10 Anatomy & Physiology Tips To Get Better Grades
There's no questioning the fact; anatomy and physiology are hard subjects to study. With difficult concepts and an endless amount of study material per test; numerous students find their anatomy & physiology grades taking a nose dive a few weeks into the semester. To be brief: this may be a course where no matter what you bring to the table; an A is an impossibility. Right? Wrong.
I'm here to tell you that it is possible and yes, can even be simple, to get an A in anatomy & physiology. How? Like any proposed solution there are steps, guidelines, and prompts to be learned from. Beginning with these ten study tips will propel you to the top of the class in days, provided you diligently put them to use. Ready? Let's begin. Learn How To Study Anatomy and Physiology
1.) Write Everything Down Oh, your professor told you that suchand-such a concept wouldn't be on the test next week? Write it down anyway.
ď śNo matter what your professor tells you, it's still very possible that the concept in question could sneak its way into the multiple choice. Besides, even if it's not on tomorrow's quiz, it still might be present on the semester exam or on the SAT subject test. This is especially true if you're planning to pursue anatomy and physiology in your higher studies. ď śNo matter what the subject is: notes are essential, but they are especially so in anatomy & physiology.
Remember to write all your notes in short-hand. Short-hand is much, much quicker than "normal" writing, and leaves your wrist feeling less sore the next day. To help you learn short-hand, keep the following techniques in mind: Use arrows to a show a process of thought (e.g. food enters the mouth → moistened with saliva → passes through the food pipe, etc.)
ď śUse abbreviations like nobody's business (b/c = because, w/ = with, w/o = without, and more.) ď śUse boxes and arrows around text to move sentences/phrases around and/or copy them so you don't have to write the same string of text a second time
2.) Speak Up I'm gonna let you in on a little secret... Your professor actually doesn't just exist to make life horrible for you. Believe it or not, he or she is there to help you pass the class. There are few things that satisfy a teacher more than seeing one of their students doing well. Trust me.
ď śSo, the next time you have a question, raise your hand. Then and there. If your teacher didn't explain clearly enough the first time, ask again. And again. Ask until you've got the concept down pat. ď śIf the help that you need extends beyond what's covered in the class, get help from him/her after school. After all, it is what your professor is paid for.
3.) Take to the Internet In those very rare occurrences when your professor is unable to give you extra attention, you should know where to go: the biggest brain on the planet, commonly called the Internet. The World Wide Web has an incredible amount of information on each and every topic.
ď śWhat's that? You already know this? Then why do a surprising amount of students psych themselves out before ever giving themselves a chances to venture into even basic searches? Trust me, it happens. ď śQ&A sites like Yahoo! Answers and Wiki Answers cover nearly every topic under the sky. While they aren't always reliable, you can count of them 80% of the time.
4.) YouTube Due to its nature, anatomy & physiology is best learned visually. Meaning, concepts that you keep getting stuck on might suddenly become crystal-clear to you when you actually see it happen. There are numerous YouTube channels that teach anatomy & physiology.
5.) Get With a Study Group Even though study groups aren't so hip these days, they certainly do get the job done. When anatomy & physiology are concerned, two or more heads are always better than one. When ideas and solutions are contributed by a group of people, as opposed to just from one frazzled mind, the result is allaround success in understanding the material.
However, don't just include anybody into your study group. Choose carefully and wisely. Try to entice and recruit classmates who you know to be hardworking, intelligent, and helpful. Asking the class clown to come along is only going to decrease overall group productivity.
ď śOne interesting thing worth noting is that when you yourself start leading a group discussion and talking; the concepts themselves will start to become much clearer and articulate. ď śSimply because you're actually talking about it. Don't hog the attention of the group. Be sure everyone gets a turn to contribute.
ď ś6.) Find Your Angle: Make the Concepts Real to You ď śThe next time you eat a sandwich, think about what's happening. What organs and organ systems are moving and working as you open/close your jaws, swallow, and digest the different elements of the sandwich?
ď śWhen you hit the gym, attend Physical Ed, or play a sport, concentrate on how your muscles are expanding, contracting, and exerting force. ď śApplying the concepts you learn in the classroom to your real-world surroundings makes it easier to visualize how anatomy & physiology work.
