selected works of tran huynh
selected works of tran huynh
This book is dedicated to my Dad, Huynh Hoai Trung.
The Real Network. Ultimate Transparen Coeur. Made to Sca Substance. Diagona with Age. I, Human Mark My Word.
0 0 4./00-00
selected works of tran huynh
project --
Close r
We’re Cooked. ency. Vin du ale. Celestial al Cut. Better n. Talk to Me.
coursE --
S e nio r Po r t folio
instructor --
M a r y S cot t
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Conte nt s
0 0 - 0 0 /.0 0 5
0 0 6. / 11- 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
Close r
project --
M a rk My Word s
Closer 00 ./11 What does it take to communicate an idea clearly and efficiently? How many people really care about what we have to say, think, or feel about a subject? And even if they do stop and pay attention, how many of them really understand our thoughts thoroughly, feel how we feel, and react as we expect them to? I find communication is a fascinating challenge yet an art, and to be a strong designer is to be a strong communicator. Regardless of subject and format, I believe good design is the answer to many problems caused by misunderstandings and disconnections among human beings. I believe strong design has the power not only to interest people, but also to concern them, to provoke their emotions and reactions. Communication is successful when all people find themselves closer in thoughts and closer in mind.
coursE --
S e nio r Po r t folio
instructor --
M a r y S cot t
subject --
I ntro d u c tion
0 0 - 0 2 /.0 0 7
0 0 8. / 0 0 - 0 3
selected works of tran huynh
project --
Close r
To design a product is to design a relationship.
coursE --
S e nio r Po r t folio
instructor --
M a r y S cot t
Stev e rogers--
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I ntro d u c tion
0 0 - 0 4 /.0 0 9
The Real Network 01 ./11 It’s amazing to see how the way we communicate has changed within the past decade. For many, online social networking has replaced much of face-to-face communication. I used to just hear people say, “Call me!” Now I hear them say, “Text me,” “E-mail me,” “My Space me,” “Facebook me,” “BBM me,” or, “Tweet me.” Before people went out and met each other. Now they go online and stalk each other. Do we really use technology to enhance communication, or does it give us the illusion that we’re in touch with each other while actually isolate us from each other? The fact that there are so many options comforts us, and anything too comfortable usually leads to laziness. We’re lazy to pick up the phone, lazy to make a call, lazy to face each other, and lazy to talk. It’s the tipping point of social awkwardness when we find ourselves more comfortable facing computer pixels than seeing each other in person.
0 1 0. / 0 1- 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
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Th e Re al N et wo rk
11- 0 4 /.0 11
Robert D. Putnam, a professor of public policy at Harvard and the author of “Bowling Alone,” a book about increasing social isolation in the United States, said the new study supports what he has been saying for years to skeptical audiences in the academy. “For most of the 20th century, Americans were becoming more connected with family and friends, and there was more giving of blood and money, and all of those trend lines turn sharply in the middle ‘60s and have gone in the other direction ever since,” he said.
0 1 2 . / 0 1- 0 3
selected works of tran huynh
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Th e Re al N et wo rk
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 3
instructor --
A riel G rey
subject --
B o ok
0 1- 0 4 /.0 1 3
0 1 4 . / 0 1- 0 5
selected works of tran huynh
project --
Th e Re al N et wo rk
at t r i b u t e s- -
Abstract Conceptually driven Unconventional Human Passionate demogr a ph ics--
Artists, designers Printers, binderies Del i v er a bles--
Book Poster t y p e fa c e s - -
Cholla Slabs Centaur MT progr a ms--
Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Pr i n t e r--
Epson Stylus Photo 1400 m at e r i a l s- -
Epson Ultra Premium Presentation Matte Paper D u r at i o n- -
15 weeks
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 3
instructor --
A riel G rey
subject --
B o ok
0 1- 0 6 /.0 1 5
0 1 6. / 0 1- 0 7
selected works of tran huynh
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Th e Re al N et wo rk
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 3
instructor --
A riel G rey
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B o ok
0 1- 0 8 /.0 17
0 1 8. / 0 1- 0 9
selected works of tran huynh
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Th e Re al N et wo rk
obj ect i v e--
Experimental typographic communications are developed and refined in a project that includes book design, a set of swatch cards, and a poster for a line of paper company. b a c k g r o u n d + s t r a t e g y- -
The concept develops around the true meaning of “staying in touch.” Technology has changed the way people communicate tremendously. People claim that they’re more in touch with their friends and family, thanks to the Internet. However, the Internet also takes away all the opportunities and reasons for people to meet and talk to each other in person. At some point, it even becomes an excuse for them not to see each other. The literal meaning of “touch” in “staying in touch”, therefore, has been unvalued and ignored. The typography and images of the book visually reflect this concept. Renaissance paintings and calligraphic manuscripts, representing human touch and value, were cut, distorted, or overlaid by computer pixels and dingbats. Personal talk are displayed in a very impersonal way. The type was shredded, s u g g e s tin g b ro ke n co m m u n ic atio n a n d m i s u n d e r s t a n d in g caused by not having real face-to-face conversations.
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 3
instructor --
A riel G rey
subject --
D e sign B rief
0 1-10 /.0 1 9
0 2 0. / 0 1-11
selected works of tran huynh
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Th e Re al N et wo rk
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 3
instructor --
A riel G rey
subject --
Pos te r
0 1-1 2 /.0 21
0 2 2 . / 0 1-13
selected works of tran huynh
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Th e Re al N et wo rk
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 3
instructor --
A riel G rey
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Swatch B o ok
0 1-14 /.0 2 3
0 2 4 . / 11- 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
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M a rk My Word s
coursE --
instructor --
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11- 0 4 /.0 2 5
We’re Cooked 02 ./11 Why am I so scared of global warming? Because hotter temperatures will cause a forty percent drop in California’s avocado production over the next forty years and I’m not ready to say goodbye to guacamole yet, and the list hasn’t stopped there. There won’t be anymore French wines, Christmas trees, baseball, pretty lawns, fly fishing, snorkeling, tropical islands, salmon dinners, meadows of wildflowers, mixed nuts, beautiful vacations to Alaska. Yet there will be more mosquitoes as global warming will gradually wreck all the fun. Parallel is a monthly publication addressing ongoing environmental issues around the world. Its first issue is dedicated to one of the most devastating problems right now—Global Warming. This is a familiar subject that has been discussed so many times before, so grabbing people’s attention and keeping them interested became the main goal of the print project.
0 2 6. / 0 2 - 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
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We’re Co oke d
coursE --
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11- 0 4 /.0 2 7
verlag book
verdana regular
univers roman
h e lv e t i c a n e u e r e g u l a r
akzidenz grotesk roman
gotham medium
i n t e r s tat e r e g u l a r
av e n i r r o m a n
engel light
h e lv e t i c a n e u e r e g u l a r / i ta l i c
a k z i d e n z g r o t e s k r e g u l a r / i ta l i c
univers roman/oblique
0 2 8. / 0 2 - 0 3
selected works of tran huynh
project --
We’re Co oke d
coursE --
P rint 1
instructor --
Troy Ald e r s
subject --
M a s th e a d
11- 0 4 /.0 2 9
obj ect i v e--
The job is to create a monthly or quar terly newsletter that addresses environmental issues. It includes coming up with the publication’s name and masthead, and a complete design for the first issue, followed by a poster to raise awareness. b a c k g r o u n d + s t r at e g y- -
Parallel is a monthly publication about ongoing environmental issues around the world. The name “ Parallel” indicates the close relationship and the mutually influenced coexistence of humans and the environment. The publication should be able to interest a large group of the young people, who have the most power and energy to speak and act for good causes. On the other hand, statistics and information should be presented accurately so that people of all ages can be well informed. The first issue of Parallel’s is dedicated to one of the most devastating problems right now—global warming. As many other environmental problems, this is a subject that has been discussed so many times before. Thus, the goal here is to bring the issue up again in a new exciting manner yet still provide a lot of statistics and information about it and maintain the seriousness of the issue.
