7 Tips for Relieving Joint Pain in the Knees
ď śJoint pain in the knees, ankles, hips, or shoulders can indicate arthritis, damage to the cartilage that rests between your bones, making it hard to bend, twist, or kneel without suffering from immense pain. To relieve joint pain, it’s important to learn how to treat the inflamed areas at home, while also visiting your doctor to rule out serious injuries that may require surgery.
ď śWhat causes joint pain in the knees? ď śOften, arthritic joint pain occurs in the knee when the soft cartilage of the knee cap becomes weak and fragile. Pieces of cartilage may become lodged into your joint area, causing severe aches and dull pain all around your knee area.
ď śJoint pain in the knees can occur because of a sports injury, poor posture, or occupations that require standing or sitting in one position for long hours. ď śSymptoms include a constant ache in the front of the knees, limited movement and buckling.
ď śWhat are the best treatments for joint pain? ď śFirst, see a doctor. You may need to take some x-rays. If there is extensive damage, then your doctor may suggest surgery. ď śThe most important treatments are the ones that you can do at home to reduce swelling, alleviate pain, prevent further damage to the knee and begin the healing process.
1) Apply ice. The moment you notice the beginnings of pain in your joints, sit down, put your feet up, and put an ice pack on the inflamed area. This will reduce swelling and cut down on most of the pain. 2) Rub on pain relief cream. Use a safe, gentle non-irritating pain relief lotion that contains natural ingredients that soothe the muscles surrounding the joint and produce a cooling effect.
ď ś3) Use over-the-counter medications. ď śPain relievers (such as acetaminophen) and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as ibuprofen) can go a long way towards relieving joint pain and swelling in the knees.
4) Build up the muscle. Visit a physical therapist to get a schedule of muscle-strengthening exercises that will help to speed up recovery and prevent further knee injuries. 5) Protect the swollen joints. It may help to wear a brace or tightfitting sock around your kneecap to sustain good alignment.
6) Take it easy. If you’re used to exercising regularly, then this is a good time to take a small break. Until you’re feeling much better, avoid bending down to pick something up or sitting down on the floor.
7) Wear proper footwear. Poor posture can cause joint pain in the knees, even if you don’t realize it. Cheap shoes that don’t cradle the foot properly can cause body aches and pains in the feet, legs, hips, and even the shoulders and back. Many people don’t realize the damage they’ve been doing to their spine until they finally sample orthotic inserts paired with good sturdy shoes that provide ankle support. And then, comes the relief…
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