Level 3 Supervising Food Safety in Catering

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Super vising Food Safety in Catering-Level 3 has been designed to assist you as the manager or super visor of a food catering establishment. Understanding is key to ensuring that food safety and hygiene practices are adhered to, which is a vital part of the super visor y role.


U N D E R S TA N D I N G F O O D S A F E T Y This course aims to teach you: • How super visors must promote food safety legislation • How to encourage workers to minimise contamination and adhere to strict personal hygiene practices. • Instigating and maintaining a food safety management system, which will allow you to ensure that all foods produced are safe for consumption, at all times. This course will take learners through many stages to ensure overall knowledge of food hygiene and safety practices are up to date.



F O O D S A F E T Y L E G I S L AT I O N As a super visor, it is important that you have a full understanding of food safety legislation and how it applies to your catering premises. There are laws in place to ensure that the food we buy, produce and sell is safe for the consumer.

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It is essential that staff know the food hygiene and safety procedures they should be following in order to ensure this is the case. This section looks at the food safety legislation that's in place in the UK. It also explains what will happen if you don’t comply and your responsibilities as a super visor. This includes keeping records and helping with investigations.

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F O O D C O N TA M I N AT I O N A food plan must be in place at ever y business where food is handled this ensures that the food is protected from contamination and safe for people to eat. Contamination commonly occurs from a variety of sources including:

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Current legislation Enforcing the law Fines and prosecution Due diligence Food business operator and employee responsibilities Investigating outbreaks of foodborne illness

Bacterial contamination Physical items Allergens Chemicals

C O N T R O L L I N G C O N TA M I N AT I O N In a food business, contamination must be controlled at all stages of the food production process. This includes deliver y of ingredients right through to the sound of the finished product. Super visors have a responsibility to ensure that measures are in place to control contamination and the staff understand how these apply to their daily work. It is important that all employees follow the correct procedures to keep the food that they produce safe. This section of the course looks at the methods you can use to control contamination, from deliver y and storage to cooking.

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Deliveries Food storage Stock control Recording and labelling Use by dates Best before dates Food preparation and cooking Food ser vice and deliver y The role of a super visor





MICROORGANISMS If not adequately controlled, bacteria have the potential to cause serious and life-threatening illnesses especially in ver y vulnerable groups such as children, elderly people, or pregnant women. Contamination in food caused by bacteria is a major concern for many businesses this is because it is so ver y hard to detect. In this section, we will look at the risks caused by bacteria in food and tr y to identif y the conditions in which bacteria thrive. With controls in place, it is possible to restrict the growth of harmful bacteria so that illnesses I'm not passed on through your food.

• Risks caused by spoilage organisms • Bacterial growth including nutrients, moisture, acidity, temperature, time and atmosphere • Bacterial Spores • Toxins



FOOD POISONING AND FOODBORNE DISEASES In the last part of the course, we looked at food spoilage organisms, which conditions make their growth more likely, and what controls your food business should have in place to prevent harmful bacteria from harming the consumer.In the section will look more closely at food poisoning. We will also look at foodborne diseases and viruses and explain the sources and control measures for each type of bacteria. Understanding the range of illnesses that your customers may suffer is essential knowledge for all super visors and managers.

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What is food poisoning? Salmonella Clostridium perfringens Staphylococcus aureus Bacillus cereus Escherichia coli (e-coli) Clostridium botulinum Food-borne diseases Campylobacter enteritis Escherichia coli 0157 Listeriosis Typhoid and paratyphoid Dysenter y (shingella) Food-borne viruses Norovirus





NON-BACTERIAL FOOD POISONING Whilst the majority of cases of food poisoning and foodborne illnesses are as a result of microbial contamination there are cases where illnesses occur due to other factors. In this part of the course will look at some of the non-bacterial causes of food poisoning to explain how chemicals may enter the food chain, and look at specific foods with inherently poisonous characteristics.

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T E M P E R AT U R E C O N T R O L Controlling the temperature of food at all stages of production, from deliver y through to sale, is essential in order to control the level of harmful bacteria that it contains. In an earlier part of this course, we saw that bacteria can multiply rapidly at temperatures within the ‘danger zone’ so it is essential that foods are kept out of this range whenever possible. In the section of the course, we will explain safe temperatures in more detail and look at suitable methods for keeping the temperature under control. • • • • • • • • •



Chemical food poisoning Metals Poisonous plants Poisonous fish Mycotoxins

Safe Temperatures Food deliveries Fridge temperature Freezer temperature Cooking temperature Reheating food Cooling food Hot and cold holding Cook-chill and cook-freeze

CHECKING, VERIFYING AND RECORDING T E M P E R AT U R E S We have so far learnt the importance of temperatures and keeping food at the correct temperature on your food premises this includes food deliveries, food storage and food distribution. The super visor holds primar y responsibility for ensuring temperatures are regularly checked and recorded. There are various methods for doing this including using a range of equipment to ensure that food on your premises is maintained at safe levels.

