LGBTT2QQIIAPA This acronym is best described using the “gender-bread” person.
SEX is what’s between your legs – your biological form. GENDER is how you perceive yourself in your own mind. ORIENTATION is who you love (or by some definitions as who you are attracted to) EXPRESSION is how you choose to present yourself. What the gender-bread scales show is that sexuality is a continuum. No one falls completely under one label. It’s a SPECTRUM and everyone falls somewhere in between.
Thankfully, we will never be in a relationship where our partner says:
“You love me. Now define it” But unfortunately, as humans, we constantly are trying to define ourselves; hence we come up with labels. Below are most (not all) of the definitions that people in our world have come up with to describe their gender, orientation, and expression.
L = lesbian
A woman who loves other women.
G = gay
A person who loves members of the same sex, though more increasingly being used to describe dual-male relationships
B = bisexual
Someone who loves members of either sex. A “people person”. The person does not necessarily have to be equally attracted to both sexes.
T = transsexual
A person who has physically changed sexes through sex reassignment procedures. There are two main types of transsexuals – M to F (male to female) and F to M (female to male).
T = transgender
A person whose gender differs from their sex. (ie. biologically female person consistently presents them self as a man.)
2 = two-spirited
An Aboriginal term for a gay or bisexual person. They are celebrated within their tribe for having both a man’s and woman’s soul
Q = queer
Formerly a derogatory slur, the gay community has readopted this term to describe anyone who falls under the umbrella of “other than straight”.
Q = questioning
Someone in the process of determining their orientation or gender. [personally I don’t understand this one because we are all constantly in discovery of ourselves]}
I = intersex
Formerly called “hermaphrodite”, which is now considered politically incorrect. Describes a person of both or neither sexes.
I = intergender
Also known as bi-gender, gender-neutral, or genderqueer. This person is androgynous or without a gender. These types of people may prefer to be called by the pronoun “ze” instead of he or she.
A = asexual
A person who is not a sexual being. Asexual people may still hug, kiss, and fall in love, but generally avoid intercourse, not as a choice, but because they physically have no sexual urges.
P = pansexual
Someone who does not see our outside “shells” (gender, expression, or sex) when they fall in love. These people can also be called bisexuals because they physically do not see looks or sex, they see only personality.
A = ally
Someone who supports, loves, encourages, and protects their LGBT friends.
Conference Etiquette All of this goes without saying but just to avoid awkward situations I thought I should include some pointers.
1. DO NOT ask ANYONE if they are a boy or a girl. It is the hardest thing for a transgender to endure next to having to choose a washroom to go into. 2. DO NOT use the word “homosexual”. It’s a very outdated word that was once used to describe the “disease” of loving someone of the same sex. It’s usually best to just use the acronym LGBT. 3. Honestly, don’t ask someone what their orientation is. 4. If someone mentions that they are gay, do not congratulate them unless you a) know them personally and are learning this for the first time or b) are positive that this is there first time telling anyone ever. Don’t make anyone feel “different”. 5. Please, if someone is transgendered, refer to them by their gender pronoun instead of their sexual pronoun. (ie. if someone is physically male but presents themselves as a female, do not refer to them as “he”) 6. Not everyone likes the word “queer”. Some people still find it very offensive. Keep this in mind. 7. There is a gender-neutral washroom at the place, but unless you really feel as though you may identify as transgender, please do not use it. And that’s it! If you read to this point, you are a true ALLY and have earned your A key. Tune in soon to earn your L, L, and Y keys.