1 minute read


Each year, we celebrate the 100 summer days in between Memorial Day and Labor Day as the official #100DaysofCamping. We’ve made a few changes to make #100DaysofCamping more accessible wherever you are. All submitted #100DaysofCamping photos will be entered into a photo contest with a prize!

here’s hoW It Works:

get out anD CaMP! Take a photo while camping or during a makeshift camping adventure.

CHoose one oF tHe FolloWIng oPtIons to suBMIt Your PHoto as an entrY: Upload your photo to Instagram using #100DaysofCamping in your post caption.

uPloaD Your PHoto to 100DaYsoFCaMPIng.CoM. Repeat to keep celebrating #100DaysofCamping!

We CaMe uP WItH a FeW otHer IDeas to sHare Your loVe oF CaMPIng: • Use our #100DaysofCamping story sticker in your

Instagram stories.

• Take a photo with our printable #100DaysofCamping 2021 graphic, or hang it proudly in your RV!

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