Miingno‘s Travel-Diary #001

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Miingno‘s Travel-Diary #001 - UBF 2010 Stories

Table of Contents Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 The PokĂŠmon Unlimited Battle Frontier 2010. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 Round 01 - The Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 Round 02 - The Trial of Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 Challenging the Blizzard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 06 A new Friend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Found A Beacon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Spotted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Retaliation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Showdown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Back to the Dome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Mini Contest - Coloring Eggs! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Round 03 - The Trial of Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Mini Contest - The Night Of A Thousand Chimecho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Team Building. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 The Fight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Round 04 - The Trial of the Sandstorms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Journey to Sunyshore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 A little Trip. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 My Last UBF2010 Fight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Off to new Adventures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 More Info and Impressum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Introduction The mysterious creatures of this planet, Pocket Monsters, or short Pokémon! 100? 200? 400? 600? No one knows how many varieties there are. Pokémon can be seen in every sort of place in the world. In the skies, in the sea, in the mountains, in the forest, on the plains and even in the cities. Human and Pokémon, seeking to become champions in a sport called Pokémon battling, combine their strengths to fight. As friends and companions, they communicate heart to heart, and live together. Hello everyone! My name is Miingno. I am a pokémon trainer from Ecruteak City. Together with my first Pokémon Torny, a Cyndaquil which evolved into a Quilava and even more into a Typhlosion, we travel around the world in order to meet new friends, experience many adventures and to become Pokémon Masters. Our way started in the Johto region where I come from. Many battles brought me to the Johto League where I reached place 285. I was still a fledgling! Next to the Johto region lies the Kanto region. I have heard many great stories of this area and so continued our journey there, collected eight badges and took part in the indigo league. This time, with my bigger knowledge I could make it into the top 50! But after the first battle I had to realize, that I still need more experience. And so I went on to new places. My journey made an interesting turn when I received a letter, an invitation to the UBF 2010 - the Pokémon Ultimate Battle Frontier 2010! What would await me in the far away region Sinnoh where the UBF takes part in? I just had to take that chance!


February 14, 2010

The Pokémon Unlimited Battle Frontier 2010 The goal of the UBF (short for Pokémon Unlimited Battle Frontier) 2010 was it to pass all rounds in a certain amount of time in order to become the UBF-Champion!

Round 01 - The Application

Firstly, we all may did get an invite to this awesome event. But round 01 was it to send in the complete application form! Why this seams to be a hard task to do? Everything we put on this form and only these things on this form were allowed to take with us. So was hard to say what we have to take with us because we didn‘t know what was going to happen! Next to basic data, like our name, age, hair and eye color and where we‘re from, we also had to include a picture of our-self. We also, as said, has to write down all the accessories and even outfits we take with us. No other things were allowed during the whole UBF! And the most important thing: Our Pokémon! We had to list up 6 Pokémon we will use during the UBF and also only four attacks per Pokémon! No other attacks were allowed which really was the most hard thing I think. In my case I listed up all my Pokémon I had with me during my Johto and Kanto journey. Manu my little Mamoswine, Moogie my crazy Sudowoodo, Wiesy my dreamy Furret, Amphy my cool-headed Ampharos, Nocty my intelligent Noctowl and of course Torny my awesome cool Typhlosion!

Here my form with which I got accepted to the UBF!



Round 02 - The Trial of Strength March 4, 2010

A little later than a few others, but I‘m starting to prepare now for the Trial of Strength! 08:35 Heared that the weather shall start a little better tomorrow, but then will fast turn into a HUGE blizzard.. that‘s what I was looking for! 16:35 Okay, charging up my camera and let my pokémon rest for tomorrow when we‘ll start with the Trial =D 17:01 Packing my junk together for tomorrow.. my bag, my sleeping bag, charged camera, pokémon, pokécom and the very old poédex.. guess I‘m ready 21:27 Now a long and good rest for this hard challenge *yosh* 21:31

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March 5, 2010

Challenging the Blizzard

March 6, 2010

March 5, 2010

I heard the weather will get a little better for this day and thought that this could be a good start to get far enough without loosing too much energy too early. And here I set off! Okay, at this point I was already a few hours on the way. But it was just too great scenery and I just had to show it to you. The Blizzard is there right in front of me. So I am screaming „Here I come! :D“ So yea, I challenge the blizzard ;D

