft. box, IRT030 compressor, outriggers, PTO, set up for crane................................ $15,000 2000 Ford F450 bucket truck, V10, automatic, 31-ft. bucket.............. $12,500 1999 Ford F550 4x4, crew cab, utility, V10 automatic........................ $12,500 1999 Ford F450 utility truck, 7.3, 6 speed, 4x4.................................. $12,500 1994 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5+2 speed, 6200# IMT crane, compressor, hydraulic outriggers........................................................... $12,500 1992 Ford F800 service truck, diesel, 8 speed, 14.7-ft. box, 7500# IMT crane, hydraulic compressor, ZR8 225 amp welder........................ $19,000 1992 Ford F700 diesel, 8 speed, 13.5-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers... ........................................................................................................ $12,500 1985 Ford F700 4x4 service truck, IMT 5000 lb. crane, underhood air compressor, outriggers.......................................................................... $15,000 1985 Ford F600 service truck, diesel, 5/2 speed, 8000 lb Auto Crane, compressor............................................................................................ $11,000 1996 Chevrolet Kodiak Cat diesel, 6 speed automatic, utility bed, outriggers ................................................................................................... $8500 1995 International 4900 60-ft. bucket truck, DT466, 8LL transmission, 4 outriggers............................................................................................. $15,000 1989 International 41-ft. bucket truck, diesel, automatic................... $10,000 1981 International 4x4 dump truck, low miles................................... $12,500 16-ft. flatbed dump with hoist................................................................. $3500 1986 Ford F800 National 228 37-ft. crane 14-ft. dump bed............... $10,000 1999 Ford 550 diesel, automatic, flatbed with lift gate.......................... $9000 1996 Ford F350, V8, automatic, 13-ft. flatbed, 5000 lb crane, outriggers....... ........................................................................................................... $8000
2001 International 4700 60-ft. bucket truck, DT466 automatic, 4 outriggers, jib, exgovernment................$20,000
1994 Ford F450 service truck, 7.3L, 5 speed, 11-ft. box, 5000 lb. crane, Ingersoll Rand compressor.......................$15,000
1995 Ford F800 bucket truck, Cummins, 6 speed, 50-ft. reach, double bucket..$12,500
1998 International 4900 60ft. bucket truck, DT466, 8LL transmission, 4 outriggers....... ...................................$17,500
1996 Holden 20-ton tilt bed equipment trailer, 24-ft. deck..... .....................................$12,500
1980 Hyster 20-ton equipment tilt, 25-ft. deck................$8000
1988 Internatonal 1800 2-ton diesel 4x4 flatbed.................................. $9000 1989 Ford F450 utility truck, 11-ft. bed, 460 hp, automatic................... $2500 1979 GMC chip truck............................................................................. $6500 1981 International S1800 4x4 flatbed, 14,000 lb knuckle boom....... $12,500 1996 International 4900 DT466 engine, 10 speed............................ $10,000 1995 International 4900 466, 5 speed, 18-ft. flatbed dump.............. $12,500 12-ft. flatbed, 3200 lb. IMT crane, air compressor.................................. $5000 125-185 CFM air compressors.................................................$4000 - $6000 1999 Haulin 31-ft. flatbed (expands to 34-ft.), telescopic hitch and air brakes. Good for round bales ..................................................................... $10,000 12-ton 22-ft. tilt bed trailer...................................................................... $6500 (11) 20-ton 24-ft. tilt bed trailers.............................................$7500 - $12,500 1-ton utility beds, starting at.................................................................. $1000 2 ton dump boxes, each........................................................................ $1000 2013 Terex light plant............................................................................ $5000 Miller 250-400 amp diesel welder............................................$1500 - $4500 Buckets for skid steer loaders....................................................................Call Forklift forks...............................................................................................Call Cat IT28 quick-tach forks...................................................................... $2500 16” to 36” augers.......................................................................$750 to $1750 Versatile 35-ft. bucket attachment......................................................... $3000 (4) Goodyear 1200x20 unused traction tires.......................................... $800 (6) Goodyear 1200xR20 unused traction tires...................................... $1200 (4) General 1200x20 unused highway tires............................................ $800 Check us out on the web! www.pricetruckandequipment.com
Rod and Loretta Mattson Unreserved Farm Auction
Saturday, November 4, 2017 • 10:00 AM Hays, AB - Contact Owner: Rod Mattson - (403) 654-0013
East on Hwy. 524 - 6 miles (approx.) to Road AN, and 2 miles (approx.) North to yard #10AN001 (Watch for Signs) TRACTORS, COMBINE, SWATHER & SPRAYER
• 2007 New Holland TS 125A Tractor MFWD, 3 PTH, 18.4 X 38 rears, 380/85R 28 fronts, left hand shuttle 16 speed trans; 5575 hrs. Sells with 840 TL FEL Bucket/Grapple & Pallet Forks • 1981 Case 2390 Tractor 3 PTH, recent transmission & differential repair, new radiator, 20.8 X 38 factory duals; 6864 hrs. • Case IH 5000 Swather 16.5’ dual auger header, pickup reel, 3237 hrs. SHEDDED • John Deere 7720 Combine Straw Storm & Chaff Saver attachments. Approx. 2800 hrs. SHEDDED • Terra Gator 1603 SP Sprayer 3208 Cat, 75’, Raven Control, new rubber, recent engine overhaul, air ride, chem. mixer, 1500 gal. stainless steel tank; 8500 hrs. • John Deere 220 Straight Cut Header • Kawasaki KSS 652 Payloader Isuzu 6 cyl. diesel, 4251 hrs. • Case 1030 Tractor c/w Foster 3 PTH Backhoe • IHC 414 Tractor
• 2010 New Holland HW 345 SP Discbine 15.5’ , 924.4 hrs. SHEDDED • 2003 New Holland BR780 Round Baler 540 PTO, Twine only, s/n 25610; SHEDDED • 2000 New Holland 688 Round Baler 1000 PTO, Twine only; s/n 981813; SHEDDED • Morris 881 Round Bale Stacker • Kirchner 3PTH Swath Fluffer
• 1700 round bales hay, 200 round bales cereal straw, 100 round bales pea straw, *Years and cuts on website
• 2009 GMC C4500 8.1 litre gas, 2 WD, Allison Automatic, posi. differential, air ride, 11’ triple bale Multi Deck, 53,500 kms. • 1985 Ford 9000 Grain Truck 855 Cummins; 5 & 3 Fuller, 20’ steel box, hydraulic corner clean; 517,000 kms. • 1983 Ford 9000 Livestock Hauler 671 Detroit, 5 & 3 trans. 8’x8’x30’ Intercontinental Livestock Box with matted floor; 475,000 kms. • 1999 Chevrolet Tahoe 4x4, recent Denali drop in engine (used) 390,000kms • 1995 Chev 3500 4x4, 6.5 litre diesel, Courtney Berg Hydra Deck; 320,000 kms. • 2011 Oasis 32’ goose neck quad axle trailer • 1979 IHC Loadster 3 Ton 14’ Steel Box & Hoist
• Panterra Wolf 700 Side by Side • Innsbruck Fifth Wheel 24’ Holiday Trailer kitchen slide out, new flooring and upholstery, electric fire place, awning, A/C • 2013 Ski Doo Renegade 600 EFI 273.4 kms s/n 000469 • New Holland MZ19H Lawn Mower
• Jiffy 8900 Bale Processor grain tank • Cobey Manure Spreader dual speed, new steel floor & chains • Hi Hog Cattle Squeeze • Hi Hog Maternity Chute • Various Panels, Feeders & Livestock Supplies • 6 - 32’ Portable Windbreak Panels • 4 - 30’ Freestanding Panels w/gates • Tuff Crowding Tub & Drop Gate • Calf Tipping Table • Portable Hydraulic Trimming Chute
• Agri Ease 7’ - 3 PTH Orchard Mower 540 PTO, side shift • John Deere 9350 - 30’ Seed Drills fertilizer, hydraulic mounted transport • 16’ manufactured land roller • Harmon 20’ Cultivator c/w mounted harrows • IHC 16’ Double Spring Cultivator • Massey Ferguson 20’ Tandem Offset Disc • IHC 645 - 28’ Chisel Plow c/w mounted harrows • Blanchard 30’ Folding Packer Bar • 56’ Diamond Harrows on Folding Cart • Norden 12’ X 40’ Land Float • Barber Meter Feed 28’ Granular Spreader
Jeff/Auctioneer 403-793-9988, Sheryl/Office 403-362-2972 Please visit
www.charltonauction.com for complete listing and details.
• Westfield 10” X 51’ Swing Auger • Lode King Dual Compartment Tote Tank
• Belmont Barber Chair • Surry 3/4” Slate Pool Table • Gerhard Heintzman Cabinet Grand Piano • Continental Gum Ball Machine • Westphalia Cream Separator • Gurney Scale Head • Wilco Brass Fire Nozzle • Tonka Toys, Egg Crates, Oil Lamps, Crocks, Sad Irons, Cast Iron Toy Tractors, Milk Bottles, Jugs etc. • Polaroid Box Camera • Rocking Horse • Eurosport Exercise Unit • Alliance Tread Mill • Antique Harness & Tack • Fridge & Microwave • Meat Band Saw & Various Butcher Supples • Traeger Pellet Smoker
• Sweepster 6’ Hydraulic Broom • Farm King 3 PTH Angle Blade • Manufactured Pipe Trailer • Farm Hand 3 PTH Flail Mower • 5’ 3 PTH Mower • Kirchner 3 PTH Large Ditcher • McKee 7’ 3 PTH Snow Blower • 3 PTH Snow Plow • Wheat Hart Hydraulic Post Hole Auger • Summers 30’ 3PTH Sprayer c/w wind screens • Kirchner Small Land Float • Eversmen Dirt Bucket • Manufactured Disc Style Border Dyker Equipment • Assortment of Culvert Material & Scrap Metal
• Mi T-M Hot Water Pressure Washer • Motomco Grain Moisture Tester • Radial Arm Saw • Table Saw • Band Saw • Router & Table • Easy Kleen Electric Pressure Washer • Pallet Jack • Socket Sets, Hand, Power & Air Tools, Rolling Tool Cabinets, Bench Model Drill Press, LPG Cutting Torch, Bench Grinders PLUS Varied Assortment of Shop & Farming Supplies • Approx. 12 bags Alfalfa Seed • Wood Lathe • Wood Thickness Planer
Lunch Available
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A20
• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •
* Prices subject to stock on hand
New Circle D 24-ft. gooseneck stock trailer with 2 sliding center gates, full bull package, 14-ply tires.......................................................................................................$10,995 New Circle D 20-ft. gooseneck stock trailers with sliding center gate. 14-ply tires. Bull Package..............................................................................................................$9995
Diamond C 32-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece with folding beavertail, dual jacks, tool box, bridged frame, torque tube............................................................................. $11,895 Circle D 31-ft. (3) 7,000 lb./6 torsion axle, 3 piece folding beavertail, chain basket, dual jacks................................................................................................................... $9695 Diamond C 30-ft. (3) 7,000 lb. spring axle, 2 piece beavertail, bridged frame, tool box, dual jacks........................................................................................................... $9895 Circle D 29-ft. tandem dual, 3 piece beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket............. $9995 Diamond C 28-ft. tandem dual, 2 piece beavertail, dual jacks, tool box, bridged frame. . ...................................................................................................................... $10,595 Circle D 27-ft. tandem dual, 3 piece beavertail, dual jacks, chain basket............. $9695 Circle D 25-ft. (2) 7,000 lb. torsion axles, dual jacks, chain basket, 3 piece beavertail... . ......................................................................................................................... $7595
New 18’x83” heavy duty car hauler, wrap tongue, 6” channel frame, brakes on two axles, 7000 lb. axles...$4495 New 18’x83” deluxe car hauler, wrap tongue, set back jack, brakes on two axles, ramps, 5200 lb. axles......... . ..........................................................................$4095
4x7’ Heavy Duty Trailer Mats Each.....$65
New Hillsboro aluminum 7.5-ft. x 26-ft., 2 sliding center gates - front is adjustable large escape side door for 4-wheelers, 14 ply tires. .......................................$21,000 New Hillsboro aluminum 6.8-ft. x 20-ft., 1 sliding center gate............................$16,500
(2) Diamond C 25-ft. partial tilt, (2) 7,000 lb. axles, tool box................................. $7595 Diamond C 24-ft. full tilt deck-over power tilt, (2) 7,000 lb. axles, tool box............ $8995 Hillsboro 23.5-ft. partial tilt.................................................................................... $7595
Diamond C 24-ft. full power tilt deck-over, (2) 7,000 lb. axles............................... $7995 Diamond C 22-ft. partial tilt.................................................................................... $6495 Hillsboro 21.5-ft. partial tilt.................................................................................... $6595
G ll steel flatbeds
PRONGHORN UTILITY Stop in or call for more info.
New Circle D pickup flatbeds
Circle D flatbeds, gooseneck hitch plate, lights, headache rack, rear skirt. Black 7x7..................................................................$1450 71/2x81/2...........................................................$1450 71/2x9..............................................................$1520 8x9..................................................................$1850 8x11................................................................$2150
New Diamond C 14-ft. gooseneck...............$9495 New Diamond C 14-ft. bumper pull with tarp.$8495 New Diamond C 12-ft.x77” bumper pull with 5200 lb. axles.....................................................$5995 New Travalong 16-ft. gooseneck, triple axle........... ...............................................................$13,000 New Travalong 14-ft. gooseneck..............$10,895 New Travalong 14-ft. bumper pull................$9895
Triple T Sales
Contact Dave Taylor: 406-357-2166
Chinook, MT
Home Phone - 406-357-2162 Highway 2 West, Chinook, MT 1/2 miles west of Chinook
• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A21
TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • • TTT
LOTS OF NEW BUMPER PULL UTILITY TRAILERS 5-ft. x 8-ft. to 83” x 14-ft. Prices Range from $1425 - $2295
New LOOK Enclosed Trailers Excellent Selection On Hand
Large Trailer Parts Inventory
• Axles • Springs • Lights • Fenders • Straps • Tie-downs • Bearings & seals • Jacks • Etc.
New Diamond C car haulers
Mounts to rails bolted under the bed, or attaches easily to B&W’s turnover ball gooseneck hitch. Easy adjustment of height & lateral positions.
3500, 5200 & 7000# axles 16-ft. 18-ft. & 20-ft. IN STOCK
A hitch when you need it... A level bed when you don’t
3-point Bale Unroller
Includes cylinder and hoses.
2007 Fontaine 48-ft. step deck.................. $20,000
2003 Ranco 40-ft. double gate, bottom dump trailer................................................ $17,500
2006 Wilson 8.5-ft. x 53-ft. drop deck trailers ............................$21,000 2015 Sundowner 3-horse slant with living quarters, never used. New: $28,995 ................................................................... NOW: $19,995
1971 King 5-ft.x16-ft. stock trailer .................................... $1500
8x45-ft. drop deck, tail roll...........................$8500
Dynaweld 48-ft. x 102”............................$12,000
Ponderosa 6-ft.x16-ft. bumper pull ............................. $2000
2011 Travalong 6-ft. 8” x 24-ft. aluminum stock trailer, 2 sliding center gates .........................................................................................$10,000
2 horse bumper pull ..............$1400
1990 Kiefer Built 27.5-ft. x 24-ft. aluminum stock trailer, 8000 lb. axle $. 7000
Diamond C 18-ft. car hauler, 3500 lb. axles, spare wheel and tire................................$2295
2014 Hillsboro tilt trailer, 21.5-ft. long, 14-ply tires, spare wheel and tire, Like New!.......................... $6000
2007 ABU 22-ft. flatbed with 5-ft. beavertail and 2-10,000 lb. axles............................$5900
1992 Interstate 24-ft. tilt deck, 20ton equipment trailer...... $8500 8x8 snowmobile trailer.........$500 Donohue 16-ft. 7x16 goosneck stocktrailer ................................$3500 2014 Kaufman tandem dual, 18ft. with 5-ft. beavertail, electric brakes, 10,000 lb. axle.... $6500 Caterpillar V-100 forklift, 10,000 lb.......................................... $10,000
1993 Ford F250 regular cab, 70,000 miles, 460 engine, 5-speed, with snowplow...............................................................................$9500
1989 Ford F250 super cab, flatbed, with Western snowplow.....$6500
Skidsteer pallet forks 42” .......................................$555
Edge high reach clipper skid steer mount tree shear for trees 8-10” in diameter......... $2100
Triple T Sales Contact Dave Taylor: 406-357-2166
Chinook, MT
Home Phone - 406-357-2162 Highway 2 West, Chinook, MT 1/2 miles west of Chinook
1992 Wilray heavy duty flatbed trailer, 45,000 lb. GVW, 24-ft. beavertail.....................$8500
1991 Load King 20-ton equipment trailer, 19-ft. with 5-ft. beavertail.. ..........................................$6995
20-ft. flatbed with 4-ft. beavertail and ramps, treadplate floor, triple axle, 7000 lb........$5500
Nissan forklift, 3000 lb., nice shape........................................... $6700
Your Local HydraBed Dealer
• TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT • TTT •
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A22
HAY FOR SALE 200 bales of grass hay and 400 bales of Willow Creek hay, in round bales. Nitrates and forage quality tested.........................................................$115/ton
(406) 581-7800 • Choteau, MT
Rockwell Scales Home of the Strongest Scale in America
• Steel and cement truck, livestock, pallet and mining scales • Up to 135 ton truck scales with 3/8” decking standard • Custom sizes and special projects welcome • Scoreboards, printers, automated, wireless, and many other options to choose from
100% made in USA
Now a Dealer For
Custom Blends Available on orders Call or come see us for more information
REMINDER!!! It’s a GREAT time for soil sampling for fall!
“Your Crop Production Specialist”
Do casinos have a positive effect on economic growth?
By Siew Hoon Lim, Associate Professor, NDSU Agribusiness and Applied Economics Department and consumer spending also have considerable Casino legalization is controversial because, impacts on casino visitation and revenues, historically, gambling is perceived by some as and consumers cut back on gambling durimmoral, foolish and irrational, and unlike other entertainment businesses, gambling creates ing recessions. If the casino industry is not social and economic costs that must be borne recession-proof, then the presence of casinos by gamblers and nongamblers. will contribute little to alleviate a state’s fiscal But morality arguments and religious influstress during a recession. Additionally, casino expansion can reach a ences against casino gambling have dissipated saturation point and result in intra-industry and in many communities through the years, and interstate competitions that could lead to the the general public in the U.S. has become indisappearance of a casino’s positive economic creasingly receptive to casinos. According to impact, if any, on the local community in the the American Gambling Association (AGA), long run. most American voters believe casinos help In a recent study (http://onlinelibrary.wiley. strengthen their communities and improve locom/doi/10.1111/grow.12182/abstract), my colcal economies. But does casino development necessarily league Lei Zhang and I examined the relationlead to economic growth? A large number of ship between casino establishments and ecostudies on this subject in the past three decades nomic growth of counties in the 48 contiguous have reached mixed results. U.S. states from 2003 to 2012. We examined the First of all, whether casinos have a countershort-term (three-year) and long-term (10-year) cyclical effect on an economy remains ambigucounty-level economic growth rates. Specifically, we compared the effects on real ous. Even if casinos may contribute economiper-capita personal income and job growth rates cally, the AGA reckons that they are not immune of the counties with and without casinos. We to external macroeconomic conditions. found that the effects of casinos on economic Economic uncertainty, consumer confidence growth to be positive but relatively small. Casino expansion was estimated to have increased the short-term per-capita income growth rate by 0.4 percentage point and the long-term percapita income growth rate by 0.5 percentage point in 20032012. But after controlling for spatial or neighboring-county correlation effects, the effect of casinos on the long-term income growth disappeared. Check us out for all your sprayer On the job side, casino exparts & supplies! Including hose, pansion was estimated to have increase the 10-year salary job valves, fittings & more! growth rate by 0.71 percentage point during the 2003-2012 period, and its effect remained but only at 0.67 percentage Dealer for Dutch Openers point after controlling for Come see us or call for more information! inter-county spatial effects. Our study did not examine the negative externalities of casinos. The negatives of casino gambling are well documented. Those negatives include not only behavioral problems associated with gambling, but also other individual, family, social and economic problems. Gambling availability is associated with increased problem and pathological gambling behaviors among individuals in the casino neighborhood. Also, casinos lead to higher crime rates, but those rates decrease with distance, and the - ANHYDROUS proximity of casino gambling is found to be associated with higher bankruptcy rates. Policymakers and community leaders/developers must bear in mind that the social costs of gambling remain an important issue in the casino debate. If the economic benefits are short term and small, but the harm to society is long term and potentially irreversible, rather than focusing on the temporary gains, one must weigh the benefits and costs in a comprehensive, holistic Kremlin, Montana manner.
Call for pricing
Ag Wise, Inc. 406-372-3200
Rural students stepping up their physical activity
HAY FOR SALE Alfalfa - Big square bales tarped, no rain. Excellent quality Delivery and tests available
Barney Hay (406) 491-5616 cell or (406) 494-5616 home
FUEL STORAGE ~ FUEL CONTAINMENT ~ FUEL SYSTEMS All products meet EPA/SPCC agriculture standards
CALL FISHER METAL PRODUCTS for information and pricing on: Horizontal Fuel Tanks from 500 to 6000 gallons Vertical Fuel Tanks 4000 to 10,000 gallons ALL TANKS are UL 142 Certified –– DOUBLE WALL TANKS meet SPCC Secondary Containment Rules
Tier 1 and Tier 2 spcc compliance plans available at no charge! Professionally engineered plans are needed for systems over 10,000 gallons
Underground Water Cisterns
Galvanized steel epoxy coated water cisterns – 1,000 to 10,000 gallon
single & tandem rollers available
42”x 3/4” pipe Bolt on Hitch ➔
Meets all NRCS-EQUIP standards and specifications
By Chris Branam, Oregon State University Extension Service Children in rural Oregon elementary school classrooms— who are more at risk of becoming obese than their urban counterparts—are getting more physical activity when their teacher uses a toolkit developed by researchers with the Oregon State University (OSU) Extension Service. The results of a pilot study, published in the Journal of Extension (https://www.joe.org/joe/2017april/a5.php), are borne out of a unique school-based approach to obesity prevention in six rural school districts, said Kathy Gunter, an OSU Extension Service physical activity specialist who developed the Balanced Energy Physical Activity Toolkit (BEPA-Toolkit) http://extension.oregonstate.edu/growhkc/ tools/bepa “The good news is that children seem to accrue more health-promoting moderate to vigorous physical activity during the school day when teachers use the BEPA-Toolkit,” Gunter said. The toolkit is geared toward elementary-school age children who are just beginning to learn about the importance of nutrition and exercise. Activities include “Activate the Alphabet,” “Bean Bag Balance,” “Dicey Moves” and “Fruit and Veggie Volleyball.” The games range from 5 to 20 minutes, with most being 15 minutes. The toolkit includes activity cards, a user guide and video tutorials. In addition to instructions and talking points, the activities included in the handbook are embedded with health messages, providing more opportunities for children to practice being physically active. OSU Extension distributed the BEPA-Toolkit to teachers in two rural elementary schools in each of three counties– Clackamas, Columbia, and Klamath. They tested implementation at two levels – “low support,” in which one toolkit was given to each grade in the school; and “high support,” in which every classroom received one. In the high-support model, Extension offered a scripted presentation, hands-on activities and handouts to support teacher continuing education about classroom physical activity breaks, as well as wellness policies that emphasize school-based physical activity. The teachers measured the children’s physical activity with pedometers. Children wore the pedometers for the entire school day, putting them on when they got to their classrooms in the morning and removing them before leaving at the end of the school day. They recorded their steps daily for four consecutive days. OSU surveyed 75 teachers in the six schools about their usage of the BEPA-Toolkit and the children’s physical activity. Fifty-seven teachers completed the survey, and the final sample included physical activity data for 1,103 students. Among the findings: • In the first, second and third-grade classrooms where the teachers regularly used the toolkit, boys took an average of 5,246 steps a day and girls took 4,456 steps. In those same grades where teachers never used the toolkit, boys averaged 4,801 steps and girls 4,097. • In the fourth, fifth and sixth grades, in classrooms where teachers regularly used the toolkit, boys averaged 6,384 steps a day and girls averaged 4,772. In the classrooms where the teachers never used the toolkit, boys averaged 4,920 daily steps and girls averaged 3,829. • Children in all grades in classrooms in which the teachers regularly used the toolkit averaged more minutes of total physical activity – light, moderate and vigorous – and more minutes of moderate and vigorous physical activity, than in the classrooms where the teachers never used the toolkit. The toolkits were distributed through GROW Healthy Kids and Communities, a multi-state initiative led by OSU’s College of Public Health and Human Sciences Extension Service. The toolkits have also been adopted by the OSU Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education Program (SNAP-ED) and are distributed and supported statewide in schools eligible for SNAP-ED programming. From 2011 through 2016, GROW (https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=DtWnRhWy8xQ) was implemented in Oregon and in five additional western states. In Oregon, county Extension offices supported GROW activities in partnership with the towns and elementary schools of Estacada, Molalla, Clatskanie, Rainier, Bonanza and Chiloquin. “Current research shows that children are getting less than 20 minutes of health-promoting physical activity in a sevenhour school day,” Gunter said. “In the districts we studied, these kids are on the bus between 30 minutes to 1½ hours, so they don’t get very many opportunities for physical activity at home. They can’t take advantage of before- or after-school programs. We wanted to focus on the school environment.”
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A23
H 12-ft. H 16-ft. H 14-ft. H 18-ft. H 20-ft. Other sizes also available
Fisher Metal Products 622-5233
Fort Benton
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A24
Take Advantage of WINTER DISCOUNTS! For all your grain storage needs!
G & M Bins, LLC Fairfield, Montana
Contact: Mark at 406-590-3240 or Greg at 406-590-0404 e-mail: mcfarms@3rivers.net
A family owned business since 1969 ~ 10 acres of parts!!!
DIETZ AUTO and TRUCK SALVAGE 1104 Bench Blvd., Billings, MT • 1-800-573-4389
4 Cat 4 Cummins 4 Detroit 4 Isuzu 4 Volvo
We are now a AG Parts Ltd distributor!! 12 - 4x8 fiberglass heated compost bins and/or worm farm. $500 per bin with lower liquid bins and stands. Will sell per or as a whole. Will consider possible trades.
Tempe 26-ft. van body, roll up rear door, heavy built, needs side door.
John Deere 8820 combine, for parts Dorman Dealer Large selection of car and truck lights, mirrors, and door handles.
1994 Dump Truck with 435 hp Cat, 50,000 miles since rebuild
2009 John Deere 568 baler for parts
We have a LARGE SELECTION of automotive transmissions and transfer cases!
Ford 4000 for parts; bad transmission
5 sets of semi trailer axles IN STOCK!!
Large selection of USED TIRES & WHEELS from 12 - 24.5’s *Inventory changing daily
Massey-Ferguson 4840 Just in for parts.
2000 New Holland BR7090 and 2002 Case International RBX561
Wanted Old Motorcycles and Racing Parts & Memorabilia.
Old flat track race posters.
9-ft. flatbed with tool boxes.
John Deere 644C for parts
Bear spray - carry it, know how to use it
By Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks The Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee recommends the use of bear spray and urges hunters to learn other bear-aware safety measures. Hunters in bear country need to: • carry bear spray and know how to use it, • hunt with a partner, leave detailed plans with someone and check-in periodically, • pay attention to fresh bear sign. Look for bear tracks, scat, and concentrations of natural foods, • use caution when hunting areas that have evidence of bear activity or areas with scavenging birds such as magpies, ravens, or crows. Most grizzly bears will leave an area if they sense human presence. Hunters who observe a grizzly bear or suspect a bear is nearby should leave the area. If you do encounter a grizzly, stay calm, don’t run, and assess the situation by trying to determine if the bear is actually aware of you. Is it, for instance, threatening or fleeing? Always keep the bear in sight as you back away, and leave the area. Here are some guidelines for using bear spray: When to use bear spray • Bear spray should be used as a deterrent only in an aggressive or attacking confrontation with a bear. How to use bear spray • Use the EPA-registered bear spray in accordance with its label instructions. • Each person should carry a can of bear spray and consider carrying 2 cans. • If a bear is moving toward you from a distance of 30-60 feet direct the spray downward toward the front of the bear so that the bear spray billows up and creates a wide cloud that acts as a barrier between you and the bear. • If the bear is within 30 feet spray at the front of the bear until it breaks off its charge. • Spray additional bursts if the bear continues toward you. Sometimes just the noise of the spray and the appearance of the spray cloud is enough to deter a bear from continuing its charge. • Spray additional bursts if the bear makes additional charges. • A full canister of bear spray is essential for bear encounters. Consider carrying 2. • The expiration date on the spray should be checked annually. Selecting a bear spray Purchase products that are clearly labeled “for deterring attacks by bears,” and that are registered with the Environmental Protection Agency. No deterrent is 100 percent effective, but compared to all others, including firearms, bear spray has demonstrated success in a variety of situations in fending off threatening and attacking bears and preventing injury to the person and animal involved. For more on living with bears and being bear aware, visit FWP website at fwp.mt.gov; then click Be Bear Aware. For more on bear resistant products, go to the Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee website (http://igbconline.org/ bear-spray).
Located in Canyon Creek (halfway between Helena and Lincoln) at the corner of Lincoln Rd. W and Duffy Lane
(406) 368-2217 • www.lundbergshop.com
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A25
100 bulls ◊ 70 bred heifers ◊ 70 bred cows
Production Sale Nov. 9, 2017 Advantages of Diamond D Angus Forage Developed Bulls: ◊ More fertile! ◊ Less injuries! ◊ No feet trimming! ◊ More years of service! ◊ Cover more cows or heifers! ◊ Hold their condition much better! ◊ No bulls foundered due to hot feed! ◊ Will produce daughters who thrive on much lower inputs! ◊ Bulls will stay in good flesh for a life time, no expensive feed later. ◊Bulls will sire cows that will stay in production much longer, many for fifteen years or more.
Mark & Cathy DeBoo 1-800-932-6487 406-279-3633 www.diamonddangus.com
All over the world, our customers (shown in red) return to Diamond D Angus because our maternal genetics work. After seeing the results, most of our customers buy again.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A26
John Deere 7730 tractor, 1600 hours, like new, one owner..............................................$99,000 Phone (406) 287-3362
Licensed - Bonded - Insured
(406) 289-0053 • 303 N. Virginia - Conrad, MT
Statewide Service
“When you need the job done, and you need it done right....... Feel free to give us a call during the day or at night!”
Plow in your water lines, gas lines, etc. Up to 4” in diameter and up to 6-ft. deep
✓ Directional Boring ✓ Excavation Needs ✓ Road Grading
Fencing Now . Available r o f Call details..
✔ Excavator - ✔ Backhoes - ✔ Trucks ✔ Compactors - ✔ Skid Steers - ✔ Loader
Job completed from start to finish - Call for price quote
Reserve Champion Market Rabbit Pen shown by Joleah Ann Parker. Purchased by Opportunity Bank. Photo courtesy of Mary Meyer, Lewis and Clark 4-H.
Good question
A baby camel turned to his mother and asked, “Mom, why was I born with a hump on my back?” “Because you’re a camel,” Mom said, “and your hump holds food and water to help you travel for long distances through barren deserts.” “I see,” said the baby camel. “Then how come I have such long eyelashes? Mom replied, “That’s to protect your eyes from the grit and sand blown around by strong desert winds.” “ Neat. Why do I have such big padded feet?” the baby camel continued. “That’s so we can walk through soft desert sand without sinking,” explained his patient mom. “Then what am I doing stand around in a Minneapolis zoo?”
The Perfect Spray Adjuvant for all Fall Burndown weed control treatments including: glyphosate and all of its tank mixes, 2,4-D, Dicamba and Paraquat. Full LoadTM replaces AMS and NIS. Full LoadTM activates your herbicides, counteracts hard water cations, supplies glyphosate’s favorite surfactant and does not cause Phenoxy herbicides to increase volatility.
The best drift reduction technology. If you are concerned about drift--add Drift-fiantTM in the tank with Full LoadTM.
For Purchase, Contact--Taylor Aviation--(406) 622.5682, NGS Sales--(406) 567.2532, or HiLine Havre--(406) 265.2294 For more information about Drift-fiantTM and Full LoadTM, check out our new website: www.agrasyst.com
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A27
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A28
The deadline for advertising in the November issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be November 1st.
Phone (406) 271-5533 or email: trader@3rivers.net
Agricultural network provides global outlook
By NDSU Extension Service A nonprofit global network of agricultural economists believes profitable crop production in Russia, Ukraine and Argentina will boost output and exports. The nonprofit group, agri benchmark, also finds that European producers are staying ahead of serious changes in their cropping systems, according to Andrew Swenson, We can feed your cows this winter cheaper North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service than buying hay and straw. Send them to our ranch to winter. farm and family resource management specialist. Swenson is a member of the network, which generates and disseminates Many years experience. analyses of major trends in global crop production. Nutritionist developed ration! More than 50 international agricultural economists met at agri benchmark’s annual Cash Crop conference this year to Call (406) 357-2779 analyze results from 2016 crop production and provide an email: cowfeeder@mail.com outlook for 2017 and beyond. The evaluation of agricultural production elsewhere in the world is important to North Dakota, Swenson notes. “Agriculture is global,” he says. “What’s happening in other countries affects us. North Dakota producers face strong international competition in the production of cash grains.” One of the agricultural economists’ first key findings was that due to low input costs – nitrogen in particular – as well as low land costs and the devaluation of the national currencies in Russia and Ukraine, crop producers in those countries had MT Certified Seed Plant a rather profitable year. In combination with yield increases, this has and will lead to significant increases in exports. (406) 566-2282 - Stanford, MT In 2015 and 2016, after a decade of growth in exports by more than 10 percent per year, Russia became the No. 1 wheat exporter. The economists also found that Argentine crop production – particularly wheat and corn – benefited a lot from the abolishment of export taxes; profits of up to $50 U.S. per metric ton have been achieved. Therefore, in the near future, Argentina likely will become a major player in global wheat markets again. Both trends together are likely to contribute to ongoing pressure on global commodity markets, especially wheat. Swenson says the second major topic of the conference was challenges for European producers because of tighter regulations on nutrient surpluses to protect water resources, a shrinking availability of effective crop protection products and tighter margins. German agri benchmark partner Thomas de Witte presented results on adaptation strategies from two cases stud* denotes PVP Title 5 ies based on focus group discussions with regional advisers and growers. The key outcome was that moving away from winter crops and toward a more balanced mix with spring crops seems not only to be feasible but also economically viable. agri benchmark partners from the United Kingdom, Denmark and France confirmed that their growers face similar challenges. FULL LINE OF FARM CHEMICALS The economists also discussed the economic analyses from sugar cane production in Mozambique, Zambia and Nutrena Feeds by Cargill - Crystalyx Tubs Tanzania. They found that although this region has a sugar deficit and high sugar prices, production volumes still are relatively small. Dryland sugar cane production in these countries shows a cost WINTER IS COMING. disadvantage of roughly ARE YOU READY FOR IT? $100 U.S. per metric ton, compared with Brazil, the world market leader in sugar At Valley , we’re committed to helping you through each production. and every season. Our service teams are trained to However, irrigated areas, prepare your machine for any weather condition and for example in Zambia, can to know what your machine needs to be ready. produce sugar at very low Schedule your Valley certified preventative cost and seem to be internamaintenance check today. tionally competitive. Even with higher costs, production in these countries is very profitable, mainly due to high domestic prices. That might motivate future investments, which should increase production volumes and limit opportunities valleyirrigation.com for current sugar exporters if trade barriers remain in 2322 River Drive North, Great Falls, MT (406) 761-8195 place, the economists said. DEALER LOGO Billings, MT (406) 248-4418 Vi s i t h t t p : / / w w w. Address | Phone NumberPowell, | Website WY (307) 754-7204 DEALER IMPRINT suggested font: Bismarck, Arial agribenchmark.org for more ND (701) 222-4700 Wadena, MN (218) 631-9271 information on agri benchCA1060 mark.
Custom Cleaning & Treating Fall 2017 winter wheat SEED
✯ Certified Judee* ✯ Certified Yellowstone* ✯ Certified Decade* ✯ Certified Northern* ✯ Common Willow Creek Water Softener & Stock Salt • Feed Corn • Wood Pellets
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A29
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A30
2013 CHEVROLET IMPALA LT 71,375 miles, 30 MPG, 3.6L V6, 6-speed automatic, AM/FM stereo with CD player, air, cruise, Stabilitrak, theft-deterrent system. #17U31................................................... Call
2008 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 2500HD 4x4 Extended cab, standard box work truck, 6.6L V8, 6-speed automatic, suspension package, 9200 lb GVWR, AM/FM/ CD mp3 compatible, Driver Information Center, 90,642 miles. 17T41A....................................................... $27,500
2017 CHEVROLET CRUZE LT SEDAN 1.4L L4 engine, 6 speed automatic, AM/FM stereo, Bluetooth, mirrors heated and power adjustable, steering wheel controls, remote keyless entry, power remote trunk release, cruise control, air conditioning, rear vision camera. #17U26................................................................. $16,995
2013 CHEVROLET TAHOE 1500 LT 4x4 5.3L V8, 6-speed automatic, StabiliTrak, heated driver and front passenger seats, third row 3-passenger seats, remote vehicle start, remote keyless entry, AM/FM stereo with CD player and MP3. #17T37A....................... $29,495
2008 CHEVROLET SUBURBAN 1500 LT W/3LT 4X4 126,746 miles, 5.3L V8, heated leather seats, third row, rear parking assist, Stabilitrak, remote vehicle start, air, cruise, rear heat and air, AM/FM stereo with MP3, XM radio, DVD player. #17T70B.................................................... $16,950
2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LTZ 4x4 Crew cab, short box, 52,773 miles. 5.3L 6-speed automatic, heated front seats, remote keyless entry, remote vehicle start, air, cruise, driver memory seat and mirrors, EZ-lift and lower tailgate, Chevrolet MyLink audio system with AM/FM/SiriusXM/HD, Bluetooth. #17T65A........... $33,500
2014 CHEVROLET MALIBU LS 2.5L 4-cyl., 6-speed automatic, tilt and telescopic steering wheel, power windows, remote keyless entry, cruise control, air conditioning, AM/FM stereo, CD, MP3, Bluetooth, StabiliTrak #17U29...................................................... Call
2016 CHEVROLET TRAVERSE 2LT AWD 3.6L engine, StabiliTrak, rear vision camera, 7-passenger seating, heated driver and front passenger seats, remote keyless entry, remote vehicle start, rear park assist, rear power liftgate. #17U17................................................ Call
2014 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500LT 4x4 5.3L V8 engine, 6-speed automatic, crew cab, short box, Bluetooth, hands free smartphone, remote keyless entry, cruise control, air conditioning. #17T51A.............. $28,995
2005 PONTIAC MONTANA EXT W/1SA 135,922 miles, 3.4l V6, 4-speed automatic transmission, 7-passenger seats, air, cruise, AM/FM stereo with CD player, luggage rack rails. #17T30D......................... $3999
2010 DODGE RAM 1500 ST 4X4 Quad cab 6.3-ft box, 120,948 miles, 5.7 Hemi engine, 5-speed automatic, Sentry Key theft deterrent system, air, 6700# GVWR. #17T46B....................................... $15,995
2014 RAM 1500 2WD TRADESMAN 3.6L V6, 8-speed automatic, 6,600 lbs GVWR, cruise air, AM/ FM radio, spray-in bed liner, 49,631 miles. #17T52A......... .............................................................................. $14,995
2013 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LT 4x4 Crew cab, short box, 5.3L V8, 4-speed automatic, 7000 lbs. GVW, StabiliTrak, electronic Autotrac, heated mirrors, remote keyless entry, AM/FM stereo with CD player/MP3 player, Driver Information Center. #17T47A.......... $29,499
2011 FORD FUSION SEL SEDAN 2.5L L4 engine, automatic, FWD, AM/FM stereo with CD/MP3 player, front heated seats, keyless entry, power remote trunk release. #17T80A........... $9995
2013 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO 4x4 4 door, 3.6L V6 engine, automatic, AM/FM stereo with CD/ DVD/MP3, folding power & heated mirrors, cloth bucket seats, heated front seats, keyless entry, front & rear side curtain air bags. #17C02A.................................... $17,495
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Keep it simple when trying cover crops
By Jodi DeJong-Hughes, UMN Extension Educator In Minnesota, small grain harvest is complete and sugar beet, sweet corn, corn silage, and pea harvest is well underway. With these early harvested crops, producers have an opportunity to consider planting a cover crop this fall, a practice that has many benefits. This may be a particularly good year to try cover crops, since soil moisture in many parts of the region is ideal for germination. Cover crop success stories have been shared in almost every local and national Ag magazine over the past five years. Cover crops have many benefits, including improving water infiltration, reducing soil erosion, scavenging excess nitrogen and phosphorus, providing nutrients, using excess moisture, extending the grazing season, improving soil health, and providing a food source for pollinators. How and where should a producer get started with cover crops? The best approach is to keep it simple. In fields where wheat was just harvested, one option is to allow the wheat to reseed itself without tilling the land. As long as the soil is covered, this would be considered a cover crop. However, this may cause issues by creating a wet mat of plant residue on the soil surface in the spring. A better option may be to seed cereal rye into the volunteer wheat, so the rye can utilize the extra moisture in the spring. When starting out, using one or two cover crops is an excellent way to get acquainted with their benefits. With lower commodity prices, expensive seed mixes are not necessary. The most popular choices are forage radish and cereal rye. Before choosing a cover crop, consider the following questions: What is my crop rotation and harvest timing? If sugar beets have just been harvested, brassicas will not be needed in the cover crop mix (i.e. turnip, canola, or radish), as there isn’t enough time for adequate growth to justify the cost. Instead, plant a small grain or grass. If the field is going to wheat next spring, then do not use cereal rye as a cover crop. Instead, choose oats, so that any volunteers that come up in the wheat crop can be killed. If cover crops are planted after August 15, use cool season crops. These may include forage pea, barley, wheat, and triticale. In our northern climate, there may not be enough time to truly benefit from a legume’s nitrogen credit when they are planted in late-summer. Herbicide carryover and rotation restrictions are another consideration when planting cover crops. Look at herbicide product labels or call your agronomist for exact restrictions. University of Wisconsin has a helpful, in-depth fact sheet that can be used as a guide: Herbicide rotation restrictions in forage and cover cropping systems. Do I want a cover crop that will overwinter? A cover crop that overwinters will provide the best soil protection through the winter and into spring. However, it generally will need to be terminated before the cash crop is planted in the spring. A combination of cereal rye, which will overwinter, and radish (which will winter kill) is an example of a mix where the rye provides added soil protection, while the radish residue decomposes quickly. For a quick growing grain that does not overwinter, seeding barley in the fall is a good option. While typically winterkilled, it should be noted that turnips overwintered in parts of Minnesota and North Dakota in the 2015-2016 winter. However, if radish in the mix and there aren’t grazing cattle, then another cover crop that serves the same purpose as radish isn’t needed. How should cover crops be seeded? There are several choices for seeding cover crops. They include a no-till drill, slurry seeded (keep manure agitated for a more even spreading of seed), broadcast and lightly incorporated for seed to soil contact, or by plane. If the soil is moist, all of these seeding methods are viable options. If the soil is dry, leaving the seeds on the soil surface will reduce germination and coverage during the fall. Oats are better equipped to be seeded a little deeper if soil moisture is a concern. Peas also need to be seeded deeper than most other cover crops. In general, when broadcasting or flying on cover crops, smaller seeds are a better choice: radish, turnip, flax, dwarf essex rapeseed, cereal rye or barley. Larger seeded crops, like peas, sunflower, etc., should not be broadcast or flown on. Producers are encouraged to consult with seed dealers and other sources for selecting the right mix and rates for specific field and crop rotation situations. Consider visiting U of M and NDSU Extension websites, Midwest Cover Crop Council, and NRCS publications for more information.
Husker-led project aims to boost climate literacy
By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News The University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) is working with Nebraska high schools to develop an online tool focused on climate modeling. Cory Forbes, associate professor of science education in the School of Natural Resources at Nebraska, will lead the four-year project funded by a $1.7 million grant from the National Science Foundation. To develop the curriculum, the team will use global climate models, which are used to produce daily weather reports and climate-related news. While the general public rarely comes into contact with the models, they are commonly used by NASA scientists. “A lot of science in today’s world is based around these computer-based models, something historically K-12 students don’t really have a lot of exposure to,” Forbes said. “Students need an understanding of how these models are used in science.” Forbes said the team will use climate as a launch-pad for high school students to explore other issues related to food, energy and water. For instance, students will use the tool to look at historical data and climate trend predictions in the Great Plains to see how they might impact the agricultural economy and other industries. Forbes will work with Mark Chandler, a climate scientist at Columbia University who also works at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies; Devarati Bhattacharya, a K-16 STEM education postdoctoral fellow at Nebraska; and partner school districts throughout the state to develop, implement and assess the new curriculum. Funding also supports a doctoral student and undergraduate student researchers. “We’re taking the largest computational models on the planet and getting them into the hands of high school students in Nebraska,” Chandler said. Martha Shulski, director of the Nebraska State Climate Office, will advise the team on curriculum development. “Educating youth on climate and climate change will help lead to an informed public that is able to navigate this complex issue that impacts us all,” Shulski said. Climate change is an interdisciplinary core idea included in Nebraska’s new science standards. “Developing climate literacy is essential to the future success of our state and this project is designed to provide resources and aid teachers and students as we work toward the goal of achieving a deep understanding of our changing climate in accordance with the new standards,” said Sara Cooper, science education specialist with the Nebraska Department of Education. James Blake is a science curriculum specialist for Lincoln Public Schools, one of the project’s partner school districts in Nebraska. According to Blake, science education standards are shifting to focus on hands-on learning, which is a big change for teachers who learned to teach science using more traditional resources. “Working with the University of Nebraska to implement this tool into our classrooms not only allows students to explore science in a new way, but it also helps LPS teachers build their capacity for new types of teaching,” Blake said. The first phase of the project will be focused on designing and piloting locally relevant, standards-based curriculum built around the online tool. The team will work with a small number of LPS teachers to develop the curriculum, which will be piloted in high school science classrooms. By the project’s fourth year, the team expects to include 55 secondary teachers and 3,000 students. The project contributes to the missions of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources’ Science Literacy Initiative and Nebraska Collaborative for Food, Energy and Water Education. They are core parts of IANR’s efforts to foster a scientifically literate society capable of making effective decisions grounded in science-informed analysis of complex, real-world challenges associated with food, fuel, water, landscape and people. From actual Church Bulletins…….. • The Rev. Merriwether spoke briefly, much to the delight of the audience. • The pastor will preach his farewell message, after which the choir will sing, “Break Forth Into Joy.” • Due to the Rector’s illness, Wednesday’s healing services will be discontinued until further notice. • For those of you who have children and don’t know it, we have a nursery downstairs
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A31
Vibrance Extreme
Phone 406-378-2112 – After hours: Roger Terry 406-378-3220
WINTER WHEAT SEED We treat with Vibrance Extreme, Cruiser, Cruiser Max Cereal, and Nipsit
• Judee • Decade • Yellowstone • Wolf • Warhorse • Monument
Clearfield varieties • Brawl CL2 • Clearstone CL2 Put Clearfield technology to work reducing cheatgrass and wild oat problems
• Others available Even if we don’t have it listed - WE CAN GET IT!
Willow Creek
Beardless Forage Winter Wheat up to 5-tons/acre, irrigated Call Roger or Jason for details
406-378-2112 Big Sandy, MT After hours: Roger Terry 406-378-3220
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A32
We are a NEW Authorized Dealer for Optimum Bins Call For More Information!
High Quality Bins
•Available in 800-6500 bushels
Manufactured to Satisfy Your Needs
• Grain Bins • Steep Cone Bins • Multi-Purpose Bins • Custom Bins • Feed Bins • Accessories
Smooth-wall Hopper Bottom Bins
We are your Meridian and Grain Max bins stocking dealer
Grain, fertilizer, seed and feed storage for on-farm and agri-business
GM 6000 with aeration IN STOCK NOW!
We have bins IN STOCK and ready to deliver
1 on hand • Special Prices! Call today for more info!
On-the-Farm Tire Service A complete line of tires for agricultural applications.
We make hydraulic hoses Horizontal & Vertical Poly Tanks
Full Line Ag Chemicals
Wiese Sweeps 14” & 16” In Stock
Liquid Fertilizer 28-0-0 in stock Delivery available
1650- to 3000-gallon tanks in stock ATV Skid Sprayers
F/S MFG. 4 Trailer Sprayers 4 ATV Sprayers 4 Truck Mount Sprayers 4 Self Propelled Sprayers
Available in 50- and 100-gallon. Booms or boomless. 7 gallon/ minute electric pump or 4 hp. Honda gas engine. Adjustable Swing-Away control arm. Master shut-off. Left/right shut-off valves at booms. Liquid-filled gauge. Pressure regulator. TeeJet components. Full drain tank. Pickup Mount Sprayer 60-ft booms, hydraulic fold, rate controller. Ready to Go!
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Fraser’s Oil Inc. Inverness 406-292-3833 • Galata 406-432-2321 • Chester 406-759-5541
Anthrax may be a danger to livestock
By NDSU Extension Service Anthrax could be a risk to livestock in North Dakota this year, North Dakota State University (NDSU) Extension Service veterinarian Gerald Stokka warns. Very dry conditions, which North Dakota experienced this year, or high rainfall can cause it to be a health issue. “Anthrax is a disease caused by a bacteria known as Bacillus anthracis,” Stokka says. “This bacteria has a special survival mechanism called spore formation. This characteristic allows the bacteria to produce spores with a very hardy, high survival rate. It appears that during times of high rainfall and or very dry conditions, the spores are uncovered and cattle are at risk of infection. “The spores can survive for years under the right conditions,” he adds. “When these spores come into contact with susceptible cattle, they can ‘hatch’ and infect cattle, resulting in disease and death.” Anthrax often is associated with the sudden death of cattle and sheep, although it can infect any warm-blooded animals. Some cattle in a southwestern South Dakota county herd recently died from anthrax. “This is a reminder to our cattle producers that the threat of anthrax is still present,” Stokka says. Finding dead livestock often is the only initial sign of an anthrax infection. “There can be a number of reasons for cattle deaths without signs of illness, including lightning strike, clostridial infections and toxicities, but anthrax should always be considered,” Stokka says. “If the diagnosis of anthrax is suspected and confirmed by your veterinarian, then vaccination needs to be implemented as quickly as possible.” The commercial vaccine available is a live, nondiseasecausing spore vaccine. The dose is 1 cc (1 milliliter) administered subcutaneously (under the skin) in the neck region. All adult cattle and calves should be administered the vaccine. Cattle receiving the anthrax vaccination shouldn’t be treated with antibiotics because the antibiotics may interfere with the immune response from the vaccine, Stokka says. NDSU Extension beef cattle specialist Carl Dahlen suggests producers remove all cattle from pastures where anthrax deaths are suspected because any anthrax spores that are present can infect the remaining animals. “Also, anthrax does carry a risk to humans, so take care to not disturb the carcass,” Dahlen says. “The recommended method of disposal is to burn the carcass and soil on which the carcass was found after placing them in a trench dug in the immediate area of the death.” Visit NDSU’s publication at https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/ publications/livestock/anthrax for more information on anthrax.
Educator receives national achievement honor
By University of Wyoming Extension A University of Wyoming (UW) Extension educator serving southeast Wyoming has received recognition for helping provide Wyoming residents agricultural and horticultural information. Brian Sebade, based in Albany County, recently received the 2017 Achievement Award from the National Association of County Agriculture Agents (NACAA) during its annual conference Salt Lake City. Sebade also serves Carbon, Goshen, Laramie and Platte counties. Only educators with 10 years or less of service in cooperative extension and exhibiting excellence in the field of extension education are eligible, according to the NACAA. Sebade has worked in the northeastern and southeastern corners of Wyoming. Projects have included Master Gardeners, private pesticide applicator training, native plant identification and ecology, grazing management, invasive species ecology and management, small-acre outreach and horticulture for cold climates. Sebade has also published many outreach articles for homeowners, small-acre landowners and agricultural producers in the Cowboy State, said the NACAA. Sebade was an extension educator based in Crook County and served northeastern Wyoming for four years before transferring to Albany County in 2015 to work with residents in southeastern counties. Sebade received his bachelor’s degree in 2008 and master’s degree in 2010 in rangeland ecology and watershed management, both from UW.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 – Page A33
Billings, Montana Big Timber, Montana
Call Jim at 406-690-0737
2000 Case 721C Wheel Loader Only 5350 original hours. Excellent Michelin 20.5x25 radial tires! Overall very nice loader!.........................................$49,250
1984 John Deere 4250 MFWD, only 6700 hours, 15 speed PowerShift transmission, 540/1000 PTO, differential lock, 3-pt. hitch, good interior, front tires @ 45%, rear tires @ 85% (duals available). Good straight tractor........................................................$37,700 Degelman blade not included, can be purchased for .... $7800
2003 Cat 430D-IT Backhoe 6120 hours, cab with heat, auxiliary hydraulics front and rear, quick couple on front with bucket...........................$29,000
2008 Case CX80 Excavator 2800 hours, quick coupler with 2 buckets, dozer blade, cab with air conditioning and radio........................................$60,000
1994 Hesston Swing Tongue MoCo Excellent condition!! 12-ft. cutting width, 1 steel roller and 1 rubber roller. Lightly used by a small well maintained ranching/ hay operation............................................................. $9800
2005 Fontaine RGN Trailer Tandem axle, 35 ton, 10-ft. front deck, 29-ft. middle deck, 7-ft. rear deck, air ride, outriggers. Trailer is in very good condition and work ready!......................................................$28,800
2007 Yanmar Vio 35-3 Mini Excavator Only 1488 hours, hydraulic thumb, hydraulic quick couple, good tracks, full cab with heat.........................................$28,400
2014 Cat 236D2 Skidsteer LOADED UP, cab with air conditioning, hydraulic quick coupler, two speed, camera. Like new with Only 245 hours.$39,900
2008 Trail King RGN Trailer Triple axle, 40 ton, MG Series, 14-ft. neck, 24-ft. deck, 14-ft. rear, very good tires and wheels, air ride, outriggers. Overall Excellent Condition!...............................................$39,500
1998 Kenworth T800 Dump Truck 3406E Cat engine, 475 hp, 18 speed transmission, double frame, 20,000 front axle, 46,000 rears, 4.56 ratio, twin steer boxes, plumbed for a pup. Work ready!..................$45,000
1977-78 John Deere 762 Elevating Scraper 2004 Cat CS433E smooth drum roller Only 1400 hours, 66” smooth drum, set up for gravel or asphalt. Very nice condition!..............................................$47,000
SN: 762-2241, cab, good chain, pretty good tires, ready to work!.......................................................................$20,000
Skidsteer Buckets, Hay Spears & Grapples
2006 Deere 325 Skidsteer 66” buckets.................................................................. $500 Heavy Duty Skidsteer pallet forks............................... $750
2006 Genie 2668RT Scissor Lift Only 1700 hours, 4x4, diesel, 26-ft. platform height. Really good machine!.................................................................$17,000
This machine is just like new! Always stored inside! Only 930 hours, 2500/5000 lb capacity machine, bucket and forks....... . ...............................................................................$27,000
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A34
October 2017
Toll Free: 1-877-714-5944 Local: 406-278-5944 Fax: 406-278-3218
MT 59425 Visit our website at:Conrad, www.zomertrucks.com E-mail: zomer@3rivers.net
FRESH OVERHAUL 2-2007 Kenworth T800B LOW MILES, ISX 500 hp, 18 speed, lockers, dual line wet kits, 46,000 lb. rears.
2007 Kenworth W900L Cat C15, 550 hp, 18 speed,72” sleeper, VIT interior,...................................... $49,500
$44,500 2012 Peterbilt 386 Cummins ISX, 13 speed, 63” sleeper, lockers engine brake.................................... $46,500
2006 Volvo VNL64 Cummins ISX, 565 hp, 18 speed, lift axle, air ride, 48” sleeper...................................... $36,500
2006 Western Star 14.0L Detriot, 13 speed, O/H with papers, headache rack, wet kit, 11R24.5............................... $37,500
2007 Freightliner Columbia daycab, Detroit 14.0L Series 60, 10 speed Ultrashift, engine brake, air ride,..... $35,000
2006 Freightliner Century 429,000 miles, 14.0L Detroit, Autoshift, air ride, air slide 5th wheel............................ $26,500
2006 Freightliner Columbia Detroit Series 60, 435/515 hp, 10 speed Eaton Ultrashift, recent overhaul, engine brake......... $38,500
2007 Mack CHN613 Mack AC 460P, 460 hp, 18 speed, engine brake, 254,000 miles.................................. $38,500
2007 Freightliner Century Detroit 60, 14.0L, 455 hp, Ultrashift, wireless remote, manual tarp............................................................... $62,500
2006 Western Star 4900EX Detroit 60, 14.0L, 515 hp, 13 speed, engine, 72” sleeper...................................... $35,000 2-2006 Freightliner Century Detroit 60, 14.0L, 515 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, air ride............................................. $34,500
2005 Freightliner Columbia Cat C-13, 430 hp, 10 speed, 406,000 miles.... $26,500
5-2006 Sterling AT9500, MBE4000, 450 hp, 10 speed, engine brake, new paint, miles in the 4’s and 5’s........... Starting at $22,500 2009 International Prostar Cummins ISX, 435 hp, 13 speed, engine brake, air ride.................................. $29,000
1999 Freightliner FL112 single axle, Cat C-12, 9 speed, cruise, jakes, air ride, pintle hitch....................................... $17,500
1993 Freightliner Cat 3406E, 475 hp, 9 speed, engine brake, new tires.........$8500
2007 Freightliner Columbia MBE4000 450 hp, 10 speed Ultrashift, engine brake, low miles................... $25,000
2005 Kenworth T600 462,000 miles, Cat C-15, 475 hp, 10 speed, engine brake, long wheelbase, day cab ready for a pusher or a box, new tires. 2005 Kenworth T800B ISX 500 hp, 18 speed, lockers, dual line wet kit with Thermaflow hydraulic oil cooler, 46,000 lb. rears 2006 Wilson cattle pot, 52-ft.x102”, air ride spread, nose decking, good floors. 2004 Peterbilt 379 day cab, C15 Cat, 550 hp, lockers, 225,000 MILES! 2003 Peterbilt 378 dump truck, C15 Cat, 13 speed, low miles. 1988 Fruehauf 28-ft. end dump trailer, spring ride, very clean. 2-2001 Fontaine 30-ft. flatbed trailers, tandem axle, spring ride, will make good pups for hauling hay.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A35
Powersh ift & PTO!
2010 & 2510 John Deere tractors, tricycle, good runners................................ Call
2000 & 1998 Transcraft flatbed, 48-ft. x102”, air ride, spread axle..... $11,500
2-1992 Fontaine flatbed, 48-ft.x96”, tandem spead axle, air ride..................$9500 2013 Versatile 350 Cummins QSX, 350 hp, 4x4, Powershift, 4 remote hydraulics, 1000 PTO, 462 hours....................................... $149,500 2004 Wilson cattle pot, 53-ft.x102”, air ride, spread axle, Kemlite roof..................................... $32,500
1995 Lynwood tilt deck trailer, 37-ft.x102”, 20-ft. deck, hydraulic tilt, tri-axle, spring ride.............................................$8500 1999 NTE tilt trailer, 37-ft.x96”, tri-axle, spring ride................................$8500
2-2018 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x72” ag hopper, electric tarp and hydraulic tarps, lift axle, 1-silver and 1-black...................... Call
2018 Jet sidedump, 47-ft.x102”, air ride, various axle configurations, electric tarp, tandem or tri-axle................. Call
2013 Utility drop deck, 48-ft.x102”, tandem spread axle, air ride, two boxes........................................ $27,500
1995 Mickey beverage trailer, 35-ft.x96”, spring ride, pintle hitch, 10 roll-up doors on each side, rear roll-up door..................$7500
• New Protech headache rack - IN STOCK • Several used headache racks and boxes IN STOCK • 23,000 Rockwell locking differential & 3.58 ratio on air suspension • Large inventory of truck and trailer suspension air bags • Call for your Fleetguard filter needs • Pro Tech full and 1/2 fenders IN STOCK • 40-ft. straps, excellent for hauling round bales
Converter Dolly 15-ft.x96”, tandem axle, spring ride, steel wheels..............$8500
October 2017
Conrad, MT 59425
2017 Timpte 50-ft.x96”x72” ag hopper, tri-axle, rear lift axle, air ride, LED lights........................................ $46,500
2001 CPS 42-ft. belly dump, tandem axle, spring ride .............................. $20,500 1998 CPS 42-ft. belly dump, spring ride........................................ $19,500
1989 Trail King TK80 51-ft.x102”, folding neck, 40 ton, 3 axle, air ride, self-contained.................................. $29,500
2007 Trail-Eze TE80HT 40-ton hydraulic tail drop deck, hydraulic winch................................ $29,500
2016 Jet 40-ft.x96”x68”, sight windows, vented slopes, LED lights, spring ride............................. $28,500
2000 Merritt hopper, 48-ft.x96”x68”, spring ride, manual tarps and traps, dual door rear trap........................................... $28,500
Call to ask about the new LOW INTEREST FSA LOANS on new and used grain trailers!
2011 CPS belly dump, 44-ft.x96”, spring ride, tri-axle, manual tarp...... $24,500 1977 Great Dane 42-ft. dropdeck with beavertail and ramps, spring ride, closed tandem................................. $11,500
1998 R-Way belly dump, 43-ft.x96”, spring ride, manual tarp................... $23,500
1998 Beall 3 axle belly dump, spring ride, pintle hitch.................... $19,500
1992 Fruehauf belly dump pup, 16-ft. hitch, turntable, spring ride..... $14,500
Visit our website at: www.zomertrucks.com E-mail: zomer@3rivers.net
1962 Timpte 49-ft.x96” 3 axle dropdeck, spring ride.............................................$7000
1993 Load King & 1991 Load King pup spring ride, nice older set of trailers................... $29,000 as
1978 Custom Built end dump pup, 29-ft.6”, 16-ft. tongue, 12-ft. tub, spring ride.............................................$7500
Toll Free: 1-877-714-5944 Local: 406-278-5944 Fax: 406-278-3218
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A36
HIGH QUALITY ALFALFA HAY 1st, 2nd, 3rd Cuttings – 3x4 Large Squares Tests Available
Feed Pea Straw (105 RFV – 10.5 Protein) Feed Wheat Straw
EZ Farms
406-468-2338 or 788-2875
Cascade, MT
50-Ton Crane
– Fork Lifts – – Winch Trucks – – Cherry Pickers – 24-Hour Service
DICK IRVIN TRUCKING 434-5583 – Shelby
Reggie Nelson looks happy about receiving Reserve Goat for her animal at the Wibaux County Fair held in md-August. Photo by Renee Nelson.
3-V Distributing, Inc.
Conrad Industrial Park
Box 955
Conrad, MT 59425
Phone 406-278-5400 or 1-800-310-5402 Evenings Call: Jordan VanDyke 406-450-3953
Visit us on the web http://www.3vdistributing.com
E-mail Address 3vdist@3rivers.net
BEEFCAKE cake feeder IN STOCK. Come check it out!!!
Have an electric tarp kit installed the month of October and receive a FREE wind strap kit 990 gallon fuel trailer
Snow Plows for pickups, skid steers, backhoes, etc. Different sizes and configurations
with 100 gallon DEF system. Loaded up with air compressor, toolboxes and rear workbench.
20-ft. ITB Grain Boxes IN STOCK We are your dealer for the finest aluminum grain body available
750 Gallon Fuel Trailer Put our 30+ years of experience installing the ITB body to work for you!
Demo unit
BLOWOUT PRICING! Call for pricing!
Doug Golick wins award
By Gina Incontro, IANR Media The Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU) Board on Agriculture Assembly Academic Programs Section has named Doug Golick, assistant professor of entomology at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL), a winner of its 2017 Innovative Teaching Award. The award is intended to strengthen innovation in the universitylevel teaching of agriculture and related fields. Golick’s focus is on engaging undergraduates in citizen science with pollinators to enhance conservation knowledge, biological systems thinking and community engagement. “We proposed to change introductory entomology lab courses where traditionally students learn how to identify insects, to also incorporate citizen science with pollinators,” says Golick when asked about his group’s plans. “We want to engage students learning about insects by going out into the environment. A big part of this is that we are hoping students will get a better sense of how insects affect us globally and how we affect them. Another big part of this work is the community component. We will engage students with the community through collaborative citizen science projects. These activities will help them better connect the science they are learning to the community around them.” Collaborators working with Golick on this initiative are Wyatt Hoback, assistant professor of entomology and plant pathology at Oklahoma State University, and Hartmut Doebel, assistant professor of biological sciences at George Washington University. Winners of the award will share $3,000 that can be used to support institutional collaboration. The program encourages faculty to expand their teaching by working with experienced faculty from other institutions. They are encouraged to create projects and adopt new, innovative learning experiences for students. The money can be used for classroom aids, travel or other project needs. “For junior faculty involved, this may be the first monetary award they receive, which, when combined with the mentoring by working with senior faculty on the project, should boost their abilities in the classroom,” said Wendy Fink, APLU director of Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resources.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A37
Deadline for advertising in the November 2017 issue is WEDNESDAY, November 1st.
1992 New Holland 9680 tractor, 350 HP Cummins, Auto Steer, plumbed for air drill, full weight package, 3833 hours, service records. Excellent condition. $57,000 obo Phone (406) 292-3653
1991 Highway 2 West • Havre, MT
(406) 265-2246
Check out these HUGE Savings!!! 2016 Ford F350 Crew Cab 4x4
56,782 miles 6.7 Turbo Diesel Was: $41,990 NOW: $39,800
2015 Ford F350 Crew Cab 4x4 Check out features and options on our website at www.havreford.net and stop by for a test drive!
2016 Ford F350 Crew Cab 4x4
12,058 miles, 6.7 Turbo Diesel Was: $60,985 NOW: $57,780
77,615 miles 6.7 Turbo Diesel Was: $49,878 NOW: $47,950
2013 Ford F350 Crew Cab 4x4
61,520 miles, 6.7 Turbo Diesel Was: $44,975 NOW: $43,555
LIFETIME POWERTRAIN WARRANTY* • No Cost to you, our Customer • Browse & Buy With Confidence
*Only qualifying vehicles apply; see dealer for exclusions. See Warranty Forever® agreement for complete details on powertrain coverage.
SPECIAL FINANCING on all New and Used Equipment Used Tractors
Used Haying Equipment Case IH LB334 3x3 baler, 8000 bales, excellent........... ................................$79,500 New Holland 340R 3x4 baler, rotor cut..................$79,000 New Holland 282 baler, twine.. ...................................$2900 New Holland BR7090 round baler, wide pickup, twine & net...........................$26,500 John Deere 566 round baler, twine/net....................$9800 New Holland 1049 balewagon, no cab........................$9500 John Deere 955 swing tongue, mower flail conditioner, 14ft. 9” cut......................$9500 John Deere 936 11’6” cut disc, flail conditioner........ $11,500 John Deere 820 mower conditioner..........................$9800 Kubota DM1022 3 point dic mower, 7-ft.2” cut, like new.. ...................................$7800 New Holland 488 mower conditioner.......................$8500 New Holland 258 rake, hydraulic drive, rubber teeth.... ...................................$5700 New Holland 144 inverter........ ...................................$2900
New Holland 8770 tractor, 160 PTO hp, 7600 hours, extremely well cared for, 600/65R-28 and 650/65-R42 tires, 4 remotes, consigned.... .......$56,000 Special $42,000
Miscellaneous Equipment 2013 New Holland L218 skid steer, cab with heat, 2 speed EH controls............................... $24,700 New Holland LS180 skid steer, 2200#, new tires........... $17,000 Roto-King RK-500 processor with skid steer mounts. Sale....$6500
New Holland TL80A tractor, loader, 80 hp..............$39,500
2015 Case IH Farmall 75C with loader, 87 hours.........$43,000
2006 John Deere 6715 MFWD, 740 MSL loader with grapple.. ...................................$58,000 Now a dealer for FAIR
2009 New Holland T4020 tractor, loader, 2155 hours, 65 hp, canopy.......................$25,500
At Western Montana New Holland we sell parts for FORD tractors and other makes
2013 New Holland T7.235 CVT tractor, 1800 hours, 540E/1000 PTO, 865TL 177” lift loader, 102” bucket & grapple. Warranty till 2/13/18....... .................................$107,500
John Deere 60 gas, wide front axle, runs good.......................$3400
John Deere 705 rake, rubber teeth, very nice.............$9400
bale processors and snow removal
Western Montana New Holland 1-406-728-1996 • 1-877-728-1996 Wayne Miller, Manager – 406-369-0348 Jason Clinkenbeard, Sales – 406-239-3529
7719 Thornton Drive Missoula, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 – Page A38
Your Largest PJ Trailer Dealer In Montana
Equipment Connection, LLC 346 Sunrise Creek Loop; on Hwy 2 West, PO Box 958 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 email: sales@equipment4u.net
For all pieces, log on to our website: www.equipment4u.biz
Largest Inventory, Best Prices, Financing & Delivery Available
Small Town Company with Big Connections
Check out our Great Selection of PJ Dump Trailers!
2018 PJ 16-ft. x 83” 3 axle dump trailer (3) 7000 lb. axles, scissor hoist, bumper pull.
PJ Utility Trailers
PJ Gooseneck Trailers
2018 PJ 16-ft. x 83” landscape trailer 3500# GVW, 4-ft. expanded metal sideboards, front landscape box, rear ramp gate, spare tire. Also available: 14-ft, single axle.......$3150
2018 PJ 34-ft. gooseneck with hydraulic tail trailer 32-ft. deck, 10-ft. hydraulic beavertail, (2) 12,000# axles.
2018 PJ 14-ft. x 83” high side dump trailer scissor hoist, tarp, (2) 7000# axles, spare tire. Also available: Lo-Pro.....$8300 16-ft.........$9150
$15,100 $4150
2018 PJ 12-ft. x 83” dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp.
2018 PJ 16-ft.x83” XL dump trailer scissor hoist, 15,000 lb GVW, ramps, spare tire. Also available: 3 axle...$10,550
2018 PJ 10-ft.x78” medium duty dump trailer (2) 5200 lb. axles, tarp, spare tire
$8000 2018 PJ 14-ft. x 83” dump trailer tandem axle, 16” rubber, tarp. Also available: 14-ft. x 83” Lo-Pro dump trailer...$8150
2018 PJ 18-ft. channel utility trailer heavy duty rear ramp, sides, spare wheel and tire, (2) 3500 lb axles. Also available: 16-ft......$3300 20-ft......$3450
2018 PJ 30-ft. gooseneck with duals trailer (2) 12,000 lb axles, beavertail with monster ramps. Also available: 25-ft......$11,500 30-ft. lo-pro.....$12,600 34 ft.....$12,600 36-ft......$12,800
2018 PJ 14-ft. single axle utility trailer Heavy duty rear ramp gate, (1) 7000# axle, spare tire.
2018 PJ 5 x 10-ft. tandem axle dump trailer (2) 5200# axles, tarp.
2018 PJ 34-ft. gooseneck trailer powertail, (2) 12,000 lb axles, 2 speed jacks, fir deck. Also available: 30-ft.....$13,800
2018 PJ 16-ft.x10” I-Beam Deckover Dump Trailer fold-down sides, roll-over tarp, cold weather wiring, spare tire.
2018 PJ 16-ft. x 83” bumper pull dump trailer (2) 7000# axles, scissor hoist, spare, tarp. Also available: Lo-Pro.....$8850
2018 PJ 14-ft.x96” deckover dump trailer fold-down sides, 14,000# GVW, 16” rubber. Also available: gooseneck.....$8600
PJ Deckover Trailers
PJ Car Haulers & Equipment Trailers
2018 PJ 8-ft. x 60” single axle utility dump trailer (1) 5200# axle, 15” rubber.
NEW PJ STYLE! 2018 PJ 14-ft. “Rollster” Roll-Off Dump Trailer Scissor hoist, 18,000 lb. Talon winch, (2) 7K axles. Eliminate job dumpster fees! In Stock: 14-ft. Bumper pull.....$8000 14-ft. Gooseneck.....$8900
2018 PJ 10-ft x 77” Utility Trailer 4-ft. fold-up gate, 22” metal sides, pipe top. Also available: 12-ft. x 77”.....$2500
2018 PJ 16-ft.x91” gooseneck deckover dump trailer (2) 7000 lb axles, 4-ft. removable sides.
2018 PJ 14-ft. x 83” utility trailer rear ramp, 3500# axle, ATV ramps on front. Also available: 12-ft. x 77”.....$2100 12-ft. x 77” tandem axle....$3000 14-ft. tandem axle.....$3100
2018 PJ 16-ft. carhauler trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available: 18-ft.....$3600 and 20-ft.....$3700 2018 PJ 22-ft. Deckover Tilt Trailer 22-ft. deck, 8’6” wide, (2) 7000# axles, power up/ down hoist, 16” rubber, winch plate. Also available: 24-ft.
