Build a home page that converts

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Build a home page that converts

Build a home page that converts • How well should my home page be converting visitors to my list? I hear this question all the time Optimally your home page should be converting between 10 and 20% of your visitors on your list. Unfortunately most home pages don't even convert 1% of traffic. • Getting traffic to your home page is easy and getting people to your list is hard unless you know what to do. In this article I'm going to show you what you need to have in place so raise your conversion rates and build your list faster. Here's what you need to consider when building a home page that converts more traffic to your list:

Build a home page that converts • 1. First Impressions make a difference. • Are you capturing their attention with the right words, colors and call to action? You have only 3 to 7 seconds to capture their initial attention or they'll be gone and you've lost an opportunity to capture a lead and hopefully make a difference. • You want to design your home page that it gets noticed, and structure it so that they understand in that first 3-7 seconds what you do and they are compelled to stay on your page to learn more.

Build a home page that converts • 2. Too much stuff = confusion • You want to keep your page un cluttered and don't give your visitors too many options. So take the time to think through and identify the outcome for this page. • Do you want them to opt into your list? Do you want them to sign up for a consultation? Do you want them to read more about what you do? Resist the temptation to add too much to this page. To many calls to action and too many moving parts will distract visitors and will cause them to do nothing.

Build a home page that converts • 3. Add a video to your home page that sells your opt-in • Especially if this is the what you have identified as your main outcome for this page. Adding a video of you speaking really helps to improve your conversion rate because it gives people a deeper sense of who you are and what you do on a more personal level.

Build a home page that converts • If your homepage isn’t doing its job to help build your business and making you money, then something’s wrong. • Join me on April 30th at 12:00pm PT for a free webinar where I'll show you how to build a home page that converts. • Watch the video below to find out more and register:


Build a home page that converts • One lucky winner will get to have me audit their home page and show them exactly what they need to be doing to convert more traffic to their list! •

Build a home page that converts • •

About Kristen Poborsky: Kristen and her team are experts at helping you generate more leads so you can turn them into clients. She has developed a 3-step process that helps clients build their lists by generating more website traffic and opt-ins. Want to talk to me about getting more traffic, leads & clients using this an other strategies from my tool box? Book time with me right here... Be sure to take the website quiz! You’ll find out what you might be missing and get a copy of her FR*EE report: The Essential Guide to Making Money With Your Website. Here’s to more leads, more clients & more money!

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