0 3 0. / 0 2 - 0 5
selected works of tran huynh
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We’re Co oke d
0 3 2 . /02-07
selected works of tran huynh
project --
We’re Co oke d
at t r i b u t e s- -
Interesting Influential Witty Informative Accurate demogr a ph ics--
Everybody Del i v er a bles--
Newsletter Poster t y p e fa c e s - -
Univers Times New Roman progr a ms--
Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Pr i n t e r--
Epson Stylus Photo 1400 m at e r i a l s- -
French Dur-O-Tone, Newsprint Extra White, 70lb. text D u r at i o n- -
5 weeks
coursE --
P rint 1
instructor --
Troy Ald e r s
subject --
N ewslet te r
0 2 - 0 8 /.0 3 3
0 3 4 . /02-09
selected works of tran huynh
project --
We’re Co oke d
coursE --
P rint 1
instructor --
Troy Ald e r s
subject --
N ewslet te r
0 2 -10 /.0 3 5
0 3 6. / 0 2 -11
selected works of tran huynh
project --
We’re Co oke d
coursE --
P rint 1
instructor --
Troy Ald e r s
subject --
Pos te r
0 2 -1 2 /.0 3 7
Photo cr edits--
Jill Greenberg Flickr Images Google Images
0 3 8. / 0 2 -13
selected works of tran huynh
project --
We’re Co oke d
coursE --
P rint 1
instructor --
Troy Ald e r s
subject --
M o o d b o a rd
0 2 -14 /.0 3 9
Ultimate Transparency 03 ./11 Who wants to be preached to about animals raised in confinements and environmental issues when shopping? Who cares about unhappy cows and pigs when standing in line waiting for their turn to order food during lunch time. They’re hungry and the smell of the steak burritos is irresistible. That’s all they care about at that moment, not the animals or the environment. Thus, when Chipotle Mexican Grill asked us to come up with new ideas to promote their philosophy— Food with Integrity, it was not the time to preach. Instead we want to send the message across without hammering the audience in the head. The food is good because all the ingredients are good. That explains why the burritos are so exquisite, or the tacos taste so delicious. By separating the meal into its component ingredients, we can show what it’s made of and where the ingredients come from. As a result, wordy information is transformed into graphics and is easy to understand. 0 4 0. / 0 3 - 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
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U ltimate Tra n sp a re n c y
coursE --
instructor --
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11- 0 4 /.0 41
0 4 2 . / 11- 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
project --
M a rk My Word s
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.0 4 3
0 4 4 . /03-05
selected works of tran huynh
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U ltimate Tra n sp a re n c y
coursE --
I d e ntit y 2
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
E xploration s
0 3 - 0 6 /.0 4 5
0 4 6. / 0 3 - 0 7
selected works of tran huynh
project --
U ltimate Tra n sp a re n c y
coursE --
I d e ntit y 2
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
E xploration s
0 3 - 0 8 /.0 4 7
0 4 8. / 0 3 - 0 9
selected works of tran huynh
project --
U ltimate Tra n sp a re n c y
coursE --
I d e ntit y 2
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
E xploration s
0 3 -10 /.0 4 9
0 5 0. / 0 3 -11
selected works of tran huynh
project --
U ltimate Tra n sp a re n c y
obj ect i v e--
In fall 2009, Chipotle Mexican Grill came to us to look for new ideas. Given the brand equity and their philosophy, we were asked to create a campaign that not only represented Chipotle’s personality, but also communicated powerfully and efficiently the message of their idea about how the food industry should be. b a c k g r o u n d + s t r a t e g y- -
Opening its first store in 1993 in Denver, Colorado, Chipotle Mexican Grill is a fast-growing company that competes in a category of dining called “fast-casual.” The idea is simple: to demonstrate that food served fast doesn’t have to be a “fastfood” experience. Chipotle uses high-quality raw ingredients, classic cooking methods, and distinctive interior design, features that are more frequently found in the world of fine dining. As the company is expanding, their vision about the fast-food industry evolves. Although making great food using fresh ingredients is still the main focus, they believe that “fresh is not enough, anymore.” Now they want to know the sources for all of their ingredients, so that they can be sure they are as flavorful as possible while being mindful of the environmental and societal impact of the business. This very idea is called “Food With Integrity.” Simple yet inspirational as it is, transparency is the key factor of Chipotle’s philosophy and personality. They want everyone to know and be aware of what ’s going on way far behind the counter where people order their food. Thus, the mission of this project was to send the idea of transparency across to inform people indirectly about what ’s going on in the food industry in a light-hearted, quirky manner.
coursE --
I d e ntit y 2
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
D e sign B rief
0 3 -1 2 /.0 51
0 5 2 . / 0 3 -13
selected works of tran huynh
project --
U ltimate Tra n sp a re n c y
coursE --
I d e ntit y 2
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
E xploration s
0 3 -14 /.0 5 3
0 5 4 . / 0 3 -15
selected works of tran huynh
project --
U ltimate Tra n sp a re n c y
coursE --
I d e ntit y 2
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
E xploration s
0 3 -16 /.0 5 5
0 5 6. / 0 3 -17
selected works of tran huynh
project --
U ltimate Tra n sp a re n c y
at t r i b u t e s- -
Transparency Integrity Truthful Witty Light-hearted Del i v er a bles--
Posters Brochures Newsletters T-shirts Style Guide t y p e fa c e s - -
Gotham Clarendon De s ign e r--
Tran Huynh Product ion--
Kathleen Burleson Kanako Mamiya D u r at i o n- -
15 weeks
coursE --
I d e ntit y 2
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
N ewslet te r
0 3 -18 /.0 5 7
From Group Factoid
Maximus Protinus (Beans) Beans 2004 - - 10% organically grown beans 2005 - - 15% organically grown beans 2007 - - 25% organically grown beans Today - - 30% organically grown beans
From Group
Jucinus Tamatus (Tomato) Vegetables Also from this group: Leafitus Lactuca (Lettuce), and Guacamus (Avocado) Since 2006, California Avocado Commission has endorsed the avocado sustainability program developed by Chipotle. In addition to burritos and tacos for meat lovers, we offers a number of vegetarian and vegan dining choices.