$6050 2018 PJ 22-ft. superwide trailer (2) 7000# axles, heavy duty drive-over fenders, 2-ft. tail, slide-in ramps, spare tire.
2018 PJ 28-ft. gooseneck tilt trailer 22-ft. tilt, 6-ft. front stationary, winch plate, (2) 7000 lb axles, spare. Also available: 24-ft......$8900
14-ft. x 83” “Rollster” Roll-Off Dump Bins 14-ft. long x 83” wide x 48” high, 10 gauge steel, tarp kit, rear barn doors. Leave one at each job site! $3550 each
2018 PJ 20-ft. x 8” heavy duty deckover trailer with Monster ramps 4-ft. tail, 14,000# GVW.
$2200 2018 PJ 24-ft. Gooseneck Tilt (22+2) Trailer 22-ft. tilt + 2-ft. stationary, (2) 7000# axles, winch plate, spare tire.
2018 PJ 22-ft. deckover trailer 19-ft. deck, 3-ft. beavertail with standup ramps, 14,000# GVW.
2018 PJ 20-ft. equipment trailer bumper pull, 14,000 lb. GVW, 18-ft. deck, 2-ft. beavertail with standup ramps. Also available: 18-ft......$4800
2018 PJ 5-ft. x 10-ft. all steel utility trailer rear ramp gate, steel floor with D-rings.
2018 PJ 8-ft. x 60” utility trailer rear ramp, spare tire, 15” rubber. Also available 10-ft.x60”.....$1850 10-ft.x77”....$1900
You can view our complete inventory on the web at:
2018 PJ 20-ft. equipment trailer slide-in ramps, rear stabilizer jacks, 16” rubber, 14,000# GVW.
2018 PJ 22-ft (16+6) gooseneck tilt trailer (2) 7000# axles. Also available: 3 axle.....$8800
2018 PJ 20-ft. heavy duty deckover flatbed trailer 14,000 GVW, rear ramps, spare tire. Also available 22-ft......$5650 And 24-ft.....$5800
$4800 $7500
2018 PJ 25-ft. gooseneck trailer 20-ft. deck, 5-ft. beavertail with monster ramps, tandem 7000# axles, 16” rubber.
2018 PJ 20-ft. medium duty deckover flatbed trailer 10,000 lb GVW, rear ramps. Also available in 16-ft.
$4150 2018 PJ 16-ft. light duty deckover trailer
2018 PJ 20-ft. Gooseneck Trailer (2) 7000# axles, straight deck slide-in rear ramps, spare tire.
(2) 3500# axles, spare tire.
Trade-ins welcome • Delivery Available Best Prices
$4000 2018 PJ 13-ft. equipment tilt trailer single 7000 lb. axle, 83” wide, radial tires, LED lights. Also available: 16-ft......$4100
PJ Tilt Trailers $6750 2018 PJ 22-ft. powered full tilt (2) 7000# axles, spare tire, winch plate.
$5750 2018 PJ 16-ft tilt trailer Full tilt deck, (2) 7000 lb. axles, radial rubber.
$6100 2018 PJ 20-ft. tilt trailer 16-ft. tilt, 4-ft. stationary, 14,000# GVW, radial rubber. Also have: 16-ft. + 6-ft. stationary tilt.....$6250 Also available: 3-axle
2018 PJ 20-ft. quick tilt trailer (2) 5200 lb axles, electric over hydraulic full tilt.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 – Page A39
Now your Globe Lowboy Trailers Dealer of Montana!
All trailers come with up to a 10 year structural warranty!
Erskine Skidsteer Trencher - 4” bar
2018 Cargo Mate 8.5 x 20-ft. tandem axle enclosed trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, 5200# axles, additional 1-ft. height, 80” rear door opening, spare tire, LED lights, radial tires, white. Also available: 8 x 22-ft.....$7450 8 x 24-ft......$7850
Erskine 8-ft. Snow Pusher bolt on cutting edge
$3500 Erskine Tree Shear cuts up to 12” trees, manual rotating head Erskine 8-ft. Heavy Duty 6-Way Dozer Blade
2018 Globe 55-ton Lowboy Trailer 9-ft. wide, non-ground bearing, detachable neck, 24-ft. well, powder coated, LED lights, covered rear wheels, air ride with rear lift axle, 22.5 rubber with aluminum outside wheels, front tool box, Honda gas pony motor, wet line plumbing, 10 year structural warranty!
New Erskine 72” Smooth Drum Vibratory Packer
Erskine 7-ft. Snow Light Material Blade hydraulic angle, bolt on cutting edge
$5995 $899 New Erskine Bale Spear
New Erskine Heavy Duty Brush Mower
$500 ea.
2018 Cargo Mate 8 x 16-ft. tandem axle enclosed trailer 1-ft. extended height, side RV door, D-rings in floor, radial tires. Also available: Barn door.....$5650
2018 Globe 30-ton tag trailer 3 axle, air-lift front axle, hydraulic rear ramps, 17.5 radial rubber, LED lights.
2018 Cargo Mate 7x14-ft. enclosed trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, radial tires, 3500 lb axles, LED lights, 6” extra height, D-rings in floor. Also available: 7x16....$5750
Erskine Skidsteer Hitch Makes moving trailers a cinch! Easy visibility!
New Erskine Earth Auger
2007 Allight MS.45K9 Light Tower diesel engine, 5 lights, hydraulic outriggers & tower, nice machine!
$8995 New Erskine Soil Conditioner
Caterpillar 308E2CR Excavator cab, heat, air, rear camera, extra counter weight, steel tracks w/rubber pads, hydraulic thumb, auxiliary hydraulics, quick attach w/1-ft. & 2-ft. buckets, front blade, 136 one owner hours, NEW condition.
2018 Cargo Mate 6-ft.x12-ft. Single Axle Enclosed Trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, black/champagne color
New Erskine 72” Grapple Rake
$5995 Vactron PMD800G Vac Unit trailer-mounted, 800 gallon tank with hydraulic dump, 125 gallon fresh water tank, tandem axle dually trailer w/pintle hitch, Kubota diesel engine, pressure washer hose reel, fill hose reel, suction hose, 1500 hours
New Pallet Forks 48” heavy duty, quick attach
2007 JLG 400S Lift 4x4, diesel engine, 2900 hours, good rubber, (2) available, nice machines!
2018 Royal 8-ft. x 16-ft. Enclosed Trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, special order radial tires, (2) 5200 lb. axles
$4850 $23,000
2012 Bomag Walk-Behind Trench Roller Kubota diesel engine, 500 hours, wireless remote, excellent shape!
1997 Yale GDP110MJ Forklift 11,000 lb. capacity, diesel engine, OROPS canopy, 6500 hours
2018 Royal 7-ft. x 14-ft. Enclosed Trailer rear ramp door, side RV door, special order radial tires, (2) 5200 lb. axles
1996 Kenworth T800 Water Truck 500 hp N14 Cummins engine, jakes, 10C transmis2001 Freightliner FLD132 Classic XL Truck sion, new rubber, new paint, new United 4000 gallon tank system with 4 sprays, hydrant fill and drafting 500 hp, 60 Series Detroit engine, jakes, 13 speed transmission, h/a rack, air conditioning, clean truck! capability.
Sun Air Compressor 14.2 cfm, 135 psi, 6.5 hp, tank has 8 gallon capacity
$19,000 each
1995 Chevrolet Kodiak Service Truck 1995 International 4900 Dump Truck Cat diesel engine, 5 speed transmission, DT466 enhine, automatic transmission, 10-ft. gravel 2 speed rear end, 14-ft. service body, air compressor box, pintle hitch, 22.5 rubber, good shape!
2006 Sooner 20-ft. Livestock Trailer front tack room w/4 saddle racks, 7-ft. tall, 16-ft. stock compartment w/center gate, excellent shape!
Large Selection of Steel & Aluminum Truck Beds IN STOCK!
Trade-ins welcome • Delivery Available • Best Prices
Largest PJ Trailer Dealer in Montana
Equipment Connection, LLC 346 Sunrise Creek Loop; on Hwy 2 West, PO Box 958 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 email: sales@equipment4u.net
For all pieces, log on to our website: www.equipment4u.biz
Up-Right SL30N Scissor Lift 30-ft. lift, 15” tires, new batteries, nice shape!
Small Town Company with Big Connections
2011 Bobcat S175 Skidsteer cab, heat, auxiliary hydraulics, 1800 hours, new tires on 2 units, 2 available!
You can view our complete inventory on the web at:
1968 Butler Heil 1600CF Pneumatic Trailer hoses & fittings included, 2-axle, DOT’d, good brakes
Knapheide 9-ft. Used Service Body 9-ft. long x 94” wide, enclosed top, fits dual wheel pickups with 60” cab to axle, tan in color, nice shape!
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A40
Round bale processor............................................... $4500
Call (406) 250-6223 • Kalispell, MT or see on Craigslist
John Deere 4650 MFWD..................................................$30,000 Massey-Ferguson 3525 MFWD with FEL........................$19,500 Massey-Ferguson 3525 MFWD, 4500 hours...................$18,500
Industrial Equipment
Hyster 200H forklift with SunnyD squeeze.......................$32,000 Also available a Steffens bale clamp to go on forklift...........$4500 2000 Carelift 10055 telehandler, 10,000 lbs. lift, 55-ft. reach........ ......................................................................................$45,000 New Snow blade, 10-ft. to fit skid steer................................$2450
Balewagons & Retriever
2007 New Holland BW28 balewagon, 4500 hours..........$90,000 1983 New Holland 1069 gas balewagon, 1380 hours, nice.......... ......................................................................................$50,000 2-New Holland 1068 diesel, late models............$35,000-$40,000 New Holland 1068 gas balewagon with MilStak clamp for 3x4 bales.............................................................................$28,000 5-New Holland S1049 bale wagons........................$7500-19,500 New Holland Super 1049 balewagon..............................$18,500 2012 New Holland 1037 balewagon like new...................$46,000 2006 New Holland 1037 balewagon, sharp.....................$35,000 6-New Holland 1037 balewagons, rebuilt...... $18,000 to $25,000 New Holland 1033s rebuilt balewagons.............$10,500-$13,000 New Holland 1032 rebuilt.................................................$10,500 New Holland 1032 pull type.............................................$10,500 New Holland 1060 retriever on 1989 Ford F700, Ford diesel, 6 cylinder engine, nice.....................................................$16,000 New Holland 1051 retriever, two wide with telescoping top clamp mounted on a 1979 Chevrolet C60...............................$10,500
2008 New Holland H8080 15-ft. swather, 2420 hours, very sharp...............................................................................$62,500 2008 New Holland H8080 disbine swather, 2426 hours, nice....... ........................................................................................$59,500 New Holland HW340 discbine swather............................$49,500 1999 New Holland HW320 with 14HS header, 3800 hours.......... ........................................................................................$32,500 2007 Hesston 9345 16-ft swather, 3300 hours.................$39,500
Haying Equipment
Freeman 370 baler Deutz engine, 13” x 22” bale chamber........... ......................................................................................$15,000 2-Freeman 330SP balers, 13” x 22” bale chamber...$10,000 each 4-Freeman 330 balers, 1 with Deutz, 3 hydraulic drive, 13” x 22” bale chamber..........................................................$6500 each Hesston 4590 square baler, good condition.....................$13,000 2008 New Holland BB9080 3x4 square baler. 26,000 bales..$67,500 New Holland BR780 round baler with net wrap, nice.......$16,500 New Holland 55, 56, 258, 259 & 260 rakes. Several to choose from.......................................................... From $600 to $4500
Massey Ferguson 820 disk with hydraulic fold wings.........$6500
Used and New parts available for ALL models of New Holland balewagons
Sod Buster Sales Inc.
Farm Equipment Finding Service
33505 Gingras Springs Rd, Polson, MT 59860
406-883-2118 or 1-877-735-2108
Helping Chinese farmers tackle erosion, increase profits
From American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America and soil Science Society of America On the steep farming slopes of China, Bozhi Wu and his research associates are finding ways to improve economic and environmental stability. The research team studied the use of intercropping – growing more than one crop per season – on hilly land. They focused on a staple grain crop, corn. They compared intercropping the corn with either setaria grass, used in forage, or chili peppers. The results, you could say, will spice up Chinese Corn (taller plants) planted with chili peppers. farmers’ methods. Farmers can reduce erosion and increase profits by Over a four year period, the research team using this intercropping system. Photo provided by measured runoff, erosion, and economic Bozhi Wu. return for four different types of cropping the economic loss of this erosion for Asia systems. They compared only corn (maize), at $1.2 billion. So tackling erosion itself is only chili, and then intercropping corn with a huge agricultural issue. Being able to do chili and corn with setaria grass. The land so while increasing profits is a huge benefit. researched was in the Yunnan Province of Setaria grass is currently used in China as southwest China. All fields were rain-fed, a forage grass, with the animal husbandry with no irrigation. industry rapidly growing. Due to its deeper “Reducing erosion can sustain or increase root systems, intercropping with setaria soil fertility and productivity,” says Wu. did manage erosion and runoff better than “We researched intercropping systems that intercropping with chili peppers. However, could reduce erosion, stabilize food producthe environmental benefits of chili peppers tion, and increase farmers’ incomes.” combined with their economic benefits Intercropping can benefit the soil in make them the clear recommendation by several ways. The additional soil cover the research team. provided by the second crop helps reduce Another research finding came in a erosion. The plants help soak up extra wadrought year. During 2009, the province ter and nutrients. This additional “pull” of experienced a drought. All the experimenthe nutrients can help reduce runoff of the tal fields had a lower economic return that nutrients into adjacent land. Finally, growyear – except one. The intercropping of corn ing different crops on the soil increases the with chili actually held its economic value. biodiversity. This can help with pest and This suggests that intercropping systems disease control. But Wu’s research pointed can generate more stable incomes than to another huge incentive. single crops. The research shows that farmers could Both intercropping systems – chili and economically benefit most from growing setaria with corn – reduced erosion, and imchili peppers with their corn. Research proved the economic return. Although these sites that had either chili or setaria crops are new farming techniques, the research on them showed less soil erosion and made team thinks the economic benefits will help more money. But chili peppers increased spread these new methods across southern the economic gain the most. Bringing in China. Because of its faster economic iman extra $1,000-$2,000 per year on each pact, the main recommendation for hilly hectare farmed is a true economic benefit. areas in southern China is corn intercropped (For reference, a hectare is about 2.5 acres, with chili peppers. Of course, commodity or about the size of a baseball field.) prices change over time, so the design of And it’s not just monetary benefits that intercropping systems will be dependent on intercropping brings. In southwest China, market opportunities. over 440,000 km^2 are affected by eroWu’s research was funded by research sion problems. To relate that to the United grants from Modern Agricultural Industry States, imagine if we lost all of California to and Technology System for Maize in Yunerosion. That’s still less than the estimated nan Province and Natural Science Foundaamount of land affected by southwest Chition of China. na’s erosion problems! Some estimates put
Proposals sought for Potato Research & Market Development Program
The Montana Potato Advisory Committee is seeking proposals for the Montana Potato Research & Market Development Program. Proposals should relate to demonstration projects, applied research, and market development projects designed to address needs and opportunities for the Montana potato industry. The committee has established the following research priorities for the 2017-2018 funding cycle: • Management of potato viruses and their vectors; • Stem and tuber diseases caused by fungi and bacteria (such as blackleg, scab, soft rot and ringrot); and • Weeds as alternate hosts for potato pathogens The committee will review proposals at
the first regular meeting of the year. It will review all applications and make recommendations to the department for funding. Projects must be innovative and not duplicate relevant research already available to Montana potato producers. If relevant research is available, the applicant must explain how the proposed research will build upon the previous research. Visit https://fundingmt.org/logout.do to apply. All applications must be submitted through the Montana Webgrants system. Questions on applications should be directed to the Montana Potato Research & Market Development Program, PO Box 200201, Helena, MT 59620-0201 or by contacting Jana Mertens at (406) 444-2402 or via email at JMertens@mt.gov
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A41
Stricks Ag is excited to announce a new location in Stanford, MT at Basin Grain, LLC to serve our Central Montana customers!
Offering contracts and taking 2017 harvest delivery of Chick Peas, Lentils, and Durum at Basin Grain, LLC
BUYING: • Durum • Winter Wheat • Spring Wheat • Peas • Lentils • Chick Peas
• We have trucks available for all your Hopper and Freight Needs • We are licensed to haul in and out of state as well as to and from Canada, taking the stress out of cross-border logistics.
LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED! We now have 2 facilities in Chester, MT to meet your delivery needs!
• STRICKS AG • (406) 759-6489
114 East Washington Avenue Chester, Montana 59522 * Employment Opportunities available at Stricks Ag. Call our HR Department for details. (406) 759-6490
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 – Page A42
(R) = “Reconditioned”, CNT = “Cash No Trade”, “F.O.B. Customer”
Up to 5 years 0% INTEREST available on qualifying tractors
With qualifying down payment or trade equity - o.a.c.
(R) 2012 John Deere 9560T 36” tracks, 560 hp, 13.5L engine, 6 cylinders, 4 tier engine, 5 hydraulic outlets, high flow, CommandView II cab, electric mirrors, 1000 PTO, HID lights, 3805 hours. #22596. (1) Was $247,500........ ..NOW $229,500 CNT/FOB Glasgow
2010 CAT Challenger MT855C 36” tracks, 475 hp, 16x4 powershift, 59 gpm hydraulic pump with 5 remotes, deluxe cab, AUT Guidance ready, 20 front weights with bracket, 16 idler weights, 2405 hours. #21839. (1). Was $231,500...........NOW $209,000 CNT
2015 John Deere 9570R Cummins QSX15 570 hp engine, 18/6 powershift, 115 GPM dual hydraulic pumps, 5 hydraulic, motor seal drain, Cat. 5 HD draw bar, Command View III cab, active seat, XM radio, HID lighting, 2630 GS3 display, SF1 receiver, SF2 activation, ethernet switch, dual radar, Firestone IF800/70R38 tires, 4260 lbs. rear tire weights, 1980 lbs. suitcase weights, 400 gallon fuel tank, 90 gallon DEF tank, 175 hours. 5 year 2000 hour JD extended warranty applies. #21765. (2)...................... $349,500 CNT/F.O.B.
2016 John Deere 9520R 520 hp, 18/6 powershift transmission, 2630 GS3 display, SF1 receiver, SF2 AT activation, 4600 processor, ethernet switch, Command View III cab, leather interior, XM satellite, hi-flow hydraulic, five hydraulic remotes, case drain, Firestone tires, premium lighting, tow cable, 210 hours. #22026. (3).Was $371,000................. ....................................$339,000 CNT
(R) 2012 John Deere 9460R 442 engine hp., 18x6 powershift, 5 hydraulic with case drain, 800/70R38 dual tires, 6060 lbs. of weights, Command View cab, leather seat, electric mirrors, deluxe radio, HID lighting, 7” color touch display, 2265 hours. #22035. (3). Was $239,500............................ $192,500
(R) 2016 John Deere 9420R 420 hp., 18/6 powershift, 10” color touch display, 4600 processor server, Command View III cab, XM satellite, 13.5L FT4 engine, hi-flow hydraulic system, 1000 independent PTO, Cat. 4 drawbar, 710/70R42 168A8 R1W duals, 710/70R42D rears, premium lighting, ethernet switch R4, leather trim, RH/LH electric Rem adjustable mirrors, dual beam radar sensor, F/Business band antenna, large fuel water separator, motor seal drain, backup alarm, 5 hydraulics, 865 hours. #22249. (1). Was $315,500.................. .................NOW $285,000 CNT/F.O.B.
2009 John Deere 8970 power differential lock, 24/6 manual shift transmission, 4 CST-710/70R38 16648**R1W, 4 STL710/70R38 16618**R1W, performance monitor, true ground speed radar sensor, 4th remote cylinder, Am/Fm stereo, supplementary roof lights, 2 165# and 6 450# in and out weights, Goodyear tires. #22578 (4). Was $55,000...................... ...............................NOW $49,500 CNT
1983 John Deere 8850 2600 hours on Cummins 450 hp, Kinze rebuild, 20.8R38 triples, EZ Steer auto steer. Consignment. #22393. (1)...... $59,000 1982 John Deere 8850 370 hp, 24.5R32 duals, QuadRange transmission,4 SCV, 3-pt., 9250 hours. Consignment. #22747. (1)............................... $22,000
JOHN DEERE ROW CROP 100 hp. plus
(R) 2012 John Deere 8360R 360 hp. Intel power management, IVT, 60 gpm hydraulic pump, 4 hydraulics, premium CommandView II cab, AutoTrac ready, dual beam radar sensor, 1000 PTO, 3-pt., 710/70R42 rear dual tires, ILS front axle with 480/70R34 dual tires, fenders, HID lighting, wheel weights. 2225 hours. #14957. (4). Was $229,950.......... $169,000 CNT/F.O.B.
(R) 2010 John Deere 8270R MFWD, 230 hp, 189 PTO hp, IVT transmission, 5 hydraulic remotes, 42.5 gpm hydraulic pump, 118.5” rear axle, 380/90R534 R1W tires, 380/90R54 R1W rear tires, active seat, 2 pair 450# rear weights. #21098. (3) Was $175,000................. ................NOW $129,500 CNT/F.O.B.
2008 John Deere 7830 MFWD, 165 PTO hp, AutoQuad Plus transmission with forward and reverse shuttle, 540/1000 PTO, Cat III - 3 pt., 3 hydraulic remotes, deluxe cab with active seat, deluxe comfort package, AutoTrac plug & play, 480/80R42 rear tires, 380/85R30 front tires with fenders, 2-1400 lbs. rear wheel weights, JD 746 self leveling loader, bucket, 5-tine grapple fork, joystick control, 2700 hours. #22449. (1). Was $116,000..... ...................................NOW $109,000
(R) 2013 John Deere 7230R 230 engine hp, 189 PTO hp, IVT transmission, 540/1000 PTO, Cat. III 3 pt hitch, dual rear tires: 520/42 @ 85%, triple link front axle with 420/30 front tires, 85cc hydraulic pump, 5 hydraulic remotes, premium cab, air, heat, AM-FM-Satellite stereo, HID lighting package, electric mirrors, business band antenna, foot throttle, 2465 lbs on each rear axle, cold weather start, JD H480 loader, bucket, 5-tine grapple. 1225 hours. “Rental Return”. #17281 (1) Was $179,000......NOW $157,000
(R) 2012 John Deere 7230R MFWD, 230 engine hp, 180 PTO hp, IVT transmission, 380/90R54 dual rear tires, 118.5” rear axle, triple link front suspension, 380/80R38 front tires, Cat. III 3 pt. hitch, 1000 PTO, 4 hydraulic remotes, 63cc hydraulic pump (43 gpm), premium cab with suspension, HID lighting, XM Satellite radio, cold start, 16 front weights, 450 lbs weights on each rear axle, 2115 hours. #21097. (3). Was $169,000......... $126,000 CNT/F.O.B. 2012 John Deere 7215R 215 hp, IVT transmission with left hand reverser, 7” color Touch display, premium cab CVII, premium radio/XM satellite, 63cc hydraulic pump, 4 remote cylinder, 540/1000 PTO, Cat III 3-point, 110.5” rear axle, 520/85R42, 40,000 triple link suspension, 420/90R30, HID light package, F/Business band antenna, foot speed pedal, cold weather, loader light package, quik-tatch weight support, 2 inside wheel weights with H480 loader, bucket, 5-tine grapple fork, 1755 hours. #22638 (3). Was $179,950........... NOW $169,500 CNT
2012 John Deere 7215R 215 hp, IVT transmission, 43 gpm hydraulic pump, 3 hydraulic remotes, triple link suspension, 420/90R30 front tires with fenders, 620/70R42 rear tires with 1400 lbs. weights, XM satellite radio, HID lighting, cold weather package, H480 loader, bucket, 5-tine grapple fork, joystick control. “Rental Return.” #17291. (3) Was $159,900................. ................NOW $139,000 CNT/F.O.B. (R) 2012 John Deere 7200R MFWD, 200 hp, 2630 display, 3000 receiver, premium radio/SM satellite, 540/1000 PTO, 420/90R30 142A8 R1 tires, work lighting package, foot speed control throttle, 6.8L IT4 compliant, loader light/ready, Quik-tatch with H480 loader. #22492. (4) Was $132,500..... ...................................NOW $119,000
(R) 2012 John Deere 7200R MFWD, 200 engine hp, 165 PTO hp, IVT, 540/1000 PTO, Cat. III 3 pt. hitch, 118.5” rear axle, 480/80R50 dual rear tires, triple link front suspension, 380/80R38 front tires, 63cc hydraulic pump (43 gpm) with 4 hydraulic remotes, premium cab CVII with suspension, 7” color touch display, XM Satellite radio, HID lighting, cold weather start, 12 front weights, 900 lbs weights on rear axle, 1820 hours. #21096. (2). Was $135,500..... ................NOW $123,000 CNT/F.O.B.
2015 John Deere 6195R 195 hp, IVT 40,000, 10” color Touch display, GreenStar auto track, JD link capable, 4600 processor, XM, 4 remote cylinder, 540/540E/1000 PTO, sway control blocks, 420/90R30 142A8R1, 420/90R30 142A8 R1, cold weather package, deluxe Pano light package, 240 amp alternator, Panorama glass roof, 2 pair 450# inside weights, 1-158/1-450# outside inner with H380 loader. #22737. (1). Was $167,500..... ..................NOW $159,000 CNT/FOB 2006 John Deere 7920 170 hp, cab, MFWD, IVT, Guidance ready, singles, 3 remote hydraulics, instructional seat, 540/1000 PTO, 3 pt., 2800 lb rear weights, 110 5” rear axle, 3 function 520/85R38 rears, 420/85R28 fronts with 746 loader, 4020 hours. #22611. (3). Was $111,000.............................. .......................... NOW $105,000 CNT 2004 John Deere 7720 MFWD, cab, partial powershift, Guidance ready, rear 540/1000 PTO, front deluxe fenders, 4 hydraulic outlets, EHYD Joystick with 2 additional hydraulic, instructional seat, 3-pt., 20/20/PowrQuad, 1 pair rear 450# weights with 746 loader, 6010 hours. #22742. (4). Was $79,500........ ....................NOW $74,500 CNT/FOB
2007 John Deere 7520 MFWD, 125 PTO hp, 20/20 PowrQuad transmission, 540/1000 PTO, 3-point hitch, 3 hydraulic remotes, deluxe cab, air ride seat, New Firestone 480/80R 38 rear tires with 900 lbs. weight, New Firestone 14.9x28 front tires, JD 741 loader, 3-function joystick, 5900 hours. #22351. (3). Was $69,500.................. .....................................NOW $61,500
Parts machine, Fordson 2WD tractor. #16003413..................$1500
406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3)
(R) 2013 John Deere 6140D MFWD, 137 engine hp, 115 PTO hp, 9F/9R power reverser transmission, 540/1000 PTO, Cat. II, 3 point hitch, standard cab, air ride seat, heater, air conditioning, 3 hydraulic remotes, 18.4x38 rear tires with 4 weights per wheel, 14.9x24 front tires, JD H310 loader, 3 function joystick. 625 hours. #22299. (2). Was $73,000............... NOW $65,500 CNT
(R) 2013 John Deere 6140M MFWD, 114 PTO hp, 140 engine hp, 24/24 PowrQuad transmission with left hand reverser, 540/1000 PTO, Cat 3N/2 - 3 pt hitch, 45ccm hydraulic pump, 3 deluxe hydraulic remotes, deluxe cab, air ride seat, mirrors, 460/85R42 rear tires, 420/85R28 front tires with fenders, JD H360 loader, bucket, 5-tine grapple fork, 4575 hours. #21860. (4). Was $91,750....... NOW $83,000 CNT
(R) 1989 John Deere 4455 MFWD, 142 PTO hp, powershift transmission, cab, air conditioning, heater, 3 hydraulic remotes, 540/1000 PTO, JD 280 loader, bucket, grapple fork, “Major Reconditioning”. #15083. (4). Was $44,500.............................................. .......NOW $39,000 CNT/F.O.B. Circle 1980 John Deere 4430 2WD, cab, powershift, 540/1000 rear PTO, singles with 158 loader. #22248. (2). Was $19,500........................NOW $17,500
2014 John Deere 5115M MFWD, 100 PTO hp, IT4 diesel engine, power reverser transmission, 540 PTO, Cat. ll 3-pt. hitch, triple mid & rear hydraulic remotes, deluxe cab with air ride seat, mirrors, corner post exhaust, cold start package, JD H260 loader. “Only 100 Hours”. #17272. (3). Was $76,000..... .....................................NOW $64,000 2012 John Deere 5105M cab, air suspension seat, vertical exhaust, 16/16 transmission, electro hydraulic hitch, dual rear SCV, dual mid valve with Joystick, 3-pt. hitch tele-scoping, 18.4R30, 12.4R24, with 563 loader, 415 hours. #22733. (3). Was $58,900.................. .....................................NOW $56,000
2015 John Deere 5055E FWA, 55 engine hp, 45 PTO hp, 9F/3R transmission, open station, 16.9-28 6PR R1 rear tires, 9.5-24 6PR R1 front tires, dual mid mount hydraulic valves, 10 hours. Factory warranty expires: 3/31/2018 #21398.(3). Was $33,500................... .......................... NOW $29,000/F.O.B.
Check out our website: www.fesmt.com
After Hours Sales:
Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman, 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512
1992 John Deere 644E payloader, diesel engine, cab, heater, 3.5 yard bucket with GradTech heavy duty grapple fork, recent engine work. Consignment. (1).. ................................................$59,500
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 – Page A43
NEW JOHN DEERE TRACTORS 2016 John Deere 5045E Utility Tractor
(R) = “Reconditioned”, CNT = “Cash No Trade”, “F.O.B. Customer” FERTILIZER SPREADERS
2014 John Deere 425D 25-ft. draper header, single sickle, 6-bat plastic finger reel, steel end finger kit, LH & RH end swath deflector rods, 4 wheel header trailer. #21683. (3). Was $42,500........................NOW $31,500
Stock #21950
NEW 2016 John Deere 5045E 50 engine hp, 37 PTO hp 2WD tractor, open station, 9F/3R sync shuttle transmission, 540 PTO, Category 2, 3-point hitch with telescoping draft links, 2-mid hydraulic valves, 1 rear hydraulic remote, 16.9x28 rear tires, 7.50-16 front tires. (2).
$25,975 - $5980 (FES Discount) - $4995 Cash Down Payment or Trade-In
$15,000 (60 mths @ 0% Interest) = $250.00/mth - oac 2015 John Deere 6140D Tractor with cab Stock #1048
MagnaSpread UHMW & stainless steel reduces corrosion issues & extends the life of the spreader, UHMW Bearing Back keeps bearings clean, giving longer bearing life and fewer failures, Proprietary MagnaSpread system delivers a wider, flatter, more consistent pattern, Dual Rack & Pinion gate prevents jams, Overhead Spinner Motors are ABOVE the chemical resulting in extended motor life, Pull with a tractor - no need to maintain a dedicated chassis & power train, Variable rate technology or straight rate control, UHMW Comb Cover prevents streaking in the field, BBI Spreaders are “Option Rich” & can be customized to your specific application, Flotation tires & wide swath minimize compaction. Consignment. (1)
NEW 2015 John Deere 6140D MFWD, 115 PTO hp, 140 engine hp, standard cab, air ride seat, 24F/12R synchonized transmission, 3 hydraulic remotes, 540/1000 PTO, Category 2, 3-point hitch, 18.4x38 rear tires with 8 rear weights, 14.9x24 front tires with JD H310 loader, bucket 5-tine grapple fork. (2).
$104,500 - $24,000 (FES Discount) - $21,000 Cash Down Payment or Trade-In $63,000 (5 years @ 0% Interest) = $12,600/year - oac
NEW 2015 John Deere 3046R MFWD, 45 engine hp, 34 PTO hp, 3-speed hydro, mid PTO & 540 rear PTO, category I, 3-pt. hitch, cab, air conditioning, heater, John Deere H165 loader, 73” bucket, Joystick control. Stock #8897.
$47,500 - $14,445 (FES Discount) - $7850 Cash Down Payment or Trade-In
$31,400 (60 mths @ 0% Interest) = $523.33/mth - oac
“NEW” New Leader L3030G4 high capacity fertilizer spreader with 300 cu. ft. stainless steel hopper able to hold up to 10 ton of product. Spreads fertilizer at rates as low as low 50 lbs./acre to 1100 lbs/acre at a width of 105-ft. #11241. (1). Was $66,000.................. ..................NOW $46,000 CNT/F.O.B.
Annual payments available also
2015 John Deere 1025R Tractor/Loader/ Backhoe Stock #8791
$24,750 - $6000 (Demo Discount) - $4750 Cash Down Payment or Trade-In
$14,000 (60 mths @ 0% Interest) = $233.34/mth - oac TILLAGE
2013 New Leader L3030G4 high capacity fertilizer spreader with 300 cu. ft. hopper able to hold up to 10 ton of product. Spreads fertilizer @ rates as low as 50 lbs./acre to 1100 lbs./acre. Patented G4 variable rate broadcaster, TR1000 trailer. #11139. (1) Was $95,000........ ..................NOW $64,500 CNT/F.O.B.
“NEW” Delta S3 24-ft. harrow cart, 5/8”x5” two-way flexible tines. #21836. (1)....... ................................................... $9950
(R) 2015 John Deere W150 18-ft. header with conditioner, 150 hp, 600-65R28 radial bar tires, hydraulic centerlink, reverser kit, external booster spring, light kit, engine fan baffle, integrated AutoTrac, 550 engine hours. #21840. (3). Was $135,500......NOW $120,000
2009 MacDon R80 16-ft. disc header, steel conditioner, came off M200 windrower. #21409. (1).....$9500 CNT SKID STEER ATTACHMENTS
(R) 2013 John Deere W110 self-propelled, 110 hp Cummins 4.5L engine, 600-65R28, bar radial drive tires, 16.5L - 16.1 steering tires, header, hydraulic Centerlink, header external booster springs, engine fan baffle, auxiliary lift valve, training seat, 16-ft. 160A double sickle auger header, 102” steel conditioner, windrow forming shields, skid shoes, engine hours 85, sickle hours 45. Factory warranty expires, September 23, 2017, JD PowrGard Extended warranty expires: 9/23/2021#21873. (1). Was $130,500....................NOW $104,000
(R) 2009 MacDon M200 6.6L Caterpillar 213 engine hp, D60-25-ft. draper header, cab, air, hydro transmission, “NEW” Drive Tires, 1510 hours. #21409. (1). Was $97,500................NOW $85,500
2008 MacDon M200 16-ft. R80 rotary disc header, conditioner, Cat 6.6L 213 hp engine, 1950 hrs. #21408. (1). Was $75,950...................... NOW $69,500
2001 MacDon 9350 double sickle drive, steel conditioners with 18-ft. header. #22627. (1)............................ $39,000
NEW John Deere SB84 7-ft. snow blower. #9165. (1). Was $9500...... Now $8500
NEW Hiniker HZ-2280 8-ft. heavy duty steel blade, hydraulic angle adjustment. (1)............................................... $3500
NEW Horst HLA 84” heavy duty high volume snow bucket. #22231 (1)..$2150 NEW Horst HLA 84” heavy duty high volume snow bucket. #22232. (1).$2150 NEW Horst HLA 84” heavy duty, standard skidsteer bucket. #22442. (1)..... $1550
NEW Horst HLA heavy duty 84” low profile bucket with digging teeth. #22567. (1). ................................................... $1950 NEW Horst HLA heavy duty, 72” low profile bucket with digging teeth. #10445. (1).. ................................................... $1850 NEW Horst HLA 78” heavy duty low profile bucket with digging teeth. #22565. (1).. ................................................... $1650
“RENTAL RETURN” 2014 Salford I-2141 41-ft. Independent Series cultivator, 3 section, 7.5” spacing, 22”x13 wave on front two - 22”x8 wave on last 3 ranks on 1-5/8” coil shank, 8 bolt 305/70xR22.5 recap truck on main frame 28’-41’, Cat IV articulating implement hitch, 31 weights, axle pivot grease bank 3-section. #11219 (3). Was $99,500............... ....................NOW $69,500 CNT/F.O.B.
2004 John Deere 956 mower conditioner, rotary tongue 1 3/8” hookup, urethane conditioner rolls, hydraulic tilt. #22029. (3). Was $16,750.NOW $13,500 CNT
2011 Brandt 4500HP 1000 PTO, double fold discharge auger. #22362. (4)....... .............................................. $20,000
“NEW” New Leader T1000 adjustable axle trailer, up to 10 ton capacity, @ 20 mph, works in conjunction with new or used New Leader applicators/spreader boxes built for John Deere 4900 Series sprayer chassis. #11141 (1). Was $31,750..... NOW $22,000 CNT/F.O.B.
NEW Horst HLA 4200 lbs. heavy duty pallet fork with 48” adjustable tines. #21904. (1)............................................... $1075
406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3)
1996 John Deere 235 21-ft. disk, 3-section folding, 9” spacing. #22036. (3)..$5000
“NEW” Delta S3 36-ft. harrow cart, 5/8”x5” two-way flexible tines. #21834. (1)....... ................................................$14,000 “NEW” Delta S3 32-ft., 5/8”x5” two-way flexible tines. #21837. (1).........$11,950
2014 John Deere 430D 30-ft. draper header. #21820. (4). Was $44,000..... ............................ NOW $34,000 CNT
NEW Horst HLA heavy duty 78” low profile bucket. #22568. (1)..................... $1650 NEW Horst HLA 84” low profile bucket. #22566. (1)................................. $1450
Check out our website: www.fesmt.com
After Hours Sales:
2008 Rem 3700 high capacity, up to 10,000 bushels per hour load out capacity. #16977. (1). Was $19,995.... ..................NOW $14,000 CNT/F.O.B.
Check Out Our WEBSITE: www.fesmt.com
Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman, 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 – Page A44
(R) = “Reconditioned”, CNT = “Cash No Trade”, “F.O.B. Customer” COMBINES
Up to 5 years 0% INTEREST available
With ROTARY qualifying down payment or trade equity - o.a.c.
(R) 2016 John Deere S680 473 hp, Pro 2011 John Deere 9870STS premium Drive transmission, premium cab, cab, general purpose chaffer, heavy deluxe leather seat, LED lighting, duty final drive, 800/65R32, 110 volt XM radio, AutoTrac ready, GS3-2630 coolant heater, Gold Key Experience, mounted on arm rest, active terrain concave cover plate set, Goodyear adjust, hi-torque fixed speed laterial tires. #22142. (4). Was $172,000....... tilt feederhouse, variable stream ro...................................NOW $135,000 tor, 400 bushel grain tank with power 2004 John Deere 9760STS chopper, yield fold cover, 28’5” high speed unloading monitor, lateral tilt feederhouse, Conauger, fine cut straw chopper with powtour Master, heavy duty variable speed ercast tail board, Michelin 650/85R38 feeder house, header height & reel dual tires, Michelin VF750/65R26 resume float, Greenstar less mapping steering tires, air compressor, engine with display, Touchset concave adjust, hours 350, separator hours 270. 22.5 high speed unloading auger, JD PowrGard warranty expires straw chopper with chaff spreader, 1/19/2019. #22386. Was $440,000.... 800/65R32 R1 drive tires, 17.4x26 ....................................$382,000 CNT R1 steering tires, service lights. 2245 (R) 2016 John Deere S680 473 hp, Pro engine hours, 1600 separator hours. Drive, premium cab, deluxe leather #21911. (4). Was $99,000.................. seat, LED lighting, XM radio, AutoTrac ............................ NOW $86,000 CNT ready, GS3-2630 display mounted 2008 John Deere 9670STS deluxe cab, on arm rest, active terrain adjust, header height sensing, fore & aft reel hi-torque fixed speed laterial tilt feedercontrol, Greenstar monitor, 20.8R38 house, variable stream rotor, 400 dual drive tires, 18.4x26 steering tires, bushel grain tank with power folding level land fixed speed feederhouse, cover, 28’5” high speed unloading auheavy duty header lift cylinders, 21’5” ger, straw chopper with powercast tail high speed unload auger, straw chopboard, Michelin 650/85R38 dual drive per with chaff spreader. #22038. (3). tires, Michelin VF750/65R26 steering Was $155,000... NOW $124,500 CNT tires, air compressor, engine hours 2001 John Deere 9650STS hydro, 250 350, separator hours 265. JD Powbushel grain tank, Mauer grain tank rGard warranty expires 1/19/2019. extension, level land feederhouse, #22378 (1). Was $440,000................. 20-ft. unloading auger, twin disk ....................................$379,000 CNT spreader, 30.5x32 drive tires, 16.9-26 (R) 2015 John Deere S680STS presteering tires, draper speed control, mium cab, enhanced air suspension, service lights, axle extensions with HID lights, radio package, AutoTrac 936D draper platform, pickup reel, ready, 2630 display, 26” unloading road transport system. #22634. (1). auger, 750/65R26 rear steering tires, Was $78,500................NOW $55,500 650/85R38 dual front tires, tier 4 engine, 110V coolant heater, powercast powered tailboard. #22057. (4). Was $388,000.....................$345,000 CNT 2014 John Deere S680 13.5L tier 4 diesel engine, 473 hp, 3 speed Pro-Drive transmission, Greenstar 3 touch screen color display, AutoTrac ready, 2012 Case IH 8230 straw chopper with premium cab, heavy duty hi-torque in cab spreader control, yield monitor, laterial tilt fixed speed feeder house, lateral tilt feederhouse, 520/85R42D extended wear thick skin Tri-Star rotor, drive tires, 600/65R28 steering tires, 22.5” unloading auger, straw chopper AutoGuidance NAV II, HID lighting, with powercast tail board, 900/60R32 Magnacut deluxe, cross auger control, dual drive tires with 16” spacers, 28Lgrain tank extension with cover, 1099 26 steering tires, HID lights, engine engine hours, 777 separator hours. hours 1555, separator hours 1025. #21354. (2). Was $263,000................ #21973. (1). Was $302,000................ .......................... NOW $175,000 CNT ....................................$277,500 CNT (R) 2012 John Deere S680 Class 8, CONVENTIONAL/WALKER 473 hp, Pro-Drive transmission with (Bale your Straw!!) Harvest Smart technology, premium 1997 John Deere 9600 2WD, singles, cab & radio, HID lights, AutoTrac chopper, Dial-A-Speed header control, ready with Harvest monitor, GS330.5x32 12 ply cleat, 20-ft. unloading 2630 mounted on arm rest, heavy auger, 16.9x26 10 ply R1, Dial-A-Matic duty hi-torque fixed speed laterial tilt header height control, hydraulic fore feederhouse, extended wear, thick & aft reel control. #22348. (2). Was skin Tri-Star rotor with extended $24,000........................NOW $20,000 wear concave bars, 26-ft. hi-speed 1990 John Deere 9600 2WD, singles, unloading auger, wide spread fine cut chopper, 20-ft. unloading auger, constraw chopper, 650/85R38 dual drive signment. #21641. (2). Was $25,900... wheels, 750/65R26 steering tires, ...................................... NOW $21,500 engine hours 1099, threshing hours 780. #21661. (4). Was $279,500........ CORN HEADS ....................................$235,500 CNT (R) 2016 John Deere S670 Tier 4, 373 engine hp, 3 speed hydro, 300 bushel grain tank with folding cover, 26-ft. high speed unloading auger, premium cab, XM radio, electric mirrors, GS3 Touch Screen color display, AutoTrac ready, (R) 2012 John Deere 612C 12 row, 30” variable speed laterial tilt feederhouse, spacing, oppesed knife stalk, AutoTrac extended wear grain handling system, rowsense sensors, “new” updated Firestone 520/85R42 dual drive tires, header frame installed. #14080. (2). 750/65R steering tires, JD basic warWas $57,000.................NOW $49,500 ranty expires 9/2/2017, JD Powertrain 2007 John Deere 1293 12 row, 30” spacextended warranty expires 9/2/2018, ing, knife row units, Contour Master engine hours 405, separator hours backshaft and harness, stubble lights, 290. #22252. (1). Was $325,000........ outer gather extensions. #22371. (4). ............................................ $285,500 Was $33,500.................NOW $29,000
2014 John Deere 615P 15-ft. with 179” BPU. #14148. (4).....................$29,750 2014 John Deere 615P header. #22250. (1)............................................$27,500
1998 John Deere 930R 30-ft., slat reel, level land, heavy duty skid plates, DialA-Speed reel control. #14085. (4)........ ..........................................$3950 CNT
(R) 2015 John Deere 645FD 45-ft. flex draper header, dual knife drive, poly tine pickup reel, crop convey auger, AWS air reel. #21381. (1). Was $102,500.......... ............................. NOW $92,500 CNT (R) 2016 John Deere 640FD 40-ft., poly tine pickup reel with reel tine flip over bundles, dual sickle drive, spare sickles, header sensing in rigid mode, crop conveyor auger. #22392. (1). Was $87,550.........................NOW $79,500 2013 John Deere 640FD header height sensor, cut height skidshoe, reel flipover bundle, top auger. #22255. (1). Was $57,500.................NOW $51,500 (R) 2006 John Deere 635F 35-ft., pickup reel, composite fingers, high stone dam. #13897. Was 16,000.....NOW $14,500 (R) 2004 John Deere 635F auger composite fingers, header height sensing & Contour sensor. #13879. (3)..... Was $17,500.........................NOW $13,000 2001 John Deere 930F 30-ft. header, auger with full width fingers, header height sensings leveland, splined backshaft/ universal, Dial-A-Speed reel control, fore and aft reel control, poly skid plates. #22748. (2). Was $12,500.................... ................................ NOW $9950 CNT
(R) 2014 MacDon FD75 45-ft., slow speed transport, upper cross auger. #21974. (1). Was $77,000...........NOW $69,500 (R) 2013 MacDon FD75 45-ft. flex draper, finger reel. #14112. (1). Was $67,500.. ......................................NOW $59,500 (R) 2012 MacDon FD70 45-ft., gauge wheels, no transport. #14110. (1). Was 64,500...........................NOW $56,500 2011 MacDon FD70 45-ft., pickup reel, fits JD 70 series adapter. #14111. (1) . Was 64,500...........................NOW $57,500
2014 John Deere 640D 40-ft., pickup reel, slow speed transport kit. #21363. (2). Was $64,500.................NOW $56,500 (R) 2014 John Deere 640D 40-ft., transportation kit. #22256. (1). Was $56,000...... ......................................NOW $45,500 2013 John Deere 640D 40-ft., poly tine pickup reel. #22347 (2) Was $55,000.. ......................................NOW $44,500 2012 John Deere 640D 40-ft., 4 poly tine pickup reel, slow speed road transport with lights. #21330. (3). Was $48,750... ......................................NOW $38,000 (R) 2011 John Deere 640D 40-ft., pickup reel, road transport kit with lights. #14028. (4). Was $45,500.................... ......................................NOW $40,500 (R) 2011 John Deere 640D draper header with poly tine pickup reel, road transportation kit, full width skid shoes. #14150. (3). Was $44,500...........NOW $40,000 (R) 2014 John Deere 635D 35-ft., finger pickup reel, transportation kit. #14137. (3). Was $64,500...........NOW $49,000 (R) 2013 John Deere 635D 35-ft., pickup reel, transportation kit. #14042. (1). Was $56,500.........................NOW $46,000 2013 John Deere 635D 35-ft., poly tine pickup reel. #22164. (1). Was $45,000. ......................................NOW $39,000
(R) 2012 John Deere 635D 35-ft., pickup reel, transportation package. #14075. (1). Was $56,000...........NOW $39,000 2010 John Deere 635D 35-ft., poly tine pickup reel, road transport with lights, cutterbar with full width skid shoes. #22006. (4). Was 41,000.NOW $28,000 2010 John Deere 635D 35-ft. #22007. (4). Was $37,500.................NOW $28,000 2007 John Deere 936D 36-ft., poly tine pickup reel, road transport with lights, cutterbar skid shoes, multi connection point hookup. #22163. (1). Was $25,500.........................NOW $23,000 2006 John Deere 936D 36-ft., poly, pea auger, single point hookup, 2 new canvases. #22024. (2). Was $29,500... ......................................NOW $21,500 (R) 2004 John Deere 936D 36-ft., pickup reel, transportation kit. #13891. (4). Was $24,500.........................NOW $20,000 (R) 2000 John Deere 936D 36-ft., finger reel, gauge wheels, road transport. #21784. (4). Was $25,000.................... ......................................NOW $19,000 2004 John Deere 930D 30-ft., poly tine pickup reel, gauge wheels, road transport with lights. #22339. (4). Was $21,000.........................NOW $15,000 2009 Honey Bee 42-ft., with JD adapter, pickup reel, transport system. #14072. (3). Was $27,000...........NOW $17,000
2016 John Deere 0907PC Starfire 3000 receiver. #22545 (1)................... $2500
2012 Unverferth AWS-36 all wheel steer. #21847. (3).................................$6350 V-trailer 30-ft. combine trailer. #13973. (1)...............................................$1500
2015 Unverferth 1396 22” double-auger, 20x42WH/650/65x42 R-1W duals, walking tandem, 520 indicator, hydraulic jack kit. #21806. (1). Was $72,500................. ................................NOW $59,000 CNT
2006 Unverferth Avalanche 1084 1000 bushel, 1000 PTO, scale, tarp, 480/80R42 tires. #21801. (3). Was $35,500...................NOW $27,500 CNT
2012 Brent 1394 Avalanche 1300 bushel capacity, walking tandem axles, tarp, scale, 250 hp minimum hp requirement. #17051. (1). Was $72,500....................... .....................NOW $52,000 CNT/F.O.B.
406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3) Check out our website: www.fesmt.com
After Hours Sales: 2014 Brandt 1020 1000 bushel, 20” unloading auger with directional spout, 1000 PTO, roll top tarp. #21382 (1). Was $35,500...................NOW $26,500 CNT
Check Out Our WEBSITE: www.fesmt.com
Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom, AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 – Page A45
(R) = “Reconditioned”, CNT = “Cash No Trade”, F.O.B. Customer AIR SEEDERS
Up to 5 years 0% INTEREST available With qualifying down payment or trade equity - o.a.c.
2004 John Deere 1895/1910 43-ft., 10” spacing, double shoot, smooth gauge wheels, extended wear seed boot, tow behind cart, dry fertilizer delivery tube, primary hose blockage warning system, cast fertilizer closing wheel. #21479. (4). Was $141,000................ ......$92,000 CNT/F.O.B. Plentywood
2015 John Deere 1835 SFP, 41-ft., 4x22” steel press wheels, smooth gauge wheel, 33x15.5 and 31x13.5, electric depth, transport lowering, rock guards, single shoot, 33-15.5-16.5 flotation tires, 1” tip with roll pin knife, 2015 JD 1910-430 bu. tow between, 3 tank, 4 run stat double shoot, regular meter roller, auger hopper screen, Seed Star cart, 4WD, power beyond standard. #21881. (3). Was $183,500................ ................NOW $167,500 CNT/F.O.B.
2014 John Deere 1835 60-ft., 10” spacing, 4” steel press wheels, 1” carbide tip openers, single placement fertilizer openers, primary blockage, JD 1910550, 550 bushel 3-tank air cart, 3 season of USF less than 20,000 acres. #21874. (1). Was $216,000................ .......................... NOW $195,000 CNT
2014 John Deere 1835 50-ft., 10” spacing, 1” opener, 4”x22” steel packer with rock guards, SPF (single placement fertilizer opener). #21335 (3) Was $207,500..NOW $159,500 CNT/F.O.B.
2007 John Deere 1835 12” spacing, 550 lb. trips, 5.5”x21” semi-pneumatic press wheels with rock guards and mud scrapers, all run seed blockage monitor, separate fertilizer placement banders, 1910 air seeder, 8” load upload auger, 6 run double shoot system with variable seed and fertilizer rate, open lid tank indicator. #22361. (4). Was $109,000..... NOW $99,000 CNT
2015 John Deere 1830 51-ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, 3”x21” semi pneumatic press wheels, dual main and wing caster wheels, mechanical depth control, JD 1910-350 tow between air cart, primary hoses blockage system. #21872. (2). Was $198,000................ ...................................NOW $180,000
2010 John Deere 1870 56-ft. Precision air hoe drill, 12” spacing, 3 ranks of independent but linked fertilizer shank and seed opener, all run seed blockage system, press wheel mud scrapers, 2010 JD 1910 - 430 3-tank tow between air cart. 25,000 acres. #22599. (1). Was $134,500................ ...................................NOW $127,000
2010 John Deere 1830 61-ft., 10” spacing, heavy duty trips, 4” solid press wheels, 2010 JD 1910-350, 350 bushel tow behind cart, 28Lx26 cane & rice tires, Pattison TB2150, 2580 gallon liquid fertilizer tank. #21740. (4). Was $135,000....................NOW $119,000
Concord 4012 40-ft., 12” spacing, single shoot with 2400 air cart. #21686 (4). Was $12,500.......... NOW $9500 CNT
2016 John Deere 1890 60-ft., 10” spacing, 8 run single shoot system, all run blockage with 1910 550 bushel tow-behind cart. #21857. (3)...... Was $313,500................... NOW $279,000
60’ spreader boom fits Flexi-Coil tank. Consignment. (1)..................... $8500
“Factory Updated” 2013 Bourgault 3710 “Drill updated to a Bourgault 3720 no-till disc drill”, 60-ft., 10” spacing, updated disc openers and mid row banders, 4.5” packer wheel, 591 monitor, blockage monitor, 6700ST tow behind 700 bushel, 4-tank metering package, dual fan, bag lift system, 650/75R34 tires. #15468. Was $295,000.............. ........................ NOW $229,000 F.O.B. “Factory Undated” 2011 Bourgault 3710 independent coulter disc drill, 10” spacing, mid-row banders, 4.5” semi-pneumatic packer wheels, narrow 3” cleaner wheel, double shoot, Bourgault 6550 tow behind 4-tank air cart. #21865. (2). Was $120,000....... ........................ $107,000 CNT/F.O.B.
“Factory Updated” 2009 Bourgault 3710 60-ft. “No-Till” independent coulter disc drill, 10” spacing, mid-row banders, 4.5” semi-pneumatic packer wheels, narrow 3” cleaner wheel, double shoot, Bourgault 6550, tow behind 4-tank cart. #15533. (1)........$123,000 F.O.B.
2013 John Deere 1895 43-ft., separate fertilizer placement (SFP), smooth gauge wheels, cast fertilizer closing wheel, all run blockage, single shoot anhydrous delivery tube, 1910-550 tow behind air cart. #21514. (3)................ ......................... $180,000 CNT/F.O.B.
2013 John Deere 1895/1910 43-ft. air disc drill, double shoot, smooth gauge wheel, all run blockage, cast fertilizer closing wheel, double shoot air package for tow behind cart, dual fertilizer delivery tube with 1910 430 bushel cart. #21423. (2). Was $204,000........ ......................... $149,500 CNT/F.O.B.
2012 John Deere 1890/1910 60-ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, all run blockage. #21869. (4). Was $197,000................ ...................................NOW $167,000
“Reconditioned” 2011 John Deere 1890 60-ft., 8 run single shoot, 7.5” spacing, primary blockage with 1910, 350 bushel tow behind cart, powered calibration, cane & rice tires, dual wheel caster beam, 10” auger, variable rate. #15455. (2). Was $179,500........ ................................ NOW $161,000 2011 John Deere 1890 42-ft., single shoot air package, 7.5” spacing, 6-run double shoot, dual 31x13.5-15 hi flotation tires with 1910, 350 bushel tow between cart. #22241. (3). Was $131,000........ ...................................NOW $119,000
2011 Bourgault 6550ST tow behind tank, 591 monitor, duals, dual fan1standard/1 high capacity, bag lift, 3 meters, deluxe loading auger, rate adjust. Consignment. #22408. (1).... .............................................. $86,000
1993 John Deere 7300 corn planter, 30” spacing, 6 row. Consignment. #15453. (1)............................ $12,500
NEW 3-XL78
2010 John Deere 1835-1910 41-ft. air hoe drill, 10” spacing, single shoot, 3x21 semi-pneumatic press wheels, smooth gauge wheels, primary hoses blockage warning system, dual main & wing caster wheels, 12.5L15, single shoot seed & separate fertilizer, dual fertilizer delivery tube, mechanical depth control with hydraulic down pressure with 1910 cart. #21441. (2). Was $125,000.................................... ..................NOW $89,000 CNT/F.O.B.
2007 John Deere 1835 50-ft., 12.5” spacing, single shoot, all run blockage, opener on rear three ranks & separate FTL disk, cast fertilizer closing wheel, narrow gauge wheel, 5.5x21” semipneumatic press wheels, anhydrous fertilizer delivery tube, dual main & wing caster wheels, 12.5L15, mechanical depth control with hydraulic down-pressure with 1910 cart. #21868. (4) Was $102,000..NOW $88,000 CNT
2010 John Deere 1830 61-ft., 4” spread tip, 10” spacing, 3”x21” semi-pneumatic packer wheels, single shoot, 550# opener on 4-ranks, mechanical depth control, primary hoses blockage warning system 1910-430 bushel tow-behind air cart. #22502.(3). Was $99,000........................NOW $91,000
2013 New Holland P2060 70-ft. 12” spacing, 5.90x15 rubber packers, hi-flotation tire package, disk levelers, double shoot, basic blockage system, stealth bodies, 4” goose shooter tips, 2013 New Holland P1070 air cart, 580 bushel, tow behind, 900/60R32 front tires, deluxe loading auger, large color touch screen monitor, field light package, transport lights with beacon, rear folding ladder, rear hitch 2013 Pattison liquid fertilizer trailer and tank setup. (1).............................Call For Pricing
2005 John Deere 1895 30-ft., 10” spacing, double shoot, extended wear seed boot, dry fertilizer delivery tube, narrow gauge wheel, cast fertilizer closing wheel, double shoot air package for tow behind cart, primary hoses blockage warning system for seed & fertilizer, John Deere tow behind 1910 340 bushel tank. #22049. (4)....... Was $99,000........................NOW $85,500
2004 John Deere 1895 40-ft., separate fertilizer placement (SFP), 10” spacing, extended wear seed boots, dry fertilizer, steel gauge wheel, 1910-430 tow behind air cart, 6-run double shoot, 8” load-unload auger, variable rate seed & fertilizer delivery. #21076. (1). Was $122,500...........NOW $89,000 F.O.B.
Check Out Our WEBSITE:
Fast, clean, tough and efficient. We’ve made the XL-78 to pick rocks faster, and with less dirt in the bucket. They’re tough farm hands that stand up to the rough and tumble world of rock picking and you can depend on them to get your rock picking jobs done quickly and easily. • The XL-78 has a picking width of seven feet. • Large bucket capacity. • The XL-78 dumps rocks 7 feet - plenty of height if you’re using a truck or trailer to haul rocks off the field. • Hydraulic reel drive • Heavy duty, high efficiency parallel drive gearbox.
406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3)
Check out our website: www.fesmt.com
After Hours Sales:
Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom, AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 – Page A46
ROUND BALERS Up to 5 years 0% INTEREST available
With qualifying down payment or trade equity - o.a.c.
JOHN DEERE 2007 John Deere 568 Megawide pickup, twine & surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 10-ply tires, bale push bar, hydraulic pickup lift, balecount: 12,169. #21779. (3) Was $23,500................... .....................................NOW $21,750 2003 John Deere 567 Megawide pickup, twine & surface wrap, 1000 PTO, bale push bar, hydraulic pickup lift. Bale count: 18,072. #22689. (3) Was 2016 John Deere 569SW 1000 PTO, $15,500........................NOW $13,500 21.5L-16.1 tires, Megawide Plus 2003 John Deere 567 surface wrap & pickup, push bar, coveredge surface twine, Megawide pickup, 1000 PTO. wrap, hydraulic pickup lift, bale count Bale count: 24,500. #22682 (1). Was 2100. #22608. (1). Was $48,500........ $15,000........................NOW $13,000 ............................ NOW $43,500 CNT 1998 John Deere 566 Mega tooth pickup, 2015 John Deere 569 surface wrap, 1000 twine & surface wrap, 1000 PTO, PTO, hydraulic pickup lift, bale push 31x13.5 8PR Hi-Flotation tires, bale bar, 21.5L-16.1 tires. #21189. (1). Was ramp, hydraulic pickup lift, bale push $42,500........................NOW $35,000 bar. #22677. (4). Was $11,500........... 2014 John Deere 569 Premium, ........................................NOW $6500 1000 PTO, push bar, surface wrap with twine, baler automation code, NEW HOLLAND bale count 4700. #22607. (1). Was $40,050........................NOW $37,500 2014 John Deere 569 Megawide pickup, twine and surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 10 ply tires, bale push bar, hydraulic pickup. #21832. (3). Was $39,995........................NOW $35,000 2011 John Deere 568 surface wrap, Megawide Plus pickup wi2th hydraulic lift, 21.5L-16.1 tires, push bar. #22160. (1). Was $23,500..........NOW $20,500 2010 John Deere 568 Megawide pickup, 2005 New Holland BR780 Megawide twine and surface wrap, Bale Trak pickup, twine only, 1000 PTO, hymonitor, hydraulic pickup lift, 21.5Ldraulic pickup lift, crop saver wheels, 16.1 tires, push bar, 9992 bale count. Xtra sweep pickup. #22629. (4). Was #21758. (4). Was $29,550.................. $6975..............................NOW $4975 .....................................NOW $25,000 2010 John Deere 568 1000 PTO, 21.5L16.1 10-ply tires, Megawide Plus pickup, hydraulic pickup, dual gauge wheels, bale push bar, cover edge surface wrap system, 11735 total bales. #21664. (1). Was $27,950........ .....................................NOW $24,000 2010 John Deere 568 Megawide pickup, twine & surface wrap, 1000 PTO, 21.5L-16.1 10-ply tires, bale push bar, hydraulic pickup lift, Bale Trak Pro 2014 Vermeer 605SM Megawide pickup, monitor, bales 13,000. #22597. (4) Was twine and surface wrap, 1000 PTO, $28,500........................NOW $25,500 bale count: 3500. #22653. (4).$28,500
2016 HIGHLINE CFR651-100 Round bale processor, 100 hp minimum, 1000 PTO, 3 hydraulic remotes required, adjustable axles, Hi-flotation tires, hydraulic actuated discharge door. #21990. (2). Was $23,950..................... Now $21,250
NEW HIGHLINE BM1400 Double row round bale mover, dual 6”x6” load arms with 1/4 turn bale forks, 100 hp minimum, 2 hydraulics required, carries (14) 5-ft. bales, 8-11L-15 12 ply tires, 371 bed length, 8”x3” frame rails. #21912. (3). Was $34,500...... NOW $29,950
NEW John Deere 647 47” Cat 1 tiller, 540 PTO. #21635. (1). Was $2650............ ........................................NOW $2500
NEW HIGHLINE XL78 Rockpicker, clearance lights, large 8” bogie wheels follow special track that guides the reel parallel to the ground causing a sweeping action which rolls the stones onto the apron. 84” standard dumping height! #11213. (1) Was $32,800................ ................................ NOW $26,500
406-228-2496 Glasgow, MT NEW Frontier RC2048 4-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO, front & rear safety chains, laminated tail wheel. #22068. (1). Was $2275..............................NOW $1525 USED Kodiak HD10 heavy duty 10-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO drive. #22716. (3). Was $3150................NOW $2475
Used 2015 John Deere 260 backhoe, 3-point hitch, Cat. 1, 12” bucket. #21599. (1). Was $5700.. NOW $5200
New 2016 Hygrade 16-ft. rear steer pull type grader with weight. #21552. (4). Was $21,500................NOW $18,500 New 2016 Hygrade 14-ft. rear steer pull type grader with weight. #21553 (4). Was 19,500..................NOW $17,500
New General Implement 6-ft., 3-point hitch grader. #10449. (3). Was $3350. ........................................NOW $2800 New General Implement LP1-84 7-ft. grader. #22569. (1). Was $2500......... ........................................NOW $2100
2016 John Deere 681 81” tiller, 540 PTO. #21390. (1). Was $5950..NOW $5150 NEW John Deere 681 81”, Cat 1 tiller, 540 PTO. #8917. (1). Was 5950................ ........................................NOW $5025 NEW John Deere 673 73”, Cat 1 tiller, 540 PTO. #22601. (1). Was $5500............ ........................................NOW $4450 NEW John Deere 673 73”, Cat 1 tiller, 540 PTO. #22602. (1). Was $5500............ ........................................NOW $4450 NEW Rental Return John Deere 673 73”, Cat. 1, tiller, 540 PTO. Warranty has not started. #8762. (1). Was $5500.......... ........................................NOW $4025 NEW 2017 John Deere 665 65” Cat 1 tiller, 540 PTO. #22525. (1). Was $4075..... ..........................................NOW 3700
NEW HIGHLINE CFR650 Round bale processor, 100 hp minimum 3 hydraulic remotes required, 1000 PTO, Hi-flotation tires, adjustable axles, dual feed roller processing chamber, hydraulically actuated discharge door, adjustable forks, axle twine guard. #11198. (4). Was $26,500............. Now $17,500 DEMO HIGHLINE CFR650 Round bale processor, 100 hp required, 1000 PTO, 3 hydraulic remotes required, Hi-flotation tires, dual feed roller processing chamber, 650 grain tank with metered grain insertion kit installed. Full factory remains. #11234. (1). Was $31,950.... ................................. Now $23,500
Used 2016 John Deere 647 4-ft., Cat I, roto tiller, 540 PTO. #21715. (2). Was $2300..............................NOW $2150 New Frontier GM1084 7-ft., Cat 1 grooming mower. #9841. (1). Was $5295..... ........................................NOW $4395 NEW Frontier GM1060 5-ft. grooming mower. #12912. (1). Was $3995......... ........................................NOW $3600 NEW Frontier GM1072E 6-ft. grooming mower. #22075. (1). Was $3150......... ........................................NOW $2600 NEW Frontier 5-ft. GM1060E grooming mower. #21791. (1). Was $2750......... ........................................NOW $2350 NEW Frontier RC2084 7-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO, safety chains, laminated tail wheel. #9835. (1). Was $4375............ ........................................NOW $3695
NEW Frontier RC2060 5-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO, front & rear safety chains, laminated tail wheel. #21145. (1). Was $2350..............................NOW $1700 NEW Frontier RC2060 5-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO, front & rear safety chains, laminated rear tire. #22066. (1). Was $2350..............................NOW $1700 NEW Frontier RC2048 4-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO, front & rear safety chains, laminated tail wheel. #21587. (1). Was $2275..............................NOW $1525 NEW Frontier RC2048 4-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO, front & rear safety chains, laminated tail wheel. #22065. (1). Was $2275..............................NOW $1525 NEW Frontier RC2048 4-ft. rotary mower, 540 PTO, front & rear safety chains, laminated tail wheel. #22067. (1). Was $2275..............................NOW $1525
USED 2008 King Kutter RC30 5-ft. rotary mower. #21526. (1). Was $850........... ..........................................NOW $725
NEW Frontier RB2310 10-ft. heavy duty blade, Cat. II/III, 120 hp recommended. #21031. (1). Was $5835..NOW $3850 NEW Frontier RB2284 7-ft. blade, Cat. 2, 80 hp required. #9738. (2). Was $2750..............................NOW $2350 NEW Frontier RB2072 72”, Cat 1 rear blade. #22373. (1). Was $950............. ..........................................NOW $850 NEW Frontier RB2060 5-ft., Cat 1 rear blade. #9876. (1). Was $895............... ..........................................NOW $795 NEW Frontier BB3272 6-ft. box blade with scarifier, Cat 1 & 2, 80 hp required. #13033. (4). Was $2475..NOW $2075
NEW John Deere SS2067B Cat 1 broadcast spreader, 23-ft. working width, 16 hp - 45 hp required. #22604. (1). Was $1950..............................NOW $1650 NEW Schulte RDX102 snowblower, size 8 heavy duty PTO shaft, heavy duty chute kit, hydraulic cylinder kit-chute deflector. #9918. (2). Was $15,450..... .....................................NOW $12,650
406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3)
Check out our website: www.fesmt.com
After Hours Sales:
Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman, 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 – Page A47
(R) = “Reconditioned”, CNT = “Cash No Trade”, F.O.B. Customer COMMERCIAL SPRAYERS
Up to 5 years 0% INTEREST available With qualifying down payment or trade equity - o.a.c.
2014 John Deere R4038 self-propelled, 3000 receiver, SF1 activation, JD section control, radio, 9.0L tier 4 engine, 420/80R46, SS eductor, 120-ft. booms, 15” nozzles, wheel slip control, boom air purge, Xenon HID field lighting. #17485. (4). Was $294,500................ ................NOW $245,500 CNT/F.O.B.
2014 John Deere 4940 340 hp, AWD, hydrostatic transmission, 120-ft. booms, 1200 gallon stainless steel tank, hydraulic tread adjust, 480/80R50 tires, BoomTrac Pro-5 leveling, hydraulic boom fold, SF1 activation, HID light package, independent suspension, chemical eductor, fence row nozzles, 1085 hours. #21981 (3). Was $268,000........... NOW $242,000 CNT
2013 John Deere 4940 self-propelled, 480/80R50 tires, solution pump, SS eductor delivery system, 120-ft. booms, BoomTrac auto level system, wheel slip control, xenon HID field lights, radar speed sensor, row crop fenders. #21318 (1). Was $268,000... ............... NOW $205,000 CNT/F.O.B.
2012 John Deere 4940 120-ft., traction control, 20” nozzle spacing, halogen field lights, SS plumbing, row crop fenders, high flow solution pump, traction control, 380/105R50 tires, fence row nozzle right hand, stainless steel, eductor system, fence row nozzle left hand. #21498 (1). Was $250,000....... ................NOW $187,000 CNT/F.O.B. 2006 John Deere 4920 90-ft., boom leveling, stainless tank, Guidance ready, traction control, 20” nozzle spacing, high flow solution pump, 380/105R50 tires, AutoTrac ready, halogen field lighting, fenders, 50 gallon foam marker, dual drop, strainers,full boom breakaway, radar speed sensor, fenders-row crop (4), belly shields, wheel motor shields, wheel slip control, 2925 hours. #22743. (2). Was $79,500........ ..................NOW $74,500 CNT/F.O.B.