I‘m glad that I have my ski-dress with me XD It is not that cold yet. I‘m used to these temperatures. Now let‘s find that beacon =D 16:48 It‘s getting darker here.. and the snowfall also increased.. I guess the blizzard is getting stronger again.. have to find a night camp. 20:32 The blizzard is getting worse. I have t* rest here in a small c!ve under a few stones. Myy, pokécom has trouble ge/łi-g @ if!)%&... 23:16 Okay the morning after.. the blizzard was really strong last night >_<; My pokécom crashed due to snow which went inside it.. 08:14 But with the help of my awesome Torny we could keep us all warm and dry the pokécom. It‘s still snowing, but a lil more normal 08:17 A lil rest after all the hours of traveling south to Route 216. I don‘t think there‘s any left on 217 now ^^; 16:02 It‘s already getting dark.. But there‘s a small hill I would like to climb up before I prepare the camp.. 19:10

Since my pokémon „don‘t know“ Rock Climb I have to climb up on my own ^_^; Luckily this place here is a lil covered from the strong wind. 19:11 phew.. finally reached the top of the hill (which turned out to just be a ledge) and I also prepared my camp. Now going to sleep. Night~ 23:53

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My pokécom tells me, that I‘m getting closer to route 216. I‘m sure there are still many beacons :D

March 7, 2010


... aaaaand.. there we are! route 216 \^_^/ 02:40 Traveled up route 216 a little. Tomorrow I‘ll make a lil break to get back some power for the rest of the climb. And maybe a lil training ^^ 20:44

March 8, 2010

Good morning world! :D This morning I‘ll make a little break and in the afternoon a nice hard ice-training with my pokémon X3 10:10

March 9, 2010

Aahhh! This morning we had a beauuuutiful sunrise! 13:59

March 10, 2010

The blizzard got a lot stronger today.. my pokécom has trouble getting a signal.. 15:09 Finally able to build up the camp and got a connection with the pokécom. 10:23 The blizzard is getting stronger and stronger the closer I get to Mt. Coronet... 10:23

March 12, 2010

Wow.. pretty cold this morning. The blizzard yesterday made it impossible to move on. It‘s better now but it‘s freezing cold even for me XD 07:08 I‘m in an actually pretty warm cave. Could not use my pokécom today because my hands were freezing XD 21:51 Today on my path it was just cold.. the snowfall was not too bad but sooo cold.. even for me who‘s used to cold weather.. 21:52 Tomorrow or the day after I may will reach the entrance to Mount Coronet. I‘m sure, there will be a beacon or more around there XD 21:54

March 14, 2010

Wow.. Still didn‘t reach Mount Coronet.. Always interesting to see how the perspective changes in blizzards... gonna build a camp now.. 21:23


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The social edition of the PokéGear - the PokéCom! Enhanced special network applications to easily keep in touch with your fiends! Connect with twitter, build blogs showing your adventures, share your PokéDex, show where in the wold of Pokémon you are, and many more! And of course also all other useful tools you already know from the PokéGear! Get one today!

ÀÀAˆ‰ Tést.. hèllo? .. À»² test.. hmm.. &2‡À ¯}•§}¹½ 0 0 |10# 22:57

March 18, 2010 Ah, found the berries I was looking for! But bleewwhh.. they taste awful XD 13:06

Back to camp now and prepare everything.. this surly will take the rest of the day... 13:07

March 19, 2010

But I didn‘t collect them for their taste ;D I‘ll tell ya more why I want them a lil later :D 13:06

Okasy! Here we go! Test? Yey, it works \^_^/ 13:42

The special magnetism here at Mount Coronet is poison for my electrical devices ^^; Luckily my camera is immune due to a special isolation 13:43

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March 20, 2010

As closer as I got to Mount Coronet the worse was the signal of my pokécom. Also my old pokédex started to crash 13:42


March 20, 2010

Thanks to the isolation of my Camera, I got the idea to isolate my pokécom and my pokédex too and now they‘re working again! 13:43 What I used to isolate them? The juice of a rare and special berry which grows here in the snow can do the trick :D 13:43 I guess the berries only evolved into this because of the strange magnetism here.. No one knows XD 13:43

The juice works fine as long as it‘s cold. But when it‘s getting warmer it‘ll get horribly sticky and losses it‘s ability. 13:44 When I‘m back I‘ll have to clean everything reallllyyyy good XD 13:44

March 21, 2010

So far I had no luck finding a beacon. They‘re hidden really good.. 17:07 But I also didn‘t see any other tracks of trainers, so I‘m confident in finding one :D 17:07

This picture was a gift from my awesome friend Tama, a portrait of myself. If you have a minute, go and take a look at his side on deviantART! http://lazyturtle.deviantart.com/