From Group
Grainulus Blancus (Rice) Grain Also from this group: Cornus (Corn), Tortillibus (Tortilla) Contains 0% Elaidic a. 0% Myristoleic a. 0% Palmitoleic a. 0% Sapienic a. ... 100% Rice
From Group
0 5 8. / 0 3 -19
From Group
Steakus (Beef) Meat Also from this group: Chickus (Chicken), and Porkchus (Pork) Contains 0% Polypeptide hormone 0% Salmonella spp. 0% Escherichia coli 0% Enterococcus spp. 0% Campylobacter spp. ... 100% Beef
Ceseus Almitus (Cheese) Dairy Also from this group: Sourus Spredilibis (Sour Cream) 0% Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone 0% Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone 0% Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone ... 0% Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone
selected works of tran huynh
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U ltimate Tra n sp a re n c y
coursE --
I d e ntit y 2
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
Pos te r
0 3 - 2 0 /.0 5 9
0 6 0. / 0 3 - 2 1
selected works of tran huynh
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U ltimate Tra n sp a re n c y
coursE --
I d e ntit y 2
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
T-shir t s
0 3 - 2 2 /.0 61
0 6 2 . / 0 3 -2 3
selected works of tran huynh
project --
U ltimate Tra n sp a re n c y
coursE --
I d e ntit y 2
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
Pos te r s
0 3 - 2 4 /.0 6 3
0 6 4 . / 0 3 -2 5
selected works of tran huynh
project --
U ltimate Tra n sp a re n c y
coursE --
I d e ntit y 2
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
B ro ch ure
0 3 - 2 6 /.0 6 5
0 6 6. / 0 3 - 2 7
selected works of tran huynh
project --
U ltimate Tra n sp a re n c y
coursE --
I d e ntit y 2
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
B ro ch ure
0 3 - 2 8 /.0 6 7
table of contents what
Avocado, Guacamole Vegetable/fruit
Since 2006, California Avocado Commission has endorsed the avocado sustainability program developed by Chipotle. Our guacamole is made fresh several times a day everyday. We lovingly mash just-picked, ripe Hass avocados, then blend in freshly chopped cilantro, red onions, jalapeño peppers, citrus juice, salt and selected spices to create the silky sexy guacamole we love.
/Stı˘k-kus/ Beef
/chik-kus/ Chicken
Steak, beef Meat
Chicken, poultry Meat
When you order naturally raised beef at Chipotle, you’re getting meat with no added growth hormones, or antibiotics. Our steak is marinated for twelve hours in our smoky spicy chipotle pepper adobo, then grilled to a juicy medium-rare. Today, more than fifty percent of our beef is from farmers across the country who meet the naturally raised criteria set forth in our Food With Integrity standards.
0 6 8. / 0 3 - 2 9
\gwa-ka-mol-us\ Avocado
The supply for better chicken is scarce, but the amount has grown over time as demand for naturally raised chicken has grown, today all of the chicken we serve is naturally raised. Our chicken is marinated in our chipotle pepper adobo, then grilled. To meet our naturally raised standard, chicken is never given antibiotics, they have more room to move than in conventional chicken operations, and are vegetarian fed.
selected works of tran huynh
Lettuce Vegetable/fruit
We use only the freshest, most flavorful vegetables that we could find. Here at Chipotle we use romaine lettuce for our tacos and fresh salads. Why? Because it tastes better than standard iceberg lettuce. Why settle for less flavor? Romaine hold up well against heat so you’ll always have the greenest, most delicious looking salad ever. Cause we all eat with our eyes first ya know.
project --
U ltimate Tra n sp a re n c y
what group
\korn-u-las\ Corn
Corn Vegetable/fruit
\chee-sus\ Cheese
Cheese Dairy
coursE --
\por-kus\ Pork
Pork Meat
Pinto beans Protein
Our pinto beans have a smoky aroma and a mildly sweet heat. These beans are seasoned with bacon, in addition to several herbs and spices. Every year we increase the amount of organic beans we buy for our restaurants. We’d love it if all of our beans could be organic tomorrow. Unfortunately, it takes time for supply to meet the demand, but eventually we hope all of our beans at all our restaurants will be organic.
\gran-u-lus\ Rice
White Rice Grain
We steam white rice every hour of the day until it is light and fluffy, then toss it with freshly chopped cilantro, a dash of citrus juice and a little bit of salt for extra flavor. Rice, most believe, is one of the oldest foods on the dinner table. Archaeologists trace it back to about 5000 BC and historians note that it was mentioned in relation to China, where they held annual rice ceremonies, as early as about 2300 BC.
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
\pro-te¯ -nus\ Pinto Beans
069 chipotology
I d e ntit y 2
Our pork is seared, then braised for hours until it’s falloff-the-bone tender and finally gently shredded. Chef’s recommendation: crispy tacos with carnitas, sour cream, hot salsa and romaine lettuce. Since 2001, all pork served in our restaurants has been from pigs raised in a humane, sustainable way. And we’ll continue until all of our meats in all our restaurants meet this standard of care and integrity.
Say Cheese! We absolutely love our fresh cheeses used in all of our food. A blend of freshly grated jack and white cheddar cheese makes for great flavor in every bite. We grate our cheese from large blocks daily, which ensures a moist, creamy texture. Our cheese is made from a vegetable-based rennet and is therefore an acceptable vegetarian option.
Corn, one of nature’s sweetest treats. We use only the finest corn in our corn tortillas. Corn is not only used in our delicious corn tortillas, it is also the main component to our Roasted Chili-Corn salsa. Sweet succulent corn, blended with roasted poblano peppers, jalapeño peppers, red onions and freshly chopped cilantro. This unique robust salsa is both sweet and mildly spicy.
069 chipotology
what group
\ta-ma-tus\ Tomato
Tomatoes Vegetable/fruit
Fresh ripe chopped tomatoes are used for our fresh tomato salsa. Mixed with red onions, jalapeño and freshly chopped cilantro it makes for a mildly tangy, and refreshing taste. Contrary to popular belief tomatoes are actually a fruit, not a vegetable. The spelling of tomato is also commonly misspelled like potato. Remember not to but on the ‘e’ unless it’s plural. Yes we are talking to you Mr. Quayle.
