Inattentive ADHD
Inattentive ADHD (ADHD-I) is different in many ways from the most commonly known type of ADHD which is called Hyperactive/impulsive yp / p ADHD or ADHDHI. It is also different from the combined type of ADHD which is a combination of the Inattentive and Hyperactive type of ADHD.
™Some ADHD experts have found it more expedient for the purpose of deciding expedient, treatment, predicting adult outcomes, and classification p purposes, p , to just j treat the inattentive ADHD subtype as if they were the same as the combined subtype off ADHD but this is short sighted.
™Individuals with inattentive ADHD have different outcomes from the other subtypes of ADHD, may respond differently y to ADHD treatment and may y require different interventions than the other subtypes of ADHD.
™Researchers are working on sorting out the specific genes that are involved in each subtype of Attention Deficity Hyperactivity yp y Disorder and it is looking, g, increasingly, like the genes at work in inattentive ADHD are somewhat different than the genes at work in the other subtypes of ADHD.
™Only by finding the specific genes involved in inattentive ADHD ADHD, will ADHD-I ADHD I get the validation that is needed. ™In the mean time, there has been work done using personality tests and other tests to arrive at an ADHD subtype diagnosis.
™Personality tests can very accurately diagnose inattentive ADHD ADHD, combined type ADHD, and ADHD with conduct disorder. ™Individuals with ADHD-I are significantly less likely y to be hyperactive yp and they y are less likely to be exhibit outward signs of hostility, anger, oppositional behavior or aggression. i
™Two studies just published indicate that temperament and activity level can very accurately predict the subtype diagnosis for ADHD. ™One study performed in Spain found that a personality inventory that measured Activity and Aggression allowed the researcher to properly classify 76 percent of individuals with ADHD-I.
™Another study performed in England and just published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry y y looked at Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) personality traits, temperament and activity level off preschoolers and found f that increased activity and emotionality accurate predicted the diagnosis of individuals with ODD and Combined type or hyperactive / impulsive subtype.
™Behavioral checklist can provide a broad synopsis of the most prominent symptoms of individuals with Attention deficit disorder. ™Personality test add to the diagnostic picture and more sophisticated p p test such as functional MRI, functional brain scans, and computer test that measure activity and d attention tt ti such h as th the ADHD Quotient Q ti t system can flesh out the diagnoses even more thoroughly. thoroughly
™We may not need to wait for a genetic marker for Inattentive ADHD. ADHD ™It appears that personality tests as well as other diagnostic tools are readily available now and allow us to accurately distinguish between all the subtypes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
™Inattentive type may not respond as well to the same treatment as Combined type or the Hyperactive Impulsive subtype but we will not fully y understand this subtype yp of until individuals with ADHD-I are appropriately screened, identified and a correct diagnosis is made.
™For more information on Primarily Inattentive ADHD please visit Tess Messer at p // p y / 2010/02/why-blog.html ™There y you will find information on ADHD symptoms, ADHD treatment, alternatives to medications, Information on ADHD vitamins it i and d supplements l t and d much h more. Looking forward to meeting you there!!