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Ah yumy lunch :D But What? .. Whats this!! .. $**+% .. . 11:49

Ahh.. something hit my head. A lil blood is there too.. what happened.. 16:56 The light of my pokécom lightens up the room a little 16:56 I‘m in a cave. It‘s dark and silent.. 16:56 Looks like all my stuff is here. All pokéballs, my bags, pokécom, pokédex.. wait?! Where‘s my camera? 16:57 Ah.. my head still hurts.. I can barley move X( Have to take it slow.. 16:57 I could stand up and am looking a little around in the cave. It‘s huge! 17:56 Wait, what was this? A light-flash! My camera? 17:57 I‘m here at a corner.. behind this one was the flash.. I wonder what I‘ll see...... 18:44 shhhh.. wow that‘s interesting to see... too bad that my camera is over there and not here... 18:44 ... There‘s a Nosepass with my camera.. clicking and hammering around on it.. 18:44 My camera was horribly expensive because it‘s made for extreme stuff. The Nosepass won‘t be able to break it ^^ 18:44

March 22, 2010

Where where am I ... Hello? 16:56

March 22, 2010

A new Friend

It kinda looks cute x3 But I guess I should now get a little closer and get my camera back. 18:44 Say cheese! :D Aww my new Nosepass is awesome! Yes! My! :D 22:45 Here what happened after my last messages: 22:45 I stepped closer to the Nosepass which was playing with my camera. It noticed me really fast and was a little scared XD 22:45 I guess it was also a little sorry for hitting me on the head earlier. Yea, it was it who hit me ;D 22:45 As far as I understood it‘s gestures it only wanted to look at the camera but tipped my head a little bit too much and knocked me down XD 22:46 Because it knew that I would not stand good chance lieing in the snow unconscious it brought me here into this cave. 22:46 Then while I was sleeping it grabbed my camera and started to play around with it ^^ 22:46 So as I got closer, it tried to hide the camera. But then it realized that it‘s worthless XD 22:46 And suddenly it jumped at me into my arms, crying because it was so sorry! 22:46 I petted it and it stared to cheer up. I asked if it wanted to come with me :D 22:47 Then it could play even more with my camera ;D 22:47 And it jumped again into my arms, crying again but not because it was sad but happy! Yes it wanted to come with me :D 22:47 So I pulled out a pokéball and caught it \^_^/ 22:47 As you know, a trainer can only have 6 pokémon with him. If you catch a seventh, then it automatically w ill get warped to your hometown. 22:47

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March 22, 2010

March 23, 2010

But because of the big magnetism at this mountain and in this cave here, it doesn‘t work right now XD 22:47 So we were having a little fun now and were joking around together and with the camera \^_^/ 22:47

But sorry „Passy“ you‘ll now have to show me the exit and then go back into your pokéball and then to my hometown 22:48 I have to find that beacon really fast >_<; What? .. on the way here you saw one? D: 22:48

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March 23, 2010

Found A Beacon Woot me and my new friend Passy reached the end of the cave :D Now I can send Passy to Professor Elm 00:08 Okay, I may be out now, but it‘s still dark.. or again? .. I lost the sense for time while I was in there... 00:09

Because I‘m not sleepy and the snow‘s not falling too strong, I‘ll follow the way back to where my Passy knocked me down ;D 00:09 Woot! I found it! But how to get up there? D: 05:12

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Ah reached it :D But I feel like I‘m being watched.. 05:29 There‘s a trainer! I got spotted! 05:30

March 23, 2010

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March 23, 2010


While I was reaching for the beacon, a voice behind me shouted „Hey you!“ Once I was down on the ground again, the person who called me introduced himself as Vincent Vermillion. I did hear that family name already. The Vermillion‘s are a pretty rich family in my home town Ecruteak City and he belongs to this family. He also took part in the UBF 2010 and was also still searching for a beacon. He said, he did see this one already miles ago and simply needed a lot of time to get here and that it belongs to him. Due to the really strong snowfall, I didn‘t believe that this was possible. Even I couldn‘t see it before I stood right in front of the wall.

March 23, 2010


So Vincent claimed this bacon his even though I did climb up the wall and got it. I stepped a little closer to this Trainer and his Scizor. Suddenly I noticed a strange feeling in my back and my Mam turned around too. There was another Pokémon, a Slowbro. It seemed to also be part of his team. What to do? I won‘t give this beacon up so easily! Let‘s fight!

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Thehe don‘t mess with me ;D 05:59

March 23, 2010

I defeated Vincent and his two pokémon with just my Mamu! Okay, I was in advance with the snow and the ice. But hey, I did fight fair and won. The beacon was mine!

