3 minute read
Intro Pages
In this issue...
2-3 Intro Pages 4-6 Shining the Spotlight on Traidcraft Best-sellers 7 Greenbelt Festival 8 An Update from Just Trading Scotland’s Tracy Mitchell 9 Jubilee Competition 10-11 Spring Sale 12-13 Traidcraft Exchange Update
A Date for Your Diaries
World Fair Trade Day: 14th May
The World Fair Trade Day is a global celebration organised annually by the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) to raise awareness of alternative solutions to the planet’s economic and ecological challenges. The 2022 celebration focuses on Climate Justice and the solutions presented by the Fair Trade, cooperative and organic movements. #LetsDoItFair

Traidcraft’s Tweet of the Month
This month’s star Tweet goes to Corpus Christi Primary School who held a mini competition during Fairtrade Fortnight, cutting out and sticking down Fairtrade logos they spotted on their favourite products, onto their competition cards. We love the idea of this game!
“We’re really enjoying our fabulous @CorpusChristi_K Fairtrade Committees competition to fill up our chart with @FairtradeUK logos! We’ve only 11 more logos to be in with a chance of winning. Good luck everyone!”

You may remember a few Bulletins ago, we saw Traidcraft boxes being used for entertaining grandchildren, drying Christmas tree branches and even housing a newborn lamb! Since then, we’ve had an influx of you getting in touch, telling us how you recycle and reuse our boxes after they’ve safely delivered your fair trade goodies.
Please keep them coming. Here are some of our favourites!

“Dear friends, I thought you might like to see this picture of one of your boxes being recycled charitably. My friend sends lots of boxfuls - as you can see - of clothes to a charity in Uganda. All the boxes of the right size which I receive and in good condition now make another journey overseas. She likes your boxes because they are sturdy". Best wishes, Robin Pencavel

(Thornbury Churches Together)
Peter Metcalf, founder of GIFT 92, receiving boxes
“I found the perfect solution to disposing of my empty Traidcraft boxes a few years ago and have been passing on my boxes to GIFT 92 ever since. GIFT 92 is a charity which was set up during Preston Guild 1992 and helps people with limited finance and receiving state benefits to furnish a property. GIFT 92 supplies essential furniture and household items to help them create a home and the Traidcraft boxes I pass on are used in boxing items up".
Anne Garsed
“Hello, I use the boxes flattened to cover the ground at the allotment over winter. It’s good to know you use water based inks so I know I’m not putting nasty chemicals on the soil. I cover the flattened boxes with wellrotted horse manure supplied by my neighbour and the worms do the rest. I use the crumpled brown paper either ripped up in the compost bins, or to light the fires we use to get rid of tough stems, and weed with seeds which we can’t compost. A small amount can be used for wrapping presents but there’s usually too much to keep. Sorry there are no pictures!"
Alyson Laydon
We hope you had a successful Easter period and managed to enjoy some relaxing time with friends and family, amidst your busy selling season. Well what a month May has in store for us! A bumper Bank Holiday month ending with celebrations for the Queen’s Jubilee. Whether you’re heading to a garden party, summer fete or having a street party for the occasion, we hope there is a Traidcraft product or two accompanying your celebrations. Do let us know, and send us any photos of your summer dos. Finally, you’ll see on page 9 that we’re hosting a crafty Jubilee competition, with some very exciting prizes to be won. Make sure your churches and communities get their thinking caps on and their creative juices flowing for their chance to win!
Best wishes, Team Traidcraft
Traidcraft Week is coming soon!
Keep an eye on your inboxes for further info.