Improve your knowledge and Skills as Software QA Tester Software testing, as well as know, has emerged as one of the most important parts of software development process. It can be termed as an investigation which is carried to provide information related to the service to the client. In addition, it also provides an independent view to others so that they can understand the inherent and innate risks which are involved in the software. In other simple words, it serves or acts like a warning system preventing possible losses provided it is implemented correctly. Opportunities for such professionals are many. All that have to do is look for QA Training Program which can enhance their skills and knowledge regarding the profession. It is impossible to even think of one sector which functions without software program or apps. We know that different users make use of different types of software apps or programs. For instance, a gamer would require gaming software while a banker would require banking software and so on. Thus, when a software development company gets into the development of a software or app, it should be able to determine whether it can be used by the end user or not. And, it is the process of software testing that allows it to ensure that the app functions as per the instructions and specifications given by the client. According to a study conducted, it has been found that bugs present in software costs approximately $60 billion yearly to the US economy. As a common practice followed in most software development companies, an independent team of software testers perform the task of quality assurance. There are different approaches for software testing which you will get to learn when you join QA Training New York. The entire course at focuses on polishing and improving the skills of those who are looking forward to become a part of this industry.