(R) 2005 John Deere 4920 120-ft., stainless tank, guidance ready, traction control, 15” nozzle spacing, high flow solution pump, 480/80R50 tires, AutoTrac ready, Xenon HID field lighting, boom return to height, fence row nozzles, strainers, full boom breakaway, radar speed sensor, row crop fenders (4), wheel slip control, 3320 hours. #21600. (2). Was $112,500.............................. ..................NOW $94,000 CNT/F.O.B. 1998 John Deere 4700 90-ft., poly tank, hydraulic tread adjust, traction control, 20” nozzle spacing, 800 gallon tank, on-board air system with marker, fenders, fence row nozzle right hand, 35 gallon foam marker, below horizontal cylinders, radar, 385/85R34 fronts. #22282. (4) Was 59,000..................... ............................ NOW $51,000 CNT
2009 Case IH Patriot 4420 120-ft., boom leveling, stainless steel tank, traction control, 15” nozzle spacing, Viper Pro monitor, 650/65R38 tires, AIM Command, HID deluxe field lights, luxury cab, electric mirrors, hydraulic suspension, fence row nozzles, fenders, 2400 hours. #22494. (1). Was $166,000...... ...........................NOW $151,000 CNT
NEW Summers Ultimate 110-ft., 1650 gallon, chemical clean load system, nozzle bodies only, crossover plumbing package, hitch piece backstop, single electric end nozzle, 3 sensor UC5 Norac, New warranty remains. #10016. (3). Was $70,000................... .............................NOW $57,000 CNT
2014 Top Air 132-ft. FF boom, 22” quad 10 section, Ace hydraulic pump, Raven ISO, 380/90R54 30” dual, adjust axle, chemical inductor, fence row nozzle kit, 30” spacing dual kit, Flo-Bak manifold ISO height control-Power Glide. #22636. (3). Was $37,500................... .............................NOW $33,000 CNT 2013 Top Air TA-1600 90-ft., 1600 gallons, rate controller, auto height, duals, triple nozzle bodies. #22732. (3). Was $37,500........................NOW $33,500
Consumer Products SIDE BY SIDES
NEW John Deere 850i green sport, 14” Bighorn tires, sport seat, Fox 2.0 Performance, Prerunner bumper, “Power Steering”. #8674. (1)...$12,500/F.O.B. NEW 2017 John Deere 825i 2P, cab, green & yellow, 14” Bighorn tires, bench seat, manual lift. #22577. (2) Was $18,500....... NOW $16,750 CNT NEW 2017 John Deere 825i cab, 2P, EPAS, 14” Bighorn tires, bench seat, manual lift. #22475. (3). Was $18,500............... NOW $16,750 CNT NEW 2017 John Deere 825i 2P, EPAS, cab, 14” Bighorn tires, benchseat, manual lift. #22314. (4). Was $18,750................. NOW 16,750 CNT NEW 2016 John Deere 825i PS, 14” Bighorn tires, bench seat, OPS with doors, black roof. #21721. (1). Was $19,500............... NOW $17,500 CNT NEW 2016 John Deere XUV 590i green & yellow, steel wheels, bench seat. #21493. (4). Was $11,750.................. .....................................NOW $10,500
(R) 2012 John Deere RSX850i green sport gator, 14” Maxxis Bighorn tires, bucket sport seat, sports package, 426 hour, 2985 miles. #16669 (1). Was $10,500 .......NOW $8950 CNT/F.O.B. 2012 John Deere RSX 850i 839cc engine, 62 hp, “power steering”, Sport package, 14” Bighorn tires, bucket seats, green & yellow, 57 hours, 675 miles. #22678. (1) Was $11,500..NOW $9500 2014 John Deere 825i 4WD XUV gas, extreme terrain, Bighorn radial tires 14”, cab, power steering. #22752.(4) Was $11,500....... NOW $10,500 CNT 2013 John Deere 825i gator, cab, Bighorn radial tires, cargo box with poly liner, brake & tail lights, camo, power steering. #22429. (2).............$10,500 CNT
Summers pickup sprayer, 80-ft., 500 gallon tank, Honda electric start motor, 3 section, Auto rate, hydraulic boom lift. #22630. (4)............................ $10,500
2013 John Deere 825i gator, cab, Bighorn radial tires, cargo box with poly liner, brake & tail lights, Camo, power steering. #22429. (2). Was $12,800............ ............................ NOW $10,500 CNT 2013 John Deere 825i olive & black, 14” Bighorn tires, bench seat, deluxe cargo box, poly roof, 14,400 hours. #22738. (4). Was $9900..................... ............................... NOW $8450 CNT
2011 John Deere 825i green & yellow, deluxe cab, cab heater, 12” Ancla tires, deluxe cargo box, rear OPS screen. #22239. (4). Was $12,500.................. ............................ NOW $10,750 CNT 2010 John Deere 825i gas XUV, green & yellow, 12” tires, hi-performance sport SE, deluxe cargo box, power & protection package. #21833. (1)......... .........................................$6995 CNT
www.fesmt.com 2011 Frontier AP12A pallet fork, Vin# 1XFAP12KJD0000348, with 48” tines, fits 8000 series loader. “Brand New Never Used”. #22172. (4)......... $1795 Frontier AL1340D pallet fork, fits John Deere 746 loader. #22749 (4)...... $960
(R) 2010 John Deere 326D foot controls, two speed, 12x16.5, 10 ply, GY HD 2, 2” seat belt, Powr Quiktach, cab, air, heat, mechanical seat, reversing fan, horn, cold weather start package, warning lights, AM/FM/WB, rear view mirror, 72” construction bucket, pallet forks. #22728. (1)..............................$37,500
2010 John Deere X320 with 48” deck. #22523. (1)............................... $1850
2013 John Deere 825i green & yellow, 14” Bighorn tires, bench seat, deluxe cargo box, poly roof, power lift brush guard rear protection. #21619. (1). Was $11,250...........................NOW $8750
Check Out Our WEBSITE:
2016 John Deere 332E skid steer, ROPS, cab enclosure, air conditioning, hand controls, EH controls, air ride seat, Hi-Flo, joystick, ride control, 2 speed, weights, beefy baby tires, 84” bucket, reversing fan. #22326. (3).Was $58,500.. ..............................NOW $53,500 CNT
NEW 2015 John Deere 318E 47 hp, Yanmar Tier 4 diesel engine, two speed, 10x16.5 8PR tires, 2” seat belt with shoulder trap, power quik tach, cab with heat, defrost & air, air suspension seat, standard fan drive, horn, EH Performance package, cold start package, single set counterweights, keyless start, 72” construction bucket with edge. #9197 (1). $63,500 - $20,750 (FES Discount)......................$42,750
2008 John Deere LA125 42” deck, 2WD, gas. #22529. (1)......................... $985
VF 420/95 R50 dual tires & hubs for R4045 sprayer, 98% tread. #22240. (1)..$7500 480/89R50 tires & rims, came off John Deere 4930. #22195. (4).......... $9500
2013 John Deere 318D EH Joystick control, 2 speed, 10x16.5 tires, hydraulic CIR self hi flow, 2” seat belt with shoulder, Powr Quiktach, cab with heat, defrost and air, air suspension seat, reversing fan drive, horn, precleaner, L/HD fuel filter, cold start package, hazard warning lights, chrome exhaust, single set counterweights, radio, rear view mirror, foot rest with floor mat, 66” construction bucket with edge. #22734. (1)............................................$32,800
2010 Ford F350 XLT silver, 4-door super cab, 6.4 V8 turbo diesel, 83,500 miles, automatic transmission, dual rear wheels, 40/20/40 flint gray cloth seats, power windows, locks, & seat, cruise, AM/FM stereo, Knapheide utility bed.. .............................................. $28,000 2006 John Deere LA125 42” deck, hydro, gas, 2WD. #22563. (1)................ $900
Call 406-228-2141
and ask for Norm or Josh
406-228-2496 or 800-428-2496 Glasgow, MT (1) 406-765-1531 or 800-443-9447 Plentywood, MT (2) 406-485-2145 or 800-521-5800 Circle, MT (4) 406-787-6201 Culbertson, MT (3) Check out our website: www.fesmt.com
After Hours Sales:
NEW Schulte RDX102 snowblower, size 8 heavy duty PTO shaft, heavy duty chute kit, hydraulic cylinder kit-chute deflector. #9918. (2)................................$15,450
Glasgow: Mike Johnson, Salesman 406-263-2501; Alex Yeska, Salesman 406-942-0065; Wade Engstrom AMS/Commercial Sprayer Specialist 406-263-2498; Coel Stutheit 406-263-2494 Circle: Mike Haynie, Salesman, 406-939-5994; Ole Rolandson, Salesman, 406-974-2144; Don Wagner, Salesman, 406-230-1059 Culbertson: Mike Kjos, 406-489-7277; Luke Anderson, Salesman 406-478-3118 Plentywood: Jake Reynen, Salesman 406-480-3512
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A48
VANS FOR SALE 24-ft. and 28-ft. Phone: (406) 799-6923
##### Frederick the Great formed his own Gestapolike organization to ferret out and punish anyone in his army who used coffee.
GREAT FALLS FENCE Central Montana’s Fencing Super Store!
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Economics affected by sagegrouse conservation efforts
By University of Wyoming Extension How greater sage-grouse conservation practices have affected ranch economics across six states is being studied by a University of Wyoming (UW) research team. The group in the Department of Ecosystem Science and Management will draw input from local ranchers across Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon and Washington, said John Tanaka, professor and associate director of the Wyoming Agricultural Experiment Station. The team will develop cow-calf ranch enterprise budgets for use in models to estimate the economic impacts of different conservation practices on ranches, said Holly Kirkpatrick, one of the research assistants. Partnerships between federal and state agencies and private landowners have reduced threats to greater sage-grouse in 90 percent of the species’ breeding habitat, said Tanaka. He said the practices have changed the way livestock are grazed on millions of acres of land across the western United States, especially on public lands. “Ranchers manage extensive areas of those lands and are critical to help keep the bird from being listed as threatened or endangered in the future,” said Tanaka. “The project will assess how ranchers and the communities in which they operate have been affected.” The project is part of an initiative through the Sustainable Rangelands Roundtable and funded by the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The SRR is a partnership of agencies, non-governmental organizations, producer groups, scientific societies, environmental groups and multiple land-grant universities (http://sustainablerangelands. org). The UW team of four research assistants and two research scientists will develop four cow-calf ranch enterprise budgets, which document management practices, available resources and technology used, from nine major land resources areas within the six states. The budgets, once finalized, will be made available to ranchers. CONTINUED ON PAGE A50
Recipe Patch by Geri S’mores Fudge
FOR THE CRUST 9 graham crackers, crushed into crumbs 6 tbsp. melted butter 2 tbsp. sugar pinch of salt FOR THE CHOCOLATE FUDGE 1 14-oz. can sweetened condensed milk 2 c. semisweet chocolate chips 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract FOR THE MARSHMALLOW FROSTING 3 egg whites 3 tbsp. water 1 tbsp. light corn syrup 2/3 c. sugar Line an 8”-x-8” pan with foil and spray with cooking spray. Make graham cracker crust: In a large bowl, stir together graham cracker crumbs, butter, sugar, and salt until completely moist. Press into prepared pan until packed. Freeze while you make fudge layer and frosting. Make chocolate fudge: In a small saucepan, combine sweetened condensed milk, chocolate chips, and vanilla. Make marshmallow frosting: Place a heatproof bowl over a small saucepan of simmering water over medium heat. Whisk together egg whites, water, light corn syrup, and sugar and cook 3 minutes. Using a hand mixer, whip until glossy. Heat broiler. Pour the chocolate fudge layer over the graham cracker crust and smooth to create an even layer. Then, pour the marshmallow frosting on top and smooth. Broil 2 minutes, then freeze 1 hour. Slice into squares.
S’mores Sushi
1/4 cup butter 10 oz. mini marshmallows 5 cups Rice Krispies cereal 2 cups marshmallow cream 1 cup crushed graham crackers 1 cup semisweet chocolate chips, melted, plus more for serving Line a baking sheet with wax paper and grease with cooking spray. In a pot over low heat, melt butter. Add marshmallows and stir until melted. Turn off heat and immediately stir in cereal. Stir until completely coated. Press mixture onto prepared pan and pat into a thin even rectangle. Spread fluff in a single layer and sprinkle with graham crackers, pressing in to make sure they stick. Pour melted chocolate over graham crackers and use a spatula to smooth into an even layer. Slice sushi in half lengthwise, then roll up halves, starting from the long side. Refrigerate until firm, 1 hour. Slice into sushi rolls and serve with melted chocolate.
Ridges Krispie Treats
1/4 cup butter 10 oz. bag mini marshmallows 6 cups crushed potatoe chips 1/2 tsp. Flaky sea salt 1/4 c. melted chocolate Line an 8”-x-8” baking dish with parchment paper and spray with nonstick cooking spray. In a medium saucepan over medium-low heat, melt butter. When butter has melted, turn off the heat and stir in mini marshmallows until completely melted. Remove pot from heat and add crushed chips, then stir with a spatula until well combined. Immediately transfer mixture to prepared pan. Press down on mixture to make the bars more compact, then drizzle with melted chocolate. Let cool to room temperature, about 30 minutes, before slicing.
Cookie Dough Dip
1 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened 1 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 tbsp. vanilla extract 3 1/4 cup crushed graham crackers 1/3 cup milk 1 tsp. salt 1 1/3 cup mini chocolate chips In a large bowl, use an electric mixer to beat butter, brown sugar, and vanilla until light and fluffy. Mix in graham crackers, salt, and milk. Fold in chocolate chips.
##### City with the most Rolls Royces per capita: Hong Kong. ##### If Barbie were life-size, her measurements would be 39-23-33. She would stand 7 feet, 2 inches tall. ##### On average, people fear spiders more than they do death.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A49
Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig 44/45/357 500/460/454 1911’s Taurus Judge Great for Horseback Riding, Bowhunting, Backpacking, ATV riders Carry your gun with comfort • Fully lined • Premium American tanned leather Norm Schertenleib 406-965-2253 • Great Falls, MT www.montanaholster.com
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Take your hunting trip in luxury Shop Wesco for a new RV 1992 Prowler 5th wheel
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A FIRST DOWN FROM SCRIMMAGE EVERY TIME! We’ll “rush” to help you achieve your “goal” It’s apt to be a “touchdown” with us on your team! Local ownership – personal service
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A50
TRITICALE HAY FOR SALE 140-ton, round bales, net wrap.
Phone 406-279-3504 or 460-0489, Valier, MT
1997 Jet 22-ft. pup, landing gear, new tarp 1993 Ford F150 4x4, regular cab, 6 cylinder, 5 speed. Good shape Woods DB150 mower, 3-pt., PTO, hydraulic drive, for mowing irrigation ditches 72 Kirschmann Tracster, new track, good shape 1999 Valmar 2055 granular applicator, off 41-ft. plow, hoses and manifolds, good shape Please call (406) 263-1082, Nashua, Montana
##### The word “coffee” was at one time a term for wine, but was later used to describe a black drink made from berries of the coffee tree. This black drink replaced wine in many religious ceremonies because it kept the Mohammedans awake and alert during their nightly prayers, so they honored it with the name they had originally given to wine. ##### Espresso has 1/3 of the caffeine of a regular cup of coffee.
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New winter wheat varieties available for fall
By K-State Research and Extension News In geographical terms, Kansas is a large, diverse state with significantly less annual average rainfall to the west than in the east, so a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for crops grown in the state. To that end, Kansas State University researchers have developed three new wheat varieties best suited for different growing conditions and available for the first time this year. Certified seed is available for Larry, Zenda and Tatanka, new hard red winter wheats, each sporting different traits including resistance to certain diseases and pests and in the case of two of them, drought tolerance. Larry, one of the new varieties, has good resistance to stripe and stem rust and soil-borne mosaic virus – problems that can plague wheat in Kansas and other states. It has shown good tolerance to acidic soil, but is moderately susceptible to leaf rust. Larry is a medium maturity that has exhibited good drought resistance and yield potential across south-central and southwest Kansas and into north-central Oklahoma. This wheat was named in honor of Larry Patton, a long-time technician in the K-State wheat breeding program in Manhattan. “Larry is a high-performance variety for farmers that are willing to intensively manage their wheat,” said Daryl Strouts, president of the Kansas Wheat Alliance, who added that it is important for growers to use a fungicide with this variety. The Kansas Wheat Alliance (http://www.kswheatalliance. com) is a not-for-profit organization composed of wheat producers, researchers and seed marketers. It manages the release of K-State wheat varieties to deliver crop traits that farmers are seeking for their particular area. Zenda, another new variety, was named for a community in Kingman County in south central Kansas where it is well adapted. It is “an excellent choice for wheat acres after corn in central and eastern Kansas” and performed well in the 2016 K-State trials in that area, according to the KWA. It is resistant to soil-borne mosaic and moderately resistant to leaf rust, stem rust and stripe rust. It has intermediate resistance to barley yellow dwarf, powdery mildew, scab and septoria leaf blotch, but is moderately susceptible to wheat streak mosaic. “Zenda is the replacement for Everest, the most widelyplanted variety in Kansas for the last five years,” Strouts said. “It has all the things that make Everest a top variety plus better stripe rust resistance and baking quality.” Tatanka is a new wheat developed particularly for dryland fields in western Kansas. Through years of testing, it has shown high yields, good drought tolerance, winter-hardiness and has good resistance to stripe rust and soil-borne mosaic. It has above-average test weight and good milling and baking quality. Tatanka was named to honor the American bison or buffalo, another species that at one time thrived on the High Plains. Tatanka comes from the Lakota Indian word for buffalo. Seed availability should be good for all three varieties, Strouts said, but farmers should be reminded to get their orders in soon as popular varieties like these sell out early.
Economics affected by sagegrouse conservation efforts CONTINUED FROM PAGE A48
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The ranch types are: • Small, private land only. • Small, private and public land. • Large, private land only. • Large, private and public land. The rancher focus groups will ensure the validity of the representative ranching operations in the budgets, said Kirkpatrick. “These enterprise budgets will be drafted as representative cow-calf ranching operations, which requires no private information from ranchers,” Kirkpatrick said. “Rather than sharing personal information about their specific operations, focus group participants will be asked to consider the typical procedures and cost estimates for cow-calf operations of a given size throughout their region.” There can be a win-win for producers and sage-grouse if habitat management recommendations can be designed to also help ranchers be more productive or enhance profitability, said Tanaka. “There is a saying out there, ‘Good for the bird, good for the herd,’” he said. “This project is the first range-wide effort to see if that is true from an economic perspective.” For more information, contact research scientist Anna Maher at amaher@uwyo.edu
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A51
• 1975 John Deere 7520 tractor with 8000 hours. • 1975 John Deere 7700 diesel combine, 3520 hours. • 1962 Ford F700 truck, V8 engine, box and hoist. • 1962 GMC 4000 truck, V6 engine, box and hoist. Call Jerry at (406) 724-3387 Richland, MT
Zane Downing, left, Grand Champion Junior Showmanship winner with his Grand Champion Market Sheep; Maddie Seacomb, center with her sheep, received the Grand Champion Novice Showmanship award and Cooper Montgomery, right, with his black sheep, received the Reserve Champion Novice Showmanship award at the Madison County Fair. Sheep leader, Corrie Downing, stands proudly in the background.
Listen to the beat
The Peruvian Paso horse is judged in competitions while being ridden on a long wooden floorboard (fino board), measuring about 4x30-ft. Judges often shut their eyes and listen to the rhythm of the unique four-beat lateral gait called the paso llano. The judges get satisfaction out of hearing how close together (quick) the footfalls can be. The horses appear as if they are in a hurry, but in reality they are covering very little ground. Breeders of these horses claim that they are the world’s smoothest riding horses. Charros (Mexican cowboys) typically ride Quarter Horses and Andalusians (or a cross between the two, called an Azteca). Accompanied by mariachi music, they often hold horse-dancing competitions on a wooden soundboard. The horses are given a few minutes to demonstrate movement, such as the piaffe, which is a sort of lively trot on the spot.
See our display of welding accessories & rod. We’re sure to have what you need.
New Honda Replacement Engines - IN STOCK 5-hp. to 24-hp. 1” - 3” pumps
Hub, sprocket and pulley assortment for 40, 50, 60 chain and pulleys up to 16 inches.
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New Honda 4 and 51/2 hp 2” pumps. In stock: 132 and 152 gpm water pumps, 220 gpm chemical pump. 3” pumps at 275 gpm also on hand.
Wheatheart Grain Augers
New Kunz rough cut mower
H 23-hp H 57” cut H 2” to 8” cutting height H Four tire design for added support on rough ground
Flexilla 1/4”, 3/8” & 1/2” air hose 5/8” water hose All fittings available swivel & standard straight fittings. Hose splicers available as well.
See our supply of welding accessories & rod.
In Stock Posi Lock
gear and bearing pullers in stock. Gysler - Melroe - Renn chisel plow parts We can ship to your farm or ranch
New GradeMaster Blade for gravel road maintenance. Potholes stay filled longer and washboarding is virually eliminated. Two forward-cutting blades mounted on a strong high-grade steel frame with runners and side pans require a minimum of 24-h.p., mounts to any 3-point hitch tractor. 8-ft. and 10-ft. units in stock.
TIBER TRACTOR CO. Phone 406-759-5188
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Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page A52
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##### If car battery terminals are heavily corroded, the quickest and easiest way to clean them is to pour carbonated soft drink over them. It will eat the corrosion away. Baking soda mixed with water will also do the trick. ##### Steel wool pads with soap cleans white sidewalls the best.
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LS Prices to low too advertise!!
5 YEAR Standard Warranty LS P7040 CPS MFWD tractor, 97 hp, cab, power shuttle, SL loader. Last of the Tier 3 tractors in this series!... $7843 annual payment OAC LS XU6168CPS MFWD tractor, 68 hp, cab, shuttle, SL loader............ ...... $5789 annual payment OAC LS XG3140H hydro, loader.............. $268 monthly payment OAC Special Discount!!
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Wallenstein GX720 3-pt. backhoe with 92” dig depth. .....................................................................$7900 Tarter 5-ft. rototiller, NEW..................................$2099 NEW Tytan 6” hydraulic wood chipper, 3-pt., PTO..$3199 DCT 30-ft. tandem gooseneck trailer with BT.....$9000 DCT 28-ft. tandem gooseneck trailer with BT.....$8800 Sure-Trac 7x14 dump trailer, 14,000 lb.............$6950 4000 lb. Skid Steer forks.....................................$675 Brand New 5-ft. box blades.................................$650 New 6-ft. gear driven rototiller............................$2350
2013 GMC Sierra SLE 6.6 Allison heavy duty transmission, great condition, 81,000 miles, custom wheels/winter tires, Rhino liner..................$36,000 1995 Ford Explorer 212,000 miles, 5 speed manual, new clutch, excellent condition............. $1995 obo TYM 503 tractor, 50 hp, loader, 810 hours, excellent condition....................................................$23,500 Case 970 tractor, grapple, loader, good tires, recent overhaul........................................................$8599 John Deere 4020 diesel, cab with loader and grapple, Powershift..............................................$9995 King chipper, 6” hydraulic feed, PTO, 3-pt.........$3195 DuAl 325 loader, no welds, 5-ft. bucket.............$1995 Wide round bale carrier mounts, on 21-ft. flatbed.$1500 Mounts for Ezee-On loader, fits John Deere 4020.$750
The last best place to buy a tractor! 5662 Kessler Rd. Belgrade, Montana 406-388-2423 www.yellowstonetractor.com yellowstonetractor@yahoo.com
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B1
3V Distributing, Conrad ..............................A36 Abilene Machine Inc, Abilene KS .................A2 Accelerated Metal Solutions, Brady Smelser, Glendive ...................................................B14 Action Toys, Billings ....................................A12 Affordable Construction Equipment, Billings & Bozeman ..................................................A33 Ag Diesel Performance, Inc. Wood, Mike Great Falls ......................................................... C42 Ag Trucks & Equipment, Great Falls .......... C25 Ag West Distributing Co., Great Falls ........ C34 Ag Wise, Kremlin ........................................A22 AgraSyst Dealers........................................A26 Bad Land Truck Sales, Glendive .................. C3 Basin Seed, LLC, Stanford .........................A28 Bass Auction Co. Inc., Lewistown .............. C16 Baumalight, Wallenstein ON Canada ...........A9 Bell Motor Co., Cut Bank ............................A30 Ben Taylor, Valier & Shelby ........................ C39 Big Equipment Co., Havre ............................A5 Big Sky Equipment, Conrad .............. B10, B11 Big Sky Sawmill & Wood Products, Vaughn...... ................................................................ C34 Big Sky Wholesale Seeds, Shelby ............. C32 Billings Farm & Ranch Supply, BillingsC47, C50 Brandt Agricultural Products LTD............... C28 BTI Feeds, Cut Bank ................................. C39 Buckley Auction ......................................... C40 Bull Mountain Fencing, Yoder, Dan, Roundup. .. .................................................................B20 Cascade Machine & Supply, Great Falls ... C11 Chic Harbine Sales, Missoula.................... C17 Circle G Salvage, Walhalla, ND ................... C6 Circle S Seeds, of Montana, Three Forks ...A12 Clearview Seed, Denton ............................ C11 Courtesy Ford, Conrad ................................ C3 Cox Ranch Equipment, Winston .................B16 Crazy Mountain Fabrication, Travis Klein, Big Timber ..................................................... C18 Cut Bank Tire, Cut Bank .............................. C9 Dallas Land Co, Helena ................................A6 DBL Sales & Service, Dave & Brock Linker, Coffee Creek ................................................. C50 Dick Irvin Trucking, Shelby ..........................A36 Diesel Specialty Inc, Wood, Mike Great Falls ... ................................................................ C42 Dietz Auto & Truck Salvage, Billings ...........A24 Direct Ag Network, LLC Dan Thome, Billings.C20 Doane Western of Montana, Bozeman...... C50
2011 GMC Sierra 1500 SLE, 5.3L 8 cylinder, 55,000 miles.$23,950
Dooley’s Diabolical Diesel, Great Falls ...... C35 East Slope Kennel & Game Bird Farm, Conrad .................................................................. C2 Ehmke Seed, Ehmke, Marit, Bozeman ...... C28 Equipment Connection, Columbia Falls.A38, A39 Exchange Services, Inc, Whitefish .............A52 Farm Equipment Sales, Glasgow, Plentywood, Culbertson, Circle........................................... .......................A42, A43, A44, A45, A46, A47 First State Bank, Shelby .............................A49 Fisher Metal Products, Fort Benton ............A23 Fisher Truck & Equipment, Scobey ............ C18 Flaman Sales & Rental, Power ..........A31, C22 Fort Benton Realty, Fort Benton ................ C38 Fox Ford, Wolf Point ......................................B9 Fraser’s Oil Inc., Inverness .........................A32 Frieling’s Agricultural Equipment, Great Falls ... ................................................. A15, C7, C45 Frontline Ag Solutions Dillon, Dillon........... C23 Frontline Ag Solutions, Choteau, Conrad, Cut Bank, Dillon, Lewistown, Havre, Chester, Great Falls, Belgrade, Livingston.............................. .......................................C26, C29, C30, C31 Fuson Excavation & Trucking, Conrad ....... C20 G&M Bins, LLC, Mark McInerney, Fairfield ....... .................................................................A24 Gerber’s, Great Falls.................................. C10 Golden Harvest Seeds, Big Sandy .............A31 Great Falls Fence, Great Falls ....................A48 Greyn Fertilizer, Choteau, Dutton, Valier ... C52 H & H Spreading, Conrad ............................ C4 Havre Ford, Havre ......................................A37 Heart Mountain Farm Supply, Powell WY ......... .................................................................A51 Heartland Seed Company, Moccasin ........ C22 Hedman, Inc, Brett Hedman, Grass Range ...... .................................................................A29 Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply, East Helena ..B6 Henke Enterprises, SprayFlex, Chester .... C48 Highline Communications, Cut Bank ........... C2 Hodgskiss Seed, Choteau ..........................B14 Hoven Equipment Co., Great Falls ................... ............................................... C12, C13, C14 Huggy Bear’s Consignment, Cut Bank .........B5 Iron Horse Express, Coffee Creek ................B8 J & M Trailer Sales, Laurel ..........................B17
J Bar T Bins & Steel Buildings, Jeremiah Johnson & Thad, Chester ........................................ C4 Jamieson Motors, Inc., Chinook ..........A50, C8 Jim Nielsen Trucks & Parts, Butte .............. C14 JW Feeds, John Wolery, Chester................A48 KayDee Feeds ............................................. C6 Krogmann Mfg. ...........................................A14 Lewistown Honda, Lewistown.............. A14, B4 Lundberg Shop, LLC, Canyon Creek ..........A24 M & W Machine, Three Forks .................... C28 Maxwell Lumber, Lewistown ...................... C26 MDS Construction Supply, Great Falls .........A6 Meridian Seeds, Casselton ND ........... B4, B14 MH Equipment & Truck Repair, Billings ......A23 Midland Implement , Billings .......................A18 Mohrlang Fabrications, Brush CO ............. C48 Montana Holster & Shoulder Rig, Norm Schertenlieb .............................................A49 Montana Livestock Ag Credit, Helena ....... C16 Montana Metal Fabrications, Great Falls ..... C9 Montana Post Driver, Gold Creek .............. C14 Montana Shed Center, Great Falls ............ C27 Montana Valley Irrigation, Great Falls..A28, C33 Motor Power, Great Falls ............................A10 Mountain Equipment, Belgrade ................. C15 Mountain View Metal Works, Wilsall .......... C37 MT Tractors, Matt Pendergast, Stevensville...C1 Musselshell Valley Equipment, Roundup. .. C51 New Holland of Belgrade, Belgrade ............. C5 New Homes of the Future, Billings ............ C20 NM Machinery, Missoula ............................A12 North Star Equipment, John Myers, Simms ..... ................................................................ C35 Northern Chrysler, Cut Bank ..................... C49 Northern Ford, Cut Bank ........................... C49 Northern Hydraulics, Great Falls ............... C41 Northern Prairie Auto Sales, Wolf Point ......A18 Northern Seed, Conrad & Shelby .............. C44 Northwest Plastics, Libby ...........................A10 Power Motors Implement, Fort Benton .........B8 Precision Truck & Trailer, Havre ................... C1 Price Truck & Equipment Sales, Missoula ........ .................................................................A19 R & L Seed & Machine LLC, Geyser ..........B16 Rainbow Irrigation & Equipment, Chinook ........ .................................................................B18
RDO Equipment, Kalispell, Missoula, Ronan ... ................................................................ C38 Reddig Equipment & Repair, Kalispell ....... C33 Rockwell Scales, Simms.............................A22 Roger Rader, Inc, Sun River ...................... C36 Rydelle Enterprises, Marion Jones, Drummond ....................................................... C22 Severinsen Irrigation, Fairfield ................... C24 Shop Specialties, Ronan ...................C32, C37 Shortline Ag, Scobey ................................. C40 Skierka Livestock Trucking, Pompeys Pillar.C10 Skyview Truss, LLC, Owen Weaver, Moore..C51 Sod Buster Sales, Polson ..................A40, C35 Specialty Tool & Attachment, Cody WY ......A52 Steel Etc, Great Falls ................................ C21 Steinhatchee, Lance Nelson, Stevensville. C24 Stock Drive Trailer Sales, Dillon ....................A3 Stokes Fencing, Conrad .............................A51 Stricks Ag, Chester .....................................A41 Sullivan Brothers Construction, Conrad .....A26 Super SmartRooms/Superform ICF, Jerry Gangstad, Avon........................................C17, C42 Swains Spring Service, Great Falls ........... C48 T & T Farm Supply, LLC, Chester .............. C36 Taylor Farm Store, Shelby ......................... C39 That Guys Fab Shop, Havre ...................... C44 The Repair Shop, Choteau .........................A11 The Truck Shop of Billings ..........................B19 Tiber Tractor Co., Chester ...........................A51 Tilleman Equipment Company, Havre ....... C19 Tom’s Shop, Grassrange...............................B9 Torgerson’s, Ethridge, Great Falls, Lewistown, Havre, Denton, Billings ....................A27, C46 Treasure State Seed, Fairfield ......................A3 Trendline Vermeer Sales, Baker..................B16 Tri County Implement, Sidney .....................B15 Triangle Ag Service, Fort Benton ................A16 Triple T Sales, Chinook ...................... A20, A21 TT&E Inc, Victor..........................................B12 Van Motors, Conrad ......................................B1 VW Mfg, Loren Hawks, Chester ........C42, C43 Wesco Trailer Sales, Conrad.......................A49 Western Montana New Holland, Missoula ........ .................................................................A37 Wichman Ag Supply LLC, Hilger ................B16 World Equipment, Idaho Falls, ID ................ C9 Yellowstone Tractor Co., Belgrade ..............A52 Zerbe Bros., Glasgow ............................ B2, B3 Zomer Truck, Conrad ......................... A34, A35
2015 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT, 5.3L 8 cylinder, 23,000 miles... 2010 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LTZ, 5.3L 8 cylinder, 77,000 ....................................$32,900 miles...........................$23,900
2016 GMC Sierra 2500HD SLT, crew cab, 6.6L 8 cylinder, 30,000 miles................ Just In
2016 Chevrolet Traverse, leather seats, 17,000 miles.....$31,900
2016 GMC Sierra 1500 SLT, 5.3L 8 cylinder, 13,000 miles.$39,900
2009 GMC Yukon Denali, leather, 89,000 miles...............$24,900 2016 Buick Enclave, heated leather seats, 19,000 miles.....$36,900
2015 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 LT, 5.3L 8 cylinder, 53,000 miles... ....................................$28,900
2006 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, 3.9L 6 cylinder, 143,000 miles.Just In
1990 Chevrolet Corvette, 5.3L 8 cylinder, automatic, 69,000 miles...........................$13,900 2014 GMC Acadia Denali, 3.6L 6 cylinder, 32,000 miles.$33,900
2013 Chevrolet Suburban LT, heated leather seats, DVD, 3rd row seats, 59,000 miles.....$31,900
2012 GMC Sierra, 5.3L engine, leather seats, 38,000 miles...... ....................................$29,900
2012 Chevrolet Colorado, 4x4, cloth seats, 90,000 miles......... ....................................$17,900
2007 Ford F150, 4x4, cloth seats, 112,000 miles.............$13,900 2012 GMC Sierra 1500, 6.2L 8 cylinder, 69,000 miles........$27,900
2011 Nissan Murano, AWD, 3.5L V6, hatchback................$9995
Chevrolet • Buick • GMC
2010 Ford Expedition, 5.4L 8 cylinder, 112,000 miles....... $10,900
2007 GMC Sierra 1500, crew cab, heated leather seats, 4x4......... ....................................$12,900
POSITION OPENING Now hiring - A Service Technician Call 406-278-7575 for more information
406-278-7575 – Toll Free 1-800-368-7575 502 N. MAIN CONRAD, MT
EVENINGS CALL: Bill VandenBos (406) 576-1230 • Ryan VanDyke (406) 788-7546 EMAIL: vanmotorsinc@yahoo.com
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B2
New Holland Equipment
New Holland Swathers New Holland T9.645 Quad Tractor IN STOCK County “Lease Returns”
2015 New Holland T7.210 165 hp, 210 hours, 18 speed full powershift, 3-pt., 540/1000 PTO’s, 42” tires, loaded with loader and grapple.....................................................CALL! 2016 New Holland T6.165 230 hours, loader and grapple..... ...................................................................................CALL! 2016 New Holland T6.175 240 hours, loader and grapple..... ...................................................................................CALL!
New Holland T-9 Series Tractors
New Holland
New Holland Combines
New Holland Round Balers
Guardian Sprayer
Zerbe Bros.
Glasgow, Montana
©2016 CNH Industrial America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidaries or affiliates.
2015 Apache AS1220 Plus II 1200 gallon 100-ft. boom, AutoSteer, AutoBoom, section control, 275 hp Cummins, 46” duals, Viper 4 AutoRate, 640 hours. #USAP31.....................................$229,000
2008 Apache AS1010 1880 hours, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank, Envisio Pro monitor, Auto steer, AutoBoom, 215 hp Cummins diesel. #USAP30..... ................................................................$120,000
2013 New Holland L225 76 hp diesel, 2500 lb. lift, 2 speed, cab with heat/air, air seat, hydraulic coupler, performance package, heavy duty tires, 78” low pro bucket, 390 hours.................$42,000
2013 Case IH 8230 450 hp, 30” rotor, 350 bushel hopper, duals, long auger, chopper, Autosteer, 1243 engine/876 seperator hours. #UCCA15..... $230,000 2009 Case IH 7120 1130 separator hours, Pro 600 monitor, chopper, rock trap, 900/60R32 tires. #UCCA16.. ..................................................................... $140,00
1998 Flexi-Coil System 67XLT twin tank, 130-ft., foam marker, hydraulic unfold, air inductor tips. #USF139....................................................$5500 1998 Flexi-Coil System 67 110-ft., 1000 gallon, windscreens, wheel boom, FlexControl monitor. #USF151....................................................$5500 2012 New Holland S1070 100-ft. suspended boom, 1600 gallon tank, 380/90R:46 tires, FlexControl auto rate, hydraulic pump. #USNH37......$35,000 2010 New Holland S1070 100-ft. suspended boom, 100-ft. boom, 1600 gallon tank, 4400 Raven auto rate, windscreens. #USNH61..................$18,000
2009 New Holland S1070 134-ft. wheelboom, 1500 gallon tank, 480/80R38 tires, hydraulic fold, wash/ rinse #USNH60.......................................$12,000 2007 New Holland SF216 100-ft. wheel boom, 1600 gallon, auto rate controller, windscreens, hydraulic unfold. Nice! #USNH63...........................$12,000 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft., 1500 gallon wheel boom, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, FlexControl, dual nozzles, windscreen. #USNH00......$20,000 New Holland SF115 90-ft. suspended boom, 1500 gallon tank, windscreens, SP655 AutoRate. #USNH55................................................$20,000
Concord 4412 12” spacing with 3000 tow behind tank, hydraulic drive fan. #UDCN13.................$15,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 9” spacing, 550# trips, stealth bodies, 2320 tow between cart. #UDF237.$35,000 2000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill, 9” spacing, 550 lb. trips, single shoot, 3450 tow between cart, variable cart, stealth bodies. #UDF246................$69,000 2003 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 9” spacing, 550 lb trips, 31/2” steel packers, single shoot with steath bodies, 3450 tow between air cart, dual fan, variable drive, 30.5x32 tires. #UDF254..........................$55,000 1999 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot, 4” VW spread, Goose shooter, 2340 tow between, variable rate drive, 5.5” rubber packers. #UDF244................................................$50,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 39-ft., 7” spacing, steel packers with 1720 tow between tank. #UDF243....................... ...............................................$25,000....$20,000 New Holland SD550 60-ft. folding drill, 12” spacing, 5.90 x15 Concord packers, double shoot, variable rate with SC430 tow between tank, 430 bushel. #UDNH29................................................$69,000 2005 New Holland SD440 58-ft., 12” spacing, 550# trips, 51/2” rubber packers, 4350 tow between cart, double shoot. #UDNH25.........................$89,000
2004 New Holland SD440 58-ft., 12” spacing, 51/2” rubber packers, double shoot with SC430 tow between cart, dual fan, variable drive, 10” auger. #UDNH31.................................................79,000 2012 Seed Hawk 6012 60-ft., 12” spacing, twin wing openers, 500 bushel tow behind tank, Viper monitor. #USSH06................................................ Call
2011 SeedMaster 70-ft., 12” spacing, single side band, 5 section with SXG 550 bushel tank with 1545 Brandt conveyor. #UDSM00.........$139,000
See More Online at www.zerbebrothers.com
Zerbe Bros. “Setting The Standard”
1-800-228-5393 – 406-228-4311 SALES: Mike Guttenberg - Tim Guttenberg - Travis Volk
2008 New Holland CR9070 400 hp, 900/60R32 tires. #UCNH80................................................... $117,000 2008 New Holland CR9070 1610 separator hours, extended wear augers, chopper, yield/moisture, 420 hp. #UCNH92............................................. $135,000 2005 New Holland CR960 Class 7, deluxe cab, 17” rotors, 900/60R32, front tires, 600/28 rears, #UCNH91....... ..................................................................... $69,000 1993 New Holland TR96 combine with twin rotor, SN 554419, 3109 engine hours, well maintained, annual service repairs, 30-ft. 971 auger head. #UCNH28..... $36,500...$25,000 2004 Gleaner R65 Cummins engine, 973 MacDon 36-ft. draper header with pickup reel and transport............ .......................................................................Just In
67 Years
Glasgow, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page 3
2013 Case IH 2152 (MacDon) 45-ft. draper header, double knife, transport package, cross auger. #UHCA20................................................$49,000 2009 MacDon D60 40-ft. draper header, finger reel, transport package, upper cross auger, Empire rollers, CNH adaptor. S/N-186785-09.....$50,000 2007 Honey Bee 94C 40-ft. draper header, pickup reel, CR New Holland adapter with gauge wheels and transport. #UCNH87........................$19,000 2007 Honey Bee 94C 40-ft. draper header, pickup reel, CR New Holland adapter with gauge wheels and transport. #UCNH88........................$19,000 2009 MacDon D60 40-ft. draper header with pickup reel, CA20 MacDon adaptor fits New Holland/ Case. #UHMD45.....................................$49,000 2009 New Holland 94C 42-ft. draper header, transport package, finger reel, cross auger. #UCNH79....... ................................................................$17,500 New Holland 94C 42-ft. draper header, finger reel and transport with cross augers, fits NHCR. #UCNH93................................................$10,500 Horst header trailer, wagon style, low profile tires. #UCHR00...................................................$2900
------------------------------------- CONSIGNMENTS -------------------------------------1993 Agco/White 6195 MFD, 200 hp, Cummins diesel, 18 speed, Power Shift, 9600 hours, 3 point hitch, 1000 PTO, 42” rear tires......................................... $38,000 1951 Allis-Chalmers WD tractor, 540 PTO with loader.... ......................................................................... $2500
1991 Case IH 9270 4WD tractor, 6385 hours, 335 hp, Cummins, 42” tires (80%).............................. $49,000
MacDon M155
with Draper - Call for more info
2014 New Holland H7150 swing tongue, 165-ft. HS header, 1000 PTO drive. #UWN115.......$28,500 New Holland 1431 disc mower, 13-ft., rubber conditioners, 2 point swivel hitch, 1000 PTO. #UWN109..................................................$9500 1999 Case IH 8312 12-ft. discbine, rubber/steel conditioner................................................ Just In Case 425 21-ft. draper header (fits Hesston 8650)... ...................................................................$9500
1997 John Deere 9400 4wd tractor, 3600 hours with 24 speed transmission, 710/70R38 tires, 425 hp.$90,000 1989 John Deere 8760 4WD tractor, 3200 hours on engine and transmission, 1000 PTO, 20.8x38 tires, 260 hp... ...................................................................... $29,500
1978 John Deere 4840 2WD tractor, 1200 hours on engine, 157 PTO hp, Ezee-On loader and grapple..... ...................................................................... $27,500
1991 Freightliner, 310 hp, L10 Cummins, 10 speed transmission, day cab, air ride with 28-ft. cargo trailer with 2-2000 gallon tanks, pump and inductor system........ ...................................................................... $17,000 2008 Ford F350 service pickup, 4x4, 113,000 miles, diesel, tool racks, 120 gallon fuel tank, welder & generator... ...................................................................... $18,500 2011 Titan 33-ft. 5th wheel trailer, tandem dually, 20,000 lb. GVW............................................................ $6500 1999 Contrail C20 20-ft. trailer, air brakes, pintle hitch, all new tires, heavy duty........................................ $8500 1994 Donahue EXG60 swather trailer, 5th wheel, ramps, 9.50x16.5 tires.................................................. $6000 John Deere 230 28-ft. tandem disc with rock flex..$4900 Frigstad 600 plow, tool bar, 44-ft. 5-section, 1 1/4” shanks w/harrow..........................................................Just In Harrell 3606 6 bottom switch plow, 3 pt. mount...... $5500 Melroe 1000 plow, 29-ft. 13-18” bottoms................ $6500 Nutri-Placer 5252 40-ft. liquid fertilizer applicator with carbide points................................................... $6000 2011 New Holland S1070, 100-ft. suspension boom, 1600 gallon tank, AutoBoom.................................. $45,000 2010 New Holland S1070 wheeled boom sprayer, 134ft. booms, Touch Screen Display, 1600 gallon tank, 480/80R38 tires, windscreens, Auto Rate........ $9900 2006 New Holland SF115 90-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 1500 gallon, SP655 auto rate........................ $20,000 2004 New Holland SF115 134-ft. sprayer, 1500 gallon, 18.4x26 tires, HMIC pump, Flexi-Control Auto Rate, dual nozzles, windscreens............................. $12,000 Flexicoli S67 XLT 104-ft. wheel boom sprayer....... $3000
Brandt pitstop............................................................ Call Crisafulli 16” pump, 4000 gpm............................... $4800 (2) 1000 gallon fuel tanks, 2000 gallon, some with pumps...........................................$1300 - $1800 2014 Augusta “Flex” series camper, 32-ft., bumper pull with outside kitchen, loaded. Books $44,000.$32,000
2008 John Deere 1895 air disc drill, 10” spacing, double shoot, all run blockage, 1910 tow behind cart........... . .................................................................... $100,000
Your Dealer for RiteWay harrows and land rollers Zerbe Bros. Glasgow, MT
1999 Hesston 856T 5x6 bales, 75” wide pickup, bale kicker. #UHHS43..................................... $11,500
2009 New Holland BR7090 wide pickup, twine and net, float tires, #UHN136........................ $24,000 2012 New Holland BR7090 extra wide pickup, floatation tires, 1000 PTO, #UHN139.............. $24,500
2002 John Deere 9650STS combine, 2925 separator hours, 800/65R32 tires, chopper with 9360 header.... ...................................................................... $82,000 2013 Farm King 9-ft. side sickle mower, 540 PTO, hydraulic lift, skid shoes, extra parts........................... $6600 New Holland 116 16-ft. swing tongue, double sickle, 1000 PTO, pump........................................................ $4500 2009 New Holland 88C flex draper header, 36-ft., upper cross auger, transport, finger reel.................. $25,000 2011 MacDon FD-70 flex draper, 40-ft., finger reel, double knife, upper cross auger, slow speed transport, CNH adaptor................................................................ Call John Deere 1243 corn head, 12 row with Wemco trailer.. ............................................................................ Call Alloway 10”x60-ft. swing away grain auger, 540 PTO, scissor lift, mechanical drive hopper................. $3000
2010 New Holland T6050 MFD tractor, 105 PTO hp, partial Powershift, 540/1000 PTO, Class 4 front axle, suspended cab, 3620 hours................................ Call Oliver 770 tractor, gas engine with Farmhand F11 loader................................................................ $3500 Hygrade 1600 pull-type grader, 16-ft. hydraulic angle, hydraulic tilt, side plates and weight box....... $13,500 2015 Danuser pallet fork with top tine grabber, for skid steer.................................................................. $1900
2013 Seedhawk 8412 precision drill, twin wing openers, Viper control, section control, 800 bu. TBH air cart w/ conveyor...................................................... JUST IN!
Air Drill
2011 Haybuster 2650 bale buster, hydraulic chute control, 1000 PTO drive. #UHHY47........$14,250
New Holland P2050 58-ft
10” spacing, 550 lb trips, 41/2” steel packers, double shoot, basic blockage.
With P4580 tow between tank
4-compartments, conveyor fill auger, camera, 650/75R38 duals, IntelliView system. 2009 Morris Pro-Ag 4D4SR bale scoop................... ...............................................$23,000....$20,000
2011 John Deere 568 Mega Wide pickup, twine & net wrap, flotation tires, 540 PTO, 8500 bales. #UAJD38........................................................Call 1994 Vermeer 605K round baler, 1000 PTO. #UHVM33.................................................. $5500
See More Online at
2015 Case IH 580 QuadTrac 1050 hours, high output hydraulics, 6 remotes, Autosteer, 36” tracks, luxury cab. #UTCA90....................................... JUST IN 2015 Case IH 580 QuadTrac 1460 hours, PTO, high output hydraulics, 6 remotes, Autosteer, 36” tracks, luxury cab. #UTCA89............................. JUST IN 1995 New Holland 8770 MFD, 160 PTO hp, duals, 1000 PTO, Super Steer, 3-pt. hitch, powershift. #UTN113.................................................$38,000 1980 Versatile 875 4WD, 20.8x38 tires, 280 hp, Cummins diesel, 4 hydraulics. #UTVR79.......$12,000
www.zerbebrothers.com Call or stop by and see us for
all your equipment needs!
Zerbe Bros.
Glasgow, MT
2015 New Holland S1070 100-ft. suspended boom, 1600 gallon tank, 380/90R46 tires, LCTS monitor, windscreens, electronic agitation, Inductor tank, line strainers, L.P. wash, 4 ball valves, combo jet double bodies.
Regular: $67,625 CALL!!! ~ ONLY 1 LEFT!!!
Zerbe Bros. Glasgow, Montana 406-228-4311 TOLL FREE 1-800-228-5393
www.zerbebrothers.com Email zerbesales@nemont.net SALES Mike Guttenberg Tim Guttenberg Travis Volk
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B4
POLYURETHANE FOAM INSULATION Are your calving barns cold and drafty???
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Grand Champion Market Lamb shown by Olivia Harris. Purchased by Aqua Tech. Photo courtesy of Mary Meyer, Lewis and Clark 4-H.
Penned beef heifers stressed, sedentary and experience delayed puberty
By Chris Branam, Oregon State University Extension Service Beef heifers raised in close quarters are pasture. The number of heifers kept in a pen under more stress and don’t get as much influences whether the heifers thrive and go physical activity as heifers raised on pason to produce healthy calves, Cooke said. ture, according to an Oregon State UniverOn the first day of the experiment, they sity (OSU) study. measured each cow’s temperament with, The findings, published in the journal among other things, how the animal handled animal (https://www.cambridge.org/core/ being squeezed through a chute. They fitted journals/animal/article/impacts-of-stockeach heifer with a pedometer placed inside ing-density-on-development-and-pubertya patch behind the right shoulder. They also attainment-of-replacement-beef-heifers/ collected hair samples from the animal’s F674855B3518BDCE2EC6521F38B3113 tail switch to analyze cortisol concentraF), could offer guidance for cattle ranchtions. The concentration of cortisol, a stress ers who want to improve the efficiency of hormone, in hair from the tail switch is a their herds and assure the public they are biomarker of stress in cattle. interested in the welfare of the cows, said At the end of the six-month period, the Reinaldo Cooke, a former animal scientist cows kept in pastures took on average OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences and nearly 20,000 steps a week, compared to corresponding author on the study. about 3,100 for the penned heifers. The “People want to know that beef is compasture heifers had lower cortisol concening from animals that are well-treated,” said trations and were better behaved than their Cooke, now an associate professor of beef pen-raised counterparts. These outcomes cattle production at Texas A&M Univerwere independent of heifer nutritional status sity. “We found that the heifers in the pens and growth rate because all the cows were weren’t comfortable.” on the same diet. In U.S. spring-calving cow-calf herds, “Out on the pasture, there is snow everyheifers are weaned in the fall, spend the where and little to graze on. But they learn winter together in pens or pastures, so they how to survive,” Cooke said. “We found are protected against the elements, and that our heifers on pasture, as we expected, exposed to their first breeding season the exercised more, which is important for refollowing spring. productive maturation.” Beef cattle producers count on replacement heifers to become fertile cows. In a six-month experiment, researchers in OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences Date Celebrated : Always October 24 determined that cows clustered together in National Bologna Day is full of baloney! industry-standard dry-lot pens experienced Properly spelled Bologna, it is sometimes delayed puberty despite adequate age and spelled “Baloney”. It is pronounced like the body weight development. latter spelling. Bologna is a sausage. It’s Heifers must reach puberty at an early age commonly used as a luncheon meat. Mom to ensure high conception rates in their first and kids know it well. breeding season, so a delay in their sexual When it comes to bologna, there defimaturity holds economic disadvantages for nitely is variety. There is what you and I cattle ranchers, Cooke said. would call regular Bologna, German BoloThe OSU research team monitored the gna, Beef Bologna, Kosher Bologna, and growth, physical activity and stress-related more. Depending upon the kind of Bologna, physiological responses of heifers from it could include pork, beef, chicken, and September 2015 to March 2016 at OSU’s spices. Eastern Agricultural Research Center in It’s easy to enjoy National Bologna Day Burns. . Have a Bologna sandwich. Try fried boThe researchers dispersed 60 Angus and logna. And, don’t forget the mustard. Hereford heifers into three 450-square-foot We certainly hope that at the end of Nadry-lot pens and three 60-acre pastures, tional Bologna Day, that you are “full of with 10 heifers in each pen and 10 in each Baloney”!
National Bologna Day
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B5
HUGGY BEAR’S CONSIGNMENT & APPRAISAL Phone 406-873-4819, cell 229-0662, e-mail khbear59427@yahoo.com, Cut Bank, Montana
Website: www.huggybearsconsignments.com
“If You Want To Sell or Buy...Huggy Bear Is Your Guy”.
See Me About Your Bale Processor Needs Tag #Hug1017 Winch for D6C Cat with Hyster free spooler. Tag #Pack1017......................$3000 Sullair compressor. Tag #Hug1017..........................................................$25,000 NEW Airway 30-ft. aerator. Tag #RickW1017...........................................$50,000 Airway 20-ft. aerator. Tag #RickW1017....................................................$33,000 NEW Spraylift hydraulic jack for high clearance sprayers. Tag# Hug1017.... $1700 Continental cargo trailer, 20.8x20, 12-volt system, LED lights. Tag #Larry1017.... ................................................................................................................ $8500 Grizzly 3-pt. backhoe. Tag #ANF1017.........................................................$3500 Case David Brown 1200 3-point, 540 PTO, new 18.4x30 rear tires and a power draw bar, 3092 hours. Tag #RodB1017.................................................$6500 Badger Hopto trailer mounted backhoe. Tag #Hug1017............................$1500 Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 114-ft. double booms, double nozzles, windscreens, 2 tanks, 18.4x26 lug tires. Tag #DaveB1017. Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 114-ft. double booms, windscreens, 1500 gallon tank, 18.4x26 Diamond tires, single boom and double nozzles.. Tag #DaveB1017. M&W 450 grain dryer. Tag #DaveB1017. Allison automatic transmission out of 1985 Steiger tractor. Tag #WahlF1017. International FAA tractor, 540 PTO, saw blade. Tag #SteveF1017. International FC tractor, 540 PTO. Does not run. Tag #SteveF1017. Case 1070 tractor, good motor but transmission, bad. Tag #JohnDR1017....$3500 (39) 4-ft. perforated aeration tubes. Tag #DickS1017...............................$135 ea. (136) rings for aeration tubes. Tag #DickS1017.........................................$35 ea. Round bale cattle feeders. Tag #Sam1017. Frigidaire stainless steel refrigerator. Tag #Terra1017..................................$500 Stainless steel dishwasher. Tag #Terra1017..................................................$300 Magic Chef microwave oven. Tag #Terra1017...............................................$250 2012 Dodge pickup bumper. Tag #DickG1017..............................................$450 John Deere 6125R tractor with 340 loader, 3-point, FWD, 2300 hours. Tag #Sam1017........................................................................................$135,000 2014 John Deere 569 round baler, Mega Wide pickup, net wrap. Tag #Sam1017. John Deere 1590 14-ft. grass drill, 7” spacing, grass, grain and fertilizer boxes. Tag #Sam1017. 1999 White 6710, 101 PTO horsepower with loader, 3-point, FWD, 540 PTO, FWD grapple, 6000 hours, box scraper. Tag #Kerry1017...................$45,000 Mirage 32-ft. triple axle gooseneck, 21,000# GVW, extra storage above gooseneck. Tag #Kerry1017............................................................................$6500 Aerway 18-ft. pasture harrow with drawbar. Tag #Kerry1017......................$5500 Highline 6800 multi bale processor. Tag #JR1017......................................$8500 2009 Honey Bee 40-ft. draper header with Case IH adapter for late combines, pea auger. Tag #Mike1017.................................................................$19,000 Lufkin 48-ft. double drop trailer. Tag #RianC1017....................................$17,000 1984 Load Master belly dump gravel trailer, 60,000 GVW. Tag #RianC1017....... ...........................................................................................................$12,000 Vermeer BPX 9000 bale processor, round and square bales. Tag #KlintS1017... ................................................................................................Price Pending 2008 Case Puma 180 trailer with L770 loader, bucket and grapple, 3-point, 540 PTO, 2289 hours. Tag #Wayne1017...................................................$88,000 International 444 2WD tractor, loader, 3-point, 38 HP, 540 PTO, 1976 hours. Tag #Wayne1017.........................................................................................$7500 Valmar 240PT Fargo spreader, trailer model. Tag #Wayne1017.................$4500 2011 Wolf Pack toy hauler, 12-ft. garage, big shower. Tag #Donnie1017. 2009 Honey Bee 40-ft. draper header with pea auger. Fits late Case IH combines. Tag #Mike1017.........................................................................$20,000 Winch for D6C Cat. Tag #Pack1017.............................................................$2500 Case IH 1015 pickup header with a Sund pickup. Unit is like new. Tag #Harry1017...................................................................................................$6500
John Deere S690 combine with only 800 hours. Has all the bells and whistles. Tag #Grant0617...............................................................................$285,000 John Deere 9650 Walker combine. Well maintained. Tag #Jim0316.......$75,000 1992 John Deere 9600 conventional combine, 3400 separator hours, 930F header, 18.4x42 dual tires, hopper topper, runs excellent. Tag #Jim0616....... ...........................................................................................................$38,000 1992 John Deere 9500 combine, 2500 separator hours, JD 230 header. Tag #DaveH0617. 1997 John Deere 9600 combine, 3500 hours, 930 30-ft. header (rebuilt). Tag #AlanM0816.......................................................................................$40,000 1997 John Deere 9600 combine, 3300 separator hours, new walkers, 930 rigid header, batt reel. Tag #Abe0916........................................................$48,000
24-ft. portable corral panels. Tag #BirCr0717...........................................$350 ea. 3-point snowblower for Allis-Chalmers 170. Tag #J&J0717.........................$1900 DuAl loader off International 806. Tag #ANF0717.......................................$1950 Finn T30 hydroseeder on 2-ton flatbed. Tag #Brent0717.........................$15,000 1999 Royalite 30-ft. RV camper, gooseneck, slide out, sleeps 4, all self contained. Need to see to appreciate. Tag #DaveH0617.........................$17,000 Techno-Paul portable squeeze chute with AgTronic scale with 5 panels. Tag #TonyS0617. 1987 Holiday Rambler 35-ft. RV, sleeps 6, has new awning, 70,000 miles. Tag #JackW0417.......................................................................................$12,000 REM 3700 grain vac. Tag #EagleCreek1116............................................$17,500 Wheatheart Heavy Hitter post pounder. For Sale or Rent. Tag #0616.Call Huggy!!! New!! Danuser skid steer mounted hammer. Tag #Hug0417...Preseason Price Minn-Kota high lift rock picker, hydraulic drive. Tag #JackW0417...............$1500 Berkeley pump, 25 hp, 3 phase, control box. Tag #BobC1116.....Price Pending NEW!! Danuser hydraulic post hole digger, 9” and 12” auger. Tag #Hug0416...... ............................................................................................Preseason Price 1 set of 18.34x38 duals. Tag #GaryS0117.....................................................$750 1 set of 24.5x32 duals. Tag #GaryS0117.......................................................$750 Allis Chalmers 650 3-pt. backhoe attachment. Tag #Lyle0617...................$1500 Ford 160 5-shank sub soiler in good condition. Tag #WarrenM0617..................... ................................................................................................Price pending AllFit 50” extra wide lawn sweeper, 26 cubic foot capacity. Tag #BC0816.....$300 Ag-Rain Big-Reel 3570, 4” plastic hose, sprinkler head. Tag #JimH1116..$8500 New 2017 18-ft. car hauler trailer with spare tires and ramps, 5200 lb. axles. Tag #Wyatt0717...........................................................................................$3750 3-point bale unroller. Tag #BigSky0717........................................................$1500 Chieftain cleaning plant. Tag#Brent0717.................................................$46,000 (42) 18” round aeration tubes. Tag #DickS0916 (2) 18” round solid aeration tubes. Tag #DickS0916 2004 Dodge 8-ft. pickup box, single wheel. Like new. Tag #Neal0416..........$700 Noble M 24-ft. of V-blades, 3 – 8-ft. Tag #JackW0417.................................$1500 25-ft. air reel for JD 925 header. Tag #JohnP0217. 30-ft. air reel for JD 930 header. Tag #JohnP0217. Tulsa 12-ft. flat bed with tail roll and winch. Tag #JackW0417.......................$750 Cat SR17 67” snowblower for skid steer loader. Has had very little use. Tag #Broken P0117....................................................................................................$5000 4000 gallon fuel tank. Tag #Sam0916..........................................................$4500 Lambordine used engine off 1502 tank. Tag #BrandtH0514......................$1950 2-1500 gallon storage tanks. Tag #JackW0417.............................................. Call
MacDon 65D 40-ft. header to fit John Deere S690 combine. Tag #Grant0617...... ...........................................................................................................$55,000 2004 MacDon 972 36-ft. header to fit NH TV140 tractor. Tag #DaveT0916 Hesston 65SD 21-ft. header, fits 6450 or 6550 swather. Tag #HarryV0717..$4500 New Holland DSA 21-ft. header, fits new 1100 or 1116 swathers. Tag #KemA0717..........................................................................................$4500 2009 Honey Bee 36-ft. header, pickup reel, fore/aft, single point hook up for John Deere header. Tag #Rog0916............................................................$28,000
John Deere 16-ft. plow. Tag #JackW0417...................................................$1500 Gysler 30-ft. plow. Tag #JeffH0617..............................................................$3000 Graham-Hoeme 15-ft. plow, good shanks with shovels, needs depth cylinder. Tag #GuyM0617....................................................................................$1500 John Deere 10-ft. pull type plow. Tag #D&B0417........................................... Call John Deere 610 30-ft. plow with Degelman harrows, 11/4” shanks. Tag #JackW0417.........................................................................................$4500 Massey-Ferguson 880 8-bottom moldboard plow in excellent condition. Tag #Hug0916............................................................................................... $6500 Gysler 32-ft. plow. Tag #Russ0516..............................................................$2500
PJ tilt trailer. Tag#Brent0717........................................................................$6000 NEW!! PJ trailers. Tag #Wyatt0717 2006 PJ 24-ft. gooseneck trailer, 7000 lb. axles. Tag #Pack0617.................$7500 1998 PJ 24-ft. gooseneck trailer, 7500 lb. axles, tie down straps. Tag #Pack0617. ..............................................................................................................$7500 2006 Hot Shot horse trailer, tandem 7000 lb. axles. Tag #BrokenP0117...$9500 8-ft. x 34-ft. 5th wheel triple axle hay trailer. Tag #BrokenP0117..................$8500 1993 gooseneck 30x8 flatbed trailer, tandem axle, duals, 16,000 lb. capacity. Tag #BrokenP0117......................................................................................$6500 20-ft. 4-horse bumper pull trailer. Tag #D&B0417........................................$6000 1978 21-ft. tandem dually 5th wheel trailer, haul Cat D6C. Tag #BK0117....$4500 51-ft. utility van trailer. Tag #Kyle0616..........................................................$7500 Star 36-ft. tandem axle grain trailer. Tag #Kyle0616.................................$12,000 Star 51-ft. grain trailer, 3 axles, 11R22.5 tires, Shur-Lok tarp. Tag #Kyle0316 1992 Twanco trailer. Tag#Brent0717........................................................$17,500 2012 Cross Country belly dump trailer. Tag#Brent0717..........................$36,000 2013 Cross Country belly dump trailer. Tag#Brent0717..........................$38,000 Reconditioned logging trailer, good looking trailer, sliding main beam. Tag #DennyL1216.............................................................................................$15,000 1979 Cook 40-ft. belly dump gravel trailer, single gate, completely rebuilt. Tag #Pack0716.........................................................................................$17,500 1961 GMC dump trailer. Tag #Wayne0217..................................................$1750
Valmar 320 Fargo spreader mounted on 54 harrow cart, good shape. Tag #JackW0417..........................................................................................$5000 Flexi-Coil 65 80-ft. pull type sprayer with single nozzle, 1000 gallon tank, windscreens. Tag #JackW0417.....................................................................$5000 Summers sprayer for parts. Tag #JackW0417...............................................$300 2008 Summers 60-ft. suspended boom truck mounted sprayer, wind screens, AutoRate, hydraulic boom lift, 5000 gallon tank, 5 hp Honda motor. Tag #RonH0317...........................................................................................$7900 2012 Case IH PS100 100-ft. suspended boom sprayer, 100-ft. booms, 1600 gallon tank, excellent shape. Tag #RonH0317........................................$37,000 John Deere 4700 sprayer. Tag #ArtH0717...............................................$72,000 Melroe 210 Spra-Coupe 125 gal. tank, 31.5x13.5 tires. Tag #BrokenP0117...$6500 1982 Valmar 240 granular applicator, hydraulic drive, mounted on homemade cart. Tag #HerbK0916
John Deere 66 AH 5-bottom plow with 16” high speed bottom shears. Tag #DGreer0817. 2008 John Deere 9770 combine with 635 draper header, 300 engine hours, 2200 separator hours, has new motor, new sieve. Tag #Terry0817...$155,000 M&W grain dryer with 75 hp electric motor, new bearings. Tag #Vermulum0817... ..............................................................................................................$7500 2011 Case IH 635 4WD tractor, 1468 hours. Tag #GaryG0817..............$170,000 2009 Bourgault 5725 air seeder with 6700 4-compartment air cart. Tag #GaryG0817. 2011 Case IH 8120 combine. Tag #GaryG0817.....................................$140,000 2001 Case IH 2388 combine, 2856 hours, 40-ft. 1042 draper header and 1015 pickup header with Sund pickup. Tag #Vince0817.............................$65,000 1999 Case IH 2388 combine, 2775 separator hours, 1052 25-ft. draper header. Tag #Brandon0817.............................................................................$60,000 2-Case IH 810 13-ft. pickup header. Tag #Brandon0817. Case IH 810 30-ft. straight cut header. Tag #Brandon0817. Allis-Chalmers 170 gas tractor with 460 loader, 3-point, 540 PTO, cab, 1939 hours. Tag #ArleeJ0817.........................................................................$9500 1987 Dodge Mighty Fifty pickup, 5-speed, 66,000 miles. Tag #MarkW0817........ ..............................................................................................................$3500 1978 Peterbilt grain truck with 20-ft. box and hoist, 400,000 miles, 13 speed Fuller, 855 Cummins, Tag #Russ0817...............................................$31,000 Gehl 1083 telehandler, 10,000# lift. Tag#Seville0817...............................$14,000 Hesston 1200 30-ft. pull type swather. Tag#Seville0817.............................$3500 1989 Ford F600 truck (less box or tank). Tag #Paul0817............................$2500 Golf cart. Tag EPaul0817.............................................................................$3500 Homemade 17-ft. gooseneck trailer. Tag #Paul0817....................................$3500 Push blade to fit on Gehl telehandler. Tag #Paul0817.................................$2500 125-ft. of 14 gauge link fence with 4 gates. Tag #Paul0817...........................$500 10-ft. cattle guard. Tag #Paul0817..................................................................$250 12-ft. cattle guard. Tag #Paul0817..................................................................$350 Westfield MK100 10”x61-ft. swing hopper auger. Tag #GaryS0917...........$3900 John Deere 9500 combine, 30-ft. 230 header, 2500 hours. Tag #DaveH0917....... ...........................................................................................................$37,000 Harvest International H1372 13”x72-ft. swing hopper auger. Tag #Jess0917...... ...........................................................................................................$17,000 Hutchinson 35-ft. belt conveyor. Tag #Jess0917.....................................$17,000 2007 Case IH 7010 combine with 36-ft. Honey Bee double sickle header, 1200 separator hours. Tag #Jess0917. John Deere 4520 tractor with loader. Tag #GaryS0917. John Deere 2240 tractor with 3-point. Tag #GaryS0917. Valmar 3255 spreader, implement mounted. Tag #BigSky0817..................$1500 Valmar 245 3-point spreader. Tag #Rpg0917..............................................$1500 Vermeer 65 wood chipper. Tag #LarryK0917..............................................$7500 Smaller wood chipper with Briggs engine. Tag #LarryK0917.......................$2500 Jaylor 4065 mixer. Tag #PostEq0617.......................................................$22,900 Supreme 900T vertical mixer, reconditioned. Tag #PostEq0617..............$44,000 2011 Supreme 700T twin screw mixer wagon, has gone through shop. Tag #PostEq0617......................................................................................$29,000 Supreme 700S single screw mixer wagon, Tag #PostEq0617.................$18,500 2008 John Deere 9770 combine with 36-ft. draper header, new motor, new gearbox, 3000 engine hours and 2200 separator hours. Tag #Terry0817..$155,000
Allis-Chalmers 170 2WD tractor with loader, cab, 540 PTO, 3 point, low hours. Tag #J&J0717.......................................................................................$9500 John Deere 8630 4WD tractor with 20.8x34 tires, 1000 PTO, 3 remotes, motor in good shape. Tag #JackW0417........................................................$14,000 John Deere 5020 tractor with 24.5x32 rear tires, SN 5010 32T 1801. Tag #JackW0417..........................................................................................$4500 John Deerre 5010 tractor with 1000 PTO, 2 sets of remotes. Tag #JackW0417.... ..............................................................................................................$7000 1993 Versatile 876 (blue) tractor, 20.8x38 duals, weights, manual transmission, only 2438 hours, tractor is immaculate. Tag #JackW0417..................$45,000 International W9 tractor, 540 PTO, gas, Koyker loader, great auger tractor. Tag #JackW0417.........................................................................................$3500 International 656 gas tractor, 540 PTO, no 3-point, 741 loader, 5302 hours, needs seat. Tag #D&B0417...................................................................$5000 1983 Versatile 1150 4WD tractor, 1150 KT engine, 30.5Lx32 tires 60-70%, set up to pull air seeder. Tag #Russ0617.................................................$45,000 Belarus 822 FWD tractor, 81 PTO hp, 690 Leon loader, 3-point, 540 PTO, 5021 hours. Tag #BenD0417.......................................................................$10,000 John Deere 8925R FWA tractor, 295 hp, 1000 PTO, 3-pt., 3280 hours. Tag #RussB1116...................................................................................... $175,000 Case 1200A 2WD tractor, 3-pt., 540 PTO, 1/2 cab, power steering, power drawbar, new 18.4x30 rear tires, 92 hours. Tag #RodB1215...............................$7500 Case 4690 4WD tractor, fairly new engine repair, transmission problem. Tag #FredV0816
Wesco 1310 10”x70-ft. swing away grain, hydraulic drive. Tag #Ruth0417..$3500 Westfield 8”x50-ft. PTO auger. Tag #Ruth0417...........................................$1700 Feterl 7”x27-ft. grain auger with Wisconsin engine. Tag #JackW0417...........$950 Batco 18”x45-ft. elevator, 15 hp 3 phase motor, drive-over conveyor. Tag #ChuckC0816.......................................................................................$7500
1996 Dodge 2500 fuel pickup. Tag#Brent0717............................................$5000 1984 1-ton service pickup, 200 gallon fuel tank, 2WD, 4-speed manual transmission, 103,000 miles. Tag #JackW0417..................................................$4000 Mitsubishi 350 mini pickup truck. Tag #BrokenP0117................................$4000 1991 Oldsmobile Toronado, 2-door sedan, hard top, automatic, new tires, sunroof, color in tan. Showroom condition. Tag #BobC0816.......................$7500 1976 Chevrolet C20 4WD pickup, 350 engine, automatic transmission, 94,000 miles. Tag #BobC0617..........................................................................$2500 1981 Ford F250 2WD pickup with service box. Tag #Ruth0617..................$1500 2000 Ford F350 pickup, Stahl service box. Tag #JasonA0916...................... $7500 1970 Pontiac Grand Prix Model J, 2-door, 74,000 miles, white and black. Tag #JerSmt1116.........................................................................................$8700 1987 Ford F250 pickup with bed, parts pickup, new exhaust system, engine runs, transmission work done. Tag #D&B0417. 2011 Dodge new long box, fender flares, rear bumper and tailgate. Black in color. Tag #DanG1216
2011 Marv Haugen broom. Tag #Brent0717...............................................$4000 2012 Marv Haugen 76 tiller. Tag#Brent0717...............................................$4500 2012 Marv Haugen land plane. Tag#Brent0717..........................................$3500 Cat 650H dozer/crawler. Tag#Brent0717..................................................$46,000 2015 Hitachi 50G mini excavator. Tag#Brent0717...................................$79,000 Champion 760 grader, 14-ft. blade. Tag #KevinB0617.............................$26,000 2016 New Wacker Neuson ST track skid steer loader. Tag #LarryB0617. 2016 New Wacker Neuson WL34 wheel loader. Tag #LarryB0617. John Deere 410 tractor/loader/backhoe, 5238 hours. Tag #JackW0417........ Call John Deere 50 3-pt. backhoe. Tag #Dan1216.............................................$2500 Melroe 811 skidsteer mounted backhoe. Tag #KenBert0916........................ $6500 Case 320 crawler/dozer, 551 hours on rebuilt, new engine, drives, tracks, 6-way blade. Tag #GaryH0916......................................................................$11,000 NEW!! Danuser 48” pallet fork for skidsteer loader. Tag #Hug0516..............$890 1986 International 560 loader. Tag #Brent0717......................................$22,000 2011 John Deere 304 loader. Tag #Brent077..........................................$67,000 2011 Cat 420 tractor/loader/backhoe. Tag #Brent0717............................$75,000 Case 850 crawler/dozer, 10-ft. dozer blade, bucket. Tag #BrokenP0117....$15,000
NEW H&S 1460 14-ft. wheel rake. Tag #Hug0617....................................$19,500 Woods 6-ft. 3-point rotary mower. Tag #BrokenP90117................................$650
Financing Available AIR SEEDERS & DRILLS
1995 Concord 4012 40-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing with 3400 air cart, 5” carbide tips, good condition. Tag #RonH0317.................................................$29,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 52-ft. 9” spacing air drill with 2320 tow behind air cart, updated loading auger. Tag #JackW0417.........................................................$27,000 2-John Deere 9450 12-ft. 12” spacing drills, fertilizer box, one has a grass seeder. Tag #0517...................................................................................$2500 ea. Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft. air drill, 91/2” spacing, double shoot, 1720 tow behind tank. Tag #ArtH0516...................................................................................$45,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 60-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing, 3450 tow behind tank, variable rate, double shoot. Tag #ArtH0516.....................................................$49,000 Case IH Concord 5010 50-ft. air seeder, 10” spacing, 3400 2-compartment tank, single shoot. Tag #Kyle0616...............................................................$35,000 Flexi-Coil 5712 57-ft. air seeder, 12” spacing, 2320 tow behind cart. Tag #HarveyK0416............................................................................................. $28,000 Flexi-Coil 39-ft. air seeder, 9” spacing, single shoot, steel packers, 2320 tow behind air tank. Tag #JoshB0217............................................................. $25,000 Case IH PH-800 50-ft. air seeder, 10” spacing, rubber packer. Never been used, no air tank. Tag #Dave0716................................................................$40,000
Harsh Feeder Equipment ----------------------------------Wacker-Neuson Construction Equipment FINANCING AVAILABLE
New Holland 910 swather with 14-ft. header, gear drive. Tag #D&B0417...$3500
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B6
Should you toss the food or eat it?