March 25, 2010

March 24, 2010

March 23, 2010

March 23, 2010

Back to the Dome Finally got my beacon! I better put it in my bag so other trainers won‘t spot me again ^^; 06:09 Now I have to hurry back to the dome.. Time‘s over soon... 06:14 I guess me and my Mamu will have lot‘s of fun again, sliding down the snow~covered ramps XD 06:14

Thehe. I can see a few trainers still searching for beacons. I‘m happy I have mine and sorry for those which don‘t have one yet... 16:11 The Blizzard got stronger as more as I go down the valley away from the mountain 11:18 I guess I need one or two days longer to get back to the dome. But should still be in time 11:19 I mean, just getting the beacon isn‘t everything! You also have to return it in time ^^; 11:20 And this is the real challenge. After many fights you still need the endurance to get back in time! 11:20

Yosh, I know I can do it! :D Soon lunchtime.. I have to find a place where the blizzard cannot reach me too much... 11:21 My map on the pokécom tells me, that I‘m already pretty close to the dome ^^ 20:59 But I still have to travel another half to one whole day 20:59 Since we‘re here out on the road we cannot get too much information from the dome 20:59 But from other trainers I met I‘ve heard some rumors... About not many people made it back yet 20:59

And so they‘re likely expanding the time. Well, I don‘t mind. I have my beacon :3 20:59 And being back early means, a lil time to rest and train for the next challenge! :D 20:59

March 26, 2010

Ah the dome! The way back was a lot faster because I just could take the fastest way without having to look for a beacon ;D 15:20 Now I only have to deliver the beacon hope, that I‘ll reach the next round.15:20 Anyway, I found a new friend and I‘ll now go and call Professor Elm to see my „Passy“ x3 15:20 And I have to clean my pokécom and pokédex from the berry‘s juice.. all sticky XD 15:21

March 27, 2010

Oh wow! why did I not see this sooner? Here in the dome you can buy new stuff for pokédex, pokégear, pokécom and pokénavs! 14:47 New hardcases against impacts, water, dust.. and even against the strong magnetism at Mount Coronet... 14:47 Lol.. would have been easier with this new case XD Will buy one now for my devices 14:48 And with the new cases, I get an upgrade for the software :D I hope I can set it up XD 14:48 By the way, I‘m taking a look at my pictures I made. I‘ll show you the best ones soon :D 14:48

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Here another nice gift I got! Trainer Phantom made little chibi caricatures of nearly all the trainer in the UBF2010! This one is mine :D All others can be found in her deviantART account X3 http://phantomdarklover.deviantart.com/

Okay, let‘s see... So this is the new twitter-app on my updated pokécom :D Looks good ^^ 16:57

March 28, 2010

And with this, I want to show you one of the pictures I shot with my camera during round two! 16:58

More and more Trainers are returning from the Trial of Strength 14:48

But I guess, with the additional time they got, there will be more than enough for the next round ;D So the fun will go on :D 14:49

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March 29, 2010

However, from the 700 which set out to the journey, only about 100~150 are back yet.. 14:48

During this round two I had to climb up a few cliffs. At the end of this climbing I reached a spot where the blizzard was not that strong. Also the sky seemed to open up a little and I saw a few blue spots. I stayed there for the rest of the day, build up my camp for the night, made supper and enjoyed the evening-sky. As more as the sun set down, to more the sky opened. The whole area slowly turned orange. A family of Swablu and Altaria flew buy into the sun, and the gentle wind brought a group of Drifloon near me. My Wiesy loves glittering things. The snow started to fall again and in this evening-light it glittered in all colors. Wiesy couldn‘t stay still in his pokéball anymore and jumped out to see this spectacle with me. Just amazing! I pulled out my camera, put it near us and let it on self-timer ;D And this picture on the next two sites came out \^_^/




April 2, 2010

Mini Contest - Coloring Eggs!

April 2, 2010

While they still count the beacon and rate all the done battles, the leaders of the UBF announced a few mini contest to reduce the waiting time for the next round.