subject --
C hip otolo gy
0 3 - 3 0 /.0 6 9
color palette
pantone cmyk
100 k 80
100 k 80
ed in res,
ed in res,
ed in hures,
0 7 0. / 0 3 - 3 1
quality to be characteristic. /ə-dı˘kt´i/ a. Addictive freshnuss /fre ˘sh´ne ˘s/ a. Fresh1. Causing or tending to cause addiction 2. Characterized by or ness 1. New to one’s experience; susceptible to addiction like our not encountered before. 2. Not preserved, as by canning, smokdelicious fresh guacamole. ing, or freezing the product. appitiznus /a ¯ p´ĭ-tı¯´z-nus/ a. fulfillnuss /foo ˘ l-f˘l/ ı t.v. Appetizing 1. Appealing to or stimulating the appetite; savory. Fullfilling 1. To bring to realization 2. To measure up to; satisfy, 2. Appealing; like our temptor to complete. Eating those ing steak burritos with extra tacos really fulfilled my craving cheese. for something yummy. convienus /kən-ve ¯ n´u ˘ s/ a. Con¯ t-e ¯ -nus/ n. Heat 1. venient 1. Suitable or agreeable heatnus /he The state of having or generatto the needs or purpose; 2. At ing a relatively high degree of hand; easily accessible: Our warmth. 2. The condition or lines are so fast you can get quality of being hot: the heat of back to work on time. an oven or our hot sauce. cravini /kra ¯ v-in-i/ v. Craving hawtnus /ho ˘ t-nus/ a. Hot 1. Hav1. To long for; want greatly; ing or giving off heat; having desire eagerly: to crave sweets; to crave affection. 2. To require; a high temperature. 2. Having need: a problem craving prompt or causing a sen-sation of great attention. You going to eat that? bodily heat. That taco is hawt. hungerous /hu ˘ ng´gr-u ˘s/ a. Huncrunchini /kru ˘n´che ¯ ´ni/ a. Crunchy 1. To chew with a loud gry 1. Having a desire, craving, or need for burritos, feeling crushing sound. 2. To produce, hunger. 2. Indicating, characor proceed with, a crushing teristic of, or characterized by noise, Mmm crispy tacos. hunger. When is lunch? delectabis /dı˘-lək´t-bis/ a. ˘m´a ¯ n-gunı¯s/ a. Delectable 1. delightful; highly humongonous /hu Big 1. Large, as in size, height, pleasing; enjoyable: a delectable witticism. 2. a delectable dinner. width, or amount: a big house; a big taco. 2. Of major concern, deliciosus /dı˘-lı˘sh´ə-o´sus/ a. importance, gravity, or the like: Delicious 1. Highly pleasing to a big problem. the senses, esp. to taste 2. Very ˘ l´j-i/ v. Indulge pleasing; delightful: a delicious indulgi /ı˘n-du 1. To yield to the desires and chicken salad. whims of, especially to an excesdevournuss /dı˘-vour´nus/ v. sive degree; eating a bunch of Devour 1. To eat up greedily our yummy chips and freshly 2. To destroy, consume, or eat 3. Scarfing down some carnitas. made guacamole for starters. localnus /lokəl-nus/ a. Local flavornous / fla ¯´vər-nus/ n. Flavor 1. Distinctive taste; savor 1. Pertaining to a city, town or small district rather than 2. A distinctive yet intangible adicti
secondary color palette
100 k 80
4625 c 20 m 75 y 100 k 80
7506 c 20 m 75 y 100 k 80
483 c 20 m 75 y 100 k 80
This deeper shade of brown is to be used for rules and fine type for body copy only. Black is never an acceptable substitute. The off-white, or putty color is to be used as an optional background color for brochures, print, and the quarterly newsletter. Chipotle’s Adobo brown, commonly seen in the Chipotle logo is to be used for type and rules throughout the campaign.
selected works of tran huynh
project --
U ltimate Tra n sp a re n c y
an entire state or country. 2. Fresh ingredients that come from nearby farms. Never frozen and always delicious. jucinuss /joo ˘ ´se ¯-nus/ a. Juicy 1. Full of juice; succulent. 2. Richly interesting 3. Our tomatoes are fresh and juicy. maximus /ma ¯ k´sə-məm/ n. maximum 1. The greatest quantity or amount possible, assignable, allowable. 2. The highest amount, value, or degree attained and or have been recorded before. mildini /mı¯ld-e ¯ -ni/ a. Mild a 1. Amiably gentle or temperate in feeling or flavor. 2. Characterized by showing gentleness, as manners or speech: or a notso-spicy salsa on your salad. organical /ôr-ga ¯ n´ı˘kal/ n. Organic 1. Characteristic of, pertaining to, or derived from living organisms: organic remains found in rocks. 2. Over 30 per cent of our beans are organic. protinuss /pro ¯´te ¯ n´us/ n. Protein 1. Proteins are fundamental components of all living cells and include many substances. They are essential in the diet of animals for the growth and repair of tissue. satisfacti /sa ¯ t´ı˘s-fa ¯ c´i / v. satisfying 1. To fulfill the desires, expectations, needs, or demands 2. To put an end to (a desire, want, need, etc.) There is nothing more satisfying than some chips and guac. savori /sa ¯ ´və-re ¯ / a. Savory 1. pleasant or agreeable in taste
coursE --
I d e ntit y 2
or smell: a savory aroma. 2. piquant: a savory jelly like like quality. We don’t serve jelly. But our meat is definitely savory. simplistus /sı ¯m-plı¯st´u ˘s/ a. Easy 1. Not hard or difficult; requiring no great labor or effort: an easy victory. 2. Our online ordering system is simple. scarfilicious /scarf´i-lish´us/v. Chow Down 1. Chow down, to eat; eat a meal, esp. the main meal of the day: In the army we usually chow down at 6 p.m. smokinus /smo ¯´ke ¯ ´nus/ a. Smoky 1. Emitting smoke, esp. in large amounts. 2. Hazy; darkened or begrimed with smoke. 3. a rich earthy flavor that lets you know it was grilled just right. spicynuss /spı¯´se ¯ -nus/ a. Spicy 1. Seasoned or containing a spice: a spicy salad dressing. 2. Characteristic or suggestive of spice like our meats. sustainabus /sə-stā´nə-bus/ a. Sustainable 1. To support, hold, or bear up from below; bear the weight of, as a structure. 2. To bear (a burden, charge, etc.). swiftinus /sw ¯ ı ft´e ¯ -nus/ a. Fast 1. Moving or able to move, operate, function, or take effect quickly; quick; swift; rapid: a fast pain reliever; 2. Our lines. tastibilis /ta ¯ ´ste ¯ / a. Tasty 1. Good-tasting; savory: a tasty canapé. 2. Informal. having or showing good taste; tasteful. yumminus /yu ˘ m´e ¯ -nus/ a. Yummy 1. Very pleasing to the senses, esp. to the taste; delicious: The waiter brought out a tray of yummy food. 2. Extremely
instructor --
(Light, U&l/c)
From Group
Jucinus Tamatus (Tomato) Vegetables Also from this group: Leafitus Lactuca (Lettuce), and Guacamus (Avocado) Factoid Since 2006, California Avocado Commission has endorsed the avocado sustainability program developed by Chipotle. In addition to burritos and tacos for meat lovers, we offers a number of
aa 24 7/9
group when
aa 36
abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz
AB 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 - = ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ +
Slab Serif Newsletter
Clarendon is a friendly slab serif typeface to be used as the main type treatment. Commonly used in headlines and dictionaries this typeface was an obvious choice. It is to be used for all large bodies of text set in 9/11pt bold. It may be used as an alternative headline or subheader when set in small caps. Whenever a definition for “Chipotology” is provided, it shall always be set in Clarendon bold.
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
C hip otolo gy
0 3 - 3 2 /.0 7 1
Sla Po
f i rst i m pr ession--
Posters are displayed in public to get attention and provoke curiosity.
Customers visit the restaurant.
0 7 2 . / 11- 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
project --
M a rk My Word s
lin ing up--
R ea d m e--
w ea r m e--
While waiting in line, customers spend time to read the brochures and are introduced to the loyalty program.
After signing up, customers will receive the newsletter quarterly.
T-shirts customized to each customer are also sent as birthday gifts or rewarding items.
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.0 7 3
Vin du Coeur 04 ./11 An American taking a five-minute shower uses more water than a typical person living in a developing country’s slum uses in a whole day. A bio-sand water filter that costs $100 (approximately 29 cups of Starbucks coffee) can provide water for up to 100 people for 10 years with little or no maintenance. It also costs $500 to drill a well including the hand pump, providing clean water everyday for a whole village in a third world country. Wine to Water is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit aid organization focused on providing clean water to people in need around the world. Wine To Water focuses on sustainable solutions to water and sanitation problems. The concept originally was to put on benefit wine events, such as wine tastings, then use all of the money raised to support water projects in third world countries around the world.