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F O O D P R E S E R VAT I O N Food preser vation helps to ensure food spoilage is kept to a minimum. Not only does this protect customers from harmful spoilage bacteria, but it also prevents food ingredients from going to waste. This module looks at food spoilage in more detail and outlines each of the preser vation methods that you may use or come across in your catering business.

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Food spoilage Types of food preser vation High-temperature preser vation Dehydration Chemical methods of preser vation Physical methods of preser vation

PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT DESIGN Super visors do not usually design for food premises, however, it is ver y important to be aware of the workflow for the type of premises to ensure food safety. It is important that a premises is designed and built using the correct materials to maintain safety and hygiene practices. All utilities, fixtures and fittings should be appropriate and safe for the workplace.

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Equipment used for measuring temperature Air temperature Effective techniques to take food temperature How to record a food temperature check

Design and layout of a premises Appropriateness of workplace materials Ventilations and lighting Utilities Work equipment Fixtures and fittings Food storage areas

WA S T E , C L E A N I N G A N D D I S I N F E C T I O N Storing and disposing of waste correctly is an important part of your food safety system. Not only can waste cause contamination but it can also make the workplace. It is also essential that your food premises has a regular cleaning schedule in place and that staff understand the importance of keeping the premises clean and tidy. As a super visor it is your responsibility to ensure workers have the appropriate knowledge.

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This module will help you to learn more about the benefits of cleaning and waste disposal and outline the different cleaning methods and chemicals that you can use.

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PEST CONTROL Pest control is an essential part of the management of food premises. Pests carr y and spread diseases and contaminate food. Super visors have ultimate responsibility for dealing with pest control. In this section, we will identif y ways of dealing with pests and infestations once discovered on the premises.

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Storing waste Waste removal Benefits of cleaning Super vising cleaning Types of cleaning Six stages of cleaning Cleaning chemicals Cleaning work equipment and surfaces Cleaning schedules

Common Pests Rats Mice Cockroaches Controlling Pests Super vising pest control practices

PERSONAL HYGIENE The same way poor hygiene practices are the most serious hazard to food. Workers who do not stay clean act as vehicles and cross-contamination is more likely to occur. This section will outline personal hygiene methods and regulations for food handlers and as a super visor is it important that ever yone follows the correct procedure and that you are promoting this. • • • • • • • • • •

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Why personal hygiene is so important The super visor's responsibility Monitoring standards Hand washing Wounds and skin infections Sickness Protective clothing Hair Jeweller y Smoking and eating in the workplace





T R A I N I N G S TA F F It is imperative that super visors fully train all new staff as well as regularly provide refresher training for existing staff. Workers must be fully competent In food hygiene and safety procedures in order to carr y out their work efficiently and safely whilst complying with the law. We will now discuss various types of training to ensure that staff are fully trained, competent workers. We will also look into how to maintain staff training records.

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Why is training important? Levels of training Staff induction training Existing staff training Staff training records The role of super visors and management

IMPLEMENTING A FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The information and control measures provided throughout this course will help you to implement an effective food safety management system in your catering business. Super visors have a duty to ensure that food safety procedures are communicated, monitored and practised by all workers. Do this it is essential that you have a robust system in place. This part of the course looks at the principles of HACCP food safety system in more detail so you understand more about what's involved.

HACCP SYSTEMS HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points and is an internationally recognised food safety management system that helps businesses to identif y, evaluate and control the hazards that pose a significant risk to food safety.

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HACCP Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5: Step 6: Step 7: Step 8: Step 9:

Systems Create a HACCP team Describe the products and ingredients Identif y the products uses and consumers Construct a flow diagram Confirm the flow diagram in the premises Hazard analysis Determine Critical Control Points Establish Critical Limits Monitor Critical Control Points



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Step 10: Establish Corrective Actions Step 11: Establish Verification Procedures Establish Verification Procedures Step 12: Record Keeping

FOOD SAFETY MANAGEMENT TOOLS In this final section of the course, you will learn more about the safer food better business food safety management tools offered by The Food Standards Agency. This free downloadable guide is useful for all catering businesses and can help you to implement the HACCP system in the workplace. Will also provide you with some essential further resources should you wish to know more about the laws, guidance documents and organisation methods throughout this course.

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Safer food, Better Business Management responsibilities Opening and closing checks Documenting the food safety system Further resources

LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the course learners will be able to demonstrate that they can: • Understand why all food handlers should be aware of food hygiene and safety practises. • Discover the responsibilities you and your employees have when handling food. • Develop your awareness of the legislation surrounding food safety and how to stay on the right side of the law. • Identif y the many different types of food contamination and how you and your business can improve your chances of avoiding them. • Learn how to implement a HACCP food safety management system. • Gain relevant knowledge of how to train your staff and increase the food safety standards of your business.

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