The KIOTI ® NX series is a line of high performance, 45-60 HP tractors that are battle tested and rugged as can be. Plus, with one of the climatecontrolled cab models and all the available attachments, you can always get your work done, no matter the weather.
We now have
wood splitters, chippers and log grapples available.
Kioti CK2510 with KL2510 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty. ON SALE............................$16,200 Kioti CK3510 with KL4010 loader, 4WD, hydrostatic transmission, PTO, 3 point, industrial tires, 6 year warranty. Kioti DK4510 with KL5510 loader, 4WD, PTO, 3-pt., industrial tires, manual transmission........................$23,500 Used Kioti CK4010, with KL4010 loader, 2 year warranty....................$16,900
6-ft. snow blower with QA skid steer mount.
Kioti PX9020
90 hp engine, PTO, synchronized transmission, deluxe cab, Catagory II 3 point hitch, dual remotes, push button 4WD, 4 year warranty..................................$53,500
Massey-Ferguson T030.............$2500 Ford 6600 with Du-Al loader........$7950 Ford 4000 gas, loader, front blade, Select-O-Speed.....................$3500 Ford 4000 gas, Select-O-Speed transmission, restored...................$3950 International Super C restored..$3500 Case VA tractor............................$1500
Standard Duty and Heavy Duty 9” and 12” Augers
heavy duty mowers IN STOCK Great for Sage Brush
1072 6-ft. heavy duty.... $2595
New Red Devil
In Stock $6250
BEN-SER SE63 63” snow blower with frame. Runs off rear PTO, fits 40-60 hp tractor...........$2500 Running gear.........................$1000 Service heavy duty 3-pt., 7-ft. blade...................................$795 Cement mixer, 3-pt., hydraulic driven.......................................$995 Sprayer, 200 gallon with booms and hand gun, 3-pt..................$1500 Shaver HD8 front mount post driver.......................................$1295 Heavy duty post hole auger, 3-pt..... ...........................................$995 Major tractor with 3-pt. Long backhoe....................................$2995 Bush Hog 3-pt., 12-ft. chisel plow... .........................................$1250 Soilmover 3-1/2 yard scraper.$3500
Tarter Equipment 6-ft. rotary mower...................$1435 5-ft. rotary mower...................$1350 4-ft. rotary mower...................$1165 7-ft. heavy duty disk plow.......$1500 6-ft. heavy duty disk plow.......$1000 3-ft. 1 bottom plow....................$695 (3) 7-ft. rock rakes, 3-point.......$600 (3) 6-ft. rock rakes, 3-point.......$575 7-ft. back blade.........................$475 6-ft. back blade.........................$425 Super Spear quick attach bale spear..................................$499
American Hay Master 500 series stack wagon....................................$7500 Ford 6600 tractor, Du-al loader with various implements.............$10,500 John Deere 6600 combine, gas, pickup header..........................COMING IN Massey-Ferguson 510 combine with Perkins diesel........................ CALL Hesston 1014 12-ft. swather................. .................................NEEDS WORK John Deere 2420 swather, 14-ft. header, dual sickle, cab.......................$6500 John Deere 566 round baler.......$8650 New Holland 855 round baler.....$3850 Vermeer 605K round baler..........$5000 New Holland 315 square baler 14x18.. ...............................................$2750 John Deere side delivery rake......$750 1953 GMC pickup with retriever... $3500 Gehl grinder mixer.......................$2500 Disc 9-ft. pull-type, needs work... CALL North Star 3 pt. wood chipper.....$1200 Woods 3-point snow blower, 66”.$2500
8-ft. skid steer quick attach front blade. ...............................................$2500 New Eagle 7-ft. 3 point rear blade.$675 New Eagle 8-ft. 3 point rear blade.$725 New Front Mount QA bale spears for skid steer loader mount......... CALL Front Dozer Blade with manual adjust. Fits various models................$2500 Wagner loader for Ford 8N, 9N, and NAA. Complete with front pump & mounts...................................$1500 Dearborn loader for Ford 8N.........$750 White Cab to fit Oliver 55 Series tractor............................ MAKE OFFER
NEW Eagle box scrapers New Eagle 560HD..................... $625 New Eagle 566HD..................... $699 New Eagle 672HD..................... $729 New Eagle 784 HD.................... $779 PARTS UNITS
Ford 3000 3 cylinder diesel, Select-oSpeed, good tires...PARTING OUT Oliver 1755, 77 & 1855.. FOR PARTS
Good Selection Of Spike Tooth Harrows-Starting At $150.00
Helfert’s Helena Farm Supply
Phone (406) 227-6821
East Helena, Montana
Serving HELENA and surrounding areas for 69 YEARS!
Come visit us at www.helenafarmsupply.com
By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service I answer a lot of questions by phone and email, and food storage questions usually top the list. “I picked up food at a fast-food restaurant for my daughter, and the milk container had a date that is three months from now,” the male caller said. “Is that true? I didn’t think she should drink it.” “I bet it was UHT milk,” I replied. “That means it is ultrahigh-temperature pasteurized. UHT milk is sterile. It lasts a long time and doesn’t require refrigeration. “Check that the label says ‘UHT’ to be sure, but it should be fine to drink,” I added. UHT milk is heated to 275 F for one or two seconds, and the high temperature kills bacteria and any spores (inactive forms of bacteria). Some people may detect a slight change in the flavor due to the heating process. Combined with “aseptic packaging,” the UHT heating technology also is used to extend the shelf life for many other products such as fruit juice. “Aseptic” means the packaging technique is free from contamination. The thousands of fresh, frozen, canned and dried foods in grocery stores are made possible through the advances in science. Do you ever throw out food? Are the dates and other terminology on packages sometimes confusing? If you answer “yes” to either question, you are not alone. About 1 out of every 3 pounds of food is wasted. Dairy foods are thrown out more often than any other food. Often, the foods are still safe to eat, but consumers are confused by the dates on the packages. Throwing away food is like dropping money in the trash. In fact, the average person wastes at least 1.1 pounds of food daily. For a family of four, that adds up to 1,606 pounds of food ending up in the landfill every year. According to a 2014 survey with 1,010 respondents from throughout the U.S., 42 percent had heard about food waste and 24 percent said they were very knowledgeable about food waste. The respondents cited saving money, setting an example for their children and managing their household efficiently as motivators to avoid tossing food. They also were motivated to curtail food waste when they thought about people with not enough food. Most reported they felt guilty about wasting food. The researchers noted that 39 percent of consumers consult the “use by” date and 22 percent used the “sell by” date to determine when to throw out milk. Food dates are included on most foods, but, except for infant formula, food dates are not required by federal regulations. In fact, confusion about food product dates probably is responsible for lot of foods being tossed while they are still safe to eat. Sometimes consumers interpret the package dates as the “toss out at home” dates. The “sell by” date is the last date the store can display the item in the refrigerated case. As long as the food is stored properly, it is safe to use for several days or longer beyond the date. You might see “Use by,” “Sell by” or “Best if used by” on packages. These are “quality” dates, not “expiration” dates. With the exception of baby formula, food product dates are not about food safety. In fact, when properly stored and handled, foods can be used safely at home beyond the date. In December 2016, the U.S. Department of Agriculture provided some updated guidance. It recommended that food manufacturers and retailers use a uniform “Best if used by” date on packages instead of the variety of terms that are used. Yes, you can use your senses (smell, appearance) to help determine if a food is safe to use. If a food shows signs of spoilage such as mold or off-odors, of course you will want to throw it out. With the exception of shelf-stable UHT milk, be sure to store dairy foods (milk, yogurt, cheese) in a refrigerator at 40 F or lower. You probably would prefer UHT milk refrigerated, unless you like warm milk. Dairy food can be used after the dates on the package when properly stored: • Milk can be used up to one week past the sell-by date. • Soft cheese (Brie, Neufchatel, etc.) can last one to four weeks after the sell-by date. • Hard cheese (cheddar, Colby, etc.) lasts up to 10 months after the sell-by date. • Yogurt lasts up to 10 days after the sell-by date. CONTINUED ON PAGE B9
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B7
Jim & Theresa Hadley
AUCTION Friday, October 27th, 2017 • 10 a.m. Location: 825 4th Rd. NE, Fairfield, MT
Hesston AGCO 7115
Owners: Jim & Theresa Hadley, Phone 406-868-9204 Driving Directions – From Fairfield: take Hwy 431 to mile marker 9, turn right & go 1-1/4 mile to auction site. From Power: take Hwy 431 to mile marker 11, turn left & go 1 mile south, then turn left and go 1/4 mile east to auction site.
2006 AGCO RT 150
1989 Kenworth T-400
1968 Chevrolet C50
1992 Chevrolet Kodiak
IH 55C1121
Morris Maxim Air Drill
TRACTORS 2006 AGCO RT 150 tractor, 6 cyl. Cummins, 150 hp, continually variable transmission (CVT), FL 75 self-leveling loader (built by Quike), 104” bucket w/grapple, true joystick control (elec. over hyd.), air susp. front axle, air susp. cab, 4 hyd. (loader runs on 2), return hyd. line for air drill, 3 pt., dual pto, 100 gal. fuel tank, CAH, radio, buddy seat, 3366 hrs., shuttle reverse transmission, 2 preset speed selectors plus pedal CVT mode (i.e. for loader work), Michelin radial tires w/duals, 85%+ rubber, 480/80R42 rears, 380/85R30 fronts, s#P147023. Truly an outstanding all-around tractor for round baling, feeding, seeding, farming, moving snow, cleaning corrals, the list goes on! 1992 Case IH 5120 Maxxum, MFWD, 85 hp, 4 cyl. diesel, 9592 hrs., 16 spd. 4 spd synchromesh with 4 spd power-shift over synchromesh, Case 510 loader, self-leveling, 7’ bucket w/ grapple, mech. joystick control, dual pto, 3 hyd., 3 pt., CAH, radio/cassette, front rubber 20%, near new rears Firestone 8.4-34. Versatile 875 tractor, 855 Cumming diesel, 280-300 hp, 6514 hrs., 70% matching rubber, 18.4R38 radial Firestone. 1974 IH Hydro 100 Farmall, 6 cyl. diesel, 105 hp, hydrostatic dual pto, 3 pt., 2 hyd., radio, 5684 actual hrs., front suitcase wts, duals, inside rubber 70%, 8.4-38, front rubber 80%
HAYING EQUIPMENT 2010 Hesston AGCO 9345 swather, 9120 16’ header, dual auger, steel/steel conditioner, 540 hrs. Hesston AGCO 7115 in-line square baler, 14’x18”, 2 twine, wide pickup attachment, 540 pto, hyd. lift, 75-80 lb. bale Vermeer 604 Super M, DCF wide pickup, 4’ wide bale, 540 pto, twine & net, twine never used, 3221 total bales, over size tires, lube system. A super clean & maintenance free, handy-size baler! Buhler-Inland Hayliner 1500 round bale picker, single wide, 2 hyd., 8- 4 ft./7- 5ft. bale capacity
Versatile 875
Flexi Coil 1720
2003 Byson, 24’
2010 Hesston AGCO 9345
2000 Alum-Line All-American, 24’
Buhler-Inland Hayliner 1500
Walinga Agro Vac 714, 1000 pto J&M grain cart, pto, single axle, near new rubber, approx. 750 bu. Grain cart, tandem, pto, approx. 750 bu. Farm King 1060 swing away auger, manual cable swing, hyd lift, 540 pto Westfield TFX 80-51 auger, cable lift, 540 pto. Westfield 51’ x 8” auger, pto Versatile 51’ x 8” auger, pto Mayrath auger, 34’ x 8’, pto JD 1940 land leveler, hyd. lift
1992 Chevrolet Kodiak tandem truck, 16’ x 64”h box (appx. 550 bu.), fuel injected 427 gas, 5/2 speed, full-size air tag, dual fuel tanks, 2-way hoist, tri-fold end gate, steel floor, Shur-lok roll top, 11R22.5, 50% rubber, 59,968 miles 1989 Kenworth T-400 tadem truck, L10 Cummins, 9 spd. Fuller, 476,250 miles, spring susp., alum. box 8’x 20’x60”h, Shurlok roll tarp, tri-fold rear gate, pintle hitch, BOAT/ATVS/MOTORCYCLES excellent rubber 275/80R22.5 1968 Chevrolet C50 1 1/2 ton, 15’ box, 366 V8 gas, 4/2 speed, grain & stock sides, Bayliner Capri boat, 16’ US Marine Force 80,765 actual miles. 85 70 hp motor, walk-in bow, 6 seats + bow, snap on canopy & bow cover, w/ trailTRAILERS er, new 13” wheels & tires 2016 Honda Rancher 4x4, 400cc, elec. shift, 2000 Alum-Line All-American horse trail- appx. 7500 miles er, gn, 24’ x 7’w, 6’ living quarters, heater, 2001 Bombardier Traxter XL 4-wheeler, a/c, bed, closet, rear tack, hay rack, alum. step through, 400 cc, manual tilt box, overfloor, mats, fit 5 horses comfortably hauled in 2013. A good fencing rig! 1996 Trailman stock trailer, gn, 20’ x 6’8”w 1995 Yamaha TW 200 dirt bike, 16,130 mi. x 7h, wood floor, alum decking for double 1994 Yamaha TW 200, dirt bike, 29,600 mi. decking, split & sliding center gates w/ Ag West slide-in ATV sprayer, 12 v. boomslam latches, slam latch rear w/ full size less nozzles, fenceline nozzles, w/wand, 60 slider & individual deck swinging gates gal. tank 2003 Byson flatbed trailer, gn, 24’ w/ 5’ beaver tail, tandem duals, folding ramps, good ATTACHMENTS wood deck, rubber 65%, LT235/85R.16 Farmhand 12-bale grapple, w/ side shift GRAIN/FARM/TILLAGE Farmhand H118-A 8-bale grapple, custom quick attach for IHC 510 loader 1982 IH 1480 axial flow combine, 3,492 hrs, Farmhand 8-bale grapple, good condition 305L-32, fronts 95%, rears 18.4-16 – 30%. Meyer 12-bale bale sweep 2015 major mechanical overhaul $15,000 Meyer ditcher, 9’ w/custom 3 pt. extension + tires (Big Sky Imp), 24’ 810 header, 13’ for add’l depth pickup header, 24’ parts header, pickup Meyer ditcher, 7’, near new, blades & edge reel, auger feed, straw spreader, engine Meyer ditch filler, 8’, 3 pt. overhaul 2010. s#1720234424206 3 pt. ditch filler, 7’ Morris Maxim Air Drill, 33’, 7.5” spacing, Border diker, 3 pt. single shoot, recent caps on press wheels, Shop built 4’x 8’ grain bucket, fits F10 FarmMorris 6180 TBH cart, 2 compartment, hand or IHC 510 loader mech. drive, w/ Flexicoil mtd. harrow JD #8 sickle mower, 2 pt., 7’ bar Flexi Coil 1720 TBH cart, mech drive, 2 Rhino 10C blade, 3 pt., 8’, “custom angle” couplers Farmhand F10 hay basket Morris Magnum II CP-731 cultivator, 39’ LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT w/ Morris mtd. harrows, wing fold IH 55C1121 tool bar, 19’, single wing w/ Degelman harrows Thorson calf table, all steel
Vermeer 604 Super M
1996 Trailman, 20’
Bayliner Capri
Sydell sheep sorting gate Allflex chute scale, Valuweight digital reader, 39” bars Hoskins HC17-26, auto waterer, brand new (11) H/W portable panels, 12’, 5 bar, 1.5” tube, 60”h H/W gates, asst’d. Assorted heavy duty panels, 12’
BINS & TANKS (3) Sioux hopper bins w/concrete slab. Buyer has 30 days to remove. (2) 300 gal. fuel tanks with stands Slide-in 200 gal. water tank, B&S 5.5 hp, wand & reel
SHOP TOOLS & SUPPLIES Generac 5000 watt generator, 10 hp, Tecumseh engine, 20+30A Century fuel oil house furnace w/stand & tank, working JD A90 fuel oil space heater See website for complete list! TERMS: Live auction with live internet bidding available. Photo ID required to register. Cash or Check day of auction. Separate terms apply for online bidding; see website for details.
Sale Order
10 a.m. – Shop Tools & Supplies, Tanks & Bins 12:00 Noon – Livestock Equip., ATV’s, Boat, Trailers 1:00 p.m. – Trucks & Pickups, Tractors 2:00 p.m. – Haying Equipment, Grain & Farm Equip., Tillage, Attachments Live Internet Bidding will begin at 12:00 noon. See website for catalog and sale order.
Lunch by Brian’s Top Notch Catering
Sale Day Phones Jayson Shobe - 406-366-5125 Kyle Shobe - 406-366-0472
Full Listing & Live Internet Bidding Available @ www.ShobeAuction.com Lewistown, MT • 406-538-5125
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B8
Seeking efficient beef cows
BOXES & BRIDGES Overseas Flat Racks and Shipping Containers www.boxesandbridges.com
Phone (406) 899-4104
Call (406) 370-2987 Hall, MT
1995 John Deere 7200 725 John Deere loader, 92 hp, 540/1000 PTO, 5785 hours, 4 remotes, 3 point rear switch, radio, air, heater, 16 speed PowerQuad.
Iron Horse Express trucking dedicated to meeting your commercial/industrial and farm/ranch needs, local and out of state, fully licensed and insured, multiple trailer configurations to meet your needs. Marty Cunningham Matthew Goldman 406.212.5843 406.380.0857 (leave message) 406.567.2313 3367 Tesarek Road, Coffee Creek, MT 59424
CALL GEORGE ... 799-7459
Used Augers - on the lot
51x10 Westfield, PTO drive, good..............................................$1350 81x13 MK Plus Westfield, hopper mover, nice..........................$13,800 91x13 Wheatheart, metal backbone, hopper mover, speed reducer, hydraulic hopper lift...........................................................$16,000
New Westfield Carryover Specials 36x6 Westfield, EMD style for electric motor drive 36x8 Westfield TFX-2, with self-propel option 41x8 Westfield TFX-2, with or without self-propel 41x10 Westfield TFX-2, self-propel, “Must Sell” 83x10 Westfield MKX, low profile hopper 74x13 Westfield MKX, low profile hopper 84x13 Westfield MKX, metal backbone, low profile hopper
*** Westfield Powerswings, hoppers and down spouts ***
Westfield Conveyors In Stock
WCX 1545 Westfield Field Loader conveyor, turn-key complete, self-propelled
**** Stocking KRAUSE Parts ****
Unique Consignment
81x13 Westfield Flex auger, has not been used. Must see to appreciate. Call George - 799-7459 Power Motors - Fort Benton, MT
By Kris Ringwall, Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service What do we know about efficiency within the main focus points. the beef cattle business? A lot. The center has entered the efficiency What do we know about understanding question by establishing two types of cattle beef cattle efficiency? A little. that are two frame scores different in hip How do we implement what we know height, as well as approximately 300 pounds and understand? Not sure. different in mature body weight when the We have two very difficult issues when calf is weaned. beef cattle efficiency is the focus of the disThese two types of cattle are phenocussion. The first, biological efficiency, is typically different. You don’t have trouble real and regulated by inputs, environmental spotting the obvious. One is bigger than the limitations such as climate, and soil types. other. And, from a cow-calf perspective, We, as producers, tend to create shortlooking at biological efficiency, the calves term artificial environments that are irrefrom the larger cows have a 10 percent spective of the climate and advantage when a cattle soil. Thus, long term, what system is evaluated based are the consequences? on calves as the unit of The second issue, ecoproduction. nomic efficiency, is imFrom the same cowposed and confused with calf perspective, looking biological efficiency. at economic efficiency, The two issues are different. Humans asthe calves from the smaller cows, based on sign a dollar value to a biological type based acres as the unit of production, have a 10 on human preference and desire. Thus, long percent advantage. term … well, forget I asked because we all These are the two driving thoughts as the live in the “now.” Biological and economic center moves forward in evaluating beef efficiency become extremely confusing, are cattle efficiency. But do we actually strive often misinterpreted and are easily the cause to understand and make the beef cattle inof frustration. dustry better? Who is the beef industry and So let us ponder this: Changes to the efjust how broad do we branch out to answer ficiency of any system are not easy to implethe question? ment and maintain because almost all living I could not help but note a comment by systems will try to revert back to a natural, Alan Guebert in his syndicated agricultural sustainable process through time. Natural column, “The Farm and Food File,” which selection forces biological efficiency. No was published in the August 18, 2017, issue economic force is within Mother Nature. of the Farm & Ranch Guide. In his column All economic forces are a product of human titled “We need to talk,” Guebert wrote, “We civilization. believe we can solve today’s biggest agriFurthermore, few human preferences cultural problems - new disease resistance; are sustainable within Mother Nature. We weather extremes triggered by climate may like off-colored critters, only soon we change; killer competitive global markets; realize that any off-colored critter is easily low-and-going-lower farm income; dying selected by predators. Thus, reproduction rural communities - with bigger chemistry, is an opportunity only for those who fit the bigger ignorance, bigger bullying, and bigstatus quo. ger government spending all directed to Historically, agriculture fits nicely into ‘help’ ever fewer farmers and ranchers and Mother Nature’s trends because these trends increasingly skeptical eaters.” pull agriculture into a repetitive natural Guebert’s comment is broader than the process. The repetitive processes lead probeef industry but certainly relevant to where ducers to focus on the status quo because we are. We indeed need to talk because the status quo is the first to take advantage many of these symptoms are present within of the ability to reproduce. each segment of agriculture, including the Producers simply facilitate reproduction beef business. Discussions of beef cow efof food, managing breeding populations ficiency, particularly relative to cow size, that produce more than what Mother Nature are embroiled in the present, not the future. needs. This excess feeds the human popuAs the center continues to evolve and lation, of which we don’t know the limits explore thoughts regarding the efficiency of its needs, but that is another discussion. of the beef cow, more and more pieces will So what can we do regarding the effievolve. Putting the pieces in play within the ciency of the beef cattle industry? The Dickindustry is not easy. But for now, finding the inson Research Extension (DREC) Center pieces that fit is good. is asking that question. The answer is very May you find all your ear tags. complicated and elusive, but we have found For more information, contact your local some thoughts that keep coming back to us. NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// The first thought: Always separate biowww.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) or logical and economic efficiency. Repeat and Ringwall at the Dickinson Research Extenrepeat what point within the beef cattle sion Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickinson, ND world you are addressing. Keep the discus58601; 701-456-1103; or kris.ringwall@ sion clear. Before any discussion starts, set ndsu.edu.
Drought-stricken farmers and ranchers have more time to replace livestock
Farmers and ranchers who previously were forced to sell livestock due to drought in an applicable region now have an additional year to replace the livestock and defer tax on any gains from the forced sales, according to the Internal Revenue Service. An applicable region is a county designated as eligible for federal assistance plus counties contiguous to that county. This relief generally applies to capital gains realized by eligible farmers and ranchers on sales of livestock held for draft, dairy or breeding purposes. Sales of other livestock, such as those raised for slaughter or held for sporting purposes, or poultry are not eligible. To qualify, the sales must be solely due to drought, flooding or other severe weather causing the region to be designated as eligible for federal assistance. Under these circumstances, livestock generally must be replaced within a fouryear period, instead of the usual two-year period. But in addition, the IRS is authorized to further extend this replacement period if the drought continues. The one-year extension, announced today, gives eligible farmers and ranchers until the end of the tax year after the first drought-free year to replace the sold livestock. Details, including an example of how this provision works, can be found in Notice 2006-82, available on IRS.gov. The IRS provides this extension to
farmers and ranchers located in the applicable region that qualified for the fouryear replacement period if any county, parish, city, or district, that is included in the applicable region is listed as suffering exceptional, extreme or severe drought conditions by the National Drought Mitigation Center (NDMC), during any weekly period between September 1, 2016, and August 31, 2017. All or part of 42 states, plus the District of Columbia, are listed. As a result, farmers and ranchers in the applicable region whose drought sale replacement period was scheduled to expire at the end of this tax year, December 31, 2017, in most cases, will now have until the end of their next tax year. Because the normal drought sale replacement period is four years, this extension immediately impacts drought sales that occurred during 2013. But because of previous droughtrelated extensions affecting some of these localities, the replacement periods for some drought sales before 2013 are also affected. Additional extensions will be granted if severe drought conditions persist. Details on this relief, including a list of NDMC-designated counties, are in Notice 2017-53, posted today on IRS.gov. More information on reporting drought sales and other farm-related tax issues can be found in Publication 225, Farmer’s Tax Guide, also available on the IRS web site.
Should you toss the food or eat it?
##### Experience...How we like to describe our mistakes.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B9
ITEMS FOR SALE 2013 Case IH Precision 160 sprayer pull type, 100-ft. boom, spray wand, excellent condition..........$25,000 2011 Honda Odyssey good condition...............$10,000 1550 gallon water tank............................................$300 1650 gallon water tank............................................$350 2000 gallon water tank............................................$450 3000 gallon water tank............................................$500 Washer & dryer...............................................$100/each Call Greg Woods (406) 399-0488 or (406) 292-3240 evenings • Inverness, MT
Parallel squeeze
Pivot squeeze
Free pick up or Delivery within 300 miles.
Beefcake by DewEze
Tackle daily livestock feeding chores Designed to fit any feeding style Featuring electric or hydraulic models
2006 Ford F250 4x4 regular cab, 5.4L with used HydraBed 2010 Dodge 3500 dually crew cab diesel with used HydraBed. 2015 Ford F250 super cab, 6.2L, 4x4 with used HydraBed. CLEAN!
If dairy products have an unusual flavor or odor, throw them away. If hard cheese (cheddar, etc.) has mold, cut a 1-inch square around the moldy area; the rest of the cheese is OK to use. Moldy yogurt or soft cheese should be thrown away. You can take some steps to reduce your own food waste. Buy what you need, and plan your meals around what you have on hand. Freeze leftovers if you won’t use them in a reasonable time. Do you have any veggies in your fridge or yogurt waiting to be used? Try this refreshing dip with a variety of vegetables. The recipe is courtesy of the Midwest Dairy Association. Cucumber Yogurt Dip 1 c. low-fat plain yogurt 4 ounces low-fat cream cheese, softened 1/2 c. diced, seeded cucumber 1 clove garlic, minced 1 Tbsp. chopped fresh dill 1 tsp. lemon juice 1/2 tsp. black pepper 1 tsp. lemon zest Soften the cream cheese by heating a few seconds in a microwave. Blend with yogurt. Add remaining ingredients and blend. Refrigerate. Serve with your choice of fresh vegetables. Makes six servings. Each serving has 70 calories, 3.5 grams (g) fat, 4 g protein, 5 g carbohydrate, 0 g fiber and 95 milligrams sodium.
National Dessert Day
Date When Celebrated : Always October 14 National Dessert Day is a rich day filled with yummy treats! Celebrate National Dessert Day today. For just one day, forget about the calories and high fat content in many desserts. Then, tomorrow you can go back to your diet. It’s easy to enjoy National Dessert Day. You can make your own desserts, buy them at the store, or go out to a restaurant and enjoy a dessert, or two. Make sure to have dessert with family or friends. It’s even more fun that way. May we suggest having dessert at every meal today!? Have a happy, and fattening, National Dessert Day!!
2014 Jet grain trailer, 42-ft. steel, good tires and tarp, pintle hitch .................................... $24,500
1975 Hobbs pup trailer, 20-ft., very good condition, good tires and tarp, newer extended length custom hitch................... $8500
1976 Hobbs grain trailer, 40-ft. steel, good tires and brakes, in great condition............ $10,000
2018 Neville 40-ft. Aluminum Grain Trailer
Air ride, power tarp & traps, pintle hitch, aluminum wheels outs, 4” raise for air seeder, mud-flap package, mill finish.
2004 International 9220 Day Cab 15.0L ISX Cummins, 425 hp, 10 speed Eaton transmission, 171” wheelbase, front grill guard, good tires, great shape, Montana truck, 853,000 miles...... $19,000
See all our inventory at
2004 International Cube Van GREAT MOBILE STORAGE for the field or delivery unit! 24-ft. van cube, DT466 engine, 250 hp, automatic, 305,000 miles... ...................................................................... $9900
• Sales • Service • Parts
406-653-1350 • Wolf Point, Montana
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B10
Big Sky Equipment Co.
Phone 406-278-3277 Sales Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Kurt Christiaens 279-3486 home, 450-3277 cell FAX 1-406-278-7882 Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell Conrad, Montana website: www.4newholland.com
Parts - After Hours Emergency 450-3227
Service Corey Combs 271-5435 home, 781-7678 cell Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell
Now Scheduling Winter Inspections! Combines, sprayers, round balers, loader tractors. Hold-over specials on Inspection includes New Holland loader tractors. T6.175 with loader. multi-point T6.155 with loader. T4.75, ROPS with loader. inspection, Extra savings available when paired with a New Holland hay tool! quality check of fluids GREAT VALUE ON ALL and standard DRILLS IN STOCK Flexi-Coil 5500 operation check. fold back drill, 70ft., 12” spacing, Call 800-332-7541 4.5” steel press
We are carrying an excellent selection of skid steer loaders with great pricing available. Huge inventory of pallet forks and bale spears on hand, call today.
SPECIAL OFFER: FREE PICK UP & DELIVERY on all header repairs for combine and swather machines within 60 miles of Conrad, MT. To inquire or schedule please contact Corey at 800-332-7541
wheels, 4350 tow between tank. Very nice condition. Let’s Deal!......... Was $109,900.....HUGE SAVINGS!............ .......................................................$89,900 Huge Discounts available on Hold-Over New Holland P2060 air drill with P1060 cart, 70-ft., 12” spacing..................... Call for Pricing 2015 Morris 9450 air cart, tow between, mechanical drive, dual fan. Like new.... ........Let’s Deal
Ezee-On 7400 40-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, 160 bushel cart, ground driven fan. Very good condition..................................Just Traded
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B11
Big Sky Equipment Co. Phone 406-278-3277 Sales Toll-free 1-800-332-7541 Kurt Christiaens 279-3486 home, 450-3277 cell FAX 1-406-278-7882 Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell Conrad, Montana website: www.4newholland.com
New Holland TR75, Ford engine, hydro drive, good rubber, 960 22-ft. header with batt reel. Good machine for only......................$16,995
ll new able on a ck il a v a s g savin s in sto Fantastic Apache sprayer and used
Parts - After Hours Emergency 450-3227
2010 Case IH 7120 combine, yield and moisture, 2012 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, Top-Con X20 with RTK, Auto-Steer, Auto-Boom, 100-ft. rock traps, duals, leather seat. Very nice conbooms, 5 section control.................. $159,900 dition...................................................Call Us Case IH 7120 combine, rock trap, 24-ft. unloading auger. Nice machine.....................Call Us Case IH 2388 combine, rock trap, yield and moisture, 30-ft. 1010 header.............$69,900 2014 New Holland T6.150 with loader, bucket, grapple, semi Powershift with reverser, Case IH 2388 combine, rock trap, low hours, 540/1000 PTO, 3-pt. hitch, very low hours..... 30-ft. 1010 header. Very clean machine......... .................................................Give us a call ...........................................................$69,900 Case IH 1480 combine with 810 24-ft. header... ...........................................................$12,500
2009 John Deere 9870STS, well equipped, 2014 640D draper header. Very good condition. Rental. Reduced...............................Call Us
MacDon D60 45-ft. draper header with pickup reel, transport. Let’s Deal!............................. .......................Was $72,500.....NOW $67,900 2007 New Holland 94C 36-ft. draper header, dual knife, pickup reel, transport........$39,900 2014 John Deere 640D draper header. Rental. Reduced................................................. Call Case IH 1015 pickup header............. Let’s Deal Case IH 1015 pickup header............. Let’s Deal Case IH 1015 pickup header, Swathmaster attachment............................................$10,900 1995 Case IH 1015 15-ft. pickup header, Victory attachment............................................$8995 Case IH 1015 15-ft. pickup header, Victory attachment...............................................$6500 Case IH 1015-12 pickup header..............$4900 International 810 13-ft. pickup header, Rake-up raking pickup. Very little use.................$8995 New Holland 960 13-ft. pickup header with Sund attachment............................................$2995 New Holland 960 13-ft. pickup header less attachment...............................................$1495 Massey 1859 13-ft. pickup head less attachment........................................................$995 New Holland 2216 hay header, good sickle condition. Nice header................Just Traded New Holland 2330BF header adapter, fits most New Holland bidirectional tractors........$3995
Service Corey Combs 271-5435 home, 781-7678 cell Gary Brown 278-3373 home, 788-9033 cell
1996 Case IH 9370 tractor, powershift transmission. Very clean tractor......................$67,500 Steiger 9150 4WD, L10 Cummins 300 hp, 12 speed powershift, 4 remotes, 520/85R38 duals @ 85%, recent reman front & rear axles. Includes EZ-Guide 250 with EZ-Steer. Good condition....................................Was $49,900 ...........Then $42,900.....NOW ONLY $39,900 1979 Versatile 875 tractor, 4 remotes, 20.8x38 dual tires @ 70%, 7417 hours. Engine overhauled at 5741 hours.........................$18,900
2011 Apache AS1020 self-propelled, 42 inch crop clearance, 100-ft. boom, 5 ball valves, Raven Envizio monitor with Autosteer, Auto Boom and AccuBoom, inductor........ $156,500
Flexi-Coil S67XL wheel boom, 120-ft. wheel boom, manual fold, 1500 gallon tank, FlexControl or Raven interface, TeeJet double nozzle bodies, inductor cone, hydro pump, 6 ball valves, foam marker, windscreens, 18.4x26 diamond tires (U21171)........................$8995 Flexi-Coil S67XL suspended boom, 1600 gallon tank, 90-ft. booms, windscreens, lug tire, Flextrol Auto Rate, foam marker, rinse tank... ..........................................Now only $19,900 2005 Flexi-Coil S67XL suspended, 1600 gallon, 90-ft. booms, windscreens, Auto Rate, SP655 controller................................$19,900 2007 Brandt SB4000 suspended boom, 1600 gallon tank, 90-ft. booms, 5 section, single nozzle bodies, wind cones, Trimble Field IQ.. ...........................................................$19,900
Now stocked with the industry leading Highline CRF650 bale processors.
Call today for pricing
Bale King 880 bale processor.................$9500 Vermeer BPX7000 bale processor..........$8995
TRAILER Compare to new at close to $100,000
2012 MacDon M205 windrower, set-up with R85 disc header, draper header ready, Outback GPS guidance, low hours. Let’s Deal!........... .......................Was $94,500.....NOW $89,900 2002 New Holland HW320 windrower, 14-ft. sickle head, 25-ft. draper header... Let’s Deal New Holland 1475 swing tongue mower conditioner, 14-ft. sickle head, rubber conditioner. Very clean.............................................$8995 New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine$11,900 New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine$11,900 New Holland 688 round baler, net/twine$11,900 2008 Case IH RB564 round baler, twine............ .......................................................Let’s Deal Vermeer R23 hydraulic driven rake. Good condition.....................................................$7995 Swather transport trailer, sideways pull style..... ..............................................................$5250
2005 Trail-Eze 80HT drop deck equipment trailer with 2-stage hydraulic tail, 80,000 lb GVW, triple axle, hydraulic winch, slide outs widen to 13-ft., good rubber.................Was $52,500 John Deere 1600 chisel plow, 35-ft., set up with liquid fertilizer kit...................................$4995 .................................................. Now $49,900
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B12
1st cut, tarped 3x4 bales 2nd cut, tarped 3x4 bales Good quality alfalfa. Wheat straw, clean 3x4 bales.
Phone (406) 600-4146, Bozeman, MT
Scott Schmiedeke (406) 240-2572, Victor, MT
Henry Kallis (605) 639-1904, Spearfish, SD
See us on the web: www.tte-inc.com
2008 Bobcat T300 4400 hours, enclosed cab, heat and air conditioning, 84” bucket with bolt-on cutting edge, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary electrics, Hi-Flow auxiliary hydraulics, switchable pilot controls, bucket float, ride control, new tracks, undercarriage is in excellent condition, has been through the shop, serviced and job site ready. Located in Spearfish, SD.......................................................................... $29,500 2009 Cat 236B 2675 hours, enclosed cab with heat, 72” bucket, tires approximately 30% +/-, manual coupler, serviced and ready to go. Located in Spearfish, SD...... ...............................$25,900 2013 Case TV380 1195 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, 2 speed travel, ride control, auxiliary electrics, AM/FM radio, air ride seat, hydraulic coupler, 84” low profile bucket with bolt-on cutting edge, ISO/H-Pattern changeable controls, engine block heater, foot throttle, very nice condition, serviced and job site ready. Located in Spearfish, SD................................................................... $44,900
2013 Cat 924K high lift, 5400 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, ride control, auxiliary hydraulics, Cat fusion quick coupler, 4/5 CY bucket, new radial tires, very nice high lift loader, serviced and job site ready. Located in Spearfish, SD.........................................................................$119,500
2007 Cat 930H high lift, 8535 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air, reversing fan, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, 3.75 CY bucket, almost new Michelin radial tires, limited slip differentials, very nice condition, has been meticulously maintained and stored inside, original paint, serviced and job site ready. Located in Spearfish, SD................. $99,500 2006 Cat 930G 7460 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, ride control, 3 CY bucket, 48” loader forks, hydraulic coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, air ride seat, new tires, has been through shop, serviced, needs nothing. Located in Spearfish, SD................................................................... $79,500 2012 Volvo MC115C 620 hours, enclosed cab with heat and air conditioning, 76” bucket, quick coupler, auxiliary hydraulics, ride control, 2-speed travel, creep speed, good tires, 74 hp, 2600 pound operating load, 5300 pound tipping load limit. Machine is in very good condition, serviced and job site ready. Located in Victor, MT....................... $38,500
Unutilized technology
By Skip Taylor, Extension Associate/Research Scientist, NDSU Agribusiness and Applied Economics Department Today, we are in the middle of an agrito capture higher prices, knowing that his cultural downturn. production will not impact the price level. Just a few years ago, the production agWhen supply increases, the price level, “P,” riculture sector was booming, along with does not change. most input suppliers. Now, net farm income In recent price shocks, producers rehas fallen 81 percent and the near-term sponded during the next few years with prospects are not positive. increased production (46, 35, 24 and 22 Production agriculture has been through percent, respectively) to capture the shortthis phenomenon many times in the past, term increases in demand and prices. and each cycle brings hope that we have The after-effect comes from the aglearned from our mistakes of the past. gregate impact of the agricultural industry The first step in understanding this is to sector. In an economist’s terms, the supply, ask the question: Why does this occur and “S,” and demand, “D,” for agricultural what may be the recurring reason? commodities at the industry level are very Most events that triggered a boom in inelastic, which means that small changes agriculture can be identified as external to in supply have a relatively larger impact agriculture. The last few are World War I on price. (1914-1919), World War II (1941-1945), Producers within a production cycle canthe Russian Grain Deal of 1972-1973 and not change production (supply). Once an the Bio-energy Policy Act of 2005. enterprise is started, it has to finish. Each time, prices increased rapidly as The same is true on the demand side. demand increased, but within a few years, Most commodities are eaten by some bioproducers responded by increasing supply logical agent and that agent can consume enough to push prices back to pre-event only so much; that is, demand is inelastic. levels, beginning a period of low incomes The shift of the supply curve, due to inand financial stress. creased production during the following The reasons are many, but I am going production cycle, lowers the price that the to explain the role of technology in this industry receives. That price decrease lowphenomenon. ers the industry’s gross income and, in turn, First, an individual farmer knows that his lowers the farmer’s net income. action will have no impact on the markets. The rapid increase in production during Farmers can produce and sell as much as a high price period is due to farmer’s use of they desire with no impact on prices. A pronew technology. This sets off a new cycle ducer’s logical response to a market event of low prices, during which producers cut is to maximize production to maximize inback and new technology is not used until come by incorporating all of the new availthe next price cycle. able technology that has been developed. With the different supply and demand This is shown in the representative supschedules for the individual and the inply and demand curves for an individual dustry, what is good for the individual has producer. The supply curve, “S,” is almost an undesirable effect on the industry. The vertical because the producer cannot change growth in technology will continue during output substantially once a production this low price sector of the cycle and will be cycle is started. The demand curve, “D,” is waiting until the next demand shock to be horizontal because the producer can sell as implemented. This will end the high price much as he is able to produce at a constant part of the cycle and return the industry to price. His production has no impact on the the longer low-price part of the cycle. price level. This cycle will continue because human When a positive price shock occurs, nature does not change. Producers will conthe producer responds during the next tinue to respond to rising prices with new production cycle by increasing production technology to increase production, which will set in motion the next price cycle.
CelebrateAgriculture event
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B13
The Montana State University College of Agriculture 2010 New Holland P2060 60-ft., fold-back air drill, 10” spacing, set up for single will host its 18th annual Celebrate Agriculture event, set for shoot but have everything to make it double shoot, mud scrapers, steel packers, November 3-4 on the MSU campus. The event is held in brand new Intelligent Ag full run blockage monitor, P1060 430 bushel tow between honor of the state and university’s joint agricultural legacy air cart, variable rate, Intelliview IV monitor.................................... Asking $99,500 and in celebration of current students, agriculture alumni, and 2007 Case IH 8010 combine, lots of new parts, excellent condition............... $90,000 MSU’s extended agricultural community across Montana. Call 406-470-0776, Brady, Montana MSU Vice President of Agriculture Charles Boyer said the event is a longstanding tradition at the university. “Each year, we look forward to the weekend in November that’s dedicated to celebrating our university’s agricultural roots alongside a large portion of Montana’s agricultural community,” Boyer said. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to see current students engage with alumni, producers and major stakeholders across the state. MSU agriculture wouldn’t be what it is today without the diverse agencies, alumni, busi• Brawl CLP • Keldin • Warhorse nesses and generations of families that support our programs • Clearstone CLP • SY Wolf • Judee and this is the weekend we get to honor our joint accomplish• WB4059 CLP • WB4614 • Other Varities ments.” • WB4623 CLP • Yellowstone Available upon The two-day event will feature the MSU Department of • AP 503 CL • Winter Triticale Request Agricultural Economics and Economics’annual Outlook • Willow Creek 9.5” spacing, variable rate, 45-ft., Seminar, “Managing Land Resources in the Context of Vari• Others Available 5-section, 6 run single shoot, steel able Weather,” scheduled from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Friday, lots of extra parts. One November 3, in the MSU Procrastinator Theater. Several Fast andpackers, Reliable Custom Cleaning MSU agricultural economics faculty will present short talks owner. Asking $40,000 on topics including climate and drought, peas and lentils, Montana Certified Cleaning Plant public lands and land valuations and rental rates, in addition 406-466-5553 to updates on Farm Bill 2018. Representatives from Triangle Choteau, MT Communications, the Montana Cooperative Development Center and the Montana Manufacturing Extension Centerhodgskiss.seed@hotmail.com /Hodgskissseed.com will speak about current issues facing rural economies. Paul Jakus, Utah State University professor, will deliver the keynote M.L. Wilson Lecture, “Can States Afford a Federal Land Transfer?” Registration for the outlook conference is $25 and can be found online at http:// www.ampc.montana.edu/ fallconference Following the conference, the MSU Collegiate Stockgrowers will host a reception beginning at 4 p.m.in the Friday, November 3rd & Saturday, November 4th, 2017 atrium of the Animal BiosciFriday: 6 p.m. & Saturday: 10 a.m. • Fairgrounds, Lewistown, MT ences Building. Previews begin: Friday @1 p.m. & Saturday @ 7:30 a.m. On Saturday, November 4, a free Harvest Brunch will be held from 10 -11:30 a.m., in the Shroyer Gym, - Featuring where the college’s annual G The Gerald (Mickey) Kane Estate (Big Sandy, MT) Outstanding Agricultural Winchester 1876, .45-60, engraved 40+ rifles & shotguns (Winchester, Sharps, Weatherby, Remington & Savage) including: Leader and 2017 Winchester 1876 rifle, .45-60, possibly factory engraved, buffalo & bear, elk & big horn sheep, SN 38689, made in 1884, octagon 28” bbl, stock is 2X deluxe wood, rifle Homecoming awardees butt plate # matches lower tang #, cracked upper tang, missing front sight. A great, will be recognized. MSU honest 1876 that’s been on the ranch near Big Sandy, MT for many years. Sells with President Waded Cruzado Winchester letter. Sharps, .45-70 (13) Winchester Model 70 pre-’64’s (4) Winchester Model 71, .348 Win and Boyer will deliver reWin 86, .33 WCF Plus: Winchester Models 03, 12, 42, 50, 54, 55, 60, 60A, 61, 70, 71, 77, 86, 290, 1917, US-M1, & more! marks. At noon, Bobcat Firearms sell on Saturday! Football will play Kennesaw State University for the Ag G Fred Shellenberg’s Outstanding Western Appreciation game at BobArt & Book Collection (Livingston, MT) Win 64, .32 WS cat Stadium. Paintings & drawings by Ace Powell, Will James, Ed Borein, C.R. Cheek, Win 71, .348 Preceding the two-day Clarence Cuts The Rope, Gary Schildt, Nick Eggenhoffer, Robert Morgan, Hans Kleibber & others. 200 +/- books, collectible Western & Montana history, novels. event, the College of Agriculture Ambassadors will G Indian Artifacts, Western Gear including host an Ag Career Social at Bits, Spurs & Saddles, Horsehair Bridles, Win 70, .338 Win Mag 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. Gold & Silver Coins, Yogo Sapphire Jewelry & Weatherby Mark V, .270 Magnum 2, in the atrium of the Aniother Western Americana. mal Bioscience Building. The COA Ambassadors is a VIEW ENTIRE AUCTION CATALOG AND BROCHURE @ student-led advocacy group Win 55, .25-35 WCF for the College of AgriculWin 70, .22 Hornet ture and the Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. Current agricultural students Win 42, 410 ga. are encouraged to attend for Win 70, .270 WCF a casual professional netColt First Model Revolver, .44-40 Win 70, .220 Swift working event with prospective agribusiness employers Terms: Cash, representing finance, sales, check or credit production, marketing and card. Buyer’s public agencies. Premium 15% A full schedule of events C.R. Cheek C.R. Cheek Bruce Contway for the Celebrate Agriculture LIVE AUCTION WITH INTERNET BIDDING AVAILABLE @ weekend can be found at http://agriculture.montana. Lewistown, MT • 406-538-5125 edu/celebrateag/
Your Source for In Demand Winter Wheat
2004 FLEXI-COIL 5000 WITH 2430 CART Clearfield
Fall Gatherin’
Western Art, Books & Firearms
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B14
Winter Wheat
• Resistant to Fusarium Head Blight (Scab) • Very Good Yielding • Very Good Straw Strength
##### The honey bee’s wings stroke incredibly fast, about 200 beats per second, thus making their famous, distinctive buzz. A honey bee can fly for up to six miles, and as fast as 15 miles per hour. ##### During winter, honey bees feed on the honey they collected during the warmer months. They form a tight cluster in their hive to keep the queen and themselves warm.
More accurate brucellosis test for swine, cattle
By University of Wyoming Extension Researchers in the Department of Veterinary Sciences at • AC BROADVIEW the University of Wyoming (UW) will use a $149,000 grant • Excellent Leaf Rust Resistance from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research • Very Good Yielding (https://foundationfar.org/2017/08/16/ffar-awards-funds • Very Good Lodging Resistance researchers-university-wyoming-develop-test-brucellosisswine-cattle/) to help develop a quicker, cheaper and more Call (866) 282-7333 accurate test to detect brucellosis. The money will help fund studies to detect swine brucelwww.meridianseeds.com losis (Brucella suis), which is prevalent among feral swine in most of the United States, but not yet in Wyoming. B. suis can also infect domestic swine and cattle where their populations overlap. The money will help continue efforts toward creating a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis, an ongoing effort by Dr. Brant Schumaker, DVM, and associate professor in the department. There is a growing pressure for hog producers to move from confinement production to natural or pasture-raised swine. Serologic (blood) testing cannot discriminate between Selling good quality used production tubing cattle brucellosis (Brucella abortus) and B. suis exposures. “I think most of the state understands how much of a proband sucker rods lem cattle brucellosis has been in the Greater Yellowstone Area,” said Schumaker, epidemiologist at the Wyoming State • 23/8” and 27/8” pipe • 3/4”, 7/8”, 1” rods Veterinary Laboratory. He will lead the collaborative project Very competitive prices Other sizes available upon request Delivery Available with Texas A&M University. “If this disease were to come to the state, we would have Phone Brady at 406-480-2979, Glendive, Montana a hard time differentiating between the two organisms,” said Schumaker. UW and Texas A&M will match the grant for a total of $299,000 for the project. Funding is through the foundation’s Rapid Outcomes from Agricultural Research (ROAR) program. Texas has had several instances during which cattle in contact with feral swine have tested positive for brucellosis. “It’s very complicated to try and differentiate between swine and bovine brucellosis,” said Schumaker. Culture testing is the current gold standard for detection, said Schumaker, but takes at least 14 days, is about $600 per animal and requires the animal be euthanized. Only 30 to 50 percent of animals that test • Brawl CLP • Keldin • Warhorse antibody-positive in blood ••••Brawl CLP • Keldin • Warhorse Brawl Keldin Warhorse BrawlCLP CLPCLP Keldin Warhorse Clearstone ••• SY Wolf ••• Judee are culture-positive. ••••Clearstone CLP • SY Wolf • Judee Clearstone CLP • SY Wolf • Judee Schumaker said the reClearstone SY Wolf CLPCLP • ••WB4614 • • Other Varities • WB4059 Brawl CLP Keldin •Judee Warhorse search is a continuation of • WB4614 •• Varities WB4059 CLP WB4614 ••Other Other Varities •••• CLP CLP ••••• Keldin •WB4059 WB4059 CLP WB4614 Other Varities WB4623 CLP Yellowstone Available upon Ph.D. student Noah Hull’s •Brawl Clearstone CLP SY Wolf •Warhorse Judee • WB4623 CLP • Yellowstone Available upon studies at UW. The team is WB4623 CLP Yellowstone Available upon • AP WB4623 CLP Yellowstone Available upon • •• Clearstone •••••SY WolfTriticale • Request Judee 503 CLCLP Winter • WB4059 CLP WB4614 • Other Varities in the final stages of test• AP 503 CL • Winter Triticale Request • AP 503 CL • Winter Triticale Request • AP 503 CL • Winter Triticale Request ing a PCR assay for bovine • •WB4059 CLPCLP •• •WB4614 • Other Varities Willow Creek WB4623 Yellowstone Available upon brucellosis. PCR can pro• Willow Creek ••Yellowstone Willow Creek Willow Creek • •WB4623 CLP • Available upon • Others Available duce millions of copies of AP 503 CL • Winter Triticale Request • Others Available a section of DNA in only a • Others Available OthersTriticale Available • AP 503 CL • ••Winter Request Willow Creek few hours, yielding enough DNA required for analysis. • •Willow Creek Others Available Preliminary testing has • Others Available shown researchers are able to identify more than twice the number of serologically positive animals compared to culture and obtain results in two to three hours at onefourth the cost. Texas A&M researchers will collect and send swine tissue samples to UW for testing. Schumaker said there are more than 29 collaborators on the grant. Members include representatives from federal, state and local governmental agencies.
Your Source for In Demand Your Source for In Demand Your Source for In Demand Your Source for In Demand Your Source for In Demand Your Source for In Demand Winter Wheat Winter Winter Wheat WinterWheat Wheat
Winter Wheat Winter Wheat
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Sawfly Sawfly Sawfly Sawfly
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Project to enhance college student research experience
By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News institutions by incorporating quantitative, authentic The University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s (UNL) research into the classroom and curriculum,” said Jing Zhang is part of a project to help enhance colEllis Bell, faculty member at the University of San lege student learning through course-based research Diego. experiences. The project is funded by a $598,666 Participating faculty and universities include: grant from the National Science Foundation. • Ellis Bell, University of San Diego (principal Zhang is an assistant professor of practice in investigator) the Department of Biochemistry. The three-year • Joseph Provost, University of San Diego (coproject will involve a team of 15 faculty members principal investigator) from 12 institutions, including research universities, • Jessica Bell, University of San Diego (coundergraduate-focused universities and community principal investigator) colleges. • Anthony Bell, University of San Diego The proposal, entitled “An Interdisciplinary Fac• Kristin Fox, Union College ulty Community Using a Protein-focused Course • Kevin Callahan, St. John Fisher College Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) • Laura Christian, West Virginia University to Improve Student Learning,” will be directed by • David Hecht, Southwestern Community Colthe University of San Diego. CUREs are designed to provide broader research exposure to more students lege than current apprenticeship and internship models. • Kate Huisinga, Malone University To obtain data that will facilitate the creation of • Tamara Mans, North Hennepin Community effective and efficient new CUREs across fields, College two aspects of CURE frameworks will be tested in • Amy Parente, Mercyhurst 56 CUREs courses involving about 1,000 students • Celeste Peterson, Suffolk University at participating universities. • John Rakus, Marshall University “The aim of this project is to transform the • Amy Springer, University of Massachusetts impact of teaching laboratories at participating Amherst
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B15
Fall Seeded Winter Triticale Seed Available August 1
Great Forage Phone (406) 386-2447, Big Sandy, Montana
PASTURE WANTED From December 1st - June 1st for 8 head of mules. Pasture with winter grazing and water. Within 300 miles of Wilsall, Montana Phone (406) 220-2307
HIGH QUALITY FANCY BRED HEIFERS FOR SALE Ultrasounded, preg-tested and sexed (3) 20 day calving periods beginning February 10 Many with no brand, rest are one iron Pasture bred to low birth weight Angus bulls 10-year bred heifer program experience Darlington Cattle Co. 406-262-3838, Belt, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B16
Have you enjoyed any anthocyanins lately?