0 74 . / 0 4 - 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
project --
V in d u Co e ur
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.0 7 5
obj ect i v e--
Design an identity system, including the logo, business card, letterhead, and envelop for a selected non-profit organization; then create a brochure, and a take-away gift at one of their fundraising events. The identity should not only represent who the organization is but also convey the integrity of what that organization is doing to help people in need around the world. b a c k g r o u n d + s t r at e g y- -
Wine to Water is a 501 (C)(3) non-profit organization focusing on providing clean water to people in need around the world. Doc Hendley, Wine to Water’s founder and president, dreamed up the concept of the organization while bartending and playing music in nightclubs around Raleigh, North Carolina. In January 2004, the first fundraising event was held and by August of that same year, Doc was living in Darfur, Sudan, installing water systems for victims of the government supported genocide. When Doc returned home in August 2005, what he had seen in Darfur drove him to continue building the organization. By 2007, Wine to Water became official. Since 2004, the organization has brought sustainable, clean water to more than 25,000 individuals in more than five countries.
0 7 6. / 0 4 - 0 3
selected works of tran huynh
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V in d u Co e ur
coursE --
G ra p hic D e sign 3
instructor --
L a ura M ilton
subject --
D e sign B rief
0 4 - 0 4 /.0 7 7
0 7 8. / 0 4 - 0 5
selected works of tran huynh
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V in d u Co e ur
coursE --
G ra p hic D e sign 3
instructor --
L a ura M ilton
subject --
I d e ntit y
0 4 - 0 6 /.0 7 9
0 8 0. / 11- 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
project --
M a rk My Word s
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.0 81
0 8 2./04-09
selected works of tran huynh
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V in d u Co e ur
coursE --
G ra p hic D e sign 3
instructor --
L a ura M ilton
subject --
B ro ch ure
0 4 -10 /.0 8 3
at t r i b u t e s- -
Compassionate Memorable Integrity Elegance Sophisticated demogr a ph ics--
Men/Women Age 25 to 55 Del i v er a bles--
Logo Stationery Brochure Takeaway gift t y p e fa c e s - -
Hoefler Text Akzidenz Grotesk progr a ms--
Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Pr i n t e r--
Epson Stylus Photo 1400 m at e r i a l s- -
Neenah Sundance Text Neenah Sundance Cover D u r at i o n - -
7 weeks
0 8 4 . / 0 4 -11
selected works of tran huynh
project --
V in d u Co e ur
coursE --
G ra p hic D e sign 3
instructor --
L a ura M ilton
subject --
B ro ch ure
0 4 -1 2 /.0 8 5
0 8 6. / 0 4 -13
selected works of tran huynh
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V in d u Co e ur
coursE --
G ra p hic D e sign 3
instructor --
L a ura M ilton
subject --
Ta ke -away
0 4 -14 /.0 8 7
\\- water
Places we’ve helped
0 8 8. / 0 4 -15
selected works of tran huynh
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V in d u Co e ur
coursE --
G ra p hic D e sign 3
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L a ura M ilton
subject --
Wate r M a p
0 4 -16 /.0 8 9
Made to Scale 05 ./11 What makes a package so compelling and different that it attracts people to pick it up at first sight to examine it side by side? How does a package for a fishing reel excite people and immediately set them in the mood for the joyful and fascinating experience that they’re about to have? In a field where packaging design has so much potential to grow and expand as in the fishing reel and fishing equipment industry, possibility and imagination is unlimited. The Abu Garcia fishing equipment company was founded in Svängsta, Sweden, near the Morrum River in 1921. Today, it is the world’s most advanced fishing reel factory, as its fine Swedish engineering and craftsmanship continue to develop and produce rugged, dependable rods, reels, and lures for all types of fishing for professionals all over the world. Thus, packaging for Abu Garcia’s products should represent where the brand stands among its competitors in the market and where it will be in the future. 0 9 0. / 0 5 - 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
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M a d e to S c ale
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.0 9 1
0 9 2./05-03
1900 18th Street, Spirit L ake, IA , 51360 1.800.228.4272
Abu Garcia
10.8 oz.
Low-profile Baitcast reel
Features X-Cräftic™ aluminum alloy, the Carbon Matrix™ Drag System with 22-pounds of maximum drag, Infini II™ Spool design, six-pin centrifugal break, synchronized level wind, and line alarm
selected works of tran huynh 1900 18th Street, Spirit L ake, IA , 51360 1.800.228.4272
Abu Garcia
project --
10.8 oz.
Line Capacity 14/250
Gear Ratio
Revo toro 60-hs
Line Capacity 14/250
Gear Ratio
Revo toro 60-hs
Revo toro
M a d e to S c ale
The low profile frame and side plate of the Toro is made of X-Cräftic™ aluminum alloy. This material is more durable and lighter than regular aluminum and is highly corrosion resistant. With 22-pounds of maximum drag, the Carbon Matrix™ Drag System is double the strength of similar competitor models. This is particularly important with the hook set on a lake trout, turning a tough snook or bull red, or from keeping a monster muskie from entering a brush pile. Infini II™ Spool is designed for the smoothest of operations, six-pin centrifugal break, synchronized level wind, line alarm and is packaged with both an Extended Throw and a Paddle Handle.
The low profile frame and side plate of the Toro is made of X-Cräftic™ aluminum alloy. This material is more durable and lighter than regular aluminum and is highly corrosion resistant. With 22-pounds of maximum drag, the Carbon Matrix™ Drag System is double the strength of similar competitor models. This is particularly important with the hook set on a lake trout, turning a tough snook or bull red, or from keeping a monster muskie from entering a brush pile. Infini II™ Spool is designed for the smoothest of operations, six-pin centrifugal break, synchronized level wind, line alarm and is packaged with both an Extended Throw and a Paddle Handle.
obj ect i v e--
To redesign the packaging for a line of a selected company of fishing equipment. Products included a fishing reel, two sets of fishing line, and lure. The final packaging for the products must be cohesive as a line and stand out among competitors. b a c k g r o u n d + s t r a t e g y- -
Abu Garcia was founded in Svängsta, Sweden, near the Morrum River in 1921. Originally a watch factory, the company turned its focus to the development of precision fishing reels in the late 1930s under the direction of Gote Borgstrom. Packaging for Abu Garcia’s product should represent where the brand stands in the market. Fishing is a fun and fascinating experience, thus packaging for fishing products should not only display the products themselves, but also the experience people can have while using them. This goal was achieved by remarkable visuals and a strong bold color palette. Buyers can quickly figure out what the product is and feel excited about the experience that they are about to have while using it.
220 yd. Length
Abu Garcia
80 lb. Capacity
1900 18th Street, Spirit L ake, IA , 51360 1.800.228.4272
Easy to cast and handle, multi-purpose mono, strong and reliable, controlled stretch
Pa cka g e D e sign 4
CLE AR/BLUE 220YD. 0.012’’ DIA.
