Up Your Trading With a Proper Computer Monitor Setup More and more of the modern world is involving multi-tasking, and investment trading is no exception to this rule. There is simply too much information available now in today’s public markets to try and squeeze it into one monitor. In fact, the human brain works a bit better when visual information is segmented and given its own display. This is why modern emergency services use multi-monitor display systems for computer-aided dispatch centers. For trading, a multi-monitor set up can break down some of the barriers to information consumption, allowing a user to gather more data faster for better decisions. Numerous independent studies have confirmed this theory, with workplace productivity increases jumping from 10 to 50 percent when applied correctly. The actual setup isn’t very hard. It’s more of a challenge how to physically place the monitors for best personal viewing than to do the actual connections and installation. However, computers have their limitations, so it’s good to know what your computer can handle up front in case upgrades are needed. This can include both operating software and hardware. The biggest limit is the given computer’s graphic card. Usually, two independent monitors is a standard support level. They plug into the back of the card which sticks out of the back of the PC. If a second graphics card is added into the desktop configuration, then four monitors can be run. Advanced gaming video cards can bring the tally up to as many as eight monitors, but that might be overkill. Keep in mind, when everything is connected, its placement still matters. How your office, desk and room are setup will often dictate placement. So be prepared to move things around a bit to make multiple monitors work properly for you. It helps to try a few arrangements before settling in on a given placement for good. The most obvious impact of multiple monitors to your trading ability will be apparent after a few weeks. When comfortable, turn one of the monitors off and trade without it. The difference will be apparent. To find out more about how to amp up your computer, consider our buyers guide, "How to Buy a Trading Computer and Save Thousands", which is available in www.tradingcomputersnow.com.