##### The world’s largest hamHAY FOR SALE burger was eaten in Rutland, • 100 Ton of Willow Creek - large round bales/net wrap North Dakota. It weighed 3,591 • 300 Ton of Sainfoin - large round bales/ net wrap pounds and more than 8,000 Call Tom at (406) 472-3351, leave message By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition people were invited to the meal. Specialist, NDSU Extension Service ##### “What color scheme should we have this year?” I asked The Flaming Fountain on my older daughter as we surveyed the flower pots we needed South Dakota State Capitol to fill earlier this summer. AIR DRILL FOR SALE Lake is fed by an artesian Flexi-Coil 5000, 33-ft. with 9” spacing, capped steel packer “Mom, you always get pink and purple flowers,” she wheels, new meter, 1330 tow between cart, new tire....... well with natural gas content replied with a grin. ............................................................................ $27,000 so high that it can be lit. The Yes, she knows her mother. I usually fill my cart with pink Call 406-350-3123, Lewistown, Montana fountain glows perpetually and purple flowers. Just to show that I can be spontaneous, I as a memorial to all veterans. planted more yellow and white flowers in the mix this year. er R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800) are for customers who need to cover lots of acres in a I still have plenty of purple and pink ones, though. period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines help to achieve faster dry down and I like “anthocyanins” in flower and food form. Anthoy rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are cyanins (pronounced “antho-sigh-a-nins”) are the pigments he millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale values they maintain. responsible for the pink, purple and blue colors we are enjoying in nature right now. In some cases, purple and pink flowers can be eaten, but you might enjoy anthocyanins in fruits and vegetable form more. Anthocyanins also are responsible for the color of red apples, red and purple grapes, red onions, red cabbage, redskinned potatoes, purple potatoes, strawberries, raspberries, red cherries, purple plums, eggplant, blueberries and many others. Because of advances in plant breeding, we can buy seed packets to grow purple and red carrots, purple- and pinkVermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 R2800) customers who need to cover of acres The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 and R2800) are for customers who need to lots of in TheThe Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 andand R2800) areare forfor customers who need to cover cover lotslots of acres acres in aain a skinned radishes and other colorful vegetables. Thevery Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300and and R2800) are for customers whohelp need to cover lots ofdry acres in a short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines to achieve fast er down very short period of time. Built for performance durability, these machines help to achieve fast er dry down and very short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines help to achieve faster dry down andand I bet you can guess what I bought this year for my garden. very short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines help to achieve fast er dry down and make tightly rolled bales preserve quality, shed water transport easily. What’s more, these machines make tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are make tightly rolled bales thatthat preserve quality, shed water andand transport easily. What’s more, these machines areare I also planted a couple of blue potato tubers. My daughter make tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are proven on the millions of acres they have worked tremendous resale values they proven on millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous values they maintain. The Vermeer R-series twin basket rakes (R2300 andthe R2800) are forresale customers who need tomaintain. cover lots of acres in a proven on the the millions of acres they have worked andand the tremendous resale values they maintain. proven on the millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale values they maintain. might be surprised when she sees the colors of the vegetables very short period of time. Built for performance and durability, these machines help to achieve faster dry down and make tightly rolled bales that preserve quality, shed water and transport easily. What’s more, these machines are we harvest. proven on the millions of acres they have worked and the tremendous resale values they maintain. However, not all purple and reddish foods get their color from anthocyanin compounds. Beets are colored by “betanin” and tomatoes are colored by “lycopene” pigments. • Vermeer processors help you make best line usefrom of your Vermeer N-seriesbale balers – the newest models in the the flagship the bales with the least Anthocyanins are antioxidant compounds, which means amount labor, and components give you theprovide versatility you need to process round bales or large hat started it all.ofHeavy-duty superior strength and they help protect the cells in our bodies from heart disease with an optional kit. pickup clutch and auto lube system Smart square featuresbales like the available automatic and cancer. The effect of anthocyanins on brain health is end machine life. Plus, they’re backed by the best distribution network in the being studied. • Changing the feeding location promotes a healthier open-range feeding environermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. The Nurses Study, which followed more than 93,000 ment and reduces manure-handling issues. women for 18 years, showed a 34 percent lower risk of heart EQUIPPED TO eer logo and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. DO MORE. attack among those who had three servings of blueberries or orporation. All Rights Reserved. • Each processor quickly unrolls bales into windrows that give all the cattle equal strawberries per week. room. As the bales are processed, dust, loader, and mold are..blown JD 6125M 800 hours ..............away .............and .........the ......$83,000 In an animal study, rats fed a red cabbage extract showed NEWfeeding & USED EQUIPMENT hay is aerated, becoming more palatable forTractors your herd. Many Available.........................................................CALLlower cholesterol levels, compared with rats not consum605MIntroducing , twine, net, floats, ramp . .Starting atthe $17,500 Introducing Vermeer N-series balers – the newest models in the flagship line from Vermeer N-series balers – newest models in the flagship line from the Reclaim and protect seeding areas by mulching straw and Introducing Vermeer N-series balers – the newest models in the flagship line from thethe 5N.....company .....company ..........that ...Introducing .Vermeer .that ..started .....started ......N-series .Vermeer ..all. ..it...all. .Heavy-duty .....balers ..DEMO SPECIAL ing the extract. Results of a human study showed lower Introducing – the newest models in the line from N-series balers – the newest models inflagship the strength flagship line from We have expanded our Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and it components provide superior and spreading it up to 40’ (12.19 components m) away. provide superior strength and thetheproduct lines. Call for all company that started it all. Heavy-duty company that started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and R2300 , rakes, reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,500 ea. company that started it all. Heavy-duty components provide superior strength and blood pressure readings resulting from consuming more your farm attachment equipment needs. / durability. Smart features like available automatic pickup clutch auto lube system durability. Smart features like the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system durability. Smart features like thethe available automatic pickup clutch andand auto lube system durability. Smart features like theInavailable automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system durability. Smart features like the available automatic pickup clutch and auto lube system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2017’s Stock 300, rake anthocyanins. further extend machine Plus, they’re backed by best distribution network in the further extend machine life.life. Plus, they’re backed by best distribution network in further extend machine Plus, they’re by the thethe best network in the the extendlife. life. Plus, backed they’re backed thedistribution best distribution network in the extend they’re backed bystay. theby best distribution network in the R 650industry. ,further chopper ...further .industry. ....machine ....604N/605N .604N/605N ..Vermeer ..604N/605N .....life. .machine ....604N/605N .Plus, ..balers .balers .RENTAL RETURN industry. Vermeer balers are here to Vermeer are here to stay. Some research has shown that blueberry extracts may industry. Vermeer are here to stay. balers are here to stay. industry. Vermeer 604N/605N balers are here to stay. 35, 16’ header, 1475 hours . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,000 EQUIPPED TO EQUIPPED TO improve the ability of mice to get around mazes. Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. Vermeer, the Vermeer logo and Equipped to Do More are trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. EQUIPPED TO EQUIPPED TO Vermeer, logo to andDoEquipped to Do More are trademarks Vermeer Manufacturing Company theand/or U.S. and/or countries. Vermeer, the Vermeer logothe andVermeer Equipped More are trademarks of VermeerofManufacturing Company in the inU.S. otherother countries. EQUIPPED TO DO MORE. DO MORE. theVermeer Vermeer Do trademarks of Vermeer Manufacturing Company in the U.S. and/or other countries. © 2016 Reserved. ©Vermeer, Vermeer DO MORE. 35, 16’ header ..Corporation. .Corporation. ...2016 .Corporation. .logo ...Vermeer ..and ..All.All.Equipped .Rights .Corporation. .All...Rights ..Reserved. .Reserved. .toReduced to $70,000 © All More Rightsare Reserved. DO MORE. Have fun adding more colorful fruits and vegetables to ©2016 2016 Vermeer Rights 406-538-5686 or 350-2676DOcell Hilger, MT MORE. © 2016 Vermeer Corporation. All Rights Reserved. 75, swing tongueNEW .....NEW .....& .....USED .&NEW ....USED ......&.EQUIPMENT ...USED ..EQUIPMENT .........EQUIPMENT ....$13,500 6125M , loader, 800 hours JDJD 6125M , loader, hours .$83,000 .....$83,000 your menu this summer. School’s out for the summer, so JD 6125M ,,loader, 800 hours .................................................................................................$83,000 JD 6125M loader, 800800 hours .$83,000 NEW USED JD Dealer 6125M , Tractors loader, 800 hours ........................Retriever .......................$83,000 Many Available Walter 0, 3x4 square baler ...,..twine, .& ..,..twine, ..605M ..net, .....net, ..twine, ..EQUIPMENT ..floats, ...ramp .....ramp .floats, .....Starting ....$27,500 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Many Tractors Available .....CALL here’s a science experiment about anthocyanin pigments to Many Tractors Available .......406-350-0380 .......................................................Bale ............CALL CALL for Cloverdale (3) Vermeer , net, ramp . . Starting at $17,500 Many Tractors Available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..CALL (3) Vermeer 605M . Starting at $17,500 (3) Vermeer 605M floats, at $17,500 Vermeer 605SM, thru shop,net, lowfloats, bales...............................$27,500 (3) Vermeer 605M ,, twine, ramp ...Starting at $17,500 Many Tractors Available ..TMR ......our .......wagon ................lines. ...........Call .......for .......all .CALL Vermeer 605N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEMO SPECIAL (3) Vermeer 605M twine, net, floats, ramp . . Starting at $17,500 We have expanded product and Vermeer 605N .DEMO .....DEMO SPECIAL WeWe Vermeer 605N .................twine, ...net, (3)Vermeer 605M, atSPECIAL $17,500 try at home whether or not you have kids or grandkids in have expanded our product lines. Call all have expanded our product lines. Call for all Vermeer 605N .................R2300 ..............floats, ....,....rakes, ............ramp.....Starting ...................................DEMO have expanded our product lines. Call forfor all (2) .SPECIAL ......$14,500 ea. We your farm attachment needs. 2 ’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. /equipment NEW & USED Vermeer 605N ..Vermeer ....EQUIPMENT ..,..rakes, .rakes, ...,..rakes, ....reconditioned .reconditioned.................. .....reconditioned ............reconditioned ................DEMO SPECIAL (2) Vermeer R2300, ea. ea.51⁄ (2) Vermeer R2300 ..$14,500 ...........$14,500 .............$14,500 ea. (2) Vermeer R2300 We have expanded our product lines. Call for all your farm attachment equipment needs. your farm attachment equipment needs. / / (2) Vermeer R2300 , rakes, reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,500 ea. your house. your farm attachment equipment needs. Vermeer R2300 , rake.....................................................$14,500 ........In 2017’s In StockLate season twine and net wrap deal Vermeer R2300, rake. ...........................................2017’s Stock (2), Vermeer Vermeer R2300 rakes, your farm attachment//equipment needs. R2300 ,,.rake 2017’s In ea. Stock Vermeer R2300 ,,rake .CFR ...............650 ........reconditioned .......,.....chopper .................................................USED 2017’s InInStock 5N net twine, floats . . . . . . . . DEMO rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2017’s Stock Vermeer R2300 Highline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RENTAL RETURN 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. Red cabbage can be used as a pH indicator. In other words, Highline CFR 650, chopper. ...............................RENTAL RETURN Stock Ag on hand ......,..16’ ...2017’s Vermeer R2300 ,650 Highline CFR ,..chopper Highline CFR 650 ,rake chopper .......................1475 ....................RENTAL Wichman Supply, LLC Hesston 9435 .......RENTAL ..........RETURN .In .....Stock .RETURN ......$60,000 Highline CFR chopper ...............header, RENTAL RETURN Hesston 9435, ..,650 .16’ .600 ...,,,.16’ .header, .hours. .9635 ...header, ....................................................$65,000 .1475 .16’ .1475 ...........hours ..........................................hours .......................In Stock er R2300 , rakes Wichman Ag Supply, LLC Wichman Ag Supply, LLC Highline CFR9435 650 chopper ......header .....hours RENTAL RETURN you and/or your kids can determine how acidic your favorite . . . . . . $60,000 Hesston . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60,000 Hesston 9435 Hesston , . . . . . . . . Reduced to $70,000 HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder Wichman Ag Supply, LLC Hesston 9435 , 16-ft. 16’ header, 1475 ............................$60,000 Hesston 9435, 1475hours hours...........................$55,000 406-538-5686 Ag or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT Wichman Supply, LLC Hesston 9435 16’, 16’ header, 1475 hours ...................Reduced .....................to Hesston 9635 9635 ,,,16’ Hesston .$14,600 ..to ........$70,000 .$60,000 .to .....$70,000 .......$13,500406-538-5686 completely rebuilt .header, .1275 ..header ... .,....swing 5XL, Hesston beverages are and whether common items in your kitchen Hesston 9635, 16-ft. header. .......................... Reduced $70,000 16’header header .................tongue ....................................Reduced 9635 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT or 350-2676 cell Hilger, 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT 16’, swing header to .$70,000 Hesston 9635 Waterers & Parts In StockMT Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790 ,..3x4 .......$27,500Geotherm Hesston 1275 tongue ......$13,500 Hesston 1275 ,,.,swing tongue ........square ..........................baler ...................Reduced Hesston 9240, 18-ft. header. ................................................$45,000 406-538-5686 or 350-2676 cell Hilger, MT 1275 swing tongue .......................$9,250 ............................$13,500 $13,500 5, rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . are acidic or basic. Hesston 1275 swing tongue ...baler ..........................................$27,500 $13,500 Walter 406-350-0380 Walter 406-350-0380 square .....$27,500 Hesston 4790 , 3x4 Hesston 4790 ,,,3x4 square baler Hesston 1275, swing tongue.............................................$13,500 Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790 3x4 square baler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,500 51⁄ 2 ’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Demos ....through .....baler ......shop.................................$18,500 .........................................IN rmeerJohn R2300, All you need is about 2 cups of chopped red cabbage Walter 406-350-0380 Hesston 4790 , 3x4 square ......STOCK ...........$27,500 Deere 568 baler, Vermeer 605N net, twine, floats................................USED DEMO 51⁄24’ Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. 51⁄ 2x’24’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. 22’’ xStand Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. NEW & USED EQUIPMENT NEW & USED EQUIPMENT boiled until soft in water on the stove or in a microwave 51⁄ 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea. for JD 740 loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500 ucket & Grapple, NEW & USED EQUIPMENT 2017 Vermeer R2300 .............USED .............DEMO ...In Stock406-735-4374 51⁄ 2Stand ’ x 24’ Stand Alone Panels $375 ea.ea. NEW &, twine, USED – Geyser, MT HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder Vermeer 605N floats Vermeer 605N net ,net twine, floats .....,EQUIPMENT ...rakes ............................................................................USED DEMO 24’ Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. 24’ Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 oven. Then strain the cabbage through a strainer into a Vermeer 605N net , twine, floats . . . USED DEMO 24’ Alone Wind Break Panels $875 t HoleVermeer Auger , NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger Vermeer 605XL , completely rebuilt ............$3,480 ...........USED .........DEMO ............$14,600 Vermeer 605N netR2300 , net, twine, floats 605N twine, 24’ Stand Stand Alone Wind Break Panels $875 ea. ea. 2017 Vermeer , rebuilt rakes .In ......DEMO ..Stock ..Stock In Stock 2017 Vermeer R2300 ,,rakes ....................floats. .......................................................... .......................................................USED .....................................In Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stock 2017 Vermeer R2300 rakes . . . HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder Vermeer 555 , . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,250 measuring cup. rlmccray@3rivers.net HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder pounder, all ,hydraulic .......................................................$2,150 ver, post Vermeer 605XL, completely 2017 Vermeer R2300 , rakesrebuilt ........rebuilt ..............rebuilt..............$14,600 ...............In Stock Vermeer 605XL completely Vermeer 605XL HDPE pipe, fittings, and welder (2),2016 Vermeer R2300, ..........$14,600 .....IN STOCK Geotherm Vermeer 605XL ,,completely completely rebuilt ..........Demos ............................................$14,600 $14,600 R&L Seed and Machine, LLC Place small amounts of the strained liquid into separate Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stock Waterers & Parts InIn Stock Vermeer 555, rebuilt. . .....................................$9250 Vermeer 605XL completely rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $14,600 Geotherm Waterers & Parts Stock Vermeer 555 , rebuilt . . . . . . $9,250 Vermeer 555 , rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,250 NEW MDS Bucket & Grapple, for JD 740 loader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,500 Vermeer 555 , rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,250 Geotherm Waterers & Parts In Stock Vermeer 605M , reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,000 (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demos. . .............$16,900 clear glasses, then add some lemon juice (or vinegar) to 406-735-4374 – Geyser, MT Vermeer 555 , rebuilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9,250 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demos .IN ....auger .STOCK IN STOCK (2) 2016 Vermeer Demos .......,....NH9030 STOCK Quick R2300, Mount Hole Auger ....$3,480 R&L R&LSeed Seed and Machine, LLC and Machine, LLC (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demos ..............with ..............bi-direct ....scales........Call ....................15” ...IN R&L Seed and Machine, LLC (2) Vermeer BP7000, processors Vermeer BP8000 , used bale processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 (2) 2016 Vermeer R2300, Demos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK rlmccray@3rivers.net one container, some baking soda to the next container and R&L Seed and Machine, LLC 3PT Worksaver , post pounder, all hydraulic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,150 NEW Bucket & JD loader . $4,500 ..................IN NEW MDS Bucket er TM1410 , MDS 21’ cut ..&.&&...Grapple, .post ....Grapple, ....pounder, ....for ....JD .for ...740 .740 ..all ..740 .loader COMING NEW MDS Bucket Grapple, for JD loader ....$4,500 $4,500 406-735-4374 –Geyser, Geyser, MT 406-735-4374 –– Geyser, MT 3-pt Worksaver, hydraulic.... NEW MDS Bucket Grapple, for JDbi-direct 740 loader .15” .auger ......auger ..........$2150 .$3,480 $4,500 406-735-4374 MT your favorite soda pop to the third. When you add soda pop, Quick Mount Hole Auger , NH9030 bi-direct . . . . $3,480 Quick Mount Hole Auger , NH9030 15” 15”STOCK auger....$3,480 Quick Mount Hole Auger 406-735-4374 trailed mower ..NEW ..,,..NH9030 ......&....USED ..bi-direct ........EQUIPMENT ..IN er TM850 ,bale Vermeer 605M, reconditioned..– .......Geyser, ..........................MT .......$22,000 3-pt unroller...............................................$1210 NH9030 bi-direct 15” auger .......$2,150 $3,480 Quick Mount Hole Auger rlmccray@3rivers.net rlmccray@3rivers.net 3PT Worksaver , post pounder, all hydraulic . . . . . . $2,150 3PT Worksaver , post pounder, all hydraulic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lemon juice or vinegar, the cabbage juice should turn red, rlmccray@3rivers.net , used bale processor............................$13,500 3PT Worksaver pounder, .............STOCK ...............$2,150 1200Morris , 15.5’ cut, demo unit ..TM1410 ......all ...hydraulic .,..21’ ....cut ..................IN 900NEW 8,, post bale mover. ............................$19,500 Vermeer ....COMING IN Vermeer BP8000 rlmccray@3rivers.net 3PT Worksaver post pounder, all hydraulic ......................................$2,150 Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT trailed mower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK NEW Vermeer TM850 , Cox Ranch Equipment Vermeer 605M , reconditioned .....$22,000 indicating it is acidic. When you add something “basic” Vermeer 605M ,,reconditioned ...................................................................................$22,000 .....NEW ..........USED .& ....USED ........EQUIPMENT .....EQUIPMENT ..........IN STOCK er R2300..........NEW Vermeer 605M reconditioned ..$22,000 NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Vermeer& TM1200 , 15.5’ cut, demo unit.........................IN STOCK Vermeer 605M , reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22,000 Vermeer BP8000 , used bale processor . ....$13,500 Vermeer BP8000 , used bale processor $13,500 Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT (baking soda), the juice turns bluish-purple. Check out some NEW &splitter Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, center .....cut ..EQUIPMENT ....................................IN er VR1224 , with BP8000 ,, used bale processor......Winston, ....................MT ..$13,500 NEW Vermeer TM1410 , 21’ .COMING ......COMING INVermeer NEW Vermeer TM1410 ,USED 21’ cut ............STOCK ...........COMING IN ...........IN STOCK NEW Vermeer R2300 NEW Vermeer TM1410 , 21’ cut . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN Vermeer BP8000 used bale processor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,500 YouTube videos on this topic for more ideas. NEW Vermeer TM1410, IN NateRanch Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT NEW Vermeer TM1410 ,..21’ ..mower .........center ... ....splitter . . .......COMING INSTOCK Cox NEW Vermeer .IN .STOCK .STOCK ......STOCK .IN NEW Vermeer TM850 trailed ....STOCK IN NEW Vermeer TM850 rotary rake ....,,.trailed .trailed .,.VR1224 ..21’ .cut .mower .mower ....cut........................ .,....with er RR140 ,Vermeer Cox Ranch Equipment Equipment Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, NEW TM850 .....................IN ............STOCK ........IN ....IN Cox Ranch Equipment (2) NEW Vermeer R2300 rakes........................ STOCK NEW Vermeer RR140 , rotary rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK NEW Vermeer TM850 , trailed mower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Cox Ranch Equipment Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, Enjoy a rainbow of colorful vegetables and fruits this Vermeer TM1200 , 15.5’ ....STOCK .STOCK IN STOCK ,,15.5’ cut, IN reconditioned ....cut, .demo .....demo ...unit .unit ....unit R23Vermeer Rakes , TM1200 Vermeer TM1200 15.5’ cut, demo ............$8,000 ...........................ea. ..IN Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT (2) NEW Vermeer VR reconditioned .STOCK .....STOCK $8,000 ea. Cliff (2)R2300 Vermeer White Sulphur Springs, MT Vermeer TM1200 ,R2300 15.5’ cut, demo Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT NEW Vermeer .IN ........STOCK ..STOCK IN NEW Vermeer ........R23 .series ........Rakes .......wheel .......,..unit ........rakes........... ..............................................IN ...IN White Sulphur Springs, MT season to harvest all the potential health benefits. Aim for NEW Vermeer R2300 . . . . . IN STOCK Cliff Cox 406-594-2204, Winston, MT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 24 Wheel Rake Vermeer WRX12 used rake. ..................................................IN .IN .........STOCK .STOCK ......STOCK ......$3,000 Nate Vermeer WR24 Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT NEW Vermeer R2300 ..,..with ...wheel .,..Wheel ..center ......center ...Rake ..splitter ............................... ...splitter Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT NEW Vermeer VR1224 with .$4500 IN NEW Vermeer VR1224 Nate Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT coxranchequip@gmail.com NEW Vermeer VR1224 , with center splitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK coxranchequip@gmail.com NEW Vermeer 605N baler. . .............................. IN STOCK NEW Vermeer 6650 Rancher , net, twine, moisture . . . . . IN STOCK at least 4 1/2 cups of fruits and vegetables daily. Whenever NateShane Cox 406-594-2205, Winston, MT net, twine, moisture . . . . .IN STOCK er 6650 Rancher ,VR1224 NEW Vermeer , with center .IN STOCK NEW Vermeer RR140 , rotary ....STOCK .$6000 IN STOCK NEW Vermeer RR140 ,,baler......................................... rotary rake .........splitter Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, Sereday 406-547-4749, NEW Vermeer RR140 rotary rakerake .........................................................IN IN STOCK Vermeer 504I used Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, possible, eat the skin of colorful fruits and vegetables to get NEW Vermeer RR140 , rotary rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Shane Sereday 406-547-4749, .$13,500 ..$8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes , reconditioned reconditioned ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes ,,NEW PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND &processor. USED Vermeer BP8000, used bale ................ reconditioned ........EQUIPMENT ................$8,000 $8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes White Sulphur Springs, MTON White Sulphur Springs, MT White Sulphur Springs, MT reconditioned . . . . . . . . . . . . $8,000 ea. (2) Vermeer R23 Rakes , PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,000 the health benefits from the pigments. Vermeer 6650 Rancher ,..baler ............STOCK .$3,000 ..................NEW 80 chain, 60 Sulphur chain, 60 Springs, Heavy chain, NEW Vermeer BPX9000 White MT 50 chain Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake .bale .........processor........... ....................................................IN coxranchequip@gmail.com coxranchequip@gmail.com Vermeer WR24 Wheel Rake ..,..net, ...,.,.hydraulic .net, .twine, ......twine, ....moisture ..rakes ....moisture ........................IN ........STOCK NEW Vermeer 6650 Rancher .$3,000 IN NEW Vermeer 6650 Rancher NEW Vermeer R2800 ...IN ......STOCK ..80 IN STOCK coxranchequip@gmail.com Cut to Length 50 Rancher , baler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEW NEW Vermeer 6650 Rancher , net, twine, moisture . . . . . STOCK chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain coxranchequip@gmail.com LateVermeer season netwrap stock hand. CONTINUED ON PAGE B17 NEW 6650 Rancher , net, twine, IN NEW Vermeer R2300 ,on rake .........moisture ....Call ..........for .............specials ......STOCK ........IN STOCK er R2800, hydraulic rakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND PULLEY & WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT NEW & USED EQUIPMENT Cut to Length We Sell & Repair Baler Belts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK Vermeer 605 N PULLEY & SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW & USED EQUIPMENT PULLEY &60WELD-ON WELD-ON SPROCKETS ON HAND NEW EQUIPMENT Vermeer .....$18,900 er R2300 , rake ..6650 ...Rancher .Rancher ....Rancher ...& .605M ...,USED .,.baler .baler .,.,..net, ...........twine, ........................ramps ...IN Vermeer baler NEW80 All Makes &Heavy Models Vermeer 6650 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 chain, 50 chain chain, chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain Vermeer 6650 ........................floats, ..............STOCK .........................................NEW ...NEW 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain Vermeer Rebel 5500, twine, rebuilt pickup.........................$7500 6650 Rancher , baler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NEW Vermeer BPX 9000, round and square bale processor.....In twine, rebuilt pickup ..........IN ...STOCK .IN ..Stock ..STOCK ......$7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 , 80 chain, 60 chain, 60 Heavy chain, 50 chain NEW Vermeer R2800 , hydraulic rakes . . . . . NEW Vermeer R2800 , hydraulic rakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cut to Length Cut to Length We Sell & Repair Baler Belts ........Vermeer ..........JD...R2800 .566 .....,.twine ...,.hydraulic ...only .................rakes ............................................IN 5 N....NEW .. .......STOCK ...............IN STOCK Cut Length JD 566, twineTrendline only...............................................................$5000 .........STOCK ......STOCK ......$5,000 NEW Vermeer R2800 hydraulic rakes ... .....tank. .. ...................$17,500 .... ....IN Vermeer BP8000 processor, cut,..grain Cut to toVermeer Length Sales NEW Vermeer R2300 , rake ..STOCK IN Vermeer R2300 ,,,rake ...final NEW Vermeer R2300 rake ......................Hitter ...............$18,900 .Driver ...................,....IN 5M, NEW net, twine, floats, ramps ...........Heavy ...............................................In ....Post JD 568, net, twine, floats, above avg. cond., 17,900 bales..$18,000 All Makes &Baler Models NEW Wheatheart .IN ......STOCK .Stock .............CALL NEW Vermeer R2300 , rake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IN STOCK New Highline 650, round bale processor. 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT We Sell & Repair Baler Belts We Sell && Repair Belts .IN ....STOCK .STOCK IN STOCK Vermeer 605 Vermeer 605 NN.......N...........................................................................................................................IN We Sell Repair Baler Belts Vermeer 605 8 bale mover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32,500 Techno 980 , twine, rebuilt .........ramps ...........ramps bel 5500 , Highline We Sell & Repair Baler Belts ..net, ...,...round .twine, ..pickup .....twine, ..bale ..floats, ........floats, .....................................In .................................$7,500 ....................IN STOCK Vermeer 605605M N,651, New processor. Stock Vermeer net, . . . . . . $18,900 Vermeer 605M . $18,900 (cell) Greg 406-978-3777 All Makes & Models All Makes & Models Vermeer 605M net, twine, floats, ...............................$18,900 hay ramps bale trailer ...............$7,500 Red, Rhino , 8 round All 605M ,Rancher, ............$18,900 Vermeer 6650 All Makes Makes & & Models Models e onlyVermeer ....Vermeer .........Rebel .Rebel ....Rebel ....5500 .5500 ..net, ..5500 ..,.,twine, .twine, .twine, ...,.baler. ...floats, .rebuilt .rebuilt ............................................. .rebuilt ...ramps .pickup .pickup ....pickup .....................................$5,000 twine, . NEW ....$7,500 ............................$7,500 ..$7,500 Vermeer rebuilt .................................$5,000 .$7,500 Vermeer Rebel 5500 , twine, NEW R2800, TrendlineVermeer Vermeer Sales Trendline Sales JD Vermeer 566 , twine only .....$5,000 566 ,,twine only .Post heartJD Heavy Hitter Driver ............pickup Trendline Vermeer Sales JD 566 twine only ......................hydraulic ............................,..rakes.........................IN ..........................................................CALL ...........STOCK $5,000 Rub a clay bar across the outside of your car when you’re (shop) – Baker, MT Trendline Vermeer Sales JD 566 , twine only ......Heavy .....rake.........................................IN .Hitter .......Hitter .....Post ......Post ...Driver ......Driver .....,........,..........................STOCK $5,000 NEW Vermeer R2300, NEW Wheatheart .CALL ....CALL 406-778-3777 NEW Wheatheart Heavy Wheatheart Heavy Hitter Post Driver ,..$32,500 .......................CALL 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT 8 baleNEW mover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT done washing and drying it. The clay picks up any built-in NEW Wheatheart Heavy Post Driver,...........................$32,500 CALL 2016 Used 605N. Techno ,bale 8 bale mover ..$32,500 ..........$32,500 Techno 980 ,Vermeer mover .Hitter ................................................. 406-778-3777 (shop) – Baker, MT (cell) Greg 406-978-3777 Techno 980980 ,8trailer 8bale ........................................................................................$7,500 ............$32,000 round hay bale .mover ....hay .bale ...........bale ..trailer (cell) Greg 406-978-3777 (cell) Greg 406-978-3777 Techno 980 , round 8, 8bale mover ...........trailer ..............................................................................$32,500 Vermeer 605N. . ...........................................................IN STOCK round . . . . . . $7,500 Red Rhino 8 hay . $7,500 Red Rhino , (cell) Greg 406-978-3777 gunk that may be stuck on your car’s exterior, and it also Red Rhino, 8 round hay bale trailer.......................................$7,500 voag2@midivers.com Greg 406-978-3777 (cell) Red Rhino, 8 round hay bale trailer.......................................$7,500 leaves a nice finish!
Wichman Ag Supply, LLC
R&L Seed and Machine, LLC
Cox Ranch Equipment
Trendline Vermeer Sales
Rub a clay bar on car to get a dealership wax finish
Rice compounds show antidiabetic potential
Sandra Avant, ARS Office of Communications A healthy diet includes foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, oils, and whole grains, which contain important nutrients our bodies need. These foods also contain bioactive compounds with potential to promote human health. One food that contains many bioactive compounds is rice bran. Scientists with the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) recently examined the potential of colored rice bran to help with diabetes management. Diabetes is a metabolic disease in which the body’s inability to produce any or enough insulin causes elevated blood glucose (sugar) levels. Finding ways to enhance the health benefits of rice and other agricultural commodities is one of the goals of chemist Stephen Boue and his colleagues at the ARS Southern Regional Research Center in New Orleans, Louisiana. Joined by chemist Ming-Hsuan Chen at the ARS Dale Bumpers National Rice Research Center in Stuttgart, Arkansas, they examined the ability of colored rice bran extracts to stimulate glucose uptake in the fat cells of mice. “Our research showed that mouse fat cells exposed to red and purple rice bran extracts had significantly increased glucose uptake,” says Boue. For people with diabetes, glucose management is essential. Medications are used to improve glucose uptake, but they can have side effects, such as diarrhea or other intestinal problems, Boue says. These drawbacks have spurred increased research to find natural foods and supplements that can help manage the disease. “Another way to manage diabetes is to reduce the breakdown of starch to glucose during digestion by targeting particular enzymes,” Boue says. In their study, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Boue and his team looked at the effects of brown, purple, and red rice bran extracts on two digestive enzymes—α-amylase and α-glucosidase—and on glucose uptake. Glucose uptake nearly tripled in mice fat cells exposed to the red rice bran extracts and more than doubled in cells exposed to the purple rice bran extracts. “Certain compounds called ‘phenolics’ in the bran bind these enzymes and alter their activity,” says Boue. Although the scientists demonstrated the potential of red and purple bran extracts in regulating glucose uptake in mouse fat cells, additional research with humans is needed to demonstrate the same positive effect. The number of people with diabetes today in the United States is six times greater than it was in the 1950s. Diabetes affects more than 29 million Americans and 422 million people worldwide. In addition, about 79 million U.S. adults are at high risk of developing type II diabetes and other serious health problems. Without proper medical care, diabetes can lead to heart attack, stroke, blindness, kidney failure, and nerve damage.
Have you enjoyed any anthocyanins lately? CONTINUED FROM PAGE B16
Here’s a tasty salad that features anthocyanins (from the red cabbage, red apple, purple/red onions and cranberries) and carotenoids (from the carrots). This recipe also is rich in vitamin C (with 35 percent of the daily recommendation) and vitamin A (with 25 percent of the recommendation). Red Cabbage Salad 1/2 c. apple cider vinegar 3 Tbsp. sugar (or honey) 1/3 c. canola oil or olive oil 2 tsp. celery seed 4 c. red cabbage, coarsely chopped 1 c. apple, unpeeled and chopped 1/2 c. carrots, grated 1/2 c. purple/red onion, chopped 1 c. golden raisins or dried cranberries Black pepper to taste (freshly ground, if desired) Prepare the dressing by mixing together vinegar and sugar until the sugar dissolves. Add oil and celery seed and mix well. Set aside. Rinse vegetables and fruit; prepare as described. Add raisins or dried cranberries. Add vinegar mixture and toss until well coated. Add pepper if desired. Refrigerate until serving. Makes 10 servings. Each serving has 150 calories, 7 grams (g) fat, 1 g protein, 21 g carbohydrate and 15 milligrams sodium.
##### Huge herds of bison once roamed the plains of North Dakota. By 1900, fewer than 600 were left. President Roosevelt spearheaded efforts to save the bison, and today about 90,000 live in North Dakota. True buffalo are found only in Asia and Europe. Early European settlers thought bison looked like buffalo and, hence, confused the names. ##### Agriculture is the South Dakota’s leading industry. It has a $21 billion impact on the state’s economy.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B17
• 1941 International M wide front, Du-Al loader • 1940 Allis Chalmers Model C wide front, new rebuilt engine
(406) 573-7777 • Ft. Shaw, MT
BBC power plant, 230 kW, 783 hours, main switch, new 600 amps transfer switch, 208 480 volts, multivoltages, fuel tank Riding lawn mower Thermal Arc tig stick welder, water and air cooled Fronius mig welder, 2 up/down guns, push/pull aluminum, low arc John Deere 1293 corn header, field ready, spare parts, MacDon adapter, fit Massey Ferguson 9795
Call for prices Call Jonathan (406) 945-5991
• Sliding Outer Gate • 6’x8’x24 • (2) Center Gates
2018 Bumper Pull Trailer - 16’ Stock Trailer, 16” 10 Ply Radial Tires, Center Gate, $ Escape Door
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B18
Is milk good for you?
CHECK ‘EM OUT! Massey Ferguson Global Series Tractors 3 New Models Available
Very Price Competitive Compared to Similar Tractors!
stock photo
END OF SEASON SALE! NEW- IN STOCK Massey-Ferguson Balers
Substantial Discounts on Big Square Balers!
stock photo
Massey Ferguson 2956A Round balers 5x6 w/mesh
Call for more information on AgCo Incentives!
Rainbow Irrigation & Equipment, Inc. Phone: (406) 357-2211 - Email: rainbowsales@mtintouch.net Website: www.visitrainbow.com - Address: Box 700 Chinook, Montana Call Gary Shelton 406-680-2369 for any and all of your equipment needs!
Haying Equipment
1990 Hesston 8200 cab, air conditioning, diesel, 14-ft. single sickle, wide conditioner................................Call 1990 Hesston 8100 with draper header .............................................Call
2009 Massey Ferguson 2170 square baler, 3x4........................................... $67,800
2005 AgcoRT120 120 PTO hp, FWA, hydraulic self-leveling loader, grapple, CVT transmission, 3900 hours ...... ............................................$48,000
Hydra-Dec Bale Bed
* Synchronized Telescoping Arms * Extendable Arms * Joy Stick Control
Deutz-Allis DX 7.10 2WD, 145 hp PTO, cab, dual PTO.....$13,900 $11,900
DewEze Bale Beds
Available in both Pivot & Parallel Squeeze. Call TODAY for more information!
All Used Round Balers
Rolland Manufacturing round bale accumulator..............................Call
2001 Hesston 4760 square baler, 3x3.....Call
Other Equipment
2 - WISHEK DISCS - Call to Rent! Replacement Engines & Power Equipment
Case IH RS561 round baler............................................ $9900 $4900 Hesston 956 round baler, twine only.......................... $20,500 $10,000 2003 Hesston 956 round baler, autocycle, twine/mesh $20,900 $12,000 Hesston 856A 5x6 round baler.................................................... $4500 2011 Massey Ferguson 2856A 6500 bales, twine only............... ......................$27,700 $23,000 New Holland BR780 round baler twine only, auto-tie................... ................... $15,500 $10,000
By Julie Garden-Robinson, Food and Nutrition Specialist, NDSU Extension Service I recently visited a dairy farm and especially admired the 24-hour-old calves. They already were up walking around one day after birth. We humans take about a year to do that. A Brown Swiss calf with long eyelashes and I bonded. It licked my hand with its rough tongue and I was carried back to my childhood visits to my relatives’ farm. My grandpa would take me to the barn to see the calves, and they liked to suck on my little hands back then. As I admired the bovine baby during my recent farm visit, I reminisced about calling my son a “little calf” when he was young. He always wanted “more milk.” In fact, the last time we were at a grocery store, my 22-year-old son asked me a question about milk. I was helping him restock his fridge and pantry with food. “Mom, is milk really good for you?” he asked. “My friend at work says it isn’t.” I almost asked him what her nutrition credentials are. I figure that she’s probably cute. “I bet she found some unusual information on the Internet. What do you think I’m going to say?” I asked him. He grinned and didn’t respond to my question as I added a gallon of milk to our cart. He knows I wouldn’t do anything to harm his health. I was thinking of the numerous jugs of milk that he has consumed in his lifetime and the strapping guy he grew to be. Milk provides a wide variety of nutrients, including protein, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, B vitamins and several other nutrients essential for growth and health. Milk is fortified with vitamins A and D. Other foods, such as kale, dry edible beans, broccoli, sardines and some types of orange juice and cereal also provide calcium. Milk has about 300 milligrams of calcium per cup, while broccoli has about 40 milligrams per cup. Besides, the natural calcium in dairy usually is better absorbed by our bodies. Nutrition is all about choices, and we have a lot of conflicting and sometimes alarming information about nutrition to sort through before we reach the “nugget of truth.” For example, you can purchase plant-based milk, such as almond milk and several other types. However, the alternative types of milk require a greater level of nutrient addition at the point of processing to help them reach the levels found naturally in cow’s milk. If you are allergic to milk or follow a vegan (plant-only) diet, you need to avoid cow’s milk and its products. Look for the allergen statement on foods; if the food “contains milk,” you will be informed of that fact. If you have lactose intolerance, or the inability to digest the natural sugar in milk, you may tolerate cheese or yogurt. Some people with lactose intolerance tolerate smaller amounts of milk with meals. What does recent published research say about dairy and health? I found a 2016 article published by the National Institutes of Health. The scientists evaluated 149 research articles in their analysis of the evidence about dairy and health. In brief, these are some of the high points about dairy. Many studies have shown that dairy products have a beneficial effect on bone growth during childhood and adolescence. The researchers also reported that dairy foods were associated in many studies with greater bone density among adults. However, the associations between hip fracture risk and dairy foods were variable. In fact, some studies showed that the hip fracture rate was higher in places where calcium intake was greater, which was unexpected. As the researchers teased out the associations, they suggested that the vitamin D intake may not have been high enough to provide a protective effect. More research is needed. Some studies have shown a potential role between dairy foods, especially yogurt, and weight management. Eating at least seven weekly servings of yogurt, including whole milk yogurt, was associated with a reduced likelihood of being overweight. Although some people who suffer from osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis skip dairy products because they believe that milk promotes an inflammatory response, the authors found no available evidence for these patients to avoid milk and dairy. Some studies have shown no associations between dairy and greater risk of heart disease, while others have reported a reduced risk of heart disease associated with increased consumption of dairy. In other words, dairy isn’t bad for your heart and it may be beneficial. More research is needed in the area of low-fat vs. high-fat dairy and health. CONTINUED ON PAGE B19
Is milk good for you? CONTINUED FROM PAGE B18
One extensive review paper found that consuming more dairy was shown to reduce the risk of stroke and high blood pressure, especially when combined with a diet high in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Check out the “Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension” (DASH) diet to learn more. Be sure to visit with a qualified professional to determine if you are meeting the recommendations for calcium and vitamin D. Visit https://www.choosemyplate.gov to analyze your diet. Here’s a recipe adapted from the Midwest Dairy Council recipe collection. Serve with a side of fresh fruit and glass of milk for a complete breakfast. Cheesy Breakfast Quesadilla 2 large eggs, lightly beaten (or 1/2 c. egg substitute) 2 Tbsp. milk Nonstick cooking spray 1 Tbsp. diced green pepper 1 Tbsp. diced onion 1/2 c. grated light jalapeno cheddar cheese 2 (6-inch) fat-free tortillas 2 Tbsp. grated light cheddar cheese Salsa, sour cream (optional garnishes) Lightly beat eggs with milk. In a skillet sprayed with nonstick cooking spray, cook eggs with green pepper and onion. Add cheese and heat until melted. Heat tortillas in a microwave oven for 30 seconds until warm. Layer a tortilla, egg mixture and tortilla. Sprinkle cheese on top. Slice into fourths and serve. Makes two servings. Each serving has 270 calories, 10 grams (g) fat, 22 g protein, 22 g carbohydrate, 1.5 g fiber and 690 milligrams sodium.
Cookbook Launch Day
Date When Celebrated : Always October 12th Cookbook Launch Day is a little known day designed to launch a new cookbook. Schools, churches, clubs and a wide range of organizations ask members to donate a recipe for creating of their own cookbook. Working with a publisher, they put a neat cookbook together, filled with cherished recipes, and publish it for members and friends. It is often used as a fund raiser. Creating and launching a new cookbook is an exciting event. There’s always a few new recipes to discover. And, it encourages us to try new foods on family and friends. Cooks will tell you that you can’t have too many cookbooks. If you’ve never been a part of launching a new cookbook, use today to get the idea started in your local group. We also suggest that you use today as a good excuse to buy a new cookbook. While you’re at it, buy an extra one for a friend!
##### In 1898, the first commercial timber sale on Federal forested land in the United States was authorized in the area of Jim and Estes Creeks (near the town of Nemo, South Dakota).
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B19
STRAW FOR SALE ** $25/bale or $45/ton for semi loads ** Call Mark at (406) 590-3240 or Ryan at (406) 590-7926 Fairfield, MT
International M, extra heavy duty loader........................Asking $3000
International T-340 crawler, 6-way hydraulic blade. Runs and steers outstanding...............Asking $4500
1999 BMW, low miles...................... .................................Asking $2750
2001 Oldsmobile Aurora, low miles.........................Asking $2750
International H, runs good............. Howard Rotovator 3-pt. Very little .................................Asking $1250 use..............................Asking $600 1986 Mercedes-Benz, low miles. Looks and runs outstanding............ .................................Asking $3500
Massey-Ferguson 50 recent motor work, good tires. Runs perfect. Asking..........................................$4000
Wagon tongue, single horse or team, side board, nice seat, brakes. ...................................Asking $700 1999 Ford Windstar, low miles....... .................................Asking $2250
Nice oil tank. Asking................$100 Wheel and tire, 14.9x24. Asking...... ........................................ $250 obo
Brush Hog 6-ft. Asking........... $1000
350 gallon tank. Asking.... $250 obo
International parts truck. Asking.... ................................................$500
For more info call (406) 782-3648, Butte, MT
FLAT BEDS, LOW BOYS & MISCELLANEOUS TRAILERS NEW WITZCO RGN LOWBOY TRAILERS 2003 Freightliner Classic 530 hp, ISX, RTLO20918B 18 speed transmission, 46,000 rears, 3.73 ratio with rear locker, 11R22.5 virgin drivers on all aluminum wheels...........................$27,900
2005 Kenworth T800, Cummins ISX 475 hp, 18 speed, rear full locking differential, steerable lift axle, 3.90 ratio, low pro 24.5 tires, 50” flat top AeroCab sleeper...........................$37,900
1997 Merritt 53-ft. straight trailer, 4 compartment, floor is excellent, tires & brakes excellent......$24,900
1979 Arne cross gate belly dump.$5500
2018 Witzco RN35 35-ton, 44-ft., equipment trailer with ramps.. ............................................................................$27,900 + FET
1997 R-Way 40-ft, tri-axle, belly dump, 11R22.5 tires, new spring hangers..................................$19,900 2005 Kenworth T800 Cat C15, 550hp, AroCab, 11R22.5 tires, caps 75%, external air cleaners, dual exhaust, 3.70 rears. 686,000 miles...$35,900.$32,900
2001 Freightliner Classic 550 hp, Cat, 10 speed, 11R22.5 tires, AliArc bumper, 3.58 ratio..................$17,500
2006 International 9400i 70” condo, Cummins ISX 475, 13 speed, good virgin tires, drop visor, leather seats, DVD player, 891,000 miles, 3.58 ratio, 232” wheelbase. $27,500......$25,500
1988 Volvo Cummins Big Cam 350, 15 speed, near new cap tires. Fresh annual inspection...................$13,500
2007 Wilson 53-ft.x102” triple axle livestock trailer, spring ride......$39,500 1991 Wilson tri-axle, 53-ft. spring ride pot......................................$25,900 2005 Wilson 53-ftx102” spread axle livestock trailer, nice floors, low pro 24.5 tires, 3/4 dog house, road side doors..................................$42,500 2016 Wilson 53-ft.x102” livestock trailer, 3/4 dog house, lots of LED lights, ................................$69,900
See More Online Visit Us On The Web
2001 Wilson Muv-all 48-ft.x102”, hydraulic tail trailer, 255/75R22.5 tires, air ride suspension, hydraulic winch, aluminum pull-outs that extend up to 3-ft. each side........................$22,500
1969 Kari-Kool stainless insulated tank, 5750 gallon, was hauling clean water, 11R22.5 tires on Bud wheels, spring suspension.................$10,900
TRUCK SHOP BILLINGS Call 406-272-1432
3145 N. Frontage Road – Billings, MT
1976 Kenworth W900A, Cummins Big Cam 350 hp, non-steerable lift axle, 22-ft. box, spring suspension, 4.11 ratio................................$17,900 1983 Omaha Standard 19-ft. pup, roller circle dolly, 11R22.5 tires.$7900 Purchase as a set................$25,000 BN 45-ft. x 102” storage van, swing doors............................................$3200
1973 Brown 40-ft. outside rail flat bed trailer..................................$2950 1974 Clark 40-ft. outside rail flat bed trailer..................................$3650
(4) late 90’s 45-ft.x96” flat beds, close tandem, 11R22.5 tires, 6 winch tie downs per side................$4900 each
Visit Us On The Web www.trkshop.com
We have the parts that you need with over 9 acres of used parts to get you back on the road!
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page B20
FEED PICKUP FOR SALE 1994 Chevrolet 2500, 350, automatic, Besler slide-in bale handler. Works good Phone (406) 650-7358, Wolf Point, Montana
HAY FOR SALE Aggressive, delivered pricing!! Call Trent at 406-471-1173
4X4, “V” plow in front, new rebuilt 350 Cummins (never run). Complete with snow plow and new clutch assemblies Phone: (406) 799-6923
John Deere 2010 tractor with 3-point, PTO, loader, $5000 obo
John Deere 2630 tractor with 3-point, PTO, loader, 6170 hours. $7500 obo
1969 Chevrolet 4x4, 3 /4-ton flatbed. $3000 obo Phone Dave Huyghe, (253) 740-5108
Diversity helps mitigate drought effects
By Kris Ringwall, NDSU Extension Beef Specialist, NDSU Extension Service of flowing water. During dry years such as Are you interested in increasing soil wathis year, that is significant. ter absorption by 685 percent? An added benefit is an increase in proRemember the commercials that showed jected average plant-available nitrogen paper towels absorbing copious amounts from 100 to 175 pounds per acre. That is of water, more than a competitor’s paper an increase of 75 percent. towel? Is one paper towel better than anHealthy soil is critical to effective, susother in water absorption? I think we know tainable farming practices. The crop rotation the answer: Yes. utilizes early fall-seeded crops, early springCould this also be true in soils? Are the seeded crops and early summer-seeded soils within some soil management systems crops. By varying the seeding dates, chances better at absorbing water than soils in other of getting moisture on some field at the time systems? The answer is: Absolutely yes! it is needed certainly increases. What does this mean? Poorly managed There is no perfect syssoil is like a poor paper tem, and Mother Nature towel; the soil does not does not provide irrigation absorb adequate water. pivots and a control box. Soil managed to improve Our response: Retain tools soil health is like the suthat support a multiple apperabsorbent paper towel; proach. Providing a prothe soil literally can drink gram of good soil health water. And that is good. that permits absorption The Dickinson Reof all the water when it search Extension Center arrives, increases soil crit(DREC) had a quarter of ter activity and enhances land that was much like nutrient cycling is critical. a poor paper towel. After a hard rain, the All of these factors have helped target inland looked like a lake, absorbing water puts for the center while increasing output. at 1.3 inches per hour. Essentially, a good The eight-year rotation opened up a lot of rain simply would run off the land, moving opportunities. onto other parts of the watershed. The soil Those same principles have been applied was not functioning as soil should, thus not to another quarter of land, only in this case, allowing timely absorption of rainfall. the cropping rotation is five years, with the An important point: Water needs to stay addition of cattle to improve net returns in the soil, especially when the water refrom within the cropping system. ceived is in short supply. The rotation is spring wheat, a multispeTo get the soil back on track and healthy, cies cover crop, corn, field peas-barley and in 2008, the center started a diverse crop sunflowers. Spring wheat and sunflowers rotation of three years of alfalfa followed by are cash crops. This rotation allows for more winter triticale/hairy vetch, corn, oats/peas, than 100 days of 2-plus pounds per day of a multispecies cover crop, spring wheat and beef gain while steers graze through the field winter wheat. The goal: get a better underpeas-barley, standing corn and multispecies standing and demonstrate the principles that cover crop. The rest of the ranch uses a enhance soil health. twice-over grazing system stocked approThe center stepped out of the box, set priately to the various soil types to produce aside some long-established dryland cropthe steers that graze the rotation’s annual ping principles and switched to no-till. forage crops while building soil health. Previous tillage-based cropping systems Perhaps we just need to stop and ponder disturbed the soil at seeding. for a while. No question about it: Diversity At the same time, an increase in plant is not easy to implement and maintain. diversity through an aggressive crop rotaAgriculture tends to be mechanistic, and tion and the use of cover crops was implemost of those mechanistic processes lead mented. The sequence of primary crops producers to specialize. Once specialized, planted for grain or forage and the cover the economics of scale and the practicality crops kept living roots in the soil during of focused equipment and inputs tend to periods of time that cash crops no longer lead producers away from diversification. were growing actively. In addition, the soil Unfortunately, replacing inputs that was covered with plants and plant residue healthy soil provides with purchased inputs through most of the year, thus keeping bare comes at a long-term cost. Dry or wet, sysareas to a minimum. tems that foster improved soil health help In the past nine years, crop production us make the most of what Mother Nature on this quarter of land has changed from gives us. a minimal, survivalist mode to fields that May you find all your ear tags. produce agricultural products from a funcFor more information, contact your local tioning soil. After eight years, average water NDSU Extension Service agent (https:// infiltration into the soil increased from 1.3 www.ag.ndsu.edu/extension/directory) or inches per hour to 10.2 inches per hour, an Ringwall at the Dickinson Research Extenincrease of 685 percent. That is good. Water sion Center, 1041 State Ave., Dickinson, ND is going directly into the soil. 58601; 701-456-1103; or kris.ringwall@ Recent rains that fell on the parched soil ndsu.edu. brought life to thirsty plants, not coulees full
World Pasta Day
Date Celebrated : Always October 25th World Pasta Day is today. It should come as no surprise to discover that this special day promotes the consumption of pasta around the world. It seeks to increase awareness of the benefits of pasta. Each year on World Pasta Day, events are held to help spread the world about pasta
and it’s nutritional value. The National Pasta Association and pasta manufacturers sponsor these events and activities. On World Pasta Day, pile up your plate, with a big dish of pasta and your favorite sauce! Origin of World Pasta Day: World Pasta Day was established as an annual event at the first World Pasta Congress held on October 25, 1995 in Rome, Italy. It is promoted by pasta manufacturers around the world.
Nitrogen management for winter wheat
By Trenton Stanger, WestBred® Technical Product Manager Managing the level of nitrogen in your wheat, as well as correctly timing applications, can mean the difference between a bin-busting harvest and average yield. Incorrect amounts of nitrogen can lead to disease, protein loss and lodging, while incorrect timing of applications can lead to poor performance and lost profit. So, how do you determine the proper rate and timing for nitrogen applications? As the WestBred Technical Product Manager for the Montana region, I recommend the following tips to help maximize your nitrogen investment. Pre-plant sampling Residual N levels vary considerably based on the previous crop and your previous fertilization practices, so in order to know if your wheat crop will need additional nutrients, soil sampling prior to planting is essential to determine the current nutrient level. I recommend that you collect soil samples in increments, from 0-8 inches, 8-24 inches and 24-28 inches beneath the soil to get a full read, not only on N levels but also to measure the additional nutrients in your field. Nitrogen is a mobile nutrient and often accumulates in the subsoil, so be sure to take a deep sample, at least 24 inches underneath the soil. There is often an accumulation of N in the soil that is should be accounted for when determining your total N needs. Yield goals and nitrogen needs One of the biggest considerations to take into account when determining your crops’ nitrogen needs is your yield goals. Determine what yield can realistically be expected considering irrigation levels, past yields and weather conditions. It is usually assumed that a bushel of winter wheat requires 2.6 pounds of N per bushel produced; however, you should always check with your local agronomic expert for the best recommendations for your area. Then, multiply the yield goal times the amount needed per bushel (e.g., 60 x 2.6lb N
##### Keep an auto maintenance book. Write down dates that repairs, or maintenance was done. Write down where the work was done or by whom.
ALFALFA SEED FOR SALE Certified Wrangler - Certified Shaw - Ladak
Call Ernie Johnson 406-357-4182 or cell: 262-3081 or 262-3809
MT Tractors Call (406) 370-6362 - Stevensville, MT Email: penderfarms@aol.com
Check our web site: mttractors.com
John Deere 4455 MFWD, 3 point, P/S, 8300 hours...........................$34,500
John Deere 4255 MFWD, 3 point, P/S, 5700 hours, very nice..........$40,000
John Deere 6105M MFWD, A/Q, 3 point, excellent, 3000 hours...........$55,000
John Deere 7600 all MFWD, 3-point, P/Q, 6800-7600 hour...........$35,500
John Deere 7700 MFWD, P/Q, 3 point.. .............................................$36,500
John Deere 7610 MFWD, P/S, PT, 6500 hours, clean.........................$43,500
John Deere 7720 MFWD, A/Q, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, 7000 hours, nice...... .............................................$58,500
Loaders Available
John Deere 8100 MFWD, 3 point, P/S, 540/1000 PTO, 6200 hours, nice...... .............................................$50,000
Mark Reinmuth 406-262-3842 Gary Reighard 406-879-9418
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C1
Precision Truck & Trailer 2027 Hwy 2 NW • Havre, MT 59501 • (406) 265-4563
Dealer For New
Grain Trailers
Quality Used Trucks & Trailers • 888-453-4563 • FRONT DOOR DELIVERY AVAILABLE • 1990 Kenworth T600 3406B, 435 hp, 18 speed, 232” wheelbase, all aluminum, headache rack
$15,900 0
1995 Kenworth T800B
2000 Peterbilt 378
3406E, 550 hp, 18 speed, double lockers, winch, headache rack, COZAD ramps
3406E, 500 hp, 18 speed, winch, headache rack, COZAD ramps, tail roll
$55,000 $45,900
$31,800 $19
2004 Sterling
Cat 3126, 300 hp, 8LL, Tuff Trac spring ride, new box, new paint, new push axle, new tarp with remote control gate & lift
REDUCED TO $35,900! 1993 Kenworth T800
N14, 430 hp, new 18 speed, new paint, all new rubber, all aluminum
1998 Peterbilt 379 EXHD
Cummins N14, 525 hp, 15 speed, 260” wheelbase, new driver’s seat, approx. 100,000 miles on engine work
2006 Freightliner Columbia REDUCED TO $59,950! 2006 Freightliner Columbia MBN, 475 hp, 13 speed, pintle, auto lift & gate system, new rubber.
14L Detroit, 515 hp, 10 speed, all aluminum, new wheels and tires.
1994 Western Star 4900
2016 Frontier 36-ft. Ag Hopper, pintle hitch................... $28,900 2005 Doonan 48-ft. drop deck....................................... $21,000
C15, 475 hp, 13 speed, wet kit, new water pump & radiator
REDUCED TO $24,000! 1999 International 9200
N14 Cummins, 430 hp, 13 speed, spring suspension, 5th wheel slider, aluminum wheels, (2) 120 gallon tanks
2005 Kenworth T800B
ISX, 475 hp, 10 speed, 243” wheelbase, push axle, 5th wheel slider, SUPER CLEAN TRUCK!
FULLY LOADED! 2014 Ram 2500 Laramie Limited
2006 Peterbilt 385
C15, 435 hp, 10 speed, 227” wheelbase, 85% on virgin rubber, 647,000 miles
was $36,900
2007 Freightliner Columbia Recon 450 hp MBN, 25,000 miles on overhaul, 10 speed, 242” wheelbase, new 24.5 rubber, super singles
2007 Ford F550 Dually
6.0L Powerstroke, C&M truck bed, New Ranch Hand Grille guard, fresh motor, new injectors, EGR Delete kit, head studs. 4 new drive tires We are your Dealer for Time To Go Electric
6.4L Hemi, 4x4, leather, tonneau cover, bed liner, 5th wheel Turnover ball
REDUCED TO $26,900
3406E 5EK, 500 hp, 15 speed, wet kit, headache rack, newer clutch & transmission
Trailers For Sale:
2006 Kenworth T800B
Tarps and hoppers use the same remote to make loading and unloading hassle free
1979 GMC Sierra Grande Flatbed V8, 5+2 speed, GVWR 21,200
see these units and more info at www.precisiontruckandtrailersales.com
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C2
ROUND BALER FOR SALE 2005 New Holland BR780, 6000 bales, good condition.$8000 Call 406-531-1036, St. Ignatius, Montana
HAY & straw FOR SALE
& 2ND cutting Alfalfa * Grass/Alfalfa * Grass * Wheat hay * Wheat hay with Kochia, good protein * CRP hay * Straw bales – – Delivery Available – – Phone 701-690-8816, South Heart, ND ST
EZ Trail 710 grain cart with tarp..........................$10,000 Morris 50-ft. harrow and cart 1980 International 1800 single axle truck, 17-ft. Omaha standard box and hoist with Shur-lok roll tarp, good rubber, gas 446 V8.............................................$6000 1975 Chevrolet C60 single axle truck, 16-ft. Knapheide box and hoist with Shur-lok roll tarp, good rubber, gas 366 V8................................................................$4000 1996 Chevrolet Cheyenne regular cab pickup, 4x4, V6, automatic, air conditioning..................................$3500 Call home 406-627-2202 or cell 406-289-0018, Ledger, MT
• Pheasant hens - year old - spring delivery • Pheasants - 10 weeks old - 50/50 mix - delivery August through September 15th • Pheasants & Chukars - 16 week old flight birds - delivery starting September 1st Call now for pricing and available delivery dates. Brochures mailed upon request. TONY FOWLER PO BOX 640 238 SPUR RD CONRAD, MT 59425-0640 (406) 278-5814
Pheasant - Chukar Brittany - Lab
NPIP: #81-67 FWP: #9027
MSU researcher works to restore struggling bighorn sheep populations
By Skip Anderson for MSU News Service Prior to the American westward expanpopulations, but, Plowright said, in order to sion of the 19th century, there were as learn the ages of the animals, they have to many as 2 million bighorn sheep roaming be monitored from an early age because a the mountains from modern-day Mexico to ewe over four years old cannot be accurately Canada. Today, despite intensive restoration aged in the field. efforts, there are fewer than 85,000 bighorn “Also, you need to catch animals multiple sheep in North America. A Montana State times to know they are carriers and that’s University epidemiologist is working to hard when the population is not habituchange that. ated— sometimes involving using a heli“Bighorn sheep have been diminished copter to help capture the animals that live across the range in the United States ever much of their lives on cliff faces,” she said. since settlers brought domestic sheep into The good news is that despite an esthe western landscape,” said Raina Plowtimated 96 percent net decline in North right, assistant professor of epidemiology American bighorn sheep populations over in the Department of Microbiology and Imthe past 150 years or so, Plowright said there munology in MSU’s College of Agriculture has been an upward trend in their numbers and College of Letters and Science. since the 1970s. Domestic sheep carry the pathogen “The population had declined to about Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae in their nasal 25,000, but today that has rebounded to passages, which can cause pneumonia in about 85,000,” she said. “That’s due to bighorn sheep, said Plowright, who just a massive effort to reestablish bighorn completed a four-year study of an infected sheep across western landscapes. But, the bighorn sheep population in the Wallowa persistence of pneumonia in the species is Mountains of eastern Oregon. thwarting the repopulation effort by slowing “Domestic sheep rarely die from their their recovery.” infection with mycoplasma,” she said. “But, Plowright said helping the bighorn sheep when bighorn sheep become infected, there overcome the pneumonia that has plagued is often a die-off, killing 10 to 100 percent the species for more than a century is critical of the affected population.” for their survival. Additionally, Plowright said, populations “We hope our work will help us to manthat survive the first die-off often remain age this disease,” she said. “Bighorn sheep infected. are one of the iconic species of the American “The surviving adults appear quite West, and they’re ecologically important. healthy, but the lambs die of pneumonia They live in this steep terrain and they’re and so the populations cannot recover,” she amazing animals. What a tragedy it would said. “Some populations keep declining and be to lose this beautiful creature from our eventually blink out. landscape.” “We hypothesized that there are chronic Plowright came to MSU in 2014 as faccarriers among the ewes, and they are passulty for its cooperative veterinary medicine ing pathogens on to their lambs. But we education program with Washington State didn’t really know. That’s what we sought University known as WIMU (Washington, to find out.” Idaho, Montana and Utah). Plowright’s findings were published Sept. Since then, she has established a unique 4 in Ecology Letters, a leading international and internationally recognized research journal of ecology. The study, “Age-specific program at MSU, focused on the study of infectious period shapes dynamics of pneuinfectious disease ecology and pathogen monia in bighorn sheep” was a collaboraspillover from animals to people, said Mark tion with Idaho and Oregon state wildlife Jutila, head of MSU’s Department of Miagencies and researchers from three other crobiology and Immunology. universities. Co-authors of the paper in“Not only is this study of considerable clude David J. Páez, a postdoctoral fellow interest and importance to the field, it is of in MSU’s Department of Microbiology and particular relevance to Montana because of Immunology. the issue of bighorn sheep pneumonia and The bighorn sheep population Plowright its impact in the state,” Jutila said. studied was particularly useful to her work, Morris Animal Foundation, a global as the animals descend to around 6,000 leader in funding scientific studies that feet during winter and had largely become advance the health of companion animals, acclimated to humans through long-term horses and wildlife, provided some of the supplemental feeding. funding for the research. Through the labor-intensive task of swab“The Foundation has funded several studbing the sinuses and taking blood samples ies looking at various aspects of this serious from the same bighorn sheep repeatedly threat to one of North America’s most iconic over four years, Plowright found that many species,” said Dr. John Reddington, CEO of the older ewes were, in fact, asympand president of Morris Animal Foundatomatic carriers of the pneumonia-causing tion. “We’re pleased that Dr. Plowright and pathogen and were infecting the lambs. her colleagues have discovered a critical Many of the lambs that weren’t killed off component of how the illness is perpetuby pneumonia matured into short-term asated in bighorn sheep herds. Their findings ymptomatic carriers themselves, but it was will make an important contribution to the the older ewes who were likely perpetuating management and control of this disease.” the deadly cycle across generations. Other funding sources for the study Through her work with the Oregon include the Montana University System population, Plowright and her colleagues Research Initiative, National Institutes of at the University of Idaho also discovered Health IDeA Program, Oregon Chapter a “genetic signature” at a gene associated of the Foundation for North American with the immune systems of bighorn sheep Wild Sheep, Idaho Department of Fish and that potentially contributes to the infection Game, Washington Department of Fish and pattern. Wildlife, Oregon Department of Fish and The next step is to look at the genetics Wildlife, Federal Aid to Wildlife Restoraand the age patterns in other bighorn sheep tion, and University of Idaho.
Nitrogen management for winter wheat CONTINUED FROM PAGE C1
= 156lb/acre of N). I recommend that you apply 10-20 percent more than they need to account for upside potential in good years and to account for loss due to weather. Remember, by soil testing and finding out how much you have available in the soil, you can determine how much additional fertilizer is needed. Early nitrogen application A small application of N in the fall, around Feekes stages 2-3, can help stimulate proper tillering. These early applications are especially important if you’ve planted late in the season or have thin stands. The application should be 1/4 to 1/3 of the total application and should not exceed 30 to 40 pounds an acre to avoid potential diseases, lodging, freeze damage and loss of nitrogen. In-season sampling Nitrogen is one of the only nutrients that will change drastically during the season, so in-season sampling is a useful practice to gauge the needs for additional applications. Plant tissue sampling prior to the jointing stage is the most effective way to determine nitrogen levels in season. If feasible, tissue analysis can help determine nutrient uptake by the crop, so that the nutrient levels can be adjusted accordingly. Keep in mind a tissue analysis determines what has already occurred in the plant and is an indirect measurement of soil nutrient availability. The analysis will reveal the level of nutrients in that plant for only that time-period. It is recommended to pull samples for 8 to 12 weeks in the same spot so progress can be traced. Late-season N applications Nitrogen is critical during the rapid growth stages of wheat in the spring, not only to help maximize yield but also to increase protein content. The second application should be made around Feekes 5 and account for the remaining 2/3 to 3/4 of the total application. While the first application, made during the vegetative growth stages, can help increase yield, this second application is essential to help reach protein requirements. Effective nitrogen application is crucial to ensuring your wheat has the required nutrients available to maximize production. The key to optimizing nitrogen application is determining the correct amount and timing for your crop.
##### The fastest way to double your money is to fold it up and put it back in your pocket.
1997 Freightliner F170 4x4, cab & chassis, 8.3 Cummins diesel, automatic, step frame, 145,000 miles. 2000 MGS carousel/reel trailer, fairleads, 3500 lb. GVWR.
2004 Case 960 trencher, new chain & sprockets, 138” bar, digs 6-ft. plus, 1311 hours.
2007 Ingersoll-Rand 185 cfm air compressor, John Deere diesel, hose reel, 1081 hours.
2013 Ford F150
Green exterior, leather seats, running boards
2004 Ford F350
2015 Toyota Tacoma
2015 Cadillac Escalade
Black exterior, cloth seats, backup camera, 37,000 miles
Red exterior, grey leather seats, backup camera, 3rd row seat, 26,194 miles
2006 JCB 426HT wheel loader, high lift, quick attach, 3rd valve, 1424 hours.
2001 John Deere 310G 4x4 backhoe, Extend-a-hoe, full cab, only 2078 hours, one owner.
1991 Ford F800 cab & chassis, diesel, 653 Allison automatic, heavy specs, only 49,344 miles, very nice.
Magnetic exterior, grey leather seats, backup camera, 62,234 miles
White exterior, tan leather seats, backup camera, 66,130 miles
Old time, antique windmill, power and head 406-262-3392, Big Sandy, Montana
2002 Oshkosh 6x6, cab & chassis, M11 Cummins diesel, Allison automatic, heavy specs, 107,000.
Yellow exterior with black stripe, black leather seats, manual, 74,990 miles
Glendive, MT • 406.365.7010 www.badlandtrucksales.com
2012 Ford F250 Super Duty
2003 Ford Mustang
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C3
1993 Ledwell equipment trailer, hydraulic dovetail & winch, selfcontained wet kit & diverter.
1984 Fruehauf 42-ft. flatbed, steel composition, spring ride, straight trailer.
2013 Ford F150
Blue exterior, grey leather seats, backup camera, 51,392 miles
2014 Ford Raptor
Tan exterior, leather seats, backup camera, running boards, 85,000 miles
2008 Chevrolet Silverado
Black exterior, tan leather seats, TV, 185,437 miles
1992 John Deere 444E front end loader, full cab, GP bucket, air conditioning, heat, one owner.
2003 JLG G-42A telehandler, 6000 lb. capacity, 42-ft. reach, diesel, 3783 hours.
2015 Ford F150 Sport
Black exterior, tan cloth interior, extended cab, 14,050 miles
2016 Ford F350
Red exterior, grill guard, running boards, leather seats, 33,000 miles
2012 Dodge Ram
Blue exterior, grill guard, cloth seats, tonneau cover, 92,500 miles
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Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C4
GRAIN VAC FOR SALE 2012 Brandt 5200EX grain vac, used 28 hours. Like new.. $20,000 Call (406) 739-4450, evenings best or leave message
Hurry...Now booking Fall spreading
No job too big or small!
For all your manure spreading needs just give us a call. Now running triple beaters for better broadcasting
b Kory Ha
2 Trucks and Loader Available
Call for a quote and to schedule your barn and corral cleaning. cell (406) 289-1866 office (406) 271-2746
“This is our profession, not a sideline”
##### Two friends were on a tandem bike, making their way up a steep hill. After a long and hard ascent to the top, the first guy climbed off, leaned against a fence post, and wiped the sweat from his face, “Whew!” he said, “that was harder than I thought it would be!” The second replied, “And thank goodness I was there to keep the brakes on the whole time, or else we would have rolled downhill backward!” ##### Smith was offered a discount at a budget motel if he agreed to make his own bed. When he accepted the offer, the desk cleark promptly handed him a hammer, some wood, and a bag of nails. ##### Money talks! It says Good-Bye.
Grand Champion Market Goat shown by Alexis Sandoval. Purchased by Katie Banister. Photo courtesy of Mary Meyer, Lewis and Clark 4-H.
Proper forest road construction helps keep streams healthy
Steiger: Turbo Tiger II, 3300, 1700, 2200, 1250, pre-1965. Versatile: 100, 118, 125, 300 Minneapois Moline: G1000 fwa, G900 fwd, 504 fwd, 604 fwd. Cockshutt fwd’s. John Deere 80, 830, 3020, 4020, 4320, 4520, 4620, 6030, 8020. Green Wagners. Allis Chalmers 210, 440, D21, 220. Oliver diesel tractors, running or not. International 826, 1026, 1206, 1456, 1468,1568, 4156, 4300. Rite 4x4 tractors. Big Buds. Also older front wheel drive or 4-wheel drive, running or not. Will pick up. Phone Nathan anytime (cell) 701-240-5737 or 1-800-735-5846
By Chris Branam, Oregon State University Extension Service construction and after forest harvest and Logging roads in the uplands of the hauling. northern Oregon Coast Range aren’t sendThey tested whether the differences being enough sediment into streams to harm fish and aquatic insects, according to a new tween paired samples from above and below Oregon State University (OSU) study. road crossing exceeded various biological Ivan Arismendi, an aquatic ecologist in thresholds. They predicted there would be OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences, and significantly higher suspended sediment and his colleagues investigated whether current turbidity, which is a measure of cloudiness road-building practices were sending excesin water. The team was surprised to find only sive sediment into the water. They sampled minimal increases, said Sherri Johnson, a five streams above and below unpaved roads scientist with the U.S. Forest Service Pacific in the Trask River watershed in the northern Northwest Research Station and co-author Oregon Coast Range from 2010-2013. of the study. They did find that concentraThey found that roads in these watersheds were contributing only minimal levels of silt tions and transport of suspended sediment to the streams—not enough to be “biologiseemed to be highly influenced by local conditions, such as one case of a streamside cally significant” for aquatic life, Arismendi tree uprooted in a windstorm. said. The research has the potential to provide Their findings, he said, suggest that curscientists, policy makers, and resource manrent road-building practices are solving an important environmental challenge associagers with an expanded understanding of the effects of contemporary forest road practices ated with logging in the steep, wet forests on fine sediment in streams, Arismendi said. of the Oregon Coast Range. “A main objective of Oregon’s Forest The study is published in the journal WaPractices Act is to protect and maintain ter Resources Research (http://onlinelibrary. healthy streams,” said Mark Meleason, a riwiley.com/doi/10.1002/2016WR020198/ full). parian and aquatic specialist with the Oregon An excess of fine-grained suspended Department of Forestry and co-author of the sediment in forest streams has long been study. “This study found that best manageknown to harm fish and other organisms ment practices applied to the management of and degrade the aquatic ecosystem. The several roads within active timber sales was silt clogs the gills of fish, makes it harder effective in reducing fine sediment delivery for them to see and suffocates their eggs. to streams.” Even relatively small changes in suspended Liz Dent, chief of the Oregon Department sediment concentrations can adversely affect of Forestry’s State Forests Division and aquatic biodiversity, Arismendi said. co-author of the study, said, “ This research Decades ago, forest roads were built by is one of several studies that has been pubbulldozers dumping unstable material down lished from the Trask Watershed Study – a steep slopes. Early forest roads and their 10-year, multi-million-dollar study on the ditches also delivered water and sediment effects on contemporary forest practices on directly into streams. the aquatic environment.” By the 1980s, forest management pracThe Trask River watershed is located near Trask Mountain. The streams draining the tices were being refined to mitigate and study area flow into the Trask River, which minimize stream sedimentation. Road buildflows into Tillamook Bay. The watershed is ers hauled away the displaced soil instead owned and managed by the Oregon Departof leaving it to be washed downhill. The practice now, said Arismendi, is to route ment of Forestry and Weyerhaeuser Co. with forest road runoff to the hillslopes instead a small portion belonging to the Bureau of of into the stream. Land Management. The research team included scientists The research was funded by the Oregon from OSU, the U.S. Forest Service Pacific Forest Industries Council, the National Northwest Research Station, Weyerhaeuser Council for Air and Stream Improvement Co., and the Oregon Department of ForInc., the Oregon Department of Environestry. They sampled before and after road mental Quality and Weyerhaeuser Co.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 – Page C5
Call Us Toll Free 1-800-247-1220
2014 New Holland TS6.140. New tractor with new loader.....................................$82,500 New Holland TG230, MFD, powershift transmission, 190 PTO hp, big 1000 PTO shaft, 5500 hours. Nice.....................................$68,500 1998 New Holland TV140 Please call for additional details!...............................$44,500
See us for all of your equipment needs NEW New Holland Compact Wheel Loaders
1996 Ford 9030 bidirectional, loaded cab end, engine end hydraulics, PTO, draw bar. Newer Loader!!!.............................$39,500 Ford 276, hydraulics, PTO, 3-pt. on both ends, loader, grapple, 5300 hours. Great shape.... .......................................................$31,000 1998 New Holland 5635, 2WD, cab, air conditioning, heat, loader, 5800 hours....$17,900 2006 New Holland TC30, MFD, 9x3 transmission, loader, industrial tires, 730 hours........ .......................................................$13,800 Ford 8000, cab, 3-pt., PTO, Farmhand loader... ..........................................................$8500 Ford 4000 2WD, Select-O-Speed, 3-pt., PTO.... ..........................................................$2500 Steiner 410, 4WD, loader, blade, tiller, (2) finish mowers.............................................$8500 2005 TYM T580, 12x12 shuttle, cab, heat, air conditioning, loader, 1050 hours....$24,500 Yanmar 6010D compact tractor, 3-pt., PTO, Farmhand loader...............................$8400 1967 Farmall 656, 2WD, loader, rear blade, tire chains, 3800 hours. Runs great!.......$8800 Farmall H 2WD, loader............................$3500 Oliver 77 2WD, gas, loader.....................$2200
2014 New Holland 560, net/twine, 3200 bales. Excellent........................................$38,800 2010 New Holland BR7090, net/twine, Bale Command, Xtra Sweep..................$27,500 2010 New Holland BR7090, net, 1000 PTO, Bale Command, Crop Special........$24,500 2010 New Holland BR7090, net, Crop Special, 15,500 bales..................................$24,500 2006 New Holland BR780A, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 2358 bales........... .......................................................$14,800 2005 New Holland BR780A, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 13,348 bales........ .......................................................$11,500
2004 New Holland BR780, net/twine, Xtra Sweep, Bale Command.................$19,300 2004 New Holland BR780, twine, Super Sweep, Bale Command, 7700 bales...........$15,500 2003 New Holland BR780, net/twine, Bale Command, lace belts, 1000 PTO...$18,800 2003 New Holland BR780, net/twine, Xtra Sweep, Bale Command, lace belts, 6500 bales..............................................$15,600 2012 Case IH RB564, net/twine, moisture kit, 10,000 bales....................................$31,900 2001 Vermeer 605XL, twine.................$14,100 John Deere 566, twine. Great condition.$7800
New Holland B Series compact wheel loaders pay their way on the jobsite with outstanding performance in a compact, maneuverable machine. the Universal Link design of the W50B TC and W80B TC offers a combination of increased versatility with increased operator comfort and control. The result? You get the job done more quickly and efficiently. Precised parallel forklift path eliminates the need for manual correction so operators can focus on load placement rather than load leveling.
2013 John Deere W110 swather, 140A sickle head, 600 hours. Very nice. Reduced.......... .......................................................$89,800 New Holland 770HD 19-ft. disc header............ .......................... Call For Special Pricing! MacDon 940 15-ft. multi-crop header......$7700
2007 New Holland C190 track skidsteer, cab, heat, 2400 hours............................$31,500 1992 Case 9030 track hoe. Runs and operates................................................$20,500 John Deere 450 dozer, 6-way mechanical blade.................................................$9500 Snowblast AM self-propelled snowblower, blows 3000 tons per hour. Excellent!!.......... .......................................................$21,500 Westendorf SSB-12 snow pusher with skidsteer loader coupler...................................$5280 Hiniker 2280 8-ft. steel snow blade with skidsteer loader coupler..........................$3500 Grouser steel tracks and spacers...........$3500
2004 Case IH DCX131 13-ft. disc mower conditioner...........................................$14,500 Hesston 1160 12-ft. pull-type sickle header. Very nice..........................................$7500 Hesston 1014 14-ft. pivot tongue, 14-ft. sickle head..................................................$2500
2005 New Holland BW28 balewagon, 16x18 kit, very low hours. Like new........$125,500 2003 New Holland BB940A, 3x3x8 big square baler, 3x3 tandem axles, 21,000 bales....... .......................................................$35,800 2010 New Holland BC5080 16x18 square baler. Excellent!!......................................$21,300
John Deere 7700 diesel combine, 24-ft. header, pickup head.......................................$7500 Loftness 8-ft. 3-pt. PTO driven snowblower. Very nice...................................................$5500 Brandt 4500 grain vac.............................$5500 Farm King Y810E 8x12 unloading auger, electric motor...........................................$2000 New Holland 7614 loader for TV tractor. Excellent!!...............................................$10,500 New Holland 260TL loader for compact tractor...................... Call For Special Pricing! Koyker 150 loader, mounts, bucket.........$3500 Frontier RB1210 10-ft. 3-pt. rear blade, hydraulic angle and tilt, mechanical offset...$3950 BoDozer 9-ft. 3-pt. blade.........................$2800 Land Pride 1572 72” 3-pt. rear blade........$600 Road Boss Commercial R 7-ft. 3-pt. road grader................................................$3410 30-ft. bumper pull hay trailer....................$2500 Erskine 1080 9-ft. 3-pt. snowblower, chute and spout hydrualics. Excellent!!...........$11,500 New Holland 6-ft. front mount snowblower. Like new...................................................$3800 Beltec heavy duty post hole auger..........$2800 General 720 post hole auger, 9” digging bit.$950 Land Pride PD15 3-pt. post hole auger, 12” bit ............................................................$900
5900 Jackrabbit Lane, Belgrade, MT (406) 388-8500
New Holland 575 14x18 square baler. Excellent!!...............................................$14,500 New Holland HM235 3-pt. 6’8” disc mower. Like new......................................... $8500 Fair 7825 bale processor, right hand discharge, control box.......................Call for Pricing New Holland FP230 pull-type forage chopper, tandem axles, metal alert...............$24,600 Hustler CHX5000 pull-type bale feeder, table extension, twine box.......................$18,100 Hustler SL340 3-pt. chain bale feeder....$8650 (2) DewEze 165I 3-pt. bale hugger, spinners. Each..................................................$2250
*For commercial use only. Customer participation subject to credit qualification and approval by CNH Industrial Capital America LLC. See your participating New Holland Dealer for details and eligibility requirements. Down payment may be required. Offer good through October 31, 2017. Not all customers or applicants may qualify for this rate or term. CNH Industrial Capital America LLC standard terms and conditions will apply. Taxes, freight, setup, delivery, additional options or attachments not included in suggested retail price. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice.
Walker mowers in stock along with Toro commercial and residential units.
© 2017 CNH Industrial Capital America LLC. All rights reserved. New Holland Agriculture is a trademark registered in the United State and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates. CNH Industrial Capital and New Holland Construction are trademarks in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V., its subsidiaries or affiliates.
Come see all of our equipment at www.newhollandofbelgrade.com
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C6
Say you saw it in the Trader’s Dispatch
1996 New Holland 9682 tractor, 375 hp 2002 John Deere 1820 53-ft. air hoe drill, 10” spacing Will sell as a unit or separate Call 406-378-3212, evenings, Big Sandy, Montana
Fire damaged or non-running tractors
Allis-Chalmers, John Deere, IHC, Moline, Massey-Ferguson or what have you got? NEED ALL MECHANICAL FRONTS. International 806, 1206, 1256, 1456; Allis Chalmers D21, pieces or parts; Minneapolis-Moline AT1400 or AT1600; Oliver 4WD’s
Phone Circle G Salvage
Robert Grube, 403 Emmerling Circle, Walhalla, ND 58282
Tractor and Combine Buyers
Phone 701-549-2737 or 701-265-2220 leave message Please send pictures to: E-mail: bomar@utma.com
Reserve Champion Market Swine shown by Josie Hamilton. Purchased by Tri County Mechanical. Photo courtesy of Mary Meyer, Lewis and Clark 4-H.
Harvesting sweet potatoes
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By National Gardening Association Editors Sweet potato plants will keep growing as long as the weather stays warm. The vines don’t die and signal harvesttime the way white potato vines do. If you have a long growing season, you just have to keep checking the hills and harvest the roots at the best cooking stage. When to Harvest? Gardeners in North Carolina, the biggest sweet potatoproducing state, time their plantings so the roots will mature by late September and early October. This gives them time to harvest before the first frost, so the potatoes are in storage as the weather turns cool. Frost and cold weather can hurt sweet potatoes at harvest time even though you might think they’re insulated underground. When frost kills and blackens the vines above ground, decay can start in on the dead vines and pass down to the roots. If your sweet potato plants suffer a frost one night, cut the vines off right above the soil first thing the next morning. This may let you leave the potatoes in the ground for a few more days without injury. Try to dig the sweet potatoes on a dry, overcast day. Leaving them in direct sun for long can open pathways of infection that will damage the crop in storage. Dig gently around the hills, starting from a few feet away, so as not to slash any wandering CONTINUED ON PAGE C7
Harvesting sweet potatoes CONTINUED FROM PAGE C6
roots with your shovel or fork. Let Them Cure Let the potatoes dry on the ground for a couple of hours. If you dig late in the day, don’t leave the roots out overnight; you risk damage from cold weather and moisture. Don’t wash the potatoes after the harvest, either. Sort any badly cut or bruised potatoes to eat first (they won’t keep) and sort the rest according to size in boxes or baskets to cure before storage. Curing can be done in 10 to 14 days by keeping sweet potatoes in a warm, dark place with some ventilation. The temperature should be 80° to 85° F with high humidity. Under these conditions, bruises and wounds will heal quickly, sealing out rot organisms. After curing, put the containers of sweet potatoes in a dry, well-ventilated area at 55° to 60° F with a relative humidity of 75 percent to 80 percent. Under ideal conditions, you can keep a mature crop until the next early harvest. If you can’t store your sweet potatoes under these conditions, you may want to cook and freeze your harvest. Sweet potatoes bruise easily and can suffer quickly when handled in storage. It’s best not to pick through them too often. Potato Mounds Some gardeners in mild-winter areas build mounds, or outdoor storage houses, to store their crop. If you want to try it, here are the directions. Find a protected spot in or near the garden. For example, near a fence or barn. Lay down 8- to 10-inches of wheat straw, then carefully pile the cured sweet potatoes in a 3- to 4-foot-tall cone or pyramid. Cover the potatoes with a thick coat of straw, followed by 2- to 3-inches of dirt. Then stack boards around the mound, fastening them at the top so they won’t blow down. The boards will keep rain from washing the dirt off and ruining the insulation. Carefully dig into the mound for a week’s supply of potatoes at a time. Because of variable weather, you’ll probably lose some potatoes to rot, but if your harvest is generous, you’ll have plenty for eating.
