Benefits for Buyers and Suppliers
Buyers • Identify new suppliers and vendors using the power of global b2b networking • Communicate with suppliers and producers • Improve vendor management with existing suppliers • Increase your foreign trade and market intelligence through updates about companies that provide products or services • Interact with your colleagues, whether they’re buyers or other stakeholders • Discuss areas of common interest with suppliers and other buyers
• Manage risk in your supply chain through better market intelligence and supplier visibility • Obtain references, reviews and recommendations for suppliers, which is especially important for foreign trade
Suppliers • Find customers around the world and expand your sales markets • Communicate with and send proposals to one potential customer or to several at once • Locate sources of equipment, raw material and other resources to produce what you provide • Maintain better communication with existing customers • Increase your foreign trade and market intelligence by getting updates about companies that purchase products or services • Interact with other suppliers, potential customers and others who share common interests such as sourcing and international trade • Obtain references, reviews, and recommendations for yourself and potential customers.
TraDove makes it simple and safe for buyers to collaborate more easily with colleagues, other buyers and new suppliers to drive innovation that delivers real value. Similarly, TraDove allows suppliers to communicate more easily with potential and current customers. By removing common initial networking barriers and creating vast opportunities for enhanced
and continued dialogue, TraDove opens up an entirely new social world of B2B trading. Get these benefits now by registering at