This morning in the cafeteria we all found a great and funny challenge! Color eggs! :D 09:37 I took one but firstly didn‘t know what to paint.. So I looked around and saw a trainer with her Empoleon. 09:37 And so, I colored the egg for her in an Empoleon-style ;D 09:37

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Round 02 is over. Many many trainers are back in the dome now with a flag in their hands ^^ 20:38

I hope I‘m under the lucky ppl \^_^/ 20:39

The leaders of the frontier are still counting the flags and looking at the individual performances 13:25

You can really feel the strain of each member... However, there‘s no time to just sit around! 13:29 Everyone who passed will immediately have to jump into the next round! :D So let‘s rest and train! 13:31

I just got the news of the 384 passed trainers for round03! And I‘m on this list! :D I‘m so happy and excited :D 23:43

April 21, 2010

So it, still unknown who passes the challenge and who didn‘t 13:26

April 14, 2010

Now they‘re looking who did good enough to get into Round 03.. 20:39

April 14, 2010

Round 03 - The Trial of Fire

twitter for PokéCom

The new Twitter App for the PokéCom is out now! Share pictures, show where you are and what you are doing, find interesting tweets around you, change your tweet-icon on the fly, and of course, tweet like you‘ve ever tweeted before! Download it today for free, available for all version of the PokéCom!

April 23, 2010

Mini Contest - The Night Of A Thousand Chimecho The UBF leaders thought, all people from round 02 should come together and celebrate the ones which made it to round 03! They call it The Night Of A Thousand Chimecho! Our „contest“ was it to become the ball-king or ball-queen! We had to do that with wearing the perfect outfit and with going there with the most perfect partner. I was and am still pretty shy. So I know this mini contest would be a hard task for me to ask someone out for the ball...

April 23, 2010

So our next target is to find someone for The Night Of A Thousand Chimecho! I hope I‘ll find someone ^^; I‘m too shy... 19:41

April 25, 2010

Okay, I guess I‘ll go to bed early today. Tomorrow I wanted to try to teach my Pokémon new moves (not attacks) which could be helpful ;3 22:42

Since I didn‘t get asked yet, I did sent an invitation out. Whoa.. I‘m really blushing right now XD

April 26, 2010


Let‘s hope I‘ll get a „yes“ back X3 15:06

April 30, 2010

Today was a special day! Once each x-years a group of Magby, Magmar and Magmortar finds it‘s way to the region around Snowpoint City 23:45 No one knows why they go there and where they‘re coming from. They stay one day and then disappear again 23:46 And this day was today! And guess where they decided to stay? Yea at our dome! :D 23:46 It was pretty of a spectacle XD I made a few pictures. But the hot air around them made them all blurry ^^; 23:46 This hot air by the way also melted a lot of the snow! There even are a few places now with grass! 23:47

It‘s great to see grass again after the months we‘re here already ^^; 23:47 Now it‘s night, no clouds, the Pokémon disappeared again but the grass field is still there. Until the next snow~fall. 23:47

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Oh.. I should slowly get ready for the The Night Of A Thousand Chimecho! Except news soon :D 23:48 23:49

April 30, 2010

And maybe later when I‘m back, I can try to restore one of the pics I made today.. I‘m off then ;D

I‘m back from my date with Syao. Look at how nice it was! Thanks a lot Syao for this wonderful time together *hug* 09:13

May 1, 2010

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Let me allow to thank Syao again for this awesome night we had! This picture is a colab made by the two of us, he drew the lineart, I colored it and he gave it the final touch. It shows us together at The Night Of A Thousand Chimecho. We were firstly on the dance floor showing your skills. The music was pretty loud and we decided to go out of the main hall to get some fresh air and to chat a little together. Trust me, it was even better than what you can see here ^^ If you have some time, feel free to visit Syao‘s site on deviantART! http://sailor-syaoran.deviantart.com/

May 20, 2010

Team Building Round 03 has officially started! In this round we will have to fight a two against two fight! The partners and the encounters have been drawn by lot. My partner is trainer Anna (http://kemaki.deviantart.com) together we‘ll fight against the team Zayn Noayze (http://jpfan1989.deviantart.com) and Stacy Cole (http://rastapickney-juls.deviantart.com). We are allowed to only send in one pokémon each but we‘re free to select which one. To make it a little more fun, we four did meet and discussed which pokémon we‘ll send in! Anna will use her Xat a Jolteon, I will send in my Torny, Zayn sends in his Anglias a Rhydon and Stacy her Alua an Altaria. We were able to „design“ the battle area as we wished, the dome could be prepared in any field we wanted. We four said, a rock/sand field would suit us best.

