Major Study Progress Review. Maria Meyer Work has pretty much ground to halt as my Husband is working full time and I have my daughter at home with me. Also my work involved scavaging in skips and street for objects, or charity shops, then working with those objects in the installation room. All of which is not possible due to lockdown. I have tried to continue on a smaller scale and with things I can find around the house, but the work has lost something that was starting to happen with the large scale installations. I have applied to defer the major project until next year (september) as I can’t see how I could continue or deliver what I want under the current circumstances. Even if lockdown ended in the summer, I would have very limited access to practice time due to having my daughter with me full time over the holidays.
Selection of still life daily sketches done since lockdown.
Work done pre-lockdown.
Love for Sale. Film.
Clay Work. 2019. Clay, Iron, plant.
Untitled. (Tennis ball repeat) 2019. Found objects.
The Musicians of Bremen. 2019. Found objects.
Untitled. (helmet and Darts) 2019. Crash helmet and darts. (Selected for Hertfordshire Open 2020 Exhibition.)
Save us from ourselves. 2019. Monobloc chair, thermoset polymer, 3D printing. (Selected for Hertfordshire Open 2020 Exhibition.)
Untitled. 2019. (Incubator) Bedstead, clay, paper, plants and wood frames.
User Interface, happiness project. 2019. Wall mounted Lightbox tryptich and digital print. (Organic matter and plastic litter) Audio - On ear headphones. Sound track. Aroma diffuser - Geosmin, 2-ethyl Fenchol, Earthy Pyrazine, Terranol.
Detail shots - User Interface, happiness project. 2019.
Emanations. 2019. Found objects. Acid etch paint.
Emanations. 2019. Found objects. Acid etch paint.
Confederacy of Objects. 2019. Found objects. Acid etch paint.
Confederacy of Objects. 2019. Found objects. Acid etch paint.
What Crows Can Teach us about Death. 2019. Found objects.
John Cage. 2019. Found objects. Acid etch paint.
John Cage. 2019. Found objects. Acid etch paint.
Night Crawlers. 2019. Found objects. Matt Paint.
Night Crawlers. 2019. Found objects. Matt Paint
Dirt Bag. 2019. Handbag Acid etch paint. Earth and weeds.
Home. 2019. Found objects. Matt black paint.
Super Nature. 2019. Found objects. Vitrine and paint.
Super Nature. 2019. Found objects. Vitrine and paint.
Watching. 2019. CCTV camera, log, festoon lights. Acid etch paint.
Trophy Hunter. 2019. Found objects.
Untitled. 2020. Found objects Installation
Spillage. 2020. Found objects installation.
Equation. 2020. Found objects.
The Prospectora. 2020. Found objects installation.
Empty Every Night. 2020. Found objects installation.
Unnatural Nature. 2020. Installation found objects.
Organism. Video installation, concept, music and sound composition. 2019.
What you want. 2019. Video and sculpture installation. Sound composition and annimated LED lighting. See video link on following pages.
What they Teach them. 2019.
Organsim III
Come one come all.
Small Prophet.
Everything you want. Installation documentation.
Dark Ecology.
Everything you want installation video.
Organism II
The Life Behind Things.