Awakening Your Minor Chakras

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Awakening Your Minor Chakras

™The seven chakras, correlating with the seven nerve centers of the astral body, body have been the focus of yoga and meditation for 3,000 , years. y ™Less discussed are the 21 minor chakras. These 21 chakras are well-known acupuncture points.

™They are said to have less energy than the seven chakras yet more energy than other acupuncture points. ™The seven major chakras have 21 concentric circles of energy while the 21 minor chakras have between 2 and 14 concentric circles of energy.

™The colors and sound pitches of the 21 major chakras correspond with those of the seven major chakras, although there is no relation as to where they y are placed p on the physical body. ™Minor chakras in the feet and hands, for example, share a color, violet, and pitch, B, with the crown chakra.

™Many spiritual healers focus on the minor chakras For meditators once the major chakras. chakras are fully opened, it is safe to begin g activating g the minor chakras.

™Following are some of the minor chakras:

Earth Star Chakra Associated with life, life the Earth Star Chakra is below the feet. It is associated with those with a love for life who live in the present. They are at one in mind, body and spirit and enjoy j y harmonious relationships p with those around them. Its note is C-sharp.

Soul Star Chakra Sometimes referred to as the eighth chakra, it six inches above the head. This is where the soul’s soul s purpose, purpose or DNA, DNA resides. It is sometimes associated with a silver cord that astral travellers also refer to. At this level, you are aware of your higher purpose in life. You may have spirit guides who are helping you on your journey Its musical note is B-sharp. journey. B sharp

™Thymus ™Also called the high heart chakra, chakra the Thymus is the second heart chakra in the area of the thymus gland gland. It is concerned with speech, expression and confidence. Its note is F-sharp. p If the thymus y is in balance, you are capable of conscious, or lucid, dreaming. You may possess traits associated i t d with ith those th off higher hi h consciousness, such as selflessness.

Palm Chakras The Palm chakras are located in the palm of the hands. They are used by healers to transfer healing energy. energy They are a key healing instrument in Reiki. They are also said to be a type of sensor of information from the universe on people, objects and situations. Energy is received by the left palm and sent out by the right palm.

™It is a fascinating time to be exploring chakras as minor and higher spiritual chakras are being rediscovered. ™

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