Customizing Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver MX adapt objectives to create XHTML compliant documents. The method you use the Edit / Preferences menu in Dreamweaver. Technical Data used in the field explained in web designing course in Rawalpindi.
Remarks It is easy to Dreamweaver to reflect your own settings. It is recommended to write the university XHTML pages, it is the first thing we have to do to ensure that our pages are Code 1.0 standards for XHTML. Some more details of web designing course in Rawalpindi are as under. open Dreamweaver: Go to Start / Programs / Macromedia / Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. Hide panel groups in panel groups byline arrow and click maximize the document window, click the upper right corner on the maximize icon. Hide the Property inspector by clicking the arrow on the left side of the properties in the lower left corner.From the Edit menu, select (last option) Preferences. In the Category column, select the code hints and options on top, uncheckthe box Enable tag completion.
To configure Dreamweaver to generate XHTML-compliant code: In the Category column, select Format code and make sure it is set as follows: Now select the New Document category. Make sure the default document type set to HTML and XHTML document check to ensure Box. Finally, choose Validator category and select XHTML 1.0. Click OK to close the Preferences dialog box.
To enable the above changes, you must close the current document and open a new one. Go to File / Close to close the current document (this document window will close) - alternatively, you can at the bottom Close icon in the upper right corner of the document window (be careful not to click on a cover which in the program would in itself).
Go / New File, and click the Create button - By default the new document dialog box will be set Page Basic: HTML. Also check that the makeup is XHTML document marked option if it is not then it's over. Next on the menu, select View Source - alternatively you can encode the button with the VIDEO Plus icon in the upper left corner, just below the File menu.
You will now see the basic "skeleton" of a new website with XHTML as created by Dreamweave Consider the code changes, particularly at the beginning of the document: If you have a website someone created a legacy time, it is likely to be written as XHTML instead of HTML. If this is the case, you do not have to change the default settings, as explained. TSK Training for
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