7.) Physiology Is All about Form and Function If the entire study of physiology was to be summed up into one phrase, it would be this: form & function. That's really all that physiology is. Identifying the form of something in your body, and examining the function it performs to help keep your body stable.
ď ś8.) The Key to Passing Anatomy is Memorization ď śThere's no two ways about it. If you want to get an A on anatomy this semester, then the only thing to do is buckle down and start memorizing.
Rote studying doesn't come naturally to everybody, but it can also level the playing field because the amount of hours that you put in will – guaranteed – directly result in better returns. So pour over your textbooks every day. Even if there wasn't anatomy class that day. Constantly review the diagrams, and commit difficult terms and their definitions to memory.
9.) Flash Cards Are A Lifesaver The next time you make a visit to the mall, be sure to drop by the stationery section and pick up a few sets of 3 x 5 inch index cards. Flash cards get a lot of hype, and they deserve every bit of it. Few things are more instrumental in aiding concept and vocabulary memorization.
If you don't have the time to write out/draw each flash card, you have another alternative: purchase ready-made flash cards specific to anatomy & physiology. This isn't something that you will be able to get at the department store. Most likely, you'll only be able to get these online. If you don't have the money, there's one more option: reviewing a deck of cards virtually, like what Funnel Brain offers. It's free, it's easy, and it's remarkably helpful.
10.) Mnemonics: Make Up Rhymes/Songs Ever have a rhyme, chant, or other memorized iteam pop into your head without explanation? You'd be amazed how long even the simplest mnemonics linger, ready to be accessed. Making up limericks and short ditties is a fantastic way to memorize definitions. Songs get stuck in your head very easily. A good deal easier than long, complex definitions. A short rhyme about a certain key term will definitely help you pass the exams.
The Wrap Up Studying anatomy & physiology can look like a daunting task at first. But when you break down the study process with helpful techniques like these, you'll find that your anatomy & physiology grades will vastly improve. To make sure that these study systems stick in your mind, let's recap them:
Take comprehensive notes: Write everything down, no matter what. Use short-hand to quicken the note taking process. Speak up in class: Ask intelligent questions. Often, the students who ask more questions end up being the ones with higher grades. Take to the World Wide Web: The Internet has a wealth of information on anatomy & physiology. Join online communities and forums, and your questions will get solved a lot faster.
Watch YouTube videos: Anatomy is best studied visually; videos are much easier to learn from. Get with a study group: Two heads are better than one. Remember to choose your group members wisely. Make the information real to you: Apply what you learn in the classroom to your real-world surroundings. Physiology is all about form and function.
Anatomy is all about memorization. Flash cards: Make them yourself, buy them ready-made, or review virtual decks for free. Make up rhymes: Songs are more memorable than plain old text. Incorporate complex definitions into short limericks, and constantly sing those limericks to yourself. We hope you liked these 10 tips on getter better grades while studying Anatomy and Physiology!
We've found that no matter what your goal is; if you approach it with the right tools and – even more importantly – a clear thought process, you'll reach it. Sometimes it's as simple as repeating “form and function” while preparing for an Anatomy and Physiology class. Other times it's more complex: think of the series of calculations that perform just driving down the street.
ď śYour mind is constantly processing information: distances, timings, measurements, even simply the tone and volume that you apply to your speech. It makes a difference! And step by step; anything can be improved. Your approach can be broken down into a system like the one above: one where your methodology is organized into practical steps that are designed for memorization.
ď śWe encourage patterns, habits, and tricks that promote memorization with a twist. Tying core concepts to experiencial situations in your life encourages you to re-access them throughout your days. Assigning core concepts a key image or phrase helps you file them for quick association. And finally, confidence in your ability to tackle a broader task piece by piece reminds you that success in the classroom means taking it home with you. The key is how it's packed.
Interested in finding out more? For even more in-depth help, check out !Dr. Ross's top-rated anatomy and physiology guide Find the best Anatomy and Physiology Study Tools : http://studyexperts.us/