A bu Garcia w as founded in Sv angsta, Sweden, near the Mor r um Ri ver in 19 21. Or iginally a w atch f ac tor y, the company tur ned it s focus to the development of precision fishing reel s in the l ate 19 3 0s under the direc tion of the founder’s son, Gote Borgstrom.
coursE --
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
D e sign B rief
0 5 - 0 4 /.0 9 3
0 9 4./05-05
selected works of tran huynh
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M a d e to S c ale
coursE --
Pa cka g e D e sign 4
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
Pa ckag e s
0 5 - 0 6 /.0 9 5
at t r i b u t e s- -
Fascinating Joyful Energetic Dynamic Memorable demogr a ph ics--
Professional anglers Age 20 to 55 Del i v er a bles--
Packaging for a fishing, reel, line, and lure t y p e fa c e s - -
Din Bold/Regular progr a ms--
Adobe Photoshop Adobe InDesign Pr i n t e r--
Epson Stylus Photo 1400 m at e r i a l s- -
Moab Lasal Photo Luster D u r at i o n - -
3 weeks
0 9 6. / 0 5 - 0 7
selected works of tran huynh
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M a d e to S c ale
coursE --
Pa cka g e D e sign 4
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Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
0 5 - 0 8 /.0 9 7
0 9 8. / 0 5 - 0 9
selected works of tran huynh
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M a d e to S c ale
coursE --
Pa cka g e D e sign 4
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Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
Re el
0 5 -10 /.0 9 9
Celestial Substance 06 ./11 Gi in modern Greek means Earth—the origin of all human adventures, the place that witnessed us flying into the endless sky and diving into the deep blue ocean. It was chosen to be the name for a line of skin care products, serving as a sub-brand for Omega. Being the first and only watch that has ever been to the Moon, Omega is known for its long rich history and pioneering spirit. It’s the brand of timeless beauty and elegance; a symbol of achievement, success, and luxury. To design packaging for a sub-brand of Omega means to understand and decode the brand equities, then transform them into graphics and carry them over to a new format. The final packaging is a product created based on emotion and represents the face of the brand Omega.
10 2 . /06-01
selected works of tran huynh
project --
Cele s tial Subs t a n ce
coursE --
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11- 0 4 /.1 0 3
10 4./06-03
selected works of tran huynh
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Cele s tial Subs t a n ce
coursE --
Pa cka g e D e sign 3
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
M o o d B o a rd
0 6 - 0 4 /.1 0 5
obj ect i v e--
To create a line of skin care products for an existing brand that is far removed from the world of cosmetics. By understanding the company’s background, brand equity, and image. The goal is to create compelling packaging for retail markets and cohesive product extensions with an in-store display. b a c k g r o u n d + s t r at e g y- -
Omega SA is a luxury watchmaker based in Biel, Switzerland. Owned by the Swatch Group, it is one of the most known and recognized watch manufacturers in the world. Omega is defined by its pioneering spirit. Thus, I wanted to create a brand that is not only luscious and memorable, but also captures Omega’s long rich history. I decided on the name Gi (γη), which in modern Greek means Earth— the origin of all human adventures. Omega’s watch is the first and only watch that has ever been to the Moon. Thus, I chose Earth’s only natural satellite to be my main inspiration. The design is influenced by the magnificent scene of earthrise seen from the Moon. The project’s celestial palette was reduced to 3 main colors— matte black, matte white, and pearlescent white. The bottles and jars are all in the basic shape of cylinders. Every effort was taken in order to make the typography the hero of the design. I wanted the type to look sophisticated and effortlessly beautiful to exhibit the luxury and timelessness of the brand, yet remain very modern and stylish to accommodate the young demographics. The in-store display was designed to follow the celestial theme. It was made to resemble one of the craters of the Moon that we can only get a glimpse of during the clearest of nights.
1 0 6. / 0 6 - 0 5
selected works of tran huynh
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Cele s tial Subs t a n ce
coursE --
Pa cka g e D e sign 3
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
D e sign B rief
0 6 - 0 6 /.1 0 7
11 0. / 0 6 - 0 9
selected works of tran huynh
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Cele s tial Subs t a n ce
coursE --
Pa cka g e D e sign 3
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
Lo go Stu dy
0 6 -10 /.111
11 2 . / 0 6 -11
selected works of tran huynh
project --
Cele s tial Subs t a n ce
coursE --
Pa cka g e D e sign 3
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
L ayo ut Stu dy
0 6 -1 2 /.11 3
11 4 . / 0 6 -13
selected works of tran huynh
project --
Cele s tial Subs t a n ce
at t r i b u t e s- -
Luxurious Precise Honorable Timeless Pioneering spirit demogr a ph ics--
Men/Women Age 25 to 55 Del i v er a bles--
Products In-store display t y p e fa c e s - -
Univers Akzidenz Grotesk progr a ms--
Adobe Illustrator Pr i n t e r--
Epson Stylus Photo 1400 m at e r i a l s- -
Acrylic Enamel paints D u r at i o n- -
7 weeks
coursE --
Pa cka g e D e sign 3
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
Pro d u c t s
0 6 -14 /.11 5
11 6. / 0 6 -15
selected works of tran huynh
project --
Cele s tial Subs t a n ce
coursE --
Pa cka g e D e sign 3
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
D isplay
0 6 -16 /.117
Diagonal Cut 07 ./11 Founded by two ambitious young men in 1995, Boxcar Paper Co. is a company located on South Market street, San Francisco. Joseph Sperkske and Thomas Banks, the two founders, had had experience in printing for almost 7 years before they decided to shift to the paper making industry. They’ve been producing high quality papers that have been used extensively by graphic designers not only in San Francisco but also across the country. When asked to establish the identity system for Boxcar Paper Co., I asked myself “How can I make the brand unique and memorable? How can I tell the story about the company and transform its personality into graphics so that viewers can get the energetic and ambitious nature of Boxcar Paper Co.?” To attain the goal of this project means to answer fully those questions.
11 8. / 0 7- 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
project --
D iagonal Cut
1 2 0. / 0 7- 0 3
selected works of tran huynh
project --
D iagonal Cut
obj ect i v e--
Given a name, come up with a paper company and establish its brand equities. Then create an identity system including the logo, letterhead, envelop, business card, and a set of 3 posters to promote an event for the company. b a c k g r o u n d + s t r a t e g y- -
The name Boxcar originated from the two co-founders’ hobbies, which were boxing and car races. Thus I chose sports to be the theme for the company’s identity design. The logotype, which was customized for the company so it is ownable, is dynamically placed on an angle with a diagonal line throughout the system to achieve a freshness and enthusiasm, while the delicate and stylized typography brings back an elegance and sophistication. On the business card, one side is dynamic and asymmetrical and the other is more settled and symmetrical to serve the same purpose. The flap of the envelop is diagonal, which gives it more energy, emphasizing the company’s distinctive personality. The secondary graphic is created to show more variety and ties in with the logo. Strong colors—orange yellow and dark blue— are used to make a strong impression and a bold statement about who the company is. The yellow in the logotype blending in with the background creates intrigue and is kept consistent throughout the whole system. The dark olive green is used as an accent color to print the pattern inside the envelop and on the back of the letterhead. It adds a nice little surprise and dimension to the system.