May 20, 2010

After our meeting, we prepared our battle strategy! So Round 03 has started! My partner for this group-battle is Anna from Floarone Town. Now we have to select our pokémon ^^ 20:27 My teammate Anna and me are fully into searching the right tactic to beat our really strong opponents! But I know, we can do it! :D 23:23

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June 8, 2010

The Fight

June 8, 2010

TheWe were set and ready. The day of the fight was here. Instead of telling you what happened, take a look at the pictures! My battlepartner Anna and I were training a lot lately in order to create some very nice teamattacks 19:44 The day of our Round 03 battle came closer and closer and today we‘ll fight against the other team! 19:44

Anna and I are both kinda nervous XD But I bet we‘ll have some good attacks ready by now :3 19:44 The battle will start later tonight after a few other fights 19:44 Anna and I are standing in front of the dome.. Soon will our fight start. I‘m so excited :D 22:36 The doors open! Finally our fight starts! 23:23 Thehe, the dome looks exactly as we designed it :D Stones on the ground, mud, dust, sand... awesome! 23:23 The countdown! 3, 2, 1! GO Torny! 23:24


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June 8, 2010

Game set match! Nice fight! 23:38 Now we just have to hope, they will let us into the next round! 23:39

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We lost the fight. But it was an awesome one! Now we had to hope that our performance was good enough to let us continue with round 04 as lucky losers >_<; Everyone is awaiting the results of round 03 and wants to know if they passed... I hope I did >_<;

June 22, 2010


July 4, 2010

The results of round 03 are out! And Anna and I passed it! 15:02 We are both so excited! it‘s kind of unbelievable XD 15:03 And now a go go for round 04! :D 15:03

July 24, 2010

All the news which we got lately were quiet shocking... 19:57 Just about 200 trainers from over 2000 at the start made it finally to round 04 and now, the founder left us! 19:58 What would happen to the UBF now?! The answer came today! All the trainers which are left got called to gather in the main hall 19:59 There an elderly woman and her pokémon Furret appeared. She introduced herself to us as Ms. Riida Vondumonte. 19:59 She told us, that at the edge of Snowpoint waits a boat which will bring us first class to Sunyshore! 19:59

And there begins Round 04! The Trial of the Sandstorms! 20:00 I am now packing all my stuff together for the journey. Wow.. I‘ve never been at Sunyshore before! 20:00

To be honest, I had no problem here in the snow and ice. But I really don‘t like hot weather XD 20:01 And Sunyshore does sound like sun and heat ^^; Okay, I need to get ready, till later :D 20:01

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July 25, 2010

Round 04 - The Trial of the Sandstorms

We really were surprised about the sudden change in the leadership of the UBF. But the new leader seemed to know exactly what she wanted. Without any worries, the about 200 trainers left for round 04 prepared and set out to the boat. This time we will have to fight one on one in Sunyshore! I hope I‘ll win!

Journey to Sunyshore Whoa, that boat is huge! 11:30

We‘re getting told that the trip will take a while and we shall make it comfortable meanwhile11:30 Normally I would travel on my own with my pokémon. But since I don‘t yet know Sunyshore, I guess I have no alternative ^^; 11:13 It‘s pretty late already. However, the boat won‘t leave before tomorrow. 12:37 I simply wanted to get out of the dome. As every trainer, I love to be on the road and not stay at one place too long 12:38

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July 25, 2010

I‘m at the port and now jumping on the boat to Sunyshore! 11:30

July 27, 2010

We‘re already a few days on „the road“/ship to Sunyshore 23:27 Right now we are at the small passage near the so called Resort Area on the northeastern isle 23:27 If I‘m right, some people call this the Battle Zone or something.. I‘m still new to Shinnoh ^^; 23:27 Why I didn‘t message earlier? My pokécom didn‘t have enough signal on the sea to connect online. So easy 23:27 But here near this Battle Zone, I have just enough to send a few lines 23:27 Maybe I should buy one of the new upgrades for my pokécom.. But I don‘t have the money ... 23:28 Back to the subject: This boat is very luxurious! It‘s nice to be here! 23:28 But yes, I would still like it more to travel with my pokémon instead on this boat 23:28 We already made half of the way to Sunyshore 23:29 Just a lil more and we can „enjoy“ the warm weather... *sigh* .. 23:29 Good that I can take of my sweater and only wear my shirt 23:30 Hey, we‘re not even allowed to wear a different outfit than we wore on round 01 of this battle ^^; 23:30

I did check out my opponent for round 04. She‘s on a different boat, which is actually good to prepare a strategy 23:33 Here on the boat, we have access to some special files about each left trainer 23:34 But if I would write anything down here, I guess my opponent could read it too ;D 23:34 So I‘ll leave it like this and: hey Vairi! Be prepared for a good and intensive fight :D 23:36 Okay, it‘s late and the signal-bars are already decreasing again.. Till next time I can text again :D 23:37