##### Horses have a V-shaped projection called a frog on the sole of the hoof, in the middle, toward the heel. It is believed to act as a shock absorbed, relieving concussion on hard surfaces. When the horse steps down, the frog hits the ground and helps push blood back up the leg, aiding in circulation.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C7
Our new email address is advertising@tradersdispatch.com
8-ft. to 53-ft. Starting under $3000 delivered. www.boxesandbridges.com
Phone (406) 899-4104
Trucks For Sale
File photo 2003 Freightliner FL80 Cat diesel, 9 speed, air conditioning, twin screw, spring suspension, 22-ft. Midland box and hoist with roll tarp..................................................... $32,500
1997 International 8100, DT530, 10 speed, twin screw, long wheelbase, low, low miles. Good shape.......... $16,500
Please call 406-855-4465
2007 International 4300 DT466, Allison automatic, twin screw, new 8.5-ft.x20-ft.x69” unibody grain box with grain and silage/beet gate. Nice truck........................................$57,500
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Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C8
IRRIGATED ALFALFA HAY FOR SALE 4X4 square bales, RFV 138 and up
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##### The Niobrara, located in Nebraska, is one of the top canoeing rivers in the country. It has more than 90 waterfalls.
2011 Apache 1020 self propelled sprayer, 1000 gallon, 120” fixed axle, 6 speed powershift, Cummins, 100-ft. booms with 5 section control, 3 way T-Jet nozzles, 380/90 R 46 & 380/80 R 38 tires, Raven Envisio Pro monitor, Auto Boom, Accu Boom, Smart Trax Auto Steer, Prescription Top Dress Ready, 1400 hours, $ $ farmer owned, shedded, charcoal cab air filter.............. Reduced to
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2014 Chevrolet Traverse 2LT AWD, V6, Leather, Quad Seats, DVD, Loaded w/Options, One Owner NOW $25,300
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MSU’s annual agricultural outlook conference
The Montana State University Department of Agricultural Economics and Economics and MSU Extension will host an agricultural economics conference, “Managing Land Resources in the Context of Variable Weather” on Friday, November 3, from 8:45 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in MSU’s Procrastinator Theater, located in the Strand Union Building. The conference, part of the annual Celebrate Agriculture event in MSU’s College of Agriculture, will feature several MSU agricultural economics and Extension faculty speakers on topics of interest to Montana’s agricultural industry, including: farm finances, drought, land valuation, public lands, peas and lentils, and farm policy. Joel Schumacher, MSU Extension associate specialist, said the annual conference is an opportunity for university economists to share and discuss research highlights with Montana agricultural stakeholders. “Part of what makes this conference such a highlight for both the presenters and the attendees is that so much of the work that goes on here is based on issues specifically relevant to our agricultural community,” Schumacher said. “MSU faculty and specialists are committed to the research as much as those working in the production agricultural sector are, so there’s a natural fit where presenters and attendees are equally invested in the topics.” The conference’s guest M.L. Wilson speaker is Paul Jakus, who will present his lecture, “Can States Afford a Public Land Transfer?” Jakus is a professor at Utah State University in the Department of Applied Economics. He is also director of the university’s Center for Society, Economy and the Environment. Jakus’s research relates to the costs and benefits of public land ownership in the American West. His scholarship has drawn wide public interest, with the ownership of public lands and their usage in the national spotlight the past year. Friday’s conference speakers include Anton Bekkerman, associate professor of agricultural economics, who will speak on farm finances in distressed markets and Joe Janzen, MSU assistant professor of agricultural economics, who will speak on peas and lentils. Eric Belasco, MSU associate professor of agricultural economics, will speak on drought, weather and cattle and Kate Fuller <http://www.montana.edu/extensionecon/facultyandstaff/fuller.html> , MSU assistant professor of agricultural economics, will discuss Montana land valuation and rental rates. Richard Ready, MSU professor of agricultural economics, will discuss public lands in Montana and Vince Smith, MSU professor of agricultural economics, will provide a Farm Bill 2018 policy update. Conference registration is $25 and includes a hosted lunch with comments from Bruce Maxwell regarding the agriculture portion of the recently released Montana Climate Assessment. The conference will conclude with an afternoon panel session discussing issues pertaining to rural economies. The panelists will include Paddy Flemming with the Montana Manufacturing Extension Center, Anne Boothe with Triangle Communications, and Jan Brown representing the Montana Cooperative Development Center. Those interested in attending can call 406-994-3511 to register or register online at www.ampc.montana.edu/fallconference, where a full conference agenda can be found.
Dairy producers can enroll for 2018 coverage
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) announced that starting September 1, 2017, dairy producers can enroll for 2018 coverage in the Margin Protection Program (MPP-Dairy). Secretary Sonny Perdue has utilized additional flexibility this year by providing dairy producers the option of opting out of the program for 2018. “Secretary Perdue is using his authority to allow producers to withdraw from the MPP Dairy Program and not pay the annual administrative fee for 2018,” said Acting Deputy Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation Rob Johansson. “The decision is in response to requests by the dairy industry and a number of MPP-Dairy program participants.” To opt out, a producer should not sign up during the annual registration period. By opting out, a producer would not receive any MPP-Dairy benefits if payments are triggered for CONTINUED ON PAGE C9
Dairy producers can enroll for 2018 coverage CONTINUED FROM PAGE C8
2018. Full details will be included in a subsequent Federal Register Notice. The decision would be for 2018 only and is not retroactive. The voluntary program, established by the 2014 Farm Bill, provides financial assistance to participating dairy producers when the margin – the difference between the price of milk and feed costs – falls below the coverage level selected by the producer. MPP-Dairy gives participating dairy producers the flexibility to select coverage levels best suited for their operation. Enrollment ends on Dec. 15, 2017, for coverage in calendar year 2018. Participating farmers will remain in the program through Dec. 31, 2018, and pay a minimum $100 administrative fee for 2018 coverage. Producers have the option of selecting a different coverage level from the previous coverage year during open enrollment. Dairy operations enrolling in the program must meet conservation compliance provisions and cannot participate in the Livestock Gross Margin Dairy Insurance Program. Producers can mail the appropriate form to the producer’s administrative county FSA office, along with applicable fees, without necessitating a trip to the local FSA office. If electing higher coverage for 2018, dairy producers can either pay the premium in full at the time of enrollment or pay 100 percent of the premium by Sept. 1, 2018. Premium fees may be paid directly to FSA or producers can work with their milk handlers to remit premiums on their behalf. USDA has a web tool to help producers determine the level of coverage under the MPP-Dairy that will provide them with the strongest safety net under a variety of conditions. The online resource, available at www.fsa.usda.gov/ mpptool, allows dairy farmers to quickly and easily combine unique operation data and other key variables to calculate their coverage needs based on price projections. Producers can also review historical data or estimate future coverage based on data projections. The secure site can be accessed via computer, Smartphone, tablet or any other platform, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Our new email address is advertising@tradersdispatch.com
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2006 International 7500
4700 hours*, 680 hp Cat C16 motor, new belts. Just serviced
48,000 miles*, 6200 hours*, automatic 6 speed, dual air seats, vacuum excavation system, Duetz diesel pony motor, back up camera, reel with DVR camera for sewer
2004 Wirtgen Mill Machine
2002 International 4700
2014 Terex TLB840SM
257 hours*, air conditioning, 4/1 bucket, forks, quick coupler, Perkins turbo diesel motor, all digital controls
2004 GMC C7500 only 4100 miles Yes, it’s not a mistake 4100 miles*, automatic, air conditioning, 3 man lift, 7000 lb auto crane with 4 outriggers, tool boxes and more. Anyone can drive, no CDL needed
##### Nature didn’t intend caffeine to be trapped inside an orange mocha frappucino. It’s actually a plant defense chemical that shoos harmful insects away and lures pollinators in. Scientists at Newcastle University found that nectar laced with caffeine helps bees remember where the flower is, increasing the chances of a return visit.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C9
143,000 miles*, Maxxforce diesel, mini sleeper, 430 hp, power windows & locks, air brakes, cruise, engine brake, 10 speed Eaton Fuller transmission
120,000 miles*, 11 yard dump, Allison automatic 5 speed, air conditioning, air brakes, engine brake, air gate, tow package, 340 hp, air seats, ex-CA city
Dresser A566E
$36,500 115,000 miles*, Allison 5 speed automatic, air brakes, air conditioning, crew cab, 5000 lb auto crane, hydraulic outriggers, Boss PTO, air compressor, tool boxes, air lines
2001 International Asphalt Patch Truck, 140,000 miles*, automatic transmission, air conditioning, ex-CA city............ $6,500
2000 Hamm 130 VH Roller 2010 International 8600 Transtar
1989 GMC Crane Truck
2001 International 2554
58,000 miles*, air conditioning, Fuller Eaton 8 speed transmission, Cummins 400 hp motor, tow package, 15 ton crane, 42-ft. height, outriggers
2011 Bobcat S650
6040 hours*, excellent tires, Cummins turbo diesel, articulated, all wheel drive, 8 speed power shift
2002 Ford F550
1800 hours*, hi flow auxiliary, 75 hp, 8500 lbs machine 1872 hours*, 84” drums, vibratory, 10 ton roller
*Hours and miles are advertised as shown on the hours/speedometer. Have no way of verifying true accuracy. All vehicles will be sold through Ram Tire Co. Inc., a licensed California motor dealer.
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Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C10
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New Holland bale wagons. Model 1032, 1033, 1036, or 1037.
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Challenges and opportunities in the world beef market
By Tim Petry, Extension Livestock Marketing Economist NDSU Agribusiness and Applied Economics Department were suspended due to food safety concerns. International beef trade issues continue to China, a leading beef customer for Brazil, be dynamic and are impacting cattle prices also announced that it was scrutinizing beef short and long term. The U.S. is a major from Brazil more closely. producer of beef, pork, chicken and turkey Australia, the third largest beef volume in the world and also a major exporter of exporter, experienced a severe drought in those commodities. The U.S. also is a major a major cattle-producing region in 2014 importer of beef. and 2015. Forced herd reduction resulted International trade is increasing in imin increased beef production and exports. portance to the U.S. beef sector. As new A return to more normal rainfall allowed trade issues surface, cattle and beef prices, herd rebuilding to begin in 2016 and the as well as the competing meats’ prices, can lower beef production reduced exports. be volatile. Interestingly, during the first four months An increasing number of issues, some in 2017, the U.S. surpassed Australia to controversial, seem to be surrounding the temporarily become the third largest volume global beef market. Some provide chalbeef exporter. lenges for beef exporting and importing Australia was the largest supplier of beef countries but also may provide opportunities to the U.S. but has fallen to third place in for countries such as the U.S. 2017 behind Canada and New Zealand. Beef The U.S. is the largest exporter of highimports from Australia were off 39 percent quality beef in the world and the leading in 2016 from the inflated levels of 2015, exporter of beef on a value basis. The U.S. and that slower pace is continuing in 2017. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has proThe lower production and high beef prices jected that the top four beef volume exportalso are causing a lower volume of exports ing countries in 2017 in order of importance to other countries. will be India, Brazil, Australia and the U.S. The export market is becoming more and Also predicted is that the China/Hong more important for cattle prices in the U.S. Kong beef market will overtake the U.S. as After a difficult beef export year in 2015, the world’s leading beef importer. Important due to several factors, beef exports were up issues with each of these other countries that more than 12.5 percent in 2016 and are forecould impact the U.S. cattle market. India’s ranking as the world’s leading cast by the USDA to be up another 9 percent beef volume exporter is somewhat controin 2017. Exports were up about 15 percent the first half of 2017. That was one reason versial in itself. “Beef” that is exported is for the cattle price rally into May 2017. mainly meat from water buffaloes, because U.S. exports were especially strong to cows are considered sacred to many people the four major customers: Japan, Mexico, of Hindu faith. Nevertheless, meat from Canada and South Korea. Noteworthy is water buffaloes, also referred to as carabeef, that the U.S. is in trade negotiations with is in direct competition with lower-quality, Japan because the U.S. withdrew from the grass-fed beef from other countries such as Trans-Pacific Partnership. Brazil and Australia. In early July, the European Union and JaSome packing plants in India are operated by Muslims, who have had issues with the pan signed an Economic Partner Agreement, Hindu-dominated federal government. In which gives favorable access for European May, the Indian government imposed a ban beef to Japan. The U.S. also is discussing on the sale of cattle and buffaloes at liveprovisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico. stock markets for animals to be slaughtered. Maintaining the robust beef trade with those In July, India’s Supreme Court suspended top beef customers, is important for the U.S. the ban. Because buffalo meat exports are a The major hurdle to resuming U.S. beef lucrative market for India, many expected exports to China was the political negotiatthe ban to be lifted. But the potential prospects for a ban, at least temporarily, caused ing process. Now that an agreement is in uncertainty and volatility in the world beef place and beef is allowed to be exported, market. the size of the Chinese market will need to Brazil, the second-leading beef volume be determined by the marketplace. exporter, has had its share of turmoil reThe requirements that beef must be tracecently as well. A meat inspection bribery able to the birth farm using a unique identiscandal involved several meat companies fier and not contain growth promotants, feed and temporarily reduced beef exports in additives and other chemical compounds early 2017. may restrict the amount of beef that is iniJBS, with headquarters in Brazil and the tially available for export to China. Longer world’s largest meat company, has been term price premiums may provide the incenrocked by a political bribery scandal and tive for beef producers to raise cattle that may be divesting some assets. meet those requirements. One asset for sale is Five Rivers Cattle Several of the issues discussed above Feeding, a wholly owned subsidiary of JBS have at least temporarily impacted cattle and the largest cattle feeding entity in the prices and particularly the futures market. At world, with headquarters in Greeley, Colotimes, a “buy the rumor, sell the fact” menrado. Five Rivers owns feedlots in Colorado, tality has caused price volatility that may Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arizona and have been frustrating for cattle producers. Idaho. JBS already announced the pending With the instant access to worldwide inforsale of its 75,000-head feedlot in Alberta, mation that is so readily available, expect Canada. price volatility to continue as the dynamics In late 2016, bilateral fresh and frozen of the global beef market continue to evolve. beef trading between the U.S. and Brazil was approved by both countries. Relatively ##### small amounts of lower-quality beef were Americans consume about 285 million imported into the U.S. from Brazil, and pounds of honey each year. On top of that, some high-quality beef has been shipped the U.S. Department of Agriculture estifrom the U.S. to Brazil. mates that honeybees pollinate 80 percent JBS was a major player in these transacof the country’s insect crops—meaning bees tions. On June 22, the USDA announced that pollinate over $20 billion worth of crops fresh and frozen beef imports from Brazil each year.
Causes of yield gaps in U.S. soybean production
By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News A new paper published in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology details the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s (UNL) efforts to identify causes for yield gaps in soybean production systems in the north central region of the United States. Average soybean yield in the north central region from 2010-2014 was 43 bushels per acre, yet some producers reached soybean yields over 80 bushels per acre. The three-year study, led by Patricio Grassini, assistant professor in the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, and Shawn Conley, associate professor in the Department of Agronomy at the University of Wisconsin, sought to identify causes of yield gaps over large agricultural areas and diverse in climate and soils. Faculty from 10 land-grant universities looked at rainfed and irrigated soybean in the north central U.S., which accounts for roughly one-third of worldwide soybean production. Grassini and his colleagues explored the use of producer survey data as an alternative approach to traditional field research to identify management practices that explain highest soybean yields for different combinations of climates and soils. To obtain real-world producer data, the team relied on Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts and 20 Nebraska Extension educators. In total, 3,568 soybean fields across 10 states were surveyed for this study, covering approximately 300,000 acres. “Regional soybean yield was on average 22 percent and 13 percent below the yield potential estimated for rainfed and irrigated soybean,” said Grassini. “Sowing date, tillage and in-season foliar fungicide and/or insecticide were identified as explanatory causes for yield variation.” To reach these conclusions, researchers combined producer survey data with a spatial framework to measure yield gaps, identify management factors explaining the gaps and understand the biophysical drivers influencing yield responses to field management. According to Grassini, earlier sowing dates was the most consistent management factor leading to yield increases. Juan Ignacio Rattalino, research assistant professor at Nebraska who authored the paper, sees this study as a proof of concept about the power of using producer data to identify opportunities for improving farm management and profit. “There are a lot of studies about yield response to planting date but this is the first one to explain why such response varies across years and regions. We found that the yield benefit derived from earlier planting depends on the degree of water limitation during the period of pod setting in soybean,” Rattalino said. The study was supported by $1.4 million from the North Central Soybean Research Program, with complementary funding from the Nebraska Soybean Board and Wisconsin Soybean Marketing Board. Other institutions involved include Iowa State University, Kansas State University, Michigan State University, North Dakota State University, Ohio State University, Purdue University, University of Illinois-Champaign, University of Minnesota and University of Wisconsin, To read the published paper, go to http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0168192317302265
Chlorine dioxide pouches make produce safer
By Agricultural Research Service A small plastic pouch, half the size of a credit card, could soon make the nation’s produce safer by killing off pathogens that make people sick. The pouch, developed with help from Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists, releases chlorine dioxide gas, which eliminates E. coli and other pathogens from the surfaces of fruits and vegetables. Worrell Water Technologies of Delray Beach, Florida, hopes to market the product to produce wholesalers and packers in the United States and overseas. The pouches are used by packing them in shipping containers with produce. Jinhe Bai and his colleagues at ARS’s U.S. Horticultural Research Laboratory in Fort Pierce, Florida, worked with Worrell to develop the pouch idea, and designed a polyethylene terephthalate (“PET”) clamshell to house it. E. coli and other pathogens on produce surfaces can cause illness if the produce isn’t well washed or cooked. As a preventive measure, chlorine, chlorine dioxide gas CONTINUED ON PAGE C15
##### Horse ears are like mini radar dishes, constantly rotating almost 360 degrees. The horse can hear sounds and pitches that the human ear does not detect. To limit the distractions, some horesmen use ear plugs on their horses when riding in parades or competitions.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C11
Our Advertising Deadline for the November 2017 issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be November 1. Phone us at (406) 271-5533
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Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C12
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Hoven Equipment is scheduling Winter Service Inspections now Don’t Be Caught With An Unexpected Breakdown! On Farm or in shop machine inspections 4 Two Wheel Drive and Front Wheel Assist Tractors
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Vermeer BP8000 processor............... $11,900 Haybuster 2650................................. $10,900
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Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251
New Holland TM190 with loader and grapple.. .......................................................$67,900
Case IH Puma 185 with 750 hours..$149,900
406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls
Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251
Case IH Puma 210 tractor with loader.$84,900 Case IH 3394 with loader and grapple.$25,900 Challenger MT585D with loader & grapple, 1760 hours...................................$117,000 Challenger MT575B with loader........$89,900 2013 New Holland T7.185 with loader and grapple..........................................$109,900
Valtra T140-4 with loader....................$65,000 Valtra C120 with loader......................$53,900 Versatile 835 tractor...........................$14,900 Belarus 825 tractor with loader.............$8900 David Brown 1212 3 pt., 540 PTO........$5900 David Brown 1200A tractor..................$6500 Case 2470 crab steer, bad engine.Make Offer Versatile 700 parting out, engine and some tires gone.
MacDon 1300 bale stacker.................$14,900 Vermeer WR24 12-wheel low capacity..$3500 Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna - 231-4251
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C13
Ag Shield 12-52-3 roller..................... $50,000 Versatile 575 tractor with 650 hours..$300,000 Versatile 400 tractor, powershift....... $150,000 Case 1070 tractor with loader and grapple...... ....................................................... $11,500 Case IH 2188 combine, 1015 pickup header... ....................................................... $42,500 Massey-Ferguson 8570 combine, 24-ft. header, pickup header.................... $39,000 Massey-Ferguson 850 combine with 24-ft. header, air reel.................................. $4500 John Deere 7700 combine.................... $7500 White 9720 combine with 30-ft. auger header.. ....................................................... $10,000 New Holland 94C 42-ft. double sickle, pickup reel, double swath.......................... $24,900 New Holland 971 header with Rake-Up pickup attachment......................................... $6000 MacDon 962 36-ft. header.................. $16,900 Westfield MK13x71 auger................. $15,000 New Holland H8080 swather with 419 header.................................................... $85,000 New Holland 1442 15’3” rotary disc...... $6700 International 4000 14-ft. swather.......... $8000 Ag Shield 300 recon hay conditioner..$24,000 Spra-Coupe 4640 with 60-ft. booms.. $29,500 Spra-Coupe 4440 with 80-ft. boom.... $45,000 Bourgault 950 sprayer, 100-ft. boom, 1000 gallon tank......................................... $8000 Flexi-Coil 67XL sprayer, 1500 gallon tank, 120-ft. booms..................................... $8000 Hardi SM50 pickup sprayer................... $2500 Case 800 70-ft. x 12” spacing air drill..$80,000 Morris Maxum 49-ft. air seeder, 10” spacing, double shoot, 7300 tow behind tank..$9900 Great Plains 293 45-ft. air seeder with 12” spacing........................................... $13,000 Great Plains 283-62 air seeder, 45-ft. x 10” spacing.............................................. $9000 Melroe 36-ft., 12” spacing drills............. $4500 Bourgault 7200 harrow, 5/8” tines...... $52,000 Oliver 271 24-ft. disc............................. $5900 Gysler 28-ft. duckfoot............................ $2500 New Holland 664 round baler, twine only........ .......................................................... $7500 Gehl 800 chopper.................................. $4200 1996 Eagle tandem dually pintle hitch flatbed, 6-ft. beavertail.................................... $6000 Toro 7500 riding lawn mower with bagger....... .......................................................... $1900 House 3-pt. dirt scoop............................. $400
New Holland TR98 combine..............$29,900 Gleaner N7 combine.............................$3900 New Holland TR97 combine..............$19,900
Massey Ferguson Hesston 2856A twine and net wrap.........................................$29,900 2-Hesston 5556A with mesh wrap. Each........ .......................................................$14,900 New Holland BR780A twine only..........$7900 New Holland 664 twine only..................$7900 Vermeer 605XL twine only....................$8900 Vermeer Super J twine only..................$4900 John Deere 535....................................$5500
Massey Ferguson 2170 3x4..............$74,900 Massey Ferguson 2190 baler............$52,000 Massey Ferguson 2170 3x4, cutter... $44,900 Case IH LBX432 3x4 with cutter........$54,900 New Holland BB960 baler.................$29,900
2014 MacDon D65D 40-ft. header......$57,900 Agco 5200 36-ft. draper header..........$19,900 MacDon D60D 30-ft. header...............$36,000 MacDon D60S 35-ft. draper header....$29,900 MacDon 960 30-ft. with pickup reel....$14,900 MacDon 960 36-ft. draper header, pickup reel.................................................$14,900 Gleaner 15-ft. N-series pickup header, Victory 7........................................................$3500 30-ft. bat reel off 8570 header.................$799
406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251
John Deere 9450 50-ft. with 12” spacing. Will sell individually................................... $9900
3-New Holland 560 balers Shaver HD-10 post pounder Danuser hydraulic digger John Deere 5400 tractor Vermeer BP8000 bale processor Bobcat S5720 skid steer H&S high capacity rake
“Partners in Production”
4181 North Park Trail Great Falls
406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”
www.hovenequipment.com 4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251
Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251
Ford F350 4WD, automatic, flatbed.... $19,900 Matthews MC flail mower...................... $7900 John Deere Z445 rider, 54” deck.......... $3200 John Deere 148 loader with grapple..... $5500 Kelly 3-pt. backhoe................................ $3100 Danuser F7 3-pt. post hole auger, 9” & 12” bits..................................................... $1400 Flatbed trailer........................................... $850
MacDon M205 swather with R85 head.$99,900
Freightliner with F/S sprayer............. $25,900 Ag Shield 1500 sprayer...................... $24,900 Brandt 85-ft. pull type sprayer............... $3900
MacDon M200 with rotary head.........$74,900 MacDon 7000 with 30-ft. 960 header.$27,900 2014 MacDon A30D pull type............$29,900
“Partners in Production”
Used Bobcat 843 skid steer....................................$9900 Used New Holland L30 skid steer.........................$39,900
4181 North Park Trail Great Falls www.hovenequipment.com
Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C14
HAY FOR SALE 400 tons of 2nd and 3rd cutting alfalfa hay. High quality round bales (tarped)
Call (406) 788-5962 or 788-5961, Cascade, Montana
MONTANA POST DRIVER • Universal skid loader or excavator mount. • Quick and easy on/off • Low profile • Full control of post while driving • Plumb bob and depth gauge chain
Call for your local dealer!
See the video of these at work on our website com montanapostdriver.
Gold Creek, MT
Control wheat streak mosaic virus now
By K-State Research and Extension News normal levels and even parts of central Kansas State University officials are Kansas (was) above normal,” DeWolf said. joining in on a group effort to help Kansas “The amount of disease we’re seeing in farmers stop the spread of a destructive individual fields and entire regions of the wheat disease that took a strong foothold state is much more widespread and much in the state’s fields this year. more severe than what we’ve experienced In early August, the Kansas Wheat Comin at least a decade.” mission reported that wheat streak mosaic Wheat streak mosaic is a plant pathogen virus caused a conservative $76.8 million in carried by the wheat curl mite. The virus direct losses to Kansas wheat farmers. That stunts the growth of wheat and related amounts to 19.2 million bushels of wheat, plants, causing streaks of yellow, non-uniand a 5.7 percent yield loss – well above the form discoloration on the leaves. The mites average 1.5 percent yield loss. often live on volunteer wheat, or the wheat Kansas State University wheat disease that grows or is left in a field after the year’s specialist Erick DeWolf said the virus was harvest. particularly harsh in areas of west-central In some parts of Kansas, wheat streak Kansas. mosaic virus caused farmers to completely “Almost all of western Kansas was above CONTINUED ON PAGE C16
406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls
Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251
Hoven Equipment welcomes...
Mechanic, 406-380-0056 He is working out of Lewistown, MT
Salesperson 406-231-4251 She is based out of Lewistown, MT
Hoven Equipment 4181 North Park Trail Great Falls, MT 406-727-7153
Vermeer BPX9000 Round and Square Bale Processor
2013 Wheatheart 13x91 auger with hopper mover..............................................$15,900 Farm King 8x61 belt drive auger...........$2000 Westfield TF8x51 auger........................$3200 Westfield 13x91.................................$19,500
Westfield MK13x91 swing auger.......$13,900 Westfield MK13x71 Plus auger.........$14,900 Westfield MK13x71 auger.................$18,900 Westfield MK13x70, swing hopper.......$7500
406-727-7153 “Partners in Production”
4181 North Park Trail - Great Falls Ken – 788-4588; Ed – 231-4254; Emery – 868-7964; Anna – 231-4251
Lecture suggests plants deliver their own pest controls
By Agricultural Research Service Future food crops will need to make and deliver their own natural pest controls, suggested internationally acclaimed chemist John A. Pickett during his 2017 Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Sterling B. Hendricks Memorial Lecture. The Lecture was presented at the American Chemical Society Fall Meeting in Washington D.C. Pickett has pioneered the discovery of how pheromones and other signaling chemicals govern communication between insects and manage interactions between insects and their plant and animal hosts. These chemicals, called semiochemicals, influence the behavior of other organisms. He was the first to chemically characterize mosquito, sandfly and aphid sex pheromones. Pickett later proved that when insect pheromones and plant-derived semiochemicals are used together in traps, their ability to attract insect pests is multiplied beyond that of just adding each together. Such work is forefront in the contemporary movement away from wide spectrum pesticides toward more precise biobased controls that target specific pests. The impact of Pickett’s research reaches beyond scientific and agricultural communities, providing benefits to society and the general environment. This is particularly exemplified by Pickett’s work in Africa where he helped develop a “push-pull” companion cropping system that is overcoming some of the major limitations on grain production. Staple and cash cereal crop yields in sub-Saharan Africa face severe constrains from weeds and pests. By intercropping maize (corn) with a repellent plant and an attractive trap plant—both delivering semiochemicals repelling pests and attracting beneficial insects—farmers are overcoming limitations without harming the ecology. More than 40,000 farmers in West Kenya have already adapted and are benefitting from this practice. Pickett is currently the Michael Elliott Distinguished Research Fellow at Rothamsted Research (https://www.rothamsted.ac.uk) in Harpenden, England, the longest running agricultural research station in the world. Among his awards are Fellow of the Royal Society, the Wolf Foundation, Prize in Agriculture, Foreign Associate of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for his services to biological chemistry. ARS established the Lectureship in 1981 to honor the memory of a remarkable scientist Sterling B. Hendricks and to recognize scientists for outstanding contributions to the chemical science of agriculture. To learn more about the Sterling B. Hendricks Lecture, see https://www.ars.usda.gov/ oc/lectures/hendricks/. For more information contact Kim Kaplan (https:// www.ars.usda.gov/oc/key-contacts-at-ars-office-ofcommunications/#Kim), ARS Office of Communications.
Chlorine dioxide pouches make produce safer CONTINUED FROM PAGE C11
and other sanitizers are often used to sanitize produce. But chlorine dioxide packaged in a proprietary plastic pouch, and designed to be used by packing houses and produce wholesalers, is a first. The pouch has a semi-permeable membrane that vents the gas at a controlled rate. When Bai and his colleagues put the pouches into cartons of grapefruit using typical packing, shipping and storage conditions, they found 10 times fewer bacterial and fungal pathogens than on grapefruit stored without pouches. Tests also showed a 100,000-fold reduction in E. coli levels in inoculated grape tomatoes stored with the pouches, according to Bai. A panel of ARS volunteers in Fort Pierce also found treatments didn’t change the produce’s appearance or taste. The pouches are cost effective and only one to three are needed per crate or carton. The pouches might sanitize other produce, although further studies are needed to determine effectiveness on other specific fruits and vegetables, Bai notes. Study results were published January 2017 in HortScience (http://hortsci.ashspublications.org/content/52/1/122.full). You can read more about this research in the July 2017 issue of AgResearch magazine (https://agresearchmag.ars. usda.gov/2017/jul/pouches/). For more information contact Dennis O’Brien (https:// www.ars.usda.gov/oc/about/#Dennis), ARS Office of Communications.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C15
CERTIFIED WEED FREE HAY FOR SALE Small square bales, roughly 75 lbs. each........................................ $160/ton, $7/bale
Call Sam 406.949.6759 or Mariah 406.202.3879 • Choteau, MT
150 head of young cows to calve prior to March 20. Bred for 20 days. 80 head of young cows to calve March 20 to April 10. Phone (406) 386-2447
3202 Big Horn Ave. Cody, WY
FINANCING AVAILABLE – OAC • Heavy Equipment Sales • Truck and Trailer Sales TRADES CONSIDERED Cargo Containers • Sales and Rentals
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2009 Cat 315DL hydraulic excavator, hydraulic quick attach, hydraulic thumb, air conditioning, long stick, 6000 hours. Excellent........ ......................................$84,000
2003 Terex 760B, 4x4, extended hoe, EROPS with heat, good tires, 4500 hours............$29,900
2009 Ammann 55” smooth drum compactor, cab and heat, 950 hours.............................$37,500
2008 John Deere 200D LC hydraulic thumb, hydraulic quick attach, 60” bucket, good undercarriage, 8600 hours....................$68,500 Komatsu excavator buckets, 200 and 300 size.........Call for Price
2002 Cat 420D loader backhoe, standard hoe, 4x4, cab and heat, pilot controls, 80% front tires, bale fork, 10,400 hours.. $27,500
2007 Case 450 skid steer, 2 speed, ride control, new tires, new bucket, cab with heat, air conditioning, 4600 hours....................$22,900
LOADERS 1989 Dresser 850 cab, heat, Cummins diesel, ripper, 14-ft. blade, good tires......................$23,500 2000 Cat 980G, cab and air conditioning, 50% radial tires, ride control, scale, good center pins, no leaks.........................$52,500
2006 Genie 2668-RT scissor lift, 4x4, Kubota gas engine, generator, 1530 hours...............$17,500 Cat 12F cab, heat, hydraulic assist controls, excellent tires, ripper... ..................................... $16,500
Cat 938F, 3 CY GP bucket, cab and heat, ride control...........$35,000
2004 Kidron 42-ft. refrigerated trailer, Thermo King unit with 3 temp zones, 2 side walk doors, good tires and brakes. Works excellent!.......................$10,500 1986 Cat 936 wheel loader, 2.75 cubic yard bucket, quick attach, cab and heat.................$33,000
Steve Swan
Steve’s cell - 406-580-2937
across from Fremont Ford on Big Horn Ave.
Cedar Rapids 1524Y jaw crusher, skid mounted, 50 hp electric motor. Excellent condition..$14,500
Jib boom and man basket to fit a Cat telehandler.................$2800 1993 Clement tri-axle belly dump, super single tires at 60%, 70% brakes, good gate..........$15,500
1968 Cadillac Sedan Deville, all original car, excellent interior, no rust, 77,000 miles, 472 Cadillac engine, original hubcaps........... .................................$4500 obo
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C16
Our Advertising Deadline for the November issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be November 1. Phone us at (406) 271-5533.
FOR SALE: 1981 International 4300 Conventional
Phone: (406) 799-6923
350 Cummins, Jake brake, air brakes, PS, AC, Big Cam engine, Hendrix susp., new bushings. 11x22.5 radials. Lowboy hoist 4000 series - power up and down, auxiliary drill filler. Clean truck, runs excellently.
MONTANA LIVESTOCK AG CREDIT, INC. For All Your Farm and Ranch Credit Needs
1-800-332-3405 www.ag-credit.com
ATV Trailer with rear ramp on Special! Starting at $1755
Control wheat streak mosaic virus now CONTINUED FROM PAGE C14
abandon their 2017 wheat crop. “I remember in some of those areas, they would have been 50-60 bushel wheat pretty easily, and to go from that level of yield potential to zero is a big loss,” DeWolf said. The Kansas Wheat Commission and the Kansas Department of Agriculture are among the groups leading a statewide effort to combat the disease for the 2018 season. An education campaign titled ‘Stop the Streak’ aims to prevent the conditions that led to the above-normal levels of the virus this year. DeWolf said those conditions included adequate rainfall and volunteer wheat in July and August 2016 that led to increased populations of the wheat curl mite. He said mild temperatures that persisted well into November allowed the tiny mites to survive well past planting of the 2017 crop. “When we have above-normal volunteer populations and mite populations going into the fall, where they have plenty of time to move around, that definitely sets the stage for major outbreaks of wheat streak mosaic,” DeWolf said. “I think it was those things that were set in motion last summer and fall that really translated into the abovenormal levels of wheat streak that we saw this year.” Officials tend to agree that there are only three ways to control the spread of wheat streak mosaic virus: remove volunteer wheat and other grassy weeds; avoid early planting; and plant varieties with resistance to the virus. “Removing volunteer wheat has got to be step one,” DeWolf said. “It comes down to a lot of these communities deciding that they’ve had enough of this disease and doing what they need to as a community to control the volunteer wheat. “An individual grower can do a lot of things right, but if their neighbors – the community – doesn’t follow the best practices for controlling the volunteer wheat, it can really nullify a lot of their individual activities. So, wherever possible, these communities can be coming together – groups of co-ops, or other groups of growers – to
try and do everything they can to make sure the volunteer wheat is controlled, that should greatly reduce the risk of a repeat performance on wheat streak mosaic.” DeWolf said that, if using a herbicide, volunteer wheat should be dead for at least two weeks before farmers plant their 2018 crop. “If you’re using an herbicide like glyphosate that needs some time to be enacted in the plants, it’s those dead dry plants that are going to decrease the mite population,” he said. “And that’s the condition we need to be in before our new wheat crop begins to emerge.” At this point, he added, “we’re probably looking at a lead time of at least three weeks, maybe four weeks, prior to the planting of our new wheat crop. The window is open here for some folks already and we’re probably looking at August as the critical month of trying to get the volunteer wheat under control.” DeWolf encouraged farmers to work with seed companies to buy varieties with resistance to wheat streak mosaic, and resist planting next year’s crop too early. ““Planting date does play into this,” he said. “I’ve worked with enough growers in western Kansas to know that many times they plant wheat when they have moisture. Year in and year out, moisture is one of the major yield-limiting factors that we have in our wheat production in Kansas. “So it’s not uncommon for us to see some growers go in and start planting their wheat in late August or early September. That does elevate the risk of us having problems. Wherever possible, I would encourage them to plant their wheat toward the end of the more agronomically acceptable time, what we often refer to as the Hessian Flyfree date. That would generally reduce the risk of them having a wheat streak mosaic problem.” For more information on wheat streak mosaic virus and statewide efforts to control the problem, visit the Kansas Wheat Commission’s web page, kswheat.com/growers/ wheat-streak-mosaic-virus.
Goehring approves proposals for industrial hemp pilot program
Tilt Bed Trailers Large Inventory Hillsboro Stock Trailers!!
North Dakota Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring has announced that 35 proposals submitted for the industrial hemp pilot program have been approved. Those producers will plant a total of 3,064 acres in 17 counties. The 2017 growing season marks a substantial increase from the 70 acres of industrial hemp planted in North Dakota in 2016. “Industrial hemp may only be grown in North Dakota through the North Dakota Department of Agriculture’s pilot program or by institutions of higher education,” Goehring said. “The program’s primary goal is to increase our knowledge of how industrial hemp fits into the existing agriculture landscape and economy. The producers will also be researching various field practices.” The approved producers will focus research on the following areas: • Seed conditioning • Variety trials • Planting date trials • Grain and fiber production • Grain and fiber processing (including oil extraction, roasting and germination testing post processing) • Soil compaction and improvement • Organic growth
• Utilizing fiber for animal bedding • Pollinators • Marketing A provision in the 2014 farm bill gives authority to state departments of agriculture to cultivate industrial hemp for research purposes. Proposals were ranked by a committee and ultimately approved by the agriculture commissioner. This is the second year individuals will be able to grow industrial hemp in North Dakota. North Dakota State University’s Langdon Research Extension Center has also been planting hemp in research plots since 2015. Industrial hemp can be used for oil, fiber, textiles, recycling, automotive, furniture, food, paper, construction materials and personal care. UPDATE: On Thursday, March 30, Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring approved two more industrial hemp producers after receiving additional information and clarification of their proposals. The approval increases the total of approved industrial hemp acres to 3,124 in 18 counties. For more information, please contact the Department of Agriculture.
Montana crop production
Based on September 1 conditions, sugarbeet production in Montana is forecast at 1.44 million tons, according to the September 1 Agricultural Yield Survey conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. This forecast is down 9 percent from the 1.59 million tons produced in 2016. Growers expect to harvest 42,000 acres this year compared with 45,300 acres a year ago. Yields are expected to average 34.3 tons per acre, down 2.1 tons per acre from the August 1 forecast and down from last year’s yield of 35.0 tons per acre. As of September 3, Montana’s sugarbeet crop condition was rated 3 very poor, 11 percent poor, 57 percent fair, 27 percent good, and 2 percent excellent. Lentil production for 2017 is estimated to be 4.55 million hundredweight, down 38 percent from last year. Area harvested is forecast at 650,000 acres, up 145,000 acres from 2016. Yield is estimated to be 700 pounds per acre, down 760 pounds per acre from last year. If realized, this will be the lowest lentil yield since 600 pounds per acre in 2006. Montana dry edible pea production, forecast at 5.25 million hundredweight, is down 54 percent from last year. Acres harvested are estimated at 500,000, down 14 percent from 2016. Yield is expected to be 1,050 pounds per acre, down 900 pounds per acre from last year. If realized, this will be the lowest dry edible pea yield since 800 pounds per acre in 2002. Austrian winter pea production in Montana for 2017 is estimated to be 43,000 hundredweight, down 53 percent from last year. Acres harvested in 2017 are estimated at 9,000, up 2,000 acres from last year. Yield, at 480 pounds per acre, is down 820 pounds per acre from last year. If realized, this will be the lowest Austrian winter pea yield on record since 2001. ##### Bull riding has become rodeo’s most popular contest. It is not related to any ranch task, but looking at it from the standpoint of the animals, bull riding serves the bull population. More female cattle than male cattle are required in both dairy operations and the building of beef herds. More male cattle are born than are needed for breeding purposes. Rodeo adds years to the lives of some of these excess healthy bulls.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C17
2010 Circle C Golden Eagle hay rake, 18 wheels, good condition, field ready................................................ $15,000 Phone (406) 590-3279, Choteau, Montana
To discover how one or both of these systems can benefit you, call us today at (406) 492-8229
Chic Harbine Sales 8360 Hwy 10 West Missoula, MT
2007 Kenworth W900 heavy haul, 565 hp ISX, 18 speed, Neway A/R suspension, 13,200 front, 46,000 rears with lockers, 20,000 tag axle, 415,000 miles, 63” flat top sleeper..... .............................................$62,500
2012 Freightliner Coronado 122 SD DD15 @ 530 hp, carb compliant, 18 speed, 46,000 lb. rears with double differential locks, engine brake, 13,300 lb. front, 505,022 miles, 210” wheelbase, super clean truck............ .............................................$49,500
2009 Kenworth T800 heavy haul, Cummins ISX 525 hp, 18 speed, 248” wheelbase, 16,000 front, 46,000 rears with lockers, wet kit, 432,000 miles. Super nice truck.........$62,500
2009 Peterbilt 388 heavy haul truck, 20,000 front, 46,000 rears with lockers, 18 speed, ISX 525 hp, double frame, engine brake, 235” wheelbase, 36” flat top sleeper, beautiful truck......................................$59,500
406-549-1047 or 207-1946
1999 Kenworth T800B sleeper truck, 100% virgin tires with only 1000 miles on them, 10 speed. 40,000 rears, 12,000 front, 3406E Cat, 475 hp, 228” wheelbase, Pre E log truck................................$29,500
2010 Peterbilt 386 sleeper truck, 18 speed, 485 hp ISX, 12,350 fronts, 40,000 rears, lift axle, 36” flat top sleeper, carb compliant, 280” wheelbase......................................$39,500
Many other construction trucks & trailers available Check out our website: www.chicharbineequipment.com
2008 Peterbilt 367 dump truck, Cummins ISX 485 hp, 18 speed, 13,200 front, 46,000 rears with locker, new 2017 Renn highlift box, plumbed for a pup. Nice truck...................$69,500
2008 Peterbilt 367 16,000 lb. fronts, 46,000 lb. rears, double differential lockers, 18 speed, ISX, 550 hp, 230,000 miles, double power steering boxes, super nice truck...$62,500
2004 Trail King TK110HDG Advantage Plus 55 ton lowboy, hydraulic detachable, 13-ft. neck, 26-ft. well, adjustable pin settings, air ride, reinforced and plumbed for booster.........$44,500
2013 Western Star 4900FA Detroit DD15 530 hp, 18 speed, 13,000 front, 46,000 rears, double differential locks, 423,810 miles, super clean trucks....................................$49,500
2 available - 1998 Ford dump truck, 6 speed, 10-ft. box, 9000 front, 21,000 rear, 190 hp, Cummins.......... .............................................$13,500
2003 Kenworth T800, Cat C15 475 hp, 18 speed, 12,000 front, 46,000 rears with lockers. Nice truck...........$39,500
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C18
Big wheel trencher, 180 hp Perkins engine, works good.............................................$2500 Will sell engine..........................................$1500
Call 406-450-4760, no texts
John Deere 9870 1700 hours.................................................................................... $135,000 John Deere 9860 1400 hours.....................................................................................$110,000 John Deere 9860 2200 hours...................................................................................... $80,000 John Deere 9760 2400 hours...................................................................................... $75,000 John Deere 640D header............................................................................................ $42,000 John Deere 640D header............................................................................................ $40,000 John Deere 635D header............................................................................................ $30,000 John Deere 635D header............................................................................................ $30,000 John Deere 936D header............................................................................................ $22,000 MacDon 973 header with Gleaner adapter.................................................................. $13,000
Case IH 450 Quadtrac, new tracks, 7000 hours.........................................................$110,000 Case IH 450 Quadtrac, new tracks, 7000 hours.........................................................$110,000 Case IH 9230 PTO, 6500 hours................................................................................... $37,000 New Holland 9030 new tires, loader, 6500 hours........................................................ $25,000 New Holland 9030 new tires, loader, 6500 hours........................................................ $25,000 Case 2390....................................................................................................................... $8000 Case 1070 ...................................................................................................................... $7000 Case W14 4WD loader................................................................................................ $13,000 Flexi-Coil 5000 57-ft. air drill, new points, new hoses, like new.................................. $15,000 New Noble Seed-A-Vator 292 tank................................................................................ $7000
2005 Kenworth W900 new tires, 600,000 miles.......................................................... $35,000 2003 Kenworth T2000 new tires................................................................................. $12,000 2003 Freightliner M2106 300 hp, automatic, air ride, trailer puller............................. $25,000 2003 Dodge 1-ton........................................................................................................ $15,000 2007 Dodge 3/4-ton....................................................................................................... $23,000
FISHER TRUCK & EQUIPMENT (406) 939-0411 • Scobey, Montana
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A faster, less costly way to process walnuts
By Agricultural Research Service The popularity of walnuts is growing among healthconscious consumers, but processing these nutrient-vitaminrich nuts could use some tweaking. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists have developed a method that uses infrared technology to improve commercial processing, particularly drying, to reduce energy costs and deliver high-quality products. Walnut drying is expensive and energy intensive, according to ARS engineer Zhongli Pan in Albany, California. The current hot-air drying method takes more than 24 hours to dry walnuts and uses a significant amount of natural gas and electricity. Infrared—a form of intense light that’s felt, but not seen—dries walnuts faster and is less expensive. It’s a type of electromagnetic radiation—as are radio waves, ultraviolent radiation, X-rays and microwaves. The new drying process, developed by Pan and his team at ARS’s Western Regional Research Center, includes three new steps: Hulled, in-shell walnuts are separated into two groups with different moisture contents; then pre-dried with infrared heating; and followed with regular hot air drying. In experiments, the new process saved up to 25 percent of the natural gas and electricity needed to dry walnuts, according to Pan. In addition, the infrared drying process quickly removed moisture from the surface and shell of walnuts, reducing total drying time by 35 percent. Walnuts have a broad range of moisture contents and get wet after washing, according to Pan. Currently they are hot-air dried for the same amount of time. This can cause under-drying or over-drying. When the moisture content is too high, it causes mold, so facilities tend to over-dry walnuts to make sure they are safe to eat, Pan stated. But over-drying wastes a lot of energy and reduces walnut quality. Infrared drying improves quality by reducing both over-drying and under-drying, allowing walnut meat to maintain color and an exceptional polyunsaturated fat content. This new infrared drying method also may be practical for other types of nuts, such as pistachios, according to Pan. For more information contact Sandra Avant (https:// www.ars.usda.gov/oc/key-contacts-at-ars-office-ofcommunications/#Sandra), ARS Office of Communications. The Agricultural Research Service is the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s chief scientific in-house research agency. Daily, ARS focuses on solutions to agricultural problems affecting America. Each dollar invested in agricultural research results in $17 worth of economic impact.
US crop production highlights
Production of sugarbeets for the 2017 crop year is forecast at 36.2 million tons, down 2 percent from last year. Producers expect to harvest 1.09 million acres, down 3 percent from last year. Expected yield is forecast at 33.3 tons per acre, an increase of 0.6 ton from last year. Production of lentils is forecast at 7.46 million cwt, down 41 percent from last year’s record high level. Planted area, at 1.11 million acres, is up 19 percent from a year ago, while harvested acreage, at 1.02 million acres, is up 12 percent from 2016. If realized, planted and harvested area will be record highs in Montana and the United States. Average yield is expected to be 733 pounds per acre, down 664 pounds from 2016. If realized, North Dakota and the United States’ yield will be a record low. Production of dry edible peas is forecast at 15.4 million cwt, down 45 percent from last year. Planted area, at 1.15 million acres, and harvested area, at 1.11 million acres, decreased by 17 percent and 16 percent, respectively. Average United States yield is expected to be 1,383 pounds per acre, down 703 pounds from 2016. If realized, yield will be at the lowest level since 1996. United States Austrian winter pea production is forecast at 139,000 cwt, down 71 percent from last year. If realized, production will be at the lowest level since 2008. Planted area is estimated at 29,000 acres, down 24 percent from a year ago. Area harvested is expected to total 16,000 acres, down 43 percent from 2016. United States yield, at 869 pounds per acre, is down 835 pounds from a year ago. In both Idaho and Montana, producers reported record low yields, primarily caused by drought-like conditions.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C19
A Complete Line of New and Used Gehl Skidsteers on hand. Air conditioning and heat in most units!
USED EQUIPMENT Tractors/Loaders
2015 Bobcat 630 skidsteer, 350 hours, just like new! 2014 Challenger MT865C crawler, 59 gpm pump, Factory Warranty 2004 Challenger MT865 5500 hours, 500 hp 1995 Ford 8670 170 hp 17,000 hours. Reasonably priced unit 2002 Valtra 8350 FWA 140 hp loader, grapple, 3-pt, PTO, 3500 HRS 2003 Valtra 6200 FWA, 80 hp 4200 hours, loader, grapple, 3-pt, PTO 4 Fordson type tractors, 2N, 2-8N’s, 9N some with loaders some without 1987 Case IH 9170 tractor, 8500 hours, 320 hp Outback GPS lightbar
RS8-42 telescopic Handler 8000 lb. lift, 42’-ft. reach, auxillary hydraulics. AL750 Articulated Loader 73.8HP, 7900 lb. tipping load, rear auxillary hydraulics, rear hitch. Incredibly easy to operate and great visibility. Accepts most skidsteer attachments.
2015 Z45 Gehl Mini Excavator Hold over discounts on this machine!
2012 383Z Mini Excavator 550 hours, very clean used machine.
Crustbuster 25-ft. disk, disks were replaced recently Constatil 10-ft. coulters on the front, shanks on the rear 2011 Summers Diamond Disk 38-ft. with rolling baskets. New discs 2 years ago. 2017 Summers Diamond Disk 28.5-ft. with rolling baskets, demo discounts Morris 48-ft. chisel plow with harrows and rod Morris 53’-ft. chisel plow with rod Krause 28-ft. disc. This would make a great project for someone.
M08 Mini Excavator for working in those tight areas and small jobs. “Will fit through doorways and into basements.”
Go to www.tillemanequipment.com to see ALL of our inventory, more photos and special deals.
2014 MacDon M205 windrower, auger, rotary, or draper headers available 2008 MacDon M200 windrower with 16-ft. R85 rotary header 2 - 1994 MacDon 9000’s windrowers with 14-ft. 920 auger headers 1998 Case 8825 windrower with 30-ft. draper header 1992 Case 8820 windrower with 30-ft. draper header 2004 MacDon 5020 16’-ft. swing tongue with conditioner. 2004 New Holland HW320 14-ft. auger header Coming In
Draper Headers
2009 Case 2152 40-ft. draper header, transport, poly skid shoes, pickup reel 2010 Case 2162 40-ft. Flex draper header, transport, poly skid shoes, poly cutterbar, pickup reel 2006 Case 2042 36-ft. draper header, transport, pickup reel, skid shoes, set up for 2300-2500 series Case combine. Very Clean 2-1998 Honeybee SP42 42-ft. draper headers, transport, pickup reel, Gleaner R series adaptors 2000 Honeybee SP36 36-ft. draper header, transport, pickup reel, Case adaptor 2-2009 John Deere 635D 35-ft. draper headers, pickup reel, skidshoes, Just In 2012 John Deere 640D 40-ft. double knife draper header, transport, pickup reel, upper cross auger 2006 John Deere 936D 36-ft. draper header, very well cared for, transport, pickup reel 2015 MacDon FD75 40-ft. Flex draper, transport, pickup reel, upper cross auger available 2010 MacDon FD70 40’-ft. Flex draper header, transport, pickup reel, set up for Gleaner combine
Miscellaneous Items
2017 Riteway roller 62-ft., 5 section, 42” drum. Rental Discounts 2017 Riteway roller 52-ft., 3 section. Demo Discounts 1999 Kinzie 840 grain cart, PTO drive, tarp 2013 Vermeeer BPX9000 bale processor Agra 42-ft., 3 section roller on transports, 36” drum 2006 Brandt QF1500 90-ft. sprayer, new tires all around!
TILLEMAN Equipment Company 406-395-6777
Havre, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C20
Check out college tax benefits
With back-to-school season in full swing, the Internal Revenue Service reminds parents and students about tax benefits that can help with the expense of higher education. Two college tax credits apply to students enrolled in an eligible college, university or vocational school. Eligible students include the taxpayer, their spouse and dependents. American Opportunity Tax Credit The American Opportunity Tax Credit, (AOTC) can be worth a maximum annual benefit of $2,500 per eligible student. The credit is only available for the first four years at an eligible college or vocational school for students pursuing a degree or another recognized education credential. Taxpayers can claim the AOTC for a student enrolled in the first three months of 2018 as long as they paid qualified expenses in 2017. Lifetime Learning Credit The Lifetime Learning Credit, (LLC) can have a maximum benefit of up to $2,000 per tax return for both graduate and undergraduate students. Unlike the AOTC, the limit on the LLC applies to each tax return rather than to each student. The course of study must be either part of a post-secondary degree program or taken by the student to maintain or improve job skills. The credit
is available for an unlimited number of tax years. To claim the AOTC or LLC, use Form 8863, Education Credits (American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Credits). Additionally, if claiming the AOTC, the law requires taxpayers to include the school’s Employer Identification Number on this form. Form 1098-T, Tuition Statement, is required to be eligible for an education benefit. Students receive this form from the school they attended. There are exceptions for some students. Other education benefits Other education-related tax benefits that may help parents and students are: Student loan interest deduction of up to $2,500 per year; Scholarship and fellowship grants. Generally, these are tax-free if used to pay for tuition, required enrollment fees, books and other course materials, but taxable if used for room, board, research, travel or other expenses; Savings bonds used to pay for college. Though income limits apply, interest is usually tax-free if bonds were purchased after 1989 by a taxpayer who, at time of purchase, was at least 24 years of age; and Qualified tuition programs, also called 529 plans, are used by many families to prepay or save for a child’s college education. Contributions to a 529 plan are not deductible, but earnings are not subject to federal tax when used for the qualified education expenses. To help determine eligibility for these benefits, taxpayers should use tools on the Education Credits Web page and IRS Interactive Tax Assistant tool on IRS.gov. Keep A Copy of Tax Returns Taxpayers should keep a copy of their tax return for at least three years. Copies of tax returns may be needed for many reasons. If applying for college financial aid, a tax transcript may be all that is needed. A tax transcript summarizes return information and includes adjusted gross income. Get one from the IRS for free. The quickest way to get a copy of a tax transcript is to use the Get Transcript application. After verifying identity, taxpayers can view and print their transcript immediately online. The online application includes a robust identity verification process. Those who can’t pass the verification must request the transcript be mailed. This takes five to 10 days, so plan ahead and request the transcript early. ##### When I am an old coot... I will fake an asthma attack and break into a fit of loud coughing when the preacher talks too long and the football game has a noon kickoff on TV.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C21
Cincinnati 6S12 Shear
1408 52nd Street North • Great Falls, MT 59405 (406) 761-4848
NEW 20-ft. Containers
Used 2 /8”, 2 /8”, 31/2” & 41/2” drill pipe 3
New 12” - 48” Steel Culvert
Leather Gloves
New 12” - 30” Poly Culvert 12” Standard Black & Galvanized Guard Rails
13-ft. 6” and 26-ft. Lengths Available RAILROAD FLAT CARS For Bridges
#2 Railroad ties - $1000 each #1 Railroad ties - $16 each
Great for grain storage
Overseas Containers For Sale 20-ft., 40-ft. & 48-ft.
Various sizes available – CALL
USED SUCKER ROD: 3/4”, 7/8” & 1” 25-ft. lengths
Culvert Grade Pipe 22” & 24” - $15.00/ft. LAND ROLLER PIPE
Now Buying
✗✗✗ Fencing Supplies ✗✗✗ Round Tubing Great for corrals
1 /4”, 11/2”, 13/4” & 17/8” O.D. 1
Call Fred, Dick, or Joe
and Combines
We Buy Old Farm Tractors
NEW Rebar
Domestic A500 Grade B 6”x.250 well casing, 20-ft. lengths....
3/8” & 1/2” - 20-ft. lengths
Tubing • Pipe • Angle Iron • Plate
Call for pricing
8”x.188 FBE Surplus Pipe 42-ft. lengths
Good for Corner Posts
2 Galvanized Steel 86-ft. Light Poles
(8) 2 left Hobart meat saws
Used Electric Motors & Boxes (2) Hobart M802 dough mixers 80 qt. capacity
Automotive & Heavy Industrial Batteries
Great for bridges
• Stainless Steel Sheets • Flat Bar • Pipe, Fittings
& beams IN STOCK
30-ft. lengths
60” & 42” Heavy Wall
Overseas Flats - 8’x40’
1-1/2 x 1-1/2 used square tubing
For Non Potable Water Storage
In Stock
3/4” capacity
Patty-O-Matic & Hollymatic
Sand & Slag Abrasives
5” channel construction on bottom with 3” channel on top 10-, 12-, 14- & 16-ft. available
NEW! SURPLUS STEEL TUBING 8”x4”x5/16”sq., & 6”x2”x1/4”sq. More Sizes Coming In. CALL!
20-ft. & 24-ft. lengths
Chicago Heights Steel Fence Posts – All made in America
51/2’ & 6’ T1.33#
Call Jim Filipowicz 1 800-334-5964
Used 5-ft. Guard Rail Posts
(406) 761-4848
Round steel post caps 31/2” & 27/8”
New Red Brand and CF&I Class I Barb Wire ] Sucker Rod Hangers ] 16.5 CAL tie wire $4.95/Roll
After Hours (406) 791-6712
Fax (406) 791-6708
Steel Department & Salvage Yard Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Salvage Yard – 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Saturday
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C22
RYDELLE ENTERPRISES LLC 406-288-3883 Marion L. Jones – 406-544-4766, cell
44,000 bushels storage at Cut Bank, MT
• Sale and erection of Brock grain storage • Sale and erection of grain legs, conveyors, and towers by Schlagel • Complete millwright and concrete service • Bin roof repairs or replacement • Projects completed in Montana, Idaho and Washington
• Grain Bagger & Grain Extractor - For Sale or Rent, New or Used • J&M Grain Carts - Other Equipment For Rent • Fall Favorites - Hay Rakes, Bale Pickers • K-Line Speed Tillers • Heavy Disk • No-Till Drills • Heavy Harrows • Scraper for Reservoir work!
We Rent or Sell ALL Equipment! Give us a call TODAY!
Flaman Rental & Sales 1-877-528-8467, Lattin & Sons, Power, Montana 1-406-278-3432, Lattin & Sons, Conrad, Montana
3 Warhorse MSU Variety Certified, PVP
– A new Solid Stem,
semi-dwarf winter wheat that is Sawfly Tolerant.
3 Decade Certified, PVP
3 Brawl CL Plus
–A high yielding two gene Clearfield winter wheat.
Certified, PVP
3 SY Clearstone CL2 Plus Certified, PVP – Two Gene Clearfield Winter Wheat with Yellowstone parentage
3 Yellowstone Certified, PVP
3 Willow Creek
3 SY WOLF Certified, PVP
Winter forage Wheat
3 Luoma Triticale Winter forage Triticale
Certified, PVP
FAX 406-423-5665
Superior Genetics Locally Grown 101 Indian Butte Road Moccasin, MT 59462
Certified Seed Cleaning Plant
Overwintering herbs
By Charlie Nardozzi, The National Gardening Association I’ve enjoyed harvesting fresh basil, parsley, and fennel from my garden all summer. Now that fall has arrived, it’s easy to forget about those fresh herbs and resign myself to cooking with dried herbs. But I’m not giving up just yet. Some herb plants can be brought indoors to grow for months, providing summer flavor for my cooking. Others can be protected in the garden over the winter and they will bounce back next spring. Here are some suggestions for keeping herbs through the winter -- indoors and out. Protect Perennial Herbs Herb plants can be annual, biennial, or perennial. Perennial herbs, such as chives, lavender, oregano, thyme, overwinter well in the ground. In most areas simply wait until a few hard freezes and then cut back tall herbs to within 4 to 6 inches of the ground. In cold winter areas (USDA zones 3-5), add a 2- to 3-inch-thick layer of shredded bark mulch on top of the herbs for added protection. The bark will prevent the ground from freezing and thawing in winter, making it less likely the herb roots will heave out of the ground, desiccate, and die. Bring Plants Indoors You can enjoy tender perennial herbs such as rosemary, and biennial herbs such as parsley, all winter long by potting them up and bringing them indoors for the winter. Here’s how. Dig parsley plants now, making sure to get most of the root system. Pot them in deep containers, water well, and leave them outdoors for a few weeks in a shaded area to recover from transplant shock. Once they’ve revived, bring the plants indoors before a hard freeze and place them in a sunny window. You should be able to harvest fresh parsley leaves all fall, and if the plant gets enough light, it will even produce new growth. However, by late winter the leaf quality will decrease as the plant gets ready to produce a seed stalk. At that time simply compost the plant. Most rosemary varieties are hardy to USDA zone 7, perhaps even zone 6 with protection. In colder areas you’ll have to bring your plant indoors to survive the winter. Pot it up and allow time for it to adjust to container life. Bring it indoors before a hard freeze and place it in a sunny southern window. Rosemary likes cool temperatures, high humidity, and barely moist soil in winter. Place the plant in a 50- to 60-degree F room. Keep the humidity high by misting often, and place the pot on a pebble tray filled with water. Water the pot just enough to keep the soil from drying out. Your plant may not grow much in winter, but it should survive and be ready to go outdoors next spring. Plus, you’ll have the fragrance and taste of fresh rosemary in your kitchen all winter. You also can bring hardy herbs indoors in pots, not for their protection but for your use. Herbs such as thyme, oregano, and mint can spend the winters indoors in pots to provide fresh leaves for cooking while the snow flies. Simply move them back outdoors in spring and plant them in the garden. Take Cuttings If you don’t have room to bring in a large potted plant, take cuttings of rosemary, lavender, pineapple sage, and other woody perennial herbs. Root the 4- to 6-inch-long cuttings by dipping the cut ends in a rooting hormone powder. Stick the cuttings in a pot filled with moistened vermiculite or sand, cover the pot with a clear plastic bag with slits in it, and keep it in a warm, bright room out of direct sunlight. Once rooted, the cuttings can be transplanted into individual pots and grown under lights all winter. Not only will you have fresh herbs to eat, you’ll have some new plants to grow in your garden next spring. Sow Seeds While annual herbs such as basil need to be sown each spring, some herbs will do the sowing themselves and come back year after year. Culinary herbs that readily self sow include coriander and dill. Collect the seeds now and store them in glass jars in a cool location. Sow them next spring. You also can allow the seeds to naturally drop to the ground in the garden and self sow on their own. The seeds will sprout in fall or early spring, depending on your location. In warm-winter areas you may have a continual supply of these herbs throughout the winter depending on the weather. ##### The Thoroughbred industry does not allow registered Thoroughbreds to be bred by means of artificial insemination or embryo transfers. It is believed that these strick controls lessen the chance of mistakes or miuse of genetic material.
3-2016 John Deere 569 net wrap and twine, 1000 PTO, flotation tires, hydraulic pickup, mega wide, approximately 5000 bales............... ....................................................................................$39,900 ea. 2015 John Deere 569 net and twine, 1000 PTO, hydraulic pickup, MegaWide, flotation tires, 6341 bales...............................$39,000 2013 John Deere 569 net and twine, 1000 PTO, hydraulic pickup, MegaWide, flotation tires, 15,500 bales............................$29,500
2016 John Deere L-340 3x4 baler.......................................$120,000
John Deere 995 7 bottom plow with Sterling packer.............$13,900 John Deere 845 4 bottom rollover plow....................................$1800 Massey-Ferguson 820 disc......................................................$6750 John Deere 512 7-shank, 17’ 6” disc ripper................................. Call John Deere 313 30-ft. disc........................................................... Call 2014 Parma 24-ft. cultipacker....................................................... Call
Self-Propelled Windrowers
2014 Massey Ferguson 2290 4x4 baler, 23,752 bales.......$106,000 2013 Massey Ferguson 2190 4x4 baler...............................$99,500 2009 Massey Ferguson 2170 3x4 baler, 60,000 bales.........$37,700 2009 Massey Ferguson 1841 16”x18” baler..........................$18,250
2015 John Deere 6175R MFWD, premium cab, 5 selective control valves, rear duals, 540/1000 PTO, 605 hours.................$164,750 6-2016 John Deere 6155M tractors, 350-600 hours, cab, MFWD, PowerQuad transmission with left hand reverser, 640 loader/ grapple, 5 year, 5000 hour Powerguard. These came off a large local operation and are in excellent condition...........$139,000 ea. 2013 John Deere 6150R 5500 hours, PTO, 3 speed, 540/540E/1000, tire width: mid, H380 loader, AutoQuad PLUS, ECO, deluxe cab, deluxe radio, 3 deluxe SCV’s............................................$99,000 1991 John Deere 2955, open station, 2WD, 540/1000 PTO, 13,240 hours, John Deere 148 loader, grapple............................$10,700 2011 New Holland T6070 Plus MFWD, 121 PTO hp, 140 engine hp, 16 speed/reverser, 3 SCV’s, 540/1000 PTO, 840TL loader, bucket grapple, 3133 hours..........................................................$69,000
IN STOCK 2-2016 John Deere W-235 900 hours, 13-ft. 994 header with steel conditioner................................................................$132,000 ea. 2014 John Deere W-235 716 hours, 13-ft. V10 steel conditioner........ ........................................................................................$129,900 2011 John Deere R450 Premium cab, 14.5-ft. header with V-10 steel conditioner, 875 hours....................................................$101,500 2011 John Deere R450 standard cab, 14.5-ft. header, V-10 steel conditioner, 650 hours......................................................$99,900 2007 MacDon M200 16-ft. rotary header, button tires, steel conditioner, 1997 hours........................................................................$63,750 2015 New Holland 160 speedrower with 12-ft. header, rubber conditioner, 282 hours...............................................................$97,000 2014 New Holland 130 speedrower, 12-ft. header, urethane conditioner, 800 hours...............................................................$85,000 2010 New Holland 8040 12-ft. sickle header, rubber conditioner, 1710 hours.................................................................................$58,000 2007 New Holland HW305, 12-ft. HS header with rubber conditioner, rolls replaced 2 years ago, 2397 hours.............................$39,900 2007 Massey-Ferguson 9635 with 15-ft. rotor back header, 2150 hours.................................................................................$58,900
ATV’s - Utility Vehicles
1-406-683-4281 • 1-800-683-4281 1025 Selway Drive, Dillon, MT 59725
Craig Johnson 406-660-1158 JOHN DEERE
After hours - Sales Alden Cashmore 406-925-0319 Brian DeMars 406-660-0523
Josh Taylor 406-925-9449
2015 New Holland 9.35 telehandler............................................. Call 2012 Haybuster 2650 round bale processor, right hand discharge.... ...........................................................................................$15,750 Supreme International 600 mixer, single auger, right hand discharge................................................................................$15,000 2013 John Deere XUV 855D glass cab, heater, power dump, 1061 hours, 6880 miles...............................................................$14,500 2011 Polaris Ranger 800XP, soft cab, winch, 6212 miles.......$7250 Camoplast tracks with mounting brackets for John Deere Gator 8ZS I.............................................................................................$3500 Danhauser 3 point post hole auger, 540 PTO, 8” & 12” heavy duty augers...................................................................................$3100 Ford 906 post hole digger, 3-point mount with 12” auger..........$1400 Shaver HD-10 post pounder, fixed mount on front of tractor, manual tilt and angle single SCV.......................................................$2250 2010 Frontier RT1270 rototiller, 3 point mount, 540 PTO.........$3600 New Higgobotham hay squeeze for John Deere 544 Series front end loaders...............................................................................$12,000 2009 Husqvarna YTH2454 riding mower, 54” deck, hydrostatic transmission, bagger, 218 hours..................................................$1800 Hyster 200E Perkins diesel, air brakes, 3 speed, with new Higgobotham hay squeeze.............................................................$30,000 NEW 2016 John Deere SB84H skid steer mount snowblower, high flow.......................................................................................$9500 Ezee-On wire roller skid steer mount, hydraulic operation........$2100 John Deere 726 mulch finisher, 25-ft., new discs..................$29,900 Worksaver 6-ft. rear blade..........................................................$575 12-ft. pasture harrow....................................................................$900
Pivot Track Fillers
Contact Us for ALL your John Deere Farm Equipment Needs!
1985 John Deere 4650 tractor, cab, MFWD, PowerShift transmission, 540/1000 PTO, 10,331 hours.............................................$23,500 Degelman 10-47/57 10-ft. hydraulic blade, front. Excellent.......$9900 John Deere 7700 combine, 224 header, 3500 hours, hydraulic driven, bat reel, hydrostatic drive, air conditioner, rear spreader......$5000 John Deere 1600 chisel plow, 14-ft. Rigid with transport..........$2500 2015 Newhouse C-5000 square bale feeder.........................$45,900 2000 John Deere 566 round baler, twine only, 19,431 bales....$8900
2014 Vermeer R2300 hydraulic v-rake. Excellent condition, has about 1200 acres of use.............................................................$19,000 Darf 917 17 wheel ground drive rake.....................................$15,000 New Holland 216 hydraulic V-rake.........................................$12,250
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 – Page C23
2015 John Deere 8270R MFWD, 6 selective control valves, ILS suspension, rear duals, Autotrac, PowerGard until 11/2020........ ........................................................................................$242,750 2015 John Deere 7230R MFWD, IVT transmission, 801 hours, rear duals, Autotrac, 540/1000 PTO, premium cab................$215,000 2014 John Deere 7250R 780 hours, IVT transmission, triple link suspension, 10” color touch display, Command View 3 cab, final tier 4, 5 selective control valves, Cat 3 drawbar, LED light package, refrigerator, cold weather package, PowerGard until 10/2019..... ........................................................................................$179,000 2016 John Deere 6195R cab tractor, MFWD, IVT transmission, ILS suspensipon, AutoTrac, Premium cab, 10” color display, 5 SCVs, front and rear weights, 593 hours, Factory Warranty until March 2018, PowerGard until March 2021..............................$179,000
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C24
FAIRFIELD HAY FOR SALE Mixed, irrigated, fertilized, in round bales. Call for pricing. Delivered Also hay and grain hauling statewide
Phone 406-870-9003
##### Fort Robinson was once a World War II German P.O.W. camp and is now a state park. ##### Whittier Jr. High in Lincoln was the first junior high school in the nation.
Steinhatchee Equipment Co. Inc. 406-777-1701 or 239-0942
www.steinhatcheeinc.com e-mail: nelsen889@aol.com
1998 Volvo 4000 gallon water truck, 385 hp Volvo engine, 10 speed, Ex brake, differential lock, air conditioning, new tank and pump and 6 sprays, air ride suspension. Very nice.$36,000 2012 Cat 312ELC, 2600 hours, 28” tracks, 36” bucket, thumb. One owner.......... ...............................$84,000
2010 John Deere 6140D 3825 hours, with John Deere 673SL loader/grapple, 3rd function hydraulics, 2 SCV’s, 4 new tires, rear weights, 12 speed, power reverser transmission with LHR, 140 hp...........$50,000
NEW Teram Emag 80” clean out bucket, fits Cat 320 excavators, pin on.........$2500
NEW Ind-America 3 pt. hydraulic angle and tilt, 9-ft. blade..........................$2300
John Deere 640SL loader with mounts and hydraulic kit. Fits John Deere 63006410..........................$4500
Great Bend 760 NSL loader with grapple, mounts and hydraulic kit. Fits John Deere 7400-7810......$4500
NEW SEC 42” HD bucket, fits Cat 311-314 excavators. ..................................$2500
Loaders available for all tractors Financing Available
Severinsen Irrigation LLC 2231 HWY 89 Fairfield, MT 59436 406-467-3999 Brett’s Cell 406-590-5003
When ordering your new pivot, you can request a free upgrade! Includes panels, tires, etc. Call today for your FREE ESTIMATE, as this is a limited time offer!