coursE --
G ra p hic D e sign 2
instructor --
M ax Sp e c tor
subject --
D e sign B rief
0 7- 0 4 /.1 21
1 2 2 . / 0 7- 0 5
selected works of tran huynh
project --
D iagonal Cut
coursE --
G ra p hic D e sign 2
instructor --
M ax Sp e c tor
subject --
I d e ntit y
0 7- 0 6 /.1 2 3
1 2 4 . / 0 7- 0 7
selected works of tran huynh
project --
D iagonal Cut
coursE --
G ra p hic D e sign 2
instructor --
M ax Sp e c tor
subject --
St ation e r y
0 7- 0 8 /.1 2 5
1 2 6. / 0 7- 0 9
selected works of tran huynh
project --
D iagonal Cut
coursE --
G ra p hic D e sign 2
instructor --
M ax Sp e c tor
subject --
Eve nt Pos te r s
0 7-10 /.1 2 7
at t r i b u t e s- -
Ambitious Energetic Bold Sophisticated Exciting demogr a ph ics--
Artists, designers Printers, binderies Del i v er a bles--
Logo Stationery Posters progr a ms--
Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Pr i n t e r--
Epson Stylus Photo 1400 m at e r i a l s- -
French Speckletone, Madero Beach, 70lb. Text D u r at i o n - -
7 weeks
1 2 8. / 0 7-11
selected works of tran huynh
project --
D iagonal Cut
coursE --
G ra p hic D e sign 2
instructor --
M ax Sp e c tor
subject --
E xploration s
0 7-1 2 /.1 2 9
1 3 0. / 0 7-13
selected works of tran huynh
project --
D iagonal Cut
coursE --
G ra p hic D e sign 2
instructor --
M ax Sp e c tor
subject --
Eve nt Pos te r s
0 7-14 /.1 31
Better with Age 08 ./11 Balance is always beautiful—balance in form and shape, in color, in melody, in mind, in space. To wine lovers, it’s the balance in the scent and taste that can only be achieved by passion and experience in the art of wine making. At Husch Vineyards, the oldest winery in the Anderson Valley, located in Mendocino County, Northern California, not only do the staff care about perfecting their wine, but they also try their best to maintain the balance for the ecosystem. To design the labels for Husch wines is to decode the personality and translate what the Husch family does into graphical representation. A successful label should both sell the emotion that the brand conveys and carry the winery’s personality.
13 4 . /08-01
selected works of tran huynh
project --
B et te r with Ag e
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.1 3 5
1 3 6. / 0 8 - 0 3
selected works of tran huynh
project --
B et te r with Ag e
coursE --
Pa cka g e D e sign 3
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
E xploration s
0 8 - 0 4 /.1 3 7
1 3 8. / 0 8 - 0 5
selected works of tran huynh
project --
B et te r with Ag e
coursE --
Pa cka g e D e sign 3
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
I d e ntit y
0 8 - 0 6 /.1 3 9
obj ect i v e--
Based on extensive research, the project is to design the labels for three bottles from two different tiers of a selected winery. b a c k g r o u n d + s t r at e g y- -
Husch Vineyards is a small family owned and operated winery. Husch is the oldest winery in the Anderson Valley, located in Mendocino County (Northern California) just couple of hours north of San Francisco. Under the direction of third-generation family members, Husch produces 21 different wines, 6 of which are distributed nationally. Small lots of special wines are also available exclusively at their tasting room, a converted pony barn dating back to the late 1800s. Made from grapes grown on vineyards managed by the winery, Husch has been known for their consistently high quality and produces many world-class estate bottled wine from vintage to vintage. Inspired by the long history of its vineyards, for the logo I created an ambigram to represent the unchanged quality of Husch wines. In addition, the idea of beauty and balance is played out to complete the picture of the art of wine making.
1 4 0. / 0 8 - 0 7
selected works of tran huynh
project --
B et te r with Ag e
at t r i b u t e s- -
Balance Luxurious Mindful Integrity Sustainable demogr a ph ics--
Wine lovers Age 21 to 55 Del i v er a bles--
Labels for two bottles from the lower tier and one from the higher tier t y p e fa c e s - -
Archer Helvetica Neue progr a ms--
Adobe Illustrator Adobe Photoshop Pr i n t e r--
Epson Stylus Photo 1400 m at e r i a l s- -
Color Transfer Presentation Paper Matte Enamel Paint D u r at i o n- -
7 weeks
coursE --
Pa cka g e D e sign 3
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
D e sign B rief
0 8 - 0 8 /.1 41
14 2./08-09
selected works of tran huynh
project --
B et te r with Ag e
coursE --
Pa cka g e D e sign 3
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
Lowe r tie r
0 8 -10 /.1 4 3
1 4 4 . / 11- 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
project --
B et te r with Ag e
coursE --
Pa cka g e D e sign 3
instructor --
Th oma s M cN ult y
subject --
H igh e r tie r
0 8 -1 2 /.1 4 5
1 4 6. / 11- 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
project --
M a rk My Word s
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.1 4 7
I, Human 09 ./11 We are all familiar with machines that feel emotions and have human-like compassion from what we’ve read or seen in books and films. Although the gap between fiction and fact appears vast, some researchers in artificial intelligence now believe that it’s only a question of time before robots walk among us and feel emotion. The project is a close study of how Emotional Intelligence (the ability to monitor our own and other people’s emotional states and to use that information to act wisely in relationships) has been applied to help bridging the gap between humans and machines.
1 4 8. / 0 9 - 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
project --
I , H uma n
g n i w o l l o f h c a o r p p a l a n o i ta r a n o d e s a b s i t n o f e h T y e h t t e y , s m e t s y s d i r g n o tl i u b d n a , s e l p i c n i r p l a c i g o l .t n e m e l e n a m u h , l a n o i t o m e n a n i a t n o c
obj ect i v e--
This is a promotional gift package that one would receive from an existing type foundry upon purchase of a typeface. The job is to design a book and poster to promote the typeface and its family. Based on extensive research, the package needs to reflect the notion behind the typeface. b a c k g r o u n d + s t r at e g y- -
Gestalten is known for the more than 300 books documenting and anticipating vital design movements. They also provide consulting, art direction, production, distribution, and design service to clients all around the world. Blender Pro is one of the fonts that are published by Gestalten. Designed by Nik Thoenen, the founder of the Vienna-based collective “,� the font is based on a rational approach following logical principles and built on grid systems, yet the characters still contain emotional, human elements. This unique juxtaposition in Blender’s personality has become the key factor to develop the concept for the whole project.