July 29, 2010

We‘re close to Sunyshore! I made a picture, but the network is still too slow here on the sea 09:30 I‘ll show it, once we‘re on land :D 09:31 Look this strange huge Tentacruel.. I guess, that‘s the new battlearea 09:31 Our boat is heading right to it. There‘s a landing stage at the bottom where we‘re prolly go off the boat 09:31 Soon begins round 04 ... I‘m already pretty nervous =S 09:31 It‘s still early in the morning. But since we‘re here more south and on the sea, the sun‘s already up and it‘s starting to get warm 09:32 I guess, soon comes the heat I feared already ^^; 09:32 Um.. I guess I was wrong.. We‘re not heading to the Tentacruel... 09:32 The ship seems to go right to Sunyshore. Hmmm.. I wonder what this means... Could it be?... 09:33 I just could confirm what I guessed and I love it! We‘re not yet heading to the stadium! 10:06 Soon we‘ll reach Sunyshore and then we are kind of‚ free to go where we want. 10:06 Just the battle for round 04 must be around the Tentacruel.. I guess, we‘ll get watched or so... 10:06

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So this means, I can finally be half of a normal pokémon trainer again ^^! 10:06

I could arrange that I (and a few others from my boat as well) will get updates where to gather early over a directed tweet 10:06 I‘m really happy ^^ And it will be better for me anyway.. I think I put on some wight in Snowpoint ^^; 10:07

July 29, 2010

No more sleeping in a hotelroom, being held at one place too much 10:06

Okay, we‘re on land! let‘s find the next pokémon center! I‘m missing the nice atmosphere~ 11:28

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And so we reached Sunyshore. This town is pretty interesting! Nice rocky ways on the ground from one side of the city to the other. At bigger places and near buildings the ground got polished to make it look more friendly, although the normal streets them self look gorgeous to me already. All over the City are smaller hills which make make a second floor into the city. On this second floor, the streets are totally different, modern ways out of metal and light sings on the side. Between the hills are bridges built in the same modern way. On the ground floor there are smaller stores like souvenir shops or small markets. On the top floor are the somewhat bigger buildings like the pokémon center or the gym of Sunyshore. At the side of the city you can see the lighthouse which guides the way for the ships. I already saw its lights during the night. And right next to this lighthouse is a natural rock formation which somewhat looks like a Munchlax! After a little walking around I went into the pokémon center for lunch...


July 29, 2010

July 29, 2010

A little Trip

In case you were worried, yea I did reach the pokémon center ^^ 23:35 I‘m in it right now, preparing for the night. Didn‘t you know? As trainer you can sleep here for free. That‘s basics ;D 23:35 Once I was in Sunyshore I began to stroll a little though the town 23:35 However, as closer lunchtime came, as hotter it got.. I‘m really not used to hot weather at all >_<; 23:36

I went west, out of the town to a nice small and chilly forest 23:36 I was not alone in there.. A few more trainers gathered in there too. And also a few tourists.. I wondered why.. 23:36 And a little later I found it out! At around 2 o‘clock, a dozen or more Chatot appeared! 23:36 First it was like a huge mess in the trees, a fight for the best place and competition who can „sing“ the loudest XD 23:36 But after a while, the sound synchronized and the „songs“ they sang were really awesome :D 23:37 The people around clapped in their hands and gave berries to the Chatot ^^ 23:37 I also found a few on the way here and fed them to the Chatot ^^ I knew now why they all came here ;D 23:37 A few people told me, that these Chatot only come here for a week every 4 to 5 months 23:38 I guess I was pretty lucky again to be there ^^; 23:38


So then, I guess I should go to bed and rest. Tomorrow I‘ll make a few phonecalls . There are a bunch of people waiting for some infos from the UBF XD cya all! 23:39

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September 24, 2010

My Last UBF2010 Fight

A lot of time passed by in Sunyshore. My problem was that I couldn‘t find my opponent for round 04 Vairi! (http://vairidoodle.deviantart.com/) Whole August passed by, round 04 was starting to close.. It was the last weekend of round 04. I didn‘t know what would happen if we couldn‘t fight with each other. And I would not find it out because... I‘m in the pokémon center. Had to heal my pokémon after a intensive fight with Vairi my Round 04 opponent in the UBF 22:38

