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Club Calendar
It’s Rally Time!
Club Calendar 2020
RVers seeking RVers? Rally clubs from coast to coast love to meet at our destinations. Join in on the fun!
TTN Central CA
Come join us! We are weekday campers and we like Lake of the Springs, Ponderosa, & Snowflower, but are open to other locations. Please check out our Facebook page: RV/CampersofCentralCA(TTN). Email us at ccttnRVgroup@gmail.com
Lewis and Clark TTN
Mike May: President Lewis and Clark TTN chapter of FMCA. Contact person, Mike May (360) 581-5512 or mmay914@comcast.net.
April 13-17...........Seaside, OR May 11-15............Crescent Bar, WA June 18-22...........Whalers Rest, OR June 24-27...........Roseburg, OR July 13-17..Thunderbird-Monroe, WA Aug 10-14............Paradise, WA Sept. 14-18...........Seaside, OR Oct. 5-9................Whalers Rest, OR
Bounders United (BUTTN)
BUTTN’s are members who own or have owned a Bounder motorhome and belong to Bounders United & Thousand Trails. Please make your own reservations at the RV Resort. Member # 1 (800) 388-7788; Non-Member # 1 (877) 570-2267. (No-Host Outing) If you are interested in attending, please contact: Yvonne Codde at (209) 207-8184.
TT of Texas/FMCA
New members must be a member of TTN and FMCA. All motorhomes, trailer owners, and fifth-wheels are welcome. Contact Connie Farrar at (817) 454-4612 or email to ttnfmcachapter@gmail.com. Website: ttnoftexasfmca.com.
March 13-16..............Colorado River May 1-3.....................Lake Texoma November 13-15.......Medina Lake
TT Travelers Southern California
We usually meet on the first Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of each month. In the morning we have coffee, snacks, socialize, and play games. In the evening we have more fun with a potluck and card games. We are looking for more new members. Come visit us. For information, contact Cecil Schoolcraft, Wagonmaster, (619) 997-9787, or email him at cecilanddonna@aol.com.
Groups & Rallies Your One Stop Group & Rally Headquarters! rvonthego.com/group-reservations or call (877) 570-2267
Answers – Crossword puzzle can be found on page 60.
Branching Out... Seeking a Safer Tomorrow

Help the Manatees, Adopt One Today!
Are you a Photographer or an aspiring Photographer?
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Submit your work to tbeditor@equitylifestyle.com Please submit photos with a short description about your stay. Must be a Thousand Trails Member in order to be considered to be featured.
savethemanatee.org Photo © Wayne Hartley
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