Microsoft Is Making Great Strides in AR and AI
Microsoft’s massive strides in augmented reality and artificial intelligence could make it a much valued tech entity.
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Successful stock trading involves studying the stocks, their business strategies and potential for success as well. Investments in innovation made by companies can give an idea of where they’re heading, and how that could affect their stock value. Microsoft ($MSFT) is taking technology and innovation to the next level. Having incorporated touch control capabilities in its Windows 7 operating system, Microsoft is now experimenting with using the eyes to control Windows 10.
Eye Control Microsoft had announced this technology called Eye Control last week, and is now testing its user-friendliness by making the feature available in the Windows 10 Insider Preview Build Update. This update is currently only available to a few of its users. The idea behind the update is to make the operating system more usable for users having disabilities. Eye Control comes with an on-screen mouse and keyboard plus a text-to-speech function. All of these can be operated with the eyes. But the user needs an eye tracker device that helps the OS to complete the demanded tasks that are usually done through the physical keyboard and mouse. Microsoft currently backs only the Tobii Eye Tracker though it could get compatible with other eye trackers too in the future. Here’s how it works: ❖ The user must launch Eye Control after which they’ll get the message that lets them select the option to use their eyes to control the keyboard, mouse and the text-to-speech function. ❖ If the user needs to use the mouse, all they need to do is look at what they wish to click on. For typing, the user needs to look at the letters they want to type.
There are variations being tested for typing, including a shape writing feature which will ensure faster typing using the eyes. This technology predicts the word the user intends to type when he/she looks at the first and the last letters of the word on the on-screen virtual keyboard and glances at the letters that come in between.
Seeing AI - Detecting the Environment Ahead All these are steps towards augmented reality (AR). But Microsoft has made steps towards artificial intelligence (AI) as well, with the intention to help people with disabilities. It launched the Seeing AI app for iOS devices in July. The app uses the iPhone camera to alert users to the physical environment they’re in, describing people or objects before them. All the user needs to do is point the iPhone camera at whatever’s before them. If it’s a person, the app can describe him or her and even indicate their emotional state. If it’s a product, the app will provide information on that. What’s even more amazing is that the app can be used to identify dollar bills too, indicating the value they denote. All these are features that have significant potential. They could soon be in great demand, and Microsoft seems to have the edge with its early development of these technologies. Others will no doubt follow suit, but Microsoft has already invested research and technology into AI. It recently named artificial intelligence as its top priority in its annual report. The right trading software is also advanced and can give you a clear and in-depth picture of the market you’re trading in, right from your home. That makes online trading a great way to learn trading and to make the first steps in this art.