The Food Industry's 5S Method Traian Jikovski
Having originated in Japan, the 5S method is a methodology that applies to lean manufacturing but could easily be applied to any industry. At its very core, the 5S method states that an employer can increase productivity and safety simply by providing employees a safe, organized and clean work environment. The teachings of the 5S system are especially attractive to those within the food industry, as the 5S method would not only apply to employee health and safety but customer health and safety as well.
Sort Sorting is the first principle of the 5S system and simply states that any given work area should be cleared of any items that do not pertain to the work being performed there. Items that are broken or malfunctioning should be thrown away or moved to a maintenance area while items that are rarely used should be placed in storage. Sorting automatically minimizes the risk of cross-contamination.
Set In Order
Any manufacturing plant hinges on one thing, productivity. Any changes made to a manufacturing facility are made solely to improve efficiency. Having everything set in order ensures that all employees will be able to quickly find what they need when they need it as everything is always in the place it belongs. The set in order step of the 5S process includes taking steps like labeling and color-coding.
Shine This is perhaps the most simplistic, yet the easiest to overlook step of the 5S method. The tools that you use in your manufacturing should be kept as clean as they can possibly be. Not only does this ensure that there is no crosscontamination, but it also prevents the build-up of biofilm and other bacteria that can occur naturally. Cleaning equipment is a vital step.
This step requires a careful study of your employees’ daily habits. When you begin to observe and really understand the natural flow of employees you can find a way to optimize every minute of every workday. If you standardize the day-to-day operation of your plant, the process will seem natural to the employees who are actually carrying it out.
Sustain The 5S method isn’t about implementing the policy and forgetting it. Supervisors should be monitoring their plant every day to ensure that the proper steps are being taken and the processes are being applied and adapted as needed.
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Crunchbase Traian Jikovski