Suddenly a girl on her Lanturn came to me and wanted to battle! I accepted it ;D 22:43 Normally I let the girl start first. But her Lanturn didn‘t seam to find my Furret.. 22:44 Of course not, because my Furret was already diving for an underwater quick attack! 22:44 Lanturn got hit from below, Vairi who was riding no him fell in the water and my Furret won the first point ;D 22:46 As second pokémon, Vairi sent out her Mercudio, a Slowking! 22:50 Vairi grinned widely, although the unpleasant setback I let her take didn‘t please her it seemed XD 22:51

I found out fast why she grinned. A psycho against a normal pokémon... that was a short fight.. my Furret was knocked out fast 22:51 My last pokémon was Nocty, my Noctowl 22:52 But where was it? only I and my Nocty knew it ;D It was already coming.. from high up preparing its Fly-Attack! 22:53

September 14, 2010

The fight was this afternoon: I was swimming with my pokémon in the sea in front of the big Tentacruel-Stadium 22:41

Very fast, Nocty flew down at Mercudio, closer and closer! Suddenly Mercudio looked up, grinned too and simply snipped with his fingers... 22:55 It was his Disable! It disabled Noctys Fly-Attack! Due to the shock my Nocty couldn‘t hold himself in the air anymore... 22:56 Instead of a point landing, it started to struggle with a high speed! I just had to swim to the place where it would land in the water! 22:56 WHHAAMM! I could catch it. The force of the impact caused us to dive a few meters deep into the water 22:59 I lost the fight.. When we finally reached the surface again, Vairi was gone.. did the floodwave of Noctys impact take her away? 23:00 I hope I will see her again and thank her for the great match! 23:00 So this probably means I‘m out of the UBF-Race ^^; 23:01 Hey, but don‘t worry! I‘ll keep up twittering my journeys with my pokémon as a normal Trainer :D Finally I‘m back on the road again! woho! 23:02

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Oh, my pokémon are coming back! I‘ll have to get em. Till next time! 23:03


September 18, 2010

Off to new Adventures

So the UBF2010 was over for me. I was sad that I lost of course! But I did learn a lot and hey, being under the top 200 trainers is a good and solid achievement! I know, everything I‘ve learned here will help me for new adventures in the future. And my next one will start soon! I decided to challenge the Sinnoh league! Since I‘m already here in Sinnoh, why not doing so?! It was decided. Next step would be to travel to Sandgem Town in order to meet Professor Rowan. As you may know, the Professors of each area have to give their okay to new trainers so they can start their journey. I already got that okay from the Professor in Johto a few years ago together with my Torny. But still I feel like I should visit Professor Rowan. Plus even though I am an approved trainer, I need to get a sign from an important person in each league. And the Professors are such important people ^^

September 18, 2010

So off to Sandem Town! It has been a few days already since the end of my UBF career 22:33 I still didn‘t see my opponent of Round 04 again. Don‘t know where she went ^^; 22:33 Lately I‘ve heard some rumors that the UBF somehow got a little strange, even closed.. But I don‘t believe that 22:34 I already went through Johto, my home region and Kanto which are right next to each other as ya know 22:35 And since I‘m now here in Sinnoh already, I guess I will try to challenge the Gym Leaders here! 22:35 Because my UBF is over I will also change the name of the twitter.. I will see to what and tell ya 22:36

So then, be prepared for an awesome time with your new Pokémon-Trainer Miingno! 22:36

September 21, 2010

Since the UBF is over, I changed my name from UBF_Miingno to Trainer_Miingno today! 16:43 I‘m still preparing everything for my new challenge, the Sinnoh League 16:43 Soon I‘ll start and keep ya up to date ^^/ 16:44 What I can tell you already is, that I will start with only two pokémon 16:44 First one is my Torny, a Typhlosion and my very first pokémon. Okay, back then it was a Cyndaquil ;D 16:44 Second one is the recently caught Nosepass which I named Passy 16:44 But before I change my pokémon, I have to travel to Sandgem Town or near it.. I‘ll see.. Till later :D 16:44


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More Info and Impressum You can find up to date information about my pokémon-journey under the following links: Blog: http://pokemon.miingno.ch Twitter: http://twitter.com/Trainer_Miingno Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pok%C3%A9mon-Trainer-Miingno/103031903097427 deviantART: http://miingno.deviantart.com Issuu: http://issuu.com/trainer_miingno © 2007-2011 Miingno All rights reserved All trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Pokémon © 2011 Pokémon. © 1995-2011 Nintendo, Creatures Inc., GAME FREAK inc. This is no official Pokémon Document No copyright or trademark infringement is intended in using Pokémon content in this Document. If you as a copyright holder should have any questions, please don‘t hesitate and contact me at miingno@miingo.ch I‘ll do my best to satisfy your concerns. Thank you!


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