1 5 0. / 0 9 - 0 3
selected works of tran huynh
project --
I , H uma n
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 4
instructor --
A riel G rey
how the gap between humans and machines has been bridged
emotional intelligence [E.I]
B l e n d e r i s t h e t y p e f a c e t h at i s b a s e d o n a r at i o n a l a p p r o a c h f o l l o w i n g l o g i c a l p r i n c i p l e s , a n d b u i lt o n g r i d s y s t e m s , y e t i t c o n t a i n s a n e m o t i o n a l , h u m a n e l e m e n t. N i k T h o e n e n f i r s t d e s i g n e d B l e n d e r , w h i c h w a s r e l e a s e d u n d e r t h e F o n t L a b e l i n 2 0 0 3 . T h e d e s i g n w a s h e av i ly i n f l u e n c e d b y t h e ‘ G r i d n i k ’ f o n t ( o r i g i n a l l y d r a w n b y t h e D u t c h d e s i g n e r W i m C r o u w e l i n t h e l at e 6 0 s ; h e c a l l e d i t ‘ t h e t h i n k i n g m a n ’ s C o u r i e r ’ ) a n d t h e i n t e n t i o n w a s t o c r e at e a f o n t t h at s e r v e d a s a l e s s s p e c t a c u l a r h e a d l i n e a n d t e x t f o n t f e at u r i n g a c u r v e d f a c e .
subject --
D e sign B rief
0 9 - 0 4 /.1 51
15 2./09-05
selected works of tran huynh
project --
I , H uma n
at t r i b u t e s- -
Modern Structural Ambitious Informative Human demogr a ph ics--
Designers Printers Del i v er a bles--
Book Poster t y p e fa c e s - -
Blender Pro Vitesse progr a ms--
Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Pr i n t e r--
Epson Stylus Photo 1400 m at e r i a l s- -
Epson Presentation Paper Matte D u r at i o n- -
15 weeks
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 4
instructor --
A riel G rey
subject --
B o ok
0 9 - 0 6 /.1 5 3
15 4./09-07
selected works of tran huynh
project --
I , H uma n
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 4
instructor --
A riel G rey
subject --
B o ok
0 9 - 0 8 /.1 5 5
1 5 6. / 0 9 - 0 9
selected works of tran huynh
project --
I , H uma n
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 4
instructor --
A riel G rey
subject --
B o ok
0 9 -10 /.1 5 7
1 5 8. / 0 9 -11
selected works of tran huynh
project --
I , H uma n
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 4
instructor --
A riel G rey
subject --
B o ok
0 9 -1 2 /.1 5 9
1 6 0. / 0 9 -13
selected works of tran huynh
project --
I , H uma n
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 4
instructor --
A riel G rey
subject --
B o ok
0 9 -14 /.1 61
1 6 2 . / 11- 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
project --
M a rk My Word s
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.1 6 3
1 6 4 . / 0 9 -17
selected works of tran huynh
project --
I , H uma n
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 4
instructor --
A riel G rey
subject --
Pos te r
0 9 -18 /.1 6 5
1 6 6. / 11- 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
project --
M a rk My Word s
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.1 6 7
Talk to Me 10 ./11
1 6 8. / 10 - 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
project --
Talk to M e
17 0. / 10 - 0 3
selected works of tran huynh
project --
Raising AI DS Awa re n e s s
obj ect i v e--
Simple yet effective, this poster grabs people’s attention and communicates quickly the message—to raise awareness about AIDS and promote the practice of safe sex.
coursE --
P rint 1
instructor --
Troy Ald e r s
subject --
Pos te r
10 - 0 4 /.17 1
obj ect i v e--
The five posters represent five classifications in typography— Old Style, Transitional, Modern, Slab Serif, and Sans Serif.
17 2 . / 10 - 0 5
selected works of tran huynh
project --
Typ e Cla s sif ic atio n
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 1
instructor --
Re n é e D ’A rc y
subject --
Pos te r s
10 - 0 6 /.17 3
174 . / 10 - 0 7
selected works of tran huynh
project --
Typ e Cla s sif ic atio n
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 1
instructor --
Re n é e D ’A rc y
subject --
Pos te r s
10 - 0 8 /.17 5
17 6. / 10 - 0 9
selected works of tran huynh
project --
What ’s Yo ur Pa s sio n?
obj ect i v e--
This set of posters was a collaborative work with Iriko Gunabe. We were asked to design for something that we were most passionate about, and the answer was graphic design. The three posters stand for three main weapons that all graphic designers use— typography, photography, and illustration.
coursE --
Fun da m e nt al of G D
instructor --
Tony J ago da
subject --
Pos te r s
10 -10 /.17 7
17 8. / 10 -11
selected works of tran huynh
project --
What ’s Yo ur Pa s sio n?
coursE --
Fun da m e nt al of G D
instructor --
Tony J ago da
subject --
Pos te r s
10 -1 2 /.17 9
1 8 0. / 10 -13
selected works of tran huynh
project --
Trib ute to a Typ ef a ce
coursE --
Typ o gra p hy 2
instructor --
S a mi S aa u d
subject --
C a rd S et
10 -14 /.1 81
Mark My Words 11 ./11
1 8 2 . / 11- 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
project --
M a rk My Word s
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.1 8 3
1 8 4 . / 11- 0 3
selected works of tran huynh
project --
M a rk My Word s
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.1 8 5
1 8 6. / 11- 0 5
selected works of tran huynh
project --
M a rk My Word s
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.1 8 7
1 8 8. / 11- 0 7
selected works of tran huynh
project --
M a rk My Word s
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.1 8 9
1 9 0. / 11- 0 9
selected works of tran huynh
project --
M a rk My Word s
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.1 9 1
1 9 2 . / 11-11
selected works of tran huynh
project --
M a rk My Word s
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.1 9 3
1 9 4 . / 11-1 2
selected works of tran huynh
project --
M a rk My Word s
coursE --
instructor --
subject --
11- 0 4 /.1 9 5
1 9 6. / 11- 0 1
selected works of tran huynh
project --
A c k n o w l e d g e m e n t- -
I would like to thank all my family, friends, and teachers for having been encouraging and supporting me. Thanks to Dad, Mom, Grandma, and Sister for believing in me. Thanks to friends—Peter Pham for the help and sleepless nights, Anh Ta for always being there for me. Thanks to Ms. Ngo Thi Phong Lan for the trust and guidance, to all of my teachers for the knowledge and inspiration. fa c u lt y- -
Mary Scott, Thomas McNulty, Roland Young, Tony Jagoda, Sami Saaud, Max Spector, Mark Reynolds, Michael Kilgore, Claude Dieterich, Christine George, Amy Broadbent, Renée D’Arcy, Ariel Grey, Troy Alders, Allen Gaoiran, Laura Milton, Scot Crisp
coursE --
S e nio r Po r t folio
instructor --
M a r y S cot t
subject --
Tha n k Yo u
0 0 - 0 0 /.1 9 7
c o n t e n t- -
All photography, text, and illustration by designer c opy r igh t Š2 010 t r a n h u y n h--
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any mean, without written permission of its owner.
1 9 8. / 0 0 - 0 0
selected works of tran huynh
project --
Close r
School of Graphic Design Academy of Art University s t u d e n t- -
Tran Huynh 415.609.4504 I nst ruct or--
Mary Scott B o o k b i n d e r y- -
Herring and Robinson 100 North Hill Dr. Suite 5 Brisbane, CA 94005 Pr i n t e r--
Giant Horse Printing 1336 San Mateo Ave. South San Francisco CA 94080 P h o t o g r a p h y- -
Tran Huynh T i t l e--
Closer S t o c k- -
Finch 100lb. Cover Finch 100lb. Text Fonts--
Hoefler Text Gotham Narrow Serifa progr a ms--
Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator
coursE --
S e nio r Po r t folio
instructor --
M a r y S cot t
subject --
Colop h on
0 0 - 0 0 /.1 9 9
2 0 0. / 0 0 - 0 0
selected works of tran huynh
project --
Close r
v i s i t- -