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PIPE THREADING OIL Chemwatch Material Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 30-Jul-2009 C9477EC

CHEMWATCH 21-9213 Version No:2.0 CD 2009/2 Page 1 of 5

Section 1 - CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION PRODUCT NAME PIPE THREADING OIL STATEMENT OF HAZARDOUS NATURE Considered a Hazardous Substance according to the criteria of the New Zealand Hazardous Substances New Organisms legislation. PRODUCT USE Thread cutting lubricant. SUPPLIER Company: ITW POLYMERS & FLUIDS Address: Unit 2/38 Trugood Drive East Tamaki 2013 Auckland NZ Telephone: +64 9 272 1945 Emergency Tel: +64 9 272 1945 Fax: +64 9 273 6489

Section 2 - HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION GHS Classification Respiratory Irritation Category 3 Skin Corrosion/Irritation Category 3 EMERGENCY OVERVIEW HAZARD WARNING Determined by Chemwatch using GHS/HSNO criteria: 6.3B May cause respiratory irritation Causes mild skin irritation PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS Prevention Avoid breathing dust/fume/gas/mist/vapours/spray. Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. Response IF INHALED: Remove to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. Call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician if you feel unwell. If skin irritation occurs: Get medical advice/ attention. Storage Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep container tightly closed. Store locked up.

Section 3 - COMPOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS NAME paraffinic distillate, heavy, solvent- dewaxed (severe) mineral oil (solvent refined) additives nonhazardous

CAS RN 64742-65-0. Not avail.

% >60 30-40 balance



PIPE THREADING OIL Chemwatch Material Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 30-Jul-2009 C9477EC

CHEMWATCH 21-9213 Version No:2.0 CD 2009/2 Page 2 of 5 Section 4 - FIRST AID MEASURES

SWALLOWED ■ - If swallowed do NOT induce vomiting. - If vomiting occurs, lean patient forward or place on left side (head-down position, if possible) to maintain open airway and prevent aspiration. EYE ■ If this product comes in contact with the eyes: - Wash out immediately with fresh running water. - Ensure complete irrigation of the eye by keeping eyelids apart and away from eye and moving the eyelids by occasionally lifting the upper and lower lids. SKIN ■ If skin contact occurs: - Immediately remove all contaminated clothing, including footwear. - Flush skin and hair with running water (and soap if available). INHALED ■ - If fumes or combustion products are inhaled remove from contaminated area. - Other measures are usually unnecessary. NOTES TO PHYSICIAN ■ Treat symptomatically. - Heavy and persistent skin contamination over many years may lead to dysplastic changes. Pre-existing skin disorders may be aggravated by exposure to this product. - In general, emesis induction is unnecessary with high viscosity, low volatility products, i.e. most oils and greases.

Section 5 - FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES EXTINGUISHING MEDIA ■ - Foam. - Dry chemical powder. FIRE FIGHTING ■ - Alert Fire Brigade and tell them location and nature of hazard. - Wear breathing apparatus plus protective gloves. FIRE/EXPLOSION HAZARD ■ - Combustible. - Slight fire hazard when exposed to heat or flame. Decomposes on heating and produces toxic fumes of: carbon dioxide (CO2), other pyrolysis products typical of burning organic material. FIRE INCOMPATIBILITY ■ - Avoid contamination with oxidising agents i.e. nitrates, oxidising acids, chlorine bleaches, pool chlorine etc. as ignition may result. PERSONAL PROTECTION Glasses: Chemical goggles. Gloves: General purpose rubber glove. Respirator: Type A-P Filter of sufficient capacity

Section 6 - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES MINOR SPILLS ■ Slippery when spilt. - Remove all ignition sources. - Clean up all spills immediately. MAJOR SPILLS ■ Slippery when spilt. Remove all ignition sources. Minor hazard. - Clear area of personnel. - Alert Fire Brigade and tell them location and nature of hazard. Personal Protective Equipment advice is contained in Section 8 of the MSDS.

Section 7 - HANDLING AND STORAGE PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING ■ Remove all ignition sources. - Limit all unnecessary personal contact.


PIPE THREADING OIL Chemwatch Material Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 30-Jul-2009 C9477EC

CHEMWATCH 21-9213 Version No:2.0 CD 2009/2 Page 3 of 5 Section 7 - HANDLING AND STORAGE

- Wear protective clothing when risk of exposure occurs. SUITABLE CONTAINER ■ - Polyethylene or polypropylene container. - Packing as recommended by manufacturer. STORAGE INCOMPATIBILITY ■ Avoid storage with oxidisers. CARE: Water in contact with heated material may cause foaming or a steam explosion with possible severe burns from wide scattering of hot material. Resultant overflow of containers may result in fire. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS ■ - Store in original containers. - Keep containers securely sealed.

Section 8 - EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION EXPOSURE CONTROLS Source ___________ New Zealand Workplace Exposure Standards (WES)

Material ___________ paraffinic distillate, heavy, solvent- dewaxed (severe) (Oil mist, mineral)

TWA mg/m³ _______ 5

STEL mg/m³ _______ 10

PERSONAL PROTECTION RESPIRATOR Type A-P Filter of sufficient capacity EYE ■ - Safety glasses with side shields; or as required, - Chemical goggles. HANDS/FEET ■ Wear general protective gloves, eg. light weight rubber gloves. OTHER ■ - Overalls. - Eyewash unit. ENGINEERING CONTROLS ■ General exhaust is adequate under normal operating conditions. If risk of overexposure exists, wear SAA approved respirator.