Nitrate leaching
By Clain Jones, Montana State University Soil Fertility Extension Specialist Nitrate leaching is a health and economic concern in agricultural areas throughout Montana. There are several agronomic practices available to minimize nitrate leaching. Nitrate comes from fertilizer or decomposition of organic matter and manure. It is highly soluble and easily lost to leaching (movement below root zone) as water moves through the soil. Sandy or shallow soils have higher leaching potential than clay, loam or deep soils. Irrigated fields have higher leaching potential than dryland cropping. Irrigation should be managed to meet the crop need, but not exceed the soil’s ability to hold water (“field capacity”). Dryland systems are susceptible to leaching when fall, winter or early spring rains exceed field capacity, since there is little water by plants during these periods. In dryland cropping systems, reducing fallow is likely the best option to reduce downward water movement and nitrate leaching, since fallow fields have no crop in place to take up water or nitrate. Replacing fallow with annual legumes (“pulses”) such as field pea can substantially reduce nitrate leaching. In addition to using soil water, annual legumes are good scavengers of available nitrogen and need little or no nitrogen fertilizer. Cover crops can catch nitrogen in systems with high nitrogen inputs and extended overwinter/ early spring bare periods (e.g., corn, sugarbeets, home or market gardens). Fall-planted crops are ideal following fallow to take up some nitrogen before spring rains. Perennials or deep rooted annuals use water and nitrogen that may escape shallow rooted crops. While alfalfa is an excellent scavenger of soil nitrate, the large supply of nitrogen remaining after alfalfa is terminated can release nitrate. To avoid leaching loss of this nitrate, fields should be recropped rather than fallowed after alfalfa termination, and credit the N contribution from alfalfa in fertilizer nitrogen rate calculations to avoid over fertilization. Increasing annual crop diversity and including perennials is more important in tilled than no-till systems. Annual soil testing and realistic yield goals help avoid over-fertilization. Ideally, conventional nitrogen fertilizer is applied from seedling to late tillering stages in cereal grains and seedling to early branching in oilseeds. Fertilizer topdress applications should be timed based on plant demand or growth stage. By matching nitrogen rates to plant needs and using split applications, there is less risk of left-over nitrogen in the soil. Nitrogen release from legume crop residue better matches the timing of crop growth and nitrogen uptake than conventional nitrogen fertilizer and results in less nitrogen leaching. Often, most nitrate leaching comes from only a fraction of the total area of a field. Areas of a field that are limited by factors other than nitrogen should receive just enough nitrogen to meet that area’s production potential. A deficiency in soil water or other nutrients, such as phosphorus, potassium, or sulfur, can result in less crop growth, less water uptake and more nitrogen left in the ground, demonstrating the importance of soil testing and variable rate nitrogen application to reduce leaching. Many agronomic management practices can be used to minimize nitrogen leaching losses and potential groundwater contamination. The Montana State University soil fertility extension website (http:// landresources.montana.edu/ soilfertility/) has resources to help calculate fertilizer rates and a Soil Scoop with more detailed information on nitrogen leaching. ##### The Union Pacific’s Bailey Yards, in North Platte, is the largest rail classification complex in the world.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C25
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1986 Steiger Bear Cat 1000
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1300 hours, 1200 gallon SS tank, 100-ft. Mono-boom, hydraulic front wheel assist, Raven Envisio Pro, Smart Trac, Raven boom height, 2 sets of tires. Very Sharp and like New...... $205,000
2016 Apache 1220 PLUS 2
800 hours, 1200 gallon tank, 132-ft. Pommier boom, 2 sets of tires, Trimble FMX, Raven boom height, leather, every option. Like new...................................................................$230,000
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2007 Case IH SRX 1600
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CNH pull-type sprayer, 1600 gallon, 100-ft. suspended boom, NICE..........................................$20,000 1999 FREIGHTLINER FL70 Marflex 1250-120-ft. row crow tires (duals) hydraulic steering, Trimble.............$68,000 Sets of 4 new Take-Off Tires 380/90R46 Michelin..................$11,000 650/65R38 Mitas.......................$11,000 800/65R32 Mitas.......................$11,000 Used 800/65R32 Goodyear.........$6000
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Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C26
Nebraska research examines cover crop benefits
By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News “Our main objective is to find a balance point A new two-year study led by researchers from 2012 Case IH PS160 pull type sprayer, 100-ft. suspended between lower soybean yields from shorter-season the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (UNL) will boom, windscreens, AutoRate, AutoBoom, 1600 gallon soybean maturity groups and increased cover crop focus on identifying the benefits of cover crops. tank, excellent condition...................................... $35,000 biomass production following 1995 Concord 4012 40-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, with 3400 harvest of early maturing soycart, new monitor and electrical, 5” carbide tips, good bean varieties,” said Assistant condition.............................................................. $25,000 Extension Educator Chris ProcPhone (406) 397-3333, Hingham, Montana tor, who is part of a team that also includes researchers from the University of Kentucky and Ohio State University. They reROUGH-CUT ceived $461,187 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute for Food and Agriculture for the study. The team will also be evaluating the weed suppression potential, insect and pathogen interactions resulting from cover crops providing a bridge between soybean and corn, forCorrals • Windbreak • Barns • Fences age and grazing potential from Beams • Siding • Decks • Bridges cover crops, and the influence Gregg and Robin Maxwell, Maxwell Lumber Inc. of cover crops on soil microbial 406-538-7877 Lewistown, Montana communities. Reserve Champion Market Lamb shown by Brook Harris. Purchased by Others from Nebraska inAlbertson’s #2004. Photo courtesy of Mary Meyer, Lewis and Clark 4-H. volved in the project are Mary Drewnoski, assistant professor The Largest and Most Experienced Precision Ag Team in Montana in the Animal Science department; Roger Elmore, professor in the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture; Sydney Everhart, assistant professor in the Plant Pathology department; Justin McMechan, assistant professor in the Department of Entomology, Jay Parsons, associate professor in the DepartJake Han Tanner Johnson Doug Rohlf Wes Prosser Josh Taylor ment of Agricultural EconomConrad/Choteau Conrad/Cut Bank/Chester Great Falls Belgrade/Livingston Dillon ics; Daren Redfearn, associate 450-3605 505-0323 Havre/Lewistown 600-4130 925-9449 professor in the Department of 788-4490 Agronomy and Horticulture; and Rodrigo Werle, assistant Winter is coming and now we have time to do something with all of the data we have collected over the course of the season! Let Frontline Ag solutions help get you pointed in the right direction. We can help you start a My John Deere Account that gives you access to the John Deere Operations Center, our professor in the Department of cloud based data management tool. Operation Center keeps track of application, seeding, and harvest data. You can access all of this information from any computer or mobile device. Agronomy and Horticulture. Tired of loading all your data on a flash drive? We can help with a JD Link Connect Subscription! This research was one of 54 This will automatically send your documentation information to the John Deere Operations Center projects recently funded through after the completion of each field, where it will be instantly available on your tablet, mobile phone, USDA-NIFA’s Agriculture and laptop, or computer. JD Link Connect 1-year subscription at $400 for model year 2014 and up John Deere equipment Food Research Initiative prowith a 3G MTG. JD Link Connect 1-year subscription with a 4G LTE MTG for $1300 installed. This gram totaling more than $17.7 is an option for 2014 or older tractors and all makes with a Green Star system to send documentamillion for plant research that tion data wirelessly to your John Deere Operations Center Account. helps optimize crop production, Frontline Ag Solutions is also offering Data Management to assist you in keeping the best application, seeding, and harvest records as possible. We also offer Integrated Solutions Support mitigate disease and increase Packages designed to keep your Greenstar systems running top notch! Prices are available at yield. frontlineagsolutions.com under Integrated Solutions. “Plants are the foundation of diet for both humans and animals,” said NIFA Director Sonny Ramaswamy. “It is imperative to invest in research to stay ahead of the biological and environmental constraints, and develop new technologies to produce a secure, nutritious food supply for a growing population.” This research will add to an extensive examination of cover crops already underway on your purchase when you replace all of the old belts on your purchase when you replace all of the old belts on cover crops. Earlier this year, Your Equipment * any John Deere Round Baler.* “Wireless Data Transfer” Nebraska joined a $6.6 milany John Deere Round Baler. Automatically Transfer & lion national research initiative Coverage Maps to the You & launched by the Foundation for “JD Operations Center” labor costs to have our highly trained service technicians Gate Keeper labor costs to have our highly trained service technicians Review Data Food and Agriculture Research * replace them for you.* Share Data to promote soil health through replace them for you. Variable Rate Make More informed the development and adoption Share With Decisions ^ “Trusted Partners” Ask your parts representative about our current NO PAYMENT, NO INTEREST PROGRAMS^ of new cover crops across the Agronomist NO INTEREST PROGRAMS Ask your parts representative about our current NO PAYMENT, United States. The short-term Crop Insurance goals of that research are to We are also a Certified Dealer for Intelligent Ag Blockage monitors Farm Manager Employees Get More at identify the best cover crop and Libra Cart Grain Cart scale system. Get More at species and varieties currently available through evaluation and screening, promote them BELGRADE • 205 Floss Road • (406) 388-2100 CUT BANK • 101 6th Avenue NE • (406) 873-5505 LEWISTOWN • 80335 US-87 • (406) 538-5433 to farmers and ranchers and BELGRADE • 205 Floss RoadAvenue • (406) 388-2100 CUT BANK • 101Selway 6th Avenue • (406) 873-5505 LEWISTOWN •• 1122 80335 US-87 • (406) 538-5433 CHESTER • 211 Washington • (406) 759-5010 DILLON • 1025 Drive •NE (406) 683-4281 LIVINGSTON E Park Street • (406) 222-3150 increase effective options within CHESTER ••211 • (406) 759-5010 DILLONFALLS • 1025• 12 Selway Drive • (406) LIVINGSTON • 1122 E Park Street • (406) 222-3150 CHOTEAU 115Washington MT HighwayAvenue 221 • (406) 466-5741 GREAT Northpoint Drive 683-4281 • (406) 761-2005 CHOTEAU• •127 115South MT Highway 221 • 278-5531 (406) 466-5741 GREAT FALLS 12 Northpoint 761-2005 CONRAD Main • (406) HAVRE • 2626 •Highway 2 East Drive • (406)• (406) 265-5518 the marketplace. CONRAD • 127 South Main • (406) 278-5531 HAVRE • 2626 Highway 2 East • (406) 265-5518
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*Offers Valid 5/1/17- 5/31/17. Get 10% off parts and service when you replace alll belts on any John Deer Round Baler. Prices and model availability may vary by dealer. While supplies last. Some restrictions apply; other special rates and
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C27
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Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C28
Collaring the mice that carry Lyme disease-causing ticks
SEED FOR SALE Kansas Certified Mint, T 158, Byrd, Joe HWW & More Seed Wheat $8/BU and Triticale
By Agricultural Research Service research, never before done in Maryland, is a White-footed mice in Howard County, partnership of the Agricultural Research SerMaryland are being collared as part of a EHMKE SEED - Marit Ehmke study to improve control of the ticks that vice (ARS), Howard County Department of Bozeman, MT • 620-397-1620 spread Lyme disease. The mouse collaring Recreation & Parks (HCRP), and University of Maryland (UMD). The mouse tracking is part of a larger five-year ARS Tick Management Project evaluating the use of minimal pesticide or integrated pest management methods to 3 CNC Lathe Work with 81/2" spindle bore lower the number of black✓ Irrigation Pump Repair legged ticks. Some of those ✓ Heavy Duty Industrial Machining and Repair ticks carry Lyme disease✓ Portable Line Boring ✓ Welding causing bacteria and are ✓ Large Lathe and Mill Work around single-family yards ✓ Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Machine Work and gardens adjacent to large Howard County parks. Largest Capacity CNC Cylinder Boring While ticks that spread & Line Boring within 500 mile radius Lyme disease are commonly thought of in connection with deer, it is from infected 1-855-285-0179 or 406-285-0179 white-footed mice that these Mark Oelke – Owner ticks usually acquire BorrelGrand Champion Market Rabbit Pen shown by Madelynn Pandis. 20 W. Cedar • PO Box 788 • Three Forks, MT 59752 ia burgdorferi, the bacteria Purchased by Montana Mountain Properties. Photo courtesy of Mary Visit us on the web at: www.mwmachine.net Meyer, Lewis and Clark 4-H. responsible for the disease. An ARS and UMD team led by UMD graduate assistant Grace Hummell will live trap ten mice (5 males and 5 females) at each of four sites, using food and cotton, which is attractive nesting material, as bait. The four sites are near Cedar Lane Park, Middle Patuxent Farming is a competitive business. You’ve got to have equipment you Environmental Area, Cencan rely on if you want to Lead the Field and Brandt’s newly redesigned tennial Park, and Rockburn lineup of transport augers will get you there. Our durable new design Park. outlasts the competition with HP technology that delivers up to 25% Entomologist Andrew Li, with the ARS Invasive Insect greater performance than standard models, and it’s available in multiple Biocontrol & Behavior Labconfigurations to match your bin unload system. oratory in Beltsville, MaryThe result? You get the hardest-working augers in the industry and land, who coordinates the enjoy years of worry-free productivity from Brandt. Tick Management Project That’s Powerful Value. Delivered. wants the data to better understand how white-footed mice respond to bait boxes that include tick treatments like topical insecticides. “We need a scientific basis for where we put the bait boxes, so we can have a sound expectation that mice will get enough acaricide to kill the ticks,” said Li. Understanding the home range and activity pattern of mice will help improve host-targeted tick control.” Once a mouse is captured, the team will fit it with a tiny VHF radio collar to track its movements during periods of the next six weeks. The collars do not include GPS tracking units. Next, the team will recapture the mice and remove their collars. Phase two will come after the collaring season. This will involve grid-trapping and releasing mice over multiple nights so changes in their locations is traced. For more information contact Kim Kaplan (https:// www.ars.usda.gov/oc/keybrandt.ca 1-866-427-2638 contacts-at-ars-office-ofcommunications/#Kim), ARS Office of Communications.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C29
October 18th Online Auction Items 1980 Alloway 10x60 auger w/swing auger, 540 PTO, hydraulic drive, backsaver. Stock #55499 (1) 2008 Brandt 10x70 double auger, swing hopper, 540 PTO, manual winch. Stock #57189 (2) 2005 Farm King 13x70 auger w/swing hopper, low profile, hydraulic swing. Stock #55233 (2) 1980 Westfield 10x60 auger w/single auger in hopper, winch for hopper lift. Stock #55500 (14) 1985 Westfield 8x61 auger, 540 PTO drive, new tires. Stock #58591.. (15) Kinze 640 600 bushel grain cart, tarp, 1000 PTO. Stock #56847 (14) 2008 John Deere 568 round baler, twine & net wrap, 1000 PTO, MegaWide Plus pickup. Stock #54006 (3) 2015 Massey Ferguson 2956A round baler, 1000 PTO, net & twine, bale kicker, C1000 monitor. Stock #58264 (14) 1999 Vermeer 605L round baler, twine & net wrap, 540 PTO, standard pickup, bale kicker. Stock #57734 (11) 2012 John Deere 825i Gator, bench seat, windshield, roof. Stock #52785 (3) 2011 John Deere 825i Gator, deluxe glass cab, bucket seats, street legal. Stock #53384 (14)
2013 Agco 7660 self-propelled sprayer, 90-ft. boom, 20” spacing, 600 gallon poly tank. Stock #55822 (14) 2008 New Holland SF216 pull-type sprayer, 134-ft. wheel boom, 1600 gallon tank. Stock #58517 (11) 2008 Gleaner R65 combine, 1419 engine/1041 seperator hours, chopper, fixed feederhouse. Stock #51254 (14) 2001 John Deere 9750 combine, level land fixed speed feederhouse, 20-ft. unload auger. Stock #54972 (14) 1990 John Deere 9600 combine, 3837 engine/3150 seperator hours, 930 header, chopper, dual chaff spreader. Stock #55695 (14) 1988 John Deere 8820 combine, chopper & single disk spreader, dual speed cylinder. Stock #56480 (14) 2005 Flexi-Coil 7500 disk drill, 60ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, 2340 TBH cart. Stock #54023 (14) Spinoff 3 point mounted hydraulic bale spinner. Stock #58121(16) 2009 Frontier WC1205 wood chipper, 3 point, 540 PTO Stock #53971 (11)
Please visit www.frontlineagsolutions.com to view items and place your bid!
#59244 2007 John Deere 1420 commercial front mower, 72” deck, 72” rear discharge mower, 60” front blade, soft cab. Stock #58912............... .......................................................$8250 (3) 2008 John Deere X724 hydro, all wheel steer, 647 tiller attach, no mower deck. Stock #58482.........................................$7000 (12) 2005 John Deere D130 23 hp, 48” deck, 6.5 bushel bagger, hydro. Stock #56907............. .....................................................$1300 (12) 2009 John Deere LA125 42” deck, 21 hp. Stock #58956.............................................$750 (1) 2001 John Deere LT166, 38” deck, hydro, 1 season of use on engine overhaul. Stock #57860...........................................$1020 (1) 2010 Grasshopper 120K 20 hp, 48” deck, zero turn. Stock #58937.......................$2800 (15) 2016 Poulan PP24VA54 24 hp mower, 54” deck, hydro transmission. Stock #58492....... .....................................................$1700 (14) 2007 Toro LX425 42” deck, Hydro transmission, rear bagger. Stock #59246....$450 (11) 2012 John Deere 647 rototiller, 540 PTO. Stock #51882.........................................$2275 (14)
2012 John Deere 850i 384 hours, 4130 miles, poly cab, winch, horn. Stock #58095............. .......................................................$7400 (1) 2008 John Deere 850D diesel, full windshield, bucket seats. Extreme terrain tires. Stock #59042...........................................$7900 (1) 2015 John Deere 825i S4 4 seater, cab, power steering, radio. Stock #59244....$14,500 (11) 2013 John Deere 825i Stock #56493............... .....................................................$8200 (12) 2012 John Deere 825i green & yellow, steel 12” rims, bench seat, poly roof & winshield, 1575 hrs./8400 miles. Stock #56922.....$8995 (11) 2012 John Deere 825i green, bench seat, deluxe cargo box. Stock #50385.....$10,400 (1) John Deere 825i glass doors for a deluxe cab on 825i utility vehicle. Stock #53197.............. .....................................................$1950 (14) 2015 John Deere 825i Poly cab, no heater, extra cab lights, Power lift w/brush protection. Stock #58847............................$16,750 (12) 2008 John Deere HPX Windshield & roof, no doors, turn signals, brake lights, 72” broom attachment. Stock #58808............$7750 (14) 2014 Polaris 900 half windshield, gas, 14900 miles, 1216 hours. Stock #57973..$7150 (12)
– – – – – – CONSIGNMENTS – – – – – –
2011 John Deere 319D skid steer, hand controls, EH controls, std rubber tracks, 76” bucket, well-maintained. Stock #58243.......... .................................................. $28,500 (14) 2015 John Deere 6155R MFWD tractor, 20 speed AutoQuad transmission, TLS, 3 SCVs. Stock #57602.......................... $149,000 (11) 2003 John Deere 7710 MFWD tractor, IVT transmission, SL loader, PTO, 3 point. Stock #59223......................................$71,500 (11) 2008 John Deere 7430 Premium tractor, IVT, 741 self-level loader, grapple, 3 pt., electric shift PTO 3 SP, 4 SCVs. Stock #54741........... .................................................. $103,995 (1) 2008 John Deere 6430 tractor, 16/16 PowerQuad transmission w/LH reverser, 3 SCV’s, 540/1000 PTO, loader w/bucket. Stock #58507...................................... $77,900 (15) 2013 John Deere 6140R MFWD, cab, 20/20 AutoQuad, H360 loader/bucket, 3 SCVs, 540/1000. Stock #56153......... $112,900 (16) 1988 John Deere 2355 2WD utility tractor, 8F/4R syncro, 540 Rear PTO, open station, loader with bale spear. Stock #53703............ .................................................... $11,800 (1) 2014 John Deere 1023E Hydro, MFWD, H120 loader, ballast box, R4 tires. Stock #58752... .................................................. $11,500 (15) Ford New Holland TV140 bi-directional, loader, 5720 hours, new tines, grapple with bale forks. Stock #56753.................... $55,000 (3) 1973 Massey Ferguson 165 2WD tractor, OOS, Synchro, 1 SCV, 3 point, 540 PTO. loader, no grapple. Stock #58712... $9600 (1) John Deere GP74 74” bucket w/heavy duty grapple. Fits JD 500 Series loader carriers. Stock #53061............................... $3500 (16) 2012 John Deere S670 combine, ProDrive transmission, TriStream rotor, fine cut chopper, 640D header. Stock #56906......... $265,000 (1) 2005 John Deere 9760 1886 engine.1402 seperator hours, level land feederhouse, touchset concave adj., chopper, w/936D platform. Stock #58821........... $120,000 (11) 1990 John Deere 9600 combine, excellent condition, always shedded. Stock #56958........... .................................................... $60,500 (1) 1987 John Deere 8820 combine, 30-ft. 230 header, bat reel, chopper and dual chaff spreader. Stock #15567.............. $16,500 (3) 1998 Case IH 2388 combine, 3215/2500 hrs. Stock #55679............................ $50,000 (14) 2008 John Deere 612C combine, 30” row spacing. Stock #57258........................ $53,000 (1) 1998 John Deere 914 combine, new style Sund raking pickup, new PTO style driveline, single point connections. Stock #56904.$10,975 (1) 2012 John Deere 635D excellent shape, slow speed transport, poly tine pickup reel, dual drive sickle. Stock #54340......... $46,000 (15) Case IH 8455 round baler, twine only, makes 4x5 bales, gathering wheels. Stock #54286 .. ..................................................... $4500 (11) Hesston 4910 4x4x8 big square baler. Stock #53963........................................ $45,000 (3) 2008 John Deere 568 1000 PTO, twine & net wrap, hydraulic pickup, Megawide Plus, large tires, variable core. Stock #58803.................. .................................................. $27,000 (14) 1992 John Deere 535 twine only, 1000 PTO, push bar, hydraulic pick up lift. Stock #58686 ..................................................... $4900 (15) Worksaver HHU-245 3 point bale unroller, new-never used. Stock #59041....$1500 (16) 2009 John Deere 1890 42-ft. 7.5” spacing disk drill, 350 bushel hydraulic drive, TBH cart. Stock #57293............................ $145,000 (3) John Deere 680 37-ft. chisel plow w/shank savers, FlexiCoil 3-bar mounted harrows. Stock #56905........................................ $19,450 (1)
1994 John Deere 965 on-land plow, 18” cut width, gauge wheels, double landslides. Stock #55107............................... $8950 (15) 1997 John Deere 650 23-ft. 3-section folding disc, 9” spacing. Stock #59033.. $18,750 (15) 2011 Case IH 800 50-ft., 10” spacing, rubber packer wheel, SS, no cart. Stock #56487....... .................................................. $52,000 (11) 2004 John Deere 1820 51-ft., 7.5” spacing, 8-run double shoot, 1910 TBT cart. Stock #57861......................................... $50,000(1) 2006 John Deere 1820/1910 61-ft., 12” spacing, 4” steel press wheels, SS, 1910 TBT cart. Stock #56361.................... $50,000 (12) Concord 3400 60-ft. air drill, 12” spacing, single shoot. Stock #57862.................... $20,000 (1) 2011 John Deere 1770NT 16 row corn planter, 30” spacing, precision planting, E-sets. Stock #57257...................................... $95,000 (14) 2006 Aerway AW2000 20-ft. rotary spike tooth aerator, folding wings, rear hitch kit. Stock #57729...................................... $17,900 (15) 2009 Summers Ultimate pull-type sprayer, 100-ft. booms with windscreens, 1500 gallon tank. Stock #15568...................... $30,000 (3) FlexiCoil 67XL suspended boom sprayer, 1500 gallon tank, 90-ft. booms, windscreens, rinse tank. Stock #56815.................... $13,500 (11) 2007 Summers 1500 90-ft. pull-type sprayer, 1500 gallon tank. Stock #17842.$26,000 (12) 1995 Ford L9000 truck, 10 speed transmission, hyd. wet kit, 6000 gallon stainless tank. Stock #53460........................................ $42,250 (1) 2014 PJ T6202 21-ft. tilt bed trailer, tilts at 17ft., ball hitch, wood deck, dual axles, less than 500 miles. Stock #58244...... $6500 (14) 2012 Case 580 Super N backhoe loader, 97 hp, cab, air, heat, 4WD. Stock #59241........... ..................................................$72,500 (15) Kelly 56 3-pt. mount backhoe attachment, 24” bucket. Stock #51779................... $6950 (16) Westfield W130-71 13”x71-ft. auger, 540 PTO drive, like new. Stock #52277...... $12,900 (2) Brandt 862 8”x62-ft. PTO grain auger, 10 turbo screw bottom. Stock #15261.......... $1750 (3) Mayrath grain auger, PTO. Stock #15260.......... ......................................................... $500 (3) John Deere 770CH motor grader w/14-ft. blade, tall cab, 14.00 tires, rippers/scarifier. Stock #57705.............................. $67,500 (1) 2016 John Deere X570 lawn tractor w/48” deck, mulch control kit, front bumber, seat cover. Stock #58204..................... $6000 (15) 2005 John Deere 1435 commercial front mower, 72” mower width. Stock #59026............... .....................................................$7500 (15) Snapper 28” rear engine mower, 10 hp, 28” cut. Stock #54784................................. $450 (14) Edwards rod weeder, 30-ft. 16 shanks. Stock #58897......................................... $6000 (11) John Deere 47 47” snowblower, fits JD X500 series mowers, weights and chains. Stock #56045......................................... $1200 (15) John Deere 46” snow blade, fits and L100 series or a 2015 or earlier D100 series. Stock #59237...........................................$400 (14) Anbo blade that has been modified to fit an older John Deere loader. Stock #57931......... ..................................................... $2500 (15) Misc. Adaptor go from a JD 300/400 compact loader to a skid steer attachment, never been used. Stock #58932........................ $500 (16) 2012 John Deere BA84 84” angle broom. Stock #58994...............................$5500 (16)
View all equipment online at www.frontlineagsolutions.com
1=Conrad: 888-397-6851 2=Cut Bank: 888-673-9310 3=Choteau: 888-728-9254
11=Lewistown: 800-823-3373 12=Havre: 800-621-5701 13=Chester: 406-759-5010
14=Great Falls: 888-760-2005 15=Belgrade: 866-282-3337 16=Livingston: 800-824-3932
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C30
2014 John Deere W235 windrower, 16-ft. rotary header, warranty through June 2019 or 1250 hours. Stock #52212........................$132,000 (16) 2014 John Deere W235 16-ft. hay head, steel conditioner, low hours, cab with air, 480x80R38 bar 2015 John Deere 569 netwrap/twine, 21.5L-16.1 tires. Stock #58823..........................$129,000 (12) tires, hydraulic pickup, 1000 PTO, variable core 2015 John Deere W150 windrower, HID lighting, valve. Stock #57677...................... $37,500 (12) turnkey GPS. Stock #53584...............$112,750 (1) 2015 John Deere 569 twine/net, 2181 bales. 2014 John Deere W150 windrower, 600-65R28 drive Stock #54165.................................. $47,725 (1) wheels, 180A auger header. Stock #57048........... 2014 John Deere 569 Premium features, 4500 . . .........................................................$135,000 (1) bales, twine/net. Stock #52214..... $42,000 (11) 2014 John Deere W150 windrower, 16-ft. hay head. 2013 John Deere 569 net wrap, hyd pickup lift. Stock #55576.....................................$93,000 (11) Stock #55177................................ $37,800 (12) 2012 John Deere D450 windrower, includes 635D w/ 2012 John Deere 568 Twine and net wrap, triple delivery, turnkey GPS. Stock #53379............ MegaWide pickup, hydraulic pickup lift, push . . .......................................................$101,000 (11) bar. Stock #58209......................... $30,000 (11) 2012 John Deere 568 MegaWide pickup, twine/ 2012 John Deere 946 13-ft. cutting width, 1000 PTO, impeller conditioner, hydraulic tilt controls, Clevis net wrap, push bar, flotation tires, hydraulic hitch. Stock #57700...........................$25,500 (12) pickup lift, 1000 PTO. Stock #57372.................. 2002 John Deere 926 Upper flail conditioner, header ...................................................... $32,500 (11) tilt, 540 PTO, rear powerline w/double CV joint. 2010 John Deere 568 twine & net wrap, 1000 Stock #58149..........................................$8950 (2) PTO, hydraulic pickup lift, bale bush bar, Baletrak Pro monitor. Stock #59240......CALL (15) 2001 John Deere 926 12.5L-15 tires, impeller conditioner. Stock #58775...............................$8900 (1) 2010 John Deere 568 twine/wrap, push bar, MegaWide, big tires, 14,875 bales. Stock John Deere 440D hyd. deck shift, transport. Stock #58580.......................................... $24,500 (16) #15391.................................................$57,500 (1) 2010 John Deere 568 twine/wrap, MegaWide 2014 John Deere 440D hyd. deck shift, transport. pickup, hydraulic pickup lift, flotation tires, push Stock #53589.......................................$57,500 (2) bar. Stock #58443......................... $24,500 (11) 2002 John Deere 3975 pull-type forage harvester, 3 2009 John Deere 568 MegaWide, 540 PTO, row, 30” spacing corn head, 7-ft. hay head, long twine/wrap, push bar, new belts last year, big tongue, hydraulic tongue position. Stock #57383.. tires. Stock #58506......................$22,500 (16) ) ...........................................................$24,400 (11) 2007 John Deere 568 twine/net wrap, MegaWide 2000 John Deere 3950 pull-type forage harvester, pickup, hydraulic pickup lift, push bar, small short tongue, hydraulic wagon hitch, 24” horizontires, 1000 PTO. Stock #58453..... $26,400 (11) tal spout ext., 1000 PTO. Stock #58868..$5200 (1) 2003 New Holland BR780 MegaWide pickup, 1980 Hesston 6450 open station, 12-ft. head, gas, twine/net wrap, 540 PTO, extra sweep pickup, steel cond. Stock #50334......................$6950 (16) Bale Command. Stock #58592.......... $7000 (2) Hesston 6550 14-ft. hay head, steel-on-steel condi2004 New Holland 688 twine & net wrap. Stock tioner, cab with air. Stock #58560.........$9500 (14) #58849............................................... $6400 (1) 2013 MacDon M205 18-ft. hay head & 35-ft. triple 1993 New Holland 660 twine only, 1000 PTO, regdelivery draper head, steel conditioner. Stock ular pickup, brand new belts. Stock #58281....... #59238............................................$124,000 (12) ........................................................... $3900 (3) 2012 MacDon M205 16-ft. rotary head, steel condi2015 John Deere L340 3x4 sq baler, tandem axle. tioner, 841 engine hours. Stock #58660................ Stock #54581.............................. $115,000 (14) ...........................................................$95,000 (11) 2009 Krone 12130 big pack square baler, 92” 2012 MacDon M155 windrower, triple delivery, full pickup width, 47x51 bale size. Stock #57368..... AutoSteer, double knife drive, 35-ft. header. Stock ...................................................... $65,000 (12) #55535...............................................$112,500 (1) 2016 Massey Ferguson 2270 3x4 big square 2014 New Holland Speedrower 240 16-ft. rotary baler, like new, roller chute, bale drop sensor, head, rubber/urethane conditioner. Stock #58771. tandem axle. Stock #56957......... $119,500 (15) .........................................................$102,500 (15) 2008 Hesston 7433 3x3 big squares, knotter fan, 2010 New Holland H8040 windrower, 12-ft. sickle, tandem axle. Stock #58090........... $50,500 (12) 1710 hr. Stock #55097.......................$58,000 (11) 1999 New Holland 1475 14-ft. cut width, center pivot, rubber roll conditioner, 1000 PTO. Stock #58274..................................................$8500 (16) New Holland 1114 windrower, 14-ft. header, gas en$8.00/tie. gine. Stock #46104...............................$9619 (12) Sold in 16 tie bundles - We will load New Holland 1100 windrower, diesel, 21-ft. draper. Available at Conrad, Cut Bank Stock #47073........................................$9500 (16) and Dillon locations 2002 New Holland HW340 15-ft. rotary head with urethane rolls. Stock #59044..............$34,750 (3)
Railroad Ties
1=Conrad: 406-278-5531 2=Cut Bank: 406-873-5505 3=Choteau: 406-466-5741
11=Lewistown: 406-538-5433 12=Havre: 406-265-5518 13=Chester: 406-759-5010
– – – – – USED SEEDING – – – – –
2012 John Deere 1890 50-ft., 10” spacing, 350 bushel TBT ground driven cart, all run blockage, single shoot. Stock #59043.... CALL (3) 2014 John Deere 1830 60-ft, 12” spacing, SS, all run blockage, 430 bushel TBT cart, 10” auger. Stock #57126................................$143,000 (2) 2013 John Deere 1830 61-ft., 10” spacing, SS, 4” steel press wheels, primary blockage, 550 bu. cart. Stock #56115........................$146,000 (1) 2005 John Deere 1820 59-ft., 7.5” spacing, single shoot, TBT cart, all run blockage. Stock #56851............................................$40,000 (3) 1998 Bourgault 4250 40-ft., 10” spacing, SS, 250 bushel TBH cart, 8” auger, 1” carbide tips, steel press wheels. Stock #57186...........$22,500 (1) 2014 Case IH 800 70-ft. 12” spacing, SS, all run blockage,3430 cart. Stock #48059.. $152,500 (14) 2012 Case IH Precision 800 60-ft., 12” spacing, all run blockage, 430 bushel TBT cart, variable rate, 10” auger. Stock #56800.....$105,000 (14) 2009 Case IH 700 70-ft., 10” spacing, single shoot, 3430 TBT, duals, primary blockage. Stock #52199..................................$99,000 (1) 1999 Flexi-Coil 5000 45-ft., 12” spacing, 4” steel press wheels. Stock #59183................. ..................................................$19,000 (14) 2014 Morris Maxim II 60-ft., 10” spacing, 1” Carbide tips, Ag Tron Pri Bkg, 450 TBT cart w/10” auger. Stock #58850.....................$99,500 (14)
2010 Morris Contour 1, 60-ft., 10” spacing, independent arm drill, 445 cart, primary blockage. Stock #55622..............................$119,900 (14) 2005 New Holland SD440A 42-ft., 12” spacing, SS, 3” packer wheels, 1 openers, 230 bushel cart, primary blockage . Stock #58690.............. ........................................................$46,250 (3) 2011 Seedhawk 6612 66-ft., 12” spacing, double shoot, 500 bu. TBH variable rate cart, 2500 gallon liquid TBT fertilizer cart. Stock #58822........ ......................................................$149,000 (1) 2014 John Deere 1770NT 16 row, 30” planter. Stock #15211..................................$99,900 (1) 1991 John Deere 7200 Stock #56060.................. ......................................................$15,000 (15) 2009 Case IH 3430 430 bushel cart only, hydraulic drive, variable rate, 10” auger, 7 primary hoses. Stock #59182............................ ..................................................$36,000 (14) 1998 Flexi-Coil 2320 230 bu. tow between cart, ground drive, single shoot, 6 run, 7” auger. Stock #58265...................................$8500 (14) 1997 Flexi-Coil 3450 350 bu. TBT cart ONLY, hydraulic drive, double shoot, 10” auger w/hydraulic mover. Stock #58816.........$25,000 (14) 1999 Flexi-Coil 7500 slim drill, no blockage, 4” steel press wheels. Stock #58783....$8000 (14)
2016 John Deere R4045, 120-ft. booms, 20” nozzle spacing, hydr. tread adj., traction control, full boom breakaway. Stock #57511....... ..................................................$335,000 (1) 2015 John Deere R4045, 120-ft., auto boom level, traction control, section control. Stock #52272......................................$306,000 (3) #57274 2015 John Deere R4038, 120-ft. booms, Premium cab, auto solution command system, Boomtrac leveling. Stock #55884.................. ..................................................$269,000 (1) 2015 John Deere R4038 100-ft. boom, turnkey GPS, auto solution command system, warranty through Feb. 2020. Stock #56047......... ................................................$259,900 (15) 2015 John Deere R4038, 100-ft. boom, turnkey GPS, auto solution command system, warHaybuster 2620 round bale processor, 1000 ranty through Feb. 2020. Stock #56046......... PTO. Stock #17825...................... $9250 (12) ................................................$258,900 (15) 2009 Bale King 3100HD 1000 PTO, right side 2013 John Deere 4940 300 cu. ft. dry box, delivery, hydraulic deflector. Stock #57274..... hydraulic tread adjust, traction control, .................................................. $11,400 (12) 380/105R50 tires. Stock #58513................... ..................................................$223,650 (1) 2001 Bale King BK2000 left hand discharge, 1000 PTO, manual lift on discharge. Stock 2005 John Deere 4720 90-ft. 20” spacing, SS tank & booms, hyd. thread adjust, fence row #57471......................................... $7500 (12) nozzles, eductor, 5 section, foam marker. 1980 New Holland 1069 self-propelled bale Stock #57184..............................$91,000 (1) wagon, 160 bale capacity, new transmission and chains summer 2015. Stock #57465....... 2000 John Deere 4700 90-ft. booms, poly tank, EZ Guide 250, EZ Steer, fenders, 480/80R38 .................................................... $28,900 (2) tires, foam marker. Stock #57703.................. New Holland 1032 540 PTO drive, hydraulic ....................................................$58,900 (1) bale pickup, auto tie, 2x7 stack size. Stock #57279......................................... $5500 (16) 2009 John Deere 4830, 100-ft., 20” spacing, stainless tank, 420/80R46 tires. Stock Hoelscher 1040 universal fit, large square bale #53380....................................$138,325 (12) accumulator, control box, castor wheels. Stock #57603................................. $1650 (1) 2001 Summers NT 110-ft. booms, Raven control, nice. Stock #56706...............$11,500 (1) 2000 Vermeer BP7000 round bale processor with scale. Stock #57845........... $10,500 (14) 2007 Summers 60 pickup sprayer, 500 gallon tank, hydraulic tip lift, Raven 440 AutoRate, 2012 Vermeer R2800 7 bar hydraulic rake. Outback S-lite. Stock #58356.........$7950 (1) Stock #58426............................ $22,500 (14) 2006 New Holland 216 24-ft. reach, hydraulic 2001 FlexiCoil 67XLT 1500 gallon, 90-ft. booms, Greenstar rate controller, new tires, drive, twin rake. Stock #58614... $11,900 (15) new tank. Stock #56746.................$9500 (1) Befco 10 wheel rake, 3 pt. Stock #58566........... Flexi-Coil 67XL 90-ft. suspended boom, 1500 ..................................................... $2250 (12) gallon tank, wind screens, 2-way nozzle body, rate controller, mix cone. Stock #58710........ .....................................................$9500 (11) 1994 Flexi-Coil 65XL 100-ft. wheel boom, 1500 gallon tank, hydraulic pump. Stock #58277... .....................................................$4000 (12) 2000 Miller Nitro 275 100-ft. booms, 20” spacing, stainless tank, front booms, hyd tread adjust, 1200 gallon tank. Stock #579715...... ....................................................$54,900 (1) 2009 New Holland S1070 90-ft. suspended boom, 1600 gallon tank, AutoRate and Auto Height Stock #58091...................$15,500 (2)
14=Great Falls: 406-761-2005 15=Belgrade: 406-388-2100 16=Livingston: 406-222-3150
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C31
------------------- TRACTORS ------------------#56547
2016 John Deere 9470RX, 30” tracks, PTO, turnkey GPS, warranty until, 2019 or 1500 hours. Stock #56547............................................$419,500 (14) 2015 John Deere 9470RT, 30” tracks, turnkey GPS, PTO, still under warranty. Stock #53018............... ........................................................$344,900 (15) 2016 John Deere 9470R IF tires, turnkey GPS, PTO, HID lights. Stock #56400................$317,500 (14) 2010 John Deere 9430 P/S transmission, 4 SCV’s, NO PTO or 3 point, differential lock, Autotrac ready. Stock #59222.......................$177,500 (11) 2005 John Deere 9420 18 speed PS transmission, 4 SCV’s, no PTO or 3-pt., 6 out of 8 tires are new. Stock #58201..................................$103,900 (11) 1995 John Deere 8970 PowerShift, duals. Stock #57543..............................................$68,500 (12) 1993 John Deere 8770 24 speed PowerSync transmission, differential lock, 3 SCV’s. Stock #58689. ............................................................$50,000 (3) 2013 John Deere 8310 Auto Power IVT w/LH reverser, 5 SCV’s, front & rear duals, ILS, 1000 PTO. Stock #58263....................................$205,000 (1) 2013 John Deere 8285R AutoPower IVT with LHR, 5 SCVs, rear duals, 85 cc hydraulic pump. Stock #57350............................................$186,000 (15) 2007 John Deere 7930 Greenstar ready. Stock #56451................................................$99,500 (3) 2006 John Deere 7920 IVT transmission, 3 SCV’s, 3F EH joystick, wheel weightsm 746SL loader w/ bucket. Stock #58296........................$83,900 (16) 2004 John Deere 7920 IVT transmission, 3 SCV’s, 3F EH joystick, wheel weights, front weights, PTO. Stock #58296....................................$71,900 (16) 2001 John Deere 7710 16F/16R partial PS, PTO, 3 SCV’s, 740 self-leveling loader. Stock #58269...... ..........................................................$63,000 (11) 2001 John Deere 7510 MFWD, cab, 540/1000 PTO, 3 SCV’s, 16/16 PowerQuad w/LHR. Stock #58772..............................................$49,900 (15) 2007 John Deere 7430 20/20 AutoQuad, 3 SCV’s. 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, air seat, loader/grapple. Stock #59029....................................$89,500 (12) 2009 John Deere 7330 MFWD, 16/16 PowerQuad Plus, PTO, 741 self-leveling loader, 3 point, 2 SCV’s. Stock #58639..........................$78,500 (1) 2014 John Deere 7250R MFWD with TLS, 5 SCVs, active command steering, extended PowerTrain warranty, rear wheel weights, loader. Stock #57443............................................$195,500 (15) 2012 John Deere 7130 PowerQuad Plus, 16F/16R, 540/1000 PTO, 3 SCV’s w/H360 loader. Stock #58903................................................$87,500 (3) 2012 John Deere 6210R TLS, IVT, loader. Stock #55998..............................................$150,450 (1) 2016 John Deere 6155R IVT, MFWD, TLS, 5 SCVs, AutoTrac ready, Premium cab and lights, 640R loader. Stock #57042........................$172,000 (3) 2016 John Deere 6155M 20/20 AutoQuad Plus, SCV’s, cold start package, loader. Stock #58215. ........................................................$138,000 (14) 2016 John Deere 6155M 20/20 AutoQuad Plus, SCV’s, cold start package, loader. Stock #58217. ........................................................$138,000 (14) 2013 John Deere 6150R H360 loader, 20 speed Auto Quad, Greenstar ready. Stock #56029......... ........................................................$118,500 (11) 1998 John Deere 5510 Syncro transmission, 540 PTO, 3 SCV’s, 3 point, loader/grapple. Stock #58623..............................................$26,000 (12)
2014 John Deere 5100M Open station, power reverser, 540 PTO. Stock #58529...........$54,000 (3) 2015 John Deere 5065E Power reverser trans., 1 SCV, 540 PTO, 3 point, H240 loader. Stock #58991...............................................$42,500 (11) 1988 John Deere 4250 2WD, 725 non-self leveling loader, bucket/grapple, 15 speed P/S transmission, 540/1000 PTO, 3 point, 2 SCVs. Stock #57450..............................................$32,900 (11) 1981 John Deere 2640 2WD, Synchro, 540 PTO, loader. Stock #58242.............................$7865 (3) 1988 John Deere 2355 Synchro, 2WD, 540 PTO, John Deere 146 loader, 3 point. Stock #59239..... ..........................................................$15,900 (12) 1962 John Deere 2010 gas, Synchro transmission, loader, 2WD., 540 PTO. Stock #59220.$5900 (15) 2014 Case IH 165 CVT transmission, 4 electric SCVs, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, L765 SL loader, bucket, grapple. Stock #56588........$126,500 (16) 2014 Case IH 165 CVT transmission, 4 electric SCVs, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, L765 SL loader, bucket, grapple. Stock #56589........$126,500 (16) 2014 Case IH 165 CVT transmission, 4 electric SCVs, 3 point, 540/1000 PTO, L765 SL loader, bucket, grapple. Stock #56591........$126,500 (16) 1996 Case IH 9370 24 speed transmission, EZ-steer 250 system included, full front & rear weight package, 6 out of 8 tires are near new condition. Stock #57335..............................................$62,000 (14) 2004 Case IH MXU125 16 speed Powershift, 540/1000 PTO, 2 SCV’s, 3 point, LX156 self-level loader w/bucket & grapple. Stock #58917.............. ...........................................................$49,900 (11) 2006 Kubota L3130, Hydro trans, MFWD, loader/ bucket/bale spear, new engine w/less than 200 hrs.. Stock #57071..............................$16,875 (3) 2010 New Holland TV6070, MFWD, IVT, loader, grapple, PTO, 3 pt. Stock #53740.....$103,500 (3) 1995 New Holland 8770 MFWD, loader/grapple, Powershift trans., duals. Stock #55656.................. ...........................................................$47,150 (14) 1993 New Holland 8240 Partial Powershift, 540/1000 PTO, loader & grapple. Stock #58833.$27,500(12) 1975 Massey Ferguson 1805 210 hp, Synchro, duals, Cat 3208 engine, no 3 point or PTO. Stock #59248...................................................$7500 (3) Massey Ferguson 1800 Synchro, duals, 4948 hours, 170 hp. Stock #57879.............................$6500 (3) 1962 Massey Ferguson 65 2WD, gas engine, live 540 PTO, 3 point, Farmhand loader, open station. Stock #58640........................................$3500 (14) Versatile 850 Synchro, duals. Stock #56854.............. ................................................................$9500 (3)
2013 Brandt 13x110-ft. auger. Stock #58949........ ........................................................$25,050 (2) Brandt 10x80 auger, manual winch & swing hopper. Stock #58726..............................$9900 (3) 2012 Buhler 13”x70-ft. auger. Stock #55356......... ......................................................$13,000 (12) Buhler 13”x70-ft. auger. Stock #56295.$8500 (12) Sakundiak HD8-1800 8”x60-ft. auger. Stock #55150.............................................$4800 (12) Westfield 10”x31-ft. loadout auger, 540 PTO, like new condition. Stock #57468.............$5400 (1) 1985 Westfield 8x61 auger, 540 PTO drive. Stock #58591.............................................$2900 (15) Degelman 800 800 bushel grain cart, large 1000 PTO, Shur-Lok tarp. Stock #56846................... ......................................................$19,500 (14) 2011 Parker 1039 1000 bushel cart, tarp, scale, PTO drive. Stock #58867..............$29,900 (15) 2008 Brandt drive over conveyor pit, hydraulic drive. Stock #58051..........................$8900 (14) Brandt 20” drive-over deck, hydraulic drive, single tube, no mover. Stock #58725............$9500 (3) Unverferth 771 770 bushel grain cart with tarp. Stock #58749..................................$15,500 (3) 2017 Brandt 1300 grain vac w/bin sweep. Stock #58814............................................$37,000 (2)
1=Conrad: 406-278-5531 2=Cut Bank: 406-873-5505 3=Choteau: 406-466-5741
11=Lewistown: 406-538-5433 12=Havre: 406-265-5518 13=Chester: 406-759-5010
14=Great Falls: 406-761-2005 15=Belgrade: 406-388-2100 16=Livingston: 406-222-3150
-------------------COMBINES -------------------
2017 John Deere S680 combine, PowerCast tailboard, 26-ft. unload auger, lateral tilt fixed speed feederhouse, power folding covers. Stock #59190............................$392,500 (1) 2016 John Deere S680 combine, PowerCast TB, power folding grain tank exts, 520/85R42 duals, 2630 w/SF1 activation & SF3000 receiver. Stock #56412...............$385,000 (14) 2016 John Deere S680 280 engine/210 seperator hours, full GPS w/activations, prem residue, Pro Drive transmission, extended warranty. Stock #57330.............$402,500 (1) 2014 John Deere S680 Contour Master, ProDrive, Goodyear Duals. Stock #56419.......... ................................................$297,500 (14) 2014 John Deere S680 600/877.8 hrs. Stock #55789......................................$315,000 (1) 2013 John Deere S680 Stock #55797.............. ..................................................$277,000 (1) 2012 John Deere S680 1048/653 hours, ProDrive transmission, Contour Master, Powercast tailboard. Stock #54026...$226,000 (11) 2012 John Deere S670 combine, level land feeder house, 26-ft. unload auger, 3 speed transmission, manual TB. Stock #59227....... ..................................................$205,000 (2) 2014 John Deere S670 1563 engine/1220 seperator hours, PRWD, complete Autotrac system, CM w/variable speed feederhouse. Stock #58843............................$198,500 (1) 2013 John Deere S670 1124 engine/814 seperator hours, Pro Drive transmission, PowerCast tailboard, Contour Master w/variable speed drive. Stock #57238. Lease this machine for...$110/ENG hour (14) 2015 John Deere S670 640 engine hours, tristream extended wear rotor, manual adjust tailboard. Stock #56699.............$277,500 (1)
2016 John Deere 320E skidsteer, cab with air, hand/foot controls, 72” bucket, 3 sets of counterweights, cold start package. Stock #57127... ........................................................$43,000 (3) 2011 Case TR270 track loader, cab enclosure, air conditioning, rubber tracks, 76” bucket. Stock #58552..........................................$38,000 (16) 2011 Case IH SV185 skidsteer, cab w/air, self-leveling, 78” bucket, EH controls, auxiliary hydraulics. Stock #58812...........................$30,000 (3) 2016 John Deere KV22802 78” utility skid steer bucket. Stock #56522.........................$1200 (1) 2015 John Deere BW16005 96” high volume bucket w/heavy duty grapple, global carrier, single point hydraulic coupler. Stock #58845.... .........................................................$2500 (16) John Deere 5-ft. utility bucket, fits JD 600/700 loaders, pin-on attachment. Stock #58793........ .........................................................$1200 (16) 2014 John Deere BW15616 73” loader bucket, 500 series loader brackets. Stock #56223........ ...........................................................$950 (14) 2012 Danhuser EP10 post hole digger, 4” auger bit, hex to round adaptor, bucket mount. Stock #58852.............................................$1700 (11) John Deere 8” post hole auger bit. Stock #54206. ...........................................................$499 (11) 2014 Wheatheart 3 point post pounder, like new, hydraulic post grabber, side mast with extend and retract. Stock #58322...............$10,250 (1) 2007 John Deere MX6 medium duty rotary cutter. Stock #58015...................................$2200 (15) 2015 John Deere 60D 60” drive over deck for 1E or 1R compact tractor. Stock #58355................ .........................................................$1300 (14) 2014 Frontier AB13D single tine bale spear, fits JD 600/700 series loaders, new/never used. Stock #58910.....................................$800 (11) 2015 Frontier RB2284 rear blade. Like new condition. Stock #54623...........................$1800 (1) 1994 Leon 1000 12-ft. blade, 4-way (hydraulic lift and angle), fits John Deere 8320 tractor, new cutting edges. Stock #56578........... $6500 (15) Wishek 814NT 30-ft. tandem disk, 3 section folding, 11” spacing, notched front blades, smooth rear blades. Stock #58202............$40,900 (11) 2015 Frontier AP13G global mount pallet forks. Stock #54626.....................................$1150 (1) 2011 homemade 18-ft. flat bed, bumper pull, pintle hitch. Stock #56109.......................$8750 (2) 2015 Frontier AY12G-72 4-in-1 72” bucket with global carrier. Stock #54709...............$2900 (1) 2005 Buhler Y180 rollermill, barely used, always shedded. Stock #56888.....................$3500 (1) 2004 Harmon 5800 rock picker, hydraulic drive. Stock #59174...................................$8900 (12) Haybuster 3106 rock picker. Stock #58059........... ......................................................$12,000 (12) Erskine 721FM front mount snowblower to fit compact tractors, adjustable mounts, PTO drive, hydraulic chute. Stock #57663................. .........................................................$3500 (15)
2015 John Deere S670 644 engine hours, manual adjust tailboard, Premium cab, HID lights. Stock #56700..................$277,500 (1) 2014 John Deere S670 Stock #55771.............. ..................................................$304,000 (1) 2008 John Deere 9770 1953 eng/1564 sep hours, ext wear grain handling, large wire concave, Powercast tailboard. Stock #58683. ..................................................$145,000 (3) 2007 John Deere 9760 lateral tilt feederhouse, CM, 22.5-ft. unload auger, hydraulic fore & aft reel. Stock #59000.................. CALL (12) 2004 John Deere 9760 3977 engine/2769 seperator hours, CM, heavy duty final drive, fine cut chopper w/chaff spreader, premium hydraulic control package. Stock #58809...... ..................................................$79,500 (15) 2001 John Deere 9750 2755 engine/1960 seperator hours, 20-ft. unload auger, twin disk spreader w/chaff spreader, duals. Stock #58901........................................$68,900 (1) 2004 John Deere 9660, One owner machine! Y/M monitor. Stock #54854.......$82,000 (15) 1998 John Deere 9610 combine, 4624/3249 hrs., chopper, 20-ft. unload auger, hyd. fore & aft reel control. Stock #57251..$45,000 (3) 1999 John Deere 9610 chopper, 1 gallon header accumulator, hydraulic fore & aft reel, chaff spreader. Stock #58854......$37,000 (3) 1999 John Deere 9610 20-ft. unload auger, dial-a-speed header control, hydraulic fore & aft reel, 30.5x32 fronts. Stock #58855........... ....................................................$37,000 (3) 2001 John Deere 9550 3401 eng/2151 sep hours, duals, lateral tilt feederhouse, narrow fin radiator, Contour Master, HD variable speed feederhouse, general purpose multistep straw walker. Stock #58472.$66,000 (3) 1990 John Deere 9500 2WD, chopper, 25ft. Mac Don header, chaff spreader. Stock #58713......................................$26,000 (12) 2012 Case IH 8230 1290 eng/961 sep hours, lateral tilt feederhouse, duals. Stock #58485. ................................................$252,900 (11) 2000 Case IH 2388 2958 eng/2415 sep hours, spreader, yield & moisture monitor, rock trap, straw spreader. Stock #58535...$55,900 (12)
2016 John Deere 640D Poly tine pickup reel, slow speed transport & pea auger. Stock #57732......................................$69,000 (12) 2014 John Deere 640D Includes JD pea auger & slow speed transport, poly tine p/u reel, hyd fore & aft, single point hookup. Stock # 55775..........................................$64,500 (1) 2013 John Deere 640D poly tine p/u reel, road transport, well maintained. Stock # 47348.... ..................................................$59,000 (14) 2012 John Deere 640D road transport w/lights, poly tine p/u reel. Stock # 52042.$55,000 (3) 2011 John Deere 640D. pea cross auger, road transport w/lights, cutter bar w/full width skid shoes. Stock # 51213................$49,350 (12) 2001 John Deere 936D Poly tine p/u reel, Fore & aft reel control, Road transport w/lights, Multi Connection Point Hookup. Stock # 54968 .......................................$21,000 (12) 2011 John Deere 635D NO TRANSPORT, has dual zone float, poly tine p/u reel, cutter bar w/full width skid shoes. Stock # 47588.......... ..................................................$39,000 (11) 2009 John Deere 635D slow speed transport, pickup reel. Stock # 54831........$38,000 (12) 2014 John Deere 635F flexible platform, auger w/full width fingers, comes w/trailer. Stock # 56735........................................$39,000 (12) 2013 John Deere 635FD 35-ft. flexible draper, header height sensor in rigid mode. Stock # 58531..........................................$69,500 (1) 2013 John Deere 615P steel auger fingers, single point adapter. STOCK # 51446................ ..................................................$23,000 (14) 2011 John Deere 612C 12 row, 30” spacing, non-chopping, corn header. Stock #43565.... ..................................................$45,500 (11)
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C32
Pesticide use: A hot-button issue
Advertising Deadline for the November issue of the Trader's Dispatch will be November 1st.
$.00 SHOP SPECIALTIES •Ronan •Grass Range •Whitehall 1-888-676-5448
Big Sky Wholesale Seeds, Inc. Box 852, Shelby, MT 59474 Phone 434-5011 Phone 434-5600 FAX 406-434-5014 E-mail: bigskyseeds@3rivers.net
Native Dryland Items Mountain Brome Idaho Fescue Rough Fescue Sherman Big Bluegrass Sandberg Bluegrass Prairie Junegrass Basin Wildrye Streambank Wheatgrass Thickspike Wheatgrass Western Wheatgrass Bluebunch Wheatgrass Slender Wheatgrass Blue Grama Green Needlegrass Indian Ricegrass
du p n u o e R alf a v a eH Al f le Legumes W e ad y a i l a b R d av Alfalfa Sainfoin Se e Alsike Clover Red Clover Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Cicer Milkvetch Birdsfoot Treefoil Black Medic
Tame Dryland Items Smooth Brome Meadow Brome Sheep Fescue Hard Fescue Paiute Orchardgrass Russian Wildrye Dahurian Wildrye Altai Wildrye Tall Wheatgrass Intermediate Wheatgrass Pubescent Wheatgrass A/C Saltlander Crested Wheatgrass Hycrest Crested Wheatgrass
Put our “over three decades of experience in the grass seed & legume Wetland Native Items business” Nuttal Alkaligrass to work on Alkali Bulrush Tufted Hairgrass your farm Tame Wetland Items or ranch Reed Canarygrass Garrison Creeping Foxtail Timothy
Visit our website
By Nirupa Gadi, Boston University Pesticides are chemical substances widely used in modern agriculture as an effort to protect crops from different pestiferous organisms; insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides are common examples. The direct gains of pesticide use are the defense of cash crops, promoting high product yield and quality. In Montana, where agriculture is a major industry, high yield and quality of crops such as wheat, barley, canola, sugar beets, and other plants are an essential part of Montana’s economy. Therefore, many farmers and growers rely on pesticides to control damaging organisms. For example, 2,4-D is a widely used herbicide that selectively kills broadleaved plants by causing uncontrollable cell growth. Gaucho 600 is an insect neurotoxin commonly used as seed treatment on canola plants in Montana. However, if not used with extreme care and caution, many pesticides can negatively affect the environment and the organisms within it, including humans. Although pesticides are only intended to affect targeted pest, their mode of action is seldom specific to one plant or animal, meaning they can be toxic to many unintended organisms, often humans. The main ingredient in Gaucho 600 is imidacloprid, a nonspecific insecticide associated with declining honeybee populations. However, in higher doses, imidacloprid can also affect humans, causing growth defects and cardiovascular problems. Humans can be exposed to many toxic pesticides such as Gaucho 600 in the environment through inhalation, ingestion, or most commonly, dermal exposure through the eyes or pores. The World Health Organization estimates that there are over 3 million cases of general pesticide poisoning a year, causing over 200,000 deaths. A significant factor in the prevalence of pesticide poisonings is that as chemicals, pesticides can and will spread throughout an ecosystem. Exposure expands beyond growers who have direct contact with pesticides. Pesticides can percolate into the air, water systems, soil, and especially the produce itself. Pesticide residues can be characterized in the fruits, vegetables, meat, grains, and water that people consume and cannot be removed through either filtering or washing, contributing to secondhand chemical exposure. No segment of the population is completely protected from pesticides, as a recent study found residues in breast milk samples that contribute to prenatal exposure to dangerous compounds. Studying the detrimental effects of pesticide use on the environment and human health first began with the book Silent Spring written by Rachel Carson in 1962. Silent Spring was a reaction to the use of the chemical DDT which was could eradicate hundreds of insect types at once. During World War II, the United States used DDT to kill mosquitoes causing malaria and lice carrying typhus; it was extremely effective and saved millions of lives around the world. Carson was one of the few to question a pesticide that could exterminate every insect and proceeded to note DDT’s impacts such wiping out all insect populations for months, remaining toxic in the environment even after rainfall, decreasing bird populations, and even linking it to cancer and genetic diseases in humans. Silent Spring alarmed readers all across the world and brought about programs for environmental protection and pesticide regulations due to the lingering and percolating effects of these chemicals. This spreading of pesticide compounds shows that there is not only an occupational hazard of pesticide use and exposure to growers, but also a second level effect on consumers. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) reported that the United States alone uses over 1 billion tons of pesticides in a year. Of the 1 billion, the question of how many tons seep into the air, water systems, and eaten produce is a lengthy and daunting question to consider. Even with the EPA and other government regulations, serious concerns about health risks have been raised too often, inflicted by the injudicious use of aggressive pesticides. Curiously, chemicals as pesticides are available on the market before their effects are completely understood. It is difficult to evaluate the impact that a pesticide will have on organisms and the environment, as pesticides are a mixture of chemicals – understanding exactly how each chemical will react with other components of the pesticide as well as with the environment itself is convoluted and complex. For example, the impacts of chemical toxicities, application methods, and dosage will bear upon the soil composition, weather, flora and fauna, etc. that are intently variable. This multifactorial quality of pesticide impact translates to a discord between published research findings CONTINUED ON PAGE C33
Pesticide use: A hot-button issue CONTINUED FROM PAGE C32
and real-life effects. Therefore, it is possible that the chemicals themselves of a pesticide are innocuous, but when combined with certain environmental conditions or reagents, can become dreadfully harmful. Undoubtedly, pesticide use is a hot-button topic, as the possible implications on the environment and human health are substantial and legitimate. Many environmental groups have called for a total ban on pesticide use in agriculture, but such drastic measures would do more harm than good. Without pesticide use, it is estimated that global food production could drop to 60% of what it is now, triggering an epidemic of famine and hunger; with a growing world population, commodity surplus is needed, not a food shortage. Therefore, even after all the negative effects of pesticide use are discussed, these chemicals are often a necessary evil in the field of agriculture, as many times their pros out-weigh their cons. A majority of the negative effects discussed above are mainly possibilities from injudicious use or if an individual is overexposed to a certain chemical. However, with substitution using lower-risk pesticides and safety precautions, these chemicals do provide an effective, economical method of protecting cash crops without harming the environment and human health. Gaucho 600, as discussed earlier, carries a neurotoxin that causes general insect death, including that of honeybees and other beneficial insects. At higher doses, it can even cause significant defects and problems in humans. This is an example of a pesticide that should be avoided when possible. Instead, a lower-risk pesticide such as neem oil can be considered. Neem oil comes from the neem tree Azadirachta indica and when sprayed on plants, is quite impressive in that it only affects insects that digest and harm that plant. This is due to neem oil’s characteristic as an ingested toxin – as pollinators and spiders do not eat foliage, they are hence left unharmed. As for humans, neem is actually beneficial, as it can treat many illnesses from cough to leprosy. Using neem oil instead of Gaucho 600 is an excellent example of preventing environmental and human damage by using a low-risk pesticide. Pesticides can be considered to be of low-risk when they leave no residue or when residue can be easily washed off. Furthermore, unambiguous modes of action, such as speciesspecific toxicity or toxicity through ingestion also decrease the chance of pesticides affecting non-pest organisms. Only chemicals with these factors should be used as pesticides, as broad-spectrum herbicides and insecticides have a wide toxicity range and can affect many species. Even when using lower-risk pesticides, safety precautions are vital to avoid overexposure and contamination. Similar to a drug dosage, pesticides should not be overused or at higher concentrations, as this can contribute to development of insect resistance and a greater chance of left-over residue. These chemicals should never be stored or transported with food, animal feed, or fertilizer. Furthermore, pesticides should never be sprayed on windy or rainy days, as this increases the chances of chemical travel and run-off. After spraying, restricted area intervals where plant contact is avoided should be established and treated area signs should be erected. Pesticides have played a key role in protecting cash crops from many damaging insects and plants, increasing product yield and improving commodity quality. Although pesticides are created to protect crops from certain pests, they are often too toxic or nonspecific and can harm the environment and other organisms, including humans. New and upcoming research has developed alternative methods of protecting cash crops, such as using beneficial fungi or predatory nematodes that ward off insect pests. However, these methods have yet to be proven successful, and until new developments are made to increase the effectiveness of these approaches, the main option is to use chemical pesticides. In the meantime, due to the serious health concerns that have been raised, lower-risk pesticides should be considered that are more specific to the pest organism and will not as easily seep and contaminate resources to better preserve the environment and global health. From actual Church Bulletins…….. • Please place your donation in the envelope along with the deceased person(s) you want remembered. • Attend and you will hear an excellent speaker and heave a healthy lunch. • The ladies of the church have cast off clothing of every kind and they may be seen in the church basement Friday.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C33
Deadline for ads in the November issue is Wednesday, November 1st.
2008 Valley 8000 4 Tower, 860-ft. 1992 Lockwood 2265 8 Tower, 1512-ft. 1991 Valley 6000 6 Tower, 735-ft. 1989 Lockwood 2285 8 Tower, 1295-ft.
1988 Lockwood 2285 8 Tower, 1300-ft. 1995 Reinke 665 7 Tower, 1270-ft. 1985 Reinke/Mini Gator 9 Tower, 1106-ft. Wheel Line 5”X5-ft., 1280-ft.
Contact any of our MVI locations: Powell, WY (307) 754-7204 Billings, MT (406) 248-4418 Bismarck, ND (701) 222-4700 Great Falls, MT (406) 761-8195 Wadena, MN (218) 631-9271
Pre Season Special
on chains for HD trucks and equipment
2011 Deere 544K, Q/C, 3rd valve, very good tires, very good loader, AC, heat, 3 yard bucket, 10,000 hours....... $79,000
Cat 416CIT, 4WD, extend-a-hoe, Q/C and forks, bucket, open ROPS, 4500 hours. To go through shop...................... Call 2004 Deere 310G, nice cab, good tires, 4WD, extend-a-hoe with 24” bucket. Good local machine with 5100 hours, good front bucket with reversible cutting edge................ $29,900
(2) Cat D7F hyd angle blade with hyd tilt, winches.................. ............................................................ Starting at $19,000 John Deere 650G, ripper. Very nice, going through shop.Call
Case 888.......................................................................... Call 2006 Cat 308CCR, 92” blade, 24” bucket, Q/C, hyd dual link thumb, heat, AC, 6500 hours. Nice machine......... $42,500 1996 Cat 312, cab guard, long arm, hyd thumb, 36” dig bucket, good undercarriage, cat walks, 15,000 hours. Runs excellent. Going through shop....................................... $32,500 Cat 312C, blade, hyd Q/C, thumb.......................... Coming In Cat 315.................................................................. Coming In 2008 Deere 35D, heat, A/C, 24” bucket, 30” bucket, hyd thumb, newer tracks, 3300 hours................................ Please Call Deere 50D............................................................ Please Call 2005 Hitachi ZX35UNA-2 new 24” bucket and used 12” bucket, hyd thumb, good tracks, nice tight boom, blade, rebuilt bucket pin, wedge coupler, excellent machine, job ready.. .............................................................................. $23,000 2011 Hitachi ZX120-3, hyd dual link thumb, 36” dig bucket, 20” pads, AC/heat, 3100 hours. Very nice, quality machine...... .........................................................................Please Call Hitachi EX135USR...............................................Please Call Hitachi ZX135.................................................................. Call Hitachi ZX160.................................................................. Call 2007 Kubota KX161-3SS, 2 buckets, hyd thumb, angle blade, enc cab, 2800 hours. New tracks, serviced and job ready. .............................................................................. $45,000 Volvo EC160, going through shop................................... Call
Cat 320L excavator with Keto processing head......... $17,500 Hurricana 20 saw head, accumulator arm, hyd tilt, low hours on saw motor rebuild, came off a 2520 Timber Jack, a very good head................................................................ $7250 Komatsu PC220LC-5 slide boom delimber, measures, cab, good undercarriage. Rougher, but came off a working job. .............................................................................. $14,000 Timbco 2515 feller/buncher with bar saw, low hours on new engine, will go to work.......................................... $29,000 Timberjack 2520 feller/buncher, parts machine.............. Call Fire Tank & Trailer water tank trailer for fighting fires, 300 gallon fire system, suction and pressure system, small and large hoses, foam applicator, gas pump, works very well, includes trailer.......................................................... $5500
New and used for heavy construction machinery rollers, buckets, cabs, forks, blades, brushrakes, thumbs, bucket teeth, tires, undercarriages.
2005 Deere 200CLC, 42” bucket, hyd Q/C, CWS dual link hyd thumb, 24” shoes, heat, A/C. A very nice straight machine and job ready........................................................ $58,000
1998 Genie Snorkel Lift, gas/propane, 4WD, pneumatic tires, telescopic 60-ft. reach, max horizontal reach 621, 5700 hours..................................................................... $13,500 Lull 644 Highlander telescopic lift, John Deere engine, 4-way steer, 6000 lb, frame tilt, carriage tilt, 13.00x24 rubber in very good condition, runs excellent, low hours. Nice older lift.......................................................................... $13,900
2006 Deere 872D, 14-ft. moldboard, push block, rear ripper scarifier, low pro cab with AC, very good tires. Very nice all wheel drive grader................................................ $85,000 1973 Wabco 777B, Detroit 671, 14-ft. moldboard. Good older grader...................................................................... $9900
John Deere 210LE 4WD skip loader, power shuttle, Gannon box blade with ripper bar, very good tires on back, front blade bucket is 85” wide with reversible cutting edge, 5385 hours...................................................................... $22,500 Case W26B...................................................................... Call 1976 Cat 980B, good cab and interior, very good bucket, matched set of tires. This operates very well and is a very good 980B............................................................. $25,000 1985 Clark Ranger 55C, Detroit 453 120 hp, 17.5x25 matched rubber, good bucket, 23,000 lb weight. Nice tight machine, runs excellent. Excellent 3 yard loader.................. $16,900
Deere 250C, very clean truck, 8150 hours, good tires, new walking beam bushings, good brakes, good truck.$81,500 1990 Morooka MST1500, engine runs excellent, good power to both sides, lower hours, hyd are good, one new track. Good running 1500............................................... $18,000
(3) John Deere 4039D engine and power unit. Test ran very well. Comes complete including stand and radiator........... ........................................$2500 each or Buy 2 for $4000 John Deere 4-219 engine power unit. Test ran very well. Comes complete including stand and radiator............$2500 each
1982 Freightliner Conventional for parts including: Cat 3406A with low miles, 15 speed, Rockwell differential, SQHD, hi/ low lockers, good components. Lots of miscellaneous on this old Freightliner.................................... For parts only 1980 International water truck, leaky tank, water system as shown, 13-speed, 400 Cummins, runs.................... $8000 1980 Kenworth dump truck, less than 80,000 miles on 350 Cummins with Jake brake, 13 speed, 2 speed differential, power steering, 12 yard box, rebuilt walking beam suspension. Good, nice, low mile older truck................... $13,500 Kenworth T800 with a HL 12-68 crane................ Please Call
Do you want a deal? Call us for guaranteed NEW AND USED PARTS
View our entire inventory with pictures at www.reddigequipment.com Reddig Equipment and Repair 406-755-7595 • 2866 Highway 2 East • Kalispell, MT
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C34
Old Cars Wanted
Looking to buy old cars, pickups and parts up to 1974.
