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7.0 Request and Grievance Procedure


In accordance with 28 CFR 35.107(a), the City of Asheville has identified an ADA Title II Coordinator to oversee the City of Asheville policies and procedures. Contact information for this individual is as follows:


Bradley J. Stein, MPA, CPCU, ARM, AIC City of Asheville Risk Manager / ADA Coordinator P.O. Box 7148 Asheville, NC 28802 Office Phone: 828-259-5687 Mobile Phone: 828-552-1179 Email: bstein@ashevillenc.gov


Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, each agency is required to publish its responsibilities in regard to the ADA. This public notice is provided in Appendix C. If users of The City of Asheville programs, facilities and services believe the City of Asheville has not provided reasonable accommodation, they have the right to file a grievance.

In accordance with 28 CFR 35.107(b), the City of Asheville has developed a grievance procedure for the purpose of the prompt and equitable resolution of citizens’ complaints, concerns, comments, and other grievances. This grievance procedure is outlined in Appendix C.

The City of Asheville has also incorporated a software application by the name of The Asheville App (add link) into their Customer Service and request operations. The purpose of the app is to provide citizens a convenient way to notify the City of concerns, requests and informal complaints so they may be addressed without the need to file a formal grievance. When a concern is received, it is routed to the appropriate City department for a response.

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