2 minute read
Traidcraft Exchange
Meet the Regenerators
- and Have Your Donations Doubled..
In the villages across Tanzania and Bangladesh where Traidcraft Exchange works, no one asks if climate change is real. They ask, 'When will the rains come?' And ‘what will we eat now the floods have washed away our crops?’ The climate crisis is hitting those living in poverty the hardest.
But the people who are living with the devastating effects of climate change are fighting back, and they need your support.
You can make DOUBLE the difference this Spring, as all donations made between 8th March and 7th June 2021 will be matched by the UK government.
Between 8th March and 7th June 2021, Traidcraft Exchange, the UK’s trade justice charity, will run the Regenerators appeal – supporting those living on the frontline of the climate crisis to take action by investing in new, eco-friendly businesses, planting climate friendly crops, and using green technology like solar panels and irrigation. For people like Monira, in rural Bangladesh, the project is already having an incredible impact. “We are already very poor, and this climate change is making our days miserable (but) this project is changing our lives and making us aware about climate change. We learn and understand something new from this project in every meeting. We are trying to plant trees. We no longer want to be dependent on agricultural work only. We are trying to learn different skills of income. Together when we stand side by side, we are able to deal with many problems.”

Together, the Regenerators are taking a stand against climate change. With basic climate friendly technology, knowledge and skills about how to adapt to erratic weather patterns through things like growing new crops and investing in beehives or fisheries, communities will be able to earn more from the hard work they already do. They can come together, learn new skills, and take action to prevent climate change – through protecting forests and soil. These changes mean that whatever the climate crisis throws at them, they’ll be able to feed their families and earn a decent income. With your help, and donations doubled by the UK government, they can protect the earth for generations to come - and earn more for the hard work they do every day.
Donate to Traidcraft Exchange’s Regenerators Appeal between 8th March and 7th June 2021 and the UK government will double your gift to help the most vulnerable stand strong in the face of climate change.
Together, we can turn the tide. To learn more, sign up to updates, or donate, visit
How to get involved and have your support DOUBLED this spring
Donate at:
Buy raffle tickets at:
Hold a Big Brew-Easter (virtual or otherwise) – find all the resources you need at:
Join us at one of our fun and interactive events on the evenings of 17 March, 7 April, 14 April and 12 May – sign up at: www.traidcraftexchange.
Challenge yourself to walk or run 100km in April:
Plant a tree in your local community:
Please share our message on social media, including our lovely new animation, to get all your friends to give what they can and make double the difference.