Putting Passion Back in a Relationship – Tips to Rekindle That Lost Spark Putting passion back in a relationship can sometimes seem like a daunting task. You may be lying next to your spouse or significant other wondering why they just went off to sleep yet again. Or worse yet, you are not sleeping together at all. Perhaps those affectionate little hugs and kisses have gone by the wayside, as well. The good news is there are ways to put the passion back in your relationship. Often times in a longer lasting relationship, the burdens of “real life” can get in the way. The long hours at work. Get home, prepare and eat dinner. Help the kids with their homework, or for the younger ones bathing them and getting them ready for bed. By the time all of your responsibilities have been addressed it may seem like the day is done and you are too tired and spent to think of anything else. And that is when trouble can arise. It generally doesn’t happen on purpose. It tends to be a slow process, like erosion, when the passion in a relationship breaks down. So let’s take some time now and look at steps to reverse this process and rekindle that lost spark! 1. Communicate This can be an awkward and even volatile step, but it is necessary. Your spouse or lover may not even know that they have been neglecting you and you need to make them aware. Be sure you do so in a civil and caring manner, and not in a tone that is accusatory. You are not looking to be confrontational here. 2. Make a Commitment Once you have talked things over, make a commitment to improve things Think about the time when your passion was at its peak. What did you like to do then? Were there special places you went? Make a commitment to revisit some of those. 3. Set Aside Time There is a time management saying that states that we always have time for the things we consider most important. Make your spouse or lover your most important priority and make sure to set time aside for just the two of you. It can be as simple as turning off the TV and just spending time cuddling together. Or it can be things like a date night. Remember back to when you first started dating. Everything evolved around him or her! 4. Try New Things You often hear that a lack of passion is a direct result of getting stuck in a rut. Sex turns into a routine, like brushing one’s teeth, and loses the appeal and excitement it was held for you. Try new things. That can be as simple as being more spontaneous…surprise your partner! It can be new positions or toys. But add something new to the mix can often illicit exactly the exciting response you are looking for. 5. Be Patient I know, you read that in almost every article or publication talking about relationship issues. But it is not like flipping a switch. It took time to get to where you are at now and will most certainly take time to get things back. Stay the course and it will work out.
These steps are simply a start to the methods you need to apply in putting passion back in a relationship. Did you know there are proven methods available to you that counselors often do not share? To discover what those are, visit http://www.learnhowtogetyourexback.info. Taylor Ranidae is passionate about love and relationships and writes articles focusing on helping people save their relationships and marriages. Her articles are a must read for anyone who is looking to either salvage or further enhance their relationship.
Passion back in a relationship, relationships, passion, get passion back, rekindle spark