How The 4-Hour 4 Hour Workweek by Timothy y Ferris Changed Johnny Wolf’s Life (A PUA B k Review) Book R i )
Hey Johnny Wolf here. I’m sure most of you have heard of the book book, “The The 4 4-Hour Hour Workweek” by Timothy Ferris. I’m here to tell you that it changed my life, where h I wentt from f a 9 to t 5 corporate t job, j b then a professional Pick Up Artist (PUA), and d fifinally ll tto where h I am now: h healthier, lthi wealthier, but most importantly, happier. Copyright:
Note: This book review of “The 4-Hour Workweek” is from the perspective of selfWorkweek self help and self-improvement, which is the basis of the holistic PUA PUA. It’s a about It’ b t the th llong tterm picture i t off me stop being a Pick Up Artist, but instead changing h i my lif life and db being i h happy as a MAN, what we call the F-Phase: Future (F ! Or (Fun! O Fake?!). F k ?!) Copyright:
Now, I’m sure a lot of you of have even been planning on reading itit. But when it comes down to it, most of you probably have been putting it off off. I remember b th the b back k cover said, id “Don’t “D ’t read this book unless you want to quit your j b” job.”
Fast forward a few months and I ended up quitting my job job,” moving to Thailand and “quitting pursuing scuba diving. How did it happen? Well, it’ll be different f everyone, but for b t my review i off the th 4 h hour workweek goes as follows.
Highlights: Timothy Ferris shows you though his own life how he escaped the rat race, the 9-5, which let’s face it, is always at least 8-5 8 5 if not longer longer. His stories Hi t i about b t traveling t li and d liliving i aboard inspired me. And what really caught ht my eye was h how h he was able bl tto d do it for less than I was paying for rent in Los A Angeles. l Copyright:
The DEAL Model: from Wikipedia:
In the book Ferriss uses the acronym DEAL for the four main chapters chapters. It stands for: Definition, Elimination, Automation, and Liberation Liberation. Definition means to figure out what a person wants wants, get over fears fears, see past society’s “expectations,” and figure out what it will really cost to get where a person wants to go. Copyright:
Elimination is about time management, or rather about not managing time. time This is achieved applying the 80/20 rule to focus only on those tasks that contribute the majority of benefit, and using Parkinson’s Parkinson s Law to limit the amount of actual time spent working. There’s a difference Ferriss says, difference, says between efficiency and effectiveness. The book’s emphasis is on effectiveness. effectiveness Copyright:
Automation is about building a sustainable automatic source of income sustainable, income. This includes techniques such as dropshipping automation shipping, automation, Google Adwords and Adsense, and outsourcing. Liberation is dedicated to the successful automation of one’s lifestyle and the liberation from a geographical location and job. Incidentally, Ferriss notes that if somebody has a regular job job, the order of steps will be DELA, not DEAL. Copyright:
™The book asserts that technology such as email instant messaging email, messaging, and InternetInternet enabled PDAs complicate life rather than simplify itit. ™It advocates d t hiring hi i virtual i t l assistants i t t ffrom developing countries such as India and Phili i Philippines tto ffree up personall titime.
Johnny Wolf’s Experience: The first step I took was Elimination Elimination. I realized li d h how much h money I was spending on crap I didn’t really need and h how much h titime I was wasting ti online. li
Then used Automation to free myself from having to pay bills or have responsibilities responsibilities. Having auto-pay for everything I couldn’t eliminate and figuring out how to make a couple hundred bucks a month online. Truth is, making money online isn’t easy, so I figured fi d I’d make k money d doing i something I love. Copyright:
I skipped straight to Liberation and moved to Thailand Thailand. A lot of people were saying saying, “What the hell are you thinking, Johnny Wolf?” But it was time for me to change Wolf? my life. And by god, I was going to use Timothy F i ’ “Th Ferris’ “The 4 4-Hour H W Workweek” k k” tto do d itit.
So I figured out my monthly expenses could be less than $800 $800, and started working as a Divemaster. Eventually I qualified as a scuba instructor instructor, and love what I do. I even spend a few months “working” as a M Muay Th i fifighter, Thai ht getting tti paid id tto ttrain i and d to fight for a camp. How’s that for being d i dominant t and d masculine? li ? Copyright:
Your journey will be completely different II’m m sure sure. But do yourself a huge favor and read “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Timothy Ferris today today. Then do yourself a bigger favor and actually act on it. It changed my life and I’m I m sure it’ll it ll do the same to you! htt // b f tt ti