Discover How To Attract Men With These 3 Rules

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Discover How To Attract Men With These 3 Rules

™When people ask me how to attract men, they think they are miles and miles away from being the kind of woman that men are jjust effortlessly y drawn to. ™But in reality, with only a couple of small tweaks in their behaviour, any y woman can instantly create attraction with men within the first five minutes of meeting th them. There Th are many ways to t attract tt t men you just need to know a few ground rules in order to begin. begin

1. Lose the “bitch face” Throughout my coaching I’ve noticed a tendency for some women to stand in a bar looking moody, tight-lipped, and with a facial expression p that says, y , “come near me and you’ll live to regret it!”. You might think it looks sexy and smouldering, but the truth is that this ‘model pout’ face is exactly the kind of thing that stops these ice-queens ever being approached by guys. guys

And by the way, I’m not singling out women here; men also have an equivalent look known as the “James Bond stare” where they y try y and be too cool for school, leant up against a table with a stern facial expression. Basically, when you’re out an about, people are going to be drawn towards th groups off women who the h are laughing l hi and enjoying themselves.

I know it sounds so basic to recommend smiling but so often I don’t smiling, don t actually see people doing it, and then they wonder why y guys g y aren’t coming g up p for a chat!

2. Use touch to express your femininity

™Introducing physical contact is one of the vital steps in learning how to attract men early in the conversation. ™But the trick here is to always think playful, rather than seductive.

™Examples include a simple light touch on his forearm when you make a point point, or just playfully batting his chest with your hand when he makes a jjoke. Or very y lightly squeezing his arm when you thank him. ™The idea is always to make these instances of touch very brief and natural.

3. Feel free to disagree with him One of the best ways to be attract men is to be willing to voice your disagreement with his opinions. Obviously you don’t pretend to disagree for the sake of it, but if he says something that you’re not on board with, be sure to say so!

Follow the “how to attract men” ground rules… rules Often, when we fancy someone we make the very common mistake of trying to agree with everything they say, in the hope p that they y will like us more. But actually, if we show them we are independent thinkers, and are willing early l on to t openly l disagree di or challenge h ll them on what they say, they will be much more attracted to us. us

What’s more, you’ll later find that when you do actually find something you have in common, you’ll bond much with each other much more,, because he will see that the agreement comes from a genuine place, rather than you just nodding along in order to impress him.

If you’re still struggling with knowing how to attract men properly then we recommend you get out Secrets of the Male Mind,, which is an eBook designed g to take women from their current love life rut… and into a whole new love life in 60 days off less!

So there you have it! You now know EXACTLY how to attract men without risking rejection in the slightest.

http://www howtoattractmen org/

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