Living Fair - January 2021

Page 7

DPD Come Out on Top! For any of your orders which exceed 2kg, DPD are our courier of choice. Apart from their flexible, user-friendly service for both shippers and shoppers, we choose to work with DPD as their green policies are very much aligned with our own. If you’re interested, there’s more on that over on our blog. It looks like we’re not the only ones who love DPD… they’ve recently topped the charts in a recent survey conducted by Which? Regarding best and worst delivery companies. DPD came in first place when it came to ‘delivery time slots’ and ‘communication with the courier’, and a very respectable third place for ‘where the parcel was left’. Delivery companies like DPD have kept many of us going through the pandemic, dropping off supplies to our doorsteps and keeping us safe. We’re thrilled they’ve been recognised here – well done and thank you DPD! SEE THE RESULTS HERE


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