Section 9 - PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE Clear amber oily liquid; does not mix with water. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES Liquid. Does not mix with water. Floats on water. Molecular Weight: Not Applicable Melting Range (°C): Not Available Solubility in water (g/L): Immiscible pH (1% solution): Not Applicable Volatile Component (%vol): Not Available Relative Vapour Density (air=1): Not Available Lower Explosive Limit (%): Not Available Autoignition Temp (°C): Not Available State: Liquid

Boiling Range (°C): Not Available Specific Gravity (water=1): 0.85 approx. pH (as supplied): Not Applicable Vapour Pressure (kPa): Negligible Evaporation Rate: Not Available Flash Point (°C): >180 Upper Explosive Limit (%): Not Available Decomposition Temp (°C): Not Available Viscosity: Not Available


PIPE THREADING OIL Chemwatch Material Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 30-Jul-2009 C9477EC

CHEMWATCH 21-9213 Version No:2.0 CD 2009/2 Page 4 of 5

Section 10 - CHEMICAL STABILITY AND REACTIVITY INFORMATION CONDITIONS CONTRIBUTING TO INSTABILITY ■ - Presence of incompatible materials. - Product is considered stable. For incompatible materials - refer to Section 7 - Handling and Storage.

Section 11 - TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS ACUTE HEALTH EFFECTS SWALLOWED ■ Although ingestion is not thought to produce harmful effects (as classified under EC Directives), the material may still be damaging to the health of the individual, following ingestion, especially where pre-existing organ (e.g liver, kidney) damage is evident. Present definitions of harmful or toxic substances are generally based on doses producing mortality rather than those producing morbidity (disease, ill-health). EYE ■ Although the material is not thought to be an irritant (as classified by EC Directives), direct contact with the eye may produce transient discomfort characterised by tearing or conjunctival redness (as with windburn). SKIN ■ The material is not thought to produce adverse health effects or skin irritation following contact (as classified by EC Directives using animal models). Nevertheless, good hygiene practice requires that exposure be kept to a minimum and that suitable gloves be used in an occupational setting. INHALED ■ The material is not thought to produce adverse health effects or irritation of the respiratory tract (as classified by EC Directives using animal models). Nevertheless, good hygiene practice requires that exposure be kept to a minimum and that suitable control measures be used in an occupational setting. CHRONIC HEALTH EFFECTS ■ Principal route of exposure is by skin contact; lesser exposures include inhalation of fumes from hot oils, oil mists or droplets. Prolonged contact with mineral oils carries with it the risk of skin conditions such as oil folliculitis, eczematous dermatitis, pigmentation of the face (melanosis) and warts on the sole of the foot (plantar warts). TOXICITY AND IRRITATION ■ Not available. Refer to individual constituents. PARAFFINIC DISTILLATE, HEAVY, SOLVENT-DEWAXED (SEVERE): ■ unless otherwise specified data extracted from RTECS - Register of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances. ■ No data of toxicological significance identified in literature search. The substance is classified by IARC as Group 3: NOT classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans. Evidence of carcinogenicity may be inadequate or limited in animal testing. MINERAL OIL: ■ unless otherwise specified data extracted from RTECS - Register of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances. ■ Toxicity and Irritation data for petroleum-based mineral oils are related to chemical components and vary as does the composition and source of the original crude. A small but definite risk of occupational skin cancer occurs in workers exposed to persistent skin contamination by oils over a period of years.

Section 12 - ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION No data Ecotoxicity Ingredient Pipe Threading Oil paraffinic distillate, heavy, solvent- dewaxed (severe) mineral oil

Persistence: Water/Soil

Persistence: Air No data No data

Bioaccumulat ion


No data


PIPE THREADING OIL Chemwatch Material Safety Data Sheet Issue Date: 30-Jul-2009 C9477EC

CHEMWATCH 21-9213 Version No:2.0 CD 2009/2 Page 5 of 5

Section 13 - DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS ■ - Recycle wherever possible or consult manufacturer for recycling options. - Consult State Land Waste Management Authority for disposal.


Section 15 - REGULATORY INFORMATION REGULATIONS Pipe Threading Oil (CAS: None): No regulations applicable Regulations for ingredients paraffinic distillate, heavy, solvent-dewaxed (severe) (CAS: 64742-65-0) is found on the following regulatory lists; New Zealand Inventory of Chemicals (NZIoC) New Zealand Workplace Exposure Standards (WES) OECD Representative List of High Production Volume (HPV) Chemicals mineral oil (CAS:Not avail): No regulations applicable No data available for mineral oil as CAS: Not avail.

Specific advice on controls required for materials used in New Zealand can be found at http://www.ermanz.govt.nz/search/registers.html

Section 16 - OTHER INFORMATION NEW ZEALAND POISONS INFORMATION CENTRE 0800 POISON (0800 764 766) NZ EMERGENCY SERVICES: 111 ■ Classification of the preparation and its individual components has drawn on official and authoritative sources as well as independent review by the Chemwatch Classification committee using available literature references. A list of reference resources used to assist the committee may be found at: www.chemwatch.net/references. ■ The (M)SDS is a Hazard Communication tool and should be used to assist in the Risk Assessment. Many factors determine whether the reported Hazards are Risks in the workplace or other settings. This document is copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, review or criticism, as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from CHEMWATCH. TEL (+61 3) 9572 4700.

Issue Date: 30-Jul-2009 Print Date: 30-Jul-2009

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