Lucid Dreaming MP3 Review - Do They Work In Real Life

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Lucid L cid D Dreaming eaming MP3 Review - Do They Work In Real Life? http://www luciddreamingmp3 com

™After discovering The Unexplainable Store Lucid Dreaming recordings a few weeks ago, there was no doubt in mind that I had to get it. it ™ Si Since I am into i t things thi such h as personall development, meditation and relaxation, over years I have gotten recommendations for many different CDs.

™But, none compared to these downloadable recordings.

™And this prompted me to write this Lucid Dreaming MP3 Review to share some of my experiences.

™I was really fascinated with the idea of having the ability to live in my dreams. In the last dream that I recall, I was flying in the sky like Superman Superman, but this was a very long ago. ™This powerful MP3 is actually one of the most beneficial recordings I have found to induce lucid dreaming.

Just by listening before going bed or waking up early in the mornings, I was able to enter into a unique head space - a profound state of meditation in which my body and mind was primed for Wake Induced Lucid Dream. Dream This is also an amazing relaxation support and will be ideal for relieving stress following a long day at work. y is lucid dreaming g recording? g What exactly

™This is a forty five minute lucid dreaming mp3 recording which uses a sound technology which scientifically proven called brainwave entrainment. entrainment This will help to prime your mind for lucid dreaming. dreaming ™Some of the usual effects that you feel after listening the MP3 recording includes:

- Full bodily relaxation - Emerging scenes of dreams and lucid dreams - Feelings of bodily disassociation and floating of limbs - Hypnagogia, allows you to see swirling patterns and colors - A sense of inner peach and clarity of thought

How o does it work? o ™Your brain will pass through several different frequencies daily, based on your level of consciousness, but this can be high alert brainwaves to sleeping brainwaves. When you are able to manipulate the inner frequency frequency, it is possible to enter different states of consciousness on demand. The name for the initiation of this proven frequency is Brainwave entrainment, which means to f ll follow response through th h sounds. d

What a are a e the eu unique que features? ea u es ™In general, there are just two packages accessible for The Unexplainable Store Lucid Dreaming category. You have the basic Lucid Dream 45 minutes recording and the Astral Super Bundled Deal. ™This combo package includes the Lucid Dreaming recording; Creative Free Flow;, Flow; Astral Projection and Past Life Regression recordings g incorporated p at a low p price.

™Personally, I thought that the combo pack was a much better deal so this is the one I bought. ™The two packages include the binaural b t iscochronic beats, i h i tones t and d monaurall beats.

How the lucid dreaming recordings actually helped me?

When I heard the binaural beats for the first time I was very excited. In fact, I got so excited that was not able to sleep because I wanted to listen to those MP3s. MP3s Could C ld I control t l my dreams d like lik what h t Leonardo DiCaprio was able to do in The Inception?

Well, to be honest after listening to the recording for first three nights my excitement almost disappeared because I don't remember what really happened. happened Butt afterwards, B ft d I did recall ll one night i ht while hil I was sleeping that was dreaming, but it was weird because I was not certain if was sleeping or awake.

™All things in my dream seem really familiar, yet there were certain occurrences which seemed impossible. ™There was the feeling like I was moving i t t instantaneously l from f location l ti tto another. th It's somewhat difficult to explain fully, but I can state confidently that my life after listing to the recording.

™There are no spoken words on the MP3, but instead you can hear white-noise in the background and foreground. I heard many different sound effects which helped to focus my conscious mind. ™ Very quickly, I started to relax mentally. This is something which very difficult for me to achieve in the past with breathing meditation.

™So do the Unexplainable Store lucid dreaming MP3 recordings really work?

™What do the other users say?

™In short: YES, they do! Check my blog to read a comprehensive review of different types of lucid dreaming MP3 from The Unexplainable Store, Store which also includes user reviews, comments and complaints about The Unexplainable Store: ™ http://www unexplainablebinauralbeats com

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