3 minute read
Intro Pages
MARCH 2022
2-3 Intro Pages 4-5 Exclusive Living Fair Discounts 6-7 Easter Stock is Here!
8-11 Ask a Producer Anything: Ma's Kitchen 12-13 Our Coffee Price Increases
14 Repurposing Your Traidcraft Packaging 15-17 Product Update 18-19 Traidcraft Exchange Update
20 Coconut Cream French Toast Recipe
In Case You Missed It…
Good Housekeeping rounded up their ‘100 best sustainability tips for a more conscious life’, and switching to an eco-friendly loo roll made the list. Which recycled toilet roll came out on top? You guessed it…
This Ramadan, Zaytoun invites you to break your fast with their ethicallysourced Medjoul dates from Palestine, to show solidarity with Palestinian farming communities. Fair trade provides a vital source of income for growers in the Jordan Valley whose livelihood and land are under daily threat from the occupation and expanding illegal settlements.
5 Ways You Can Support Palestinian Farmers Choose Palestinian Medjoul dates to support farming communities to make a sustainable livelihood while living under occupation. They now also face unprecedented challenges posed by climate change.
Experience the great taste of Palestine. Create your sumptuous Iftar feasts using Zaytoun award-winning olive oil, Great Taste Award-winning maftoul and green wheat freekeh, and check out their recipes for inspiration!
Involve your local community and ask your local shops to stock Palestinian Medjoul dates this Ramadan.
Share Zaytoun’s campaign posts, events and digital resources.
Join Zaytoun on social media, and tag your posts with these hashtags #BuyPalestinian #BreakingGood #HalalAndTayyib

Did You Hear?
Amy Wilson from our sister organisation, Traidcraft Exchange, talking all things Fairtrade and how Traidcraft have helped change lives all over the world for the last 40 years, in a recent BBC interview with Gilly Hope.
Fighting Social Injustice

Last month, we had some praline chocolate which failed our QC inspection. The chocolate failed purely because it had been in a warm place, which had caused it to ‘bloom’ meaning the chocolate appeared to have a white coating in places. This chocolate is still perfectly safe and yummy to eat, but unfortunately we are unable to sell it. Additionally, we had some Christmas tree biscuits which had damage to their outer boxes, again making them unsellable. As we hate waste here at Traidcraft, we donated all of our excess stock to REfUSE, a local cafe in Chester-Le-Street. REfUSE raises awareness and educates about the climate and ecological impact of food waste, building community and providing healthy food and good company to anyone that wants it. They operate on a ‘Pay As You Feel’ basis: guests can pay for their meals in cash, but non-monetary donations of time or skills are just as valuable. They believe PAYF encourages us to think about the true value of food: the resources, time and energy that has gone into producing it, but also includes and empowers those who may struggle to afford food.
“The chocolate will be used to bake cakes for the cafe, we will give it out in food hampers to people who are struggling and we will also give some out in the cafe.”
Jonny, REfUSE.

Welcome to the Team!
A huge welcome to Emma who joined us last month in the Marketing Team. Emma will be looking after Traidcraft’s social media channels and helping with the weekly emails you know and love. Welcome to such a bumper pack edition – March seems busy with lots going on and I am already getting the feeling we are building up to a celebratory Easter. How lovely! We have also got some great reductions on some of our basic grocery products such as pasta and coffee, as well as some treats such as our ever so popular beer bread, and a big favourite of mine is the dark chocolate coated ginger biscuits. I tend to find a tube of those does not last long in our house. A focus on Ma’s Kitchen in this edition highlights the great work they do in terms of job creation, again coconut milk is a firm store cupboard favourite of mine and handy for last minute curries and kormas.
A big thank you for your support. Take care,
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