Bulletin - March 2022

Page 2

In this issue... 2-3 Intro Pages 4 -7

A sk a Producer Anything: Ma's Kitchen


Easter Stock is Here!

10-11 Our Coffee Price Increases 12

R epurposing Your Traidcraft Packaging

13-15 Product Update 16-17 Traidcraft Exchange Update 18

C oconut Cream French Toast Recipe

In Case You Missed It…

Good Housekeeping rounded up their ‘100 best sustainability tips for a more conscious life’, and switching to an eco-friendly loo roll made the list. Which recycled toilet roll came out on top? You guessed it… READ GOOD HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLE

Traidcraft’s Tweet of the Month

Fairtrader Shoutout

A special shout out this month goes to our longstanding Fairtrader, Margaret Davis. Margaret has been a Fairtrader for 21 years, successfully running St Gerant’s Traidcraft at her church. Her turnaround over the past 10 years has been a staggering £52,000, and her impressive November Christmas Fayre took around £1,000. On top of that, she’s sending a donation of £400 to Traidcraft Exchange from her profits and is looking forward to holding a Big Brew event on 9th March. Margaret told us that her best sellers are fruit and nut muesli, coffee and biscuits. "Margaret does a fantastic job of organising and selling the goods. She's a great asset to our church." Steven Hyatt, St Gerants Amazing work Margaret, thank you for all that you do, from all of us at Team Traidcraft. 2


Not only is @StLaurenceLud a breathtaking building, did you know that it's also a certified @FairtradeUK church? It serves Fairtrade communion wine, tea and coffee and has a regular @Traidcraft stall.

Off today to @StLaurenceLud for a brief look, fascinating church and my usual 4 photos don't even scrape the surface so expect more. Anyway, warm welcome, glorious church, fascinating and HUGE

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