Bales left in the field can be costly for many reasons
By Andre Bonneau PAg Forage Management Specialist, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture In late summer, we see many bales left a prime site for weed invasion. Often, dandelion infestations in alfalfa stands come sitting out in the fields. While hay bales may from areas where the alfalfa was stressed make the countryside more scenic, we may EQUIPMENT FOR SALE not realize the cost of leaving the hay on the and suppressed. 1991 Versatile 876 tractor, 4900 hours, 60% tread.. $34,000 Research from Wisconsin has shown that field longer than necessary. 2010 MacDon D60 35-ft. header, good shape.......... $31,000 1992 Yamaha 350 ATV................................................ $1000 wheel traffic does less damage to the alfalfa Once the bales have cooled, the bales 1955 Ford F100, restored............................................ $9000 stand early in the regrowth period. In other can be taken to the feed-yard and stacked. Apache sprayer tires, Titan 380/90R46, 40% tread..... $2000 words, the larger the alfalfa plant, the more Unless the bales are used for bale grazing, Phone (406) 861-0558, Broadview, Montana damage wheel traffic will do to it. This can leaving that hay out in the fields until freezebe very important if a second cut is planned up can prove expensive. for mid-August. In many parts of the province, most of Damage to the bale the cost of a hay bale is in cutting and balCustom cut and molded to your specs Bales left in the field often flatten out ing, not the forage itself. Depending on • Full dimension rough cut lumber and soften. Loading, handling and hauling yield, it can cost up to $30 to cut and roll • Custom sawing those bales can be difficult as some of the a 1500-pound bale. If the bale is valued at • Custom molding $55, the forage in the bale is worth $25. bales will fall apart and dry matter losses • Custom drying will increase. When about half the cost of the bale is spent • Beams • Wood siding A bale left in the field is exposed to the on cutting and baling, it makes good sense • Log railing elements in all directions. If three inches to protect those bales as much as possible. • Driveway arches of the outside surface of a 5 x 6 bale is Damage to the stand • Bridge planks spoiled, it represents about 30 percent of the The forage plants smothered by a hay • Fireplace mantels hay in that bale. In a 1,500-pound or 682-kibale will be suppressed until the bale • And much more..... 780 1st Rd. S - Vaughn, MT Call The Weaver Family (406) 788-7989 logram bale, a 30 percent loss represents is removed. The longer the bale stays www.bigskysawmill.vpweb.com 450 pounds (204 kilograms) of hay. Storing in one spot, the less likely the forage e-mail: bigskysawmill@gmail.com will recover and the area could become bales reduces the number of exposed surfaces and can reduce losses, especially if shelter can be provided. To minimize losses, research suggests bales should 406-453-0010 be stored end-to-end with Montana Toll Free the rows spaced one to two feet apart. The purpose is 1-800-452-0010 to minimize the amount of 4212 North Star Blvd. #4 Distributing Company Great Falls, Montana snow that sits on the hay and allow the snow-melt and Ag West Distributing Co., located in Great Falls, Montana, is currently hiring a parts and N rain to run off as quickly as O equipment sales associate. Sales area would be lower Montana and Wyoming. IN ST W possible. OCK Sales responsibilities will be discussed at interview. NEW Raven Great benefits including: 401k retirement program, insurance and paid vacation. Some producers store Please send resume to: Ag West Distributing , 4212 north star Blvd. #4 Great Falls, MT. 59405 bales in the “mushroom” ™ Guidance style, where the bottom bale Go to www.agwestdist.com to check out our is on end while the top bale New Low Price Of $1695 used sprayers and floaters we have on sale! lies on its side. This style Call for Special Pricing ® provides less protection than end-to-end, especially if the ✔ Touchscreen Display All ✔ On-Screen Guidance (Optional) rows are tight to each other. Shapes ✔ Detailed Datalogging ✔ Reports It’s been found that the and Sizes Liquid Storage ✔ Controller Area Network (CAN) Technology bottom bales tend to act as ✔ Profile ✔ Scout - Map field boundaries a wick and draw moisture Tanks or create in-depth field maps. from the ground. However, Excellent Selection it is popular as it can still ® On Hand shed some water, take up ✔ Guidance ✔ Boom Section Control 10,000 gallon poly fertilizer storage tanks on hand less space and the twine ✔ Boom Height Control ✔ One Package doesn’t freeze to the ground. If the bales are stored for short periods, the rows are We carry all Parts & Filters spaced and the majority of the bales will be used before for self-propelled spring melt, either style is sprayers and floater trucks acceptable. Save money Hauling bales through the We sell all AIM Command & SharpShooter parts snow, especially if you have Complete Systems On Hand forJohn Deere and all other brands to plough your way to the bales adds a lot of expense 20+ years experience... to the hay. Hay is expensive We service what we sell to put up. Leaving hay out on the hay field can cause ATV & BACKPACK deterioration and dry matSPRAYERS ter losses. Bales can also damage the forage stand and The Handler is designed primarily for add expense to your forage direct induction of chemical into sprayers. production costs. Crop Call Wayne Lugalia 406-214-5910 (cell) or 406-821-0300 (home)
Viper 4+
Envizio Pro II
Air Seeder Hose IN STOCK Black & Clear
Replace Problem Solenoid Valves with Electric Ball Valves
Field Batch Trailers
Protection System 15, 42 and 70 gallon capacity
3 - 3000 gallon tanks
Stop in and see what we have!!
Bring in any competitor’s AD and we’ll match their price!!
##### Bee stings may ease pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers at the University of Sao Paulo found that molecules in bee venom increase your body’s level of glucocorticoid, an anti-inflammatory hormone.
Nonnative plant species in timing of grassland green-up
By Iowa State University of Science and Technology News Service Gradual changes to when grassland plants turn green in the spring and fade in the fall, widely attributed to climate change, may arise due to different factors than previously thought, according to new research from an Iowa State University (ISU) scientist. Grassland phenology, or the study of cyclic and seasonal changes in plants and other organisms in U.S. grasslands, has shifted over time as plants have turned green and flowered earlier in the spring and senesce, or deteriorate, later in the fall. Climate change seemed a likely culprit driving the change, and Brian Wilsey, a professor of ecology, evolution and organismal biology (http://www.eeob.iastate.edu), said warming temperatures can claim some responsibility. But Wilsey – along with former ISU graduate student Leanne Martin and Andrew Kaul, a graduate assistant in ecology, evolution and organismal biology – authored a study published Wednesday, showing that the introduction of exotic, nonnative plant species to U.S. grasslands has played a larger part in changing the phenology of those regions. The group’s research was published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Applied Ecology (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/ doi/10.1111/1365-2664.12971/full). “We might falsely attribute these changes to climate change, but they’re really due to plant composition,” Wilsey said. “We need to be able to tease them apart to make sure we’re making the best policies.” Much of the landscape in the central United States featured prairie. For instance, around 85 percent of Iowa’s landscape once consisted of prairie, Wilsey said. Those ecosystems included plants like big bluestem, switchgrass, wildflowers and prairie clover. As the modern landscape changed, the composition of U.S. grassland now includes old-world bluestems, Johnson grass, brome grass and Bermuda grass. Those exotic species feature differing phenology than native plants, leading to the changes noted in the study. The study focused on 42 grassland sites stretching from
##### The Low Sodium Dieter’s Lament: They say variety is the spice of life, but it’s no substitute for salt.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C35
NH Bale Wagons & Retrievers FOR SALE & WILL PURCHASE
Sod Buster Sales, Inc.’s Farm Equipment Finding Service — Phone (406) 883-2118
DEALER GO FURTHER ON A SINGLE TANK. Most short boxes 50-56 gal tank. Long boxes 60-65 gal. Aux. tanks also available.
Veteran owned and operated
406-781-0978 | 2012 13th St South | Great Falls, MT dooleydiesel.com | FIND US ON FACEBOOK
We Buy, Sell, and Rent Equipment, Trucks, and Trailers Call us: 406-868-5977 Simms, Montana
2007 Chevrolet Silverado crew cab, 4x4, 100,000 miles. ..................................$13,500
2007 Fontaine 55 ton lowboy......................................... $49,500 1995 International box truck, DT466, automatic, 24-ft. van body with roll up door and side access door..................$8500
2000 Tesmec TRS1000 trencher, 13-ft. trench bar, side discharge...................$49,500
2012 Komatsu PC80, enclosed cab, hydraulic coupler, auxillary hydraulics, 2275 hours.......................... $37,500
2004 Load King 70 ton lowboy, 2-3-2 set up, 9-ft. wide.............. ..................................................................................... $130,000 2001 Dodge 2500 4x4, Cummins, Bradford flatbed, 380,000 miles, recent repairs. .....................................$5000
2008 Ford F150 crew cab, 4x4, 5.4L V8, 190,000 miles... .....................................$9950
1994 Kenworth T600 N14 Cummns, 13 speed, steerable lift axle.......................$18,500
1998 New Holland TV140 bidirectional, 5600 hours, dual PTO, loader/grapple...$39,500
John Deere 18-ft. disk.. $3500
2000 Peterbilt 379 550 Cat, 18 speed, 3:55’s, 24.5 rubber. ..................................$27,500
John Myers 406-546-1743
1998 Kenworth W900 60” flat top sleeper, Cat 3406E, 18 speed, steerable lift axle.$Call
2007 Kenworth T800 dump truck, 565 hp, Cummins ISX, 18 speed, 46,000 rears, full lockers, aluminum dump bed, 550,000 miles............$59,500
2004 Kenworth T600 Cat C15, 550 hp, 18 speed, 772,000 miles, 3:58 rears, 4-way lockers, 60” flat top sleeper.......................$22,500
1989 Ford L9000 260 hp Cummns, 10 speed with 94 Donohue gooseneck with new tires and air brakes....$10,500
1994 Peterbilt 379 day cab, Cat 3406E, 13 speed, steerable lift axle, wet kit.........$Call
2003 Volvo single axle truck, Cummins N14, 10 speed........ ..................................$18,900
Call us to help you sell your equipment through AuctionTime (406) 564-1743
Lloyd Walker
(406) 868-5977
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C36
low boy service
40-ton RGN trailer for hire to transport combines, tractors, sprayers, floaters, construction equipment, etc. Within Montana & surrounding states. We also have 48-ft. step deck trailers available. Insured & experienced. Call Roger or Larry at Roger Rader Inc., Sun River, MT 406-264-5475 (MC# 170263 US DOT# 128029)
##### The fastest way we’ve found to clean a paintbrush is in a solution of 1/2 cup liquid fabric softener and 1 gallon of warm water. Stick the brush in a bucket of this solution, then swirl it vigorously for 20 seconds.
T & T Farm Supply, LLC
Tyrel and Tara Hendrickson - 406-759-5006 or 406-799-8576 717 Madison Ave., W. Chester, MT (near Liberty County Airport)
Call to get more information about German-engineered Tillage Tools how your operation The ONLY Dealer can benefit from in Montana! Lemken products!
WE ARE YOUR LOCAL DEALER FOR... Honey Bee (header), REM (grain vac), Bourgault Tillage Tools, MAV Chopper, Flexxifinger, Crary (air reels), and BATCO. Now selling Bourgault Tillage and Seeding Tools CALL US TODAY!
Call today for New VR12 Grain Vac pricing and availability
REM VRX Grain Vacs We also have parts for REM Grain Vacs
Specializing in Honey Bee Draper Headers
1” and 2.5” air seeder hose 7” and 8” rubber/flexible grain vacuum hose UII and Hart Cart reel parts
By William Moss, The National Gardening Association With the arrival of fall the annuals in my garden are winding down. One particular cleome put on a dazzling display this year. It volunteered near my vernal witch hazel and quickly branched into a candelabra of pink and white flowers. Next year I want all my cleomes to grow as robustly and bloom as profusely as this two-toned specimen, so I’m saving the seeds. With the abundance of inexpensive seed available online and at garden centers, seed saving is no longer a necessity. However, it is still a good practice and a cornerstone of sustainable gardening. Collecting your own seeds saves money, helps preserve desirable traits, and keeps you in good horticultural practice in case you ever want to live off the land. Conservation biologists and other scientists are assembling seed banks of all the world’s plants. They are saving seeds in case of catastrophes like natural disasters or extinction, and to preserve a variety of genes like those found in heirloom crops. In the future, these seed banks could help reestablish natural areas or enable people to grow crops following the devastation of war or other societal upheaval. A gardener’s motives need not be as global or prescient as that of a seed bank. Saving seeds can simply help us grow good plants. In theory, next year’s plants will exhibit qualities similar to the parent. I’m saving seeds from this year’s star cleome because I want to pass on its vigor, size, and color to next year’s plants. (Remember Gregor Mendel’s classic pea experiments?) Five Steps to Seed Saving There is a standard procedure for saving seeds. For annuals and most crops: Collect ripe seeds and allow them to dry. Clean the seeds by removing any husks or pods. Store in an airtight container in a cool, dark, dry location. Label the container with the variety and year. Sow in spring, and smile in summer. Fall Sowing Some seeds can actually be “saved” for the following season by sowing them in autumn. Cleome, larkspur, dill, tomato, pumpkin, and many others have seeds that can survive winter temperatures. These plants are called “volunteers” because they will voluntarily sprout throughout the garden in spring. To help them grow where you want them, gather the seed/ fruit and remove as much of the husk/pulp as possible. Clear debris from the area where the seeds will be sown. Spread the seeds and gently rake them into the soil. Mark the space as a seed bed to avoid disturbing it later. Perennial Seed Although trickier, perennial seeds can also be saved. Some can be stored dry, like annuals, but others require natural winter conditions. For best results, treat perennial seeds like volunteer annuals and sow in autumn. Seeds are an inexpensive way to propagate pricey perennials, but the time to maturity varies. The perennial Maximillian sunflower (Helianthus maximiliani) can grow from seed to a 6-foot mass of glowing flowers in one season. Conversely, hellebores can take more than a year to reach flowering size. Whether or not it is worth it to save seed from perennials depends on the plant ... and your patience.
Nonnative plant species in timing of grassland green-up
We stock a large variety of Honey Bee parts including rod weeder supplies.
Also Now Available
Saving seeds from annuals and perennials
We are your MAV Chopper Dealer
Now Selling Parts and Conveyors
Minnesota to Texas. Half of the sites featured only native plant species, while the other half featured only nonnative and exotic plants. The five-year study found the locations with exotic species greened up an average of 11 days earlier and senesced 37 days later than the native sites, though the nonnative sites often displayed a temporary midseason decline in greening. Wilsey said the phenology changes have implications for a range of organisms, especially for migratory and pollinating animals that look to plant phenology for cues that tell them when it’s time to move on. Humans introduced the nonnative species in large part over the last century, he said. Many of the species likely were selected because of their longer growing season, making them well suited for grazing. “Grazing animals might be better off with green-up earlier in the spring, but migrating animals might be affected in different ways,” he said. “There are management tradeoffs, and we’re hoping this research helps sort out some of those considerations.”
Rangeland grasses recover quickly after wildfires
By Agricultural Research Service There is good news for beef producers in western states: They might not have to wait two to three years after a spring wildfire to graze cattle on federal rangelands. Lance Vermeire, an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) ecologist in Miles City, Montana, found grazing within a year after a wildfire doesn’t harm grass and can provide just as much forage as sites that haven’t burned. About 4 million acres of U.S. rangelands burn every year. Not all of that acreage is suitable for grazing, but millions of suitable acres do annually burn in wildfires. The Bureau of Land Management (www.blm.gov) and the USDA Forest Service (www.fs.fed.us) generally recommend waiting up to three years after a fire before allowing grazing believing that grasses native to the dry climate of the northern prairies need that much time to recover. However, both agencies are shifting away from that position—in large part, because of findings by Vermeire and his colleagues. In studies, Vermeire has found that native grasses usually survive wildfires. When a fire sweeps through, it takes the dead plant material from the surface, but most of the plant, which is below ground, escapes long-term damage. Vermeire and his colleagues compared the productivity of tracts that were grazed with tracts that were not grazed at a South Dakota site where a spring wildfire burned more than 10,000 acres. They found no significant differences in grass production. The cattle removed 47 percent of the vegetation from the burned sites, which is the average rate of vegetation removal from grazing. The study was partially funded by the Forest Service, and the results will help guide federal policies on rangeland management. For more information contact Dennis O’Brien (https:// www.ars.usda.gov/oc/key-contacts-at-ars-office-ofcommunications/#Dennis), ARS Office of Communications. ##### Twice-yearly migrations of millions of cranes, ducks and geese turn the Platte River area into an amazing sight.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C37
SHOP SPECIALTIES 1-888-676-5448 cleanburn@shopspecialties.com •Ronan •Grass Range •Whitehall shopspecialities.com • sunfire.com
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C38
BRIDGE FOR SALE Modular concrete bridge, 36-ft.x14.5-ft., ready to set on footings Phone (605) 210-5030, Spearfish, South Dakota
Fort Benton Realty, LLP
1426 Front Street
Fort Benton, Montana 59442
Montana Farm 9,200 Acres: located in central MT, N of Lewistown. Includes 7,150 acres of dry cropland, two homes & 2 sets of farm buildings with feedlot set-up. Local cropping practices include Winter & Spring Wheat, Barley and Pulse Crops. Irrigation rights and development are possible. There’s Elk, Deer, Antelope & bird Hunting and fishing in this area. Farm is priced at $1,825 per acre. Terms possible. Call Mark Pyrak, Broker 406-788-9280 or go to www.fbrealty.com
“We look forward to assisting you with all of your Real Estate needs”
Grand Champion Market Swine shown by Isabell Lowry. Purchased by Bob’s Valley Market. Photo courtesy of Mary Meyer, Lewis and Clark 4-H.
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US livestock slaughter for August 2017
Commercial red meat production for the United States totaled 4.63 billion pounds in August, up 4% from the 4.43 billion pounds produced in August 2016. Beef production, at 2.40 billion pounds, was 6% above the previous year. Cattle slaughter totaled 2.94 million head, up 7% from August 2016. The average live weight was down 7 pounds from the previous year, at 1,345 pounds. Veal production totaled 6.4 million pounds, 5% above August a year ago. Calf slaughter totaled 46,200 head, up 13% from August 2016. The average live weight was down 17 pounds from last year, at 238 pounds. Pork production totaled 2.21 billion pounds, up 3% from the previous year. Hog slaughter totaled 10.7 million head, up 3% from August 2016. The average live weight was up 2 pounds from the previous year, at 278 pounds. Lamb and mutton production, at 12.8 million pounds, was up 2% from August 2016. Sheep slaughter totaled 194,100 head, slightly above last year. The average live weight was 132 pounds, up 2 pounds from August a year ago. January to August 2017 commercial red meat production was 34.0 billion pounds, up 4% from 2016. Accumulated beef production was up 5% from last year, veal was down 1%, pork was up 3% from last year, and lamb and mutton production was down 4%.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C39
This is an especially important time of year to be thinking about minerals! • • We Have Weaning Pellets Available • •
Brigade® Stress Fighting Formula is a CRYSTALYX® Supplement designed to help young calves overcome nutritional stress from weaning and shipping. This palatable, free-choice supplement is fortified with electrolytes, vitamins, minerals and trace minerals - just what stressed calves need at this critical time.
Ask for Brigade Stress Fighting Formula
BTI Feeds
Protein is often the first limiting nutrient on most forage programs, minerals and vitamins play an important role in helping cows stay healthy and in maintaining reproductive efficiency. CRYSTAL-PHOS™ is a weather and waste proof mineral supplement that cows will consume readily along with BGF-30™. Place a BGF-30™ barrel with every 20-30 head of cows and a CRYSTAL-PHOS® barrel for approximately every 40-70 head. Studies have shown that cows will consume mineral better from CRYSTAL-PHOS. Try the “combo” program ~ it works!
Call toll-free 1-800-873-0336 — Local 406-873-4433 Highway 2 East, Across from railroad crossing, Cut Bank Bulk Plant toll-free 1-888-878-2812 — Local 406-873-2812
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39% more steel per panel than conventional fence. Larger, stronger, heavier pipe More attractive
1/4” - 3/4”
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See BTI Feeds in Cut Bank for… A complete line of fall vaccines including pre-conditioning shots for calves Order your fall wormers & weaning pellets early.
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Solve rodent problems with “Gladiator” Roller chain Sprockets - Hubs
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Energy efficient, easy to install fountains.
STOCK TANKS Fiberglass, Steel, Poly
Barb Wire We make up hydraulic hoses in our Shelby & Valier stores Available at Goulds Jet & Submersible Pump Water Systems Taylor Farm Store
When you buy pellets by the ton
Diacon-D, Insecto and Dustacide grain protectants B & W and Caldwell aeration systems. The B & W grain aerator and dryer sucks out moisture and heat. It works in round or flat storage. Aerates grain up to 18-ft. deep and 5,000 bushels at a time. Easily moved from bin to bin. Our Caldwell line features 12” round duct, T’s, Y’s, elbows, 4-way cross, end caps, adapters, fans, accessories.
Grain hoppers — Scoop Shovels.
Nichols Sweeps Conventional, Ultrawing Klip Wing
CattleMaster Series 12
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Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C40
All types of hay to bale on shares. Call for custom baling. Phone (406) 799-8323
1985 Fruehauf 45-ft. inside rail, closed tandem on springs, steel frame, aluminum deck, 8-ft. extension on rear, 24.5 steel Budds, clean and straight. 2005 Trail King stepdeck, 48-ft. x 102”, steel frame, aluminum deck, closed tandem, (legal in Canada), air ride, aluminum wheels. Phone Roger Rader (406) 264-5475, Sun River, MT
We have auctions booked for fall 2017 and spring 2018 but not yet dated. If you are planning an auction or appraisal give us a call. We specialize in farm, ranch, industrial and business type auctions. We do it ALL from start to finish. Including advertising, setup and display work, auctioneering and clerking. We also do all types of appraisals in farm and ranch equipment and inventory, business properties, collectibles, etc. Remember - auctioneers make excellent appraisers as we see everything saleable being sold at our auctions. 55 years in the business. Phone (406) 450-2244, leave a message or call 278-5880.
Clearance Items - All Brand New
WHEATHEART trailer mounted, heavy hitter POST POUNDER..............................WAS $15,250 NOW $13,000 LOFTNESS 72” skid steer mount HYDRAULIC SNOWBLOWER.................................WAS $5800 NOW $4000 LOFTNESS 84” skid steer mount HYDRAULIC SNOWBLOWER.................................WAS $8400 NOW $5000 CHEM HANDLER II 3” manifold, 42 gallon.....................................................................WAS $2195 NOW $1600 EDUCTOR with slicer, 3” manifold, 65 gallon..................................................................WAS $1995 NOW $1600 FS TRU-KLEEN CHEMICAL PROCESSOR 2”..............................................................WAS $2195 NOW $1600 FS TRU-KLEEN CHEMICAL PROCESSOR 3”..............................................................WAS $2295 NOW $1600 TORO SW3200 ZERO TURN 32” riding mower..............................................................WAS $2799 NOW $2399 TORO SW4200 ZERO TURN 42” riding mower..............................................................WAS $2999 NOW $2599
Kirsten Johnson makes sure she has a good hold on her goat that got her Grand Champion Goat at the Wibaux County Fair held in mid-August. Photo by Renee Nelson.
Soil bacteria require two-layer security just like in digital world
By University of Wyoming Extension Those people at Google think they’re myxobacteria group. sooooo smart. So, too, the Apple and MiJust using the TraA receptor for identity verification is not enough. A few grams of crosoft wunderkinds. soil might contain a hundred distinct M. Their software (and many others) use xanthus social groups, all living together two-factor authentication in the digital world but not necessarily wanting to cooperate to verify identity, but they’re a little behind. with each other, said Wall. A one-celled soil bacterium beat them to it Vassallo discovered the second layer of by who-knows-how-many millions of years. specificity, he said. University of Wyoming (UW) Ph.D. stu“The first layer is, ‘Do you have a comdent Chris Vassallo in molecular biologist patible TraA receptor?’ If you do, you exDan Wall’s laboratory found the bacterium change components,” said Wall. “Then the Myxococcus xanthus perform its equivalent next layer is, ‘Do you have immunity to the of a secret handshake after an initial meetcollection of toxins I’m going to give you and-greet encounter in their social world. using this exchange process?’” The second-level of verification is imporThe bacterial decimation where kin kill tant. They die if not recognized. non-kin as packs of cells converge results Their results are described in “Infectious in a kill zone. Not all exchanges result in polymorphic toxins delivered by outer death and destruction. Vassallo found in membrane exchange discriminate kin in previous research healthy bacteria repair myxobacteria,” published this week in the damaged kin. He designed an experiment open-access journal eLife. where cells had defective membranes and Earlier research in Wall’s lab found these left on their own would die. But if mixed bacteria recognize kin through the cell with healthy kin, the clonemates would give surface receptor called TraA and transfer them healthy material, and the sick cells cellular goods to each other when touching become rejuvenated. via a process the lab calls outer membrane Wall’s research is part of a $1.2 million exchange (OME). This current research is grant from the National Institutes of Health. about the cargo that’s exchanged. It follows a prior $1.6 million, five-year M. xanthus social lifestyle requires them grant. The research helps address how to cooperate with their kin or close family multicellular animals and plants came into members. existence. “It’s very important these cells know who The evolutionary transition from single they are cooperating with,” said Vassallo, cell to multi-cell life is apparently very from Cheyenne. “They don’t want to give difficult, Wall said. The event is thought to beneficial treatment to another cell they are have occurred only once for animals and competing with if it’s not their self. One perhaps twice for plants. way they do this is through toxin exchange.” “In the microscopic world, it might have The cells exchange potentially toxic happened separately a couple dozen of proteins during OME. The process takes a times,” Wall said. “In the case of myxobaccouple minutes. teria, they appear to have made this transi“If their identities don’t match, they’ll kill tion to multi-cellularity, a fairly primitive each other with the toxins,” said Vassallo. transition that’s based on an aggregation The toxic cocktail of proteins moves from strategy, and OME plays a role in this procell to cell, chewing up DNA or RNA if the cess.” cell is not immune. Vassallo said these bacteria don’t die immediately. Although sick, ##### they are able to infect other cells, similar to Between Northport and Ogallala on humans with a transmittable disease. Highway 26 there is a shoe fence. The Wall’s laboratory found the bacteria use a fence line, which runs for miles and miles, receptor that is unique to M. xanthus. In the is adorned with mounted upside down boots wild, underfoot outdoors, there are hundreds and shoes. of different recognition receptors within the
Vaccine reduces animal disease and foodborne illness
By Agricultural Research Service Some types of Salmonella cause disease in food animals, like pigs. Others cause foodborne illness in humans. A new vaccine developed by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists in Ames, Iowa, protects against these types of Salmonella in food animals. Most Salmonella vaccines only protect against one type of the pathogen. This leaves pigs susceptible to disease from other Salmonella pathogens. While some Salmonella vaccines reduce disease in pigs, they may not protect against Salmonella that causes foodborne illness in humans. Microbiologists Shawn Bearson and Brad Bearson, at ARS’s Food Safety and Enteric Pathogens Research Unit and ARS’s Agroecosystems Management Research Unit, respectively, developed a new vaccine that protects food animals against both human and animal disease-causing Salmonella. In experiments, the vaccine protected pigs against two types of Salmonella—Typhimurium and Choleraesuis. It also protected turkeys against Typhimuriumand a multidrugresistant Salmonella type, Heidelberg—the bacterium responsible for a 2011 outbreak in ground turkey. Choleraesuis, the source of major U.S. and global outbreaks in swine in the 1980s and 1990s, causes a severe disease that can kill animals. According to ARS scientists, if an outbreak occurs in the United States, the new vaccine could provide protection against Choleraesuis, along with other foodborne Salmonella such as Typhimurium. The vaccine is also a DIVA—Differentiation of Infected from Vaccinated Animals—meaning it shouldn’t interfere with specific tests used to detect natural Salmonella infections in pigs. Thus, a producer can differentiate vaccinated animals from those naturally exposed to Salmonella. The scientists believe that the vaccine will protect against other types of Salmonella in addition to the three strains tested. ARS has filed a patent application for this vaccine technology. For more information contact Sandra Avant (https:// www.ars.usda.gov/oc/key-contacts-at-ars-office-ofcommunications/#Sandra), ARS Office of Communications.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C41
2001 International 51” cab, Cat C12, 430 hp, recent complete overhaul by T&E, Fuller FRO15210C transmission, Meritor RT40-145 rears at 3.90, air ride. This is a one owner, low mileage unit we have owned and maintained since new with complete maintenance records available. 1998 Freightliner FLB (yes it is a cabover), four axle truck with a 12,000# steerable lift axle, Detroit Series 60 engine overhauled by Interstate Diesel, Fuller RTLO 16713A transmission, Meritor RT40-145 rears at 4.10, cab and chassis, set up for up to 24-ft. box and pintle hitch. We have a 24-ft. flatbed and a 28-ft. Western flatbed trailer available as a complete package. Phone Roger Rader (406) 264-5475, Sun River, Montana
P.O. Box 3072 • 4075 Wynne Avenue • Butte, Montana 59702 • (406) 494-3394 • Mobile (406) 565-7235
(3) 1979–1988 Fruehauf 45-ft. – 53-ft. storage vans, some with shelves, clean & roadable. Quantity Discounts Available!
International Trucks
1982 S1700 20-ft. flat bed, 345 V8, 5+2 speed, good hay haul truck 2000 4900 chassis, white 1994 4900 tandem chassis, white 1993 4700 16-ft. scissor dump, white 1987 2575 tandem roll-off tractor, Pacific.
Sterling Truck
2006 Sterling single axle tractor, green
Special Equipment
Dump Trucks
Semi Trailers
1998 Peterbilt 385 tandem dump, 3406E Caterpillar, 10-speed, 404 Eaton rears, aluminum wheels, NICE 14-ft. Heil gravel box, hoist. Parting-Out! 1994 Ford L9000 tandem, diesel, orange 1991 GMC Top Kick single axle, diesel, orange 1984 Chevrolet C70 single axle, gas, white
Knapheide 20-ft. stock and grain box, red Omaha 15-ft. all steel grain box, double cylinder hoist Heil 14-ft. gravel box & hoist 2-Omaha 16-ft. flatbeds and hoists 18-ft. all steel flatbed with hoist, complete. Excellent! 4-16-ft. thru 24-ft. van bodies 3-Ridewell air lift non steer lift axles 3-Underbody hoist assemblies National 300B truck mounted, crane, complete. Excellent 2-Semi trailer slider suspensions 2-Dual acting wet kit assemblies 10-Aluminum under bed tool boxes 2000 Grate Dane 53-ft. TK reefer unit, Western 1999 Hyundai 53-ft. curtain side, Fed Ex 1996 Utility 46-ft. storage, white 1991 Kentucky 48-ft. tri-axle drop, United
Chevrolet & GMC Trucks
1992 Chevrolet Kodiak single axle chassis, diesel, white
Freightliner Truck
1997 conventional tandem tractor, red
Sales lot located I-90 at Rocker Interchange
Traderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dispatch, October 2017 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Page C42
September grain stocks
Arizona Off-farm corn stocks in Arizona on September 1, 2017 were 1.28 million bushels, up 7 percent from September 1, 2016, according to the September 1 Agricultural Survey and September Grain Stocks Report conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. Off-farm barley stocks totaled 159,000 bushels. Off-farm all wheat stocks in Arizona on September 1, 2017 were 7.57 million bushels, up 25 percent from September 1, 2016. Other Arizona grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. Colorado All corn stocks in Colorado on September 1, 2017 were 10.61 million bushels, down 52 percent from September 1, 2016, according to the September 1 Agricultural Survey and September Grain Stocks Report conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. All corn stocks stored on farms amounted to 3.50 million bushels, compared to 13.00 million bushels a year ago. All corn stored off farms amounted to 7.11 million bushels, down 22 percent from a year ago. Oats stored off-farm were 35,000 bushels. Off-farm barley stocks totaled 7.29 million bushels, up 25 percent from last year. All wheat stocks in Colorado on September 1, 2017 were 86.60 million bushels, down 9 percent from September 1, 2016. All wheat stocks stored on farms amounted to 32.00 million bushels, down 9 percent from a year ago. All wheat stored off farms amounted to 54.60 million bushels, down 10 percent from a year ago. Other Colorado grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. Montana Off-farm corn stocks in Montana on September 1, 2017 were 57,000 bushels, up 104 percent from September 1, 2016, according to the September 1 Agricultural Survey and September Grain Stocks Report conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. On-farm oat stocks were 650,000 bushels, down 41 percent from a year ago. Montana barley stocks in all positions on September 1, 2017 were 38.89 million bushels, down 24 percent from a year ago. Barley stored on farms totaled 26.00 million bushels, down 33 percent from last year. Off-farm barley stocks were up 8 percent from a year ago to 12.89 million bushels. All wheat stocks in Montana on September 1, 2017 were 131.79 million bushels, down 34 percent from September 1, 2016. All wheat stocks stored on farms amounted to 94.00 illion bushels, down 42 percent from a year ago. All wheat stored off farms amounted to 37.79 million bushels, down 1 percent from a year ago. All Durum wheat stocks on September 1, 2017 were 12.51 million bushels, down 49 percent from a year ago. Other Montana grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. New Mexico Off-farm all wheat stocks in New Mexico on September 1, 2017 were 253,000 bushels, down 63 percent from September 1, 2016, according to the September 1 Agricultural Survey and September Grain Stocks Report conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service. Off-farm sorghum stocks totaled 61,000 bushels. Other New Mexico grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. Utah Off-farm oat stocks in Utah on September 1, 2017 were 25,000 bushels, according to the September 1 Agricultural Survey and September Grain Stocks Report conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. Off-farm all wheat stocks in Utah on September 1, 2017 were 6.30 million bushels, up 16 percent from last year. Other Utah grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. Wyoming Off-farm barley stocks totaled 6.31 million bushels on September 1, 2017, down 5 percent from September 1, 2016, according to the September 1 Agricultural Survey and September Grain Stocks Report conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. Other Wyoming grain stocks were not published separately to avoid disclosing data for individual operations. United States Old crop corn stocks in all positions on September 1, 2017 totaled 2.29 billion bushels, up 32 percent from September CONTINUED ON PAGE C44
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017— Page C43
Loren Hawks, Distributor
2434 Whitlash Road - Chester, MT 59522 Cell phone 406-460-3810 Home phone 406-432-3810
Equip your drill with VW. Call today! Visit us at www.vwmfg.com
Product In Stock Now! Take advantage of Fall Deals! Place your order by November 15th to guarantee pricing and availability for February 2018 Place your order by November 15th and for ONLY $10 more add an additional 4 carbides to the sides of your drill point. Available on VW7CC, VW10FC, VW11FC, VW12FC and VW13FC orders.
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Call for your e sampl Custom Carbide seed boots for JD 1890 disc drill with three carbides along wear edge to prevent wear. Will likely outlast your drill!!
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VW10FC - 41/4” - full carbide front and sides - single shoot up to 31/2” spread - shown on VW14FB opener. Also fits other common openers.
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Fits common openers.
Has two front carbides. Shown on JD opener.
2 widths - 4” & 5” Fits VW14FB and Flexi Stealth for double shoot Has 4 carbides on each side
This drill point - The VW2CC also fits this opener.
VW11FC - 31/4” - full carbide Fits VW14FB opener and other common openers. Very popular single shoot drill point - up to 21/2” spread.
Fits Versatile - Cereal.
VW19B18 & 20B20
Carbide scrapers for the 18” & 20” Bourgault Disc Drills. Long Lasting!
VW for JD 1870 fertilizer knife
VW12FC - 21/4” - full carbide
Fits IH Eagle Beak opener IH 7200 - IH 8500
Up to 1.5” spread. Fits on VW14FB and other common openers.
VWJD1870 & 1830 carbide scrapers for the John Deere 1870 & 1830 drills. Set and forget!
VW13FC 1.5” Slim Spread Fits VW14FB. Also fits other common openers - single shoot drill point.
VW Carbide spoon for common wedge systems VW5FC - 31/4” + VW6FC - 21/4” VW8FC - 31/4” + VW9FC - 21/4” Call for details.
for JD spear point and Danish tine, three carbides - many times life of original
• Our VW32 RPR Seeding System for most drills • Custom Carbide Seed Boots for JD Disk Drills • Carbide Mud Scrapers for Flexi-Coil, John Deere and others • Fertilizer Boot with Replaceable Carbide Tip for Seedmaster • Carbide Knock-on Spoons for McKay Wedge and others • Carbide Points for AcraPlant and others • Many other applications VW IS YOUR ‘GO TO’ SOURCE FOR FULL CARBIDE POINTS, CARBIDE PAIRED ROW ATTACHMENTS, ETC., FOR FLEXI-COIL, CNH AND NH AIR HOE DRILLS
Paired row - double shoot for C shank. Fertilizer delivered between seed rows.
Mud scrapers for JD drills also
Carbide mud scraper for Flexi-Coil. Many times life of original.
VW12FC drill point shown on VW14FB. Also fits other common openers single shoot drill point.
VW7CC - 3 carbides Fits on VW14FB and other common openers.
VW11FC - 31/4” drill point
Shown on W14FB opener. Also fits other common openers.
VW7CC - 3 carbides
Shown on VW14FB. Also shown on VW14FB is VW21DSF
Traderâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Dispatch, October 2017 â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Page C44
Grand Champion Market Steer shown by Sage Tamcke. Purchased by Tri County Disposal. Photo courtesy of Mary Meyer, Lewis and Clark 4-H.
September grain stocks CONTINUED FROM PAGE C42
1, 2016. Of the total stocks, 787 million bushels are stored on farms, up 25 percent from a year earlier. Off-farm stocks, at 1.51 billion bushels, are up 36 percent from a year ago. The June - August 2017 indicated disappearance is 2.93 billion bushels, compared with 2.97 billion bushels during the same period last year. Old crop grain sorghum stored in all positions on September 1, 2017 totaled 33.5 million bushels, down 8 percent from a year ago. On-farm stocks, at 4.28 million bushels, are up 14 percent from last year. Off-farm stocks, at 29.3 million bushels, are down 11 percent from September 1, 2016. The June - August 2017 indicated disappearance from all positions is 51.2 million bushels, down 5 percent from the same period a year ago. Oats stored in all positions on September 1, 2017 totaled 71.8 million bushels, 9 percent below the stocks on September 1, 2016. Of the total stocks on hand, 33.7 million bushels are stored on farms, 10 percent lower than a year ago. Off-farm stocks totaled 38.1 million bushels, 7 percent below the previous year. Indicated disappearance during June - August 2017 totaled 27.9 million bushels, compared with 43.0 million bushels during the same period a year ago. Barley stocks in all positions on September 1, 2017 totaled 180 million bushels, down 22 percent from September 1, 2016. On-farm stocks are estimated at 89.4 million bushels, 32 percent below a year ago. Off-farm stocks, at 90.2 million bushels, are 10 percent below September 2016. The June August 2017 indicated disappearance is 68.7 million bushels, 4 percent below the same period a year earlier. All wheat stored in all positions on September 1, 2017 totaled 2.25 billion bushels, down 11 percent from a year ago. On-farm stocks are estimated at 489 million bushels, down 33 percent from last September. Off-farm stocks, at 1.76 billion bushels, are down 3 percent from a year ago. The June - August 2017 indicated disappearance is 668 million bushels, down 10 percent from the same period a year earlier. Durum wheat stocks in all positions on September 1, 2017 totaled 63.9 million bushels, down 30 percent from a year ago. On-farm stocks, at 31.1 million bushels, are down 53 percent from September 1, 2016. Off-farm stocks totaled 32.8 million bushels, up 24 percent from a year ago. The June August 2017 indicated disappearance of 27.3 million bushels is down 31 percent from the same period a year earlier. Old crop soybeans stored in all positions on September 1, 2017 totaled 301 million bushels, up 53 percent from September 1, 2016. Soybean stocks stored on farms totaled 87.9 million bushels, up 112 percent from a year ago. Offfarm stocks, at 213 million bushels, are up 38 percent from last September. Indicated disappearance for June - August 2017 totaled 665 million bushels, down 2 percent from the same period a year earlier. Old crop sunflower stocks in all positions on September 1, 2017 totaled 649 million pounds, up 57 percent from a year ago. All stocks stored on farms totaled 134 million pounds and off-farm stocks totaled 515 million pounds. Stocks of oil type sunflower seed are 495 million pounds; of this total, 115 million pounds are on-farm stocks and 379 million pounds are off-farm stocks. Non-oil sunflower stocks totaled 154 million pounds, with 18.9 million pounds stored on the farm and 135 million pounds stored off the farm.
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C45
Never Stop Evolving
Make the connection!
Grain Vacs
Brandt Used 7500HP
Light, strong, good looking Semi Trucks
2006 Peterbilt 379
Brandt 1547
Lease To Own $16,001/yr - oac
Lease To Own $5281/yr - oac
Lease To Own $3769/yr - oac
Brandt Drive-Over Lease To Own $2678/yr - oac
Rem VRX Demo Lease To Own $4777/yr - oac
Brandt 20110
2004 Peterbilt 379 EXHD Lease To Own $14,858/yr - oac
2006 Peterbilt 379 Lease To Own $18,921/yr - oac 2012 Peterbilt 389
NEW Rem VR12 Lease To Own $8104/yr - oac
• Great for Pulse Crops
Riteway 62-ft. Rental
Lease To Own $7579/yr - oac
Convey-Air 6006 NOW: $11,970
New Riteway 62-ft. Lease To Own $8934/yr - oac
2007 Kenworth W900L Lease To Own $15,262/yr - oac
Walker Mower 25i power dump Delta harrow 32-ft. Lease To Own $1784/yr - oac
Maurer 42-ft. grain trailer
BadBoy Cat Diesel 1100cc
Lease To Own $7414/yr - oac
Stoughton 40-ft. Black Grain Trailer
Lease To Own $10,197/yr - oac
Maurer Triple axle aluminum
Delta harrow 36-ft. Lease To Own $1963/yr - oac
Schulte FX-1800
John Deere
$11,242/yr - oac
Summer Diamond Disc
Wishek 842NT Disc (Demo!)
New 2660 Haybuster Lease to own $4345/yr - oac
Lease To Own $38,578/yr - oac 2012 4940 sprayer JUST ARRIVED!
2015 R4038 sprayer
2014 6170R loader tractor Lease To Own $14,615/yr - oac 2011 9630 tractor Lease to own $47,875/yr - oac
New 2665 Haybuster Lease to own $4763/yr - oac
Chemical Eductor
Lease To Own $35,470/yr - oac
Lease To Own $16,243/yr - oac
Call About Year End Discounts
Bale Processors
2013 4830 sprayer
Lease To Own $13,719/yr - oac Summers Vertical Tillage Lease To Own $13,600/yr - oac
Bad Boy Outlaw 61” $9970!
2012 S670 combine Lease To Own: $27,964/yr - oac
Lease To Own
New Summers Spray-Fill Express Lease to own $3926/yr - oac
Augers New 10x70 Brandt Sale Price $10,970! Harvest International 8x42 Lease to own: Call Today!
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C46
Apply for 2018 scholarships at MSU
Montana high school seniors who plan to attend Montana State University in the fall of 2018 encouraged to apply as soon as possible for scholarships through the MSU Premier Scholarship Program. The priority deadline for scholarship applications is February 1, 2018. MSU and private donors provide funding for the scholarship program. Premier Scholarships will be awarded to incoming first-year students who are Montana residents and show academic promise based on ACT and/or SAT scores and grade point average. Financial need, leadership experience, activities and honors may also be considered. The scholarships range from a one-time $1,000 scholarship to a $3,000 scholarship that can be renewed annually for four years. The scholarships can only be applied toward tuition. Students who are awarded a renewable scholarship must maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or higher and continue to be enrolled in at least 15 credits per semester. To be eligible for a Premier Scholarship, applicants must: Apply for admission to MSU. Applications are available online at https:// www.msuadmissions.org/ application/. To receive a paper application, please contact MSU Admissions at 888-MSU-CATS. Make sure MSU receives their current grade point average either via the selfreport form (included with the application for admission) or from a transcript. Have their official ACT and/or SAT scores sent directly to MSU from the testing company. The school code for sending ACT scores is 2420. The school code for sending SAT scores is 4488. Applicants may apply for the Montana Premier Scholarship online at https:// www.montana.edu/admissions/premierscholarship/ For more information, contact MSU Admissions toll free at 888-MSU-CATS. ##### Tossing the rope before building a loop will not catch a calf. ##### Nobody but cattle know why they stampede and they ain’t talking. ##### If the rodeo doesn’t kill you, the commute probably will.
Breaking legume’s crop wild relative barrier
By American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America and Soil Science Society of America Domesticating plants to grow as crops can turn out to be a double-edged scythe. On one hand, selecting specific desirable traits, such as high yields, can increase crop productivity. But other important traits, like resistance to pests, can be lost. That can make crops vulnerable to different stresses, such as diseases and pests, or the effects of climate change. To reduce these vulnerabilities, researchResearchers (Milind (right) and Sathyanarayana ers often turn to the wild relatives of crops. (left) with Sharma, record data on plant height in These wild relatives continue to evolve pigeonpeas. Photo credit PS Rao. in nature, often under adverse conditions. mans. During reproduction, one set comes They possess several useful genes for desirfrom the male parent and the other set from able traits. These traits include high levels the female parent. of resistance to diseases and tolerance to Domesticated groundnut plants, on the environmental stresses. other hand, are tetraploid. Their cells conIn a new study, scientists report sigtain four sets of chromosomes. The sets of nificant strides in transferring disease- and chromosomes in each cell, called ploidy, stress-resistance traits from wild relatives makes it difficult to directly interbreed wild of several legumes to their domesticated and domestic varieties of groundnut. varieties. This research was conducted at “It takes a lot of time and resources the International Crops Research Institute to overcome challenges like these,” says for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) in Sharma. “That often makes breeders relucPatancheru, India. tant to directly use wild species in breeding Legumes, such as chickpea, pigeonpea, programs.” and groundnut, are among the few crops that Pre-breeding programs, such as the one grow well in the scant rainfall and marginal at ICRISAT, invest their time and skill in soils of the semi-arid tropics. But they are the wild crop relatives. Sharma and her facing significant challenges, says Shivali colleagues bred wild groundnut varieties Sharma, lead author. whose cells have four sets of chromosomes. “Legume crops are hit hard by diseases, Then they identified which of these tetrainsect-pests, drought, heat stress, and salinploid wild varieties were also resistant to ity,” says Sharma. “Also, semi-arid regions fungal infections. These were then crossed are highly vulnerable to climate change.” with cultivated groundnut varieties to deThese factors limit legume crops. velop new breeding lines with good resisThere are several wild relatives of these tance and yields. Plant breeders can now crops that are resistant to pests and diseases. directly cross these fungal-resistant lines “There is an urgent need to find and introwith domesticated groundnut to create new duce these useful genes from wild relatives varieties. into crop cultivars,” says Sharma. That “Crop wild relatives are the reservoir of would improve the resilience of domestic many useful genes and traits,” says Sharma. legume varieties and sustain agriculture in “It is our responsibility to use this hidden these regions. treasure for future generations.” It can be highly challenging – and often It’s especially important in the context impossible – to directly breed domesticated of legumes because they provide a bevy crops with their wild relatives. For example, of benefits. For instance, bacteria in their of the eight wild annual species of chickpea, root nodules pull in valuable atmospheric only one is readily crossable with cultivated nitrogen. That increases soil fertility and chickpea and yields fertile offspring. reduces the need for fertilizers. Similarly, wild varieties of groundnut Legumes are also vital for food security are resistant to fungal infections. But direct in the semi-arid tropics and other parts of crossing of wild and domesticated groundthe world. They are an important source of nut is challenging because of differences protein and micronutrients. Combined with in how the DNA in their cells is packaged. cereals, they are a sustaining diet for people Additionally, these species do not cross well across the world. with cultivars. And “pre-breeding programs are the first Most wild varieties of groundnut are step to improve the nutrition and resilience diploid: their DNA is organized in two sets of modern legume varieties,” says Sharma. of chromosomes per cell, much like in hu-
New online exchange to benefit farmers, cattle producers
By University of Nebraska-Lincoln IANR News to add educational materials and tools that A new online tool from Nebraska Exsupport these relationships in the near futension aims to connect farmers and cattle ture,” said Jay Parsons, associate professor producers to encourage mutually beneficial of agricultural economics at the University agreements to use crop residue for grazing. of Nebraska-Lincoln. The Crop Residue Exchange tool provides Items in development include a lease a searchable database of cropland available agreement template; links to tools and for grazing. guidelines to help farmers and cattle ownAfter creating an account, farmers can list ers correctly stock crop-residue fields; and available cropland by drawing their plot on information on crop-residue grazing rates. an interactive map and entering information The Crop Residue Exchange is available on the type of residue, fencing, water availat http://cropresidueexchange.unl.edu. ability and dates available. IANR Media developed the tool with “While the primary objective of this funding from a Nebraska Extension innoexchange is to assist in the development vation grant. of farmer-cattlemen relationships, we plan
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C47
(500) ton alfalfa and (200) ton grass/alfalfa, 3x4x8 square bales, 144-160 RFV.................................$125-$135/ton (300) bales of barley straw.................................... $18/bale Phone (406) 450-1429, Fairfield, Montana
Selection of NEW Turbochargers Billings Farm & Ranch Supply
(406) 652-1125
8924 S. Frontage Rd
1973 Ford F350 4x4 Cummins, crew cab, 190 hp, 12V 5.9 Cummins, 5 speed, NP 205, 8-ft. flatbed, Dana 60 front, 70 rear, 3.54 ratio, runs and drives great...........$12,500 2003 Volvo Tractor 370 hp, ISM Cummins, 10 speed, 70% 22.5 tires, AR cab and suspension, cruise, AC, 750K miles, nice clean tight truck.............................$12,000 2003 Freightliner FL70 Tractor 300 hp, ISC Cumins, 10 speed, AR cab, PS, AC, 134K miles, 85% 22.5 tires, spring suspension, nice running driving truck. ....................................$13,500 1989 Kenworth T400 22-ft. flatbed 270 hp, L10 Cummins, 9 speed, 340K miles, PTO, 12K front, 40K rears, steel frame, spring suspension, PS, AC, 75% 11R24.5’s, nice tight truck.............................$13,500 1993 Ford L8000 14,000 miles, AC, PS, 250 hp, 8.3 Cummins, Allison AT, 4 speed aux, 2 speed, 34K rears on Hendrickson, 16K front, 19ft. double steel frame, 2200 hours, large wet kit......$16,500 2001 Freightliner FL70 24-ft. flatbed, 26K GVW, 3126 Cat diesel, 6 speed manual, PB, PS, AC, cruise, 70% tires, runs and drives great...$10,500 1993 Ford F700 5 Yard Dump 190 hp, 5.9 Cummins, 5 speed and 2 speed, PS, PB, 28K GVW, 140,000 miles, New 11R22.5’s, double frame, 10-ft. dump bed....................$13,500
1994 GMC Topkick Dump 3116 Cat diesel, 6 speed Eaton, AC, PS, PB, 60% 19.5 tires, 15.5-ft. steel grain dump, scissor hoist, hitch, 24L GVW... ....................................$12,500 1979 Swinger 200 Articulated 4x4 Forklift Ford 172 4 cyl. gas, 4000 lb. capacity, 6-ft. lift height, hydrostatic drive, 50% tires, 4 ton tandem axle trailer, 6 lug axles, surge brakes, tows nice, good brakes.............................$7500
406-381-3159 or 777-7057
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C48
Your Only FULL SERVICE Spring Shop.........Since 1912 Great Falls, MT 3257 Vaughn Road
(406) 452-1246 — 1-800-378-1246 3257 Vaughn Road – Great Falls, MT
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Doug Henke ~ Chester, MT cell (406) 799-2616
eDrive Coming for John Deere & Case Sprayers!!
“NEW” Sprayflex 50-ft. Land Rollers Available!!!
• Floating Boom Design • Lightweight Aluminum Box Boom • Stainless Steel Tanks or Plastic • Many years of testing • Boom widths up to 150-ft. • Tank sizes - 1450, 1500, 2000, 3000 gallon
2009 John Deere 4930 Sprayer, 120-ft. booms, auto steer, swath control. New John Deere hydros and wheel motors.....$119,900 5 year drive warranty • Electric Conversion getting closer to Testing!!!! • Check Website - www.esprayers.com for updates!
2012 Sprayflex truck sprayer, 2004 International 4300 truck, Allison Auto Trans, 120-ft. SprayFlex sprayer, 1250 tank, EZSteer and Trimble 750, Excellent Condition! $59,900
Website - trucksprayers.com Henke Enterprises Inc. offers-
* Complete Spray Truck assembly * Truck Frame work * Hydraulic work * Welding of steel, aluminum, stainless steel * Machining - lathe work (18”x80”) and milling * Custom built wheels for floaters & etc. - Powder Coated * Crane truck work 50-ft. of height * Electronic testing and repairs * Over 20 years experience with Marflex-SprayFlex sprayers * All sprayers tested on our irrigated and dryland farm
MARFLEX SPRAYER PARTS AVAILABLE Contact your authorized dealer
Henke Enterprises Inc., Doug Henke, Chester, MT
2009 John Deere 4930 **EDRIVE sprayer new electric drive conversion 120-ft. booms, .................................. $169,900 2009 John Deere 4930 sprayer, 6500 hours, 120-ft. booms, 1200 gallon tank, John Deere 2600 monitor, Auto Steer, swath control. Many new John Deere parts. ........ $69,900 2007 Marflex truck sprayer, 1500 gallon, STAINLESS STEEL LDbooms, hydraulic drive, EZ SO90-ft. TANK, 1999 IHC truck, Steer. ............................................................................Call 2011 Sprayflex 1300 gallon, 120-ft. boom, 2004 IHC 4300, floater tires, EZ Steer+ Trimble 750....................... $59,900 2013 Sprayflex 1500 gallon tank, 120-ft. booms, 2005 InterSOLD national 4300 truck. ............................................. $129,900
• 406-759-5877 or cell 406-799-2616
email: grain@ttc-cmc.net
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970-542-0640 Bruce Mohrlang 18990 CR 29 Brush, Colorado
September small grains
Montana highlights All wheat production in Montana, estimated at 127.43 million bushels, is down 40 percent from 2016, according to the September 1 Agricultural Survey conducted by the Mountain Regional Field Office of the National Agricultural Statistics Service, USDA. All wheat yield was 27.3 bushels per acre, down 15.1 bushels per acre from a year ago. Winter wheat producers seeded 1.75 million acres in the fall of 2016 for harvest in 2017, down from 2.25 million acres seeded for the previous year’s crop. Acreage harvested for grain decreased 560,000 acres from last year to 1.59 million acres in 2017. Winter wheat production is estimated at 66.78 million bushels, down 37 percent from last year. Winter wheat yield, at 42.0 bushels per acre, is down 7.0 bushels per acre from last year. Spring wheat seedings, at 2.50 million acres, are up 400,000 acres from last year. Area harvested totaled 2.29 million acres, up from 2.06 million acres harvested last year. Spring wheat production is estimated at 48.09 million bushels, down 35 percent from last year. Spring wheat yield, at 21.0 bushels per acre, is down 15.0 bushels per acre from last year, and is the lowest yield since 20.5 bushels per acre in 1979. Durum wheat seedings, at 890,000 acres, are up 110,000 acres from last year. Area harvested totaled 785,000 acres, up from 765,000 acres harvested last year. Durum wheat production is estimated at 12.56 million bushels, down 60 percent from last year. Durum wheat yield, at 16.0 bushels per acre, is down 25.0 bushels per acre from last year, and is the lowest yield since 15.0 bushels per acre in 1957. Oat seedings in Montana totaled 70,000 acres, up 10,000 acres from last year. Producers harvested 18,000 acres for grain or seed, down 10,000 acres from 2016. Oat production totaled 846,000 bushels in 2017, down 36 percent from last year. Oat yield is 47.0 bushels per acre in 2017, unchanged from the previous year. Montana’s barley seeded area, at 770,000 acres, is down 220,000 acres from last year. Harvested area, at 565,000 acres, is down 215,000 acres from 2016. Barley yield, at 51.0 bushels per acre, is down 9.0 bushels per acre from last year. Barley production in 2017 is estimated at 28.82 million bushels, down 38 percent from the previous year. US highlights All wheat production totaled 1.74 billion bushels in 2017, down 25 percent from the revised 2016 total of 2.31 billion bushels. Area harvested for grain totaled 37.6 million acres, down 14 percent from the previous year. The United States yield is estimated at 46.3 bushels per acre, down 6.4 bushels from the previous year. The levels of production and changes from 2016 by type are winter wheat, 1.27 billion bushels, down 24 percent; other spring wheat, 416 million bushels, down 22 percent; and Durum wheat, 54.9 million bushels, down 47 percent. Winter wheat production for 2017 totaled 1.27 billion bushels, down 24 percent from the revised 2016 total of 1.67 billion bushels. The United States yield, at 50.2 bushels per acre, is down 5.1 bushels from 2016. Area harvested for grain is estimated at 25.3 million acres, down 16 percent from the previous year. Record high yields are estimated in Alabama, Illinois, Iowa, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia for 2017. Other spring wheat production for 2017 is estimated at 416 million bushels, down 22 percent from the revised 2016 total of 532 million bushels. Harvested area totaled 10.2 million acres, down 10 percent from 2016. The United States yield is estimated at 41.0 bushels per acre, 6.3 bushels below 2016. Record high yields are estimated in Minnesota and Nevada for 2017. Of the total production, 385 million bushels are Hard Red Spring wheat, down 22 percent from the revised 2016 total. Durum wheat production for 2017 is estimated at 54.9 million bushels, down 47 percent from the revised 2016 total of 104 million bushels. Area harvested for grain totaled 2.14 million acres, down 9 percent from the previous year. The United States yield is estimated at 25.7 bushels per acre, down 18.3 bushels from the 2016 record high yield. Production in North Dakota, the largest Durum-producing State, is down 50 percent from 2016. Drought conditions in eastern Montana and North Dakota during the 2017 growing season negatively impacted yield and reduced acreage harvested for grain. Oat production is estimated at 49.4 million bushels, down 24 percent from 2016. Yield is estimated at 61.7 bushels per acre, down 4.3 bushels from the previous year. Harvested area, at 801,000 acres, is 18 percent below last year. Barley production is estimated at 142 million bushels, CONTINUED ON PAGE C50
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C49
2013 Dodge Charger SAVE $$$$$$
IN STOCK the Hard to Find 2016 Ford Explorer AWD Yes, We Do Sell For Less!!!!
2012 Ford F250 Lariat 4x4 crew cab!! 2013 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer 4x4
2007 Ford F150 4x4, supercab
2011 Ford F450 chassis cab, 4x4 For the BIG JOBS
2009 Dodge Ram 2500 4x4, quad cab, Cummins
2007 Ram 3500 chassis cab DUALLY flatbed. READY for the big jobs!
2014 Ford SVT RAPTOR! 44,000 miles! Immaculate! Call now or miss out!
2012 Dodge 1500 Laramie 4x4 Hemi
2008 Ford Econoline READY to go to work
2014 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Only 31,000 miles, Special Rebelcon Package!!!
2009 Chevrolet Silverado 4x4, crew cab
2001 Ford F150 supercrew!
2015 Ford F150 supercrew, 4x4 LOADED UP!
2007 Ford F350 4x4, crew cab, Power Stroke
2002 Dodge Ram 2500 Only 81,000 miles! DON’T MISS OUT! 2011 Dodge Durango CITADEL AWD Loaded up and in GREAT condition!
2008 GMC Sierra 3500 crew cab, 4x4
Low miles – 2015 Ford Edge, all wheel drive. 2 to choose from
2009 Dodge Challenger R/T with ONLY 41,000 miles
2016 Ford Edge all wheel drive, 12,000 miles
1964 Chrysler Newport! V8 and push button automatic transmission. Great driver!
2014 Ram 1500 Tradesman 4x4. One local owner, in SUPER condition!!
2011 Ford F250 Lariat crew cab! SUPER nice truck! 2011 Ford F150 supercrew For only $11,495!!! WOW
2016 Ford Explorer Loaded, leather, front wheel drive 2013 Ford Explorer 4x4. SAVE $$$$$
2016 Ford Edge all wheel drive, 16,000 miles
FUN - FUN - FUN 2010 Ford Raptor 4x4, supercab
2014 Ford F150 Lariat 4x4, supercab
2012 Subaru Forester Only $9995!
2016 Dodge Charger, all wheel drive, 16,000 miles
Remember winter? There will be another... Be ready 2015 Ford Edge all wheel drive
N.D. farm financial performance reviewed
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C50
Front end assemblies Spindles
Axle knees
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DBL Sales and Service, LLC US Dealer for K-Hart Direct Seeding Disc Drills Dave and Brock Linker • 6960 North Coffee Creek Rd, Coffee Creek, MT 59424 Taking orders now for Spring 2018 Delivery
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NEW K-Hart 42-ft. drill available For Sale 2012 New Holland 7090 combine, low hours, very nice condition 2012 K-Hart 56-ft. with midrow banders, loaded 2016 Shelbourne Reynolds Model XCV36 stripper header. 2008 J&M 1000 bushel grain cart, scale and tarp, very nice.
Call for more information. NOW AVAILABLE:
By NDSU Extension Service Of the past 10 years, 2012 was the best for North Dakota farmers, while 2015 was the worst, according to a 2007-2016 farm performance review. The results of that review are in “Financial Characteristic of North Dakota Farms 2007-2016.” The publication summarizes the performance of more than 500 farms enrolled in the North Dakota Farm Business Management Education program. The study uses 16 financial measures to evaluate the liquidity, solvency, repayment capacity, profitability and financial efficiency of North Dakota farms. “The study is useful to producers who would like to compare their farm financial performance with farms that have similar characteristics,” says Andy Swenson, North Dakota State University Extension farm management specialist. “Financial performance in 2007-2012, excluding 2009, was superior to other years in the 2007 through 2016 period,” says Swenson. “Overall performance was best in 2012 and poorest in 2015, which had the lowest net farm income, rates of return on assets and equity, repayment capacity and financial efficiency measures in the 10-year period.” Swenson adds, “The median term debt and capital repayment margin, which is the amount available after making term debt payments and providing for family living expenses and taxes, increased from a negative $16,382 in 2015 to $35,318 in 2016. It was the highest, at $185,291, in 2012. Farms are grouped by region of North Dakota, enterprise type (crop, livestock or mixed), size, gross cash sales, land tenure, profit, debt-to-asset ratio and age of the farmer. In 2016, the median asset turnover ratio was .38 for crop farms, .28 for mixed crop-livestock farms and .18 for livestock farms. It was .63 for farms that rented all their cropland and .23 for farms that owned greater than 40 percent of cropland. The appropriate group of farms to use as a benchmark for the asset turnover ratio (gross revenue divided by total farm assets) would be one with similar farm type and land tenure. The asset turnover ratio is a measure of how efficiently a producer is using farm assets to generate revenue. In North Dakota, livestock farms (mainly beef cow-calf operations) and farms with high crop land ownership tend to have lower revenue relative to the value of farm assets. Young farmers should use the solvency of the young producer group as a benchmark because older farmers tend to have better solvency than young producers, according to Swenson. “Also, farms with sales of less than $500,000 were nearly twice as likely to have a debt-to-asset ratio higher than 70 percent than farms with sales greater than $500,000,” Swenson says. The Red River Valley region and crop farms typically have stronger profitability, solvency and repayment capacity than other regions and farm types, respectively, but not in 2013 and 2014, the study showed. Farms in this study are larger and the age of farm operators younger than the state average. In 2016, there were 29,800 farms in North Dakota. Only 10,500, or 35 percent, had gross receipts greater than $500,000, whereas 53 percent of the 531 farms in this study exceeded that sales volume. The average age of the farm operators was 46, compared with a state average of 57. The average total acreage per farm in the study was the least in the Red River Valley at 1,448 acres, and the greatest was in the west region of the study at 3,140 acres. Seventyfive percent of farms were categorized as crop farms, ranging from 98 percent in the Red River Valley to 41 percent in the west region. The “Financial Characteristics of North Dakota Farms” publication is available online at http://bit.ly/NDFarmReview or by request from the NDSU Agribusiness and Applied Economics Department at 701-231-7441.
September small grains CONTINUED FROM PAGE C48
down 29 percent from the revised 2016 total of 200 million bushels. Average yield per acre, at 72.6 bushels, is down 5.3 bushels from the previous year. Producers seeded 2.48 million acres in 2017, down 19 percent from last year. Harvested area, at 1.95 million acres, is down 24 percent from 2016. ##### Only a fool argues with skunks, mules, or cooks.
You know you’re a dad when you catch yourself saying….
• So do you suppose money grows on trees or something? • Go ask your mother. • Enough is enough! • If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right. • Be sure you’ve got your emergency money and enough gas in the tank. • I’m not talking to hear my own voice! • Just because it’s more expensive doesn’t mean it’s better. • If I see you doing that one more time, I’ll….. • Call, or your mother will worry. • You’ve got it so easy! • Never mind what I did when I was your age. • What were you thinking? Or were you thinking?
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C51
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CNHI Low Rate Financing Starting at 0% OAC
Nice clean unit with MFWD, suspension cab, deluxe air seat, cold weather package, HD battery, 16x16 semi P/S transmission, Class 4 MFWD, 29 GPM CCLS hydraulic ystem, 3 remote valves, 540/1000 PTO, 3 mid-mount valves and joystick for loader. Front fenders, instructor seat, rear wiper and BIG outside mirrors. Loader is Case IH L765 w/95” HD bucket and 4 tine 2 cylinder bucket. ONLY 757 hours and factory warranty. Really nice lease return unit. Books for $101,656................................... .................................... Price Reduced to $95,855
with 162 header. Excellent, clean used unit. Equipped with cab and rear axle suspension, 150 hp turbo diesel with great fuel efficiiency, hydraulic header tilt, hydraulic reverser, 2 speed hydrostatic transmission, quiet comfortable cab with air and buddy seat, Just 441 hours. Books for $110,569..................................... ........................................MVE Price just $101,577
Premium version that includes mesh and twine wrap, wide pickup w/HD rubber mounted teeth, variable pressure bale chamber and high density bales. Comes with full warranty. ONLY 2322 bales and ..................................... MVE Price $38,665
2015 CASE IH PUMA 165
Tractor w/L765 loader. Extra nice LEASE return unit. MFWD, 18x6 P/S transmission, power reverser, 3 mid mount valves for loader with joystick, block and transmission heaters, front fenders amd Rimguard in rear tires. Loader equipped with HD 95” bucket with grapple. Only 748 hours on this nice clean unit. Book says $132,678...... MVE price only $121,980
w/Alo Quicke Q980 loader. MFWD, Supersteer, 150/125 hp, cab suspension, Powershift transmission, 3 remotes, 3 point hitch, and NEW rear rubber. Only 4178 hours and................................ ........................................Priced to Sell at $47,808
Unit has less than 50 ACRES on it and looks brand new. It sold for nearly $40,000 new. Willing to sacrifice it for .....$24,750
This unit looks much newer than it is. Has had excellent care and has been mostly rebuilt prior to the 2017 season. Standard pickup baler with mesh wrap and twine. Very clean and one of the most reliable units ever built. Make 5x6 dense square shouldered bales.......................... MVE Price only $9,639
Nice unit with hydraulic drive, fold, and raise. Rubber mounted teeth ........................................................................... $7908
Really clean 14-ft. header what works for older Case IH and New Holland windrowers. Nice, straight consigned unit .............. .................................................................... Just $10,990
Trader’s Dispatch, October 2017 — Page C52
2006 Peterbilt 387 Cat C-13, 13 speed, approx. 615,741 miles
2007 Freightliner Cat C-13, 595K miles, auto trans., jake, aluminum wheels..... $29,500 1999 Loral Airmax 5 Cummins, 5700 hours, DJ controller.............................. $32,500
2010 International 7400, Max Force engine, Allison auto, New Leader L4000 G4, 3066 hours.......$78,000
2005 Peterbilt Stahly Cummins, Allison automatic, New Leader L3020 G4, monitor, New Leader controller, Starlink GPS, 4145 hours......................$78,000
4-wheel drive 2013 Case IH Titan 4520 1450 hours, Viper Pro, Smartrax auto steer.......... $145,000
2010 Case IH 4520 70-ft. airflow, Raven Viper Pro, Smartrax, 1889 hours!!.... $138,000
2009 Terra Gator 6203 Cat, Terra Shift, New Leader L4000 G4, Raven Viper Pro monitor, Smarttrax, 3711 hours $88,000
2004 Loral C13 Cat, automatic, Air Max 1000 ................$77,500..... $93,000
2005 Case 4510 370 hp, auto, 70-ft. flex air bed, 4500 hours. ............... $78,000... $103,000 2011 Case IH 4520 810 FlexAir, roll tarp, 2628 hours......... ................................ $138,000
1995 Terragator 1844 3208T engine, Allison auto trans. New Leader 3020 GT, Raven 660 controller, 7000 hours...................... $37,500
2008 Terra Gator 8244 Cat, TerraShift, air flow, 70-ft. boom, 2900 hours..... $69,500
2006 Case FLX 4510 floater, 2007 Case 4520 3 bin, autoAllison automatic, Cummins, steer, 5500 hours....... $98,000 FlexAir 810 box, Viper controller, autosteer, shedded every night, 7466 hours, runs great. ..........$88,000...........$104,00
2004 Case IH FLX4010 automatic, 1800 gal. stainless steel liquid, 80-ft. boom, SCS660 controller, Raven cruiser, shows 7147 hours......$63,000
2002 Case IH SPX4260 1200 gallon SS, 60/80-ft. boom, 15”/20” spacing, Aim Command system, 4890 hours...... .................................. $76,000
2001 Case 3300 3-wheel, Cummins auto, flex-air system..............................$19,500
2002 Loral 400 Cummins, Air Max 1000, 4100 hours............ 2010 TerraGator 8204, Cat, .................................. $63,000 Terra Shift, Airmax Precision 2, twin bin, Falcon controller, 4000 hours................ $93,500
1450 gallon NH3 tanks and trailers............ From $3200 up 25 ton Willmar side discharge tender box..........$18,500/bed
1997 Hart two hopper semi tender........................ $29,500
2009 Merritt with hydraulic belt conveyor, electric tarp, 4 compartments ...............$27,500...... $33,000
Willmar 16-ton tender with roll tarp............................... $7500
2009 Willmar Wrangler 4550. .................................. $23,500 2010 Willmar Wrangler 4560. 1600 hours................ $25,500
Wilmar 25-ton tender on trailer............................... $38,500
2004 KBH 25-ton semi tender with back auger, self-contained......................... $32,500
2012 Merritt semi tender with hydraulic belt conveyor, electric roll tarp................. $44,000
Waconia 10 ton blender with scale.. $24,500
12,200 gallon NH3 tank on skid, 265 psi........... $24,000 (2) 6000 gallon propane tanks, 250 psi..$15,000 for the pair
2002 International Silver Wheels Liquid auto, 1800 gallon, 65-ft. boom, Mark IV.4 G4 control, 4332 hours....$42,500
Products We Handle: 1973 Trinity NH3 portable 18,000 gallon, self contained holding tank............$38,000
1984 International DT 466 8 speed, Tyler 16 ton rear discharge tender with roll tarp..... .................................. $14,500
ESN 46-0-0 11-52-0 12-40-0-6 (40 Rock) 0-0-60 20-0-0-24 16-20-0-13 0-0-0-90
28-0-0 32-0-0 10-34-0 12-0-0-26
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2007 Timpte 42-ft. Super Tender, rear conveyor, auto gates, electric tarp. $36,500
Choteau - Larry Greyn 466-5356
Dutton - Vern Greyn 476-3402
Valier - Eric Greyn 279-3255